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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  May 2, 2024 8:00am-10:01am MSK

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ceremony, inauguration of president of the russian federation vladimir putin. live broadcast on may 7 at 12:00 moscow time. this is news. first in the studio maria vasilyeva. hello. operators of attack drones of the first army corps of the southern group of forces hit a concentration of enemy manpower in the donetsk direction of the special operation. repeated strikes destroyed several more militants, as well as an ammunition depot. as a result, the enemy lost almost an entire infantry squad. on yuzhnodonetskoe tankers of the voysk-vostok group destroyed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold with direct fire. the crew, maneuvering competently, approached the enemy fortifications within firing range.
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today marks exactly 10 years since the tragedy in the odessa house of trade unions. on may 2, 2014 , the kiev regime actually sanctioned the massacre of local anti-maidan activists. nationalists and militants of the so-called self-defense forces who arrived in the city destroyed the tent camp of odessa residents who were collecting signatures for holding a referendum on the federalization of ukraine, and then abandoned it.
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molotov cocktails, the building where euromaidan opponents took refuge. finding themselves in a fiery trap, some suffocated from carbon monoxide, others died jumping out of windows. 48 people were killed and 247 were injured. the investigation essentially came down to the acquittal of the nationalists. as stated in the russian foreign ministry, our country will never forget the crime of may 2 in odessa and will seek punishment for all those responsible. the kiev regime did not and does not have. signs of remorse regarding the odessa tragedy, and this means that he is not going to get rid of from nazism. this opinion was expressed by the chairman of the federation council, valentina matvienko. in her telegram channel, she emphasized: now there is all the data for an objective investigation, it could be carried out as soon as possible, but kiev is actively opposing justice being done, and in the west, they cynically made it clear that they will not notice the odessa khatyn. the fact
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that 10 years after the monstrous crime in odessa, unparalleled in its cruelty in modern history, there is no result of the investigation, no trial, no one punished, most clearly confirms that nazism is a deep, natural norm for the current kiev regime. i am convinced that following the results of the svo, a large tribunal is needed, where the whole picture of the emergence of kiev ordinary nazism, its path, all its crimes, and one of the central, cornerstone episodes of this tribunal will be collected and presented bit by bit. there should be charges filed for a terrible crime on may 2 , 2014 in the house of trade unions. in ukraine , russian as a separate subject is now taught in only three schools across the country. this official statistics. kiev is forced to publish such reports because of its european obligations, that is, in fact, to report on the restriction of the rights of millions of its citizens. just 20 years ago, according to census data, every third ukrainian called russian his native language. last year the european union specialized. conducted a survey in ukraine, where every
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second participant reported language discrimination. most of the western media, which are campaigning for help to the kiev regime, have kept silent about the exhibition in moscow on poklonnaya hill, where you can see the trophies of the zone svo. visual evidence that nato military equipment cannot withstand the power of russian weapons is the case when one frame is stronger than a thousand words. damaged cars, drones, all those new items that... they supplied the ssu with a poster at the entrance allowing diplomats from nato countries to skip the line. apparently, the impression was so strong that almost everyone tried to hide the events. well, the german newspaper build was offended, saying why they lowered the barrel of the leopard tank. true, in the same article the authors admit: half of the leopards supplied to ukraine from germany and portugal no longer in service, either damaged or worn out so that they are only good for metal. in tbilisi there is a building. only in the early hours of the parliament
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did a rally of thousands of opponents of the bill on the transparency of foreign influence end; the day before it passed the second reading, protests on rustavelli avenue did not stop all night, special forces... 737 max, a young man who never had health problems died, he was working inspections of one of the suppliers. earlier, another boeing employee was found dead in his van, he also
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declared violations of technology in the production of aircraft. in january , part of the fuselage was torn off during flight on the 737 max airliner. after two accidents in the eighteenth and nineteenth years, these planes are one and a half. they had already been removed from flights for inspection over the years, but then returned. well, right now we will go to vladivostok, where 3 years ago, on the basis of the nevelskoy maritime state university, a far eastern maritime training center for training sailors was opened. this unique complex is equipped with the latest word of marine technology, where cadets undergo training and improve their skills. thunder, lightning, gusty wind with rain, a storm in the far eastern training center, here they are preparing for the sea. marine engineering college cadets in the training pool.
