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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  April 28, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm MSK

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hello, the evening news is live in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya. here are the main topics. another settlement was liberated by our troops, this is novobakhmutovka in the dpr. they shot down air defense systems, including american atacoms missiles, and their courage and resilience is admirable. such guys, on their shoulders,
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let’s say, lead our country to victory. our report about akhmat’s fighters, who were under blockade in the ssu for several months, but did not give up their positions. voice of reason, protests in paris, the main demand is to stop the supply of weapons to the kiev regime, where the world is leading war fever in the west, they say on the other side. european boxing championship, our girls have the first team place, but the anthem is cut off, the people's, the situation was saved by the fans, but how did the organizers explain all this? good reaction from the people... we have a big
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kind heart, the ambulance staff accept congratulations on their professional holiday, 40 million trips just last year, time for rest and travel, may holidays, a great opportunity to get to know our largest and most beautiful country better, we’ll tell you where to go and what to see, he said that a real actor is always a philosopher and an acrobat, 100 years since the birth of the star of soviet ... cinema danatos, pasteur, aerobatics, a faithful knight, it was interesting to talk with him about life, we remember his legendary roles, the intrigue remained until the very end , voice, finale of the twelfth season, it was incredibly emotional and i... and at the beginning about the successes of our military in
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the special operation zone, a new settlement was liberated by a unit of the center group, this is the village of novobakhmutovka in the dpr. the ministry of defense stated that 10 were reflected in this area counterattacks by ukrainian armed forces assault groups. also, our fighters from the west and east occupied more advantageous positions, defeated enemy personnel, and disabled a large amount of equipment. a video from the kamenka airfield appeared on the internet. dnepropetrovsk region, where our missile forces, aviation and artillery destroyed hangars with attack drones, warehouses with aviation ammunition and equipment were also hit at the airfields of priluke in the chernihiv region and starokonstantinov in khmelnitsky. the locations of foreign mercenaries were attacked. air defense systems shot down about fifty enemy drones and five operational-tactical missiles using an attack made in the united states. real warriors , real men - and about akhmat’s fighters, during
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the liberation of one of the settlements in the dpr, they found themselves in an enemy blockade for several months, but did not give up their positions. for their feat, all participants were presented with state awards. in an interview with our war correspondent alexei kruchinin, the heroes told how they were able to survive and what they thought about in those difficult moments. roto shcherbak, special forces akhmat knows this village well artyomovsk direction. the guys held positions there in the summer and fall. last year to the contact zone of hostilities 500 m, early morning, we move in quick dashes, positions to positions, well, it’s a hot morning, akhmat has not lost a single centimeter of position in this direction, their attacks happen every morning consistently, we are repelling them successfully , since then the commanders have successfully carried out rotations, but on the last run, shcherbak’s company seemed to be trapped. the enemy pressed on and established total
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fire control over all roads. the entire delivery route was monitored around the clock by uav crews. all their artillery, cassette. ammunition, mortars, were aimed at this road, at all points, tightly, without stopping, they worked, so to speak, and did not provide an approach route, they cut off everything, no change, no supply of ammunition, no delivery of food, no one could have imagined, that the blockade would last for 3 months, they used to drink water from a puddle, boil it, find grain, millet, in the basements, so to speak, twists, and survive that way, eating. they were waiting for us and ours were already throwing off ours we got water from the sky somewhere, some stew, some chocolate, and it was difficult, but we held on, we lost a little weight, but it’s okay, a little - it’s 15-20 kg, but the shortage of food, water, sleep is not the worst thing,
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the enemy spent shells on akhmat without counting, even worse were the kamikaze drones, which were launched by thugs from the odious ukrainian detachment of groups, the fighter saphon recalls how he managed to clear the exit from... the approach to the village, and stood there for all 3 months to the admiration of his comrades, all the guys and saphon , and phil, and sherbak, and the guys, brothers the altaians, kipchak and kakchkor, they showed such
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courage, such courage that it is beyond my control; let’s say, this whole front rests on these guys. and we can say, such guys on their shoulders, let’s say, lead our country to victory, we don’t live, we survive, nothing, we hold on, akhmat sila, russia, no, no one asked for a replacement, as my senior commander said, recently, we were inspired even the fact that they answered us, when for a moment, guys, how are you there, what are you doing there, maybe? is this help, or try it rotate, to which they said, no, we will not leave here, yes, and we will hold on until the last, in the evenings we dreamed of how we would roll out, what we would do, it was encouraging, just coordinated work, the team encouraged each other, even if
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someone lost heart, a comrade always extended a helping hand, finally, when the situation allowed, they managed to change the guys, in one formation there were altaians, chechens, russians, special forces akhmat, as he is, there are many regions, there is only one russia. the commander in charge of this sector of the front thanks everyone. i'm proud, guys you, that i serve, work, in this area, which was entrusted to us, we completed this task. and they defended it with dignity. for their feat, the fighters were nominated for state awards, but they say that the main reward for them is a proud military feeling, they endured, did not give up their position, did not let each other, their commanders and the country down.
