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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 30, 2024 3:15am-4:01am MSK

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allow me, come in, let me report, come on, well, you don’t have the policeman who was wounded today from the eighth department. i didn’t understand anything, where he was not, well, the senior policeman, paramonov, viktor olegovich, born in 1912, i personally took him to the hospital, well, well, stepanets, will you ever learn to express yourself clearly, but he wants to say that the policeman is with there is no such name in the eighth police department, that’s right, this is a saboteur in a police uniform, that’s for sure.
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saboteur, he’s in the hospital, we ’ll talk to him ourselves, well done, sipanet, you’re trying, go, work, go, go, very good, let's take a walk, in general, don't complain about anything, but here, please.
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thank you, hello, how are you, hero, the doctor says your lung is punctured, well, we’ll present you for an award, you’ll receive an order for capturing saboteurs, you’ll get better, you’ll go on vacation, you have a wife with children, so we’ll write that you ’re going on vacation, i received the order, remember the address, don’t you? well, it’s okay, let’s look in your personal file, senior policeman, baramonov, viktor olegovich, no need, you don’t need to report the order, you don’t want to go on vacation, no, well then we let’s inform your relatives that you are a traitor and fought for the nazis, only to your real relatives, and not on this piece of paper, no, no, don’t . why, let the children of your neighbors
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know who shot their fathers, no need, where they took the man who was kidnapped today, i don’t know what you know, a plane will fly by at night, they will take everyone away on it, when and where the plane is supposed to fly, more i do not know anything.
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at the apparatus, received, or rather the place, now i’ll call the pilots, connect me with the commander of the flight regiment, yuly, there, kashchuk is on the line, great, yuri vasilyevich, we need your help, yes, there is information that in the steppe the enemies are all over the place. have worked, let your eagles look, but no, it’s unlikely to be far from the city, yes, urgently, yeah, i’m waiting, i wish you health. nastasya lenina pokhomova, yes,
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it’s me, i’m talking about your husband, allow me to come in. take a seat, thank you, your husband is dead. yes, they already told me, but have you found the one who did this? not yet, i can ask you a few questions, ask, he
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could be afraid of someone, i don’t know, matvey ignatvich. didn't tell me anything, with work it could be connected, and he didn’t tell me anything about work, everything is classified there, tell me, he met with someone, maybe someone came to your house, but he’s at work all the time, he should go home to sleep didn't come every day. tell me why you are asking about this, i see that you have a high rank, with such a rank people do not investigate crimes, i have a suspicion that the murder of your husband was committed by german saboteurs.
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maybe this will help you find german accomplices. family album? allow me, for nastasya’s good long-lasting memory leonidovna from zenov dmitry levovich, yes,
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this is dmitry lvovich, before leaving for the front in the fourteenth. you would have shot him if he hadn’t changed his last name, but he was an honest, decent man, someone saw vasilevsky, the boss, i saw, i saw, he went to the warehouse, well, about five minutes before the explosion, it’s hard , let's go together, leonid mikhailovich. hello, hello, this is a military julager, very nice, head of the first department, veremeev. hello, did you find one solo? not yet, we'd like to talk. and, with yavorsky? yes, he's somewhere here. vitaly stepanovich,
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please come. now. comrades are here for you. thank you. hello.
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you’ll come with us, well, there’s still so much to sort out here, let’s go. take him to the interrogation room, yes, it’s good that
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you are here, the pilots managed to find a runway for landing the plane and prepared brushwood for a night landing, they will take it out at night, so, i already sent a platoon there, ordered to sit quietly and not stick out, well, when it gets dark we have to go, don’t even think about it without me. i’m not okay, you have discipline in the prosecutor’s office, sister, we can handle it, only men are traveling, egor, we need to talk, let’s go, come in, egor.
