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tv   Mazhor v Sochi  1TV  May 1, 2024 9:35pm-11:45pm MSK

9:35 pm
he will move west, and we will follow him, and i ’ll tell you this, our meeting in berlin will suit me perfectly, but would i live? mino, it’s like, let’s go there, but quietly.
9:36 pm
lord, where are they from here, what are the germans, the devil knows, come on, come on, my dear, come on!
9:37 pm
captain yalagina, military prosecutor's office, who is older? comrade lieutenant. comrade lieutenant, we were fired upon on the way, we need communication. lieutenant kruglov, communications only in the village, comrade captain, at headquarters, here only in the field. svetlana petrovna, i won’t make it there. mounted on horseback. no, it won't work, a motorcycle
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backwater, agapov, which unit, a separate battalion of the baltic district, i’ll tell you everything there. hamvato! this is urgent, half an hour ago the germans fired at us on the road, i heard, i’ll report, chief of staff korotkov, where were you fired at?
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army headquarters, yes, four hundred and five, first company in the gun, lobo. i, take sviridov at dawn
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and look there, maybe you’ll meet someone local, there is, comrade captain, army headquarters, yes, that’s right. alive sveta, i can’t believe my eyes, is it you, you were seriously wounded, but it’s nonsense,
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a scratch, you’re going crazy, you’re growing up, lieutenant colonel, yes, there is such a thing, there is such a thing, wait, so it turns out, maybe the forest people fired at you, but... sfedorenko, sfedorenko, grigory ivanovich, here, but it’s good that they didn’t hit, captain, your map, thank you, maybe maybe, i want it, come on, come on, come on, yes, we were lucky if it weren’t for grigory ivanovich, but tell my driver to come here, but what’s up, rokotov is on a business trip, yeah, haven’t seen each other for a long time, yeah, i guess , for an eternity, count. okay, walkie-talkie, come to my office, comrade battalion commander, that means, well, yes, there is this is true, my battalion is a little truncated, but in a special position i am subordinate only to the army, i fight under the field in the city and here in the village, where
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these collectors were coming from, bringing captured money from the front line, a flight of stamps, occupation rubles, they wanted can you reach me without security? i warned them, do you think it’s a coincidence? well, what a coincidence, a lone truck on the road, what a target, though the forest people haven’t gotten that close yet, so consider yourself lucky, thank you, thank you, for the meeting, well, finally,
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more important than burning trains, who? masiulis, smart fisherman, send it to your family, come on, come on, come on, more, oh! grigory ivanovich, i wish you good health, comrade of the lieutenant regiments, goriy ivanovich, dear, hello, and you are here, so where am i without svetlana petrovna, well, yes, well, yes, that’s all, i ran back, they cracked it
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like an easter egg when it was written off, come on, it’s okay , you try to pull it out of it this way and that, and you look, but it’s unlikely to live. i have a business for you, which means they’ve been trying to get me settled, but i won’t be alone with going home, and so that with all the comforts, just like that, the bodies of the dead
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send collectors to the city, a battalion of the 344th infantry will arrive to help you, read squares 5 and 6 to the goat swamp, all clear. commandant’s office, hello, shillov, tell me, when they go to collectors, strengthen their security, i don’t know. find and tell them to move strictly along the route, is everything clear? stepan kuzmevich, today at night the collectors are leaving the city, i’m ready to meet you, tomorrow you will deliver the money to the village, act, people need to pay salaries, but what kind of people, village councils, procurement offices, repair crews, locals here come to us and so without much enthusiasm, without money they will all run away to become partisans. what will we do then? comrade, captain, this is right according to sasha naribasovskaya. will the room serve breakfast?
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leave me alone, grigory ivanovich. i obey. and you have a lot of fighters. slan petrovna, your sleep will be guarded by 150 pieces. well, me too. well then i'm calm.
9:47 pm
nevsky tomorrow at the first whiskey mancacher - a product of the stellar group, gin сnop, a product of the stellar group, monte shococa cognac, a product of the stellar group, rom castro, a product of stellar group. bon steersman is a product of stellar group. old barrel cognac is a product of stellar group.
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vodka. veda is a product of the stellar group. great lent is ending, and the magical holiday of easter awaits us. the most important miracle is that god is love. i understood that my loved one was suffering. my feet just led me to the temple. and i confessed not how.