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jerusalem monastery, the first batch is already on the way; activists of the popular front will deliver baked goods to the units. on the eve of the 79th anniversary of the great holiday of victory day , veterans, those without whom this day would never have come. he was presented with flowers and words of gratitude for the heroism and courage shown during the great patriotic war. congratulations were also heard for
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pyotr ivanovich sizov, and the orchestra of the military communications center accompanied the parade crews. three cheers and a solemn march in honor of mikhail ivanovich kuznetsov. footage from paris, a large-scale anti-war action, participants demanding to stop pumping weapons into kiev. regime march for peace was held in the very center of the french capital, attended by several thousand people burned fires, sang the marseillaise, chanted slogans of stop nato, france must leave the alliance and leave the european union. according to the demonstrators, it is time for paris to stop following the path of inciting conflicts and finally begin to defend its own interests instead of those of others. ordinary french people are already tired of dragging their feet on the financial time of military supplies to ukraine. and then there are the words of president macron.
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west, they say on the other side of the ocean, but the chorus of hawks drowns out the voice of reason. this week , congress finally approved the package bills to help the kyiv regime. the white house tried to knock out six months, so joe biden has already promised that deliveries will begin. immediately, a significant part of the funds, however, will remain in the united states. the pentagon will replenish its arsenals, which means that money will end up in the pockets of the owners of weapons companies and their patrons in high offices. what will reach ukraine is the question. report from the states by mikhail akinchenko. range up to 300 km, the distance that the army tactical missile system stands for the atacoms abbreviation is overcome in about 5 minutes. its speed is three times the speed of sound; this is not the only feature
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of such missiles. the missile can descend unpredictably, maneuver its way to the target, can even follow a moving target, making course corrections, and fall vertically if necessary. in this case, the warhead carries a charge weighing more than 200 kg. these are the weapons that congress instructed the american president to transfer to ukraine, with one caveat, however: if it does not harm the national us security. biden, apparently, has decided. which won’t hurt, since 2 months ago, without any approval, he gave the order to send the first batch of such missiles, reports the new york times. in mid-february, president biden secretly approved the decision to send more than 100 longer-range missiles, as well as additional cluster munitions, according to a senior us official. they were part of a $300 million arms package in march, the first since december, when funding ran out. administration officials.
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kyiv regime. we have been monitoring the fulfillment of the obligations of the ukrainian government for quite a long time, which they gave in relation to other systems, including the hymars, that they would use them then... they fulfilled these obligations over and over again in relation to other weapon systems. jake salevan is, of course, lying. back in december 2022 , american hymers installations transferred to the ukrainian army struck the shebekinsky district of the belgorod region. in january of this year , an il-76 with ukrainian aircraft was shot down from the petriot installation near belgorod. prisoners of war on board. moreover, in the latter case, according to available data, the operator.
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when we do something, we leave many traces. let me explain: approximately 700 of them are administrators and those who provide delivery. another 3.00 people are associated with the cia, engaged in intelligence and information processing, including being directly on the battlefield, and approximately 3 to 500 more are engaged in supporting the activities of the ukrainian government. and the need for western specialists is only increasing, the stockpiles of weapons are still soviet-made practice.
