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tv   Mechtallion  1TV  April 28, 2024 9:20am-9:41am MSK

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don’t worry, now i want to measure your temperature, you just need to do this, so, wait, i wrote, bring your face closer and don’t move, your temperature is normal, the robot doesn’t treat anyone, it just allows you to pass the time while waiting for the examination results. in the red zone, everything is different, this is an intensive care unit. red line, red zone. red zone, emergency resuscitation, red operating room zone, hello, dmitry vladimirovich, how many operations are going on now, five operations are going on now, it just ended, well we worked on almost all tables, a complex hybrid operation ended, which was acute, of the lower limb, well, that is , actually developing gangrene, but i think oban will soon come, yeah.
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and this is an intensive care unit, those who underwent emergency surgery are admitted here, this is where the most critically ill patients were operated on after the tragedy in croca city, they all remained alive, the equipment is incredible, for example, an artificial kidney, artificial lungs and an artificial heart, everything is connected to one patient , and i'm sure that he will be saved, but there is a whole consultation here, the girl is after...
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but let's return to the emergency department, the ambulance enters a warm vestibule, not in the cold, as soon as the patient is wheeled into the department, two employees immediately approach him: a nurse measures blood pressure, blood saturation, oxygen saturation and others indicators, and the girls in blue vests enter all the data into the electronic medical history, there are no more papers, the patient has a bracelet with a qr code on his hand, there is all the information about him, guys, what is the patient with,
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a foreign body, a foreign body in the troch, larynx, we looked, there most likely is in the esophagus, the saturation is what, so prepare for the surgeon, but the stable one, where the patient will go in green, yellow, yellow for surgeons , the people's body is food, two bracelets are put on the patient at once, yellow indicates that that she may fall, and the white one with the qr code is a medical history, inaccessible to anyone except...
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you can get all the information about your tests and examinations that are carried out here in the hospital immediately in a special application, i just click on the hospitalization tab, it states here that you are you currently in the botkin hospital, since when? here you have the results of all tests, when they were taken, when they were received, consultations with related specialists, our initial examinations, you receive everything in real time. that is, if you were
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tested, roughly speaking, at 9:00 in the morning, at 9:25 you receive them synchronously with us, well , let's go back to the first patient who fell from a two-meter height from... helicopters, they brought them right now patient from vladimir, we are on the roof of the hospital, like you they said, it’s not like before, medicine, how old are you, oh, i’m 60, very, well, not so
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much, so live, first class pilot, first class pilot, well, you see, we got ours, ours will help, okay, take it guys, we’ll tear you away, like this, dear friends, this is how our program ends, all of moscow is united at the top, and it’s absolutely clear that, frankly, there is no better profession than ours, so if the children decide to go to the medical institute, cross and bless them, good health to all. this is definitely the most, most important thing, i wish so that this program lives for a long, long time, like you, tv viewers and patients of this television
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clinic elena vasilievna malyshevy, thank you for great success. everyone needs happiness and joy, let everything be with you, friends, and be sure to watch the health program on channel one, be healthy and happy, friends, these are not travel notes with dmitry krylov. hello. there are cities in russia that you wouldn’t even dare call provincial. yes, they are big, yes, they do not pretend to have a metropolitan gloss. but with such
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an ancient history that their debt and complete the events of life are definitely worth getting to know this story in more detail. today we will do this. yaroslav. on yaroslavl soil not only many crafts that glorified russia were born, but also the richest merchants, successful in their business, who went down in history. centuries, and the luckiest and most successful very quickly began to set up their merchant business in the capital, they did it very successfully, we need examples, well, well, for example, the eliseev merchants, it was they, the yaroslavl eliseevs, who built their famous stores in st. petersburg and moscow.