9:49 pm
but it seems, comrade major, in 10 years there will be no money at all, don’t talk, but no, really, instead of money, oh, such id cards with a photo, i bought something in a store, at the checkout they make a noise about it with a composter, everything
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is minus 100 rubles. like a tram, stop! let's go to the forest!
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thank you! the problem sergeant won’t start, so why are you turning the oil filter, the driver said, turn it, i’m turning it, he himself went to the city to get some parts, and you
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understand this, or something, the car is german, yes even if it’s martian, give it to me.
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comrade captain, be careful, he’s still young and scared, although he doesn’t seem to be afraid of you, and it’s better not to approach him without a carrot.
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what's happened? a collector convoy was attacked, the second attack in 24 hours, 10 km away we've arrived. marius, horse! marius, people's commissars of the saddle, i will also go with you. where are you going on a day like this? and then what, can you ride? and i have golyphs. you will teach me quickly. i ’ll teach you, then, okay, but for now, go with
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the fighters, please. no, comrade lieutenant colonel, i will go with you. no, comrade captain, you will not go with me, this is an order. that's it, comrade, captain, the taxi is ready, marius, take it, i'll quickly, well, where are you, yes, i'll take it, come on. there's only one left alive, where is he? there he is sitting by the car, so unhook the perimeter, yeah, posts along the perimeter, every 100 m, two platoons
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in a chain into the forest, the command post at my car, the signal light is green, the convoy commander, captain stupin, why is the captain, you are red, why did you go through the forest, yes, you are the route through the forest hall, you can’t no, why then did one of the living remain, why didn’t he die, put all his people down, and is he himself alive? answer, i was a machine, i shot back, then i crawled into this field, weapons, arrest me, come to me at battalion headquarters for interrogation.
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that is, the shell casings could have ended up here only if he was shooting from behind the car, that’s the only way.
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egor, the approved route of the convoy followed the road through the field, right? well , yes, the sappers went through there the day before. yeah, well , of course, it’s safer during the day, i agree, but at night, according to the instructions, they were supposed to go. with the headlights off, yes, but last night there was a full moon, wait, are you saying that the convoy would be more visible in the field? the night sky is lighter than the forest anyway. 9 mm, judging by the fields from your car...
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they ambushed you, loaded the boxes, opened everything, divided the money, managed to scatter another mine, wait, but about the route in advance could only know at my headquarters, the head of the convoy, this one who survived, how his steps are, yes, and my headquarters is how many people, well, no, light, i trust them as i trust myself, sometimes even more than myself, we consider ourselves a family.
10:00 pm
translator for everything, yuri karlovich sviridov, svetlana petrovna ilagina, in principle i defended my phd in african languages, but since we are not in africa, i had to learn lithuanian, well, yes, as well as hungarian, romanian, polish, how long have you been there ? you know the tongue, that's free five, and spoken 20 somewhere, well , an alien, in short, i also sometimes regret that we are not fighting in africa, but for me it is usually in the winter, in kubanian. that i agree with you, light, fired several times towards the forest. then one
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shotgun ran along the road, i fell, lay down and shot again, crawled out of the road, ran out of cartridges, why didn’t they come after you? i don’t know, we were in a hurry, there was a line in my direction, that’s it, then they opened the body, after all, why did you go? after a fork not along the field, as agreed according to the plan, who made the decision, the commandant? no, my decision was, besides, there was a full moon, we were on the field against the backdrop of the bright sky, like targets in a shooting range. when were you given the task? yesterday morning the commandant issued a route sheet, commandant? where did you issue it? in my office,
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as... always, there were witnesses, no way, who else did you talk to during the day, didn’t leave the barracks, gave instructions to the convoy, then we went to the bank, so, describe everything in detail, the whole day yesterday, minute by minute, and the convoy route and the battle, colleagues, feed the detainee, there is, i’ve probably already had lunch three times, well, tell me too, comrade lieutenant colonel, yegor prokofievich, they are calling from the village council, what information should i give them, will there be money, will it be.