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it turns out that the ukrainians themselves cannot do anything, and any modern system, even if it is the most primitive gun, requires certain computer sensors for communication with the satellite. grouping, there must be software, therefore there is a complex filling, like a semiconductor computer, all these things, at best, can be repaired not even in poland, in the west. europe in the country of production, otherwise sending from the ocean, it turns out that the efficiency of sending returns is close to no matter how you look at it, you can’t do without repair-free workshops on site, in which western specialists will work, the only catch is that these specialists, as a rule, are in uniform, that is, active military personnel of nato countries. it is simply impossible to hide their presence under the guise of civilian personnel or volunteers, but
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there is no choice, foreign affairs assures, they are frightened by the imminent collapse of the kiev regime. threatened with sending. troops, european countries are trying to prevent this alarming prospect, however, in order to seriously turn the situation around ukraine, european countries should not limit themselves to just talking, they should seriously consider sending troops to ukraine for logistical support and training, protecting the state border of key infrastructure, or even defending ukrainian cities. they must make it clear to russia that europe is ready to defend the territorial sovereignty of ukraine. for some unknown reason, the authors of holy are confident that the prefix rear in relation to western military units in ukraine will protect them from destruction, however according to all the customs of war, they automatically become a legitimate target, but western readers are urged not to be afraid of this either , and they even describe all the benefits of a direct clash with the russian army. europe needs to consider a direct
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combat mission that would protect ukrainian territory west of the dnieper. the presence of european troops would make it unlikely. crossing the river from russia and will protect the main part of ukraine from conquest. one potential russian target is odessa, ukraine's main port. if russian troops will approach the city, european troops nearby will have the right to defend themselves and open fire on the advancing soldiers. the overton window, opened by the french president in february, when macron first voiced the idea of ​​​​sending western troops to ukraine, initially caused a lot of noise, but they did not close the topic. on the contrary, since then the west.
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there are also many in the west who are able to discern where everything is heading, but they are in a clear minority. on tuesday, the upper house of the us congress overwhelmingly the majority approved the bill on allocating money to ukraine. 79 votes for, 18 against. the only one who was not afraid to share his concerns out loud was senator j.d. vance. this is war fever, this is our inability to understand what... is really going on in the world in order to make rational decisions, the worst thing about this debate: you see people who serve their country, who advocate normal public policy all their lives, they are branded as agents of a foreign government simply because they do not i like what we do in ukraine. this is not a good-faith discussion, a slander that
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only leads to us making worse and worse decisions. how strange it is when your compatriots bring a gha.
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russian citizens, without trial, simply: we don’t like you, we take your assets. now all the money is in american accounts, but it is sent to ukraine, because
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it is much easier for our ruling class to steal money when it is in offshore companies. in this whole story , somehow the main one turned out to be american republican, presidential candidate donald trump. previously, he had repeatedly spoken out against the allocation of money to ukraine, but when it came to making a final decision, he simply withdrew. this may have been one of the decisive factors, reports abc. former president donald trump torpedoed many deals on capitalist hill, but senate minority leader mitch mccon says trump's decision to hold his tongue on $95 billion in foreign aid, including to ukraine, proved decisive in the passage of the bill. donald trump didn't get into fights like he did before, he's more positive. reacted to the issue of supporting ukraine, so i think he also played a role in this, he did not take the side of the minority of republicans, they gave up. one can only guess what made trump silent; one cannot help but
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pay attention, for example, to a closed event called visiting trump, which took place at the former president’s estate in early april. then for dinner all the key sponsors of his election campaign gathered together. according to rumors, among them were people associated with the largest military corporations, rayton and loghitma. received a historic amount of contributions, more than former president trump's campaign $50 million in paum beach for fundraising parties. trump broke all records for republican and democratic candidates. money is what trump so desperately needs today. he has already faced a huge number of lawsuits and exorbitant fines difficulties in paying their campaign bills. the number of rallies with his participation has clearly decreased recently, so
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the generous contributions came in handy. after the party with sponsors , british foreign secretary david cameron also visited trump. the meeting was also closed and there were no leaks about the content of the conversation. soon speaker mike johnson found himself in the same place, after which he immediately put the bill on financing ukraine to a vote. is there a connection between these events? the question is rather rhetorical. at the same time, trump himself studiously avoids answering the future of the speaker of the house of representatives, whom some republicans propose to strip of his powers. mr. president, how are you going to defend speaker johnson? let's see what happens. i think he's a good person. behind the words about johnson being a good man, there is a hint that the speaker simply had no choice. and indeed, when you are under pressure from all sides and... the current president and the former, who may well become the future, it was incredibly difficult to resist; all johnson could do was accept his role as a scapegoat. it is
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also impossible not to notice that the american mainstream press mostly prefers to remain silent about trump’s role in allocating funding to ukraine. both democrats and republicans do not benefit from conversations on this topic. for voters, they must remain bitter political rivals. so that. requires the laws of the american election show genre. mikhail akinchenko, vyacheslav arkhipov, yulia zagranichnogo, sergey civella, channel one usa. five people were killed and 33 others were injured in a powerful tornado in china. in the footage, a huge whirlwind destroys the building, lifts it up and scatters shells. the city of guangzhou is under attack from the elements. there is serious damage there, one and a half hundred factory buildings have been damaged . in addition, the region will receive received hundreds of cars. now to the situation with floods in
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russian regions. in the tyumen region , the water level in the ishim river has risen even higher. moreover, the growth is recorded at all key gauging stations in the city of ishim itself, the village khabatskaya and ilyinka. but the river increased even more in the vikulov area, about a meter. now the level has almost reached 8 m. the floods are just beginning there, the authorities note, people are being evacuated, and rescuers are providing all the necessary assistance. at the same time, specialists are strengthening dams, building up embankments, and building additional protection along the tyumen-omsk federal highway. well, in the orenburg region, within 24 hours, water left another eight hundred houses, where the situation has returned to normal, restoration work and disinfection are underway. on payments to flood victims have already been sent. today , people who literally hold our lives in their hands celebrate their professional holiday.
