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tv   Povara na kolesakh  1TV  April 29, 2024 12:15pm-1:11pm MSK

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she lost consciousness for a minute, passers-by rushed to help, they had to save her from another blow, this time the heavy structure was stopped in time. and across the ocean there is a tornado, american oklahoma is under attack, at least three deaths are reported.
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gleb geiger. my name is gleb geiger, i am the brand chef of the aina restaurant. let me show you everything here. by the age of 27, gleb managed to head several famous restaurants, the kitchen of a five-star hotel, and create a consulting agency for restaurateurs. his restaurants have received world awards. he winner of the "young blood, gastronomic guide, restaurant navigator" nomination. what is aina tribal cuisine? each tribe had a hearth. in addition to the fact that...
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that they cooked on fire, they used a huge number of techniques, drying, drying, for example, in siberia they buried a deer in a swamp, it fermented there, then they took it out and ate part of the liver. geiger, student of valentin bantempi. according to instail magazine, geiger is one of the most attractive chefs in moscow. he speaks four languages ​​and he has traveled to 49 countries, but he still considers the cuisine of the peoples of russia. with the most promising, original combinations, unusual technique, a little irony, here is the geiger counter, this serving is very popular among our guests, while our cabbage roll is hot, we will burn our clay, as soon as we smash our cabbage roll, we will see the mother of the fields of russian faces, everything is simple for us, but very tasty, ggeiger bread, creative quality, artyom khizhnyakov. my name is artyom khishnyakov, and i am the chef
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and partner of the nega restaurant. it is about pleasure and about pleasure. artyom tied up his life with gastronomy after leaving medical school. he started his career as a chef in rostov-on-don, and a few years ago he moved to moscow. today we will prepare one of the dishes that will be on the menu of our restaurant. this is beef in ashes with stewed root vegetables and wine sauce. based on domigas. khizhnikov headed the kitchen of the jobs food and viyn, kat and lado projects, and also worked as a brand chef for the trust chain and the soma restaurant. he considers meat to be the main product. he is used to mixing techniques, giving preference for french traditions. the ideal meal for me is always three or four ingredients per plate. because for me the perfect balance of a dish is when you...
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you taste every ingredient, you remember the first fork and you remember the last. artyom, a lover of local specialties, believes that everything in a plate, like in a person, should be perfect. for him, food is a way of self-expression and dialogue with the guest, gastronomic impressionism. the food that i prepare is the perception of all products through the prism of my personal taste. i interpret it all and give products a new interpretation based on how i see them and how i feel them. artyom khishzhnyakov. harmony in everything. traveling through carelli, i go with my friend, chef, gleb geiger. i am sure that an unforgettable and stunningly beautiful journey awaits us. gleb and artyom are cooks on wheels. they travel on a foot truck to karelia, where they will fight in a culinary battle. but the bosses are not yet thinking about rivalry. we are leaving moscow, heading to karelia, what are you talking about? do you want
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to see there? and i go without any expectations, but i'm sure it will be cool. by the way, i really want to visit valaam. express is one of my dreams, i really do. i don’t want to ride it, tell me, have you ever cooked in a food truck? never, and you? no, this is my first experience, but i saw how it is equipped, i think we will have a blast. well, then, let's go full steam ahead? yes, come on, we have a long journey ahead of us. the republic of karelia is located in northwestern russia, on the border with finland. these lands are also called the land of lakes. the first city on the chefs' route was sorted. except russia, it once belonged to sweden and finland, which is reflected in its name. the climate in sortali is quite mild, but now in the fall the chefs are lucky, it’s very warm outside. we are located on the shore
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of lake ladyshskoe, now the city is called sortovalo. previously, the city was serdabol and sorodovalo across d. and what is it connected with, why? there was a constant struggle for these territories between russia and sweden, and the city passed from... hands, so some names have been preserved, even lopland ones, plus sometimes even swedish ones, here in general the first people who inhabited these lands were laplanans, the first settlers here, the first settlers, they were gradually displaced by the karelians, further to the north, well, plus the glacier was melting, so the laplans, laparis, or rather, yes, they are with the laparis, yes, they were leaving just behind behind the glacier, because the tile glacier was liberated by land, animals walked, they followed them, they hunted for them, in general, they didn’t gradually leave, what is it all about... these are mountains, hills, rocks, quarries, there are a huge number of quarries, the place is rich in lakes, lake ladazhskoye is located as since it’s nearby, i advise you to go to ladushki skerries, but what are skerries? skerries are large and small stone islands, between which there are straits, here sorted in
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the northern region, this area is called, there are more than 550 islands, which are, roughly speaking, spheres, and where does this name come from, there is also an expression to skerries or hide, this is from here, it's cool we should. i'll have a little sunshine with you, we're on mount kuhovore, there's a great view of the sortala, the rocks we 're walking on now, pay attention to the stripes visible, this is all the activity of the glacier, drove straight, demolished it, yes, demolished it, pressed it into the earth's surface, this is not the first time i have seen such stone pyramids, what kind of pyramids are these, this is a tour, people make a wish, that is, if you want your most cherished desire is with...