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“i know you don’t believe me, and i wouldn’t believe it myself, but i’m not for myself, not for myself, but for someone, the commandant, major egorov, he’s an honest man, you know, the most honest, he has nothing to do with it , i’m sure of this, to myself, so you don’t believe it, stupin, you believe him, but why?” you see, he looks like my father, he speaks the same, thinks the same, yes, the same gait, he spent his whole life for others, not for himself, so i believe more than myself. and where is your father now? houses in the village. having once rescued a collective farm herd, he cut off both its legs. please, major egorov had nothing to do with
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it, it was my fault, i violated the instructions. well , that’s how the tribunal decides, you acted according to the situation, but what is the situation here, if i killed all the guys, i’m a prosecutor, not a lawyer, but let’s hope that justice will prevail, no? not him, not stupin, someone else passed on the information to the sheets, i don’t know, maybe someone from the bank, a lot of locals work there, yes, maybe no one passed on how many roads there are from the city leads, because it is enough to simply record the departure of a car from a bank in the city of any apartment, and then simply set up an ambush on each of the roads. svetka, i have a proposal for you,
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stay with me, sedarenko, we’ll work together, i’m really having trouble with the search, there’s a catastrophic shortage of personnel, but you have no value as investigators, it’s tempting, but what have you seen of my guys, lions, what lions, african lions in a shroud, and we are like frogs. well, if you work mainly in the city, we’ll give you a separate apartment, now the offensive begins, i’ll just shut myself up without you, stay, i’ll give you my car, in the end, it’ll be a bribe.
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colleague, have you ever walked around at will? but how can we live without this in siberia? can you cook a duck? in apples or stew? i don’t know, stew, for example, and stock, colonel, but where’s the duck? there will be you, duck.
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i’ll read all my unsent letters out loud, you’ll probably laugh wildly, and i ’ll be terribly angry, but it doesn’t matter, because then we’ll finally be together, but for now i’m counting the days, hours and minutes lived without you, and i so desperately want to squeeze them, move them, compress them so that they disappear altogether, but this is impossible. but i know a way out, i will work, work day and night, without sparing, give everything to our beloved work, of course, i will be very careful, i promise, people's commissar, ah, people's commissar, handsome,
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we need to change the route, comrade lieutenant colonel, no , no more convoys until we take the attackers and their accomplices, that’s it, i have an order. tomorrow, but the deadline is the day after tomorrow , the money should be in the area, the political department says how many more collectors are there for this you need to buy, how many 10, 20, 100, for the sake of the salary of these lithuanians, i haven’t
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heard these words, look, there is money in the bank, well, these are the last from the commandant’s platoon, i will allocate five fighters, mine are in the forest. we left at the goat swamp, i’m moving everyone there, okay? i don’t have people, i don’t have anyone, i won’t give anyone, we’ll change the route, maybe it will work out, but if you send the money without security, well, that is , without security at all, and meet captain yalagina, my best investigator, this is our commandant, major egorov, well, let’s load on a regular supply, in the form of medicines or equipment, well, let's say... during an attack they will be able to capture the bandits, this is good, then the carts with money will openly
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go along the forest, and we will send the van with the fighters along a different route, here, they will lure the foresters to themselves, here is the road only once it approaches the forest, an ideal place to attack, in my opinion, excellent. plan, yes, the only thing i like about this plan is that only we know about it, two people know, everyone knows, there are horses eavesdropping, we need to interrogate them, maybe they are the ones delivering the information, lanno, don’t get too excited, in principle i agree, we’ll just send it in the usual way, so that there is no suspicion, an escort car and a van with cargo, in a box instead of money. you will put ordinary books in person and arrange the loading in the bank with pomp so that the mole can see the witnesses, i will record all the witnesses, especially civilians, the hearing,
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maybe i will go with a cart, at least some kind of security, okay, just take it with you, how much is there before this lenin drive?
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comrade sergeant major, just don’t twitch, i can imagine how the battalion commander will be upset, comrade sergeant major, no, so what am i doing for now? i splashed through the swamp for him, he was all wet, only i let
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the duck beckon, and here, how could i know why he was drawing a map, why are you laughing, i almost shot him, i drew it with talent, in fact it was my fault, i just wanted to organize it for you a festive dinner, well , a surprise, so to speak, although i myself, of course , would not refuse to attack the enemy, comrade lieutenant colonel, of course you will excuse me, but i am no longer on the hunt,
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what did you like about the people's commissar? yes, he’s handsome, and i have the best horse, for the first time, today we’re going to the city for bundling, well done, come, i ’ll give you some more carrots, yes, he’s ready to sell his family for carrots, have a good trip, thank you, wish that marius, let’s go?
