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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 2, 2024 5:20am-6:01am MSK

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come to me, like this, like this. this is your grandfather.
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good morning to all of you, dear tv viewers, on the calendar is thursday, may 2, the first working day after the long holidays, thank you for celebrating it with us, we have big plans for this morning. so, up to ours. the most
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important holiday of victory day is only 7 days away and we will continue to turn over the pages of our military history together with those who won victory for us. we will also continue to prepare for easter, collect a variety of easter cake recipes and choose the right ones dyes for eggs. by the way, today is clean thursday, we’ll talk about that too and, of course, we’ll clean the house. well, don’t forget to wash yourself once it’s maundy thursday. well, right now , according to tradition, morning warm-up will be especially useful for everyone who has a sedentary job, like ours. so let's go. good morning, from sedentary work, the muscles around the spine, buttocks and back of the thighs become weak, if you want to be healthy, these areas need to be strengthened, today we will do this, lie on your stomach, bend your legs so that feet were directed to the ceiling, hands. and
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stretch forward, lift your hips off the floor, lift them as high as possible, fixate in this position for a second, lower your legs, now raise your arms and upper body, don’t tilt the back of your head back, your neck continues the line of your spine, hold again for a second, relax, continue do alternating arm and leg raises. if everything works out, we complicate the movement, each time holding the top point for more than one second, three. this exercise will help strengthen the muscles around the spine, as well as the back surface of the thighs and buttocks. i recommend doing this movement to everyone. people leading
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a sedentary lifestyle, especially. let's continue! well , we move on and, without losing pace, dive into the ocean of the internet. let's see what today. caught by the world wide web, especially since yegor uspensky already has another batch of funny videos ready. well, let's start, as you probably guessed, with cats, or more precisely with this handsome guy named baloo, who loves to play with sunbeams. the furry hero of the video stole the owner's disco ball and started it roll around the room. the light show has already brought the ball 3 million likes. he almost acts like a dj at a party. dj bag. orangutan who.
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what to look at, let us remind you that on the calendar it is thursday may 2, in 7 days we will celebrate our most important holiday, victory day. the great patriotic war ended 79 years ago, and we cannot, we simply do not have the right to forget the feat of those who, at the cost of their lives
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, won this victory for us. until now, the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of many heroes who did not return from the great patriotic war are trying find out more about them, look for information. search process. not fast, but if you are persistent, you can learn a lot. you can find basic information about a relative who fought on the people’s memory website. this is an information resource of the ministry of defense, which has absorbed all the data banks created by the ministry of defense since 2006. in addition to the last name, first name, patronymic, it’s good if there is also a date of birth, and maybe we also know where the person served, then the search is simplified, because the system gives a simple request. surname, name, all options that are available in this system. the andreev family had minimal information about their great-grandfather. vasily andreev went to the front in 1941 and went missing near leningrad. they wanted to know how and where he died. we started our search from the archives in church books , you can find out about the date and place of birth, in
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brownies a little more. here is a copy of one of them. we saw at number 12 the full last name, first name, and patronymic of our great-grandfather. year of birth, found out which rvc. was drafted into the ranks of the red army, so they found a place of service, but in some documents the three-armed rifle division, in others - 286. in documents, especially from the initial period of the war, they were written to clerks during hostilities and there could, of course, be errors. the 286th division fought near leningrad, and in the fall of 1941, in the area of ​​the village of sinyavino, it was attacked by enemy tanks. losses - a fifth of the personnel . it was here that a number of people were found on the lists of the dead. we are glad that, after all, we now have the opportunity to honor his memory with a trip to the village of senyavino, where he was reburied. if you want to know more, then go to the central archive of the ministry of defense. here documents that are not publicly available, but
