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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 1, 2024 3:15am-4:00am MSK

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as the last element in the natural periodic table, and then we see how the stability of the elements decreases, decreases, falls, and we actually reach the end of the world of nuclei, the end of the world, yes, that very thing, and indeed it was predicted in the sixties it is predicted that if we go to very heavy elements, in the region of element 114, which is already known today, but the truth is... with a gigantic number of neutrons 184, now if we can synthesize such a nucleus, then it will really live for a long time, as far as for a long time, there are different predictions, from thousands of years to millions and billions of years, this area was called the island of stability of superheavy elements, in fact, starting with this prediction, the year sixty-six, the actual story begins with the search for the island of stability, with the search for superheavy elements. they found an island,
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discovered it, you can shout earth, you can shout earth, you can shout earth, because these are the experiments that were done in dubna at the beginning of the millennium, they just prove that the island of stability exists, we did not get to its center, we have not yet been able to see these most stable isotopes, we have not been able to synthesize them, but we have actually reached the shore of the island of stability, we see... that as we take small steps towards the island , the lifetime is growing - quite quickly, that is , there, well, on average, adding one neutron to a superheavy element, we increase the lifetime by about 10 times, yeah, this is really a gigantic figure, which suggests that we see this height stability and we very, very, very much hope that indeed such elements in
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the very center will live for these predicted thousands, maybe millions of years. well, you are talking about an increase in the number of neutrons, yes, but if we talk about protons, your vertical ruler reaches approximately 124, approximately. could there be a large continent of stability beyond the screen? i recently read an article where american astrophysicists analyzed one of the asteroids, which was somehow anomalously dense. and their hypothesis that this is generally the 164th element, which is not even close here, can this continent, island, or at least some kind of lagoon of stability exist there, there are predictions that, besides this first island of stability, there are others, really the most distant one, quite large island, it was predicted in the region of 170, just about the 160th element, the only thing is how reliable are these... a legend
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to say, well, i think that no one will undertake it, because nuclear physics is a science based on models, on our model ideas about the core. the quality of the predictions of these models very much depends on how far we have moved from the known region, from the region of nuclei that we know them experimentally. hoping that these nuclei can live long enough is, well, difficult, because well... what, what is generally considered to determine the end of the periodic table? it is believed that - the periodic table will end, in principle, where the stability of the nucleus becomes negligible, and the nucleus will not live enough to form an atom, well, these are fractions there nanoseconds, fractions of a nanosecond are needed in order for the nucleus to be overgrown with electrons, that ’s when we reach such times, then, well, in fact, it will not be an atom, and therefore no longer a chemical element.
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the stability of a heavy, very heavy nucleus is actually determined by its stability with respect to fission, the nucleus is charged, protons, like charged particles of the same name, they strive to disintegrate the nucleus, there are nuclear forces that, on the contrary, strive to keep it in a compact form, this is the confrontation of these two forces determine the stability of very heavy nuclei, and the heavier the nucleus, the more these forces. coulomb forces, they become stronger, more powerful and more powerful and try to destroy the nucleus faster and faster, it is precisely this process of nuclear fission that is believed to limit the world of nuclei and the world of atoms, it is predicted that somewhere else very far beyond element 120, we will just reach values ​​of lifetimes that will not allow experimental registration of these chemical elements,
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that is, they will live so short that nuclei that we simply will not be able to detect them, there are other predictions that these will not be ordinary dense nuclei, they may turn out to be nuclear ones.
