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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 29, 2024 4:20am-5:20am MSK

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belarusian maidan. the european union strongly condemns this decision and we will continue to stand with the people of belarus. we need to see what practical consequences will be for belarusian citizens living in the eu. representative of the eu foreign service, peterstan. in the ukrainian case , the european commission believes that everything is in order, there is no cause for concern. we have taken note of ukraine's statement. representative of the european commission anita hiper. so the moment of truth has come for those who jumped in ukrainian.
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range up to 300 km, a distance that army tactical missile system, as the obviation stands for, and it overcomes this in about 5 minutes, its speed is three times the speed of sound, this is far from the only feature of such missiles. the missile can descend unpredictably, maneuver its way to the target, can even follow a moving target, making course corrections, and fall vertically if necessary. in this case , the warhead carries a charge weighing more than .
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we have been monitoring the fulfillment of the obligations of the ukrainian government for quite a long time, which they gave in relation to other systems, including highmars, that they would use them only on the sovereign territory of ukraine and would not use them outside their borders. they have fulfilled these obligations time after time with respect to other weapons systems. jake salevan, of course, is lying; back in december 2022 , the shebekinsky district of the belgorod region was attacked from american haymars systems transferred to the ukrainian army.
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ensures the activities of the ukrainian government. and the need for western specialists is only increasing. stocks of soviet-made weapons are practically exhausted, according to some estimates; at the moment, over 60% of all weapons that ukraine possesses are from nato countries. but complex equipment requires skillful handling and equally skillful maintenance. since samples often arrive without documentation, it turns out that... the ukrainians themselves cannot serve anything, but any modern system, even if it is the most primitive gun, requires certain computer sensors for communication with a satellite constellation, there is necessarily software, therefore there is a complex filling, like a semiconductor computer, all these things , at best, can be repaired not even in poland, in western europe in the country of production, otherwise they can be sent from the ocean, it turns out that the efficiency sending returns is close to zero, isn’t it? the only catch is that
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these specialists, as a rule, are in uniform, that is, active military personnel of nato countries. hide their presence under. with a view it is simply impossible for civilian personnel or volunteers, but there is no choice, foreign affairs assures, it frightens us with the imminent collapse of the kiev regime. by threatening to send troops, european countries are trying to prevent this alarming prospect, however, in order to seriously turn the tide in ukraine, european countries should not limit themselves to mere talk, they must seriously consider sending troops to ukraine for logistical support and training, protecting the state . key boundaries infrastructure, or even the defense of ukrainian cities. they must make it clear to russia that europe is ready to defend the territorial sovereignty of ukraine. for some unknown reason, the authors of svyat are confident that the prefix rear, in relation to western military units in ukraine, will protect them
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from destruction, however, according to all the customs of war , they automatically become a legitimate target, but western readers are urged not to be afraid of this either and even describe all the benefits of a direct collision. with the russian army. europe it is necessary to consider the possibility of a direct combat mission that will protect ukrainian territory west of the dnieper. the presence of european troops will make it unlikely that russia will cross the river and will protect the main part of ukraine from conquest. one of russia's potential targets is odessa, ukraine's main port. if russian troops approach the city, nearby european troops will have the right to defend themselves and open fire on the advancing soldiers. overton window, open french.
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a military clash between nuclear powers that westerners are dangerously balancing on the verge of direct consequences, fraught with catastrophic consequences, and it is not only the russian minister who warns about this, there are also many in the west who are able to discern where everything is heading, but they are in a clear minority. on tuesday, the upper house of the american congress overwhelmingly approved a bill to allocate money to ukraine, 79 votes for, 18 against. the only one who was not afraid to share.
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"you are putin's puppet, you represent the interests of a foreign regime by accepting decision, this is how we bankrupted the country, we are starting the third world war, senator clearly.
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he was personally criticized by the republican senate minority leader mitch mccon. this time , contrary to his habit, he didn’t even get stuck while talking to journalists. the demonization of ukraine was started by tucker carlson, who, in my opinion, ended up where he should not have been from the very beginning, namely, he interviewed vladimir putin. tucker has a huge audience and many republicans have followed him. it was a mistake. tucker carlson, however, does not give up and continues to explain to the audience the whole deep meaning of what is happening on capital hill in the white house. the bill would allow biden to place frozen russian assets in special
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funds for ukraine. 8 billion dollars that the us government stole from russian citizens, without trial, simply: we don’t like you, we take your assets. now all the money is in american accounts.
