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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 2, 2024 2:05am-3:01am MSK

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and by which you can be inspired by the truthful reality, because one continuous blackness is not true, because reality is complex and diverse, when you are drawn to the darkness to the blackness, he is also an amazing, completely heroic guy, he is drawn to the darkness and blackness, it means something it’s not the same in your soul, you know,
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and translations were always carried out by outstanding writers, great authors and did not disdain this, and thanks to this we have fantastic translations of the same pasternak, for example, i’m not saying that there is a soviet state there, that’s me just like philologist i know that the soviet state carried out, for example, fantastic activities to maintain national cultures within.
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i believe that russia is a country that , on the one hand, has a huge variety of national cultures, different and different religions in our country, on the other hand, we love and choose the culture of the whole world, we are incredibly curious, we... want
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to take the best, and it seems to me that in this incredible friendliness in this love, in this curiosity. in this ability to make your own the best that other peoples create, to take it into ourselves, to become infected with it, this is also an essential part of that same cultural code, the russian cultural code, and this is our enormous strength, this is, i would say, russian multiculturalism, this is not western multiculturalism. this is special, this is our multiculturalism, which presupposes, while preserving its own, loving and never canceling, so, by the way, we don’t have this moment, yes, there has never been any kind of hatred, cultures, and never have been, in the years world war ii no german
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culture, yes, with all the hatred for nazism, german culture was separated from the political system and... soul, consciousness and heart, well, since it was you who in your manifesto formulated some things very precisely and even predicted something, in general - first of all, i can’t help but ask about the time in which we now live, how we need
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to treat it correctly in this time, to what extent it is so, all these changes are, well, let’s say global in nature, to what extent can all this be influenced or you have to go with the flow, you have to accept to go with the flow. it’s just that this is what we are stewing in now, this is what this time is, we live, of course, during a storm, a global historical storm, i don’t see anything terrible and nothing tragic in this, i believe that the changes that are taking place for the better, i believe that the changes that are taking place in our country are for the better, definitely. i believe that this time provides new, new opportunities, i believe that these changes are overdue, so i personally always encourage those around me not only not to be afraid, but to understand that this is an inevitable
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historical process, that it has its own tragedy and its own beauty, that it has meaning, that... it has meaningfulness, that it opens up new horizons, and that this is a great cleansing that is taking place for the benefit of our country, and i think ultimately the whole world, but it again depends on us to be firm, strong and confident in our country in our position and in our strength, then we can... transform and the world around us, and for those who are somehow afraid, it means these change will calm down, calm down, listen
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to make up your mind, that’s all, it seems to me, this is the only recipe, i could be wrong, but there is an impression from the outside that you are somehow very comfortable in this, in this very... time, well that is, you somehow feel like a fish in water in it? i feel comfortable, because in fact i’ll tell you why i feel comfortable, because mm, it seems to me that this is an honest time, so i can talk honestly within this time and say things, that i think, and i, too, have freed myself to a very significant extent from - necessity. you see, it’s a cultural environment, it’s very specific, let’s say, this cancel culture, the culture of bullying for some non-standard opinion, it put a lot of pressure, yes, i
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feel comfortable, because i say what i think, because that i feel free because i feel that what is happening is right and leads to some very... correct changes, and i believe that this is some kind of cleansing, great cleansing there is a crisis of civilization and some cleansing processes are taking place, and i like it.
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to be participants in these changes, it’s really so, to move from witnesses to participants, everything will be fine, dear friends, our guest is actor, director, publicist, konstantin bogomolov, it was wildly interesting with you, so holistic, it’s just my first time with you i met you, i’m very pleased, thank you very much, thank you, thank you, dear friends, you can watch all episodes on the creative industry castlab on the website of the first channel
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is drawn to each other, and for some reason we are moving in a race of electrons in an eternal circle, different things are different sides, you are at the art pit, i am under water, you and i dream about different things, fragile snowflake. space station, you are beyond my gravity, i was looking for you on earth, i
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was looking for you in space, i’m tired of explaining to all the gods that we were created to be together, but you flew away and won’t come back, i can’t catch up with you, i can’t reach you, can’t get through and don’t get baptized, and you wandered into my gravity, the song shines equally for everyone, we got a lucky ticket, but for some reason you have to create it back, a lot of patience, trecino in the dark with your forehead not to destroy the brick walls. i was looking for you on earth, i was looking for you in
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space, i was tired of explaining to all the gods that we were created to be together, but time does not heal, time cripples, they know when i am, with whom you are seen, the yellow press and the paparazzi, and you are beyond mi my gravity, dear ones! and the ninth, which also unites us all and makes us all closer around the project, the name whose voice,
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by the way, here’s a question for all of us, what song brought you into this profession, because for this melody was for me, the betles ensemble, or rather polmart them, but he wrote it, this song can't buy my love, love cannot be bought, i heard it, and how it sounded, it immediately sang, i got such a shiver, you know runs through the body. what song gave you goosebumps for the first time? well , let's start with radion, probably something from sting, here's the album nothing like the sun, english and new york, and by the way, the first one. nastya, what melody do you have? the very first song is marai kerry, can leave, i was about five years old, i was in front of a mirror, of course, with a comb and a hairdryer, i imagined for the first time that i was standing on stage, nastya,
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when you blind auditions made them turn around, what was that? it was simply the best.