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ceremony, inauguration of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live stream. on may 7, at 12:00 moscow time, the commandant had already received the delivery to him, and he understood where he was. 4:41 connect me from the bank, connect me to the bank, hello, hello, i need to break the field cable, always on time, egor, maybe you know why marius took the saddle with him, what kind of saddle, he
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rode on a cart, took the saddle with him, why? you harnessed the best horse under the water, you want to say that he’s not going to come back here anymore, where he lives, let’s go. maybe he took this saddle to sell, we broke his door, we’ll fix it, we have gregory of all trades, this groom took some strange asceticism, more like a monk’s kirya, no
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clothes, no personal belongings, and if it’s him, then how he received information, who informed him? oh, what is this here for? and this is a scytoscope propaports. that's how they listen to everything. now we need to find the chimney. right here. what's here? this is where the people's commissar stood yesterday. which people's commissar? horse. horse. you redhead is such a beautiful stallion. darius horse.
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my uncle had the most honest rules when he was seriously ill. he forced himself to respect himself; he couldn’t think of anything better.
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and think to yourself, when will the devil take you, that’s it, i don’t remember further, then i need to pick up the horse before i run away, i’m off to the city, you stay here, it’s a case of unforeseen circumstances, come on gregory ivanovich, push, we need to get ahead of marius from the cart, he is already approaching the city gates along his route. we still have three kilometers to go, but don’t bother, comrade colonel, but fly like a bird, like a falcon, come on, click here, we can’t overtake him in the city, he’s noticeable, come on, come on, take him out, take him out, sharpen, sharpen, urgently connect with
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commandant egorov,
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full readiness, i repeat, full readiness, he left, moving towards the forest, as he understood, i understood you, accepted, accepted, lights out.
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if you hold it, the wheel of the cart is moving.
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and we replaced the money even before your loading, everything was already delivered to the villages, well , just give the protection carefully, okay, let’s
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come to your senses, come on, come on, come on, well, light, from the forest of command, ask for whatever you want, and you know what i want, i would like to send some news to vanya, well, everything except this government awards and a new title, well then let me go through the circle myself, alone without you, confidently, confidently, come on, let's go, come on, people's commissar, come on , more level, stay more confident, yeah, you are the owner, neon, mistress, oh, svetlana petrovna, it ’s still faster on wheels, but i don’t need your gasoline, so now i have to get into the saddle, of course, every quixote should have his own sancha, yes, this night i ’ll redeploy the battalion to the goat swamp , i’ll leave you sergei sergeevich and sferidov. they will show you the city, and you will live in a better house, i have already made arrangements, there is, just don’t take this wounded man for an hour, it’s better - ayey. i’m on
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duty, i immediately fall asleep, but what do i do? please catch up, lieutenant colonel.
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well, it’s pure water criminality, but why are we here then?
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well, because they were killed on the list of candidates for the city council, a respected person here, and soon. the dog followed the trail only as far as the road, but what hit him in the head died immediately, who discovered it? my wife, she felt bad, i called the doctor, well , show me where you are, now
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they will do an examination.
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come to me company, don’t cry, everything is fine, everything is fine, bear it, i was scared, excuse me, what ’s your name? captain yalagina? no, no, name, svetlana petrovna. this is aunt svetlana. look, she went, she liked you, what happened to the child? she is very scared, afraid
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people in uniform, you know, i ’ll take it with me to school, excuse me, just a second, what do you mean i’ll take it? but it’s impossible, the host is coming, well, what should she do here while we’re working here, until everything is removed. they didn’t misspell, what’s your name, lieutenant colonel shilov, ruta, everything is fine, ruth, uncle shilov gave us permission, tell him, goodbye, goodbye, uncle, well done, let’s go, let’s go, my dear, well, that’s what kind of uncle i am to him, banter ? yarokhin, don’t let strangers in here, and tell your people there that
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there is only one killer. well, let's start with this, first
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the second way is to free the kutra, shunting transportation to a dead end, the heated vehicles there, evict the refugees from them, you are personally responsible, so that’s it, go ahead, dunaev. what's the matter? colonel shilov, military prosecutor's office. oh, i was just on my way to see you. the front was moved in our direction. starting tomorrow, all the trains will go through my station, finally provide them with protection from the foresters so that they don’t burn as scheduled. do you know karpush, leonos ivanovich? yes, this is my friend, but what does he have to do with it? he was killed tonight. he came to me often. they played chess. and about the carriages. i advised him, he was assembling a toy road, the last time he came in, the day before yesterday, marta also brought a pie with fish,
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this is his wife, they drank tea, dunaev, yes, 87 will be with me according to the new schedule at 19:30 somewhere. i can only attach one tank, that’s all, but do you always have the schedule here on the table? well, yes, i don’t take my eyes off him, the forest forces attacked trains at neighboring stations as scheduled, or rather, is it possible? here, here is the old schedule, for the next branch, for this one they attacked this one. this one, and there’s your new schedule, right? well, yes, where was it when karpov and his wife were drinking tea with you?