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they have already practiced the emergency evacuation exercise from a ship and passed the standards, but today the task is more difficult. according to legend, there is a correspondent on board, who too. the wetsuit is constricting, water is pouring into your nose, the waves are tossing you up, it’s unclear where to row. the cadets have everything clearly, they picked it up, they threw him into the raft and are already rowing the land. it is not always possible for the fetus to get to the scene of the accident, then help comes from the air, but you need to explain to the victim when to grab the carabiner, where to fasten it, how to change the boat. in order to avoid injury, the future sailors coped with the task perfectly well. thank you guys, you are reliable. no matter how much experience a sailor has, he is required to confirm his knowledge every 5 years, so in the classes there are completely new cadets and experienced sea wolves. i
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graduated from the specialty electrical equipment ship automation, if we had such equipment, we would have mastered it much faster. here are the future ship electromechanics-nuclear engineers, the first group in the far east, the monitors imitate the control panels of a nuclear power unit, ideally, to prepare for practice, the arctic awaits us, we will watch the polar night, the northern lights and learn to work with nuclear installations on a nuclear icebreaker, i find this very interesting, this simulator with a circular panorama will teach you how to control any vessel under any circumstances.
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one after another on april 30 and may 2 last year. disciples of the great kuterya now create in fashion houses. kuznetsky most building 14 in soviet times was an all-union model house.
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zaitsev’s collections travel around the world for the next 20 years, without him, and he inspires and teaches, valentin yudashkin comes to practice with him, debuts in ninety-one, conquers the french catwalk in a week... the goal is to shock the public - the collection. after the show , one dress is immediately bought by a parisian. for 8
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thousand francs and the copyright to be kept in a museum, these were some crazy money. for more than 25 years in a row , valentin has been showing his collections in both europe and russia. paris taught us discipline; we can’t live with the old ways. yudashkin finds his own style, complex designs, dripping, embroidery, sketches.
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that’s what he said: you can’t stay ahead of fashion, it’s better to lag behind fashion one or two steps. and in fashion houses those who were personally taught by couturier continue to create. these are the hands that knew his techniques, his design, his silhouettes, and this is very important. we decided to make the capsules a daily block, a cocktail, an evening. new shows, entering new markets, their dream of decorating the world has come true and continues to come true. anastasia soveleva, sergey morin, channel one. let's move right now to sicily for a while and get acquainted with one of the brightest local culinary celebrities. this is the young but incredibly talented pizza maker mateo corna. see how deftly the guy handles the dough, as if he were telling all the visitors to his restaurant, i’m twisting, twisting, feed you pizza. i want, well, right now, according to tradition, morning warm-up for everyone,
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for those who have a sedentary job, like ours, it will be especially useful. so let's warm up. good morning, from sedentary work, the muscles around the spine, buttocks and back of the thighs become weak. if you want to be healthy. these areas need to be strengthened, we’ll do this today, lie down on your stomach, bend your legs so that your feet are pointing towards the ceiling, stretch your arms forward, lift your hips off the floor, lift them as high as possible, fixate in this position for a second, lower your legs, now lift arms and upper body, the back of the head does not we deflect, the neck continues the line of the spine. again, we pause for a second, relax, continue to practice, alternating between
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raising arms and legs, if everything works out, we complicate the movement, each time we linger at the top point for more than one second, three. the exercise will help strengthen the muscles around the spine, as well as the back of the thighs and buttocks. i recommend this movement to everyone, especially sedentary people. in life, especially, we continue, well, we move on and without losing pace, we dive into the ocean of the internet, let's see what's happening today caught by the world wide web, especially since yegor uspensky already has another batch
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of funny videos ready. well, let's start, as you probably guessed, with cats, or rather with this handsome guy. named baloo, who loves to play with sunbeams. the furry hero of the video stole the owner's disco ball and began rolling it around the room. the light show has already brought the ball 3 million likes. he almost acts like a dj at a party. dj ball. an arangutan that drives a golf cart. how do you like this option? and, as you can see, it’s not bad manages. not every person knows how to handle a golf cart like that. there are more than 7 million fans of the talented monkey. now you have two questions to worry about. firstly, where did arangutan learn to drive so skillfully, and secondly, the most important question: does he have a license? the heroes of our next video are australian christy jard and her husband. over the course of 10 years , more than 300 orphaned kangaroos and cubs were rescued, raised and released into the wild in alaba. according to christie, some wards come to visit from time to time, because
