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tv   Vremya  1TV  May 1, 2024 9:00pm-9:36pm MSK

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ceremony, inauguration of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live broadcast on may 7 at 12:00 moscow time. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. abrams, leopard and other trophies on poklonnaya hill. the fields of donbass showed the true price of the advertised nato iron. fire
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at the headquarters hit the enemy's command center in odessa, the advance of our army and supplies for it. the meeting was chaired by the minister of defense. new rules, all for convenience, important for defenders of the fatherland, wards of the fund, the circle of goodness of every banking client. from moscow to the very outskirts, may day in russia. our traditions and signs. time, five new heroes of labor in the presidential decree, not a parliamentary round, a fight in the hall on georgia street, a draft law on foreign agents, the reaction of the west against such a background is again double standards. sibirskaya pravda, 100 years since the birth of viktor ostafiev, how he worked and what surrounded him, can be found in the writer’s homeland. on the first day of may there are special
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emotions for muscovites and guests of the capital: thousands visitors to the exhibition of captured equipment. in our history, this has already happened with hitler’s scrap metal, now nato and ukrainian weapons are from the zone of a special military operation. at the walls of the victory museum on poklonnaya hill, in the open air and in tents, there are tanks , armored vehicles, howitzers and small arms. this did not help the enemy, like the american abrams, one of...
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like his reputation. over the course of a month, the ssu lost five of the thirty-one abrams tanks that the united states sent to ukraine, and at least three more were damaged. ukrainian repairmen they tried to pull a burned tank out of the front line using this american tractor, but our drone operator waylaid it, and now this vehicle is also on display. and this is abrams' younger brother, the m1' mine clearing vehicle. 50, it was created on the basis of the same
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american tank and is also expensive, costs at least 4 million dollars, and was destroyed by a comedian’s drone, which costs only a few tens of thousands of rubles, the operator directed the loitering ... ammunition at the surveillance devices blinded the crew and after which the vehicle demining itself ran into anti-tank mine. surprisingly, none of these nato vehicles had additional protection from kamikaze drones in the form of a turret add-on. they believe that they are invulnerable, they believe that they will come here now, parade through our land, everything will be fine for them, but as practice shows, everything is very bad for them, that is, it’s just our guys beating them they will beat, the fighters have learned it. weak points of nato vehicles, such as the american bradley infantry fighting vehicle, first knocked out a wheel from a grenade launcher, while they shooting at the tower will waste more time, and if it is already immobilized, it will be just a shooting gallery. next to the abroms at the exhibition is the most publicized european tank - the leopard, which also has one of
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the widest turrets, look, you can form a formation here, the leopard in this modification has 2 a6, reinforced armor, four crew members can be standing inside, it’s also complete various electronics. but all this becomes useless in modern combat, the leopard is too visible a target for drones, it is very tall, if you take any of our domestic tanks, then we make tanks lighter, faster and lower, respectively, even armored vehicles, the same ones of ours, they are all lower, and the leopard also showed itself in its own way as a clumsy , playful cat, this tank is during the battle near berdych, i ran into an anti-tank mine, it happened to be a leopard, what impressions, spit hunting, next to bp marder, translated from german marten, car. nimble for its size, goes 50 km/h, but gets stuck on asphalt in our black soil, this particular car got stuck in a rut near the village of severnaya, while for some reason the ukrainian armed forces crew did not remove the rubber pads from the tracks, they are needed in order not to spoil the asphalt, in general, the combat route of this marder is short, the mileage is only 50 km,
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that is, from the place of storage it went straight to the front, they only managed to paint ukrainian crosses on the armor, there is another marder standing next to it, it also has crosses, but they are german, this equipment was produced in 1943, grandfather and grandson, who were captured by our soldiers, history repeats itself , story i repeat, my father beat me like that during the war, my grandfather and uncle, my brother, my mother, the most important thing is courage and fortitude, we will win, my son is fighting for the fourth time, twice in syria and twice here, guys, health , to return alive and with victory, begs. a historical parallel with the exhibition of captured weapons in 1943, when german equipment was exhibited in moscow’s gorky park to show what a strong enemy was threatening the homeland, and how soviet soldiers broke his back, as in 1943, in fact, everything comes back to the same thing as it was,
