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tv   Vremya  1TV  April 30, 2024 9:00pm-9:36pm MSK

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you are a fisherman, i am a fisherman, you are on land, i am at sea, we will not meet in any way, you are in service, i am at sea, we will not meet in any way, philosophy at sea, we will not meet in any way, thank you. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. strike threes: army aviation against enemy troops and nato equipment, reporting from the front and news from the ministry of defense report. to moscow,
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an american armored vehicle added to the collection of captured equipment on poklonnaya hill. opening tomorrow. 370 years of common history about to be demolished in kiev reached the monument in honor of the pereislavskaya rada. what is the significance of the event? wall wall students police in the states, new protests against the war in gas. consider the action of the side, hidden springs. call sign falcons. theater artists, underground heroes, exploits during the fascist occupation of simferopol. there are books and movies about this. at the beginning, a summary of the ministry of defense. our air defense forces shot down six american atacoms ballistic missiles in one day. if this is from the new aid package for the zelensky regime, then, as they say, not even a few days have passed. two french gliders were also intercepted air bombs. and 10 drones. as a result of
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our high-precision strikes, targets were hit in kharkov, where there are military factories, as well as a hangar for assembling drones, with which the ukrainian armed forces are trying to attack our energy facilities. and here is a video of the destruction of a charging installation for the ukrainian s-300 air defense system. as for the front line, there is progress at ocheretin, novobakhmutovka, novokalinov. in that area alone , three bradley infantry fighting vehicles, a paladin self-propelled gun and many artillery pieces were destroyed. some examples of captured western equipment can be seen in moscow on poklonnaya hill. the exhibition, which will open on may 1, today received another trophy. our soldiers captured an american repair and recovery vehicle near avdiivka. such are rare in the armed forces of ukraine. the tanks are easy to pull out. later modifications are called hercules. people are already coming to look at anato’s technology. mainly for damaged ones. there is a german heavy leopard tank, a french amx armored vehicle. bmp
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brad for production in the usa, more than thirty vehicles in total, as well as many weapons and combat documents. on multimedia the screen will show footage of the destruction of western equipment. objective control of such destruction is carried out from our attack helicopters. the k-52 alligator and the mi-28 night hunter are also working against the enemy. and the mi-8 is always at the required distance from them. on board it, along with a combat cover group. our correspondent huseyn huseyn went. the mi-8 helicopter rises into the sky and heads towards the front line. two more cars take off from the airfield with him. this is army aviation and the southern group of troops operating in the donetsk direction. the team of russian aerospace forces that fly out on combat missions usually consists of three helicopters; these are two combat helicopters, the k-52 and the mi-28. and this one that comes with
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the accompaniment. on board is a search and rescue squad that accompanies attack helicopters on every flight; there can be up to ten of them a day; the group’s task is to rescue pilots in the event of a shooting down or emergency landing. detection of ship and flight crew service. providing first aid to the crew, evacuating them directly to the hospital or or the nearest medical floor. the front-line zone or... the line of combat contact does not matter, they must provide assistance no matter what, the detachment includes experienced fighters, our group includes six scouts who provide cover for three rescuers. the closer to the front line, the lower the helicopters descend, skirting power lines and forest plantations, flying at low level only before firing, they sharply gain altitude. unguided aircraft missiles cover the target, this is manpower.