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metaphors core - i don’t know, a snowball, a brick wall, a drop, some kind of lattice, what is it? well, there is such a model, a liquid drop, yes, from the point of view of which the core is a drop of very dense matter, a drop of such nuclear liquid, with rather sharply defined edges, in order to understand what density this formation is, then approximately if we had a hundred-liter barrel i... here this barrel would be the same as the mass of water in lake baikal, in general our substance is like this nuclear liquid, then this barrel, the mass sounds strange, it seems to us that we are very dense, or the stone is dense, the iron is dense, generally speaking, we ourselves consist of
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emptiness, that these small nuclei are very dense formations, but they are small, if we compare the size of an atom and the size of the nucleus, then it is one in 1000. that is, if our nucleus has a size of 1 cm, then the atom would be 10,000 cm in size, yes, that's 100 m, that's it ratio of sizes, and electrons are practically the same material particle particles, which in terms of mass electrons are 2,000 times less than neutrons and protons, that is, they are so light, it turns out in this sense... that the entire mass of the nucleus, all density is concentrated in a small nucleus , everything else is emptiness, what is the laboratory of nuclear reactions working on now, when will you give new elements to the people? i hope that soon, i hope that soon, you were talking about the factory
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of superheavy elements, but this is a new accelerator complex, which was a built quite recently, the first experiments were carried out at the end of 2020. and what has been done from a technical point of view is the characteristics, so we said that the breakthrough from the last five elements became possible after the characteristics were improved hundreds of times in the nineties, but it turned out that 20 years have passed, and after 20 experimental technology can be made in tens more years, well, maybe up to 100 times better than 20 years ago, that is , a new accelerator has been built, more powerful, more... effective, new separators, and we are now, doing the first experiments, so far on known elements, we see that the productivity of this complex has increased, well, tens of times the number of atoms that all laboratories in the world have accumulated throughout
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history, we can do the same to collect and even sort out the quantity in a thirty-day experiment, this really shows that we have reached some... you ask, the second is the study of already existing open elements, their isotopes, new isotopes, that's if talking about the synthesis of new elements, what is such a big catch is that targets heavier than california cannot be made, and california with calcium, when merging with california we get element 18, which is already known, that is, we should move on to heavier glasses and this, unfortunately, leads to the fact
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that the probability of synthesis decreases; according to predictions and the first experimental estimates, it says that the decrease can be from 10 to 100 times. this really creates difficulties in conducting experiments precisely because a new experimental complex, this factory of superheavy elements, was built, that is, we technically benefit from the fact:
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it has given the world a lot, yes, you can remember nuclear energy, yes, electricity,
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recently, probably there are a lot of such discoveries of fundamental nuclear science that are used in medicine, these include medical pharmaceuticals, radioactive isotopes, which are used for the diagnosis and treatment of the most severe diseases, cancer... everything that is created on smaller copies, accelerators that were made for fundamental research, the same nuclear reactions and knowledge about nuclear reactions that were studied in order to do fundamental science are used, there are specialized accelerators for cancer therapy diseases, some registration methods are used, for example, the particle registration method, when a particle fell into plastic, then the damaged matter
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was chemically etched and according to the parameters, here the resulting pores determined what kind of particles they were, this was the detection method, then they realized that they could take a polymer film, pierce it through with heavy ions, treat it chemically and a membrane would be obtained, a membrane. with hole sizes, with pore sizes that cannot be made by any other means, clearly calibrated pores, these membranes, they are called track membranes, they are simply now booming in the development of various products, primarily medical and industrial, all kinds of filters, there are all sorts of things out there, even some artificial leathers are being tried to be made on the basis of a track membrane, this is what is being done.
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www, yes, which was invented by scientists at cerny, solely as a convenient tool for displaying experimental information that they receive uh. scientists, and after that, well, this technology, it has actually spread now in every smartphone and we really just can’t imagine life without it, so in general - fundamental science in general, it has no goal, to do something, to initially do something - that useful, something that will enrich or improve our
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life, yes, and its goal is to understand the world around us, the laws of nature that govern this world. the boundaries of this world and so on, these are all useful things, they come out as a kind of by-product, from what we talked about today, whether a bomb can be made or not, no, you know, sometimes when they comment on the discoveries of new elements, i am somewhat i just heard that, for example, this is a step towards the energy of the future or something else, you know, make it out of the elements themselves something.