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what do you think, the levs got in touch with the foresters and a spy tugged at my schedule, i’ve never heard such nonsense in my life, but i ’ve known him since my youth, he’s an honest man, but he’s in his own occupation. he asks himself questions, answers them himself, and where were you yourself that night, citizen dunaev, worked here, janas irisauskai, was a mokina leono.
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ne, mes visi bijojame, jeigu vokiečiai sužinotų.
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sislava petrovna, look, it’s yan, huh? this is aleks, maybe all these figures are somehow connected to each other.
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for now, they should go to the village to visit their relatives, their godfather recently drowned there, let him go, just write down the address, there is, so the version is this: the teacher copied the schedule at the station and passed it on to the foresters through his former students, but the foresters simply removed the witness, i’m always afraid versions that immediately explain everything, but we exclude the version with the station chief dunaev, not yet, he’s already too impudent, there’s trouble with these civilians, there’s no subordination.
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what can i say, it's amazing.
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no, no one knows the list of candidates yet, we need to sort out the railroad, i’m going to the front line, to my brothers, communication through the headquarters, well, then we’ll find out my mother’s address, yes.
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and they’ll deliver the mines, i’ll support you, listen, you never know what ’s written there, everything, everything at 22:00 evening reconciliation, that’s it, end of communication, lieutenant colonel shilov, military prosecutor’s office, did we rob someone? somehow you are not very kind, comrade captain. sorry, lieutenant colonel, i really respect those who teach us how to fight from books. i need your recruits, razauskas, yana algis, as far as i know, they are enlisted in your company. went.
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these are the yans algis, they died tonight, i have already sent the documents to the headquarters division, will there be any more questions? why are you silent, prosecutor's office? well, only your fighters went on the attack? yes, only mine, i would like to interrogate them, do you think one of my own? no, the guys blew me up, only after that the battle started.
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"išeikit iš čia neždinkitės, aš nenoriu apie jį kalbėti apie šitą durnį apie jo kekšią žmoną, martą su..." tell
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us why? you see, your son's killer hated him too. help us. where is he? i have to organize a funeral. your son's body will be given to his wife martha. she is not his wife. where is my son? i already told you. you have to give it to me. to me, to this whore, martha. “do you hear? i don’t owe anyone anything,
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but if you answer my questions, i can help, help us, what questions, how can i help, i rarely leave the house, i can’t look at this friend, ask this two-year-old women, what 's going on here, thomas, what are you doing here, are you getting wet?" interfere, yeah, maybe maybe you still explain to us why the streets, you won’t understand, i’m understanding, leonos picked her up somewhere at the station with a newborn child at the very beginning of the occupation, we don’t have it anyway...
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love, love, he’s my only one son, i have no one else, give it to me, please, please give it, thank you,
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thomas, did you know that martha was married? i would have told you if i had known.
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let's go, on the day of victory on the first. moscow, red square, the main parade of the country. more than 9.0 military personnel from different types and branches of the military will take part in the ceremonial march, including,
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kotov to the kitchen, you two to the attic, look carefully, maybe there is a cache somewhere, all suspicious things or papers, take them out into the yard, into the car, inspect all the clothes , children’s toys too. so, soldier, here we collect everything, check it carefully, every book, every notebook, we are looking for a plan, a diagram, a schedule, lithuanian documents, okay? yes, do it. the report came from neighboring junction stations; on it , all of their attacks were carried out on tvorniks,
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which followed strictly according to schedule. and our teacher often visited the boss stations. i played chess with him, but i think that he organized tournaments at neighboring stations, the teacher was killed by martha’s ex-husband, who was martha’s husband, a certain masyuris, he showed up recently, apparently the teacher was disturbing them, well , remember, my daughter also said that she will go to dad, well, to the real dad, you know, so what? is this jealousy or what? i don’t know, he was gone throughout the war, he could have conquered him calmly. do you have an address where martha moved? yes, of course i wrote it down, if she didn’t deceive me, she even showed me on the map, statsishkes, statsishkes, yeah, shervetes,
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get started, the first workers' settlement, 40 kilometers away, it's a pity that the places there are not ours, come on... not ours, during the day ours, at night in the forests, we'll come with the army, in general everyone will go into the forest, no, we need to be more careful, well how to be more careful? on a boat or something underwater, funny, let’s do it this way, you will stay here with the detachment in case of her return, and i will visit there with sviridov. yours with toziya, erakhin, what is this, who
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is it you have here, what is he doing here, i know you, let me go, let me go, this is it. petka, a street child who once runs away from the orphanage. peter, let's go, i'm not going anywhere, i live here, how did you get here, through the attic, my brothers gave me permission, so why through the attic? marta didn’t allow it, was it here every night, was there yesterday, did you hear shots? yes, i heard it, and i heard marta too, she was arguing with some guy, they didn’t see me, with whom? how do i know where they were arguing, right here in the barn, well, tell me what he said, i didn’t understand anything, they were arguing in lithuanian,
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you can describe him, yes he can. i wish you health, i wish you health, then just follow the road, forests are everywhere, i know, thank you, it means that you are refugees, you are going to a settlement, the task of dispersing throughout the village is not very big... the locals should not suspect anything, we are looking for a woman with a child, but keep in mind that there is a possibility that she is connected with the forest people.
