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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 30, 2024 2:30am-3:16am MSK

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and archeology, and decorative and applied art, all this is done with amazing taste, because polenov is a real esthete, what can i say, his house speaks about it, his park speaks about it, his whole life, his destiny speaks about it, this is a man who lived according to the laws of aestheticism, beauty, well , in his absolute, so to speak, horizon and profile, and this is really a house.
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lermontov, and even wrote an entire opera, the ghosts of ellada, which was staged on the stage of the torus people's house, in tarusa, it was performed, and so to speak, we have before we have received the score of the ghosts of ilada, so we also sometimes performed it at the tula drama theater, at the kaluga drama theater, and the most grandiose collection in the museum is the collection of paintings, of course, but here it is very... interesting is also the fact that
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almost all the works - these are donations, that is , few purchased, these are friends, students, colleagues, they brought them to exactly like a museum, but on the contrary, i want to tell a story about a purchased item, in the largest room of the museum library, which is what we were talking about now, of course the key takes up space raven by viktor mikhailovich vosnitsov, this is a stunning panel, a stunning panel, written based on lermontov’s poem desire, why am i not a bird, not a steppe raven, flying over me now, vasily dmikovich polenov saw this picture just at a traveling exhibition, and knew that viktor mikhailovich vasnetsov, his student, will definitely give it to him, well, he really liked it, he paid attention to this canvas, but at the same time he seemed to wait for viktor mikhailovich. didn't find out about it and
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bought this painting because he said that the highest praise for a student will be that the teacher purchased his work, viktor mikhailovich vasnetsov said this when he finally found out that polenov bought this work, yes, there really is a collection of the polenov museum, it consists of, many things were donated, for example, there is such a picture, abramtsev ilya efim cherepin, it is depicted there.
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the collection that polenov collected either from gifts from his students, or even artists had such, there was such a tradition of exchanging works they liked, that is, if they liked some works, they could change, but vasily dmirievich polenov decided to buy a crow to support his student, but one can say that the star of this collection is the golden autumn of khristopateynaya, but polenov himself wrote it, no one gave it to him, and we are comparing landscapes today, one might say. you arrive, when you look to see if anything has changed, there ’s bekhova over there, by the way, in my opinion, you can see it, yes, this is exactly bekhova, and there’s also an old wooden church, this is before it was built, polenov seemed to have built the church in 1905, here’s the new one there was a stone church that we we now know and which we see now on this hill, this is a podcast with precious history, and today we are talking about the museum of the estate of vasily dmitrovich polenov.
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they told the crocodile, there is also a cannon, it is so surrounded by a collection of sabers, which, on the one hand, were a prop for painting some pictures for you, on the other. sides are props for staging, well, performances, but there is this cannon, which was most likely used for fireworks, a small one for the holidays, but there is also a unique saber, you told me, and this the unique saber was given by the montenegrin governor mashvorbitsa, vasily dmitrovich polenov, as if at the time of the turkish-serbian company in which polenov participated, polenov volunteered for the front.
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this is already in the russian-turkish company in the russian-turkish company, when, as it were , the turkish-serbian one had already passed into the russian-turkish one, and there, again, we spoke with you at the same headquarters there was grand duke alexander alexandrovich, who later became alexander ii, their good relationship may have played some role later in purchase, but they knew each other since childhood, because vera nikolaevna vaeikova is the widow of alexei vasilyevich vaeikova and the grandmother, grandmother of the polenov children. she had a certain status as the widow of a hero of the war of the year 12 and in general, so to speak, a grand lady, as i said, that’s why it allowed her and her grandchildren to relax in tsarskoye selo in the summer, and the polenov children played on the same
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playground, also with the imperial family , so there are also memories of this and polenov himself remembers this and remembers his son also talks about this, so they had contact from a very early age. but we will not forget to say here that we have already said that he volunteered, then it was called the russian-serbian-montenegrin war, and actively participated in the battles, has military, well-deserved military awards, and here we have them , this serbian such is the cross, and yes .
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well, as we would say now, yes, he worked as a special correspondent for the illustrated magazine bee, if we take the binder, yes, if we take a file for those years of this illustrated magazine bee, there are a lot of military sketches by vasily dmikovich polinov, there are convoys with the wounded, but these are pencil sketches, there is not a single large painting in the spirit of vereshchagin.
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what i want to say about why he didn’t depict the horrors of war, well, firstly, because vasilyich, after all, had a different credo, he was a landscape painter and we know very well his wonderful life-affirming paintings, the moscow courtyard, his grandmother’s garden, golden autumn, overgrown pond, yes, even all the paintings of the gospel cycle, they tell us about humanism, about goodness, about christian humility and, so to speak, some... and polenovskaya’s palette speaks about the joy of life, so i specially brought a small quote, it’s just, so to speak , excuse me that i don’t read it by heart, this is one of the most famous statements of vasily dmitrich polenov, but i will let you quote it in full, because it answers this question. polenov says:
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“it seems to me that art should give happiness and joy, otherwise it is worth nothing." there is so much hardness in life, so much vulgarity and filth. that if from the pictures we are completely doused with horrors and atrocities, it will become almost impossible to live, so it seems to me that this is, so to speak, life position. first of all, since i came from the tula region, i came with my samovar, here i have it, and it’s not
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just a samovar, it’s a historical samovar, it generally accompanies several generations of the polenov family, so to speak, it is believed that what is this that samovar, it’s completely unique, it’s called a spider, we restored it a little, it was cleaned, so to speak, there are already such modern wooden parts, and it was cleaned, but in general it’s a unique samovar, they say, they say that it’s just accompanied vasily dmitrievich polenov during his balkan campaign, that is, he was, well, like a thermos, but in general it is believed that he accompanied vasily dmitrievich polenov during his balkan campaign, but he definitely accompanied his son dmitry during the first world war, he took part, the son of vasily polenov also took part in the battles, for which...