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i’m satisfied with the ruins of the interchange, the same thing here, i’m satisfied with the look of this equipment, the guys are great, they do their job professionally, the spirit of the soviet fighter and the russian warrior is such equipment. it’s definitely scary, many visitors come with children to talk about the modern history of the russian army, it’s very interesting to show the children so that they know, understand what is happening and support, we are for our guys, we make trench candles so that our soldiers have a blanket and napkins , the swedish bmp cv90, the most expensive in the world, is displayed right next to a shot from an rpg-7, and this is an australian armored personnel carrier. a layer of asbestos fabric, designed to protect it from fire, did not prevent it from burning. western countries promise ukraine new supplies of military equipment this year, for the sake of the company. at the entrance to the exhibition, guests are greeted with this message on the screen. skip-the-line entry for
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nato embassy staff. diplomats from the states, britain, germany, france and other states, former owners of this military property, can take this opportunity and also look at the trophies. strikes on ukrainian military targets, in particular in odessa. several enemy strongholds and equipment, including drones, were destroyed on the front line. evgeniy lyamin has the latest information. night explosions in clothes, an attack near kulyakov field square in the city center. as our defense department announced today, the headquarters of the operational command of the armed forces was hit. south, and this footage, apparently, is also somewhere in the rear area, a gas station ukrainian armored vehicles, as they say , crowded together, not suspecting anything and not expecting a blow. our loitering ammunition lancet flies there, and this lancet also hits a ukrainian tank in the south donetsk direction, night work of reconnaissance forces
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of the vostok group of forces. and this is the combat work of our t-80 tank, the first tank army of the west group of forces, firing from a closed firing position on. a distance of approximately 5 km, we hit enemy personnel in shelters, dugouts, strong points and the like, if some kind of equipment is advanced that carries out - hidden unmanned aerial vehicles, identify firing points, command posts, constantly find our enemy reconnaissance equipment in the sky. we worked mainly at strong points, command posts, and up to 30 personnel, equipment commanders, and whatever came our way worked there. counter-battery warfare, respectively mortars, self-propelled guns, and through the thermal imager
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of our fighters a large ukrainian drone, nicknamed babayaga, is visible, a dangerous weapon can drop mines, it is shot down by several in bursts, the drone falls, the hunt for enemy drones goes on day and night, you can shoot down not only with fire, sergei shaigu demonstrated some developments for fighting drones, here it means that on the basis of a thread they make a net for hovering by any drone, any fp gets confused, that is our drone drops a net on...
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equipment, and under fire it also replaced the bridge assembly, this helped the motorized rifles
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cross the river to gain a foothold on new lines. guard junior sergeant sergei khabibulin, commander of the squad in pivi drones, with the help of a drone, he discovered an enemy stronghold, they also struck with drones, completely destroying the position. a number of innovations have come into force in russia today. this is how the government services portal launched a section where demobilized and active participants in the special operation can find. all the benefits they are entitled to. trustees of the circle of good foundation, children with rare diseases will be able to receive the necessary medications faster. the waiting period will take six working days. you can now transfer money between your accounts in different banks up to 30 million per month no commission, but only through the sbp service by account or phone number. also, from today, the chances of running into expired or counterfeit dairy products in a supermarket are close to zero. the cash register simply won’t carry such a product. the new month is also a holiday on the first
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day, labor spring day, in all time zones. yuri shcherbakov will continue: a living statue of the legendary collective farm workers heads the column. following the symbol of the era, activists of youth organizations of student groups, volunteers, students, more than 500 people, the river people and a sea of ​​emotions.