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with bread and sauerkraut, it sounds very cool, do you recommend trying it? you can try everything separately, but when you mix everything on toast ahead, okay, it somehow reminds me of the familiar taste of heart under a fur coat, i really liked it the idea, in general, is very good in balance, but as for the vendace mousse, i want there to be more of it, so that this taste envelops you, i played on textures here, here... the crunch of the sweetness of the beets and the delicate taste of young cheese salt from rags salt from the rag and the next dish we have trout soup, rich, very thick, very cool, tell me, what is the reason for this consistency? the vegetables
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are first simmered in butter for a long time, then fish broth is added, yep, the fish itself, at the end cream is added, and the fish what you feel, just as if she was... just caught out of it, that’s right, she was swimming yesterday, top fish, scantsy with chanterelles and potatoes are coming, scantsy, what does this mean, a pie for the son-in-law and it can be completely different fillings, a mother-in-law’s pie can be dangerous, everything that we ’ve already tried seems mega cool and tasty to us, and the fact that you use local products everywhere and develop the theme of locality in karelia is... arouses great respect, let’s try another traditional dish is sweet wickets, a dessert made from forest berries, cloudberries - this can be considered the gold of karelian, lingonberry - this is black currant, well, there is also elderberry here, as a lover of unsweetened desserts, i
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got a pleasant impression, the gate itself and this dough, it qualitatively envelops all the berries and the filling itself, this gives dessert... tastes without a lot of sugar, which is awesome. boris, thank you, it was very pleasant, great evening, in a great place, delicious food. see you at our futruk. well, at the beginning of the 20th century, not far from sortovala on the shores of lake ladazhskoe, the surgeon and public figure gustav winter built his dacha, and although he did a lot for medicine, for example, he equipped the first x-ray office in finland, it was the garden around the dacha that inscribed his name in the history of karelia. you and i are on cape teruniami. translated from finnish, this means fairy cape. and the estate, which... behind us has the consonant name tarulinna. fairytale fortress. and around this
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fortress a fairy garden was built. yes. for 10 years, gosnter has been planting introduced species, which in the karelian they don't grow in forests. and over these 10 years , about 90-100 plants from non -karelian forests appeared here. why did he bring all these plants here? and thick winter had a hobby since childhood. gardening art and, under the guidance of a landscape designer, completed a project for this area, a landscape project that he has been implementing for 10 years, introduced species are scattered throughout the territory of the modern park hotel in the forest thicket, they still exist there, but tell me, these plants somehow then spread generally to karelia, the city, or are they only here? thanks to gustav winter, perhaps the city of sartaval is also planted with a large number of plants, trees, shrubs that are uncharacteristic... for karelia, and in general it is a very beautiful city from an