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let them come more, but this picture depicts the nile, and it’s also not in this smaller, shortened version, but vasilyevich polenov, you know, he really as if he was a passionate traveler, a passionate collector, a wonderful artist, he was such a man of renaissance scope and an intellectual, he spoke six languages, he had a huge library, he himself read the goethas, schiller in the originals, translated and so on. and of course, finding himself in the twenties, at the end
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of the twenties, where he found himself, in the province, deep in the province in the village, he saw what, well, the low level of education among people, including children, and he decided, came up with this one a wonderful educational project to simply expand the boundaries of the imaginary, visible, known, to show the world, the world, to show children the world. now he was almost 80 years old, one might say, when he painted this diorama, this is a whole series of paintings of a trip around the world.
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we will see, and then we return to polenovo again to the hearth, to the performance of the new year tree, again we sit by the polenovsky fireplace. well, when polinov showed his diorama, it certainly wasn’t 15 minutes, because only in the picture is latin america, he completely read the song about hiawatha langella, for example, in the picture of venice, he gave a huge lecture about who the venetian arches are , that is, his diorama text was , of course, like a real educational one. but the children of the late twenties in these villages, where there was no school, no education, no light, no food, nothing, no water, well, well, nothing, in general, they sat and fascinated, listened to this, and even in felt boots in sheepskin coats from the cold, in felt boots in sheepskin coats, polin himself was in felt boots in a sleigh with a horse,
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so he harnessed the horse, sat down in the sleigh, put this magic box of his with two candles there, his legs were very swollen... very much, he was already very sick, they cut his felt boots, so he came to this village, showed this diorama, and there is even such a story, it’s true, it’s also written down that at the end of such a session, when he showed all this, told all this, read a song about langella's gayawat, a little boy came up to him and handed him a tiny homemade white bun and paid him for this show with this white bun in the hungry twenties. paid him and said: “eat, vasily dmich, thank you very much.” natasha, well, you can talk about polenov at any time, without any informational reasons, but here we also have an anniversary. yes, this year polenov turns 180 years old. well, you put on your belt, walked up to him, but we are always ready for anything, of course, but i just brought the catalog of the exhibition
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that just opened in samara. why don’t you ask in samara? i answer this question. omsk, yekaterinburg, vladivostok, there are very good collections there, magnificent collections, when magnificent collections were distributed in the twenties, moreover, i ’ll tell you, not just magnificent collections, from irkutsk for the first time, well, almost in 100 years, that is, in 1928 the irkutsk art gallery received a huge painting of christ and
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the sinner, well, a slightly smaller copy, but by and large, in general, there it is more than two and a half meters by... two and more meters e christ and the sinner, it arrived in 1928 in 2024 for the first time it left the walls of the irkutsk museum for that , to go to samara for the man of light exhibition for the 180th anniversary of vasily dmitrievich polenov, here is a wonderful catalog published by the samara people, in general, i congratulate them on this unique project, this is exactly the irkutsk thing, well, which, in general, completely repeats the imperial thing and... congratulations to them on this a wonderful project, this is how we open polenov’s year, in the summer there will definitely be some events at our estate, and there will be a festive evening in moscow, in tula, and the end of the year, i hope, if everything goes well, we will close in the seaside art gallery , also retrospectives of vasily dmivich polenov in the far east, you watched the podcast precious history, my name is ekaterina
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varkan, our guest today is natalya polenov, the great-granddaughter of the great russian artist. senior policeman ivanov, what's wrong with you? body? nothing, empty. i open it, comrade, senior policeman, they are waiting for me at the station, i have an order, they are waiting there, open it, i said,
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here, i say, i’m empty, and the car has been delivered, sir. leave this one here, the device
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is ready, mr. lieutenant, show him what to do. if you pull the wire, the clock mechanism will work. response time - 1 minute.