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skorzhi egor, did you and pakhomov meet here in rostov by chance, well, yes, i knew him from the far east, but what’s all about him? we need to be saved, just like that. we met by chance, just by chance, i also met svetka by chance, we haven’t seen each other for 15 years, we met, and you say to him, hello, look to see if there are saboteurs at the plant, and he answers you, of course, yegor prokhofyevich looked and looked , but he looked like he was killed, somehow i can’t believe it,
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you want to say that he was with saboteurs, well, some kind of nonsense, why, why would a former white guard officer hate soviet power, it’s funny, but now i’m more interested in another question, why does a military lawyer of the second rank, a worker-peasant red army?
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you just let him leave, and what if someone else had said this, you would have immediately been punched in the face, hand over your weapons, documents, you resto, oh, egor, egor, multi-council, admit everything yourself. it will be better for you, but
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something must be inspected and checked three times, because okay, we’ll do it, these are your fighters, yes, that means so, the completion of the operation is complete silence, complete, i’ll hear at least one sound, don’t get in my sight, i’ll personally shoot, i understand, that’s right. where is captain kakachuk? comrade state security captain , decide to contact state security for further assistance. documents have arrived from service, follow me, grigory ivanovich, but you haven’t seen comrade shilov, you went into the office, saw him, came out or not, didn’t notice, kolya, yes,
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we’ll sort it out, okay, what about you? completely by chance, do you know where yegor is? egor today will not be. i see, comrade, lawyer, are you hiding something again? this is some kind of concern for me, or what? maybe that's enough already? did you let igorsky go? what he says? he denies it, says that he was not interested in any secrets, he just asked, if something breaks, how to fix it? it all comes down to crap, he says.
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oh yes, you’re our walking sister, you’re my dear, you’re like a pawn too, come on, grigory ivanovich, start your bastard, let’s go, why are you rubbing around here? so i wrote what you asked, can i go home? fuck you, i i remember, either home, or to the philharmonic, thank you very much, goodbye, stomp, come quickly!
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free, tomorrow morning for service, oh, little ones, goodbye, goodbye. free, comrade, let me go to the operation tonight, put pressure on the fascists, if i ask, no, he won’t change his decision, wait, you forgot, thank you,
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comrade sabo, you know, when comrade sabo heard, i was generally in i drew a picture of a man in my head, i couldn’t even imagine that this could be a woman, even like that, comrade, or maybe i’ll take you, show me, why clogs, by the way, and my father is a hungarian, a red magyar, a civilian in the international regiment of the chupaev division , he fought, then he worked in the comintern, in the thirty-seventh, he died in spain, and how did you end up here, and i have a mother.. . from here, we lived in moscow, she kept wanting to return to these places, well, she’s so glad, she likes it here, she died just before the war, but she was happy that she returned here, excuse me, by the way, you can be on duty tonight, of course, what to do, you, who
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was sitting here, remembered, yes, a german spy, see who gets in touch with him. engelsa 40, apartment 12, i remember, engelsa 40-12, what to do if the messenger comes to detain him due to the situation? in general, maryanochka, you know, it’s in vain to be so skeptical of musicians, but the composer, in particular, in general, you know that opera is translated from latin as labor, work, yes, but you heard this, why do i sing this, any italian i’ll sing opera, it’s wonderful. italians are always the best, italians, italians are fascists, maryanochka, this is now, they don’t write operas now, they described it then, maybe you can come in for a minute. well , some other time, just for a minute, maryana, this is somehow inconvenient, well, i’ll be offended, don’t you dare, i’m an angel, maybe i should
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drink some water? giving the enemy the opportunity to take odintsov away means losing the secret of... the country's strategic weapons, you and i have no right to this, so captain, your best shooter must keep the pilot's sights on the plane's fuel tanks, i kindly ask you to do everything
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possible so as not to hit yuri maksimovich, allow me to suggest, listen, i suggest neutralize the entire group even before the plane lands, how do you like this arithmetic, the main thing is that the plane doesn’t take odintsov away. otherwise i’ll take off everyone’s head, the arithmetic is good, we can handle it, but we have no other choice, there is, there is no other choice, this is who, stepan, the crew, the captain, we heard everything, place people, there is, we go without weapons and take them alive. there is.