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let's win, long live solidarity, long live our future victories, cheers, comrades, we must make sure that in all regions... of the country people live with dignity, so that they do not leave, on the contrary, they strive to the far east, to siberia, there, where are the infrastructurally significant projects for the future russia. the far eastern regions were the first to celebrate the holiday and set the mood for the day for the entire country. happiness, health, good luck! flowering
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trees seem to remind us that may 1 is also a spring holiday. may 1 is a holiday. plants, that is, we had balls in our hands, there were branches of some kind walking together, in khabarovsk there was a real holiday , that is, i was sitting on my dad’s shoulders, in our sport, a competition of both speed and strength for everyone, it’s better to let it be some kind of physical activity than lying there on the couch at home. even the repertoire chosen by the participants in the mass marches says that may 1 is about unity. word, word, there will be a song, in nizhny novgorod it’s retro may, in the park they play checkers, chess, table football and hockey, and also photo zones in the style of soviet stores, everything is the same as before, it was all the same in my childhood, this is where the plates were placed, and the goods were placed here,
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then on these accounts it was all counted, it was all shown in the cash register and please, sausages for 2.20 , 2.20 without fat, 2.90 with fat , it was smoked for three rubles. in yekaterinburg the weather is cloudy early in the morning, but no rain is a hindrance to getting together. this is our, how to say, goal, for the country to grow, for the country to develop, to be, to be strong, our beloved russia, and we are each other shoulder to shoulder with each other, they worked to support those who are now in the special operation zone, they decided in perm, they loaded humanitarian aid for the fighters. five uaz cars, the cars themselves will also be handed over to the military. not only with words, but also with real help, we bring victory closer. the capital's trade unions collected more than 60 tons of humanitarian aid, not only for fighters and members of the northern military district, but also for residents of the dpr and lpr. the may day rally of solidarity with the trade unions of donbass is a great opportunity not only in words, but in deeds, to show your support for workers in new regions.
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the humanitarian colony wishes a safe journey to those who literally the day before collected all the essentials. in the coming days, the holiday package will be delivered to donbass. yuri sherbakov, irina chyuchuya, andrey kirillov, andrey melikhov, veronika lvuchenkova, sofia yatsko, lyubov filipova, channel one. vladimir putin, according to tradition, on may 1 signed a decree conferring the title of hero of labor to outstanding russians. five were awarded gold stars for special services to the country. lyudmila bespalova, academician ran, grain breeder. fields in the kuban are sown with its varieties. general director of sevmash, nuclear builder. submarines mikhail budnichenko, chief designer of the raduga machine-building bureau, developer of missiles hitting targets deep behind enemy lines eltugan sisdykov, driver of the tugnuisky mine in buryatia, alexey kholmakshinov, and driver of the mills of the enrichment factory in the kursk region vladimir shchedov, also assigned by presidential decree to the collective of several enterprises badges of honor for success in work. in
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transbaikalia extinguishes an open fire. in a dacha cooperative, where a fire destroyed about 40 buildings. the rescuer's work was made difficult by the heat and strong gusts of wind. the lamya threatened to spread the sports camp to the village next door, but they dealt with it. fires in the vicinity of the capital buryat have been extinguished. we had the footage on air the day before. the ministry of emergency situations named the probable cause: the wind blew debris onto the electrical wires, which caught fire and then landed on dry grass. another fire in germany. the head of the country lost his country house. moscow, but not in the same condition as someone wanted, you’ve already seen the exhibition of trophies, bmp marder, a gun for leopard tanks, plus other equipment and ammunition - this is rhine metal. last year it increased profits by 9%. largely on supplies to ukraine, this is precisely what
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the arsonists at their dacha in lower saxony focused on, leaving a message for the authorities. ukrainian war. not ours, these are already slogans at the demonstration in warsaw, participants are against the support with weapons and money that poland provides to the kiev regime. moreover, at the end of april, polish president duda said about readiness to deploy nato nuclear weapons. a detailed statement was expected today after his meeting with prime minister tusk, but it did not take place with the head of the administrative office pneumonia. in tbilisi, right now special forces are spraying water with pepper spray on oppositionists swinging at the gates of parliament.
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the document provides for the registration of non-governmental media organizations if a fifth of their annual income comes from foreign funding; there are not enough votes to block the bill on the position; its leaders called on their supporters go out onto the streets. at night, riots engulfed the center of the georgian capital, with protesters holding european union flags. they fear that the so-called law on foreign agents will prevent georgia from joining the eu.