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ambulance staff accept congratulations. they are always the first to be where trouble happens. this day was established in 2020 at the height of the coronavirus pandemic, when ambulances bore the brunt of the workload. now the service has almost 90 thousand specialists and 44,000 drivers. and to all of them we say thank you for their full dedication with a big heart. last year alone, according to the ministry of health, they completed 40 million departures. and even now, when we talk about the ambulance staff, they... will probably rush to the call, because somewhere someone urgently needs their help. elena pich will continue the topic. it was raining, a dirty platform, in the rain, we were on our knees, hundreds of people standing around, everyone still trying to advise how we should, how we should do something. now with a smile , the ambulance staff tell their patient how they first saw the queen’s dance platform stretched out on the asphalt
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man, unconscious, without heartbeat. professional award, my patient left the hospital on his own two feet on the eighth day, it was very pleasant, we try to give everyone a chance, one more, we try our best, when this happens, well, is it really like a wing, or what ? those who, on april 28, 1898, by order of the moscow chief of police, responded to the first ambulance call in russia, would certainly be proud of their current
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colleagues. it was a horse-drawn carriage, a coachman worked there, of course, a felcher and an orderly, later police doctors began to travel from this carriage; they only went to accidents that happened on the street. several years ago , andrei obashin and his friends, volgograd doctors, proposed to consider the date of that very first departure as the day of ambulance workers, those who, once arriving, remain forever in this difficult, nervous work that requires enormous knowledge. make decisions quickly and have patience. doctor ekaterina khakhlova tells how her team came to the aid of a paramedic who was trying to resuscitate a man in a state of clinical death. we rocked him, all this was silent, i have a telepathic, one might say, connection with my felcher. she pumps, i do artificial ventilation, the paramedic who called us administers medications. here
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, during cardiopulmonary resuscitation , the patient’s voice is heard, so through the silence, stop beating me, sometimes with humor, but always with extraordinary modesty, they talk about how they brought patients back to life, a call to a two-year-old baby with edema of the larynx andrei obashin remembered it for the rest of his life ; as he says now, there were no such instruments at that time, only a scalpel, a piece of alcohol tube was at hand, he made an incision over the trachea, and stuck it into the hole.