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and they won’t develop it, they will never develop it, my dear man, never, but this is the same german whom we captured in november, and how did he end up here, he’s immortal, but he remained in the cell when the germans entered the city, wait, he wanted to poison himself, it’s poison, no, you’ll tell us everything first, so load, load the dead of this one too, now go to the department to rest, in the morning
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i’ll send you to moscow, let’s go, let's go, fascist german troops are again standing on the outskirts of rostov-on-don, the red army troops are preparing to give a decisive selection to the enemy. maybe i don't believe what the facts are? he is one of the participants in the sabotage at the plant named after comrade harmas. let him alone, yesterday he risked his life with you, protecting us all from
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these saboteurs, himself. he secretly met with a white guard officer, with whom he developed an operation plan. do you mean pakhomov? in fact, he has a different last name. the traitor is not pokhomov, but odentsov’s assistant is evorsky. we need to go there to the factory and find out everything there. this is what i'm going to do. i'll go with you, kolya. please. with one condition. egor, no speculation, only facts, clear, precise, let's go, good morning, grigorvich, to the plant of comrade karl marx, if it is good.
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"hello, i greet you like a hand, yes, it’s okay, everything heals on me, like on a dog, tell me, mikhailovich, you didn’t have any suspicions towards the evorsky, but it doesn’t seem to be the case. of course, he went everywhere, but explained that the deputy chief technologist should know everything, but what form of clearance does he have? the first, but he has limitations, and pokhomov, pokhomov has the second form, i once had a conversation with him, he said that he understood everything, that is, you have no suspicions about these two people, and if there were suspicions, i would have arrested them at that very moment, the fact of the matter is that they didn’t reveal themselves in any way, but documentation that was not included in the
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access form. no, it’s not allowed with equipment, only group communications, so we’re waiting, hey, let’s go to the third workshop, there, there, according to the plan , 2 weeks are given for the evacuation of the plant, but according to my order, it takes 3 days to transfer everything, will you have time? i had to come up with a backup plan, okay, let’s not interfere, let’s go, happily, egor, i came to
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rostov partly because of you. why such difficulties, i would have called him to moscow, they would have talked there, in moscow i would not have understood much, well, let’s go in order, that means, in in the thirty-ninth year you took part in the battles of khalgol, yes, you were there, this is in my personal file, with your participation a report was drawn up to comrade stalin on the division commander zhukov. divisional commander zhukov violated the combat regulations of the red army, the military prosecutor's office is obliged to react to this, and of course, a commission was formed, an inspection began, there was no confusion in the army, which was to the advantage of the japanese, at that moment you worked quite a lot with commander stern, that's all, as for stern, it is in
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my reports. i read them, as you know, in 1939, sterm was accused of the traskiw conspiracy and executed. egor, tell me honestly, do you support this accusation or deny it? the commissariat of internal affairs, and ours, that when and with this they dealt with it, how did it happen so precisely, odintsov personally escorted the plane, now he is flying to moscow, comrade captain of state security, what else is there, what did you agree on, well, they called
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from the police. there, state security sergeant anisimov was killed, where engels was 40, in the courtyard of the house. let me be alive, go there, and you call vinogradov at the military prosecutor’s office, let him he will send his people there, yes, good morning, nikolai trofemovich, come in for a minute, hello, grapes, great, some questions, i don’t understand now how i should deal with shilov, if the issue is resolved, then i need to replace it, the issue is resolved. “call the military service, look for a new person for the position, damn, unexpectedly, well, the threads will go up to moscow, i can’t talk about it, the prosecutor of the grape border,
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i’m listening, this is where, we’ll send it now, emergency, here’s a rogue person killed." elagin to leave urgently, pengers 40 murder, eat, not allowed you can’t go there, don’t interfere with your work, military prosecutor’s office, just a second.