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that even kinguru remember kindness. well, then on holidays we all get together too. traditions and, in the end, fantastic shots were taken by a documentarian, his name is stavros michelides, he captured thousands of ladybugs, of course we don’t know how many of them there are actually in the frame, we didn’t count them, but we can say for sure that the video did not leave 15 million users indifferent, and there really is something to see, the program to live healthy, colors eggs and conducts an examination of dyes that are safe for our health, but of course, not only this is all the most important and interesting for life and for you, today on the first day, rom, castro, product of the lar group, vodka in veda, product of the lar
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group, old barrel cognac,
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lech turning to the matron, i say: look, holy matron, come to i feel as if i’m alive, on may 5 at the first, nikulina’s mother anna ivanovna, i came to her, she stroked me on the head and said: you ’ll never have a headache again, and having lived 96.5 years, she now realized that i was matronly, she has a great sense of responsibility, masculine charm and masculine confidence in
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imagine, a person lifts dumbbells every morning, this is big. i’ll be happy to say, this intern hall is amazing, he works out, he stays in shape, he’s very efficient, but he gets tired, but he can’t live without it, i believe in omens, probably all actors believe in this, but in the black eye, so we have to spit, tfu-tfu-tfu, for the eighty-fifth birthday of leonid konevsky, today on the first, three chords, new. season may 5th on the first, and also according to tradition, today on maundy thursday, you can start painting easter eggs, eat old ones proven recipes and many modern ones.
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how, everything is clear, the color is uniform, rich, tyoma, it was easy for you, it was easy for me to stir, pour out and take out, zhenya, and as you remember, the powder dye contains a natural composition with chlorophyll, carmine, onata is also a plus, this dye, it is absolutely harmless and... including for allergy sufferers, the tablets have artificial dyes, if you have allergies, you should not use them,
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the coloring agent can get onto the protein through the crust, according to the instructions, add a tablespoon to each glass vinegar, pour hot water, the smell of vinegar is not very pleasant, painting eggs with tablets, unlike powder, took twice as long, about 10 minutes, everyone tried, and this is best seen in four-year-old zhenya. i didn’t really like the dye, the room smelled very strongly of vinegar, we even had to ventilate the shades, the color didn’t suit me, they were pungent and uneven. now we check the liquid metal, the pigments are also artificial, place the ampoule with the dye in hot water for a minute, open it, rub the paint on the surface of the eggs with gloves on, for for maximum effect, they should be dry and hot, it takes 10 minutes to paint, the colors went on well overall, silver bronze, just like in... the packaging, gold didn’t turn out very well, you have to work with gloves, the dye is slippery, so you have to work carefully so that nothing happens do not break, liquid nacre remains, the pigments are also
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artificial, according to the instructions, we work as with metallic dyes, only while the eggs are hot and sticky, you still need to wrap them in foil, rub them with your fingernail or a spoon, but the result from the picture from the packaging still turned out far away, i liked the first dye the most, it’s natural, it’s very quick to work with, very easy. it doesn’t leave any colored stains, in general, the victory goes to the dye with a natural composition, it’s conveniently beautiful. evgeny pilikov, andrey ivanov, yulia, channel one. the moscow zoo has posted another video of panda katyusha online; she is increasingly exploring the outdoor enclosure where she was recently allowed to walk. true, katyusha is walking, cautiously for now, and not for long. fresh air and runs back home, here we are, we run further and we present you an astrological forecast. may 2, 24 lunar day, 14 sunny,
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friendly, affable, pleasant to talk to, although he only lets those closest to him into his soul, keeps the rest at some distance, but this is for the best, he is also active, energetic, and not lazy, knows how to work in the team, his mood is usually good, the main disadvantage is that he is... a little impulsive, unpredictable, sometimes behaves eccentrically, he can give up something unfinished and grab onto something else. the technology is capricious on such days, the bosses are surprised with contradictory instructions, all sorts of accidents interfere with the established working order. aries, be prepared for this, don’t get angry, be patient, by lunch everything should go back to normal, just rely in your affairs on trusted people whom you know well, otherwise it’s a great day, especially for small and family businesses in... everything related to the home, taurus will have a very productive day, they will have the opportunity to express themselves, work will go well for those who repair something, build something, or do agricultural work.