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donald trump did not get involved in the fight as he did before, he was more positive about the issue of supporting ukraine, so i think he also played a role in this, he did not take the side of the minority of republicans, he gave up. one can only guess what made trump fall silent; one cannot help but pay attention here, for example, to a closed event called visiting trump, which took place at the former president’s estate in early april, then... all the key sponsors of his election campaign, according to rumors, among them were people associated with the largest military corporations, ray thon and lockheath martin, those the ones that are impatiently waiting for the opportunity to grab their share of orders from a package worth tens of billions of dollars, and they, apparently, have not become greedy. former president trump's campaign received a historic amount of contributions, more than $50 million. trump broke all records for republican and democratic
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candidates. money is what trump so desperately needs today, overwhelmed by a huge number of lawsuits with fabulous fines, he has already encountered difficulties in paying their campaign bills. the number of rallies with his participation has clearly decreased recently, so generous contributions turned out to be just the thing; by the way, after a party with sponsors , british foreign minister david cameron came to visit trump. there was also a meeting. i think he's a good person. behind the words about johnson being a good man, there is a hint that the speaker simply
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had no choice. and indeed, when you are under pressure from all sides by both the current president and the former, who may well become the future, incredibly difficult to resist. and all johnson could do was accept his role as a scapegoat. it is also impossible not to notice that the american press mainly talks about trump’s role in allocating funding to ukraine. prefers to remain silent, and conversations on this topic are equally unprofitable for democrats and republicans; for voters , they must remain irreconcilable political rivals, as required by the laws of the american election show genre. mikhail akinchenko, vyacheslav arkhipov, yulia zagranichnogo sergey chivelo, channel one usa. american secretary of state anthony blinken has a split personality, otherwise it is difficult to describe his behavior during his visit to china. at a meeting with the chairman he demonstrated. in
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meetings with nato allies and our g7 partners last week, i heard the same message: china's fueling of the russian defense industrial complex threatens the security not only of ukraine, but also of europe. china should curtail these activities. the united states has already imposed sanctions against hundreds of chinese entities. we are determined. and are ready to take action new measures. in eastern diplomacy , at first glance, purely external nuances are of great importance. how a guest is greeted and seen off speaks volumes about the degree of respect and affection towards him. blinkin was met in shanghai, where he landed on his way to beijing , only by the chairman of the local port committee. there was no red carpet, but the farewell of the united states secretary of state from the middle kingdom has already been called blinken’s last humiliation. only the american ambassador arrived at the airport. political scientist, presenter of the program. well aware of the features american diplomacy, here is his analysis of
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what happened in beijing and where it may lead. good evening, thinking about the main events of the past week, naturally, the visit of the united states secretary of state, antony blinken , to beijing immediately comes to mind, the idea was to try to strengthen it. chinese-american relations and somehow smooth out serious contradictions, but i must say frankly, the secretary of state has not demonstrated how...
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the biden administration is behaving, in my opinion, more like napoleon and hitler than in an american tradition pioneered by the first president, george washington, and continued in large part by richard nixon. hitler and napoleon assumed that their countries were superpowers and that it was not necessary to reach an agreement with anyone. that everyone should listen to their instructions, and if they don’t listen, they will be forced, so mr. blin, speaking about what he managed to achieve in beijing, said that from the point of view of the biden administration, china is not allowed to have at least some kind of military -technical
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cooperation with russia and added that if china will not correct its behavior, then... the states will do it themselves, i would be interested to know that the secretary of state meant that they would attack trains going from china to russia, or maybe airfields through which cargoes are being sent, it would be very interesting to understand what was meant by this kind of phrase, which, it seems to me, is completely inappropriate when you are talking about american relations with... two great nuclear powers. at one time , us secretary of state kissinger determined nixon's policies towards china and the soviet union. he wrote: in fact, we had an even more difficult strategic task to accomplish: transform the
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two -superpower cold war world into a triangle, and then govern it as such. so that our country, he meant the united states, naturally interacts with each of its rivals more closely than they would cooperate with each other, thereby we could expand the range of our capabilities. but this, of course, is the statement of an american statesman, who thought about american interests, not those of russia or china, and who was known for his toughness, but this is also a statement: a pragmatic politician who understands that politics is the art of the possible, and that if you want to achieve results in relations with other great powers , you need to try to find common ground with them...