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will be issued only to relatives. i was lucky, there is a photo in the officer’s personal card, this is my great-grandfather, i never knew him like that. his service is fully described here. those units in which he served, as well as information about the composition of the family, about awards, and i knew the medals for courage, but i didn’t have time to tell where for what, here is the award sheet, here are all the details, being the commanders of a fire platoon, seventy-six-millimeter guns, advancing germans, shot at point-blank range with direct fire, in '43 he received wounded and didn’t know about it, such... information is also only in the archive, here is just a card for registering those admitted to a medical institution, such a card index is located in st. petersburg in our branch, it is clear that he was discharged on may 28, 1943, where i have yet to find out about this, and the search process is not quick, but it’s definitely
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worth it. rita larkina, stepan erofeev, ktenia maklyak, channel one. i putty, plaster, glue. do manicures have a place in your life? there is, of course, they knew what kind of empress we have, the woman needs to be saved, that is empress, you are an empress, but you clearly deserve pain. wait for me very beautiful, very happy and unrecognizable, fashion verdict, new season, today on the first, no words, this tear in the review, you know, this is the biggest compliment of any woman, so that the husband would look like that, really, yes, this is me calling, greetings, tomin from ukrozovsk, the first perception of the audience is still major tomin and there’s no escape. if he feels indifference and lack of professionalism, then this, of course, pisses him off. he has
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a huge sense of responsibility, male charm and male confidence in the family, a man lifts dumbbells every morning, it’s a great pleasure, i’ll tell you, this is a tripod gym, it’s amazing, he works out, he keeps in shape, he’s very efficient, but he can’t live without it can’t, i believe in omens, probably all actors believe, but in a black eye, so you have to spit ugh, on leonid konevsky’s eighty-fifth birthday, today on the first, this city was literally and figuratively reborn from the ashes, because during war rzhef was almost completely wiped off the face of the earth, that’s right... the sound is so sound, yes, it looks like there’s something in this place, oh, oops, in the partisan detachments there were pigeons,
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scouts, demolitionists walked with pigeons, and why with the pigeons, suddenly the walkie-talkie came out to set up, you will now need to take the correct stance, your hands have made such a house, that’s where this expression comes from, i’m in the house, i’m in the house, guys, i’m in the house, that’s it, one of the main symbols of the city , rzhev, red boots of prince vladimir, you make one boot.
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fever, weakness, body aches, red brain and lungs, symptoms of measles: high eyes, dry, painful cough, and also a rash: spots first appear on the neck and head, then spread evenly throughout the body. if you notice such symptoms in yourself or your child, call a doctor immediately. there is no need to go to the clinic. an individual mask or distance from this virus almost does not save. the only reliable protection is routine vaccination. children are vaccinated twice - a year at the age of 6; adults, if not vaccinated, until the age of 35. and to those who is at risk. for example, works in medicine or in education, vaccinates until the age of 55, are you not sure
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if you were vaccinated as a child? perform a screening test for measles antibodies. this analysis is done at any age. keep in mind that even after vaccination, the likelihood of the disease cannot be excluded 100%, but it will occur in a mild form. it is especially important to immunize. differently: they left one after another on april 30. without them, our era would have looked completely different on may 2 last year, in fashion houses now the students create great messes. kuznetsky most building 14 in soviet times was an all-union house of clothing models, an address that all
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fashionistas knew. women came here regularly, shows were held at 14:00, 16:00 and 18:00. tickets were affordable, only 50 kopecks. but getting here to work here was not at all easy for the young couturier; even the bright style of student slava zaitsev was not immediately appreciated. and in sixty- two after graduation he is distributed. to the experimental technical weaving factory, special clothing for rural workers, that’s what it’s called the first collection, decorated padded jackets and felt boots, this was noticed in france, pierre cardin even flew in to... meet the genius, red dior, i can’t believe that i ’m in every place. immediately after the first interview with the foreign press, zaytsev no longer travels, but he continues to create in that very house, on kuznetsky, he found this russian cultural code, because no matter what model you look at, it is, on the one hand, russian, on the other on the other hand , any french woman would go out on shan zalize