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joint institute for nuclear research. watch all episodes of the schöddinger's cat podcast on the channel one website and may the power of science be with you. hello, i am still dmitry bak, and to my deep happiness i still am. hosts of a literary podcast, let them not speak, let them read, this is a crafty name, of course, we speak at our meetings, on our programs, but we speak for a reason, but in order to encourage you to read, today we have representatives of the new generation of russian prose writers, by the way, among there is a poet, try to guess who
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it is before i discover this secret. so, our guest today is asya volodina, hello! hello, asya, the author of two wonderful novels, part of the picture and the protagonist, and the protagonist has already been awarded an art theater prize, and part of the picture is also very popular. in addition, our guest is a literary critic, i’ll tell you a secret , poet, and prose writer evgeny kremchukov, his latest novel, the magic choir, was included in the short lists of two major awards, the yasnaya polyana prize and the prize. big book, and hello, zhenya, hello, well, katya manoila, who just released her second novel, blows dead leaves to the wind, and the first novel has already received a lot of press, this novel is called father looks to the west, and it was on the long list of the big book award on the short list for the yasnaya polyana prize, katya,
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hello, both the lyceum laureate and the lyceum prize laureate. by the way, i didn’t say this about asya volodina, who is a finalist for the lyceum prize. well, it’s up to you to decide whether you’re a finalist or a finalist, that’s your choice, that’s not the main thing, and the main thing is that we are talking today about modern literature. i promised to surprise you with a question, but i didn’t say what, and i will surprise you with it. answer: yes, no. ah, are you a millennial or not a millennial? millennial, millennial. yes. are you a millennial? no. no. you. older than millennials, yes by feeling or by passport, but by feeling, by feeling, well, finally, katya, are you a millennial or not, i thought first there would be a question, are you a millionaire, well, it’s almost the same thing,
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the moment when it began 21st century, well, this is what we are talking about, we mean this meaning when let’s pronounce this long word: the millennium of the millennium, a millennial is a person who is related to the turn of the millennium, this is what i wanted to ask my guests: is it possible today to have a unified history of literature, well, some pushkin, gogol lermantov or not, again quick answer, yes or no, or does everyone have their own literature, asya, no? impossible, each has his own, each has his own, each has his own modern literature, yes modern, of course, pushkin, i think, well, it can hardly be put under, each to his own, katya, yes, i’ll ask asya, but what
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actually pushed you to become a writer, i even put this phrase in quotation marks, yes, well , imagine, your daughter or son comes to you and says, mom or dad, i will be a writer, what will we answer him, but you live what will you do, strictly speaking, and who will you study for, and where will you work, what does it mean to be a writer, that’s what was most important for you when it all started? well , actually, it started for me just after i finished my studies, found a job and , moreover, defended my ph.d. dissertation, and apparently after that i allowed myself to live the way i want, in fact i already had a piece of bread, i know that you teach german and estonian, this is my main one and usually that is.
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to torment, not to criticize, but to argue very harshly, because, well, how can you burn out on faulkner. well, of course, you, dear friends, know that william faulkner, billy faulkner, is the man to whom sherwood anderson, another novelist, short story writer, sent a famous letter and said: "billy, you're a country boy, you write only what you know, about that piece of land that can be covered with a postage stamp on the map, and faulkner began to write his magnificent, brilliant novels, how you can burn out on this." well, not a bad reason to become a writer, zhenya, but how was it you? i came to literature as a poet, and so that you have books, two, two poetry
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collections, in the eleventh year a guide book was published, a book of poems, this year in the twenty-third a book was published for everyone. for me, literature is a way of knowing, and if poetry was a way self-knowledge, then prose has become a way... knowledge of reality, that’s probably it, well, this is a clear formulation, but still, i always repeat the phrase that bazarov says in response to odintsova, she shows him maps, views of saxon switzerland, he says: i don’t like painting, but i’ll look at it from a geological point of view, well, of course, you can look at a picture from a geological point of view, how the layers and rocks are there, but to understand the world, is it really necessary to write literature, maybe it’s better to read some others books, no, maybe different methods of cognition, i'm not saying that he eats.