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architectural point of view from the point of view of introduction. but i see a very interesting tree, it has sections, like eyes, or what? yes, indeed, this is an introduction, you are so insightful. the name of these firs is whitebark firs. he acquired most of the introduced plants in alamsky nurseries, which already existed at that time on valaam. here is another introduced one, this is... the manjuri nut, he throws us his nuts, which, having fallen to the ground, remain under the snow, ferment, germinate next year in the spring, unfortunately they germinate in our flowerbed, one of the main attractions of northern karelia, a mountain ruskiala park, the chefs decided to definitely go there. where are we going today? in ruskilo mountain park. this is our locomotive, already docking. yes, this is our locomotive. we also
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have seven trailers in which they travel passengers. tell me, sergey, are these really old, authentic carriages? these are carriages from the late eighties, which have been renovated and re-equipped in the style of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. here are the royal trains. cool. i suggest starting with the holy of holies, the driver's cabin. great. always a place to get there. please tell us about the device, that this is the boiler fittings, these are two injectors that pump 250 liters of water per minute, this is the water meter, how much water is in the boiler, the pressure is 14, this is the furnace, like this, wow, wow, yes, you can throw, here's a shovel, then this... already my prerogative, wow, what a heat, what
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is the temperature there, now it’s about one thousand and a half, probably, but in general the maximum is 2,200, it’s difficult to drive this car, you need to get used to it, especially you need to get used to such heat, calculating coal, and how much coal there is for the trip to ruseal it takes 3.5 tons at the back, and 8 tons of water, is that possible? you can blow the horn, please cover the children's ears, it's cool, i've always dreamed of it, you and i are in the first class carriage with number one, this is where we are located.
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we have two whole restaurant cars in train, one of them even has live music, a pianist. let's go, i'll take you with pleasure. forward, only forward,
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this retro train takes tourists to ruskiala park, it is a monument to nature and history, because it is a former marble quarry. long before the boss, in 1859, alexandre dumas came to admire the local wonders. now it’s hard to imagine, but once upon a time there was a lot of work here and tons of marble were taken out for the cladding of st. petersburg. that is, the face of st. petersburg essentially comes from here. our marble marble was used in the cladding of st. isaac's cathedral and kazan cathedral. palace and many other monuments of st. petersburg. we are with you at the main quarry of the ruskila mountain park. why is the mountain park called that? russian in karelian means brown or red. yes. it is named after the river that flows here, takmayoki or ruskalka. this color of water is due to rocks that
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are washed away. the color of the river is due to the amount of iron deposited. yes. beautiful view. it’s just breathtaking, and i also see that divers swim here, look at the water, it’s actually very clear because of the purity of the rocks, because of the white marble that was mined in this park. it is certainly fun to dive here and there is a diving school as well as other activities in this park. other activities include zipline and bungee, that is, jumping from a cliff with a rope. the bosses have decided. test yourself. artyom, good journey. so, we jump with our feet down with a running start, pushing with all our might joyfully along the arrow towards the pier. one, two, three, let's go.