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hello, captain ivanov, i brought refugees.
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there are a lot of soldiers, but why are they at the front? unfit, in terms of vision, they were afraid that instead of being a fritz, i would end up in the ass of my commander. and sobbing, someone died, a son, in the lake, here recently, and that he was left all alone, arvides, no, there is still a son, i’m fighting. you are there in the hangar, my things
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don’t touch them yet, okay, those by the mattress, it turns out, you live in a hangar, your neighbor, it turns out, i left home, even the lieutenant colonel, there’s only one grandfather there. he told such an interesting story, there’s his house, trouble doesn’t come alone, his daughter-in-law came from the city with her daughter, martha, but why the trouble?
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it’s more fun together, i cursed them, while my son is fighting, she got along with some city teacher, and now she’s come here with her granddaughter, to kill the yakar, i don’t want to be in the hangar with them, so what happens, you’re a refugee too, whether?
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slender, i haven’t even talked to the little moon once, i never had a chance, and you know why old people. they are drawn to their grandchildren, their grandchildren are drawn to her, because they feel life in the same way, they thank the lord god equally for every day they live, the grandchildren for helping me learn a lot of new things, and the old people for not letting the past be forgotten, god doesn’t hear me, and what it
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is? god, whoever saw him, how is it, what is it, it is known that, love, son, he was a strong boy, very strong. they are probably all armed there, they have a child with them, so we must be as neat, one watches the road, the other goes into the yard, clear, forward, this is the son of arvedes, who lives here in the angara, yeah. his take didn’t
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sink, the old man lied, i hit him with a bullet, there on the road by the collector’s van, he’s from the forest, from the forest, and this is marta, his fiancee, what’s happening, grigory ivanovich, there are only forest people all around, well, , well, let 's finish it.
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why did you leave your husband’s address, were you scared or something, or did you think it’s too far away, we won’t go, what? husband, oh, it turns out you understand russian, just don’t touch the girl, don’t let's touch her, while he and uncle yura take a walk, don't be afraid of me, let's go, so this means your ex? osh, the second one, apparently, is his drowned brother, he’s your daughter’s godfather, right? we
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will prove that your husband, together with his brother , fought in the forests against the red army throughout the war, and then, in agreement with his wife, in agreement with you, mark. killed teacher leonus karpov, that is, now you are an accomplice to the murder and an accomplice of an armed gang, which, according to martial law, capital punishment is execution, you stole the station master’s schedule, he asked rewrite, i rewrote. how did you do this? leona and the station chief sat down at the table to play chess, and ruta and i were drawing at his table, but i slowly pulled
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the schedule out of the folder for her. did he tell you why he needs this schedule? he said that this is our pass to the forest brothers, that they will accept us for... and also thank us, his brother served with the forest brothers, but he was killed, the reds killed him, i did everything as he asked, all that remained was to hand over the schedule, so. what happened next? and then leonas found this schedule from me and i wanted to go to the police station the next morning. that's why you killed him.