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take a walk, cotton dresses, sabalins and hats with ivanovo patterns, this is folk. it’s so national that the basis is printed with the finest filigree designs or etched designs on a large number of fields of small flowers. zaitsev’s collections travel around the world for the next 20 years, without him, but he inspires and teaches. valentin yudashkin comes to practice with him, debuts in 1991, conquers the french catwalk at fashion week, the goal is to shock the public, fabberger collection. after the show, parisian immediately buys one dress louvar. for 8 thousand francs and a copyright to be kept in a museum, that was some crazy money for us. for more than 25 years in a row, valentin has been showing his collections in both europe and russia. paris taught us discipline; we can’t live with the old ways. yudashkin finds his own style, complex designs, drippings, embroidery, sketches even
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on napkins. in his work he was strict, but fair, and he was thorough. that’s what he said: you can’t get ahead of fashion, it’s better to lag behind fashion one or two steps. and in fashion houses those who continue to create personally taught couturier. these are the hands that knew his technique, his design, his silhouettes, and this is very important. we decided to do it in a capsule, a daily block, a cocktail, and an evening. new shows, entering new markets, their
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dream of decorating the world has come true and continues to come true. anastasi. friends, we remind you that on the calendar may 2, exactly one week later is our main holiday, victory day. the great patriotic war died down 79 years ago, but we have no right to forget about it. yes, and the further the war goes into the past from us, the more valuable the memories of those who fought and won victory for us. vasily mikhailovich kulkin went to the front very young, he had a reservation, but he decided that he had to defend his homeland. i keep this cartridge case from our dshk 12.6-caliber machine gun as a relic of the war years and my childhood or the childhood of my military service. when the war began, vasily mikhailovich kulkin was still just a child, 14 years old, seventh grade, the men in his
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village were quickly taken to the front, women and children were left to work on the collective farm. sily learned to drive a tractor, combine, plow, sow, harvest, took on everything, two older friends were mobilized, then the funeral came, we lived in the village, three vaskas, three vasilyas nearby, we were inseparable friends, something happened to them, i interfere, something is wrong with me, they are interfering, they were inseparable, then a funeral came to them, well, with my...... ears, with my own eyes, i saw how their mothers, well , were going through this grief, after that i firmly decided to go to front, will make you answer for your friends, vasily mikhalovich had a reservation from the collective farm, but he refused it, the military registration and enlistment office, tank school, front, tanker vasily received his baptism of fire between prague and bratislava, after victory day,
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on may 9th they rejoiced, and at 10 at 40 in the morning their regiment began to be bombed from the air, thank god that my... along with the gun, i hit this space, and the shot, it was not special for this matter, but was a high-explosive fragmentation, the explosion was part of it. he’s in the car and he’s disabled all the surveillance equipment and the guidance devices they have. he served in europe for another 2 years, and only then
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found this helmet in places of hostilities unknown soldier. there was also a knife left from the front; these were made especially for tankers. now, at 97, vasily mikhalovich carefully preserves these things and shows them at meetings with young people so that they remember about the war, about vasily’s friends, about every soldier. kirill kalinin, elena savina, channel one. good morning to everyone who has joined us. the calendar says thursday, may 2. the first long holiday weekend is behind us, today is a working day this week, and there is something to discuss and brag about, who has been where, who has gone where. moreover, we have the following ahead we’re already looking forward to a long weekend, the experience can come in handy, and there are those who stayed at home in namaisk, by the way, and don’t regret it at all. crimea. krasnodar region. it seems that everyone is in the south now. in anapa
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, even cloudy weather is not a hindrance to enjoying the sea. we are from moscow. we have reached you in anapa. there is where to eat, there is where to sit. there is a place to live, and it’s good. we came from st. petersburg to breathe and eat fresh sea air. i came from rostov-on-don, i haven’t been for a long time, about 30 years, well, everything is new, everything is beautiful, i like everything, and this is the altai republic, here too, it’s as if the whole country has gathered, dmitry ivashinnikov lives in the neighboring region, our altai is, well, it couldn’t be cooler, now the flowering of morals specially went at this time, olga alekseeva from st. petersburg, namaisky comes here every year , my friends and i come here year after year and enjoy this peace, tranquility and... who is left in the cities? evgenia long ago realized that during the may holidays she had to stay in the city and go to her parents. evgeniy’s mother even prepared the festive service.
