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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 30, 2024 1:45am-2:31am MSK

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that it seems like this is a boy, and like a boy he perceives these savior’s sheets, the savior died, yes, but he understands that this is just like that, this is for a while, and right now .
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he has a great sense of responsibility, masculine charm and masculine self-confidence, the man lifts dumbbells every morning, it’s a great pleasure, i’ll tell you, this is the gym, it’s amazing, he works out, he keeps in shape, he’s very efficient, but he gets tired , but he can’t live without it, i believe in omens, probably all actors believe, but in the black eye, so... we have to spit. tfu-tfu-tfu. to the eighty-fifth birthday of leonid konevsky. may 2 on the first. three chords. new season. 5 may. on the first. singer, composer, musician alexey podubny, django. archimandrite simeon, associate professor of the moscow theological academy, i am vladimir ligoida. we gathered our thoughts about holy week. we continue.
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his brothers betrayed him into slavery, in general they wanted to kill him, yes, but there one of the brothers put in a word for him and it was as if he was sold into slavery, yes, but in essence he was, as it were, for them died, but they brought it to his father, showed hope to the blood, but his father was sure that he died, and in fact he really was in egypt, he should have died there in all respects, and after all, he later ended up in prison, but he you also understand, here... there
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is a very interesting chant, where is that egyptian woman, he was with a high-ranking official, let's say, egyptian, in the house, the wife of this master of his was harassing him, yes, beautiful, beautiful, at ian zlatous there is an amazing sermon, that's how much it is she arranged it in such a way that he could not evade this - a sinful union with her, and she was all covered in aromas, he was there alone in the house, she was alone. yes, she caught him and, so to speak, forcibly attracted him to this, and he still broke away from her, but this woman is compared to the second eve, and it turns out joseph, then the second adam, the man who overcame this temptation, yes, yes , which, that a person has the strength to overcome, this is even the most terrible test, i ca n’t describe it in such colors, what do you think, well, this impossible for a man, yes, a young man who is still in a dependent position, this is his mistress, and as if no one would know about it, but he overcomes this temptation, but
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just like that he could win, yes, that is, this is the second adam, how christ is usually called the second adam, and therefore this is a prototype in this case, that is, the old testament in general, how we read a lot in the old testament, and how the prototype is absolutely correct, joseph is wonderful, but here we can talk a lot about him, he is with from different sides it really turns out like this a prototype of christ, despite the fact that he was a simple man, yes, this is a very important point, that a person is able, he has spiritual strength to... overcome sin, this is very important, yes, i still remember on monday fig tree, parable about the fig tree, when christ, not even a parable, actually an episode, yes, when christ cursed the fig tree, it is not clear why, because there was no fruit on it, but there was no time for fruit, there is also a very interesting interpretation of the holy fathers that the fig tree itself was the one the tree from which the first people ate the forbidden fruit, yes, because then they dressed themselves with fig leaves, yes, as they say, in the book of the bible, that is...
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art as a tree, let the apple tree and the apple appear, i have come across different explanations this, someone says that there are similar words in latin, apple and sin, maus and maum, someone says that it gives other versions, but in fact the book of butia does not tell us what was there, what kind of simple says the fruit, yes, but there is such an explanation, tuesday, yes, great tuesday, by the way, say, after all, every day of holy week is called great, yes, here is great monday, great tuesday, and here
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the parable really comes to mind, yes, yes, the parable of the ten virgins about the talents, the 10 virgins who were with the lamps, yes, here they are , yes fell asleep, but this is james tesohu. the artist, these are the wise ones, he also has the foolish ones, that’s how it is, yeah, yes, yes, that is, here is a parable, it tells that, that is, the bride and groom are accompanied, well , this is now, by the way, customary in some countries at weddings, they accompany you as if friends and girlfriends, yes, brides, so they enter before the wedding feast, yes, but then five fell asleep, more and more precisely fell asleep, but five did not have enough oil to keep the lamps burning, they needed oil, yes, but... here the other five turned out to be burning lamps, this again brings us back to the idea of ​​the grace of god, which you still need to acquire in yourself during earthly life, it will not suddenly appear from nowhere , yes, that is, it must somehow be acquired about this by the venerable seraphim of sarov
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talked a lot about the actual purpose of human life yes, this is the acquisition of the holy spirit, and it was precisely this parable that he always emphasized, that is, even childhood is like...
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did it turn out well, but do you need me here? so i come and give concerts, for example, the guys were there recently, and i always say: well, well, well, well, we helped you with something , and so on, and they say: what are you doing, keep going, brother, keep going, you write songs, i recently wrote a song, and it’s about those guys who, who, who fight, and after the song they thank you, thank you, you wrote about us, we feel it, this one is on...