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housekeeping, a little spoon may try to deceive you. the twins may have some problems with the delivery of goods, say, the courier will confuse something or be late, some important message may get lost or fall into spam, in general, pay more attention, about pleasant things, money and the opposite sex are not indifferent to you. cancers are waiting for some serious conversation, perhaps with their superiors, the stars are hinting that today is not an important day to aggravate relations, you will only ruin everyone’s mood and fray their nerves, and do without alcohol. leo luminaries they say: sometimes even simple obvious things require explanations; for you it can all be simple, but for others it’s a dark forest. after lunch, get ready to help someone older than you. virgos today will have a chance to make sure that love at first sight is not you... poets, whether they will take advantage of this chance is another question, and the day is also not bad for money transactions, and for shopping too, libras should deal with money, let’s say, with
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caution with documents. take a closer look, the rest of the day was successful, progress is possible in some matter that is significant to you, expect guests in the evening. scorpios today are changeable, unpredictable, and at the same time stubborn, the stars are perplexed, maybe you decided to make a small, simple scandal, why do you need this, expect some news or messages in the evening? sagittarius may receive some kind of advantageous offer, the luminaries say, although the day is quite successful for all sorts of business contacts, the rule is trust, but verify. no one has cancelled, the evening seems to have something romantic in store for you. for capricorns, someone may try to ruin their mood. listen, or maybe you're just taking everything too personally? let's turn on a sense of humor sometimes, don't joke about health, and about safety precautions, don't forget, the day of the womb with injuries is a pretty nice day and aquarius, however, some things that you put off until later may get enough sleep, but you'll get through them quickly get rid of yourself, that's what the stars
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would like you to do. you won’t suffer from any intrigues. invite. something practical, you can achieve a lot, and due to lack of attention you are more careful with new acquaintances today. fish by the way, the evening is clearly taking you somewhere today, energetic, proactive, full of good luck to you. now let's talk about cinema, first of all brilliant ideas, if all this is channeled on the channel. the new season of the multi-part film according to the laws of war continues . the enemy is behind you. 1944.
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several mysterious murders have been committed, saboteurs and forest brothers are operating here, scouts who once served together are strangled, the killer leaves dice in the pockets of the victims, you are familiar with this item, of course, where did you get it from in your investigation smersh employees will intervene. an alarming sign: what if captain elagina and lieutenant colonel shillov were no longer trusted? they have their own investigation, we boiled the evidence, it’s more important to me. some kind of not kind and even evil straight up, not evil, distrustful, a good habit, by the way, good, of course, during the war. please note that the heroine of ekaterina klimova is sitting at a table of the 16th century. oh, yes i am, oh well done, there really were
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a lot of paradoxes when...
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are you crazy, well, the moment, asya radkevich, ivan belchenko, andrey ivanov, channel one. our program continues, now we give the floor to colleagues from the information service of channel one. let's find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. the news is on air, and we will meet with you in just a few minutes. this is news on the first in the studio maria vasilyeva. hello. today marks exactly 10 years since the tragedy in the odessa house of trade unions. on may 2, 2014, the kiev regime actually sanctioned the massacre of local anti-maidan activists. those who arrived in the city, nationalists and militants, the so-called forces self-defense forces destroyed the tent camp of odessa residents who were collecting signatures for holding a referendum on the federalization of ukraine, and then
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threw bottles at them. suffered, the investigation essentially came down to the acquittal of the nationalists. as stated in the russian foreign ministry, our country will never forget the crime. on may 2 in odessa, it will seek the punishment of all those responsible. the accusation in the case of the tragedy in the odessa house of trade unions will become one of the central episodes of the large tribunal over the kiev regime, which is to take place as a result of a special military operation. this opinion was expressed by the chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko. in your telegram channel. she emphasized: now there is all the data for an objective investigation, it could be carried out as soon as possible, but kiev is actively opposing justice to be done, and in the west they cynically made it clear that they will not notice the odessa khatyn.