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then in order to write a novel, you need to stock up on one or more strong impressions, so... this is very important,
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my question is, to what extent does your life fit into it in a transformed form or in a direct form, well, we involuntarily compare the facts of the biography and novel, sometimes very directly, sometimes not very directly, it’s still to what extent personal experience is included in the prose, or it is not there, and if it is included, then how personal, intimate, private or well, public, generalized after all, that is, the thrill of time. or the thrill of the heart, what is most important? i’m remembering here, in fact, a story that happened to me in 1920, when i reached the finals of the lyceum prize, and there was such a practice that they posted part of the author’s biography and an excerpt from his work, and i don’t know what is literally needed there paragraph, i wrote a little about my life - quite interesting, and the first comment was something like that the person’s biography seems more interesting than his text,
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probably it’s more interesting to read a biography, and so i realized that perhaps it’s not worth dealing all the cards at once and it’s better to still let the text be read, and not yourself, but at the same time , really, well, my personal experience is somehow reflected in all my texts, the point is that of course, i give my characters a lot of myself or what i see around me, because this is my way of getting used to, that is , for me, writing is a lot of acting, great, it’s possible to create a novel without yourself, it’s just... using technology, using experience, the ability to correctly put words in the correct order, or is personal experience necessary just as dostoevsky says? it seems to me that we should be filled with not just one experience, or even just a few, but many. i sometimes feel like i’m stewing in this one broth, and i’m telling, i don’t know, the same story, there, i’m writing one of my
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experiences. and this may be for my benefit as therapy, but for literature this is a minus, this is a minus, so i’m already starting this text, mercilessly cutting, here i understand, so let’s leave this for the diary, but here for the reader, for literature we let's work it out you are a wise woman, this is very subtly said, yes, because there are a lot of things that seem potentially interesting to an ordinary person,
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islam and christianity, where people seem to be divided between these worlds, interesting books, by the way, i think, but what did you feel or what event?
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develops according to consistent internal laws, great, katya, father looks to the west, it came out more than a year ago, but since then every day i receive some feedback from readers on social networks, and for me, probably,
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this is the most important one. index, that yes response, yes, yes, yes, of course, asya, you, i probably have a more formal approach in this regard, because by the time the protagonist finished i already had a finished novel, i had the feeling that i knew how to create texts , worlds and yes, that is, before the protagonist, i knew that i could make a text that was worth something, and the protagonist simply helped, well, set the bar higher actually, but i had such a rather formal approach that there is an author, and there is a writer, a writer needs publications, while i didn’t have a publication. well yes, the one who plays hamlet brilliantly in front of the mirror, the hallway, it’s still him, even if he has the feeling that it’s turning out very cool, but still it’s not quite right, yes, zhenya, katya, still a response is needed, a response is needed, needed ,
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but it should be after. so, i remind you that today we are talking about modern literature, our guests today are representatives of new russian prose, this is asya. but is it possible to do without something that doesn’t happen every day, without murders, without some terrible things? here are three questions in
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any order, now i’ll start again, starting with great literature, i must immediately make a reservation that, for example, i am not always included in it precisely because i use all sorts of enticing things, and who doesn’t? no, not even to the novel by john false, to his collection of essays, which began that faus, as an excellent fiction writer, skillfully used genre techniques, when i read this phrase, i realized that i was ready to be a fiction writer, like faus, whom we studied at the faculty of philology itself, let us comment on john falls, a wonderful english novelist and philosopher, author of books. lecturer, wolf, in russian translation, yes, beautiful, many once very beloved books, yeah, and it seems to me that modern authors, well, at least if we are talking about our generation, in many ways relate to literature in
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general, not as a tiered system of floors, where there is great literature, such as fiction and genre literature, but as a certain field, that is, you take your basket, walk along this field , pick those berries that are interesting to you, that you need. well, there are tiers, there are fly agarics, toadstools and white ones, yes, but maybe a pinch fly agarics are what your soup will need, it will make it unexpectedly interesting, don’t try to repeat it without a specialist, you don’t need to put it in the soup, yes, well, i don’t know, there are mushrooms that just need to be boiled for a long time, yeah, but for them to become edible, then you can also use some elements of genre literature, as i, for example, do in both of my novels, and not only.