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well, not high. you. let's fly off like a bomb or like a soldier, we don’t dive headfirst, okay, let’s go, the walls of the old quarry are a labyrinth of shtolins and caves, their length is several kilometers,
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you can go down into some, look how the color has changed there. what a beautiful marble, yes, very, what an atmosphere, you feel as if some kind of film on yes, you can, you can feel like a movie character, as if we are now playing the main roles, this is very cool, it
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cannot be described in words or felt through a photograph , you just need to see it live, it's an incredible emotion. yes i i’ll get a document, the military prosecutor’s office, colonel shilov, this is captain ilagina, why didn’t the captain carry out the order, why did he go through the forest, these were not germans, not germans, who are forest brothers, but i don’t feel comfortable, they would like to ruin our wounded to help their , or both, in any case , the group was working, you would have figured it out, svetlana
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petrovna, which of you is the commander here, otherwise , according to the laws of war, new episodes will fly in to me from the first of may, on the first, where is the real map, if will it fall into the hands of the germans? they will know the direction of the main attack, that's it, this city, literally and figuratively, was reborn from the ashes, because during the war rzhev was almost completely wiped off the face of the earth. this is exactly what it sounds like. yes, it looks like there’s something in this place, oops, in the partisan detachments there were pigeons, scouts, demolition men walked around with pigeons, but why with pigeons? what if the walkie-talkie went wrong? now i’ll need to get into the right stance, i’ll make my hands look like a house, that’s where this expression comes from: i’m in the house, i’m in the house, guys, i’m in the house, that’s it, one of the main symbols city, rzhev, the red boots of prince
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vladimir, you make one boot, i make the second boot, a knot is tied, and one and two three, and it throws up, oops, falls, two at once, the life of your own, the premiere on may 5 at the first. local products also evoke special emotions among chefs. the chefs go to the market. artyom, what do you need today? i will need mint, i will need green onions and dill inflorescences. what will you do with dill inflorescences? listen, they are now in their very dawn of aroma and taste, i will add them to the stew pryl porridge with lamb, and it will be simply amazing. i will take. a little garlic, a couple, three good lemons, i need a little mint, i’ll also need five red onions, hello, tell us
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about the fish, this is local, all the fish are ladoga, all ladoga, cool, i think i’ll take three fillets in maple syrup, it’s quite hard, yes, great, just what you need. do you have any local honey here, i have korean flower honey there, great, i saw some incredible product from you, this is a sausage made from elk meat, and i want to buy it from you, please tell me where it is produced - the city of petrozavod skareliya, very cool, this is a local local product, class, look, shabelle, yeah, it’s so non-acidic, very grassy , soft, let's... i'll take all four bags from you and you have blueberries, lingonberries and lingonberries in general, space is what we need, here are two of these trays, we'll take
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the dried mushrooms from you - 700 thousand karelian truffle 500 uh-huh karelian truffle , wow, how much these foxes cost 500 i i’m taking away from us the entire set of products from which we will cook, completely local, yes, this is very cool, another master class of karelian cuisine awaits the capital’s stars, brand chef of the restaurant gustav winter alexander aristov , the pride of karelia, realizes all his love for local products in an incredibly refined restaurant overlooking ladoga. the first thing i want to note is that the restaurant is very beautiful. our restaurant is conceptual, we try to introduce our guests to the karilian classics, we have modernized it a little, done. i think it’s quite interesting, thereby we are developing such gastrotourism in this direction, now in front of you is a set of our wickets: the first wicket with burbot liver, we
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supplement this wicket with onion jam, then we have a batch like this salad, there burbot liver, again, chicken egg and homemade aioli, very cool taste, everything works well with each other, sugar, salt and... density and quite a powerful protein taste, i really liked it, i really like the fact that the wicket is fresh and good a proven balance of taste, the second i suggest trying smoked trout, crushed potatoes with herbs, then young cheese, fresh cucumber tartare and smoked farm trout, you do it in an unusual presentation with karelian chic, i really liked it and it’s cool, thank you, final wicket from our set with porcini mushrooms, we... glaze the mushrooms a little in the mushroom sauce and then add fresh popcorn on top for crunch interestingly delicious i liked
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the next dish one of the most popular soups on our menu, this is yushka with ladoga fish and white sea shrimp, probably a cool and even downright sweet broth, it’s really cool, it has a rich amber color, which is appetizing, here are smoked fish frames, this is pike perch trout, the two most popular fish of this region, along with vegetables, it’s all languishing until 12 o'clock little by little, slowly, at the end we lower the burning log there. to give this such a smoky flavor, i think it turned out phenomenally, the last dish of our tasting today, yes, it will be a dessert, we called it a rug, but it’s not exactly like that, there is something here between a rug and a honey cake, our dough here is really gingerbread, we roll it out very thinly, we have quite a lot of layers, but there are more than twenty, between the layers it is sour cream, which is probably more like honey cake, we serve it with
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two sauces, the first is ice cream.