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enemy who is hiding in a building on outskirts of the city of chasova yar. another target, right there , nearby, dugouts of the armed forces of ukraine in a nearby forest plantation, objective footage. control, as confirmation of the accurate and efficient operation of our aviation. according to the aircraft gunner's report, all targets were destroyed, and the fire was right on target. when the k-52 and mi-28 enter the firing position, the third side is on duty to the side, without losing sight of them, and the commander is in constant communication with the pilots. as part of a search and rescue group that accompanies attack helicopters on combat missions, on average up to 10 man, this. shooters, machine gunners, there must be a medic. in the event, as the military says, of an emergency situation, the soldiers take up a perimeter defense and must be ready to repel an enemy attack. rescuers and a medic are engaged in evacuation and first aid. everything you need is available. a bag with
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you, ivs, bandages, tourniquets, tampanade, everything is there. the most important thing is to deliver to a medical facility as soon as possible. during the special operation, there were not many cases when the help of the search and rescue team was needed a lot, the military says, this flight also went well, every attack aircraft pilot has hundreds of hours spent in the air over donbass. gusein huseynov, farida muslimov, boris chuchupalov, anastasia slobodenyuk and irina chyuchuy. first channel donetsk people's republic. two residents of the kursk region died today as a result of terrorist attacks from ukrainian territory. kozino, a woman, her injury turned out to be incompatible with life; in the village of nikolaev, darina, a man, his house caught fire after ammunition was dropped from a drone, reported governor of the region roman starovoyt. news of the hour: the area of ​​fires southeast of the capital buryat has grown to 10,000 km. footage from ulanu
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five large fires due to strong winds. the ministry of emergency situations is urgently increasing its force. the clammers are blown by hurricane winds of almost 30 m/s. that is, over 100 km/h. same weather. kut region there is a dust storm, fallen trees and broken electrical wires, which means also fire and smoke and also work for emergency services. urgent calls on a professional holiday, just today is the 375th anniversary of foundations of fire protection in russia. alexey ivanov from the donetsk people's republic, where every tenth outbreak is the consequences of ukrainian shelling and where in 2 years 26 rescuers died at a combat post. in a matter of minutes, the crew puts on their equipment and goes to an emergency call, a fire after another shelling of donetsk, a house is on fire after shelling, there may be people in the house. over the 10 years of armed conflict in donbass, firefighters had to
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come under enemy artillery fire and be targeted with missiles. there are often cases when ammunition is dropped from copters onto firefighters while extinguishing fire. therefore, the driver usually tries to keep an eye on the sky when... at this time we continue to extinguish the fire , rescuers do not have time to repair the traces of shrapnel that exploded right next to the projectile vehicles, equipment with such battle wounds is constantly at work, because the shrapnel hit us cabin, went through the driver's seat, broke the steering wheel, well, if there were people in the car, then they would probably no longer be there, so lucky, the boys were in the shelter and managed to hide, the trail from the shrapnel also went right through the cabin, a trace of the shrapnel also remained, well, we don’t think about it, in the fifth building of the university of economics and
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here is one example, severe destruction in trade. firefighters very quickly arrived at the scene of the hail, it is now very difficult to breathe here, because there is acrid smoke everywhere, like a rocket. i pierced several floors on wooden floors, which is called fire walking. come on, come on, come on, open it, that's it, come here, come here, break this board, come over there, that's how we are became unwitting witnesses to the work of a donetsk firefighter here at the scene of the shelling, people say that the rescuers are heroes, because they immediately arrive immediately after the attack occurred at the site, they work, apparently, not only in special protection, but also in bulletproof vests, to bulletproof vests have been supplemented with strong army helmets, such as are found in every fire truck; now , as rescuers note, there are a little fewer calls to arrival sites, which means there is time for training at such a training ground; volskis
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sometimes have to just sit on their knees like this this is a very narrow corridor. it was just a couple of minutes that it was very difficult to breathe here in this room. despite the fact that there seems to be air in the cylinders, and if even a little bit of this smoke gets in, it’s simply impossible, a rescuer has to work in such a room in such conditions every day, how do you withstand, uh, persistent training, years of training , we train, we train, but it’s hard, but not without it, don’t forget, there is no thermal effect, there is no water when there is still water on you pours from above, warm, hot. nothing, we're working. almost all donbass rescuers celebrate fire day on duty. readiness to leave when
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enemy shells explode in residential areas is always maximum here. alexey ivanov, valentin stukanok, alexander napalkov, irina chyuchuy, channel one. donetsk. today is the fortieth day after the terrorist attack in crocus near moscow. 145 dead, including children. people have been pouring flowers, soft toys and photographs to the public memorial at the site of the tragedy since the morning. a terrible disaster that happened on march 22 united the country. those who started the fire are arrested, they will answer, and those who helped them. the judgment is ahead, while it is time for the words and feelings of others. express condolences and pay tribute to the people who suffered and died here. we are together, the whole country is together, it seems to me that everyone has expressed this unity. a tragedy, a very huge tragedy for the whole country. even the voice trembles to say condolences.