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clashes with the police began almost immediately. rubber bullets and pepper spray were fired at the entrance. the police managed to oust the protesters from rustaveli avenue. from the parliament building. the crowd of thousands was held back with water cannons. the police reported that sixty- three protesters were detained, they are charged with petty hooliganism and disobedience requirements of law enforcement officials , there are victims among the police. sazogadoebs, the public clearly saw that the action had completely become violent , the protesters confronted the police and insulted them physically and verbally. they began throwing heavy objects, stones and bottles at the police. as a result of the violent actions of the rally participants, six police officers were seriously injured. the reaction of european politicians is indicative, in the best traditions of double standards. high representative
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the eu foreign affairs office, jazeb barel, condemned the violence against protesters in georgia, calling on the authorities to ensure the rights of citizens to peaceful assembly, while the harsh police response to today's may day protests in paris went unnoticed. the riots in tbilisi are like a tracing of the events of the year. recently, when the ruling georgian dream party tried for the first time to pass a bill on foreign agents in parliament, the similarity, right down to the protest participants, in this video, a certain lazare grigoriadis, last spring he threw molotov cocktail in police officers, two received serious burns, was sentenced to nine years in prison, but just the other day was pardoned by president salame zarobishvili, an ardent opponent of the bill. the us state department generally claims that the document is inspired by the kremlin, although the united states has a law on foreign agents.
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have the right to try to organize as many revolutions as they want in georgia, we should not even ask about the origin of their income, if they plan a revolution again, then it turns out that the georgian the people should not know where the money comes from and who finances this revolution. and the words about the preparation of a revolution in georgia are not an empty phrase. last fall, according to georgian intelligence services, the country was preparing a maidan similar to the ukrainian one. specialists on the holy revolutions arrived in tbilisi through the notorious american agency for international development, one of the main us tools for creating chaos and overthrowing legitimate governments. in tbilisi , foreign instructors mentored youth activists, how to create
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protest moods in society and how to manipulate them. here comes slobodan djinovic, widely known in narrow circles, one of the founders of the so-called canvas center for applied nonviolent actions and strategies. its core was the activists of the serbian youth organization otpor, which was also noted during the overthrow of yugoslav president milosevic, during the ukrainian orange war. protests by themselves mean little, they must be part of something larger, they must be combined with other things, we need to calculate step by step what and how we will do, after a petition, after protests, after human chains, pickets, concerts, in this case you are under attack, the authorities are forced to respond to your actions, according to political scientists, many in europe and overseas are not satisfied with the neutrality of the georgian authorities in relation to
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the reading in parliament will take place in 2 weeks. oleg shishkin, dalia serzhidinova, alexey kozlov, channel one. there is something to continue the american line in this story. about 300 students from columbia university arrested in new york. police will stay for at least two weeks at the university, one of those that has been hit by protests against israel's war on gas. special forces use pepper gas on unarmed participants; if someone is pinned down, there is no ceremony. the new york times draws a parallel between what is now at columbia university and the unrest in 1968, when the states were fighting the vietnam war. the washington post , in turn, writes: taking into account the new york arrests, in the whole country , 1,600 people were taken to precincts in less than 2 weeks, which took place after the us approved a new aid package to israel. an hour ago, the american
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state department and the ministry of finance expanded the anti-russian sanctions list by a total of three hundred positions. it included several dozen individuals whom washington considers involved in our defense industry, the rest of the enterprise in the fields of mechanical engineering, electronics, fuel and energy, plus 16 sea vessels. pobeda airlines, in the third year of the special operation of the radiation, chemical and biological protection troops. to our news in the victory museum today launched the all-russian memory wall campaign; until may 12, on a huge stand, everyone can place portraits of their loved ones, heroes of the great patriotic war, then all collected materials will be transferred to the historical project “faces of victory.” this year the traditional immortal regiment is in new formats, one of them is the “stina memory” campaign. i also brought a portrait of my dear hero, this is my great-grandfather vazhnov.
