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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 30, 2024 10:00am-10:16am MSK

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you have fireman's dry hoses. dmitry kuzmin, vasily valetov, ilya kuvaldin, nazir nogumanov, channel one. well, our program has come to an end, we wish the new day to become truly bright, kind and bright for you. our program is ending, your day is just beginning, you are great company, bye. see you. this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. in this issue. the low-level flight gets closer to the front line, and then sharply upwards.
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advocate rapprochement with our country, evgenia gutsol calls the charges fabricated. the sokol group, theater artists, heroic underground fighters, exploits during the fascist occupation of simferopol, the fate of krima. she was so looking forward to hugging some soviet soldier who would come to simferopol, but she didn’t live to see it for 3 days. this is not a movie, this is historical truth. and at the beginning. new data from the front line in
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the southern donetsk direction: russian attack aircraft captured strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces, supported our fighters, tank crews , drone operators, a powerful attack and the military are breaking into enemy trenches. ovdeevsky area and a hailstorm of fire that fell on the militants; they planned to take a covert defense, but it didn’t work out; they were spotted by scouts. our aircraft are hitting the strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces; the mi-35 crew fired unguided missiles. well, and also a low-level flight of helicopters on... in another strategically important area on the extremely chasovo yar. footage of maneuvers at husein husein. the mi-8 helicopter rises into the sky and heads towards the front line. two more cars take off from the airfield with him. this is the army aviation of the southern group of forces, working in the donetsk direction. the team of russian aerospace forces that fly out on combat missions usually consists of three helicopters. these are two combat ones.
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k52 and mi-28 and this one, which is accompanied. there is a search and rescue squad on board that accompanies attack helicopters on every flight; there can be up to ten of them per day. the group's task is to rescue pilots in the event of a shooting down or emergency landing. detection of aircraft and ice crew. providing first aid. frontline zone or combat line contact doesn't matter. they must help no matter what. the squad consists of experienced fighters. our group includes six scouts who provide cover for three rescuers. the closer to the front line, the lower the helicopters descend. skirting power lines and forest plantations, they fly at low level only before firing and suddenly gain altitude. unguided aircraft missiles cover the target. this is the enemy's living force, which is hiding in a building on the outskirts. another target is
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there next to the ukrainian armed forces dugouts in the neighboring forest plantations, objective control footage, as confirmation of the accurate and efficient operation of our aviation. according to the aircraft gunner's report, all targets were destroyed. when the k-52 and mi-28 enter the firing position, the third side is on duty to the side, without losing sight of them, and the commander is in constant communication with the pilots. as part of the search and rescue team. the group that accompanies attack helicopters on combat missions with an average of up to 10 people, these are riflemen, machine gunners, and there must be a medic. in case like the military says, in an emergency situation, the soldiers take up a perimeter defense and must be ready to repel an enemy attack. rescuers and a medic are engaged in evacuation and first aid. during the special operation, there were not many cases when the help of a search and rescue team was needed, the military says, this flight... also went well,
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each attack aircraft pilot has hundreds of hours spent in the air over the donbass. useyin huseynov, anastasia slobodenyuk and irina chuchun. donetsk people's republic. ukrainian authorities have been unsuccessful they are trying to keep in the country men liable for military service who are running away from conscription; the hunt is not only for draft dodgers, but also for those who will set up a business for them. the state border service reported that at first, special operations exposed about 450 groups that helped illegally cross the border. over the same period, more than 11 thousand criminal cases were opened against draft dodgers. they are fleeing to moldova, poland, romania, significantly since the beginning of the year. then grew up in slovakia, but those who did not manage to escape have to fight back, this is, as they write in odessa, the man first escaped from the military registration and enlistment office, but soon he was caught by the security forces on the street, the two of them tried to push him into the car, this
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man was lucky, he still managed to fight off, but this is a rare case, more often than not a meeting with military commissars ends completely differently: they will attack the crowd, tie him up, push him into the car straight to the front. what is the reason for western russophobia and what values ​​does our country protect? alexander dugin answered these questions in an interview with takir karlolson. an american journalist calls him the most famous political philosopher of russia and notes the ukrainian the government killed his daughter. here is a fragment of the interview. just recently, a year ago, putin signed a decree on political. from the very beginning of his leadership, this is so, so this hatred is not just an accident or some kind of attitude, if your main task and goal
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is to destroy traditional values, traditional family, traditional states, traditional relationships, traditional beliefs, there is someone with nuclear weapons and not the smallest arsenal, which... is important, as an argument, begins to seriously defend the traditional values ​​that you are going to abolish, so i think they have a basis for this russophobia and hatred of putin. the conversation lasted about 20 minutes and was recorded in moscow. let me remind you that tucker carlson came to the russian capital in february to interview vladimir putin. they criticized chisinau for infringing on the rights of moldovan residents who speak russian. the committee expressed concern. to eliminate racial discrimination according to the constitution, russian-speaking people should not have any problems, but in reality everything is different: people face difficulties when applying for work, but it’s just difficult to get legal information, because government agencies refuse to use russian. enormous pressure from chisinau is now coming to