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lord, he doesn’t want this, he wants aspiration, so it seems to me that wednesday is a terrible day, a day of betrayal, well, also one of the medieval ones. the betrayal of judas, yes, a man whose name has become a household name, well , in general, it’s an amazing thing that in liturgical texts a lot of hymns are dedicated to judas, not only even wednesday, but also thursday, friday, even on saturday, well, saturday is no longer there, a lot, such an accent, even sometimes you wonder why there is so much about such, in general, a terrible traitor, why are we dedicating, and not by chance, we even before each communion we read, so that i don’t give you this kiss like judas, that is, it lives in us, apparently,
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this is like the sevenmitli, you don’t eat, yes, that is , there is some kind of corruption, some kind of this a craving, you know, for betrayal, it apparently can potentially be found in everyone, as in cain, yes, this is murder, yes, so this betrayal can somehow be reborn in us, so here are special acts, wednesday is always dedicated to by the way, i remember throughout the year. this betrayal of judas, closest disciple, whom christ himself chose, the most amazing thing, but these 12, well, who is the knower of the heart, god, yes, who created man, looked through all their personal affairs, yes, studied them carefully, because he says one of you, yes, but this is not it was predestined, yes, that is, after all, they all received the apostle’s power to heal the sick, raise the dead, lepers there, cleanse , and so on and all this. judas was also given, this is what they say in the hymns, what judas was deprived of you, you had all the gifts
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the same as the apostles, this is an amazing thing that always leaves me in awe, you know, friends, it’s interesting, i already said there about commercialism and something like this, like this wrong distribution of talents, here we are talking, tradition tells us that judas was a thief , yes, he kept the treasury there, but once one of my interlocutors said such an interesting thought, it seems to me, he said that pragmatism... such, yes, i read, in this case, commercialism, it is always fraught in the extreme betrayal and i at first somehow so, i began to resist, and then i thought that indeed, if you look at it extremely pragmatically, it means that if it’s a question of price, it means that your price will be picked up someday, yes, avoiding betrayal, yes - this is actually identifying yourself with this, maybe this is exactly what we just talked about, yes, yes, it’s deep, which can always turn into betrayal in the extreme, you know, looking at this picture and thinking about this betrayal of judas,
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it seems to me , the most important thing here is the actions of christ himself in relation to to him, realizing that he would do this, he went to fulfill his mission, so it seems to me that everything is somehow connected, that’s all, and the story about talents and so on, it all somehow merges together, here.. . any contradictions cease to exist, that ’s it, the very acceptance of this fact that this was a betrayal, but it led to the crucifixion and led to the resurrection, yes, but at the same time it was not such an event. predetermined, yes, where can i say, if there had not been betrayal, then there would not have been russian, because in principle, well, in fact , by and large, christ was easy to find, he himself says that i spoke in your squares all the time, that is, just judas. helped to do this a little more secretly, without popular indignation, without everything else,
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but if judas had not betrayed, then this would not have interfered with universal salvation, because there are such popular theories, unfortunately, and there and borhis, there and leonid andreev and others there, yes, that they say judas was fulfilling some kind of mission, but in fact this is absolutely not true, of course, in general , the motivation of judas is a separate topic for a big conversation and it is incomprehensible, in the service they also give different ones. yes, by the way, i apologize for interrupting, 30 pieces of silver is not that much money, even i myself said about pragmatism, but in my opinion this is the salary, as they say, for several months, but in what - not so much, well, there were obviously other motives, obviously envy, maybe sometimes, today we gathered our thoughts about holy week, archimandrite simeon, associate professor of the moscow theological academy, singer, composer, musician alexey is like django, i... we continue thursday, several important events are remembered on thursday,
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maundy thursday, yes, well, the most important thing, of course, is the last supper, yes, the establishment of the sacrament of the eucharist itself , which preceded the suffering of christ, but christ says, this is why i came, that is, in fact, this mission of the savior was to give himself, so that we could already here on earth eat his flesh and blood and thus join divine life. this is a cup of wine - this is my blood, which is shed for you for the remission of sins, in fact, each of our liturgy is a repetition of this last supper of the eucharist, so in a sense, even this is the central event, because this is what could be more , above, yes, when we take communion, how can we
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say, along with the apostles, but here we are participating, although they are, of course, at that moment. they probably don’t understand any of this, and yes, there is a feeling that here, of course, christ is stunningly depicted, it seems to me that he is in sadness, he is sad, apparently understanding subsequent events, you know, i would like to share this very recent feeling from my life, i’m sorry that i use this often now, but most likely just in the presence of such educated theologians. rather, i can say something from my life, as an ordinary, just an ordinary parishioner, as an ordinary believer, again at the front, we came with the guys with a concert, it turned out that there was a service, the liturgy was really going on, and i asked priest, who led the service, to allow me to
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communion, well, with the help of confession, there is a short collective confession and so on, he said, yes, okay, and i received this communion. and you feel it so strongly that when they say to you: here is the blood of christ, here is the flesh of christ, you perceive it very strongly at once, well, tears, it is so acute that this is , of course, the most important event that gives us this this is the day when the last supper took place, when these words were spoken, actions were taken, here is my flesh, here... here is my passionate blood friday, this is probably the most, yes, the darkest, yes, the most tragic day of the year is considered, in general, according to strict regulations , such a fast is prescribed, the strictest, yes, who can not eat food at all before sunset, yes, because it is the day of the crucifixion