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alexei. he went missing in 1942. and to this day our family does not know what happened to him. and where is his burial place? promotion the memory wall does not just help us express words of gratitude to our dear heroes. it also helps to better understand what is happening today. what is happening in ukraine is what our modern defenses are fighting against. however, this is not the only way to talk about the feat; cars with photographs of veterans on the side window have already appeared on the streets of russian cities. car rallies will also be held in honor of the heroes. and in the tyumen region today they congratulated war veteran georgy gerasimov on his centenary. the celebrations took place in the courtyard veteran's home. school cadets walked in front of him, and the orchestra performed songs from the war years. today is the 100th anniversary of the birth of one
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of the soldiers of victory, the outstanding writer viktor ostafiev. he fought through the war for the red army and gave the world many deep and heartfelt works. the damned are killed, sad detective, king fish. a national center opened in his native siberian village. alina sanueva visited there. the village of ovsyanka near krasnoyarsk was unusually crowded today. the 100th anniversary of the birth of victor ostafe was celebrated there. with this his warmest memories were associated with this place. later, the writer spoke about it this way: having been born in such a place, you somehow involuntarily want to either sing, or dance, or talk about it. probably, there is just some kind of internal need to talk about this beauty that has been around since childhood. many guests and admirers of his work came to the opening of the national center named after viktor ostafiev. a stunning impression, i was amazed
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that every... center centimeter is used for some information, on the one hand it history, on the other hand, it’s still, well , something modern, that is, it’s not just entertaining, because after all, viktor petrovich, probably, well, that is, it’s about meaning. according to the memoirs of contemporaries, ostafiev’s character was difficult, but he put justice at the forefront of everything, they say about such people as a man of difficult fate, a homeless childhood, an orphanage, and then the war began. at that moment ostafiev was working on the railway, there was a reservation, but he had to sit out in the rear. was able to, went to the front as volunteers, served as a private, it was about ordinary soldiers that his works were written, forty-something people came back to us from the reconnaissance battle, from near the village of vishnevtsy, so the guy, consider me lucky, viktor petrovich, from the very beginning of his literary activity, he wrote the truth trench, this trench truth, it
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became... the ideas of viktor petrovich, he was sure that it was he, the front-line soldier, who had the right to talk about the war, but on his own behalf. after the war, ostafiev moved to the urals. to the city of chusovoy, there he wrote his first story, a civilian, about his to a fellow soldier, when asked how he became a writer, he always answered with humor. how did you get into literature, by accident or intentionally? well, that 's a good note, it gets asked a lot. you can’t do anything here intentionally, probably by accident, that is, you have to be born to write. and then you can become a member of the union. viktor ivanov was personally acquainted with '.
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nature, man first of all destroys himself. the monument to that same king fish stands not far from the oatmeal. the location was not chosen by chance. from here there is a panoramic view of the yenisei, mountains, and nature, which he wrote about whom ostafiev loved so much. the writer’s relatives came to the opening of the center: cousin galina krasnobrovkina and granddaughter polina ostafieva. strong exposition and really emphasizes the story, that is, emphasizes the character, leave it. because people knew him, and this is a very big plus, people will come here, young people who need to understand what they are reading about, in the eighties ostafiev returns to his small homeland, spends the summer in ovsyanka, the winter in the krasnoyarsk apartment, his office with
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accurately recreated. i'm very glad that managed to create such a space worthy for viktor petrovich, i asked how long it took to make the exhibition, they told me they came in january and here it is on may 1st. investigations under the laws of war, familiar and beloved heroes and new enemies behind, front-line roads led to
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lithuania, where underground gangs operate, and therefore the threat is hidden and unpredictable. today there are two episodes at once. you should pray, svetlana petrovna, i still had to travel 300 km to minsk. is there enough gasoline? what appetite? just kidding, there are two canisters in stock. grigory ivanovich scared me. i then i told you that they were somehow five. he’s right there, and if the front moves to the west, and we follow
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him, and i’ll tell you so, our meeting in berlin is quite suitable for me, and i’d like to live. mino, i think. let's go there, just quietly.


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