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this set is, well, probably already 27-26 years old. in general, we have her in a holiday version, so when the children come, we take her out, drink tea and coffee, talk, hug and just help around the house, petra for cleaning. i just love her very much, i want to help her. and you can just take your time in may, we have a lot of friends all over moscow, you know, and how to get to the other end of moscow, that is, 2 hours there, 2 hours back, that’s the minimum, now i ’ve already looked at the navigator 45 minutes i think cool, may is a reason to start something new from sports to renovations, just look how quiet and good it is in furniture stores now, because firstly the parking lots are empty, it’s become quiet, secondly we are from the region and accordingly we have seen all these traffic jams. to the region, so we decided that there was a chance to go shopping deserted, and in general there was no one in the shopping centers, the restaurants were half empty, deliveries were fast, there was one thing in
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the center, in tourist places there was endless rush hour at vdnkh, the russia exhibition, because it was a long weekend, the only possibility when, without using vacation, you can see our country, cities are not empty in may, at least not completely, we just all change places, there are still traffic jams, that’s public. and it’s really half empty, when you still ride like that, it’s also a kind of romance. elizaveta nikishova, mikhail chetveryukov, evgenia andreev, natalya kaldaeva, channel one. and this sunday is the bright holiday of easter. the main decoration of the easter table is, of course, easter cake, the most delicious easter cake is the one made with your own hands. yes, and there are many recipes for easter cakes, because our country is large, there is plenty to choose from. this is how it is passed down from mother to daughter. budmurti recipe for traditional easter cake with norzhan sourdough, an old recipe does not require fuss, the sourdough alone takes 7 days to prepare, on the seventh day it has such a specific
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sour smell, then it is ready, well, there is no need to rush further, a dough is made on the sourdough, which rises for 10-12 hours, and the dough is already on the dough, it’s not like it’s on the fritz, it’s about four to five hours the dough has time to rise, then we don’t cook it right away. and of course, we knead it several times for 2 seconds, and an hour passes somewhere, we knead it. ima vasilyevna and her daughter tatyana do not regret the time spent; of course, you can buy easter cake. but we prefer to bake at home, homemade tastes better. family and children inspired ekaterina gudkova from sevastopol to revive the family recipe for easter cake. usually they only eat the cap, but here they eat the entire easter cake, because it is really tasty and very unusual. but for such a result, ekaterina has to try, and she makes a couple using live yeast, uses flour only with a high protein content, and one more secret,
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add two eggs to the dough and... two yolks, two extra whites, because protein is moisture , it is not needed here, and the yolks are fat. well, perhaps more time and effort goes into making the easter cake colorful. spinach leaves, beet juice and turmeric are also included. ekaterina mixes balls of multi-colored dough randomly, so each easter cake turns out unique. in alexandrevsky the novotikhvinsky monastery begins preparing easter cakes 10 days before easter and also adheres to ancient recipes. take the eggs and separate the yolks. beat the whites and yolks until white together with sugar, place the finished dough in a warm place, it should double in volume and only then bake, but for the easter cake to become an easter cake, it is covered with a pattern with meaning, flowers symbolize spiritual awakening, blossoming, joy in the spring, because spring is easter, at the agrarian university of the northern trans-urals , ancient recipes have been improved and developed a signature siberian easter cake. this is
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an original and author's recipe, which includes the composition of kvass wort, juniper berries and shishkov jam. professionals are indignant when easter cake is called a cupcake, easter cake is made using the sponge method, you just need to pour baking powder into the cake, but the mood is important, you should always approach baking easter cakes consciously, always so that there is a good mood, light. the main purpose of easter cake is to create a festive atmosphere. marina glushenkova, liliya lobkova, nazir negumanov, anna gazhala, alexander lobykin, channel one. the program to live healthy, colors eggs and conducts an examination of dyes that are safe for our health. but of course, not only this, all the most important and interesting things for life and for you. today.