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the legendary eliseevsky natverskoy is their ruin. and who turned yakemanka into a prestigious street? so the merchant igumnov, the owner of a huge canvas. prophet, it was built by the merchants skripins, the brothers ioannikey and vanefatiy skripins belonged to the elite of the russian merchants and the sovereign's guests. in the 17th century , there were only about 30 of these sovereign guests in all of russia, every third of them was a yaroslavl,
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so this is another proof of the business qualities of the yaroslavl. the skripin family was rich and famous and pious, only in god deprived them of one thing: they were childless and... received a most beautiful temple, and for the crooked the church became a family tomb. the frescoes of the church of il the prophet are extremely beautiful. by the way, the wedding scene in the film doctor zhivaka was filmed here. it’s not surprising, because yaroslav calls it russian hollywood. after moscow and st. petersburg, it became the most photographed city. at least two dozen films were shot here at different times. fun fact: in yaroslavl, several dedications to the film, ivan vasilyevich changes his profession, although... leonid gaida his comedy he didn’t film here at all, his filming location was rostov-beliky, but
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the yaroslavl jokers didn’t just appropriate ivan vasilyevich for themselves, they joked and came up with their own story. in the hotel here, for example, everything is dedicated to the plot of the film, this is the room of the shpak anton semyonovich, remember, for whom everything that was acquired by back-breaking labor has all been lost, as jazh nevoslavsky said, citizens, keep your money in the savings bank. on the coat of arms of yaroslavl is the bear of the axe. according to the scientific version, yaroslav the wise, armed with an axe, heroically killed giant bear. according to the everyday version, the kosalavy was simply the totem animal of the local tribe. in any case, mishka remained not only in history, but in our wonderful times, he switched to the thousandth banknote, together with yaroslav, well, the wise one, of course. finally, a monument was erected to him for the thousandth anniversary of the founding of the city. every hour the beast growls , the scuffs on it speak of his popularity, depending on the season they change his clothes, there are
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even festive outfits, and right now he’s wearing it, not far from the monument there is a museum called my favorite bear, it contains bears in all sorts of imaginable and unimaginable images, a railroad bear, a border guard, a cook, an astronaut, an obstetrician, an accountant, a boxer, a traffic policeman , a funeral service worker, a russian bear, a chubcha bear, a jewish bear,
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a pozharsky collected their militia, from here it went to moscow to defend the russian land from the poles, in memory of those events , a beautiful mosaic monument was erected on the territory of the monastery, the oath of prince pozharsky is called. by the way, few people know that in during the time of troubles, for several months, yaroslavl was even the capital of the russian state. during those troubled times , a money yard was built here, where they minted their own coin, a penny made of pure silver. she circulated throughout... people called her scale, they even erected a monument to her.
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the monastery at all times was very popular with the reigning people. and how many donations, grams with privileges and benefits were granted to the monastery, and the dishonest. ivan the terrible, who came to the monastery many times, was especially zealous in giving gifts, but did not because he prayed for sins, there were too many of them, and because it was here in the transfiguration monastery that one of his wives received a miraculous healing from a serious illness. an amazing story connected with the word about igor’s campaign. yes, of course, it ’s the first hand, the psi is not in exchange, but the only and oldest, as we would say, replica of the 16th century, was discovered right here, on the territory of the transfiguration monastery. it was acquired by the collector and collector of antiquities alexey ivanovich musin-pushkin. then he just chipped in publishing it, but that’s not the task. there was a fire in the collector’s apartment, and almost all the original copies of that edition burned down.
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it has become cleaner and more joyful, so they said before, this skill is learned by hand, that is, only under the guidance of a master, the first time it is very difficult, the second time it is simply difficult, and then, oh, it is difficult, it takes several years to learn, in every city there is certainly a place where you feel it most fully, here, yes, this is where
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his soul is, in yaroslavl, in my feeling, his soul and heart,
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and they grew up together, they grew up and grew up, i’m bookish, you’re the cathedral, tomorrow on the first, this is who, took the little orphan into his house, the wife of the deceased persuaded him, pick up the holob, go out, to the historical one. which is under the protection of unesco, the yaroslavl art museum is located. this building was once the governor's house; it was built in the first half of the 19th century as the imperial travel palace, the official residence of the yaroslavl governors, and that is why its scope and beauty. for almost 100 years , 17 governors reigned in this palace, and you know, i have been amazed more than once by the fact that in our
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provincial cities you sometimes find such art treasures as the capital’s museums. museum, the augmented reality guide allows you to view the exhibition catalog online from anywhere, in other words, visiting the museum to see its most interesting exhibitions is now available to anyone, even without leaving home, and if a person comes to the museum, then the augmented reality guide will help independently study the works that interest him, see sketches and sketches that
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preceded the creation of the painting, the restoration stage, that is, the paintings literally come to life in front of the visitor. in the main hall there are paintings by aivazovsky, bryulov, kromskov, polenov, vereshchagin, pirov, repin, the mokovsky brothers, korovin, sirov, the poet of russian nature isaac levitan, yes, well, just listing these names will make connoisseurs and connoisseurs of art feel dizzy . now many museums throughout the country have such multimedia guides. thanks to the national culture project , 75 new guidebooks appear annually, by 2024 in a year there will be more than 400 of them. yaroslavskaya understands that an ordinary person, like the state philharmonic and i, of course, you, doesn’t go to philharmonic societies every day, and most likely doesn’t go to them at all, well, it’s time to start, comrades. in addition, the yaroslavl philharmonic is already in its seventh season since the virtual hall appeared. we started this with enthusiasm, but not without some
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caution, of course. the audience of our concert hall, naturally, is people with established traditions in the style.


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