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tv   Ukrotitelnitsa tigrov  1TV  April 29, 2024 5:20am-6:01am MSK

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it was clear to people who had the right to what, please take a closer look at this, especially since among those who really suffered were people who were not formally entitled to help. natalya saprykina has two children, her husband is in the northern military district zone, their house is in a garden partnership, which means that according to the law they cannot yet count on payments from the state, our life is put here, our family, that is, we are with him, he is everything that what payments were made during the war, we all...
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the tenth also deprives the family of the right to compensation for damages. about similar situations chapters municipalities told vladimir putin. the president pointed out: a formal approach is unacceptable here. we definitely need to look at this issue more closely and resolve it informally. informally. this formalism in this case has nothing in common with those measures that are aimed at state measures and support. people who find themselves in difficult life situations and in general we need to once again, i want to say once again, special attention needs to be paid to families with children, to large families. another order from the president concerned the revision of the cost of major housing repairs and the amount of lump sum payments. the amount of payments itself was established in 2008, now it is 2024, and this... amount was also not
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indexed, i ask the relevant federal departments, the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of finance, the ministry of construction, and social departments to return to this and resolve the issue of indexation, let me remind you, today these are 10,000, 5,000 and 1,000 rubles. they need to be indexed, now there is a list of property for.
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will be rebuilt, issue certificates, all those support measures that were entrusted to us president, they will be worked out for each territory, for each territory, i say, this includes dacha partnerships, this means residential buildings, these are all necessary actions for the future too. this year’s flood has become a record for the last 30 years, tens of thousands of people are involved in eliminating its consequences, rescuers, military personnel, volunteers, officials, for the sake of the common cause... everyone
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is working, as they say, to the max, and the president, of course, knows about this. we will reward everyone, we will celebrate everyone, but first we need to do the work, bring it to the end, that’s it we have to work, and then we’ll distribute the rugs. alina sanoeva, alexey vaskov, evgeny yagoshin, vitaly zaitsev, channel one. while some regions are struggling with the water element, in others the fire danger situation has become sharply more complicated, if in the case of water this is a disaster. natural, then in incidents with fire, a person is most often to blame, a thrown cigarette butt, the burning of grass in the old-fashioned way, because of which entire villages then burn out, in general, as rescuers say, this dragon has three heads, imprudence, arrogance, negligence, amirpov got into it v the problem, everything was simple, i saw fire from the other side, began to approach, then tongues of flame developed and began, with all my strength, to extinguish it, but did not... i came to extinguish everything myself. a local
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journalist wrote an article about artyom: for everyone, lenev is a working-class village in the novosibirsk region, the boy became, albeit small, but a hero and, of course, an example for many adults who ignored the starting fire. i went to the social network and saw in my feed that the child had accomplished a feat, extinguished a fire, about which he himself had not said much. i'm very proud of my son, i think raising a real man. i’m already pulling for the second time, in the shpakovsky district.