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and then someone with nuclear weapons and not the smallest arsenal, which is important as an argument, begins to seriously defend the traditional values ​​that you are going to abolish, so i think they have a basis for this russophobia and hatred of putin. the conversation, which lasted about 20 minutes, was recorded in moscow. let me remind you that tucker carlson came. to the russian capital in february to interview vladimir putin. in kiev today , zaporozhye cossacks were demolished. it would seem that we will show that we are brothers of the cossack family, a line from the ukrainian anthem. then what? yuri lepatov is also bewildered. they would definitely be very surprised in the style of an old ukrainian joke, no, well, why? that's for sure cossacks there are oselets, that is, forelocks on a shaved head, and long hanging mustaches, and there is otoman. in kiev they are demolishing a monument to those whom they consider their ancestors, and this doesn’t even really surprise anyone, it’s all a waste
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of resources, whatever one may say, we have military people who don’t have enough helmets, our government wastes time and money on those things, i think , the monument could simply be renamed, given a different name, but now is not the time to do all this, well, it’s not the time, if this has been happening for 10 years already, in western money, the ukrainian institute of national memory, or rather national unconsciousness, is demolishing monuments that are about a common history with russia, this monument in recent years was simply called the arch of friendship of peoples, people came here to relax at festivals , exhibitions of beautiful views of the dnieper, but some of russophobes saw that next to bogdan khmelnitsky was the russian boyar vasily buturlin, found out that the latter, as the tsar's ambassador, took the oath from the hetman and we ask, please your tsar's majesty, we, the faithful you have servants and subjects and defend against all adversity, so that your kingdom.
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and there was politically, ethnically, one might even say, genocide, because the poles considered themselves a superior race, in comparison with the little russians, as they believed, the russian people, and both of them considered themselves russians then. so they were saved, russia saved them. in odessa , the monument to empress catherine ii, by whose decree this city was founded, was demolished. there , a monument to alexander suvorov, who conquered these lands from the turks, was demolished. neo-nazis in kharkov several times they carried a monument to marshal of victory georgy zhukov. kharkov was restored, but then the vandals did their job again, explaining that the victory over nazism was not
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their victory at all. therefore, in nikolaev they blew up the obelisk of the motherland, in kiev they destroyed the monument to general vatutin, who... in fact, liberated the city from the nazis. in chernigov, brainwashed children demolished a monument to soviet partisan zoya kosmodemyansky, which stood in the school yard. in fact, they reproduced her execution carried out by the nazis during the war, they put a noose around his neck and pulled him off the pavement. the current officials from the city of rivne also stated that the victory over hitler’s germany is not their holiday, ordering the erection of a monument to the liberating soldiers, while soviet soldiers in western ukraine were greeted with flowers and tears. this chronicle is more than three decades old, but this is not forgotten. the first flight into space and the first cosmonaut yuri gagarin are also not theirs, which means demolishing them. the tinushi who serve him as nazis refuse to consider alexander pushkin theirs, although for most people, those born in ukraine have russian as their native language. they came up with the following alternative to historical memory: a museum of cooked borscht
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sculptures for nazi collaborators bandera shukhevych, kanavalets. it all started. called the lenin fall, when maidan militants began to carry monuments to the actual creator of ukraine, vladimir lenin, just like dominoes fall, touching each other, so historical memory collapses in ukraine. according to this logic, zelensky government officials will soon get to the famous symbol of kiev, the monument to bogdan khmelnitsky, but for now he is presented in ukrainian textbooks as a fighter for selves in ukraine, who was deceived by the muscovites, where you will see these documents, where he calls himself russian, they are all. they have all been erased from the textbook long ago. however, both hetman and his cossacks called themselves russians. it will not be possible to throw this out of history. yuri lepatov, anastasia slobodenyuk, alexey simonov, channel one. the trial of eugenie guzza started in chisinau today and was soon postponed to the end of may. the head of gagaluzi, an autonomy in moldova, is accused of financing
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political party. the law is behind us, the people and respect, the love of the people are behind us, we will not give in, now the united states , six months and a couple of days before the presidential elections, a poll by cnn, by the way, traditionally loyal to dimparti, and then to joe biden, was in favor of donald trump.