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it was impossible not to turn around, they just killed me , i was sitting there, i was going crazy, it’s impossible , incredible energy, it’s such a backlog that i just went crazy about the sea-sea like a rock, you won’t beat the surf for long, the sea take me, they moved away, a couple of themselves together with you,
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the main goal of the voice - to reveal new names to our... viewer, here is the eternal the question of our tv viewers comes up a lot, naturally, where, where are these finalists, here they are with you, seryozha has a wonderful career, as far as i notice from the outside, he is the main promoter of the songs of alexandra nikolaevna pakhmutova, based on the poems of uncle kolya nikolai nikolaevich dobronravov, who sings today, nastya, tell me, i’m doing my own material, it seems to me that an artist should say something from himself. with his face he always spoke in all, so to speak, seasons in which he took part, when such an opportunity arose, now with i will be pleased to consolidate this material once again, the most important thing is that you cannot be replaced by someone else, even if this is the repertoire that was sounded before you, you must give a version that will be from volchkov, from
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spiridonova and from radion gazmanov, radion, in my opinion, the authorship is very, you practically do everything yourself, right?
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i love music very much, tell me, who did you like from the subsequent seasons of the voice, was it a mentor, let’s make everyone equal, it’s just that after the season where sergei won, i approached him, it seems to me that he was so scared, i told him she came up and simply said words of admiration, because this is mad talent, charisma in general, and i admire that we have been friends for so many years and have attended each other’s concerts. specifically with a girl with a cool voice, and you know, i don’t want to offend anyone, but in our country a beautiful girl with a beautiful voice
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is not so easy to find, it turned out, and of course, yes, and i suggested to nastya to sing a song called love, let’s let's listen to this duet with pleasure, so, dear friends, sergey volchkov, anastasia spiridonova, lyubov. how high my soul flies with you, how easy it is for me. to love you, to breathe with you, as if we were born for each other, as if we
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had been together all our lives, i love you so much, holding my breath, i’m flying with you to... the ends of the earth, i love you so much, now my soul, the ocean of my love how warm it is for me, under the bright sun of your class, how bright it is for me. and the whole world around is for us, as if you have one soul, as if
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we are alone in the whole universe, i love you so much, i hold my breath, i’m flying with you to steal. earth, i love you so much, you, my soul, you are the ocean my love, how long have i been looking for you, how long have i been waiting for you, i... love you so much, holding my breath, with you i’m flying to the ends of the earth, i
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love you so much, holding my breath, with you i’m flying to the ends of the earth, i love you so much. you my soul, you are the ocean of my love, i love you so much, i take a deep breath, with you i fly to the ends of the earth, i love you so much, i love you, now my soul, you are the akiran of my love. the holy fire is born right here, the holy of holies of the temple on a marble slab, it is from here, into
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a special hole in the wall, that it goes into world. through this fire we connect with god himself, with his divine love. and we receive grace from the holy sepulcher. many believe that the hole under the altar was left from... valery sutkin, radion gazmanov are with you, today we are hosting together the melodies of my life podcast, which is dedicated to those artists
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who... shone in the project's voice, and it is with great pleasure that i offer to admire our charming guest, raisa dmitrienko, you generally liked taking part in all this, not too much, it’s nerve-wracking, i wouldn’t have liked it, to be honest, to be honest, it took me a long time to get ready, i didn’t want to, but i had one crazy friend who kept pushing me, saying: “you should be there, you should be there.” we tried to persuade you for 2 years and i... i think, okay, let me remind you about myself, otherwise don’t be afraid you forgot, but i had great pleasure, because all your numbers, in addition to the brilliant vocals, were also very artistically solved, beautiful, you are like an actress , they were simply out of competition, after your participation in the project, your voice, i hope you continue to sing, oh, you know, not so much often, as i would like, but in principle,
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well... i managed to go somewhere with concerts, say taganrok, yes, tell me, how else did your voice influence your life, they began to be recognized on the streets, neighbors came up for autographs, i don’t know, these things happened, oh, the neighbors and everyone in the house recognized everything, and they found out in the stores, their eyes were wide open, they said, why didn’t i warn you, let’s look at the screen together with you again and live through these...