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there wasn’t, i turned my head, everything was in smoke everywhere, nothing was clear, nothing was visible,
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my house was already completely engulfed in fire, my neighbor’s house had already started to burn, it burned down in less than 2 minutes, that day there was a squally wind for the residents, i didn’t leave it to the firefighters. chance to cope with the flame, but this situation is rather an exception to the rule. typically , emergency personnel stop the fire before it reaches residential buildings. the systems are debugged, in addition to a single the duty dispatch service, where fire signals are received, each region also has its own zucks. this is a crisis management center; information about all ongoing emergencies flows here. it is received by operational duty officers, federal specialists, regional specialists, they keep statistics, compile newsletters, these are the same messages that come to... your phones with a mark from the ministry of emergency situations, but the most important thing here is that they predict how the emergency situation will develop, that is, they determine where the fire is moving and what's the easiest way to stop it before it reaches a populated area? if earlier emergency services relied only on calls and messages from local residents, now every thermal point on the country’s map is detected by
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space satellites, stationary cameras, and quadcopters. the coordinates of even the smallest fire automatically appear in the database. the fire detection system is especially helpful at night. at night people sleep, they may not notice what is happening around, well, most often this happens, at night hours, thermal anomalies are most often not visible, but the system records them with infrared sensors and sends them, the satellite records them with infrared sensors and sends information to the portal, satellites and drones today also help arsonists, detect and of course prove their guilt, footage taken in the amur region, two found cars. three fires, they saw that these two cars were leaving straight from the winter hut, they burned it accordingly and thereby caused a forest fire in the state forest fund, they burned it because fires could come there in the spring, so that their hunting property there would not burn down, they protected it by the fact that it had already been burned, that is, the tenants
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of the land, saving their property, burned the state property, but they could have simply driven in the equipment, demolished everything unnecessary and mowed down the dead wood, but what if the terrain does not allow passage, grass and reeds can be removed from... only by surrounding the area with such a barrier can you set it on fire and what is called adding fuel to the fire, you are not very good at setting it on fire and it took you 30 something years to extinguish it. in the mineralny vody district, emergency situations ministry employees have already burned 60 hectares dead wood, where at the request of entrepreneurs, where for their own reasons, several hectares of dry grass will have to be burned in this area, here it is simply necessary, the airport is nearby, the white roof of the terminal is visible, there is also
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a cemetery nearby, it is clear that both objects are protected or specially made with fire barriers or roads, that is, the fire will not spread to them, but experts say that it is better to be on the safe side by burning the grass here. in advance, as they say, under control, preventive fire saves the firemen's energy, it's easier to burn it yourself in advance, or tell the residents about the rules, than to put out a fire later, if you see that something is burning, right away, well... you can tell your dad, they teach children, they remind adults, you need it now now , while we are here, it’s urgent to put it out, for this there is generally a fine of 10 to 20 thousand rubles, keep putting it out, often it all ends with such an instructive conversation, only those who are particularly dull are fined, there is too much of this garbage on this land it is not allowed to store flammable waste in the area, i will ask for your passport, i will draw up a report on you, well, that’s how they do it? i need to clear up the clearing so that later i have even grass, but they don’t pay attention to the fact that houses are burning later.
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now every fourth region of the country has a special fire regime. since the beginning of the year, more than 20 thousand fires of dry vegetation have been recorded. i wonder how many fires would not have happened if everyone had been a little more attentive, like artyom perkov from the tiny working-class village of lenevo, novosibirsk region. amir yasupov, maryana yatskevich, lyubov filippova, liliya zorina, arseny baibulov. first channel. the government , on instructions from the president, extended the program to help large families buy housing. we are talking about payments of 450 thousand rubles to pay off the mortgage. this is a popular support measure. last year , 190,000 parents used it. now we are extending this measure for another 7 years. for those whose third and subsequent child is born before december 31 , 1930. this will help parents take advantage of state assistance to purchase housing; in total,
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more than 600 billion rubles additionally are required for these purposes, including about 50 billion rubles this year. support for motherhood and childhood was discussed last week in st. petersburg at a meeting of the council of legislators, in which the president took part. vladimir putin emphasized that the well-being of russian families and the strengthening of sovereignty must be put at the forefront. i am confident that they will also prove themselves worthy in future work in government bodies, in the field education, mentoring in leading positions in all areas. i very much hope, dear colleagues, that political parties will actively nominate and support such candidates during election campaigns at all levels. what i would like to note is that this is not some company, i want this to be clear to everyone, this is just the environment, those
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people from which we must draw personnel, and from which we must choose for future work, choose people, who are ready to serve russia and who serve russia now, not sparing themselves, their health and life, until our big holiday for the great victory is less than two weeks, already in full swing... be in moscow, volgograd and voronezh, in thousands of cities and towns, in russia abroad, those who carefully preserve the history of the family
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and are proud of the exploits of their heroes, again is preparing to stand shoulder to shoulder in the memorable formation of the immortal regiment, and although this time we will not see processions in the streets, we will celebrate our favorite holiday on may 9 together with those who won the great victory. they will look at us from under the clouds, the bars aerobatic team again will fly with portraits of a front-line soldier.