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from these herbs there will be picarina on top when serving, but the main thing is that i won’t cook pearl barley porridge in the traditional version, i will cook it as a mener risotto, i’m sure it will turn out great, i’m interested in hearing, what did you come up with, i decided to take local deer, so i’ll make tartare out of it, i’ll add fiber from fish, in addition to all this, i took local lingonberries and blueberries, of course, i’ll have them now. i’ll ferment it, when it combines, it will be sour, sweet, and a little bitter at the same time, well, let’s rush? come on, good luck! first of all , let's cut it into tartare, then melt it, and add our wing porridge, and first of all, i'll start cutting the tartare from our deer, we've now dried it, cut it into plates, freeze them a little for in order for the cube to be perfect, i am now
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doing it. granite, it absorbed all the juices and turned into a porridge, like frapé, like cake, as soon as everything drains, we will squeeze out our ice and break it again to take out the maximum of all the flavors from it, we will mash our fish into fiber , let's distribute it a little and roll it a little, here is our lamb, now we will warm it up in chicken broth
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so that it becomes even... softer, directly disintegrates, generally as much as possible into fibers, and we move on to pearl barley, now we will start simmering it, fry it over low heat in pouring oil, gradually raising the temperature so that our pearl barley gets a little color, only after that you can fill it with broth, add butter and start cooking in the manner of szot. we have already chopped our yalta onion, now we will add a little beet juice to it, so that it gets a cool color, in addition to all this, we will add a little apple juice here. vinegar and run through a vacuum so that the onions absorb all the color of the beets, lamb went into porridge, now we stir it, then at the end we will add our herbs, it will be amazing, let’s move on to preparing our fiber, take this dried pulp, it’s like we’re rolling a ball, it turns out to be a very fluffy fish, you’ve finished the artyom, and look, it’s cooked a whole vat of perlotto, chefs, how are you doing? at
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the finish line, and i already have everything ready, do you want us to try? yes, of course, now i ’ll make you a mini-version of the final serving, that’s it guys, try it, i think it turned out great, thank you very much for provided us with his kitchen, and be sure to come tomorrow, your opinion will be especially valuable to us, see you tomorrow, happily. usually, on the eve of a battle, chefs think about how to spend the evening in order to recharge, but there’s nothing to think about in sorted, because here nearby you can recharge, not just for the battle, for life. this is one of the main places of power, the island of valaam. there is a great monument to russian history and russianness on it.
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it is not a monastic population, it even exceeds the monastic population, and as such there is no longer a secular settlement of some kind of village here, i heard that you have a farm here, what do you grow, what do you produce? we grow a lot of things, but probably the most important thing for
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which the fields are plowed is that we have preserved the dairy farm, it is in a modern design, it brings us cheese, we can treat you with cheese, we would love to try it, if possible. and on our dairy farm, what kind of livestock are there, about forty milking cows, but in general up to 70 heads, well, it is constantly renewed, it doesn’t matter, that is , somehow new cows grow up, they are adapted to the north here, they tolerate ours well karelian conditions, the cows are friendly, you can touch them, you can stroke them, in general they like to listen to music, and what kind of music they listen to, there is a speaker here. sometimes they turn on classical music, or the shepherd, he knows how to play the pipe, and accordingly he does this when he is grazing, you are also terrible, they are completely tame, that is, from the very first days , cows communicate with humans, get used to
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hands, that’s why they grow quite friendly, not at all aggressive, we are in the cellar where real heads of vlam cheese are ripening, but looking at them is of course it’s great, but the most important thing for us is to try them with pleasure. we have several varieties of cheese, hard and semi-hard and soft, and of course, each cheese is unique, so we are not chasing any specific name of european cheese, but to fake it, remake it in our own way, but of course, these cheeses were mainly inspired by some italian samples or even swiss, what kind of cheese are we going to try now, volamsky, which... with swiss, yeah, interesting, very tasty, it’s very good, and this is very tasty, father mark, thank you very much, this is an amazing product that impressed us, well
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, man will not live by bread alone or raw bread alone, let's continue our acquaintance with the monastery, let's go, with pleasure, please, we are with you now in the very... in the center of valaam, on the central estate, the cathedral of st. sergius and herman was built here, the transfiguration cathedral was built above it, this is our heart of valaam, where our most important shrines are located, the valaam icon of the mother of god, the shrine of st. sergei herman, so i i suggest you go there without delay to get acquainted.