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this doctor with a charming smile, doctors , anesthesiologist, resuscitator sergei chernikov, his team always responds to the most difficult calls. nowadays children suffer from adult diseases, as we call them, and it is always difficult when a two-month-old child stopped breathing and we found him in a state of clinical death, but we saved this life a small child who subsequently seemed to have an ischemic stroke does not see us, does not remember our faces, but it is better. the reward for the doctor, for the ambulance officer, is a saved life. the first brigade is on call, first. a doctor with almost forty years of experience, vasily vishnyakov is called a virtuoso of thrombolysis by his colleagues; this is the introduction of a special drug to break down blood clots; it must be used in time and the disease must be correctly recognized. for example, sergei glushchenko, at first thought that he had food poisoning, that is, there was a serious lower infarction, complicated by brady cardia, and even the right ventricle
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was connected, in general. his condition was quite serious. vishnyakov’s team managed and did not let the disease kill the patient. he was transported safely to the heart center and is doing well after surgery. and i addressed a short congratulations to everyone who is working today. in the ambulance service, health, health and health, god bless him, elena picha, oleg statun, daria rybakova, dalmira beryukova, dmitry arekhov, channel one. you watch the evening news and this is what will happen next in our program. to catch up and overtake, the chinese auto industry is taking over germany. berlin's former automotive greatness is fading into history. what is this new reality? time for rest and travel, the may holidays, a great opportunity to get to know our largest and most beautiful country better, we’ll tell you where to go and what to see. he said that a real actor is always a philosopher and an acrobat,
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100 years since the birth of the soviet cinema star danatas baniones. let's remember his legendary roles. the intrigue continued until the very end, the voice, the twelfth season finale, it was incredible. emotional and bright. we'll be back in a few minutes after the commercial, so stay tuned. the coolest reaction is when a person cannot forget about the performance. can we say that the viewer has already formed? there was a moment of some kind of slow groping for interaction with the audience. people don’t have to accept absolutely everything and agree with everything. tell us about the manifesto, where is it from? i got it, i had a lot of fights based on this text, it turned out that this manifesto spells out those things that existed energetically within vast numbers of people. now you will speak with the voices of the country. in
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fact, in russia there have always been much freer circumstances and freer conditions for art than anywhere else. and the theater is a place to which a person should come, come and come. podcast love. today at the first, i’ll get a document, the military prosecutor’s office, colonel shilov, this is captain milagina, why didn’t you follow the order of the captain, why did you go through the forest, these were not germans, not germans, who are the forest brothers, lithuanian partisans, he’s from the forest, from the forest... and this marta, his daughter-in-law, what’s happening, grigory ivanovich, there are only forest people all around, you ’re afraid, but i don’t feel comfortable, they would like
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to destroy our guards, or help their own , or that other one, in any case , the group was working, you would have figured out, svetlana petrovna, which of you is the commander here, otherwise i’ll be kicked out, according to the laws of war. new episodes from may 1 on the first, where the real map, if it falls into the hands of the germans, they will know the direction of the main attack, that’s all. since on christmas day we see the greatest tragedy, its, one might even say, amazing loneliness. from his very birth, christ had no place in this world. nazareth was an absolutely inconspicuous village, so the most likely reaction to the fact that jesus is from nazareth could not be, how come from such a dubious place, but where is it? jerusalem is the capital, it is the city that was chosen by god's providence so that the salvation of man would take place there. it is there that you understand that this is not a legend, that he was there, that he
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walked there, he preached there, he sat in gethsemane garden. this is absolutely true. when people decided to get rid of god and get rid of his word. one might say, the greatest tragedy in the history of all mankind occurred. people killed god. the way of christ. may 4 on the first. lent is ending, and the magical easter holiday awaits us ahead. the most important miracle is that god is love. i understood that my loved one was suffering, my feet just led me to the temple. and i confessed, without preparing for this in any way, i burst into tears. since then , yes, we already have four children. i said katya how lucky are you pregnant? she says: “
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oh, how beautifully you are preparing for easter, and this is preparation, i am going with the children, and we are hanging our entire garden with all these eggs, but we have been carrying the second millennium in our hearts. this sunday, this is really the most the great russian holiday is on may 4th, this is the evening news and we continue: automobile concerns from all over the world are closely following the news from the chinese capital these days. attention is paid especially to the models of the host country.