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we have been discussing for several weeks how to use the proceeds from frozen russian assets. the americans are forcing the europeans to take over our assets. barel acts as a representative of the globalist elites, they are cutting off the path to further dialogue with moscow. the masks of the european elite have been dropped since the beginning special military operation. we cannot allow russia to win, otherwise the interests of the united states and europe will suffer. the game is just beginning, and our limit on gestures and goodwill
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is over. old jazep. sorry, who? dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. the holy fire is born right here, the holy of holies of the temple on a marble slab, and it is from here, in a special hole in the wall, that it goes out into the world. through this fire we connect with god himself, with his divine love. we receive grace from the holy sepulcher. many people believe that the hole under the altar remains of the cross. in fact, the cross stood a meter further away; now there is a crucifix there. god became a man and came into the world when people decided to get rid of god and get rid of his word. the greatest tragedy in the history of all mankind occurred. there are 33 steps from golgotha ​​to the holy sepulcher. this is the path, from the crucifixion to the kingdom of god. temple.
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god's rudeness may 4th on the first. today is thursday, may 2, right now we’ll talk about money, or rather about debts for utilities, and debt, as you know, is worth paying. well , i’m wondering if the payment can be somehow divided into several parts. what is an installment plan for utility debts and can this same installment plan also be denied? now let’s calculate everything and find out. debt for utilities is accrued for each day of delay.
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there are three types of installments for the debt for housing and communal services: the first, as in the situation with alexander, is contractual, there is a good reason: if you were in the hospital, if you received a disability, lost your job, you simply attach a certificate to the application, attach documents stating that you really are the owner premises, utility companies do not have the right to refuse, as is the case with another type of installment plan, mandatory, if for the previous period, similar to the previous year before...
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the payment did not go through, it doesn’t happen to anyone, just report it, and if, for example, you owe not by the management company, but by the resource specialists, in the case of a direct contract, then for late payment for utilities, they apply directly to the supplier of such a utility service, this is electricity, water supply, heating. the procedure is the same, but don’t forget to pay in installments in addition to current utility bills. natalya lyubchenko, dmitry roshkov, rostislav kolesnikov and ksenia maklyak. first channel. the beginning of may is the time to eat the first spring vegetables. a fresh row has already appeared on the shelves, followed by cucumbers. early vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber. in general, we go to the market for various healthy goodies. the earliest spring vegetables are used
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in salads and okroshka. first of all, redist, hardy and unpretentious, can be grown in greenhouses, easily even without heating, planted in open ground as soon as the sun begins to shine bake. temperatures don’t matter; by the may holidays the first harvest is being harvested even in central russia. radish is a wonderful vegetable that contains water, fiber, vitamins and minerals, but most importantly it contains essential oils that have bactericidal properties and are beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract. like any root crop, radish can accumulate nitrates, but usually it is not fed enough, the early ripening crop ripens in a month, for this period there is enough in the soil what... farmers added in the fall, and besides, it’s too much fertilizers are simply not profitable. one of the facts that will indicate that ridisa still has a nutritional imbalance is the large, powerful green foliage, and the root crops do not set, we simply water it all.