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around valam lies the largest lake in europe, ladazhskoe, near its shores there is a whole archipelago of small rocky islands called skerries. we are wet, but not broken. i talked to our captain and he told very interesting stories about these skerries. in the early 2000s for these. in kerakh, robinsonism was practiced, everyone was taken here, they were given an ax, matches, and there was salt, sugar, tea, everything, for exactly one month, i think we need to feel and to experience robinsonson for ourselves, we need to ask our captain to moor, yes, yes, this is incredibly interesting.
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incredibly beautiful, yes, such views open up, now, being on this island, when we are already wet through, getting here, you feel some kind of unity with nature, the day we had today is imprinted for the rest of my life. the day really turned out to be wonderful, but the next one will be no worse, early in the morning, the chefs are in the foottruck preparing for the battle. so, lev, look, we already have a long line of people, let's go, probably say hello, tell us, come on, let's go out, hello everyone! i prepared you today an isoline tortar, but it’s not quite
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ordinary, we took local trout, trout has one secret, we made cotton wool out of it, and this cotton wool is like candy, but only with the taste of smoked fish, i called this dish cotton deer, i prepared stewed pearl barley porridge with stewed lamb cream from karelian herbs, the name is pearl barley... pearl, so my porridge will be called karelian pearl, you are hungry, we are ready to feed you, hello, hello, for those who haven’t seen it, it’s great here, a great city, cool people, it’s a pleasure. so, what a big family,
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guys, bon appetit to you, come on, come on, oops, we hope the karelian air, the freshest on earth, has invigorated us incredibly, the freshest, charge us with a bunch of positive emotions, energy, and today we give it to you through food , thank you, a fan of tartars, this is just my dish, this is the sourness, plus trout cotton wool, venison meat, this is tartar, which... is enough in my kitchen, i really love pearl barley porridge in different versions, i tried this combination of lamb and pearl barley for the first time, the chefs are so young, i think they are all old grandfathers already, this is not in russia, in russia everyone is young and perky, thank you very much, good mood, hello, captain, here you go, hello , here you go, bon appetit to you, hello, hello, so cute , so cute, we thought only people with big
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bellies happen, those who work a lot don’t have a belly, as they say, but those who do have it, it sucks in, good good mood to you, bon appetit, very tasty for me too i like meat, i want more, i liked this cheese, it tastes like salted fish, my mother doesn’t cook this, i haven’t eaten porridge at all for many years, but i ate this porridge with pleasure, the tartare is wonderful, i didn’t think it was from karivel i...
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but at the same time quite light, i want to thank you, and i thank you, it feels like you are great professionals, guys, really, everything is very cool, everything is balanced, and i also wanted to note that even these two dishes, they go together , that is, you try the tartare first, then you eat hot porridge, they interact very well together, it seems to me that you succeeded. here is karelia as it is, multifaceted, where rocks are combined with forests, water is combined with a sandy shore, so everything here was karelian, just like it should be, thank you, thank you very much, very nice, very amazing combination fish and meat at the same time, but this is such a call from the ancestors, to try raw meat and , moreover, with fish, a combination of berries, it seems to me, very unusual, well, tender lamb, in pearl barley, simply divine, today you have a duet that can be called karelia
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on plates, the porridge is amazing, tender, multi-faceted in taste, despite your... funny and cheesy name, but the taste of deer is really strict, powerful, its berries are simply rocks with delight, thank you very much, friends, let's go vote, we are very interested in whose dish you liked more, special thanks for the pearl barley, it was very brave, it was very brave, i vote for tartar, because it solves the problem. choice, a very difficult choice, in fact, but i’ll probably vote for kasa, i really love porridge, i just adore it, but this porridge, all my expectations just happened,
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so i’ll vote for it, thank you, in general it’s not very good, but i really liked how it’s done, thank you very much, thank you, but i’ll still vote for it. we need to count the votes, let's see what we have in the end, i have. 24, how much do you have? you win by one vote. wow, this is very nice, it has started, thank you very much for receiving us so warmly, it was a pleasure for us to cook for you, but we received the main emotions and energy from those people we met in this
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region, so first of all, thank you all, thank you, well, we need to move on, let's go! bye everyone! today the residents of startavala could say: dasha the deer is our food. the deer turned out to be tastier. gleb geiger won. emotions are really running high. a crazy city with crazy energy has started. i really liked everything. what beautiful lands, what delicious products. let's stick a coat of arms and immortalize ourselves on this van. look, how many. there have already been cities, but how many more are there to come? let's go further, let's go!