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there will be no statute of limitations, those responsible for the odessa tragedy will be named, they will not evade responsibility, and as part of the investigation they will definitely receive their assessment shameful inaction, shameful silence of european and international institutions, which simply had to... quickly join in the investigation and force kiev to achieve results, do justice and thereby stop the spiral of violence, stop the growth of nazism and fascism in ukraine. now about the situation in the nwo zone. operators of attack drones of the first army corps of the southern group of forces hit a concentration of enemy manpower in the donetsk direction. more were destroyed by repeated strikes several militants, as well as an ammunition depot. as a result, the enemy lost almost an entire infantry squad. in yuzhnodonetsk, tankers from the vostok group of forces destroyed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold with direct fire. the crew , maneuvering competently, approached the enemy fortifications within firing range and inflicted maximum damage on the enemy. and in the northern direction, the crew of the self-propelled galubets
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of the gvozdikal paratroopers razed to the ground the equipped shelter of the militants on the line of contact. and also about the courage and heroism of our military personnel, lieutenant khusey izhaev. during the assault on a stronghold. was the first to break into an enemy trench, personally destroyed two militants, ensured the advancement of his unit deep into the enemy’s defense, skillfully used military stratagem on the battlefield and major alexey ryshkovich, when the enemy launched a counterattack, he ordered him to be allowed into the center of the position and then hit from the flanks . caught in the crossfire, the militants suffered serious losses and retreated. russia will continue to do everything to stop the carnage in the gas sector. this was stated by the permanent representative of our country to the un basil nebenze, he also demanded an investigation into the discovered mass graves and called on the united states not to interfere with diplomatic actions for a ceasefire and the accession of palestine. many
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cities in the sector were completely destroyed, hospitals and schools were razed to the ground, roads were damaged, and work to eliminate unexploded gas shells will take 14 years. they appeared recently. terrifying reports of the discovery of mass graves in the enclave. an independent international investigation is needed to ensure prosecution criminals to justice. the un published a report saying that at the beginning of the exacerbation, almost 35,000 residents of the gas sector were killed, 70% were women and children, more than 7,000 people were missing, a total of 5% of the population of the enclave were killed or wounded, gas was shelled.
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for the orthodox, today is maundy or maundy thursday, one of the days of holy week, when the church remembers the last supper, where jesus instituted the sacrament of communion and washed the feet of the disciples as a sign of brotherly love and humility. maundy thursday is primarily a day spiritual cleansing, it is also customary to clean up the house and actively prepare for the bright resurrection of christ, paint eggs, bake easter cakes. for easter, according to forecasts , storm winds of up to 15 m/s are expected in the capital region, and during the day the temperature will not exceed 10°. all because of the arctic invasion, which has already begun, and although today in moscow it will be +14 during the day, at night it will already be from
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-1 to +4. on friday, the temperature will drop 5° below normal, +10° during the day, and drop to -3 at night. on saturday it's only +9. the rain will charge which will fall on sunday at the beginning of next week they promise snow and slick conditions on the roads. that's all for now. once again, good morning, may 2 is on the calendar, early in the morning about health. quite often lately. you hear or read about measles outbreaks in different regions of russia, including moscow, as well as in the region. the doctor, denis lobkov, will now tell us how to protect ourselves from this insidious disease and what to do if it does happen. measles is dangerous due to complications, the most severe inflammation of the brain and lungs. symptoms of measles: high fever, weakness, body aches, red eyes, dry, painful cough. and also a rash: first