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and grandfather returned home, without his right hand. they say here that they are often asked to find out about the combat path of front-line soldiers, because the veterans themselves did not like to talk about the war. when guys. come when the guys begin to find information about their great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers, when they see why they were given an award, in schools portraits of heroes are pasted on the windows, including those who went to the front immediately after graduation, in volgograd school number 115 for several years now, there is also a wall of memory, every year there are photographs on
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there are more and more of them, if the photographs have not survived, they carry family heirlooms, this is a letter from me... from the fourth year. in the person of those who then performed labor and military feats, today's factory workers and their children are now looking at the walks of glory. purtov ivan ilyich. he was a tank mechanic and had two orders of the red star. and he was at the may 9 parade. to remind of the feat of those who stood at the machines and forged victory in the rear, they came up with their own action. we will
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traditionally celebrate may 8 with a procession of the immortal workshop, because. the rear was also the front, gennady ivanov, the man who once proposed holding a procession with portraits of front-line soldiers, has a dream of seeing on victory day on board the iss photographs of cosmonauts who took part in the great patriotic war. georgy beregovoy, georgy dobrovolsky, vladimir shotalov, pavel bilyaev, konstantin fyakistov, there are five of them in total, they should be in orbit on this day, may 9, they are cosmonauts who participated in the war, ivanov also organized an auto regiment. on holidays, together with like-minded people, he goes to the most remote and small villages of the tyumen region, here is a column, a small column of an immortal auto regiment drives up to this village and always on the first cars there are photographs of war participants or
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home front workers, it is from this village, fellow countrymen from this village, this is perceived differently. in volgograd , every year, on an m-72 motorcycle, which he restored with his own hands, alexey nikolin leads a column of retro equipment at the parade. this time, if the organizers allow, they plan to travel with a photo of their heroes. his grandparents both are war veterans. he admits that as a boy he was terribly proud when on may 9 on mamayev kurgan they were given flowers by completely unknown people. an impromptu small family museum, the glass of his car has been on his car for several years now. it’s very nice when you leave the store and see that people are standing and reading what is written here. this year the immortal regiment campaign will be held from may 1 to may 12. portraits of great patriotic war veterans , holders of the order of glory, heroes of the soviet union. information about their exploits will be on large media screens in cities, in memory galleries in parks and public gardens. you can upload a photo of your
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hero to the immortal regiment website and share his story here. maybe someone has photographs, some others. relics associated with a veteran, or you know some story that a veteran, your grandfather, great-grandfather told. you can find information about a relative who participated in the great patriotic war on the people's memory website. this project was created with the support of the ministry of defense. the immortal regiment united millions of people, and there are no boundaries for this regiment. applications for processions have been submitted in sixty countries, and rallies will also be held abroad to lay flowers at monuments to heroes. eurasia, schoolchildren, students, aspiring
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politicians, businessmen will have an excellent chance to show their talents and make their wildest dreams come true. our country in the humanitarian sphere, in the field of education, in the field of culture, in the field of sports exchanges, science, business, whatever else. today is the 100th anniversary of the birth of donat. such different genres, directors and roles,
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and we will not repeat it and do not forget it in every image. shortly before his death, bunyoni gave his last interview to channel one; he spoke as talentedly and deeply as he played. about the great master and the amazing fate of alexei zototov. literally lost his temper at the phrase “ordinary person”, said: “there are no ordinary people, each of us is a separate universe, that’s how he treated everyone he played, from clerks and scoundrels to scientists.”