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thank you great, let's get to know you, what's your name, where are you from? dmitrienko raisa, the city of moscow, oh, i would choose you all, even if i somehow focus on one, i choose lenochka, varenga,
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monotonous ones flash by, my days are still with the same pain and only the roses fall. the nightingale is dying, but she is sad too, the love that ordered me, and under her satin skin. and
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poisoned blood runs under her satin skin. runs poisoned by blood, it was amazing, rais, tell me what song, you said, it will be a signature song,
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the melodies of my life podcast is on the air, today i, valery syutkin, am hosting it together with radion gazmanov, well, experience and skill, you remember, that’s what they used to say, gives way to youth, enthusiasm, i even said, beauty, today we have two charming girls visiting us, they started their journey in the children’s voice project, and then consolidated their success there is already a voice in the project. we now have a generation of performers sitting in front of us who could potentially take part in all seasons, in all
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different versions of the voice project, 60 plus is too early there, no, not yet, now of course yes, 60 plus, and then someone else may become a mentor, yes it happens, here's anton bilyaev is now a mentor, why not, it would be great. i think it’s very difficult, especially at the stage of fights, when you have to make a choice. let us, together with you , remember how it was in your case, let us relive these moments again. yes, pay attention to the screen. and the road is not long, although it is hard to walk, above you. in the depths, with a bright light ahead, you will hear voices, be patient a little longer, we
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will tell you... the devil, the day of love, i was afraid of the world, a beautiful country, love, lisa, ragda, that
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’s why these songs, about the song the path that i performed the voice for the children in the final, it was a joint choice with my mentor. well, to some extent, it’s simpler, because
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you slightly misunderstand some moments, it’s like the second parachute jump was scarier, that’s exactly what i wanted to say, the second one is always scarier, yes, the second time everything was conscious , and it was my decision, right from start to finish, that well , i want to try this again, in the first one my parents said, let’s go, no, no, no, it’s always been - well, we always discuss all the issues related there with everything, here in children’s voice, too, i consulted with my parents, they helped me and always help, but they are no longer children’s voice, they seemed to ask me like this, well, do you want, do you want to experience again this this this this, yes this, me i don’t even know how you need it, how to call it in one word, a spectrum of some emotions and...
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where is the spectrum of all emotions, this is most likely the finale, the finale, and yes, i was very worried about the finale for - the children, yes, i was very worried about the song, because i was 12 years old at that time, the song is serious, the song quite deep, and i needed to complete a number of whole tasks, probably unusual for my age, i clearly understood this and the burden of responsibility was great, but...
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because i sang my mother’s song, it was called a prayer, which was performed by lyudmila gurchenko, and i was 13 years old when they gave me this song, well, for several days i just cried, because i didn’t know how i could convey it, how i could do it, but i really love... cinema, to some
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extent it helped me, because i somehow let every film pass through me and i take something for myself from each character, but before performing the prayer, i still collected this image, collected all these feelings, sensations, and it seems to me that it turned out, a little different, i had a different look, but it still worked out. second point, yes, i agree with ragda, these are blind auditions, but not children anymore, you were all stressed there, everyone was stressed, because it’s not clear, we went through the whole same procedure, that is , casting, blind auditions, and then everything is the same as it was in the projects before, and how to turn to us, not to turn, i don’t want to somehow i hit the gas with my face, i remember this moment when we had... here
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is such a roll, so i go out and just gave out these things to everyone who participated with me, fuck, this anti-stress, in the end the editor comes in, invites someone, starts laughing, because we’re all sitting there and clicking this thing, it was very funny, that’s what song made you fall in love with this future profession of yours, led you to it, that’s what your rakda is like , maybe mine? the choice may seem strange, but as a child i listened to a lot let zeppelin and the song baby i'm gonna leave you are just a choice, it's a wonderful choice , it's already 80 years old this year.