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i didn’t know, i didn’t think that he would kill him, i didn’t think at all that he was capable of such a thing, but what should i do, i have a daughter, i’m all alone, and he... he loves her, and ruta, ruta, she recognized him, he is her father, we wanted to today. that is, no one
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knows about the schedule yet, if you think that you are helping your daughter in this way, then no, you have a chance, one only chance, you tell me where masiulis is, otherwise you will be sent to prison. and the rue will be given to an orphanage, understand? where is he? here in the house!
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come to me, like this, like this. here. this is your grandfather.
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find me on the monophoto, far right, noticeable two idiots, me and him, we send you postcards, the most important thing is that the words warm you with a smile this winter, mom, when i’m next to him, i don’t forget where i forget, i’m a mom, i’m always there with him. i’m meeting us, no, you, mom, mom, we just took two tickets, mom,
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chieflet. it’s so creepy, it’s like i didn’t eat anything, when all this damn thing appeared, so okay, i’ll choose the right dress and no one... will notice,
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well, it’s ready, yes. almost something not it’s festive, you say, maybe you’re not in the mood, now i’ll just find some shoes, well, it’s great, there will be a lot of people there, everyone is from the fitness industry, though you don’t know anyone, okay, let’s meet, cool, 25°, there’s a great opportunity , and i thought that i... well, we won’t go, we’ll congratulate you on the phone, we’ll stay at home, we’ll swing, we’ll order pizza, pizza, well, sushi, sushi, we don’t have to order anything, i can just make this evening special, and the shirt, i i really just
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wanted to be together, me too. come on, if you don’t want to go, stay, i’ll drive alone, i’ll give you a gift, make a speech and come, tell everyone that you’re sick, it’s just a friend’s wedding, this happens once in a lifetime, and only if you’re lucky, well, yes, but you’re lucky to have me, well, of course, i’m totally screwed with you, how lucky. okay, i'll go, don't be bored, okay, bye.
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i'm confident, beautiful, slim and everyone likes me.
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so let's go faster and 340 likes the whole city already knows who he's rocking with let's go wow damn that's weird and turn around damn it and if it's too weird it's better to tell me right away. bro, this is weird, but you’re sexy, okay they'll be embarrassed, okay? yes, i’ll come now and show you who’s the queen, who’s the queen?
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in general, it’s good here, in vain i didn’t want to, i need to go out together more often, i danced with her , you don’t want to with me, why are you starting, i just danced in the general mass, i’m not starting, just tell me, i’ll... i love you, you are my space, my universe, and you know that the universe is constantly expanding, we are moving away from each other, i personally am terrified,
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let's dance, bro, bro, you are losing a lot, i should have said this morning, well, finally, i here... i really can’t do this anymore, i ’ve been thinking about this all week, how to say it, i couldn’t find a word, then everything somehow became clear. what’s obvious, let’s not, okay, what ’s obvious, zhen, yes, that i don’t want you,
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sorry, thank you, yes, i’ll be glad to say that this, that this is a problem in me, but it’s not in me, it’s in you, when we just met, you were like that, you were completely different, you were like that, room and turned me on like a key, now, i’m a pastry chef, i just work with food, but you live with food, you in general all. it doesn’t matter what it is, when it is, where it is, how you look, how, how i feel, when we are together, guys, we don’t rot, well, who would have said, yes, i ’ve been telling you for a year, come to my pool , let's swim, after work, well, well, after work , your legs fall off, yes, you row with your arms, i know what my final wish for you is, in parting, that don’t run from your problem, although if you ran, there would be no problems.
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knock-knock, oh, anechka, hello, anya, my sister, hello, mom, i could play along, hello, semyon, can you immediately,
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gavrilych, gavrilovich, hello, hello, put it at work, as well, and zhenya, as well, but no, on oilcloth. insert, look, semyon govarilovich gave it, what a beauty, yes, a jack of all trades, you are a musician, a management manager, it’s difficult to make a harvesting machine, a combine operator, that is , he feeds the country, raise it, there’s also a business there, by the way, i have , well, golden hands, well
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, show me, show me, yes, this jackson. well, you ’ve already found a common language, or maybe in a family way, come on, gavrilyvich, gavrilovich, you’re not me, i got a call, the pipes are on fire, let go of the haul.
