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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 29, 2024 2:50am-3:31am MSK

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minimal technology, which includes many elements, firstly, you need to get the appropriate database, these are no longer psychologists, these are technologists, that’s how things are, let’s say, here i am, listening to you, i understand that we need to start fighting this effectively in schools, when you introduce elements of financial literacy, not even elements, but a whole course, that you cannot talk on the phone with people who introduce themselves there as authorities and fsb officers and someone else.
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leakage increased 2.3 times, but compared to supposedly the twenty-first year, almost 57 times, that number worries me a little, because the lost personal data already amounts to hundreds of millions, there are 170 million records. you mentioned artificial intelligence, that with its help you can make so-called deep fakes, and at a deep level of elaboration. uh copies, yes, of voices, copies of behavioral patterns, something else, how to deal with this, when quite recently there was a case, in one of the asian countries, a representative of an english one, yes, well, not just any there - a large financial company, for deepfakes, for according to several conversations, remotely via video link, he transferred about $70 million in several payments, thinking that it was his bosses from london, yes, and there they were. copies were made, but
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deepfakes are a deep copying of a voice, a personality, that is, they directly showed him a video with the image of the boss, some phrases, orders were sent, and the person corrected the money in several payments, how to deal with this? well, by the way, this has been used very often lately, because over the past few months, there have been calls on behalf of various kinds of leaders that it is urgently necessary to make a teto.
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there is no need to make decisions here now right at the moment of conversation, never particularly financial decisions, let’s say we or our listeners, the audience, still fell for this trick.
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we need to build a system in which it would be possible to accumulate all this, structure, systematize and quickly identify from there the channels, sources, where the main flow of these requests from scammers comes from, you are irresistible, like in ballet
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prima, all the beauties of the world, i took the keys from my heart, here you go. hold my hand, hold what you want, say, mother said, you are strong, without him there is no blue, unrequited, you did not expect such a cold wind at night, we will remember our forbidden paradise, it was painful for us, whatever you want, you know , if you leave, i will stay. don't let them stop waiting for you. russians are coming. ceremony of presenting the people's prize golden gramophone. premiere. tomorrow. on the first. nowadays,
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quite serious systems have appeared in leading banks, who oppose the transfer to self-corporate cards.
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received a card and gave it to an unknown user, do not fall for this under any circumstances, moreover, the degree of this crime will depend on what this money was then used for, you did not just become one of the accomplices or facilitate a fraudulent write-off or ...
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if you use it, then, of course, it provides you with a lot of conveniences, especially now you know that you can pay via phone, there by pressing one button you don't even need to take out the card.
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there are a lot of people interested in what and where you are doing, so there are many here, let’s say, i know among my friends, who just walk around with these push-button phones, let’s do this, i’m now in this block with fraud, confrontation, i’ll fix three main rules for our audience from academician tusunyan, so, first of all, don’t join at all. in any negotiations, as soon as they seem suspicious to you, don’t rely on yourself, on your knowledge, experience, just stop, and stop communicating, because one way or another, you are giving a reason to get hooked, to become again a victim of some sociological schemes, some other manipulations, just stop the conversation,
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thank you, leave the information, i will call you back. rule number two: if some kind of immediate benefit seems quick to you, this is especially true for our young audience, when they offer you 5-10,000 for opening a card and handing it over, nothing more, remember that in addition that you become participants in a scheme to deceive people, because it’s not just that the card will be used, no one just gives money, you automatically become an accomplice to much more serious crimes, even criminally punishable, even seriously. within a period of time, for example, if some transactions were carried out with this card in favor of prohibited organizations, you simply become accomplices of terrorists with the corresponding punishments and rules. third, if something did happen, you were stupefied, you felt bad and succumbed to tricks, you performed some commands from scammers, and you realize
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that you did something wrong, immediately call the bank, you should have, like ambulance services, like gas services, police and ambulance, you should have digital coordinates, that is, phone numbers of your banks, whose bank cards are accepted.
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let's say a few words about the current situation in the banking system, well, first of all , i would like to talk about the rate, so i heard your opinion that the rate is 16% -
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and even many say that the banking system has no future, banks atomrud and meat-nech will be the corresponding electronic alternatives, well, let’s
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talk a few words on this topic, because it was very relevant in the summer, especially right here, as young people say, there is hype around the topic of the digital ruble, despite what the central bank says that he is only testing the platform, a number of banks have announced that they are taking part in this testing.