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the prototypes of his hero, intelligence officer konon molodoy, banionis himself didn’t even think of a person similar to him, i think so i had an idea that this was, of course, a gigantic man, you know, like james bond, handsome, so heavy, i was surprised what kind of intelligence officer he was, when he was as tall as me, banionis asked the young man in detail, not even about the life of a intelligence officer, but about what he was going through and how he made the choice, after the film the low season, millions of boys. dreamed of serving in intelligence, i didn’t remember him, once in the kremlin vladimir putin shook his hand, he personally told me then that you are my prototype, i say, how, how,
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well, so that i watched the film and wanted it myself to become an intelligence officer after that film, the work of an intelligence officer, i must tell you, requires a lot of self-esteem, patience, it is very difficult for a theater artist to play a silent intelligence officer. 40 years ago, mikhail shvetkoy made the first documentary about banionis, went to tiny lithuanian ponevezs, where the people's artist of the soviet union lived almost his entire life, playing on the stage of the city theater. for me, the most important thing is to reveal, to reveal human complexity. why is a person like this? it was clear that for this man, life in if you are ignorant, this is an opportunity to hide and make art. both are unprovable, you will count them, banione will make even a microscopic episode from ryazanov vividly memorable, but his relationship with tarkovsky did not work out, bonionis
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understands that he is working with a great creator, but wants to solve the problem himself, and not be a brush in the hands of an artist . torkovsky told him, count to yourself 1 2 3, slower, faster, turn around, visibility is one, raise your hand, count to two, lower your hand. not my principle, and i say, absolutely, somewhere it’s as if outwardly, understand, i found myself in some kind of stupid situation, korkowski didn’t like to rehearse, because as in life, this really bothered him, so we hid with donatos and rehearsed separately from the director, they already came ready, what are you saying, i i don’t understand anything, the first thing baniones thought when he found himself near this pond near zvenigorod, where they rented the house of chris’s father, was why fly into space at all if there was such beauty on earth. in general, initially according to the script, chris kelvin is sailing here on a boat,
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but torkovsky cancels everything at the last moment, but this is not a holiday home, why should a person seriously say goodbye to his home forever and relax on a boat. banionis just silently looks at the director. torkovsky laughed, danata is a terrible bore, loves to talk about art, i haven’t... talked to him for even two minutes, and he just can’t get over it, he keeps asking to show him the footage, but i don’t want that, well then he said : do as you wish, while filming with torkovskoynitsa, it always seemed like he posing, not acting, and the need to constantly count, one two, three, prevented him from thinking, being chris kelvin, but on the screen it later turned out that his hero in the frame was constantly thinking hard, because the neonite eventually recognized the idea. how
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they remove his leg separately, why they ask him not to bother with his face, because in the theater he is praised for his active facial expressions, at first he reproaches us that we don’t know how to act, you’re like life, here in the theater, you have to act, anger, doesn’t know how to play anger, like this, playing a caricatured ruler, bonionis tried very hard to be funny, but the audience didn’t appreciate it, two girls sat behind me and said, well, listen, this... boneonis is grimacing so much, it’s scary to look at him, there are worse things. banionis knew well what the famine of war and the german occupation were, how hard life was for the peasants, those whom he himself saw were easier to play, soviet officers or the same nazis. it was more difficult for him, as he told me, to get into the skin of king duke. i must be in control of my conscience.