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it became that you, you endure, endure, then it will become easier, and then you have to be patient and patient again and at the age of 50, sitting in the kitchen with a smurf , getting stuck with, what a blue smurf, but he didn’t leave me and my little daughter, lord, yes, he’s even worse, olga stepanovna, anya, yes, i’ll rush back home, business matters. i ’m like, whack, whack, whack, whack,
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the operational map of the minefields is ready, the main stage of preparation for the offensive is completed, we can begin, no one will cancel the order for the offensive, and two my divisions across the fields will blindly follow their own mines, you were responsible for this key and map oseev,
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after the program there is time, light, we can simply go blind, but i immediately went blind, i saw. kidnapping is, in the original, the abduction of children, i simply lost faith in humanity, with every publication my mood deteriorated, at one time our wonderful leonid arkaevich yakubovich was kidnapped, as experts say, there are many such cases, the public does not know about them, i i already mentioned that... i myself became a victim of kidnapping, i i didn’t know that this was a kidnapping, fake kidnappings are also a separate story, very often they become the plot of the same tv series and films, i... made this discovery for myself that mostly relatives are involved in the kidnappings of children, if we won’t react to these things, then the real end of times will simply come, and
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we wouldn’t want that, podcast lam, tomorrow on the first, bro, i’m calling you, i’m calling , i’m calling, pick up the phone, birri, biri, pick it up, yes natah, bro , hi, listen, but, in short, it’s not tighter he came, natasha, when he arrived, he didn’t say anything, he just brought everything. well, maybe there was something in it, like a hint that i can’t forget her, i just pulled out the suitcase and set it down. he was alone, bro, forget about him, that’s it. listen, i’m probably going to see my mother after all . no, you live with us, everything is calm, everything is fine. what are you doing? everything is fine, he doesn’t mind, in general, look how cool it is here , dimas and i are falling for the stars, bro, well, you just need to unwind now, come on, look, dimka’s birthday is the day after tomorrow, we rented a house from
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pool, jenya always wanted me to go to the pool, forget everything about this man, please, look, you are free, plunge into work, i took sick leave, great, let's go to st. petersburg, i really wanted to go for my birthday. talk about what i’ll tell her, calm her down, she thinks that you’re not happy, i’m glad, i’m glad, i’m practically happy, anchela, take your vitamin, ancheus, why are you naturally sad, why are you so sour? we have the sexiest girl? in the area and you are our sexy pexi shmexy, macro, ultra, extra, thank you for macro, and i said macro, but no, well, you
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understand, i meant micro, in short, that you are loading, let’s get bloated already, life is beautiful, look, and grab an apple, let’s go, we’re still there, come on over. well, get excited calmly, listen, well, you need to stand on the balcony, and we guys, yes, i’m an adult, i can handle it, bro, that’s it, well, choirs, don’t cry, baby. the wet girl is dancing, the wet girl is drying, the rain has completely wet her, that’s it, that’s it,
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that’s it, in short, if she doesn’t get up now, give it to me, okay. hello, you look cool, you don’t want to go for a walk, i ’m already taking a walk, uh-huh, i understand, excuse me, you see, my pity. m, remember how you basically told everyone that you were from the city, you just didn’t want to live with your parents, i
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saw through you right away, because you went to the shopping center to ride on the escalator, yeah, valka and i were having fun with you, well, by the way, she’s not a bun at all now, just think, her boyfriend recently dumped her too. we actually broke up on mutual terms, okay, she, you know, what she started doing? she started doing fitness in the morning, for free, yes, look, in our city there are 20 fitness clubs, in each the first lesson is free, she hop-hop-hop, she went to each one once, then she changed her passport and again, 2 months -15 kg, in my opinion it’s super, but her boy, then he came to my work with flowers for... forgiveness, called me back, she told him, you know, that you shove these flowers right into yourself, you know, where, in your fucking, stinking ass, of course, a? dimmas are you are you are you normal? why
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shouldn't it be now? no, it’s not necessary now, then it’s necessary, then it’s not necessary, natasha, figure it out, i steamed, i washed myself, i lost 15 kg, my wife and i will be together again.
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during training, do you know how many calories came off there, how many, definitely more than here, how much is there about the overeaters anonymous club, have you heard? natah, don’t load, but rata, well, i know what food is made from here, and you stuff it into yourself, these rolls then go into your buns, and the potatoes into your pimples, bon appetit, in short, i can’t help you here i’m in such a state to quit, i mean quit, i’m moving to moscow, you’re driving me away, in short, my sister came to my attention and made an offer. damn, well, i can see in the reflection that you’re drinking, i said throw it away.
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don't move, it's a robbery. bon
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appetit 3 am tomorrow, but i realized, okay, maybe you’ll show your will some time, no, i ’m making fun of you, open your mouth, you moscow state glutton,
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