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i will invite you to perform a song, which we wish to everyone who participates will participate in the project voice 7.0 happy races every day, let them be exciting, but music is the language of feelings, so it’s great that we survived this, it’s great that future participants have mentors ahead , there will be so many exciting minutes, let there be many of them, dear friends, today in the podcast melodies of my life, together with radion gazmanov, raisa dmitrenko, sergei volchkov, elizaveta ragda and anastasia speridonova, which is also important, we lived together, i’m not afraid of this word, again a moment of excitement, inspiration of happiness,
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when we were all united together by a project, a voice, let this voice. the moon flies over it, the secret movement is endless for me, i see the reflection of your face, you are far from me beyond the horizon of another day, but even time
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cannot stop me from flying over the ocean, and having dispersed the fog of the dawning skies with my wings, i will soon hug you, dear friends , this is a podcast melodies of my life, we conducted it today together with radion gazmanov, but i am happy to leave you alone with elizaveta and ragda, with our girls, beauties, who will perform a song for you. listen to music. watch the voice project on channel one.
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i am not there, where your footprints have not been traced on the sand, where the bird is singing in melancholy, where the bird is singing in melancholy, in a dull circle, and you? i am only there where the sound disturbs, destroys the desired pier, and where are your eyes? swifts and where are your guard eyes sliding towards your lady.
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i am not there, where you are, the hair will not be clouded by the white day, where the pines are from amber tears, where the pines are from amber tears, the caring olya will wipe away. i am only there, where you sometimes look at the door with
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hope, and like a child with children, and like a child with children, you sculpt a snow woman, i am not there, where there is parachot, the night is tearing up. for the hum, where the sky understands the vault, where the sky understands that i am orphaned without you, i am only there where i am not, around you, invisible, you know, without you, you know without... you can’t live a day,
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theme ! celebrates autumn farewell ball, but fate does not expect mercy, the leaf, melting in a slow circle, sad to perform a dance near the ground, the leaves burn without regret, even when... and the deadline has not passed, but they managed to serve before they poured ashes on the sand,
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they fall, they fall, leaves are falling, falling, well , let there be a transparent light, in memory, memory, in memory in the memory of faces, those who are not around today, falling, falling, falling, leaves falling, well, let there be transparent light, in memory, in in memory, in memory, in memory, the faces of those who are not around today are falling, falling, leaves are falling, falling, well, let there be a transparent light, in memory in memory,
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hello everyone, dear friends, you are watching a non-format podcast, as always, in our studio we have my wonderful knowledgeable karina cross and valya carnival, i’m anton lavrentiev, there’s a group behind me gip, and this is guitar, roman, drums, anton, keys natalya and bass guitar alexey, our guest today is a composer, musician, film actor, kidnapper. women's hearts, alexander buynov, the tracks of our second guest
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can replace a trip to a psychologist, for example, a girl with many things. onny audiences, incomparable, amazing, adored asia, good evening, hello, asia, please tell me, this is a pseudonym, yes, in fact, what does it mean, in general, asia from ancient arabic, in my opinion, is called healing in the word, translated as healing in the word, and i in my youth, when i took this pseudonym, i had a very romantic nature, and you know, i think what you call the ship, as soon as it floats, in theory i always focused on the lyrics in my songs, probably something like this, wait, in his youth. well, yes, they don’t ask me about women’s age: 26, i know with your creativity, you, well, you can honestly say, you don’t have to say, do you have a musical education? yes, of course, you can hear it, because you use scales like that all the time, it’s so cool that you have such a move, the harmony may not be such a rich harmony, but this is not necessary, by the way, i myself am for simplicity, yes, i have one one
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song, it’s actually written on two chords, but you just started drinking it right away. prepared some kind of surprise for alexander, well, i don’t know how much of a surprise it is, in general, this is basically a song that i always sing, everywhere, which we sing with friends with a guitar, when we have some kind of spiritual gatherings, and let us sing along to this song, someone will say, all roads are similar, someone will say, everyone has sung the song, but me. .. i walk
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with careless steps, i go against my fate, someone is hiding behind a stone wall, someone has fallen asleep and i am rooted to the bottom, and i am screaming, everything is burning.
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alexander, your career began back in your school years with probably such a fundamental acquaintance with alexander gradsky, tell us in more detail how this happened, and you know that i have a little surprise, look, now let’s get back to the story, you know, the story is this: it was in the ninth grade that i began to become interested in rock roll. one day i accidentally ended up in a group to play, then it was fashionable like this: you play at school, here, at moscow state university, in zone b and the faculty of economics, a group plays, but they don’t have a keyboard player, there were no keyboards then, now then there was only a piano piano, i broke the piano with these fingers, and there on the steps of the dkmgu sits a guy wearing a hare hat, i have one...


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