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tv   Novosti  1TV  May 1, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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russian federation of vladimir putin. live broadcast on may 7 at 12:00 moscow time. this is news first. hello, in the studio of valery koravlev. in this issue. the same vaunted abrams and other battle trophies, leopard, marder and much more, the exhibition on poklonnaya hill is open to everyone. tornado force, attack on ukrainian armed forces positions, camouflage. the head of the ministry of defense at
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the headquarters of the joint group of forces did not help, what tasks did he set? batons, water cannons, tear gas, hot night in tbelis, a rally against the law on new agents turned into a real massacre, labor spring day,
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kei, which was captured by the russian military in the special operation zone, vaunted nato equipment, at night they brought an american abrams tank, the same one that our fighters first knocked out in the avdeevka direction, and then pulled out straight from tray from the militants, now anyone can see it and several dozen other vehicles, our viinkor dmitry kulko was one of the first; in the last hours before the opening of the exhibition , tank abrams and his the younger brother of this m11 mine clearance vehicle. 50, it was created on the same basis of the american tank and is intended to clear corridors for the rest of the armored vehicles, the vehicle must go first, the main thing here is not the weapons, here is a bucket or a mine trawl, you see here just the rupture of an anti-tank mine, this machine is quite expensive , costs at least 4 million dollars, and it was destroyed with the help of a kamica drone, which costs only a few tens of thousands of rubles, so our well-aimed drone operator destroyed those surveillance devices, blinded the crew, here... by the way, why
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did the demining vehicle itself run into a mine, the crew ran away, but the outcome could have been completely different, here in the rear part this vehicle carries almost a ton of explosives, it is designed to release it in the form of such a hundred-meter hose and clearing corridors in minefields, if ammunition had gotten there, of course there would have been nothing left on this vehicle and it would not have been here at the exhibition today, since this morning there have been a thousand people at the bow, as you can see, about 30 pieces of equipment are on display, here... still in the first hours after his liberation, it’s quite interesting to see him today also here on poklonnaya hill in moscow. let's move on, here is another american vehicle ahead, this is an armored repair and recovery vehicle, created on the basis of another m-48 tank, they were before the abrams and were produced until the mid -eighties. it’s outdated, modern
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equipment simply doesn’t hold up, in fact, ukrainian repairmen tried to take the abrams tank out of the battlefield with it, but they were waylaid by our kamikaze drone operator, and that’s the car as well was hit and today it is on display here in moscow, well, in front is the main exhibit of this exhibition, look how many people are in the area, everyone wants to take a photo of this trophy, the abrams m1 a1 tank, the main american battle tank. army, whatever it was called in american advertising brochures, a miracle weapon, a super tank, indestructible equipment, all this, of course, is complete nonsense, look, a destroyed tank, in many ways all this hype was due to powerful armor, that’s actually almost a layer cake, you can call it that, steel sheets are used here - mixed with super-strong ceramics, the result is armor that is equal to one and a half meters of steel. but our fighters did
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n’t actually hit in the forehead, but hit the car in the side, you can see the hole from the shaped charge, here is a guided missile, the fighters destroyed the abrans, the car itself and it... su-34 bombers, and the crews of t-80 tanks with an aimed shot they destroyed the positions in the control system and worked at a distance of 5 km. increase the supply of weapons and reduce the repair time for military equipment. i set such tasks
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minister of defense sergei shaigu held a meeting at the headquarters of the joint group of troops. he was presented with weapons upgraded to combat drones, including a machine gun equipped with a sight and a special one. projectiles for drones. our troops , the minister emphasized, continue to carry out combat missions in accordance with the special operation plan. it is necessary to increase the volume and quality of weapons and military equipment supplied to the troops, primarily weapons of destruction. government contracts have been concluded with industrial enterprises with taking into account their full load and the maximum reduction in production time for weapons and military equipment. in the process of this work, issues arise that require special attention. and urgent decisions, especially to provide the most popular samples. the working day in the georgian parliament began today with a brawl. deputies gathered to continue consideration of the scandalous bill on foreign agents in the second reading.
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the opposition accused the current government of dispersing the night rally. word behind the word input it was no longer arguments, but fists. this protest was one of the most violent in recent weeks.
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almost 90 rescuers and special equipment were deployed by the emergency response team. and in buryatia, they extinguished the fire in the vicinity of ulanude, which had been raging since yesterday. area 17. m2, fiery glow, column of smoke, with fire in several points at once. the reason is power line breaks due to storm winds. the hurricane made it extremely difficult to extinguish. the flame spread instantly, approached residential buildings, and several buildings burned down. fortunately, no one suffered. today is labor spring day, many of us well remember the traditional may day demonstrations, where thousands of people gathered, now the holiday is acquiring new traditions, but as before, everything is bright on a special scale, throughout the country, rallies and processions, folk festivals, fairs
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and master classes for every taste, a good mood is guaranteed, this is a significant event, may 1, we always know that this is the day when we all. unite, demonstrating our solidarity, joy in work and leisure, this is a holiday in memory of my parents, my grandparents, when we went out to the may day demonstration, we walked together, and it’s great that now traditions are being revived in this park, long live may day, long live peace, long live friendship, long live work, i would like to wish everyone good health positive. an important action of the capital's trade unions, today from moscow they sent a convoy of trucks to the donbass, 60 tons of humanitarian aid for residents of the dpr and lpr and valuable parcels to the participants of the special operation. and this is perm, also sending humanitarian cargo, it was brought together by united russia together with
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the city administration and the united support center charitable foundation. everything necessary for our soldiers was loaded into five uaz vehicles. the cars themselves will also be handed over to the military. on labor day on channel one , a concert in honor of the grandiose date of half a century since the beginning of all-union construction, you hear, time is buzzing, bang, the brightest pop stars are on stage, the beginning of the concert in...
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the winners of a song competition dedicated to them will want to take it, read it, it’s interesting, in krasnodar awarded the most talented children, but the complex will still be handed over, and perhaps to victory day, this year more than 1,300 groups and soloists took part in it, including from our new regions, among them the children of the investigative committee employees, representatives of the department and cadets presented prizes to the winners, then a big concert,
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a film premiere on channel one according to the laws of war, an enemy behind your back, new episodes of an action-packed detective story that the audience loved so much, complicated crimes and a powerful secret enemy who needs to be determined to destroy. kristina lvieva met with the creators of the film. you waited and now, according to the laws of war, you return it.
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colonel shilov, with whom she has a long history, do you think that i have no heart, or i don’t feel anything, a large-scale military saga, a sharp detective story that will keep you in suspense, each episode is a separate story and a new investigation, until the last it’s unclear who is a friend and who is a traitor, i hit him with a bully there on the road near a cash-in-transit van, i personally am very happy... that the front-line soldiers pay special attention to this, write letters, my character,
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i just want to play a simple soldier, so that there is some kind of humor, so that the viewer not only sympathizes, but also so that he smiles, you would figure out svetlana, which of you is the commander here, otherwise i’ll fly in, the creators of the film once again managed preserve the atmosphere of the forties. the filming of the film took place in kaliningrad, military actions were filmed in forts, and bombings were filmed in dungeons. stay in the cars, if we miss anyone, you will cover. svetlana petrovna, this is an order. i relied on my impressions of soviet films, perhaps this response in in the hearts of people, that’s why it happened, there is this feeling of something to look up to, such an internal commerton always works. deep and exciting movie.
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first second episode today after the program time, cooks on wheels are on air right now.


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