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9% gap between the former and current heads of the white house. the other three are mentioned. with sociologists the total is less than 25%. and if there were two to choose from, then again trump, 49% versus 43 for biden. the campaign in the states, like the previous one, is taking place against the background riots and pogroms. students don't study. georgiy alesashvili is working. texas cops are under orders to stand on ceremony. students, these are not migrants, you can be tougher with them. just outside the state capital, security forces are pushing protesters off campus. an individual approach to the most active ones. since the middle of the last century, american students, for the most part, have taken left-liberal positions, they do not like conservatives, and they support ramallah in the palestinian-israeli conflict. i didn't touch you, hey, what the hell
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due to the explosion of a dangerous situation, dozens of the country's largest universities are under threat. that universities have taken a pro-israeli position, protesters are demanding other teachers and a complete severance of ties with everyone who is in favor of the war in gas, including companies doing business in israel. since october last year, the country has been unable to count casualties, the entire health infrastructure has been destroyed,
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and demonstrators are protesting against the white house’s unconditional support for israel. israel must stop the military operation, this is a war crime and genocide, and the us must stop funding israel. the state of israel, which is a settler colony, must disappear. i don’t want to talk about anti-semitism, i have nothing to justify, this is not about judaism and jews. jews have lived among arabs for thousands of years, so we are not against jews, we are against the ideology of zionism. in new york , the approaches to one of the city's largest universities are still blocked. among other things, the demonstrators are demanding the resignation of the rector of columbia university for not only failing to defend protesting students, at special hearings in congress, also agreed to all, even the most unexpected arguments. do you remember what it says in the book of genesis, chapter twelve, verse three, everything is very clear in it: if you bless israel, i
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will bless you, if you curse israel, i will curse you. do you really want god to curse columbia university? in no case. returning from the congress, where she was promised divine punishment, minouj shafk turned to the city police. with request to disperse the protesters. the administration of columbia university has already issued a second honor and ultimatum. the first simply contained a demand to disperse. now demonstrators are threatened with sanctions including suspension from education. however, the rallies still continue. at night, demonstrators broke down the door and took over the hamilton hall academic building. having barricaded themselves, they repeated in detail what the students who were protesting did 55 years ago. against the war in vietnam, the intifada called for by the american youth is the armed struggle of palestinians against israel, but not all protesters
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know what they came out to agitate for. you guys are calling for antifada, do you even know what it is, what antifada is? in response, there is suspicious silence; blm slogans at pro-palestinian rallies raise even more questions. open funding, it goes not only to politicians, but also to movements. we saw this during the wall street rally. this was the case in the summer of 2020. the biden administration, by inertia, like
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any american government, finances israel, but the left wing of the democratic party openly supports palestine. at the same time, republicans are traditionally in favor of a jewish state. and if in the summer of 2020 there was no second force that would take to the streets to oppose the same blm, then now. next to every pro-palestinian rally, a pro-israeli rally, in the already turbulent election race , a situation is developing that is even more conflicting than 4 years ago. georgy alisashvili, pavel nesterov, natalya labanova, dalyadinova, alexander gornostaev, channel one usa. important date our history: on april 30, 1945, in berlin , the assault flag of the 150th idret infantry division was hoisted over the richstag building, which would later be called the victory banner. violent.
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under the windows of veterans there are marches, orchestras, songs of congratulations that touch to the depths of the soul. dear ivan petrovich, we congratulate you on victory day, give me this card, of course, of course, i will put it closer to my heart, this is all for... my soul, great patriotic war veteran ivan petrovich lytkin went to the front at 17, at first he was gunner after being wounded by a scout, at 98 , he remembers well how they took his tongue more than once, and after
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the war he was engaged in searching. without you, the commander's bearing still makes four orders for military distinction freeze on his chest, by the end of forty-fifth dozens of destroyed tanks, and he himself burned several times in the car, but thanks to constant training, the crew was evacuated from the tank
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in just 7 seconds. yes, it will hit the tank due to the memory of the body, my right hand is already trained to the lever, i turned it and the hatch opened due to the spring, immediately fresh air. tank driver grigory razuman from zaporozhye remembers in detail how they fought off the lions and fascists, in the last days of the war in berlin, fortified streets, bunker trenches, may 1945 was no less bloody. on our street. said ferdinand - this is a self-propelled gun, and did not allow the infantry to pass, well, i shot at it twice, for which, in fact, they were awarded, here is the first degree of the patriotic war, this will not be told in any history lesson, taras levovich, a twelve-year-old boy was taken out from besieged leningrad, having seen with my own eyes, what is war, he was eager to go to the front, escaped from
