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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  April 29, 2024 6:00pm-6:21pm MSK

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homer voluntarily went to the swedes, refused to join the ranks, we’re not falling apart, but it seems like ours, what are we doing? hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. the banner of victory over semyonovka, the american abrams liberated by russian units. exclusive footage in detail. our soldiers pulled the tank out of the battlefield. soon it
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will appear at the trophy exhibition in moscow. supply ukraine without thinking about our own arsenals. the general secretary in kiev is trying to convince europe to give up the latter, and zelensky wants ten-year guarantees from the united states. 27 million trees in memory of everyone who died in the great patriotic war. everyone can take part in the annual event on may 9, the garden of memory. detained by the police in a sexual harassment case. placed in custody, the investigation has been going on for several years, but what could have changed now, a gift from nature, the weather in the coming days is like order, it’s warm in moscow, but not for long, in western siberia a hurricane wind tore off roofs and overturned shopping tents. the russian military liberated the village of semyonovka in the donetsk people's republic, west of avdeevka, and the front is gradually moving even further away from donetsk to the side. dnieper.
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the red banner has already been raised over semyonovka. in this direction, our troops defeated the forces of four ukrainian brigades, as well as a unit of mercenaries. the enemy suffers huge losses of about a thousand militants per day along the entire line of combat contact. operational-tactical aviation, missiles, troops and artillery destroyed a drone assembly shop, as well as enemy personnel and military equipment, including western ones, in 10 regions. the fact that nato technology is good it's already burning. not news, reports regularly come from the front about the destruction of western artillery systems, infantry fighting vehicles and tanks, including abrams, on which the kiev regime placed special hopes, but the vaunted americans did not become a salvation; on the contrary, after the loss of a significant part of the vehicles, an urgent order came from washington remove abrams from the front so as not to embarrass yourself, and our engineers now have a great opportunity to study this tank thoroughly, one of these was successfully evacuated by our soldiers, it was a difficult operation, the enemy tried to...
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2 it is known that the roof and its turret are one of the most vulnerable places, and underneath it is stowage of ammunition. the armor plate over the bc on this car was blown away by the wind. the so-called barbecues, visors from fpvidrons welded on top , are not installed on american tanks in the ssu, perhaps as a matter of principle, hoping for the rap protection of the advertised armor. at this point we clearly see the vaunted nato armor, with an ordinary cumulative shot, it is burned right through. it was not dangerous to evacuate a damaged abandoned american tank to the ssu during the offensive on...
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open terrain 3 km from the enemy in the current conditions, consider the drones of the ukrainian armed forces and reconnaissance drones constantly in the sky, they tried to prevent our soldiers from approaching the tank, evacuation is a whole operation, engineering work, reconnaissance, their hooks for evacuation are completely different, the cables are different, then i had to eat with improvised means and... military savvy, figure out how to get hold of myself, during the evacuation about eight cables were broken, it all took three days, on the first night during the inspection it turned out that the tank had exploded the drive wheel was jammed, it blocked the entire movement, it was necessary to remove the track, and this was already done by the engineers of the group of troops-center, who also participated in the evacuation, calculated and laid two charges, the shoes were undermined, initially they were laid on top, and then from below, so that the caterpillar track could rotate laid. the charge, just like that,
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they planted a charge, carried out a detonation, the enemy noticed, attacked them with pividrons, they had to retreat to return again on the second night , a large ukrainian drone was already on duty in the sky, the so-called babaega, which is capable of... carrying several mines, we had to retreat again, on the third day we decided to go not at night, but during the day, we pulled out this object with three tractors, in broad daylight the enemy lost his vigilance or decided that we were scared, already we will not return for him, the military ingenuity, courage and courage of the fighters of the group of troops-center returned in the afternoon, as they call it insolently, there are no clouds in the sky, the enemy clearly did not expect this, he realized it late, when abrams had already been dragged several kilometers into...