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what do you think, what could he be doing here at night, he was watching barkovsky’s pussy, he lives in this house, and what happened there,
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why aren’t they letting him in? the figurine is covered in blood,
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he had a pocket watch, yes, yesterday it was engraved. this is definitely a robbery, but he’s alive, well, the city remembered stern, the army commander. “i have nothing to say, i had no reason to suspect him, what happened later, i don’t know, in the white guard officer who called himself pokhomov, pakhomov suspected that at the plant
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there is a german agent, yesterday's attack proves that he was right. egor, i suspect you of organizing sabotage at the plant and yesterday’s attack says that i’m right. do you think that evening i just told you that odintsov should leave? no, i... forced you to act , you really think so, but how could it be otherwise, the next dentsov is kidnapped, of course, they need to act, otherwise he will fly to moscow, they won’t get him from moscow, but you know who told them about this, you, but you were in control informant, that's the point, egor, something... i didn’t
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tell anyone except you about odintsov’s departure. if i find out anything, i'll let you know right away. yeah, thanks, venemenich. neighbor, yulia viktorovna. hello. hello. please tell me, did anyone come to your neighbor barkovsky’s house this night? maybe you heard? some noise or voices? we knocked on the door, boris opened it, they were talking about something, what? i don’t know, they said quietly, but approximately what time was it? about one o'clock in the morning or two, uh-huh, but no, it wasn't two o'clock yet, then the clock struck, and men's voices, women, there were no women, they said so quietly. men, so what happens? boris
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, the guy who stabbed to death in the yard? thank you, tell the local police officer to interview all the neighbors? yes, it's a nightmare! maryana, why, did she print it? and yes, she showed up, what are you standing for, report? anisim was killed tonight near barkovsky's house. what was he doing there? his accomplices should have contacted barkovsky. he was watching him. and today? i decided to establish surveillance, why was i not
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warned that this was arbitrariness, it’s my fault, comrade captain, but you’ll go to court, this borovsky or barkovsky, where he was brought, no way, they are taking him to the hospital, his skull was cut open by a melepomena than a goddess. comrade, a bronze statuette, maryana, there a comrade brikvoenurist said that a translator is needed, okay, what is this, what’s the matter, why do you have to tighten up, fix the gun.
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“sit down, you’re the same german whom i took in the ass, he got a hard slap in the snot then, remember, i don’t understand well, look, i learned russian, i see that i remembered that they took me at night, right?” "an old friend, i'm
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i say, i took him in november, just before the occupation, we left him in the cell when the germans entered the city, by the way, then the factories were also evacuated, he apparently is their specialist in factories, they should have finished you off then, ask him him, he knows this soviet officer, sir, took part in operation plant? was he involved in the operation at the plant? i repeat again, i don’t know him. did he pass on any
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information? i do not know him. deutschland ist groß, weil wir immer fortschritte nach vorne betrachten, wenn etwas nicht funktioniert, greifen wir auf zweiten plan zurück, dann auf den dritten und so weiter bis zum sieg. wir haben immer ersatzpläne. if something doesn’t work out, we
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resort to a second plan, a third, and so on until victory. we always have backup plans, but you don’t have any plans at all, convoy, you see, i’ve heard this song many times, you’re here too, thank you very much, egor, some strange thing is happening. you say you arrested him, punched him in the face, but he just said that he doesn’t know you, why, then is he trying to harm you, or is he covering for you, comrade. let me address you,
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let me talk to a comrade military lawyer of the second rank, comrade brikavan lawyer, only 3 minutes. “tell me that he is wrong, tell me that he is wrong, he is mistaken, he is wrong, i know, we need to prove it to him,
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they took all the saboteurs, everyone, well, those who were going to fly away, barkovsky was hit on the head at night , our employee, the one..." who was assigned to watch him was killed, do you think this is a coincidence? you know as well as i do that it’s not? hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. under our control, the russian army liberated semyonovka in the dpr, and there is a breakthrough, more exclusive filming of the captured abrams. i didn’t betray the truth. ukrainian academician.


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