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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 30, 2024 5:20am-6:01am MSK

5:20 am
how can i be useful, nikita antonovich? do you see, comrade yarmaev? i admit, i’m in difficulty, yes, but my character is straightforward, so i’ll say right away, would you like to go to the circus, to the circus, thank you, i saw this program, but no, you misunderstood me, go to the circus to work, oh work? i don’t understand you, nikita, well, to become an artist, what ’s the matter, comrade, sit, sit, but i’m busy, comrade, we are all busy now, nikita antonovich, but there are moments when a person’s biography is decided, i demand, comrade director, so that my daughter should apply immediately letter of resignation from the circus, mom, i still won’t do it,
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“you’re a disgrace, that’s all you are, a disgrace, tell me, why did you go to the director, why, well, you don’t like the insert, of course, or maybe something else there are no conditions for you to work, no, yes, the foreign committee burst in, why, well, to the accounting department, why did you go to the accounting department, what did you lose there, you’re a fool, that’s all, you’re silent, now you’re walking around,
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comrade myshkin, what do you think, not is it time to celebrate the work of our accounting department in our wall newspaper? very good, you see, here we are. - we submit the financial report ahead of time, you see, i wrote a note about this in the wall newspaper, well, i want to consult with you, in general, i will come to you about this, all the best, goodbye, and where is the report, my, report, report, brute, brute,
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report, report, come on, report, report, karau, so, so, that means this is your idea, ki anton, yes, well, as you like, just a minute, shedr nikolaevich, again, it seems, something what happened... what an elephant, what an elephant, ran away, went crazy, worse, ate the quarterly countdown, wow, my god, like that all the time one thing, then another, no, don’t think, fyodor nikolaevich, this is not every day with us and in general it’s nonsense, pretty nonsense, think, fyodor nikolaevich, what a countdown, penny to penny, work, a whole month of work, all the accounting departments, and you are also good, ferafevich, the elephant keeper showed up with a quarterly countdown, which he brought to the elephant for signature, or what? send to the clinic, do
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a gastric lavage, there is an x-ray, x-ray, oh my god, oh my god, well, so, nukolaevich. into the conveyor belt, what goes where, where? i say, let’s include it in the pipeline, well, this is central asia-caucasus, orekhova zuyevo in altai, yes, well, yes, how, i’ll say frankly, nikita antonovich, you embarrassed me, why? yes, it really hurts, a sharp turn in life, think about it, it’s a worthwhile task,
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goodbye, that’s right, mother says, go away, leave the circus, lena, well, why do you need a circus, well, well... today tikr broke out, and tomorrow an elephant will step on your foot, for sure, you know, it was only like that in the old days, but if the father and mother perform a circus, then the child has only one way to go to the arena, well, now why think about it, alena, wherever you want, oh, but frankly, you should go alena comes to us for water transport, there are so many good girls swimming, well, again, i’m next to you, of course, it doesn’t matter to you. why are you silent, yo, how easy it is for you to talk, petya, leave the circus, leave the circus, that’s why i have to leave, well, tell me why, but kazimir, the one in patent leather boots,
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votforts, mocks you well, enough in these, well , these tigers will eat you with these, well , well, sing, let them eat me, but i still... will achieve my goal, but if the goal in front of a person is clear, he will still have his way if i achieve it, if i don’t achieve it, then let them eat me, the tigers, so, you know, they’ll tear me right into pieces, you know, stop these jokes, i understand, my heart is already torn, what year, well i’m silent, i’m silent,
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but i’m removing balls from the trees, trying to recover from the circus adventures,
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to think that only a tiger could eat such a girl, and why are you walking? yes, like, have a seat, no, thank you, i don’t feel like it. you resolutely refuse during the session, resolutely, then excuse me, i’ll have to get up, you could have guessed earlier, not i guessed it, admit it, but you were a great coward there in our corridor, the coconut leaf was trembling, and i wasn’t even a bit, well , let’s put you there too in the director’s office , a little drip-drip-drip-drip, i’m nothing like that, yes, yes , yes, by the way, how did you end up in the circus, right? miraculously, you know, they invited you to work in this very circus of yours, in the circus, yes, but what can you do? i’m a motorcycle racer, what do you say, a circus motorcycle racer, but no, it’s your director who thinks that i can work in
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a circus, but you, you, well, here i sit, i think, do you think your name is circus? they offer you a number, and you think, why not think, you know, what’s your name? lena, you, fyodor nikolaevich, how can you not think? you know what, we’re going to the circus, now i ’ll show it to you, thank you, i’ve already seen enough, why haven’t you seen a real circus, let’s go, why, there are only two bus stops, where to wait, wait, like lena, what , and i have a motorcycle here in the bushes, maybe we’ll go on a motorcycle, very good, let’s go, okay, where is the bus, please? i beg.
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slowly tank faster, just think, a tiger could eat such a girl, that tigor said could eat such a girl.
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but you could have a good number. an assistant in a dress with sequins, that's how she is, well, yes, an assistant, an assistant, uh-huh, they work well, very well, happy.