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blinken came to beijing supposedly to create opportunities for cooperation, but it was announced before his arrival.
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alliances are getting closer to the chinese borders, and now they are going to send, according to the new there are problems with the promotion of american agreements with the philippines by no less than american marines. american warships to patrol areas of conflict between china and the philippines, and these troops are supposed, at least for possible use, against china, but this is already, let's call a spade a spade, this is already the diplomacy of an open announcement that if you do not listen our wishes in our... if not territorial waters, then at least waters that are much closer to china than to the united states, that if you do not do this, we will be ready to use
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force against you, and not in the distant future, when necessary? i think it is not surprising that on this basis, the united states will not be able to develop relations with china, and if we speak by and large, we are talking about convulsive attempts by washington. strengthen and preserve american hegemony, but they no longer think that it is effective, that it can work, this is dangerous diplomacy, dangerous for international security, but above all, very dangerous for the united states itself. in china, however, something more interesting happened this week than blinken’s visit. the beijing international motor show has started, it has become the largest in the world, beating three whales: frankfurt, geneva, and so on. the main attention of visitors is to the latest products of the chinese automobile industry. high technology, efficiency and maximum comfort, both in luxury cars and in models designed for the mass consumer. by the way
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, the american secretary of state promised problems to china in europe, but ordinary europeans, as they say, vote with their wallets. germany, the leader in the old world in car production , is handing over the market to the chinese, and not only germany, is ivan blagoy convinced? napoleon didn't succeed, hitler didn't succeed. nato , of course, will also not be able to unexpectedly see on the window of a car showroom in berlin a text about a broken promise about nato’s non-expansion to the east and that russia has the right to defend itself. 2 years ago they told bernt quincie what are you doing, you’ll ruin your business, but no, things are going uphill. quirks are trading chinese cars, the price difference with german cars often reaches 10-15 thousand euros, while there are simply no poor basic configurations. you can't say i don't want a panoramic roof, it's always included, you can't remove anything. if someone says: i don’t need a lane departure warning system, it won’t work, or there are massage seats in the front. this function is always there. german
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television crews meet a sea car carrier at the port of brimerhafan; it was created specifically for the export of chinese cars. total eight of these are laid down. a month ago the ship arrived in germany for the first time. the bremerhan car terminal is one of the largest in the world. every year 1,700 cars pass through it. this is just a start signal to the market. there are 3.00 byd cars on board. last year it became the world's largest electric car maker, overtaking elon musk's tesla in sales and is now taking germany by storm. a german auto blogger compares byd with volkswagen. and he immediately finds shortcomings in the chinese. condensation accumulates in the area of ​​the led backlight. looks like a small aquarium. however, the price, functionality and warranty conditions make you think. battery from byd. 8 years, volkswagen only has 2 years. morning in a traffic jam in berlin in traffic with a chinese car nio. it cannot be said that chinese cars
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are very common in germany, but they certainly are no longer... there were only 70 dealers of chinese cars, and there are more and more of them. a year and a half ago, it is now twice as much. kwinky previously worked with a south korean brand, which had strict requirements even for furniture in auto show. it makes no difference to the chinese that there are no standards for dealers regarding the minimum number of cars ordered. such tactics, together with low prices and work on quality, bear fruit. in 2022, china will overtake germany as the world's second-largest car exporter. in the quarter, chinese auto exports grew by 58% compared to the same period last year. china has overtaken leader japan. it was a shock. the american edition of the wall street journal published an article saying that with the help of russia, china has become number one in the world one. western automakers, by leaving our country, themselves made this possible offensive. they are watching closely. article in the german publication focus. russia produces chinese cars in a german factory and mocks mercedes. they say the quality is not worse. this is about the plant
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in solnechnogorsk. how it all began at the geneva auto show, we repeatedly heard complaints about the chinese with cameras, who, as we were assured, were engaged in industrial espionage. i was interested in the smallest details, for example, how the connection was made materials, how and from what door handles or window lift keys are made, color, texture, everything was photographed extremely carefully. in 2012, the hosts of the cult british show for car enthusiasts top gear made fun of chinese attempts to copy.