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movement, a person opens the shutter, takes out ammunition from there, delivers it, after which a shot occurs. our tanks have conveyor loading, a crew of three people, here there are four, and are armed with a 120-mm smoothbore cannon, coaxial with a machine gun , and two more anti-aircraft machine guns. the anti-aircraft machine gun is manually controlled, the second, their machine gun is uninhabited, that is, it is controlled from the inside. yeah, but here we need to get out, and get out and introduce fire. management, the driver-mechanic is located here, as it became known, last week the remaining abrams tanks due to the threat of defeat in order to, together with the american military , develop new tactics for their use. in total, 31 abrams tanks were delivered to ukraine, all of them have numbers, let’s say
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ukraine is 0.28, that is, this is the twenty-eighth tank, but for us the first evacuated. evgeny lyamin, dmitry kachurin, nikita sebastyanov, larisa nikitina and maxim kulefeev, channel one. donbass, this same abrams, will very soon be in moscow, will become an exhibit of an exhibition of trophies captured in the special operation zone, it will open on may 1 victory museum on poklonnaya hill, there is a rich collection of 30 samples of nato equipment, among them a leopard tank and a bmp marder made in germany, an american bradley armored vehicle, a swedish bmp cv90 and a french amx10, as well as military suvs, howitzers, they will also show foreign small arms and more . all together as an answer to the question of who is fighting against russia and with whose hands. it’s interesting to see what kind of equipment the enemies came to us with, now it’s here, there’s no limit to the outrage over these flags, these designations,
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where does all this come from, they are very outraged that the whole world does not understand what they are doing. thanks to our guys for making this happen. are fighting so that we have a peaceful sky above our heads, the burial of civilians with traces of torture was discovered in avdiivka, the investigative committee reported this today, specialists are already working on the spot to establish all the circumstances, as well as those involved in the commission of this monstrous crime . the city was for a long time under the control of the kiev regime, which tried to make it an impregnable fortress. after after the liberation and escape of zelensky's militants, many facts were revealed about the horrors that were happening there. every crime will be...
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solidarity with the author, he wrote briefly and clearly: this is madness, eternal war. end of quote. and in the wake of the ukrainian crisis, a tough response from china to the us secretary of state. beijing will not tolerate pressure to interfere with its legitimate interests. this is about the statements of antony
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blinken, who, while recently visiting china, accused the country of supporting the russian defense industry and threatened new sanctions, if china - quote, will not solve the problem. beijing has made this very clear. china's right to normal trade and economic relations on the basis of equality of mutual benefit with all countries, including russia, should not be undermined, while... the first detachment of activists of the young guard of united russia and the volunteer company. there are more than 50 people, they will help local residents,
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work in hospitals, and they are not going empty -handed. may 9 is coming soon, volunteers have prepared a festive program, and easter is still ahead, the detachment is bringing refreshments. the guys will donate hundreds of easter cakes to soldiers, hospital staff and hospitals. we will deliver easter cakes to people of the older generation, veterans and large families. in addition, we will continue the cycle of festive events for victory day. volunteers will congratulate veterans of the great patriotic war, provide them with targeted support, and we will also distribute thousands of st. george ribbons on city streets. another event dedicated to may 9 is the garden of memory. every year more and more people join it people, not only in our country, but abroad, and the participants are united by a common goal - to preserve the memory of the heroes who fell during the great patriotic war. gardens are also created under the windows of veterans. report by dalmira beryukova. veteran mitrofan fedorovich moskalev greets the guests, shows the volunteers the front garden in front of the house, tulips have already bloomed here, the guys brought
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young trees, they are being planted in the yards of veterans as part of the memorial garden campaign. we first consulted with olga mitrofanovna about what we would plant. tuyu was the best option, ever green, will always please. mitrafan moskalev was only 12 when the nazis bombed the voronezh garden of pioneers, where he and his peers had gathered for a holiday, and dropped several bombs from airplanes. hundreds of children died, the nazis then set the task of wiping voronezh from the face of the earth, after carpet bombing, out of 20 thousand residential buildings, 18 thousand were destroyed, voronizh teenagers, defending the city, created duty detachments, began to bomb, burn voronezh, so again, we boys and girls were mobilized for extinguishing these incendiary bombs, we had girls on duty in the attics in the yard, and when the bomb fell and pierced the roof, it... buzzes, you know what his temperature was, we grabbed it, we were given long, metal tongs,
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tarpaulins of mittens, we grabbed it whichever was closer, either sand or water, extinguished it. the idea of ​​a memory garden was also supported by residents of new regions. today, each of us can plant a tree; the necessary equipment will be provided by victory volunteers. over the 5 years of the campaign , the hundred millionth tree has already been planted in the forests of the voronezh region. this year they plan to plant another 1800 seedlings of black poplar crimean pine. the promotion is international every year. all over the country, 27 million trees are planted abroad in memory of everyone who died during the great patriotic war. people across the country are preparing for may 9th. in voronezh , volunteers write letters to veterans: discreet front-line triangles or colorful postcards. the guys try to put a piece of their soul into every line. what they need now is our communication, that is, phone calls, just to find out how they are doing. we will help them around the house. that is, we wash the windows, we we clean the garden plots and bring medicine. and of course,
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thank you, gerardie was taken into custody in france today. allegations of sexual
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harassment have been made. the story itself is not new, the investigation has been going on for many years, the yellow press has been covering up the details, and the deportee himself claims that he was slandered. ivan blagoy tried to understand why he was detained now. journalists surrounded the lawyer who arrived at the central police station of the 14th arrondissement of paris.