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prodzitse, please, here is our stable, hello, swallow! hello, i 've been saying hello to you for a long time, hello, hello, hello, hello, oh, you're smart, bravo,
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bravo, yes, interesting, well, also you, because this circus, yes, yes, nikolai nikolaevich, a slap with a vase in the air can be made using high-frequency current, in general, you come in, we ’ll talk, yeah, citizen, what’s wrong, you can’t smoke here, but i don’t smoke, oh, seriously. “hello, where did i bring apples from, but everything is fine, come to me, oh, lenochka, hello, hello, hello, bathies, don’t be late, vladivich, sign, please, ah...” my girl, now instantly, sign , please,
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please, but i don’t have a ticket to the holiday home, that’s it, you can take everything, yes, please, in what's the matter, kostya, on the way out, and this is your old friend, that same scoundrel, oh, quietly, quietly, what are you talking about, he understands everything, well, yes, of course, well, forgive me, please, forgive me, forgive me, you like it us, right? oh, quietly, yes, why do you scare me all the time, yes, you can’t, you know, it’s interesting, very interesting, and what kind of people we have, well, just like one family, i’m ready to do everything here. walk with a rake, clean the cages, and wash the horses, they offer you a room, please agree, and i will be your assistant, maybe in a dress with glitter, oh, you didn’t understand me at all, the circus is not a hobby for me, it’s very serious for the rest of my life, that’s good,
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agree, well, let’s go and have a look, shall we go? let's go, hello, hello, how do you know her, and this is my flatmate, i 'll show you now, you know, mommy, meet me, mommy, well, i already know ana, circus performer fyodor yaromalaev.
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snakes, elephants, scientists, chickens, no, just think, people have service as a service, let ’s take for example, the cracking of the heads of fish, so everything is in place, there is an accountant sitting in accounting, cod in this very tin can, you don’t smoke, you have a heart and all that stuff, anyway, god forbid, my friend, work in a circus. a terrible place, believe me, yes, by the way, feropont ilyevich, your director offers me to work in this terrible place, what are you saying, that a motorcycle is under the circus dome, but you, i don’t know what to think about here,
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my friend, you know what a circus is, it’s strength, beauty, learned chickens or, say, a rooster mathematician knows the multiplication table, elephants play drums, dance this one, like her polka there, well, a butterfly , a noble, smartest, smartest animal, in general, congratulations, and what kind of people, the team, the strange feroponevich, the circus is work, it’s still a lot of work, skill, that’s exactly skill, ermalaev, artist circus, it sounds like there are marks on the neck, not screws, a cord and such a thin leather tourniquet, it doesn’t look like this was an accidental murder, i don’t understand that there could be this crazy person in his head, so, colonel shillov, we owe everything, you know, even in front of
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us to hell with horns, someday all this will end, grigory ivanovich, or maybe let's do it together? according to the laws of wartime, new episodes, from may 1 on the first, they call me, greetings, tomin from ugrodovsk, the first perception of the audience is still major tomin and there’s no escape, if he feels indifference and unprofessionalism, then this of course infuriates him . he has a great sense of responsibility, masculine charm and masculine self-confidence, the man lifts dumbbells every morning, it’s a great pleasure, i’ll tell you, this correctional room is amazing, he works out, he keeps in shape, he is very efficient, yes he gets tired, but he
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can’t live without it, i believe in omens, probably all actors believe, but... in the black eye, so we have to spit, pah-tfu-tfu, for leonid konevsky’s eighty-fifth birthday 2 may on the first, hello, hello, petya, where have you been, petya, you don’t come in, you don’t call, shame on you, they were repairing, repairing. come on, give a hat, look, don’t disappear, please, petya, okay, well, wait for me, i ’ll be right there, petro, that’s great,
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there’s something i don’t understand, tell me in detail, sit down, be careful, be careful,
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well, what are you, oh you, stop it, why didn’t you jump through the hoop yesterday, you lazy person, what a fool you are, you lazy person, no more, stop it, so, so, you’ve been saying it since childhood, it’s yours, well? it happens, it happens, well, father and mother, you say, agree, yes, but how is she, lena, what? well, it is known that it torments, but keep in mind, fyodor nikolaevich, i will achieve my goal, i have love, you can’t reach the bottom, that’s how. why are you, fyodor nikolaevich, you were cheerful, suddenly, what? and i, by the way, of that,
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fyodor nikolaevich, i’m jealous, well, i’m jealous, please, of you too, as you wish, until goodbye, comrade ermalay, goodbye, yes, by the way, you’re going away for a long time. what was told to you, how many times have i told you, don’t go near the tigers, you unfortunate upstart, what are you looking at, you idiot, and
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kazimirov, kazimir ivanovich, also shouted at me, and you too, lena, are good, why hang around the animals, he’ll bite you hand, it’s all starting, well, go tell your mom, and i’ll report, well, report it, lena, well, you fool, so today, so what? lena, and fyodor nikolaevich, he, well, what, you like him, fyodor nikolaevich, of course, at least he didn’t persuade me to leave the circus, so i ’ll work as an assistant in his room, we’ll go again, please, i’ll do what today? we go for kerosene, in general we get the job done, let alone a rush, quietly, that’s what you have , man, go to hell, you cannibal!