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although they gave way to him and did not take money, in st. petersburg there was a throne dedicated to bunionis open, in my opinion, he even smells like lily of the valley, he never said a single bad word about the past, and even there there were provocations, there was an investigation of him there, he was not a kgb agent, they say terrible things about you, well, this was to be expected, the biggest gossips are born in the smallest towns; they tried him rather because he
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never said anything bad. punish, i never thought that actors had such a developed sense of common sense, donatatos banionis, a man of universal dignity and talent, has been gone for almost 10 years, he said before to understand the cosmos, we must first understand ourselves, because each of us, according to bonionis, is the cosmos, do not look for the new, look for the eternal, if you find something new, it will only be today, tomorrow it will be old, but forever if you find it,
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but where is the body ? here is a body, alive, it cannot be, it very well may be, now we... be careful, be careful, we, friends, are
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birds of passage, if only our days are good for me, we don’t have time to get married on earth, there are no wives in heaven... . you will find, patomu, because we are pilots, the sky is ours, the sky is ours, vadim’s home, first of all, first of all, airplanes, well, oh well. girls, and girls then, first of all, first of all, airplanes, well, girls, and girls, then, a tender image in dreams, you are pigeons. if you want to give your heart forever, today you will meet, you will see, you will fall in love, tomorrow the order is to fly away, mother, mother, so that pilots, not
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ours, not ours, vadim’s house, first of all, first of all, planes, but girls, and girls then , well, girls, and girls then, so as not to encounter longing on the way, remembering the affectionate look, we decided, friends, not to fall in love, even with the most beautiful girls, because we are pilots. sky ours, our sky, vadim's house, first of all, first of all, airplanes, and girls, and girls later, first of all, first of all, airplanes, well, girls, and girls then,
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please, quietly, pecking, out of habit, come on, that's enough, a minute, a minute, a minute, order, thank you, friends,
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you've upset my comrade, what's next, for all of us, for the fighters, for the comrades, for the misogens, that this is a misogen, well... no zaks, no corpses, we agreed , until the end of the war, love is canceled, it seems clear, clear, the holy male union, so for holy male union, are you following me again, sister, yes, take the medicine, you’re sick, you ran away here again, oh, by god, sister, i don’t drink, by god, these are buns for the medicine,
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so it’s not man, this is an eagle, and where have you seen an eagle drink a mixed drink, that’s it, because you have to understand, you are so sweet, cute, and the captain of the koisar, senior lieutenant, no talking. let me pour it myself, yeah, you check out immediately, you need to take air combat three times a day, not potions, i know you, right, right, go out and ruin everything the plane is brand new, speed 1,200 per hour, yakoho. lavochkin 32, otherwise there is a small design, a magnificent machine - what is it called, what is the mixture? no, not a potion, but some personal gift from the people’s artist taras, and captain kamisarov, the senior lieutenant, is to blame, oh, oh, what are you doing to him, now he’s sick, the division commander and the professor, our luminary, will come to you now medicine, final examination, to myself, to myself, sick, okay, i’m listening. doesn't allow this professor to call you sick
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medicine, tell everyone to call you, healthy comrade, i understand, of course they are pleased that such a person is in their hospitals, of course, i’ll figure it out myself somehow, but for the sake of courage, let’s go so far, yes, yes, yes , i’m coming, i’m coming, sister, i’m coming, yes no, no, please, everything is fine, let’s go, sister, nothing, nothing, today they’ll discharge you, why do you think, because, because, because... no, that’s not true, it hurts here, it hurts, yes, it hurts, well, it’s very good, breathe, don’t breathe at all, so, don’t breathe, so, good, so, so, more, more, deeper, cough, don’t breathe, cardiogram sister, this is my head guard,
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they decided to quit, recently, you know, i quit, and you excuse me, it’s dragging, my dear, it’s dragging, here, here’s to your nakedness, okay, well, so - the hospital regime is no longer needed, comrade professor, fly, uh ? you can, or you can, maybe, comrade professor, dear professor, dear professor, you can drink, darling, you can drink, uh, milk, you know, uh, uh, lemon juice, you know, there’s fruit water for you in unlimited quantities, please, please , well, well, that means these are romances, you know, flirting, these are family tram, that is, it’s impossible, you have to break your heart,
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no, it’s kilometers, what’s the normal speed for a fighter, it ’s absolutely contraindicated for you, well, you’ll have to transfer to an attack aircraft, but what’s the speed of an attack aircraft? an attack aircraft has 550, no, it’s contraindicated, well, well then a bomber, speed 400, speed 400, and what to show, it will decide, but tell me, don’t you have something quieter, you know, slower, there’s y2, what’s the speed? empty space 100 km, what to do, well, i don’t mind, i don’t
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mind, wait, wait, wait, comrade professor, comrade general, what happens, but i’m a fighter, i can’t walk on the ground, i still want to run, running is contraindicative for you, comrade, well, why, y2, yes i, yes i’m better infantry, you understand what u2 is, transporting milk, well , comrade general, well... but nothing, buns, nothing, kudva is now in service, this plane, like a light night bomber, does great things, help stolingrah, well , congratulations i congratulate you, doctor, please, you know, don’t fall in my honor.


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