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track using a locator, this all gives certain pleasant opportunities and provides us with comfort, but at the same time you you understand that it’s good when you can watch your child’s traffic, but on the other hand, when they watch you as a child and know all your traffic, this is also not the same, so we touched on this topic, that now all payments , they are also controlled,
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therefore digital. has another meaning, who should be afraid more than the digital ruble, if at all, users that their every step is being watched, or banks that the banking institution will die out in general, as you said, which means neither one nor the other has any basis provides some serious basis for now, because through the digital ruble, firstly, the digital ruble is the third form of currency that exists, that is, it is an opportunity, but not obligatory.
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say about corruption, if you completely destroy corruption, then you will supposedly lose motivation, but no, corruption is still an unfair motivation, lending is a bona fide motivation, you yourself assess your risks, the bank and you together assess the client’s risks, and you have motivation to overcome this risk to expand your business, and if all the money will go into the digital ruble, and well, we hope that... the central bank will not start lending yet, will not become a market participant and will not become commercial, if it also starts lending, then indeed this is the very risk when everything is no longer due to digitalization will switch to telephone and internet companies, banking services, and will simply become the state bank of the ussr, a single one, which will itself lend, will itself serve, will itself open current accounts, make payments, and then also take commissions, of course
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he won't do it for free. there is no need to go to any of these extremes , the balance is important, well, what can i say in conclusion, that i am very pleased that not just a participant, one of... well, let's say, the most experienced specialists in banking and banking law is at the head of the association russian banks, but also an academician with such a sound logical position at the head of the organization, which monitors the very balance so that there are no distortions in either direction, well, further development in any case should keep pace with progress, but not to forget not only the opportunities, but also... they said, this is a podcast of easy money, and we are for the fact that you came, for the fact that today we spoke in detail together with the president
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of the association of russian banks garigin tusunyan about what new and old types of fraud are present on the market, how banks fight it and how we can resist fraudsters. hello, my name is dmitry bak, i am the host of a literary podcast called let them not speak, let them read, and i am with my wonderful interlocutors i’m talking about this sweet thing...
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this is the famous prose writer sergei shirgunov. sergey, hello. glad to welcome you, dmitry. today we will talk about the literary biography of sergei shargunov, which is very diverse and attractive. we will talk about how sergei made his debut, about the very beginning of the 2000s. we will talk about his prose books, biographical books, and finally, in the second part, ours. program we will talk about the modern activities of sergei shargunov, about magazines, descriptive organizations, but in the middle between the two parts we have like there will always be a surprise at this time, i remind you that i am either reading a poem, or
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showing some old book from my own library, let's see what happens this time, i am happy to start this conversation. sergey, please tell us how... it happened that you entered literature so early, well, not everyone makes their debut, if i remember correctly, at the age of 18 or 19, how did this happen, these are family traditions, this is what -it was such a special time that it happened that i started writing very early, i composed fairy tales, rewrote books of hagiography, because i was born into the family of a priest, and in general my passion for literature took over literally in my very early years, i published a home magazine. to interrupt you at the very beginning, they rewrote the lives, you said, yes, yes, and these were such semi-forbidden lives, in such homespun covers the lives of the new martyrs, those who were killed in
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the twentieth century, violent, there is a hagiographic tradition of the civil war revolution later in the thirties , so literature captured me and i began publishing my own magazine at the age of 10, generally mine for the family. and i actually distributed it and even agreed with a neighbor who reprinted something, although mostly i typed it myself on a machine, but of course, then it was photocopied and generally went out, as they say, to the people, for example, my first such debut in official press for future biographers, this is the magazine "ogonyok", where my note was published, first there was a text about me, then some of my text, and it all revolved... around this magazine, this note was of a literary nature , critical or was it an essay, i i don’t remember this, this was dedicated to the fact that there is such a schoolboy who even publishes a magazine called freedom, listen, how cool this is, this is a literary-public publication, these are the legendary years, these are the years
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when vitaly korotich led the light , yes, when gumilyov was resurrected in the fire in the year eighty-six, this is a little later, apparently, yes, a little later, in the early nineties, ninety, ninety, and you... eightieth, that is, you are 10 years old, of course, i don’t even know, pushkin 14 debuted, no we’ll compare, but then, of course, i wrote a lot, already as a student at moscow university. and there was some topic about getting into
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some nightclub and i was climbing over the fence , one of them screamed while the author of the new world was climbing over there for me, and although did the others understand this publication was just coming, but it was inspiring and it seems to me that i spread it myself this energy of a legend, and that is , it was a legend about shargunov, well, cool, and it inspired me to get published. and it gave me energy to write big things, then apply for a debut award, i got it, and so in general, well, somehow i can’t imagine myself without writing, but at the same time i like this glow of debutantism, yeah, i always want to feel like i’m at the beginning of this literary endeavor, which is to show despite the fact that the family there is quite literary moms. dad, of course, literary history, because
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before becoming a priest, dad was a poet, a poet translator, the family always had a lot of friends, writers, there’s the same anastasia ivanovna tsvetaeva, one might say, i was raised by my mother and daughter soviet writers, and at the same time, well, among your relatives, gerasimov, sergei polenarovich, grandfather, but you know, there, given that there is.