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the most important part in electric cars is a modern battery, and it has its own know-how and its homeland, in china, new technologies are being introduced there, communication with the car, software, development is going very quickly, how many of you have a digital car key in a smartphone that you can share, for example, with your son or daughter. another german blogger is surprised at the slowness of european automakers; in china , such things will surprise few people. the european commission sounded the alarm a year ago. global markets are now flooded with cheaper chinese cars, and the price is kept artificially low by huge government subsidies. in general, funderline announced the start of an investigation into subsidizing the production of chinese electric cars. forbes this week
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reported brussels in step. the introduction of protective duties, while the europeans have driven themselves into a trap, the production of cars with internal combustion engines has been prohibited since 1935, while with electric cars everything is complicated. according to investment bank ubs, the eu did not seem to realize that chinese manufacturers are about 5 years ahead of europeans, and their production costs are about 30% lower. and all this was compounded by high energy costs as a result of sanctions hysteria against russia. trade war with china could have devastating consequences, especially for german automakers. from 30 to 40% of cars sold worldwide by bmw, volkswagen, porsche and others are sold in china. the volkswagen group has factories in china - this is the most important market; in january alone, it managed to sell over 2,000 cars there. and the songs the band's management sings are completely different from those of fonderline. i think all
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car manufacturers around the world. can benefit from chinese speed, chinese spirit in developing innovation. last year the german giant acquired a license for the platform of the flagship g9 crossover from the chinese manufacturer xpen. we are talking about packages of hardware and software solutions for electric vehicles. how did it come to this? the germans have problems with development, but there was so much skepticism when the swedish brand volvo was acquired by the chinese company gjili in 2010. the deal gave the brand a new lease of life. the global development program now...
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will be good, and he continues to provoke the authorities with pro-russian inscriptions on the windows, moreover, he rented more space on the wall at home nearby, where he wrote everything he thought about the us-nato conflict in ukraine about the development of relations between russia and azerbaijan was discussed by vladimir putin and ilham aliyev. the meeting took place on monday in the kremlin. the focus was on regional security issues. our trade turnover is growing.
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country in terms of regional security in the caucasus and wider geography and on the active interaction between our countries, a lot depends on a large , substantive conversation between the president and
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business captains, about the rules of the game, technologies, personnel training. vladimir putin took part in the congress of the russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs. the president emphasized: the authorities will continue to support entrepreneurial activity and the launch of promising projects. new workers of russian families. the key statements of the head of state were collected by konstantin paneshkin. the president of the russian federation, vladimir , places, and therefore leads to an increase in prosperity , vladimirovich putin. the first meeting with business after the elections at the rsp congress is a kind of message from the president to the business community next 6 years. we will ensure maximum predictability of conditions for conduct and development. business, i am sure that , of course, everyone has a lot of questions on this topic, in fact, even the richest people in the country complain, the last few years have been distinguished by the fact that there was not some kind of stability, but many decisions were made, well, such one-time character, that is
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, export taxes changed, appeared, disappeared, mineral extraction tax changed, all sorts of other rules changed, this of course introduces great uncertainty, we hope that this cycle of conversations that... is happening with the government and so on, well, it will be possible to form something more or less stable for at least a few years, at least until 2030, it is for this period that vladimir putin ordered to consolidate new tax parameters that the government is currently developing. i repeat, the updated tax conditions need to be fixed for a long period. modernization of the fiscal system should ensure a more equitable distribution of tax burdens, while stimulating businesses that... are developing, investing, including in infrastructure, social, personnel projects, so the proposal to increase investment deductions in return for increasing the income tax has already been taken into account by the government, we will expand this instrument, we see that
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it is in demand, it will be necessary to decide on key sectors that require government support, including through tax mechanisms, the task is generally ideal so that active investing companies, like... emphasize, this is not about revising privatization, we talked about this at the previous meeting, but about cases when the actions or inaction of the owners of enterprises and property complexes cause direct damage to the country's security and national
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interests. i would like to draw your attention once again, and to my colleagues in this room, in law enforcement agencies, that the seizure of a business is justified only in the situation that i just said, and i will add that to explain the claims to the owners, no formal reasons for leading are unacceptable, the business is counting on this. the president today made it clear that in cases where, say, mistakes in privatization are associated with incorrect decisions of federal or regional authorities, it is impossible to apply all, so to speak, harsh sanctions to those who became the owners of state or municipal property, so this there is certainly a big step forward, not only in understanding the situation, but also apparently in law enforcement. question about the cost of debt a year ago the key rate of the central
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bank was 7.5%, today 16, in commercial in banks, the total is higher; not every business can borrow for development at such a percentage. banks today have accumulated large financial liquidity, but often this is complicated by high rates, this greatly complicates the process of attracting extra-budgetary financing, banks have enough liquidity, the key rate interferes, well, i was just yesterday, the day before yesterday again... constantly in contact with chairman of the central bank, lending volumes are growing and the pace is good, well, there is a threat, a threat - inflation, according to the leadership of the central bank, it still hangs over us, we see trends, positive trends, towards a decrease, so i hope the regulator will have an appropriate reaction, a little later the president expressed the composition.