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the spots appear on the neck and head, then spread evenly throughout the body. if you notice such symptoms in yourself or your child, call a doctor immediately. there is no need to go to the clinic. an individual mask or distance from this virus hardly helps. the only reliable protection is routine vaccination. children are vaccinated. twice a year at 6 years of age, for adults, if not vaccinated, up to 35 years of age, and for those who are at risk, for example, works in medicine or education, vaccinates until age 55, are you not sure if you were vaccinated as a child? carry out a screening test for measles antibodies, this test is done at any age, keep in mind, even after vaccination and... it is impossible to exclude the likelihood of the disease 100%, but
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it will occur in a mild form, it is especially important to be immunized before traveling abroad . in some countries the epidemiological situation is worse than in russia. be healthy. friends, we remind you that on the calendar may 2, exactly one week from now, our main holiday, victory day. the great patriotic war died down 79 years ago, but we have no right not to forget. and the further the war goes into the past from us, the more valuable the memories of those who fought and won victory for us become. vasily mikhailovich kulkin went to the front very young, he had a reservation, but he decided that he had to defend his homeland. i keep this cartridge case from our dshk 12.6-caliber machine gun as a relic of the war years and my... childhood through the childhood of my military service, when
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the war began, vasily mikhailovich kulkin was completely still a child, 14 years old, seventh grade, the men in his village were quickly taken to the front, women and children were left to work on the collective farm, vasily learned to drive a tractor, combine, plow, sow, harvest, took on everything, two older friends were mobilized , the funeral came, we lived in the village, three vaskas, three vasilyas. next to each other, we were inseparable friends, something happened to them, i interfere, something happened to me, they interfere, they were inseparable, then a funeral came to them, well, i saw with my own ears how their mothers, well are experiencing this grief, after that he firmly decided to go to the front, make him answer for his friends, vasily mikhailovich had a reservation from the collective farm, he refused it, the military registration and enlistment office, the tank school, the front.
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tankman vasily received his baptism of fire between prague and bratislava, after victory day. on may 9 they rejoiced, and on the tenth at 4 am their regiment began to be bombed from the air. thank god that nothing hit my tank, which means that apart from blows and shrapnel, i, as they say, remained alive, but this was only the beginning, battles in czechoslovakia, yugoslavia, romania, hungary, after. the end of the war was difficult, after which vasily mikhailovich received a medal for military merit, he disabled enemy tanks twice, with one shot, direct fire, the first shell hit the cannon, you know, this part is large, it goes with the cannon, i was hit it was in this space that the shot was fired, it was not special for this purpose, but was a high-explosive fragmentation, the explosion resulted, part of it was in the car and brought it out... building all the surveillance devices and devices
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they had for guidance, he served in europe for another 2 years years, only later in the places of hostilities i found this this helmet of an unfamiliar soldier, a knife was left from the front, they were made especially for tankers, now at 97, vasily mikhalovich carefully keeps these things and shows them at meetings with young people, so that they remember about the war, about vasily’s friends, about every soldier, kirill kalinin, elena savina, first. good morning to everyone who has joined us, the calendar says thursday, may 2, the first long holiday weekend is over, today is a working day this week and... there is something to discuss and boast about, who has been where, who has gone where, moreover, we have the next long weekend ahead of us, we are already looking forward to it, the experience can come in handy, and there are those who, by the way, stayed at home during may and do not regret it at all. crimea, krasnodar region.