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immediately puts everything on the shelves, i would highlight a lot of literature not technically, as it seems to me, not based on the use of certain techniques, but based on the task, and if genre literature's main task is to entertain the reader, then in the big, so- called literature, it seems to me that? work, no, difficulty, increasing the world, well, if, well , look, how, zhen, how can i increase the world, if i don’t like it, that’s always my problem, i don’t like it, what, well, if i just don’t try, they tell me, you don’t have to try a delicious soup, and then you’ll like it, i’d rather have some candy right away, how to work for those who are used to looking for easy ways, like a great author, does he have the right some compromises are not acceptable, please.
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i really like the phrase from one english novel: the boys were the first to run to the place of execution, great, i like that they were once playing cards with the horse guard narumov, the queen of spades, what else is there? the father looks to the west, this is a gloomy three-story building in which the moralist was born and died, it resembled a funeral home, well, right away it’s darkness, uh-huh, it’s immediately darkness... the bell
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that rang through louise skull announced the end of the lesson, that’s where everything begins at school, of course zhenya , about the arrest of protasov bavrin found out in izu, shizuoka prefecture while sightseeing, well , yes, yes, well, the arrest is still not murder, but there is murder there too, as we said in the protagonist.
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you just swallow it, because i must tell you, dear interlocutors, that i am very strict, i am an editor, when i read something wrong, my face is like that of an astronaut who is rotated in three planes, it immediately begins to turn into a grimace. who is your hero? my hero, a product of his time, so far here are my two books, uh, they are, probably, in time, this - both here and there there are sisters, there are real ones, here they are, as it were, like that. yes, while i was heroin, which is also
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the heroes, who is like, plus or minus, my same age, yes, that is, it’s like that for everyone, and more or less for everyone, it’s like that for you too, this is important, that’s probably the most the main answer is that evgeny kremchukov, asya volodina, ekaterina manoela write about those who are close to them in age, in worldview, that ’s why they are millennials, yes, how to become a millennial, you need to become young, beautiful, now i’m writing a third book and my goal and the dream is to write it, to write it the way i intended it, it’s called the golden boy, it’s about a child growing up in a family from gold miners, here i do it, as if i’m challenging myself, firstly, i have different layers of time there, this time is different the geography
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is unusual, it’s a boy and not a girl, and this is magadan, and not the one i know there.
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i’m even afraid to imagine what zhenya kremchakova’s answer will be? i will try to answer as a poet, but i would like to write such a novel, such a book, that it would become for its reader an offer that cannot be refused, so that she would be air and a stone flying in this in this air, yeah, and well, that window
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that he is, well, in essence, yes, because poetry is generally excluded from fees, from circulation, and that’s the question. it’s simply not worth it, if the poems, as my students and actors say, hit you, then some other mechanisms are at work here, and well, we can only express the general confidence that a novel that breaks the usual genres is a novel , which moves from the border of steppes and forests and moscow to the extreme southeast, where gold is mined, and a novel, which is as necessary as poetry, will definitely be... written by our guests today, asiy volodina, evgeny kremchukov and ekaterina manuela. it is with great pleasure that i thank you for this meeting, asya, all the best, see you again, zhenya, goodbye, see you, katya, we’ll talk again and again. well, to you, our
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dear interlocutors, i, as always, say my sacred mantra, read with pleasure, dear friends. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this. impact triplets: army aviation against enemy troops and nato equipment, reporting from the front and news reports from the ministry of defense. from ovdeevka to moscow.


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