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the shelter. and was accepted as a student into a machine gun company, participated in the battles of stalingrad, near kharkov, liberated odessa, now he has three children, eight grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, his own home, that’s why everyone fought for their homeland, it’s in our people, in our country , because understand, i have traveled all over the country, i have never been anywhere, i will tell you that there is no such people as we have anywhere, these are people. unexpected, incredible people, all these wars, everything, everything, the russian people endured everything, strong people, strong people, i love herself, songs that have been sung together for several generations, a concert right in the yard of the siege survivor marina polizeimaka, she is the widow of the famous actor semyon farada, the great patriotic war veteran mira burieva also accepts congratulations, during the war she was a signal operator on the front line, and it seems now is not the time
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recall. i am happy that i am 99 years old, i have lived to such an age that i still deserve so many people to come and congratulate me, i love my country, i love life, i want to give enough and invite you all to celebrate my centenary. svetlana kostina, natalya moshtakova, dalmira beryukova and sergey valetov, channel one. and about one more event from the history of the great patriotic war. very soon it will be 80 years since the liberation of crimea. researchers have yet to reconstruct many details of both the offensive operation itself and the period of occupation, when the underground was active in crimea. among the participants is the legendary group “falcon, artists of the crimean russian
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theater”. in simfepol, people far from the military profession, but who played an important role in the liberation of the peninsula. with the descendants of heroes met our correspondent, vitaly katchenko. great-grandfather on my mother’s side , nikolai andreevich baryshev, nicknamed sokol. and this is my grandfather on my father's side. sokol efim iosifovich. great-grandson nikolai barysheva is sure that there are no accidents. the call sign of his great-grandfather, the leader of a group of crimean underground fighters, became the surname of their family. he was an artist, it turns out, not only an artist, he loved to read songs about the falcon madly, so he was nicknamed the little falcon. baryshev's nickname will become the name for the only pop-up group consisting of artists and workers theater, after the liberation of crimea. during the fascist occupation of simferopol, which lasted 865 days. they didn’t even know about the existence of the sokol group; sometimes the participants themselves did not know who was in it. such secrecy allowed theatergoers to collect intelligence under the noses of
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the germans. the story of their struggle behind enemy lines formed the basis of the film, they were actors, when you receive tasks, you will understand everything, what tasks? alexandra feodorovna, the theater is just a screen. leading artist of the simferopol theater alexandra fedorovna peregonets, played by zenoid kiriyenko, had no equal in the group. she had great connections among the intelligentsia, these were doctors, these were teachers, and so on. therefore, she could, using her authority, still receive some medications, this is the necessary alcohol, this is the same dressing. all i can do is wait for you in two weeks. thank you very much, nikolai ivanovich, god bless you. they prepared safe houses for partisans, distributed newspapers, and posted leaflets for residents of occupied crimea. the reports from the front were a breath of fresh air. the defeated groups hastily retreat, abandoning
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their weapons and suffering huge losses. moscow survived. thank god for the patrol. having ausweiss for free movement around the city, the underground fighters noted the location of enemy troops. this helped our aviation carry out targeted strikes during the liberation of simferopol. a german map, perhaps this is exactly the map that baryshev put these objects on, with a clear abbreviation, everything was very clear and precise. but instead of applause, there was a curse from their own people, who considered the underground artists to be traitors. skin, german skin! in memory of their great feat, for half a century there has been a play on the stage of the simferopol theater; they were actors. the declassified data of fascist criminals indicates that there were from 15 to 16 people in the sokol group.
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this means that seven or eight members of the theatrical underground still managed to escape, but even after 80 years, we still don’t know their names. the main part of sokol's group was arrested. in march 1944, the name of the traitor has not yet been established, eight participants were shot on the outskirts simferopol, 3 days before the liberation of the crimean capital, we didn’t tell everything, didn’t show it, it’s all smoothed out a little, it’s all tidied up a little, though it’s harsher and more terrible, they died a terrible death, they were tortured before being shot, when you read, well this is immediately a comm in her throat, alexandra peregonets was also experiencing a personal tragedy, in february '42, the nazis shot her husband, but...
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here is nina andreevna, and this is the grandmother, she turned to the profit, because there was no other option, or to the train to germany, or leave her, well, she stayed here thanks to the profit, he sent her to some doctor who gave her some
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drops, her mother says she had a kind of inflammation of her eyes, thanks to this she stayed, except for nina, the underground workers saved about 40 more boys and girls, peregonians, convinced the german sunderführer to found a studio at the theater. which recruited young artists. the historical building of the theater from 1911 was preserved thanks to elizaveta kucherenko with the call sign swallow. she is the only one of the group who was not captured by the germans in march forty fourth. on april 11, retreating from simphepol, the germans set fire to a bookstore located in the theater building. swallows , together with another stage worker, managed to put out the fire. the streets in simferopol are named after actors and underground workers, and the corpses of their native theater are included in the composition, they are inscribed forever. actors died like soldiers. vitaly katchenko, maria emelyanova, ruslan yusupov, veronika ilvuchenkova and victor vasin. first channel crimea.


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