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it seems that everything is in the south now; in anapa, even cloudy weather is not a hindrance to enjoying the sea. we are from moscow. we got to anapa, super, what can i say, there is a place to relax, there is a place to eat, there is a place to sit, there is a place to live, and to live well, we came from st. petersburg, to get some fresh air, sea, i came from rostov-on-don, i haven’t been for a long time, about 30 years, well, everything is new, everything is beautiful, i like everything, and this is the altai republic, and here too, it’s like the whole country has gathered, dmitry ivashinnikov lives in the neighboring region, our altai . this is, well, it couldn’t be cooler, now the immorality is blooming , they specially left at this time. olga alekseeva from st. petersburg comes here every year for mayskie. my friends and i come here year after year and enjoy this silence, tranquility and brightness. and who remained in the cities? evgenia realized long ago that it was necessary to go to mayskie
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stay in the city and go to my parents. evgenia’s mother even prepared the festive service. this set is, well, probably already 27-20 years old. in general, she is present in our holiday version, when the children come, we take her out, drink tea, coffee, talk, hug and just help around the house, petra for cleaning, i just love her very much, i want her help, and in may you can just take your time, we have a lot of friends all over moscow, you know how to get to the other end of moscow, that is, 2 hours there, 2 an hour back, this is the minimum, now i ’ve already looked at the navigator for 45 minutes, i think it’s great. may is a reason to start something new, from sports to renovations, just look how quiet and good it is in furniture stores now, because firstly, the parking lots are empty, it has become quiet, and secondly, we are from the region, and accordingly we have seen all these traffic jams in the region, so we decided that there was a chance
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to go shopping without anyone, and in general there was no one in shopping centers, restaurants were half empty, deliveries were fast, one thing but in the center, in tourist places in endless hour. vdnkh exhibition russia, because long weekends are the only opportunity when you can see our country without using vacation. cities don’t empty during may, at least not completely, we just all change places, there are still traffic jams, public transport is really half empty, when you take a ride like that, it’s also a kind of romance. elizaveta nikishova, mikhail chetveryukov, evgeny andreev, natalya kaldaeva, channel one. and this sunday is the bright holiday of easter, the main thing. easter table decoration - this is of course easter cake, the most delicious cake is the one made with your own hands, and there are many recipes for easter cakes, because we have a big country, there is plenty to choose from, from mother to daughter, this is how the recipe for traditional easter cake with rye sourdough is passed down in udmurtia, the old recipe is not requires fuss, the sourdough alone
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takes 7 days to prepare, on the seventh day it has such a specific sour smell, that’s when it’s already. well, there’s no need to rush any further, a dough is made on the sourdough, which takes 10-12 hours to rise, and the dough is already on the dough, it’s not like it’s shaking, it takes an hour four or five somewhere in time, the dough rises, then we don’t bake it right away, naturally, we knead it several times for 2 seconds, an hour passes somewhere, we knead it, and vasilievna and her daughter tatyana do not regret the time spent , of course, you can buy easter cake, but we prefer to bake it at home . tastier. family and children inspired ekaterina gudkova from sevastopol to revive the family recipe for easter cake. usually they only eat the cap, but here they eat the entire easter cake, because it is really tasty and very unusual. but for this ekaterina has to try hard to achieve the result, and she makes a couple using live yeast,
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using flour only with a high protein content and one more secret. add two eggs and two yolks to the dough, two extra whites because... ekaterina mixes balls of multi-colored dough randomly, so each easter cake turns out unique. in the alexander novotikhvinsky monastery, easter cakes begin to be prepared 10 days before easter and also adhere to ancient recipes. take the eggs, separate the yolks, whites and yolks. the finished dough is placed in a warm place, it it should double in volume and only then bake it, but in order for the easter cake to become an easter cake, it must be covered. with meaning. flowers symbolize spiritual awakening, blossoming, joy, spring, because spring is easter. and at
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the agrarian university of the northern trans-urals , ancient recipes were improved and a signature siberian easter cake was developed. firstly, we mixed wheat and rye flour, but that’s not all. the trick to our easter cakes is the original and author's recipe, which includes kvass wort, juniper berries and shishko jam. professionals. they are embarrassed when kulisch is called a cake, cakes are made using the sponge method, you just need to pour baking powder into the cake, well, the mood is important, you should always approach baking easter cakes consciously, always, so that there is a good mood, bright thoughts, the main purpose of the cake is to create a holiday atmosphere, marina glushenkova, liliya lobkova, nazir nebumanov, anna gazhala, alexander lobykin, channel one, kidnapping - this is the original, child abduction, i simply lost faith in humanity, with every publication, it worsened for me mood, at one time our