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china's industry is now developing particularly rapidly. at the end of last year, china became the largest exporter of cars. electric cars, luxury cars, and also so -called popular brands are impressive. so the volume of foreign supplies is noticeably increasing, and this is not only about russia. the demand for new products from the middle kingdom in europe is growing. the german auto industry, the leader in the region, is rapidly losing points. ivan blagoy will tell you more. napoleon didn’t succeed, hitler didn’t succeed, nato won’t succeed either. of course, it’s unexpected to see in a car showroom window in berlin text about the broken promise of nato non-expansion to the east and that russia has the right to defend itself. 2 years ago they told bernt quincie what are you doing, you’ll ruin your business, but no, things are going uphill. kwinks sell chinese cars; the price difference with german cars often reaches 10-15 thousand euros, while there are simply no poor basic equipment. you can't say, i don't want a panoramic roof, it's always
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included, you can't take anything away, if someone says: i don't want a lane departure warning system, i don't. it will work out, or there are massage seats in front, this function is always there. german television crews meet a sea car carrier at the port of brimerhafan, it was created specifically for the export of chinese cars, a total of eight of these were laid down a month ago, for the first time the ship arrived in germany, the bremerhafan car terminal is one of the largest in the world. the price, functionality and warranty conditions make you think, bvid’s battery is 8
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years old, volkswagen’s is only 2 years old, morning in a traffic jam in berlin, a chinese nio car is in traffic. it cannot be said that chinese cars are in germany very common, but they are definitely no longer rare, there are more and more of them. a year and a half ago there were only 70 chinese car dealers, now there are twice as many. quincie previously worked with a south korean brand, which had. strict requirements even for furniture in a car showroom. it makes no difference to the chinese that there are no standards for dealers regarding the minimum number of cars ordered. such tactics, together with low prices and work on quality, bear fruit. in 2022, china will overtake germany as the world's second largest exporter. cars. this quarter, chinese auto exports grew 58% compared to the same period last year. china has overtaken leader japan. it was a shock. the american edition of the wall street journal published an article. with the help of russia, china became number
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one in the world. western automakers, having left our country, themselves made this possible offensive, they are watching closely, an article in the german publication focus: russia produces chinese cars in a german factory and mocks mercedes, saying the quality is no worse. it's about the factory in solnechnogorsk, and how it all began at the geneva auto show, we have repeatedly heard complaints about the chinese with cameras, who, as we were assured, were engaged in industrial espionage. i was interested in the smallest details, for example, how...
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there is a digital car key in your smartphone, which you can share, for example, with your son or daughter from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. another german blogger is surprised at the slowness of european automakers in china; such things will surprise few people; the european commission sounded the alarm a year ago. global the markets are now flooded with cheaper
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chinese cars, and the price is kept artificially low by huge government subsidies. in brussels, the europeans have driven themselves into a trap. the release from the introduction of protective duties, while cars with an internal combustion engine have been prohibited since 1935, while with electric cars everything is complicated. according to investment bank ubs, the eu did not seem to realize that chinese manufacturers are about 5 years ahead of europeans, and their production costs are about 30% lower. below. and all this... was supported by high energy costs as a result of sanctions hysteria against russia. a trade war with china could have devastating consequences, especially for german automakers. from 30 to 40% of cars sold worldwide by bmw, volkswagen, porsche and others are sold in china.
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the volkswagen group has factories in china - this is the most important market; in january alone, it managed to sell over 200,000 cars there. and the band’s management sings the songs perfectly. other thanen. i think all manufacturers cars all over the world can benefit from chinese speed, chinese spirit in developing innovation. last year, the german giant acquired a license for the platform of the flagship g9 crossover from the chinese manufacturer xpen. we are talking about packages of hardware and software solutions for electric vehicles. how did it come to this? the germans have problems with development, but there was so much skepticism when the swedish brand volvo launched in 2010. have you already had experience with chinese cars? i don’t have one, my brother-in-law bought one, so how does
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he like it? i'm quite happy at the moment, so far so far there have been no technical problems, nothing to say, excellent price-quality ratio, owner of a car dealership. quincke does not believe that tariffs can be used to stop chinese automobile expansion. things are going well for him, and he continues to provoke the authorities with pro-russian inscriptions on the windows. moreover, he also rented space on the wall of a house nearby, where he wrote everything he thought about the us-nato conflict in ukraine, about the economic war waged by the united states against germany. yes it it is about anti-russian sanctions and the german political elites proactively playing along with the americans. ivan blagoev, dmitry volkov, lyubo. our athletes showed brilliant results at the european boxing championships, which took place in belgrade. the girls won first overall team place. the russians have three gold and seven silver medals. the last award of the highest standard was brought by yulia chumgalakova. in the final