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of the savior, although in the english tradition it is good friday, yes it is good friday, but precisely because. she brought salvation to the world, but here this ambivalence, it manifests itself again, that we understand how scary it is, in mel’s mentioned film gibson, this is how clearly it is shown, what exactly happened, how this is ivan ilyevich glazunov, christ before pilate, this episode is depicted, but actually in our tradition, of course, there is no such naturalistic image, but we are somehow more, that is.. we just imagine some kind of physical torment, there is not only physical suffering, after all, this is a terrible tuskaman garden, because christ felt that he was dying for the sins of the whole world, for our sins, for mine there. yes, for all other people, and this is what it is, well, it’s hard for us to imagine, but this is of course suffering, so we talked about the secret
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of the evening, why christ is sad, well , after all, this is his closest disciple, judas... that is, christ worries about them, well, how can it be, they don’t see what is said in the scripture, all these predictions, now they come true, they crucify him, yes, that’s why these torments, they are by no means only physical, i think that there, of course, but, but at the same time it’s really scary physical torture, firstly, and not only physical, firstly, a shameful execution, yes,
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only slaves, roman citizens, could not be executed on the cross, and, by the way, execution without permission, so to speak, of the occupying power , and well, pilate is there too a separate big topic, probably today no one would know that there was such a person, if some incomprehensible preacher had not been brought to him, yes, but today we remember, and then the events on the cross, and also, where each a second, she actually gives it to us a huge number of meanings. two robbers on the right and on the left, yes, one of them will hear that today you will be with me in heaven, yes words, it always seems to me that here we are talking about mercy, but the society in which all this... happened and others society of that time, it can hardly be said that somewhere mercy was a virtue, but we admire there, i don’t know, antiquity, the ancient greeks, philosophers, but mercy
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for the ancients is some kind of woman’s story, a greek must have enemies , he must finish them off, this phrase “they don’t know what are doing,” yes, that is, the greatest event in human history is taking place, the soldiers are sharing this one with me, i’ll take this clothes, this one, it just doesn’t fit in our heads, but it... it was somehow in the order of things, then what needs to be done, of course, take it, let's share it with you, this, this for me, but at the same time longen sotnik, one of those who stood, he just saw, because well, the stones were opening there, there was thunder, lightning, yes, all this, and the way christ behaves, for him it gives such an impression that this a stern roman legionnaire, so alien to all sentimentality, he says, this is the son, this is the real god, he suffers, yes, and he gains. the faith of the cross, therefore this is a metaphor for all humanity, yes, we all face suffering in one way or another in our lives, ultimately with death, we are, as it were, sentenced to death,
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no matter how you look at it, none of us will escape this, and we are all in to one degree or another, well , let's be honest, we will be criminals to some extent against god's law, yes, maybe not against human ones, but against the law of god is already exact, yes, so we are all , to some extent, those people who find ourselves on the cross next to christ, but how... we behave, that’s just different, then who, how they behave , this becomes the result of his life, or do you say, thank you, lord, for these sufferings, i am worthy of them, these are really the consequences of everything that i have done in life, exchange me for your kingdom, yes, that is, with faith accept this suffering with complacency, or you begin to blaspheme and make both your suffering and yours worse you decide your eternal fate with such rejection, it’s interesting here that verishchagin struck the night on calvary from behind, and in fact, the emphasis is still on people walking and different people, great saturday, which we are experiencing today, but
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you remembered shmilyov, but we know that now friday has passed, as the highest point for us, yes, so i thought, is it possible to say that for the apostles there could be a saturday, well , no less terrible than friday, because they still don’t know about sunday, yes they apparently don’t believe it, because they were afraid, they didn’t come, yes, and for them everything is everything, everything, everything, everything, everything is over, he died, they took him down from the cross, here we are burying, yes, burial, well , this mood, it seems to me, is very accurately conveyed, here bunin has this story, holy night, about ordinary peasants who on holy saturday, they go there instead of being there for service, they go somewhere there to get hired for work, they have such a hard life, that’s it... such an unsightly situation, they are also hungry there, but they have some kind of inner feeling that something a great light is born, but behind everything, behind
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all this ugliness, yes, it’s amazing that he somehow conveyed it precisely at the level of some kind of general feeling, not at the level of some idea, yes, because after all this really not not an idea, but this is the life-giving force itself, yes, which the apostles really did not know, for them it was me... i agree that probably for them it was generally the most terrible day, when they saw such complete devastation, yes now the horror of this terrible death has passed, but it’s still here is the attitude, here the teacher is suffering, yes, and now the abyss has opened up for them, because he is not there, that’s it, this is the first day without him, yes, he is still yesterday, we were with him, yes, or let us be there because we looked at the corner there, yes, now it’s all gone, that’s it, it’s all over, we went for 3 years, by the way, it’s interesting, yes, this one...