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gagauzia, whose residents are in favor of rapprochement with our country. a criminal case has been opened against the head of the autonomy, evgeniy guttsol, on trumped-up charges, as she has repeatedly noted. today is the first hearing of the court, but the police of moldova received strict instructions before the holiday to make sure that no one wears st. george ribbons, they are prohibited, on the eve of may 9 people still times they reminded me about the fines. one of the important dates in the history of the great patriotic war, the liberation of crimea from fascist occupation. this year is the eightieth anniversary. researchers have yet to reconstruct many details of those events, even the story about which the film was shot and written. book. the underground group "falcon" - theater artists. most of them did not live 3 days before the liberation of the city. in the report by vitaly kachchenko. unique evidence. great-grandfather on my mother’s side , nikolai andreevich barshev, nicknamed sokol. a this is my grandfather on my father's side. sokol efim
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iosifovich. the great-grandson of nikolai baryshev is sure that there are no coincidences. the call sign of his great-grandfather, the leader of a group of crimean underground fighters, became the surname of their family. was an artist, it turns out, not only an artist, he loved to read a song about the falcon madly, so he was nicknamed the little falcon. baroshev’s nickname will become the name for the only underground group consisting of artists and theater workers after the liberation of crimea. during the fascist occupation of simferopol, which lasted 865 days. about they didn’t even know that the sookol group existed. sometimes the participants themselves did not know who was included in it. such secrecy allowed theatergoers to collect data under the noses of the germans until...
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thank you very much, nikolai ivanovich, god bless you. they prepared safe houses for the partisans, distributed newspapers, posted leaflets for residents of occupied crimea, reports from the front were a breath of fresh air. the defeated groups hastily retreat, abandoning equipment and weapons and suffering huge losses. moscow survived. thank god for the patrol. having ausweiss for free movement around the city, underground workers noted the location
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of enemy troops. this helped our aviation carry out targeted strikes during the liberation of simphepol. a german map, perhaps this is exactly the map that baryshev put these objects on, with a clear abbreviation, everything was very clear and precise. in memory of their great feat, for half a century the play has been staged at the simferopol theater: they were actors. the declassified data of fascist criminals states that. in the sokol group there were from 15 up to 16 people, which means that seven or eight members of the theatrical underground still managed to escape, but even after 80 years we still don’t know their names. the main part of the sokol group was arrested in march forty something. the name of the traitor has not yet been established; eight participants were shot on the outskirts of simferopol, 3 days before the liberation of the crimean capital. alexandra peregonets also experienced a personal tragedy.
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the karlovs keep the memory of the great artist; their grandfather was a theater props worker; their grandmother, a prop master, lived on the same floor in a dormitory with alexandro is a ferryman, but they didn’t know about her real role, as well as about the underground workers in general, but it was sokol baryshev who saved valery pavlovich’s mother from being hijacked to germany, this is my mother, this is nina andreevna, and this is my grandmother, he referred me to some doctor, who gave her some drops, dropped them, my mother says, she had a kind of inflammation of her eyes, thanks to...
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founding a studio at the theater, which recruited young artists. the historical theater building of 1911 was preserved thanks to elizaveta kucherenko, with the call sign swallow, she is the only one of the group whom the germans did not captured in march '44. on april 11, retreating from simphepol, the germans set fire to a bookstore located in the theater building, swallows, along with another employee. today we met young participants of a large arctic expedition; students from capital
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schools and colleges spent 2 weeks exploring the far north. a unique experience, follow the route of the first arctic explorers and look into the hut of the legendary papanin, ski to cape chlyuskin, the northernmost point of eurasia, a sea of ​​​​impressions. this is an unforgettable experience, it was very cool, we we coped with all the difficulties, yes there were bears, here we are... we all took a selfie with a bear, it’s impossible to describe the emotions, it was just wonderful, we got there, we got there happy, we got there in a great mood, a big arctic expedition, there’s a chance to go on an expedition every metropolitan schoolchild, but the selection is strict, pass tests for knowledge of theory and undergo training in conditions close to art. that's all for now. we’ll be back with more news today, well, the fashion sentence program is on air right now. a convincing victory for the russian team
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the european boxing championships in serbia ended in the team event. at the end of the tournament , our athletes won 11 gold, eight silver, and one bronze medals. the lion's share of the highest level awards were won by men, for the first time on the highest level of the pedestal of honor. edmund khudayan, dmitry dvali, and eduard rose to the top in competitions of this level. 400 boxers from 33 countries. the rugby season in russia resumed with a match for the country's super cup, which was played in saransk, the current champion lokomotiv-penza and the winner of the strela cup akbars. in the first in the half, the teams competed in shooting free throws. sergei yanyushkin was accurate three times. his counterpart jakub marais hit the goal twice. after the break, both hit another shot.


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