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match, she defeated the representative of the host country. but during the award ceremony , the russian anthem was interrupted. good. fans in the hall they were not at a loss and quickly picked up the words along with the champion. the fatherland, our free, fraternal peoples, an age-old union, given by our ancestors. “people’s wisdom, glory to the whole country, we are proud of you, it was simply impossible to contain our emotions, our athlete was very touched by such
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unity. the serbian boxing federation has already apologized to the russian team for the technical problems that caused the failure.” well, our schoolchildren brought 10 medals from the international mendeleev olympiad in chemistry, it was held in china. in at sheremetyevo airport, the winners were given a warm welcome by relatives and friends. our team won five gold and five silver awards, despite the fact that the competition, according to the participants themselves, was the highest. among the most difficult opponents are the chinese national team, kazakhstan and vietnam. in total , schoolchildren from almost thirty countries came to this olympiad. i was constantly sick, i read the news at every round, it was such emotions when a child receives a gold medal, in the summer there will be a selection for the international olympiad itself, if i pass, i will participate. to me i liked it, it’s an unusual experience, a trip to another country is basically my first, secondly, i’m quite new to chemistry,
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so an olympiad of this level was quite a surprise for me, the guys have another important tournament ahead, where the participants will be three times more, this is the world chemistry olympiad, saudi arabia will host it in july. the long weekend has begun in russia. and this is a great reason to go on a trip with family or friends. the country is huge, there is plenty to choose from . festival in yaroslavl region balloons, hundreds of thousands of tulips await you in kalmykia. in nizhny novgorod - immersion into the world of media and art. the regions of the far east offer you to get acquainted with the unique nature and try seafood delicacies. and one of the main destinations is traditionally southern resorts. the best guide to the may holidays. our correspondent alena evtyakova. dozens of colorful balloons paint the cloudy sky over
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pereslavl-zalessky with a bright rainbow, the aeronautics festival is a magnet for tourists. we don’t think we bought tickets, we admire the beauty when can you still rise above the clouds? in general, i am very afraid of heights, so it was like overcoming my fears, i really liked it, it was a very impressive, grandiose spectacle. such event tourism determines the choice of destinations for travelers for the long may holidays. in the urals, behind the festival of fairy tales and legends, there are decoros, street theaters, round dances, you can have a pillow fight like in childhood, and nizhny novgorod these days after sunset glows with millions of lights. here is an international festival of media art, installations fit into the urban environment. behind indicative of fragile beauty, travelers rush to kalmykia for the festival of tulips, thousands of wild flowers of the steppe. stretching to the very horizon, with the bonus of getting to know the kalmyk culture. and in siberia, in altai, the mountains seem to be under a blanket of pink clouds.
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moral flower festival, as the locals call rhododendron. traditionally, the holiday opens the summer tourist season, while enjoying natural beauty, one should not forget about precautions. it is worth getting vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis before your trip. tourists are expanding their travel geography, choosing your beautiful one. different countries, according to analysts from the association of tour operators, 75% of travelers will travel to russia. our top 10 destination is headed by the krasnodar region. the holiday season here starts on may 1st. and in krasny polyana, at the same time, the ski season will close with the maypati festival, a mix of winter recreation and summer entertainment, until may 5 in the mountain valley. in sochi you can make the fastest leap from winter to spring, or even directly to summer. cut through the april snow on skis in krasnye polyana to make amazing pictures against the backdrop of snow-white mountains. and
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half an hour later you’ll be on the coast cutting the surface of the sea on a pleasure yacht and sunbathing. on the beaches, the final preparations are being made: screwing in, painting, adding fragrance to flower beds, setting up sun loungers. april turned out to be hot, the first tan of spring, the water was inviting, but still cold, 13°, despite these tourists. as we see, this does not stop, she went back, took it, pulled it towards her, created a traction to master wink foil, a water-wind novelty on our coast, one lesson is not enough, but nastya from yaroslavl, stubborn, everything is important, but balance, wind, strong arms, i didn’t come here for the sea, just for the experience, something like that, you know, motorcycle excursions, paragliding, all that stuff, so... a sea of ​​impressions, a sea of ​​drive, while the famous balustrade on the gelendzhik embankment is being restored to its ceremonial snow-white appearance for the season, tourists are exploring
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the new space, it took less than a year to turn the unkempt territory into 11 hectares of a photogenic, convenient park, the main highlight is access to the sea, great, beautiful, everything is well maintained, clean, pleasant, and the air is sea, sea, especially the air, yes, when you sit straight here, oh, it’s impossible to get satiated. in may, anapa attracts with delicious gastronomic festivals. classical jazz music will sound over the excavations of an ancient gorgypy, one of the most unusual attractions of kuban is also here , a cypress lake, trees growing right out of the water, you’ll be wondering what to see in anapi, suko occupies one of the first places, so come, the main thrill is there are no queues, in principle, you can get everywhere, the popularity of the imai crimea has increased compared to last year, all services are ready to handle the tourist flow on the crimean bridge, security screening is mandatory for
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trips to moscow, st. petersburg, kazan, our traditional leader dagestan, are popular among our tourists , good results, kaliningrad region, so yes, now we will look at the sea cucumber, take it no, but you don’t
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need to touch the intestines, but it makes absolutely no difference.