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the stern is beating, the seagull is circling, foam, what are you doing to me, lena, lena, i wrote hello to you, and it’s clear, i waited for answers to greetings in vain. where is my love, is it my heart?
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will invest, apparently the post office will not help in this matter, for what crime did you fall out of favor, you i didn’t show it once in a dream, it wasn’t mercy that stood up for such a crime, you didn’t have reason to guide me. the waves of the volga are quickly rolling between us, it’s a very long wait to meet you, by the way, i’ll come to your house after the flight, don’t play love with me and don’t laugh.
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vasilyevich, please, like you, no, fyodor see, well, well, try, thank you, vasily nikolaevich, no, fyodor nikolaevich, that’s not it, lena, i’ll never succeed, that is, it won’t work out, then i won’t this same horse is not amenable to training, we have the number doesn’t work with you, and for some reason we have to deal with compliments, like why, so you prepare a track, and we’ll rehearse, okay, but a compliment is what’s needed,
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you see how much easier it is to work with two chinks, but i’m used to danish , so that’s all i really need, lena, here’s from mokin, oh, unsubscribes, thank you, here’s another letter, postcard and telegram, please, in all pockets. stamps, envelopes, return addresses, i walk like a mailbox, yes, petenka writes, he doesn’t forget, he’s bored, you want to say, he’s bored, it surprises you, no, not at all, if i were you, i published all this mail as a separate book, in the manner of a lyrical novel in letters, but what about telephone
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conversations, after all, he calls me from everyone... tell me, well, well, of course, lena, i love you very much children, why aren’t you married then? but why? there was a war after all, but now, as they say, no one gets married, it’s strange.
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so beckoning to unknown distances, an old sweet word, guides and worries me, far beyond the distance , immeasurable, cheerful meetings at dawn, confession , yes, i’ll probably repeat a thousand times, i’ll repeat a thousand
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i'll repeat it once. “i’m moving on, for now, i forgot, i believe, i’ll go out to the meeting, so that it doesn’t happen in ours.” to you, i will answer with my life, i will answer you with all my heart, i will flash, the semophore of the train station, i catch the image of a distant one, today the girl said , for the first time i said, i love, for the first time i said i love, comrades, this is a candle rehearsal, are you going to sing in the room on a motorcycle, right? well, okay, then let’s go to the show, rehearse, remember, the debut is coming. sergeevich, allow me to go ashore? who slept on duty today? shame on you, what shape are you in?
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deck? i’m used to understanding that the guys would look after him, do you think the prince has been found? is it also called a sailor? hey, romeo, don’t lose the watermelons, you’re better than them little pet...
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i wonder how much he gets for going out, oh, you’re interested in everything. a record stunt is being performed, a motorcycle jump under the circus dome. bridge.
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attention to scarti, yarmalaev, ready, ready, well, there.
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yes, thank you, fedor nikolaevich. for what? for all this? so what are you, lenochka? yes, yes, thank you, why do i need it? yes, you know, i am very happy about everything, both that i met you and that the tiger broke out of the cage, that you are with me now, that we... we’re going, what about
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petya, maybe he won’t let me go with you, alena, petya, hello, petechka, hello, oh, how heavy, pyotr nikolaevich, hold it, come on, come on, congratulations, when you arrived, just now, and as they say, from the ship to the ball, yes, what are you, oh, how beautiful you are in this, well, the stove, goodbye , see you again, i'll go to push, paw up, you understand, len, watermelons, then, then, well, take your watermelons, i'm a rapist or something, that's a lousy tick, a predator, dearer to her than a good man,
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again ahead of schedule, they brought it to the elephant for a signature, yes, i understand, it’s funny to you, but i was deprived of the prize, well, this is a disgrace, and who gave the orders, i don’t know, so to speak, the signature was illegible, but they claim that you, i am slander, this is intrigue, no, i thought so, that it is intrigue, well, i don’t recommend carrying through the elephant enclosure, you know how i go through the elephant enclosure now, just eh?
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please don’t criticize me, my central nervous system has already been shaken, then, the main thing is who dared, some ermalayev, some year or so week at the circus, some jump-off, some cyclist, some cyclist, some jump-off, in a word, if you don’t order this slander, this round of goodness for the carpet and tripping up the ringmaster to be removed, i won’t go into the ring tonight i'll tear the cage down, what? here in sochi, in badum, in sukhumi, out of here, out, remove him,
6:00 am
immediately, yes, good for you, keep in mind that not only, not only today, but in general, you are unlikely to go out to the arena, we’ll see , yes. hello, this is news on the first studio maria vasilyeva and at the beginning of the issue, briefly about the main topics. the burning spots of the special operation, in the donetsk direction the enemy lost its ammunition depot, its strongholds were captured to the south , and manpower was eliminated in novdeevsk.


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