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yes, amazing symbolism, of course, friends, i would like to end our conversation or almost finish with a poem that my friend wrote, alexander sergeevich
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khodakovsky, if you allow me, i’ll try. his read: yes, he has risen, but he has not finished his hard journey on the cross, he is still walking, and next to him, striving for the heavenly palace, the crowd of onlookers is growing from century to century, we should stand next to him and put our hands up, take ourselves as a saint, a heavy cross, and to alleviate unimaginable torment, even if only a little, even if only with a small finger, but the terrible sight of cruel suffering,
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endured the reproach of the lost, uncomplainingly illuminating calvary, will demolish our pseudo-reverence, loving us forgiving us for everything. thank you, dear friends, well, we wish everyone to get through these difficult, important, most important days, probably with somehow really looking into yourself, yes, thank you for this conversation, singer, composer, musician, alexey podubny, django, archimandrite simeon. center of the moscow theological academy, i am vladimir ligoida, we were gathering thoughts and feelings about holy week. thank you for being with us. hello, you are watching precious stories. my name is ekaterina varkan visiting
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us. polenova, and today we will talk about this wonderful place, i can’t even imagine how we can fit all this vastness into such a small amount the time we have allotted today in our podcast, this is how it all began, my favorite story, natasha, you know, like vasily dmikovich polenov with his friend , a student.
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this is exactly the place called bekhovo, this is bekhovo, it absolutely captivated vasily dmitrievich, for what reasons? well , it seems to me that there is a combination of reasons: firstly, first of all, polenov did not really want to live in moscow from the very beginning; he grew up, as you probably know, in karelia, near petrozavodsk, from early childhood, he was attracted to nature, he was attracted to the coniferous
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forest, and he really really loved... these very pine trees, coniferous forests, and he really wanted to live somewhere far from the big city, but to his main idea of ​​​​enlightenment in the russian province , he came much later, having already settled in polenovo, initially he just wanted to be in nature, and of course tarusa played a big role in the fact that vasily dmitovich settled in these places, because ivan’s family had already settled in tarusa. he was captivated, he told his wife about how good it was there, and his wife natalya vasilyevna also writes in letters that is it really possible that the dream of staying in byokhovo, settling in byokhovo, living in byokhovo will come true with us, with them already
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... the idea was their house, their workshop, natalia vasilievna’s small office, that is , this whole dream, they had it somehow formed, all that was left was to buy the land. having looked at the estate of the bankrupt sablukova estate in bekhovo, vasily dmich gathered funds, yes, you are correct in saying that this coincided with the sale a large canvas, which of you is without sin or christ and the sinner is now in the russian museum in st. petersburg, the former imperial collection, and indeed, even before the opening day, the imperial family came to inspect the exhibition of the wanderers, and alexander ii became interested in it. canvas and agreed to buy this canvas, as they say, even for his billiard room, after vasil dmitich made such a very profitable deal for himself, 30,000 rubles, but with silver, that is, not just 30,000
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rub. 30,000 rub. in silver, this was a sufficiently significant amount for vasily dmich to be able to make this purchase of his entire life, to buy this estate. for the peasant community, buying land from the neighboring hill belonged at that moment to the peasant community was impossible, only an exchange, so the polenovs begin to exchange two dessiatines of arable land for one dessiatine of this bare, absolutely bare sandy hill, the entire estate is man-made, an architectural ensemble.