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services are held today in all orthodox churches churches. patriarch kirill of moscow of all russia performed the divine liturgy in the cathedral of christ the savior. the priests dress in green robes, which symbolize eternal life. tomorrow begins the last and most strict week of lent, passionate. at this time , believers observe special restrictions and prepare to celebrate the bright holiday of easter, which this year falls on may 5. he said that. a real actor, always a philosopher and acrobat, the legend of soviet cinema danatas banionis, born exactly 100 years ago, he he felt his profession very subtly and devoted all his strength and all his soul to his favorite work. solaris, king lear, no one wanted to die, he played in more than sixty films, mysterious, closed, but at the same time incredibly charming sincere, about the master alexei zotov, i am
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kelvin, a psychologist, and i... there can’t be money, is he really a saint, a master of aerobatics, a faithful knight, it was interesting to talk with him about life, a man with a good appetite, a lover of life, always reserved and even closed, donatas banionets literally lost his temper at the phrase “simple man,” said: “there are no ordinary people, each of us is a separate universe, that’s how he treated everyone he played, from clerks and scoundrels, to scientists and presidents. i always remembered the behest of my first director, a real actor, always a philosopher and an acrobat, only through actions i understand who is who, how he acts, and not what his face is like, he can show his face for 2 hours, i won’t understand anything, please put it in the protocol, that i did not resist the arrest. when boneonis was offered to play a soviet illegal, he was terribly surprised, well, which one? i’m an intelligence officer, and director sava kulish
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invited him to figure out prototypes of him on the set... in intelligence, i didn’t remember him, once in the kremlin vladimir putin shook his hand, he personally told me then that this is my prototype, you say, like how yes, but in such a way that i watched the film and wanted to become a spy myself after that film. the work of an intelligence officer, i must tell you, requires great self-esteem and patience;
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it is very difficult for a theater artist to play a silent intelligence officer, 40 years ago. mikhail shvetkoy made the first film about banionis documentary film, went to tiny lithuanian ponevezhes, where the people's artist of the soviet union lived almost his entire life, playing on the stage of the city theater. for me the most important thing is to reveal, to reveal human complexity, why a person is like this, it was clear that for this person, life in ignorance is an opportunity to hide and do art, both are unprovable, you will count them, even a microscopic episode from ryazanov banione will make it vividly memorable, his relationship with torkovsky didn’t work out, banionis understands that he is working...
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resting, why a person, seriously saying goodbye to his home forever, should relax on a boat, bonionis just silently looks at the director. on the set of torkovsky , it always seemed to banion that he
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was posing and not acting, and the need to constantly count, one, two, three, prevented him from thinking, being chris kelvin, but on the screen it later turned out that his hero in the frame was constantly thinking intensely , because the neonist eventually recognized the director’s idea. brilliant, well, the abyss of my repentance is so deep, so deep, what should i do, on the first film shoot, donatas banionis was completely confused, he didn’t understand why they were filming his leg separately, why they asked him not to bother with his face, because in the theater he is praised for his active facial expressions, at first they reproached us that we don’t know how play, you are like life, here in the theater, you have to play, anger, doesn’t know how to play anger, just like that! playing the caricature ruler, banionis tried very hard to be funny, but the audience did not appreciate it, two girls sat behind me and said: “well, listen, this banyonis is so
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attached, it’s scary to look at him.” there are things are worse. baniones knew well what the famine of war and the german occupation were, how hard life was for the peasants, those whom he himself saw were easier to play, soviet officers or the same nazis. it's harder for him. was, as he told me, to get into the skin of king duke, i must be in control of my conscience, when he played bitcoin and goy, he says: well, these are geniuses, i can’t reach them, but i can understand their experiences, suffering, love troubles and so on, understand their human essence, spanish david, and what, what, you, and not me, spanish david, how are you... so much talent and let go, a little tired, but nothing, a very smart person, a lighthouse keeper who helps save besieged leningrad, one of the last roles of donat.


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