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tv   Novosti  1TV  May 2, 2024 6:00am-6:11am MSK

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the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live broadcast on may 7 at 12:00 moscow time. this is the news on the first, in the studio maria vasilyeva, hello! operators of attack drones of the first army corps of the southern group of forces hit a concentration of enemy personnel in the donetsk direction of the special operation; repeated strikes destroyed several more militants, as well as a warehouse with ammunition. as a result, the enemy lost almost an entire infantry squad. on yuzhnodonetskoe tankers from the vostok group of forces destroyed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold and crew with direct fire. competently maneuvering, we approached
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enemy fortifications within firing range, inflicting maximum damage on the enemy, in the northern direction, crews of self-propelled howitzers of the turk paratroopers razed to the ground an equipped shelter of militants on the line of contact, our servicemen especially note the accuracy of their guns, it may have become in our opinion, let’s say , not a single gun, we had the same duels with the d-30, also against irapira and... many numerous the equipment was knocked out, there was also a lot of rotation, the same fortifications were dismantled, the tasks were being completed, they hit accurately. today marks exactly 10 years of the tragedy in the odessa house of trade unions; on may 2, 2014, the kiev regime actually sanctioned the massacre of local anti-maida activists; nationalists and militants of the so-called self-defense forces who came to the city destroyed the tent camp of odessa residents who were collecting signatures for...
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a referendum on federalization ukraine, and then threw molotov cocktails at the building where euromaidan opponents had taken refuge. finding themselves in a fiery trap, some suffocated from carbon monoxide, others died jumping out of windows. 48 people were killed and 247 were injured. the investigation essentially came down to the acquittal of the nationalists. as stated in the russian foreign ministry, our country will never forget the crime. on may 2 in odessa, it will seek punishment for everyone who was involved in the tragedy. yes yes. in ukraine , the russian language, as a separate subject, is now taught in only three schools throughout the country. these are official statistics. kiev is forced to publish such reports because of its european obligations, that is, to actually report restrictions on the rights of millions of its citizens. just 20 years ago, according to census data, every third ukrainian called russian his native language. last year, the european union specifically conducted a survey in ukraine, where every second participant reported linguistic discrimination. most of the western media,
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which are campaigning for help to the kiev regime, have kept silent about the exhibition in moscow on poklonnaya hill, where you can see trophies from the northern military district zone. visual evidence that nato military equipment cannot to resist the power of russian weapons, a case where one frame is stronger than a thousand words. damaged cars, drones, all those new items that were supplied to the ssu, the poster at the entrance of diplomats from nato countries allows through. ukraine from germany and portugal are no longer in service, either damaged or worn out so much that they are only suitable for scrap metal. employees of the ministry of internal affairs of georgia are detaining protesters in tbilisi near the parliament building, where passions around the law do not subside. project on transparency
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of foreign influence, the day before it passed second reading, in the evening thousands of opponents of the adoption of documents gathered again on rustoveli avenue, clashes with the police began, special forces used tear and pepper gas, as well as a water cannon , stones, bottles and firecrackers were thrown at the guards of order. by this hour, they managed to push back the protesters, but dozens of people still remain on the avenue, i note the original text of the georgian document, which the local opposition considers pro-russian, literally. russia will continue to do everything to stop the fire in the gas sector, he said our country's permanent representative to the un , vasily nebenze, also demanded an investigation into the discovered mass graves and called on the united states not to interfere with diplomatic actions on a ceasefire and palestinian accession.
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on april 18, we began to see many cities in the sector destroyed to the ground, hospitals and schools razed to the ground, roads damaged, work to eliminate unexploded gas shells... will take 14 years, terrifying reports recently appeared about the discovery of mass graves in the enclave, an independent international investigation is needed to bring the perpetrators to justice. first , the escalation killed 35 palestinians, and the conflict is growing, the palestinian enclave is being shelled from the air, the ground operation in the united states continues, which one after another blocked the un resolutions on a ceasefire in gaza, does not subside. protests, a wave of mass actions swept across universities, more than a thousand students were detained, and yesterday the house of representatives passed a law that will make it possible to suppress such protests. u orthodox today is great or maundy thursday, one of the days of holy week, when
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the church remembers the last supper, where jesus instituted the sacrament of communion and washed the feet of the disciples as a sign of brotherly love and humility. maundy thursday is primarily a day of spiritual cleansing. good morning, dear tv viewers, thank you for joining us, we continue to work live, we wish you an easy working week, especially since it is short, only 2 days, happiness is simple. shulik and nikita pimenov are with you live. on calendar 2 may, maundy thursday, it is also called.
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in the house, yes, this is a very interesting tradition, since christ on thursday afternoon gave the disciples instructions to prepare a room so that they and the disciples could have this easter dinner in the evening, it is obvious that christians, reading the gospel, they somehow they wanted not only to come to the temple on this day, but to do something at home so that it would remind them of the last supper. on thursday people began to call it clean, the meaning is in purity above all...
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this is my body for you, broken, suffering, he took the cup of wine and said: “drink from it, this is my blood being poured out for you.” today , communion is of great importance for all believers. it is on maundy thursday that we experience again the establishment of this greatest sacrament. we have been given such an amazing opportunity to unite with god, it would seem, where man is and where god is, yes, here is the lord, having established the sacrament of the eucharist. made it possible to bridge this gap. communion maundy thursday. elena tries not to miss it. in the morning i go to the temple, i need first, we put our soul in order, cleanse it, then, accordingly, after church we begin to bake easter cakes and paint eggs.
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the food for the festive table is also prepared today, and it is advisable to have it in time before the evening service. in the evening, this service, the 12th gospel of good friday, usually begins. 6 hours a little later, that’s what it usually is, so that people can attend it, yes, this is work, yes, of course, it may be a little hard, but we must endure some kind of work these days, we take communion, we repent of this sense, of course, this is also pure thursday, we cleanse not only the house, but also the heart, there are only a few days until the bright holiday of easter. anna vashuk, stepan, yarofeev, boris repin, alexey danko, channel one. well, according to tradition, today on maundy thursday you can start painting easter eggs. there are old proven recipes and many modern dyes. now we will test them. testing dyes for eggs. four types: liquid mother of pearl with foil, liquid metal, powder tablets. what's better? let's start with
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the powder. based on natural ingredients. it will work, of course, according to the instructions. this is a separate glass with hot water, the smell from them is like in your grandmother’s basement, but everything is natural so that the paint goes on brighter, the eggs must also be hot, put each one in a glass for 5 minutes, plus a minute of drying. and vegetable oil for shine, everything is simple and the children did it. tyoma, it was easy for you, it was easy for me to stir, pour out and take out. and how are you? all clear. the light is uniform, saturated, and as we remember, the powder dye has a natural composition, with chlorophyll, carmine, and anata, which is also a plus. this dye is absolutely harmless, including for allergy sufferers. the tablets have artificial colors. if you have allergies, they should not be used.


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