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you think, you say, you do it was unborrowed, free of your own, well, you mentioned the debut prize, it was an important institution of that time, the prize existed for quite a long time, probably a decade and a half, i may be a little mistaken, but something like this, many people entered literature through it, and the debut prize, i had something to do with it, and i remember that it is interesting because those who have not yet whether the writers know or not, right? i remember 400 kg of mail, which were stored in the first season,
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and i sent it myself, i remember how now in a yellow envelope, in a yellow envelope in the mail, my story about love, the baby is punished, the baby is punished, but you knew that you were a writer, unlike from many, i didn’t think at all that i would win, there were 40,000 competitors then, 40 xia, but this is a huge event, a huge lottery, now the lyceum occupies a prize for this niche, it’s still a very important mechanism for discovering young talents. of course, the most important feeling is it’s still personal, but when you take some step towards the reader and meet support, it seems to me that this is important, especially in the early days, the baby is punished, what is this about? this is about a young man, a teenager, who is twisted and turned by a seductive lady, well, like the spring waters of turgenev, well, in general , a variety of analogies are possible, in general, this is such a largely dramatic... plot, and an early, largely
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confessional thing that i like -still a road, yeah, in general, probably, uh, someone said that at the heart of any literature is often an unhappy heart, a broken one, some kind of pain, as torkovsky said, pain, the elder tarkovsky, said that some kind of breakdown does not happen now, now it is very fashionable to exploit the theme of trauma, but even before it... became fashionable - everyone always understood , what - experiences shape writers, well, you know, the topic of trauma is a special topic, of course, and it’s not close to me, well , not...
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so you’re writing a chapter and you know that the hero has to go there and say that’s not the case now. wrote a new book how many times does it turn out and exactly back, because well some kind of sense of truth, probably, dictates another plot of artistic truth, artistic, it is of course
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moral and at the same time educational, but you raised a very important topic, now many people, unfortunately, argue in a straightforward linear manner, but what have i read.
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well, we really like this genre of memoirs, because it was not by chance that i said about the heat of debutantism, you always want to move on, the worst thing is to stop and tell, that’s how i was and let some down, for me every new book is like first, yeah, that's great, think a little about those writers you were interested in, who fascinated you, you'll probably mention eduard limonov, a figure... complex, controversial, wonderful writers, i'm preparing a book, this book is from different conversations with very different people, during their lifetime they could simply have been on completely unfriendly terms, although all of them are somehow connected by a common past and at about the same
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time they came to literature and still walked the same lines, not only limonov, it’s not only limonov and not only yuri vitalievich momleev, but this is also valentin grigorievich. rasputin and evgeniy aleksandrovich yevtushenko, and fazili abdullovich iskander, and andrei georgievich bitov and many, many others, and for me, of course, it is precious that i was able to communicate with these people, to look at them in my own way, but if we talk about the same eduard limonov, well, at one time it was known that i gave all the money for my debut award to him for a lawyer, but in general i was lucky to have him. communicate, and for me it is of course very bright, free, first of all an artist, yes for me too, i too, because in fact, in some sense, he inherits roznov’s line in literature, because it brings him together.


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