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hello, we saw a video on air, this is a television beauty salon. when watching our program, wrinkles are smoothed out and gray hair disappears. get ready, we are starting the procedures, here are the videos we will use today. a puppy who dreamed
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of being given a child. and the team stay alone. and why you can’t give up, even when everyone around you has turned away. let's be honest, if an adult gives a child a dog, it means he wanted it more than child. in general, the harsh truth and a cute video on the first channel. oh, this is wonderful, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, amazing,
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oh, i always say that behind every video there is an incredible story, we will hear one of them now, in our studio valeria, daniil, nicole and mia , as well as krepysh from st. petersburg, all the guys came to us, in fact, it seems to me that this is one of the most incredible mornings, and for children, when they are given such gifts, how did you come to this, well, exactly if.. . to talk about this morning, then we it was a very spontaneous decision, to me. it seems that getting a dog is very difficult, because we were driving here, in my opinion, and nikul really asked us for a dog and yes, she always really wanted a dog, we found something on the way, called each other, agreed, so we went and i just wanted to give it to her in the morning so that she would wake up just like that, i imagined all this in my head and at night i think we went after him and all night. we hid a two-story house and on the first floor we hid him, because he was there, i slept with him, so that he would not scream, so that he would not bark,
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my daughter was just sleeping upstairs, and why did they choose this particular breed, because i read and chose a lot, it was important for us that this breed was very suitable for children, so that we could safely trust that it would never bite, and so it happened , we found the most, it seems to me, peace-loving dog, he would never bite,
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we got a cat, it was a british chinchilla, we loved him very much, then i got pregnant, nicole was born to us, they grew up together with this cat, it seems to me that , such a cat that no longer exists at all, because he was also very kind, he would never bite anyone, in fact he participated in all our videos, but unfortunately we had such a tragedy, our apartment burned down, just the wiring, yes, in general, we could not save the cat. he died, we had a very hard time with it all, especially our daughter, she missed him very much, at some point she began to ask for a friend, a dog,
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she asked for a very long time, it was difficult for us to decide, because we did not have our own home , animals are not allowed to rent , we had a hard time reaching an agreement with the owner the house we are renting now, because animals are generally not allowed there, well , for her sake, she really wanted and for us it was a big responsibility to take a dog, because it’s like a third child, we already have two.
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i just want to eat my own apple, that’s how to actually resolve this contradiction, after all, give me two apples, but of course, someone else’s apple is always sweeter, yes, yeah, you said at the very beginning that the cat took part in your filming? yes, that is, you are bloggers, yes, you make videos, on what topic, family, how long ago they started doing this,
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about 3 years ago, and i was sitting at home with '.
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it looks like he’s no longer painting on the go, that’s good, yes, on the asphalt with chalk, you’re drawing summer.
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the gentle sea, you touch it with your palm, and the poplar fluff, the heat and oh, the nights are so starry, you understand that the first kiss is because dad loves you, the poplar fart, the heat, july.
1:10 pm
why are not you sleeping? why aren't you sleeping? why lie down? it can be turned on. marina, this is not your first time visiting us, but we remember that you have a cat, i had a cat, well, my cat lived for 17 years, very intense life, she traveled with us on all types of transport, flew on planes, on trains, sailed on ships, and so on.


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