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filming of the film greens and shutters. it was released in 2022. the second, supposed the injured assistant director during the filming of the short film mak and the siamese, which took place in 2014. according to the french press, the women, without talking to each other, filed an application for the actor at the end of last year. in december , an information bomb exploded in france. the franz-2 tv channel released an investigation film with previously unknown footage. gerard depardieu, savoring the reaction of the girl who was nearby, says obscenities to her and looks extremely pleased. the video is not fresh, it was recorded back in 2018 during the actor’s trip to north korea, however, the scandal was loud, since the episode was considered solely in the context of the then existing accusations against depardieu. 2020 deportier is under investigation for rape , with more than a dozen charges of
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sexual offenses against him. the actor himself tried not to speak out on the explosive topic for a long time, but in january 23rd newspaper. entitled so, i finally want to publish his open letter, to share my truth. i have never, ever abused a woman. offending a woman is it's like kicking your own mother in the stomach. the saint does not pretend to be, but loves women, loves life, however, according to his lawyer, the actor denies all charges that may fall under criminal law. serano da bergerac, edmond dantes, rasputin, tireless obelix. pardee, one of the most famous living french actors in our country. remember the brilliant comedic tandem depardieu richard, this is the golden film library of the gaumont studio. since 2020 , a campaign of public censure has been launched against the actor, or in the opinion the french president is being bullied. the press has its own life, such stories sell well, but as a result, in the information noise it becomes very difficult to separate real events from someone’s selfish interests. so the actor johnny dep in 2018 was
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called a wife beater by the sun tabloid. media attacks cost him his role and his contract with the producer. perfumery, it all ended only with a won libel case against his ex-wife. another example of kevin spacey: accusations of sexual harassment on the acting career of the media put an end to 2017. the reason was an episode that allegedly happened back in the mid-eighties, only last year, the court acquitted space in that case, his life was actually destroyed. last week it became known that the verdict in one of the cases against the main sex offender in the film world, producer harvey weinstein, was overturned due to drinking mistakes, of course. does not mean that weinstein is not guilty, but it does make you think about the influence that social media companies can have even on the quality of legal proceedings. ivan good, dmitry volkov, lyubov dmitriva, dalia serzhidinova, sergey valetov, channel one. forecasters today warned residents of the capital region about a sharp cold snap in the second half of the week. on friday
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the temperature will not exceed 10°c. but the long weekend continues to delight us with almost summer temperatures. tomorrow it will reach +23, and on may 1, like today, it will be about 20 degrees celsius. but today such footage came from omsk, in the city of hurricane wind, a sales tent was demolished by its gust. at that moment , a woman was passing nearby, whom she knocked down, the victim suffered serious injuries. the wind caused trouble in tyumen; eyewitnesses share footage of pieces of sheathing and a metal fence flying. well, there are tornadoes raging across the ocean. five people died in oklahoma, the wind was so strong that... it threw trucks into the sky, a truck trailer crashed right onto the road in front of other cars, several small towns were literally wiped out by the hurricane. let's return to moscow, a big event at the capital's zoo, an outdoor enclosure for katyusha was opened there today, this is the next stage in the life of a little panda, as experts say, she has already grown up enough,
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katyusha, although she has not yet come out for fresh air, preferred to stay in a closed enclosure, so her mother din din, gladly went to... the space for pant was prepared taking into account the recommendations a specialist from china who has been monitoring katyusha since birth, she is now 8 months old, and although she still drinks milk, she has already begun to chew bamboo much more often.


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