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students, his close friends, arrange there fireplace evenings, creative, literary evenings, could gather, as a result of this kind of creative unity , some new creative idea or some artistic direction could be born, why not, because we understand that polena is still a representative of the school of realism, and his students are already modern and...
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for the local community, and this is very important, because this, it seems to me, was the key to preserving the estate, preserving it, the peasants who came to vasilyevich, he led, he hosted them, he took them around excursions around his house, he himself was the first guide in his own house, he created his own exhibition and showed it, talked about it, but the collection of the house of vasily dmitrievich polyanov is... in general, well, originally a private collection collected by four generations before him, this of course, his father, of course, his grandfathers, his uncle, in general, all his relatives, right up to gabriel romanovich derzhavin, who
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wanted to raise him and about his grandmother, who started it all, who, as a child, took her grandchildren to the tambuv village, and a lot, by the way, paintings - landscapes by vasily dmitrovich remained from... and as a cold-blooded artist, the grandmother is undoubtedly difficult, here is her portrait of verna nikolaevna vaeikova, wonderful, on the one hand, the maid of honor of the empress, the grand lady, look how stunning she is, what her appearance is, on the other hand , a kind, sweet grandmother for her grandchildren, she was their real grandmother, it was she who remained a widow at 33 with three children, her husband, a hero of the war of the twelfth year... general alexey vasilyevich vaeikov died
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from his injuries, he participated v suvorov's crossing of the alps in the battle of borodino and so on, he was gone, she remained a widow with three children at the age of 33 , and devoted her entire life until the age of 80 to preserving the memory of her husband, raising first her children and then her grandchildren. i can’t find the marks on my neck. from the series from may 1st on the first, when i arrived in
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paris, i was not known. fashion seems to have frozen between the 70s and the 1970s, and within this there is a kind of fermentation going on. almost no one in our country has a reliable idea of ​​what couture is. this is a high hand sewing, high-class sewing, which is placed on a level with painting. i think he has all the qualities of a young fashion designer, i was once young myself, and what is especially attractive about him is his sense of fashion. the artist touches on the theme of dress costumes, most of the time in couture he gives preference to a large dress. how long does one collection last? in practice, she lives until the next fashion show, that is, 6 months. i liked it very much.
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continued naturally father dmitry vasilyevich, historian, archaeologist, and it is known that he took the children around, so to speak, provincial small towns, they visited fairs, which means that there were also sketches of the young log, the kremlin in novgorod, all sorts of, so to speak, stories about these trains, in fact, as i understand myself, from here from these visits to some provincial towns, the study of applied arts grew.
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she was very outstanding, immediately the parents noticed his talent, so to speak, artistic talent, so the parents greatly developed the creativity, creative orientation of their children, and succeeded here first of all, mother maria alekseevna, daughter of alexei vasilyevich and vaeikova and vera nikolaevna vaeikova, granddaughter of the architect lvov, as you understand, in those days a woman. did not work and could not, so to speak, participate in public life, she
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was raising children, but maria alekseevna, she herself was a good artist, as evidenced by the large collection of graphics from our museum, she took lessons from such an artist moldavsky, plus her husband knew karl brilov well, so in general they exchanged opinions in every possible way with creative intelligentsia, therefore... polenov from early childhood, his parents encouraged him very much, while traveling, his parents suggested that he also sketch, but they were a plus, of course.
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for example, a small crocodile, you come to our museum and see a small tiny crocodile, where is this favorite crocodile from, well, wonderful katya, this is not only your favorite crocodile, this is also the favorite crocodile of all our children's groups, and this is unexpected, yes, well this is where, for example, and in the art museum in such a general central place, absolutely true, and why it is in a central place, i will explain, because... during theatrical performances, when theatrical performances took place, it was lowered so that with the play of light it could increase and depict a dragon, for example, or something like that, that is, he took part in all sorts of family celebrations and
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theatrical performances, but so he is on display in a room called the library, and let’s not forget. that the emphasis is on the word o, it is believed that this is an old st. petersburg thing, not a library, but a library, that’s what we call this room, and here in front of the fireplace with the family coat of arms, with family heraldry, this little crocodile, he’s 13 years old, well, that’s what the experts say, in general crocodiles live up to 300 years, well, in fact, all these collections have always been available to the public, but today it is a museum, we understand this... accessible, but before, when it was, in general, a private house, it was still all open, these collections you could see people came, exactly so, when the house was built, vasily dmirovich polenov immediately displayed these collections of his, there really are a lot of collections, and there is painting, and archeology, and
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decorative and applied art, all this was done with amazing taste, because polenov - this is real...


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