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the mines were simply exploited mercilessly, the entire infrastructure was finished off, there in donetsk the water supply networks there are 90% worn out, there are more heating networks there, well, you know exactly what state everything is in, in general donbass has very good industrial potential, it is no coincidence that we all remember in the twenties , these posters from the twenties donbass is the heart of russia, that’s how it was then. this is largely due to the huge industrial potential, and it
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remains, you said that the situation at many enterprises is difficult, that’s true, that’s for sure, but the potential is very good, and enterprises, many enterprises in donbass have good prospects, but that we see the result, there is already a return, and since the representative of donbass has received the floor, i want to convey words of enormous gratitude from the residents of donbass for the fact that... they were not abandoned at a difficult moment by being devoured by this fascist evil spirits, and people are grateful, the whole of vast russia came to the rescue, of course, of course, without your strong-willed, wise, very far-sighted decision, nothing would have happened, the results of the elections that took place, our people, they expressed their position and relationships. to our national leader, thank you very much, we
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, in turn, must all thank the residents of donbass and novorossiya for their courage, patience and heroism, the most difficult trials that people go through in these. helps bring this moment closer, the people's military-industrial complex is already working at full speed, the ministry of defense does not have time to follow the proposals proposed by people involved in this area, every day, every day new proposals are born, moreover, success on the line of combat contact depends on
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how effectively and quickly decisions are made today technological tasks, with what advance are they opposing? the warring parties are doing this, it’s just in real time, we’re getting our own victories for russian business. at the moment we can say with confidence that sovereignty in the russian transport industry has been restored. in 2022, sanctions limited the possibilities of sea transportation for our entrepreneurs. after 2 years, the pressure is not decreasing, but the russians have found the necessary merchant fleet and established safe routes. domestic corporations acquire warehouses and even entire ports abroad for their needs. there's help here.
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russian port infrastructure is needed primarily in friendly countries in africa and the middle east, of course, in india and china, and speaking of china, this, according to one of the members of the rsp, one of sidin pina’s favorite books, what should chernoshevsky do? here is the stamp and the date when she entered the library, june 15, the book is 1953, this is his birthday and year of birth, this is his favorite car in may, i will definitely take this book with me and give it to our friend, he is a strong leader and
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the man is real, so yes, yes, so this is jokes aside, but really this is if if this is so. we experienced the loss of loved ones, we saw a lot of grief beyond our years, children, separated by combat, are finally with their families. negotiations between representatives of russia and ukraine in katera are bringing results, and if the mediation mission of the arab country is noble, then the west is not just speculating on such a sensitive issue, but is outright lying, the main thing is that for the children themselves the worst
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is over. report by vitaly katchenko. you also confuse ukrainian words with russian ones. letters too, well, nothing, life from scratch, moscow school, another program, new friends, fourteen-year-old bogdan, his grandmother tatyana alexandrovna miraculously managed to get him out of ukraine, his parents were gone several years ago, bogdan lived with distant kiev relatives while his russian grandmother tried to obtain guardianship. of course, i was scared for my grandson, because firstly, he will already be 15 years old, it’s june.
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