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i’m walking, and he’s leaning over on his side, as if he’s fallen asleep, there’s blood in a thin trickle, and he’s on his way, a military man turns up, what rank, and his grandfather, as he was, but i didn’t see him, he quickly so around the corner there, turned, you think this one, then you’ll hand over all the data to the military prosecutor’s office, that the beer is great, egor, that’s it, how much? i was going to the factory, carrying karl marx, i see something happened, who is it? akhumov, worked at a factory, but what do they steal there too? as
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a civilian, i appreciate your sense of humor, but i really have no time for jokes now, an important strategic facility is preparing for evacuation, and now my brother is stealing everywhere with only one difference, someone is hungry, someone is mad, do you remember the restaurant? so the second without trial, the law of war. katok, he got into the same thing, didn’t see anything, didn’t hear anything, doesn’t know anything, then he really doesn’t know anything, comrade captain,
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they are with this... to boris from isolde, who is isolde, a fan, even double gave you this thing
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with your accordion player tsaplin, one in two? given, the management of the ilyach collective farm presented a statuette to the musical group bartsap, and this is me and anton albertovich, and markovsky tsaplin, yes, absolutely right, as you say, the woman’s name is, this is not a woman, this is the goddess of the muse of tragedy, mel pomena, marmena, don’t bother me teach, that means, everything that was told to me here. write it on paper and give marya to a comrade separate state security commissioner, you’ll give it back, uh-huh, good, and then, then you’re free, free, although no, you’ll hand it over to me personally, write more about your violinist tsablin, where you went, with whom you talked, what you said , excuse me, i
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need paper, but i was in need of what? along the corridor, no, yes, for me for an explanatory note, and what to write, take with you, who to take with you, i say, take paper and ink from the commissar, i heard, tell me, please, allow me to ask, i beg your pardon, where can i find comrade commissioner sabo, whom sabo, comrade sabo, i don’t know this, and you are still, oh, sorry, it hurts, nothing, what? you,
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are you visiting your friend? no, i need to find comrade commissioner sabu, can you tell me where he is? it’s me, you, excuse me, comrade commissar, not just stepanets, sergeant, comrade stepanets, i said to take your paper and pencil, what to write with, come in.
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drive through. we are in the first department, well, everything is according to plan, odinsov flew to moscow, i wish you good health, comrade, military man lawyer, the fact is that in the dry conditions, when collecting gunpowder bombs , the phlegmatization process was disrupted, that is, the redistribution of some components went wrong, he is looking into it, urgently. odintsov and his
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deputy here. understood. no, urgently, tell me, if some kind of failure occurs in production, who can fix it, except odintsov, but it depends on what stage the failure is at, each workshop has a technological map of only their stages, they do not know what processes happen before and after them in order to maintain secrecy, who knows details of the whole process? the complete technological process for the production of balistite gunpowder is known only to one. man, odintsov, even his deputy yavorsky does not know everything, the molding temperature reaches 900°. hello to brick, military officer yuri smirsky, an order has been received from above, you must urgently fly to moscow, management
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of the technological process passes to your deputy. there won’t be a race, you’re crazy, we’ll all fly up into the air, but don’t be afraid, we’re there.
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transporte del ladrop. chiglom, open up gate, airfield, non-stop, you answer with your head, i understand, go ahead, this is also your security, no, stop the truck, stop the truck.
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here he was somewhere, he couldn’t go far, egor, let’s go straight ahead, and i’ll try to get around.
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get out of the way, we can’t stop, you can’t get through there, there’s a blockage after the bombing, turn there, detour.
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i'm listening to grapes. i'm going.
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there is no odintsov, only ours, and one enemy, hold on, hold on, we ’ll take you to the hospital now. who was that? did you recognize them? these are people from the city. thank you very much, svetlana. you have wonderful hands, it just comes naturally is healing. get better. hello, here is the terrace. and when did you get hooked? yes, yes.
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don’t mind, we’ll work here, yes, of course, i’ll go to the territory for now, of course, so, comthouse, you’re free.
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i invite you to work for the future of humanity.
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semyon vladimirovich, allow me, great, come in, now all roads are being checked for vehicles leaving the city, but they could have gotten through earlier, or hidden it somewhere in the city, now they are finding out the recipe for gunpowder, could odintsov himself have participated in his abduction? why does he need it? he was guarded all the time he was not allowed out of the factory, so the only option was on the way to the airfield. that is, they deliberately staged an explosion and took adentsov out on the quiet. well, if
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so, do they already have gunpowder technology or not? he was injecting himself, but he could still be in agreement with them, but come in, i forgot to give it to you, thank you very much, no problem, i was completely dull, i tried to sharpen the rod with my nails to write? it’s not working out well, you have a knife, i ’ll sharpen it, thank you, i myself, comrade state security sergeant, so i wrote as requested, go out to the other side of the room, i heard
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why strangers, and give him paper, a pencil, connect me to the eighth police station. quickly, the head of the eighth police department, hello, state security sergeant stepanets, who am i talking to? comrade senior lieutenant, your paromonov is wounded and is in the hospital. that is, like what paramonov? senior policeman, viktor olegovich paramonov, born in 1912, eighth police department, yes, i have his id in my hands, here is your personal signature.
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allow me, come in, let me report, lay it out, well, what do you have, the policeman who was wounded today from the eighth department, no, i didn’t understand anything, where he is not, well, the senior policeman, paramonov, viktor olegovich, born in 1912, i personally took him to the hospital, well... uh-huh , well, stepanets, will you ever learn to express yourself clearly, but he wants to say that a policeman from the same name in the eighth police department, no, that ’s it, he’s a saboteur, in a police uniform, that’s for sure.


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