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the plant loves water, if there is enough of it, the roots are elastic, juicy, when cut, they crack like a watermelon, and there is almost no bitterness in the taste. round red radishes are most often found on sale; they have the highest yield. in second place in popularity with the manufacturer is the french variety. the breakfast is cylindrical with a small white tip. well, for the exotic, of course, there are purple radishes and white radishes, they are practically without bitterness and can be given to children. but cucumbers are more picky about weather conditions; in early spring they are not planted in open ground, only protected under film, in a greenhouse or hotbed, but the fruits are still tastier than those grown hydroponically in winter. here the so-called substrates are either mineral wool or peat, where the nutrient solutions are supplied, if we talk about nutritional values, then basically everything, what grows under natural conditions is biologically a little more valuable, what do we
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get from the first spring cucumbers? yes, first of all, water, there is 95% of it, but it contains dissolved biologically active substances. there are vitamins, vitamin c, and vitamin a. a little bit of vitamin e, and vitamin k, and also minerals, potassium, magnesium. there are many varieties, more than 100; long cucumbers with smooth skin are still popular among producers, as they are resistant to lack of light and heat, but the concentration of nutrients is higher in short cucumbers with pimples, through them, by the way, air exchange is active and moisture is removed, so after harvesting these dry out and become lethargic faster. yulia kozlova, stepan erofeev, sergey myakin, channel one. i think every housewife has found herself in a situation where to put cleaning products that don’t go anywhere. space organizer maria belkanova knows this, and now she will share some tricks for compact storage. to make
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cleaning products take up less space and not be conspicuous, i decided to place them behind the door. i’ll share the tricks of a convenient and compact storage if you just lean the mop against the wall, it will fall, help out. adhesive mop holder. before gluing it, i degrease the wall surface. now the latch will hold firmly. if there is no such device. we use a self-adhesive hook, tie a rope to the handle of the mop, hang a ring on the hook, attach a few more fasteners to the wall, hang brushes and rags on them, it’s very convenient if you just put cans and bottles with cleaning products, they will fall when the door hits them, so that avoid cleaning and i put the products in a narrow container, ideally a tray on wheels. but a cardboard box like this is also suitable,
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by the way, a folding basin will fit here, that’s all, we have compactly placed the cleaning products , they are not conspicuous. now we’ll talk about cinema on channel one, the new season of a multi-part film under martial law continues, the enemy is behind us. 1944, saboteurs, forest brothers, are operating in the baltic states. captain svetlana elagina, driver fedorenko and lieutenant colonel shillov will have to. new a difficult task, got ready, started, where did the captain of the military prosecutor’s office svetlana elagina and her driver grigory fedorenko end up this time? we are on the baltic lands, that’s where latvia, lithuania are, a journey into the past in the year forty-four, we will look for enemies, as always, not who are standing face to face with us, but who are hidden from view. the situation, however, saboteurs and forest brothers are operating here,
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several mysterious murders have been committed, intelligence officers who once served together have been strangled, the killer leaves victims in the pockets dice, you are familiar with this item, of course, where did you get it from ? smersh employees will intervene in the investigation, an alarming sign that if the captain of elagina and lieutenant colonel shilov are no longer trusted, they have their own investigation, we have ours, evidence. more important to me, some kind of unkind, even evil, straight up, not evil, distrustful, a good habit, by the way, a good one, of course, during the war, pay attention, the heroine of ekaterina klimova is sitting at the table of the 16th century, oh yes i am, oh yes well done, they really were very good there are many paradoxes when - our military, our prosecutor's office occupied very strange places, settled in castles, in some cellars. the headquarters of captain elagina was located in the castle
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of the knights of the tefton order of waldau. the new season of the wartime detective was filmed in kaliningrad. waldau castle, older than leonardo davich by 200 years, count drakov by 180 years. waldau castle is now three in age in the world. 1264 now the castle is being restored by nadezhda sorokina and shotlen von valdao on their own. chatelaine - french word, keys, housekeeper. i lock everything with keys.
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ceremony, inauguration of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live broadcast on may 7 at 12:00 moscow time. this is the news on the first, in the studio of maria vasilyeva. hello. operators of attack drones of the first army corps of the southern group of forces hit a concentration of enemy personnel in the donetsk direction of the special operation; repeated strikes destroyed several more militants, as well as a warehouse with ammunition. as a result, the enemy lost almost an entire infantry squad. in yuzhnodonetsk , tankers of the vostok group of troops. my guidance destroyed the crew's apu stronghold.


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