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wonderful leonid arkaevich yakubovich was kidnapped, as experts say, there are many such cases, the public does not know about them, i have already mentioned that i myself became a victim of kidnapping, i did not know that this was a kidnapping, fake kidnappings - this is also a separate story, very often it becomes the plot of the same tv series and films, i made this discovery for myself that... mostly relatives are involved in child abductions, if we don’t react to these things, then just the real end of times will come, but i wouldn’t want that, lam’s podcast is on first today. good morning, dear tv viewers, thank you for joining us, we continue to work live and wish you an easy working week, especially since it is short, only 2 days, simple happiness. daria shulik and nikita peminov are with you live. on the calendar may 2, maundy thursday, it is also called maundy thursday, the day when you need to restore order and cleanliness in your soul, in your thoughts,
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and of course in your home. an important day for everyone christians, maundy thursday. it’s hard at the beginning of lent, but every week time flies by, then maundy thursday comes and you realize that it’s easter and it’s already a great holiday. in the meantime , the final preparations are traditionally cleaning the house. yes, this is a very interesting tradition, since christ on thursday afternoon gave instructions to the disciples to prepare a room so that they and the disciples could have this easter dinner in the evening. and it is obvious that christians, reading the gospel, somehow wanted not only to come to church on this day, but do something at home that will remind them of the last supper. people began to call pure the meaning in purity, first of all , spiritual, also because at that last supper the savior washed the feet of his disciples,
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a lesson for them, accordingly he taught us, if we want to become great in our own eyes or in the eyes of others, we must not demand submission to oneself, on the contrary, serve others. having gathered all the apostles, that day at the table the lord instituted the sacrament of communion, the eucharist. he took. he broke the bread, gave it to the disciples, said: “take, eat, this is mine.” body for you, broken, suffering, he took the cup of wine, said, drink from it, this is my blood shed for you." today, communion for all believers is of great importance. it is on the day of maundy thursday that we, as it were, experience the establishment again this greatest sacrament. we have been given such an amazing opportunity to connect with god, it would seem, where...
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danko, channel one. there are 7 days left until our most important holiday, victory day. we will celebrate it
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further and further from us . that huge war. which we won, but we do not have the right to forget about it and we do not have the right to forget about those who won our great victory for us. low bows, many thanks to everyone who is doing everything to make this memory live, it will live. our next report confirms this. every detail of this monument is from the fronts of the great patriotic war. at the base there are two anti-tank gouges in the middle with fragments of weapons and ammunition. here is a clip from a hand grenade, empennage. tail from a mine from a mortar, here are the fragments, that's all fragments. most of these fragments were found by a resident of the village of chaltar, rostov region, pyotr dagaldiyan, when he was plowing the ground with a tractor. a whole collection gathered, then the idea came to install a monument in the village, the neighbors supported it. the guys brought whatever they could, a bayonet, so the neighbor gave it to the barn, i dismantled it, saved it, i think all the neighbors
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assembled it, the tractor driver. they stopped and gave us metal. peter sketched out a sketch, and the whole village joined the parts together; whoever was free took the welding machine, even this five-pointed star, welded from shell fragments, it turned out to be a real people's monument, and , moreover, in an iconic place. there were battles behind the village, the village itself was just troops marching across the roads, and the battles were in the fields behind the village, between chaltryam and the big sols, there was a breakthrough.
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had a machine gun, started going on reconnaissance missions, he took part in the liberation of donbass, the breakthrough of hitler’s defense on the mius river, the assault on mount saur, the grave of an enemy stronghold, the germans didn’t want to leave this, well, they clung to every stone, to every bush, bringing down on us allergy flurry, mortar fire, but we went higher and higher. the battles in the saur graves area are called little stalingrad. they fought for this height for more than a month, and they took the mountain. kolust kristoforovich was seriously shell-shocked there, and at that moment he became blind and deaf. doctors managed to only partially restore his vision and hearing, but he did not leave the service. as part of counterintelligence, he reached berlin.
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on may 9, when victory was announced, he turned 20 years old. now i'm colosting christ. forovich is 98. just like before the war, he lives in the village of chaltar and is very glad that people here take such care memory. elena savina, channel one. from april 30 to may 10 , the third international festival of proper cinema is being held in moscow at the victory museum. the film forum is traditionally dedicated to the celebration of victory day. the chairman of the jury is people's artist of russia nikolai burlyaev, with details maria bronzova. a place of power, a museum of victory on poklonnaya hill, the opening of the international festival of proper cinema took place here, something that helps people be better, this is correct cinema. the festival on the eve of victory day has been held for the third year, already tradition, and if at the beginning 23 films were presented, today there are more than one hundred representatives of russia, belarus, kazakhstan, and
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incredible special operations, recently declassified documents in the film series, names of illegal intelligence. the films here are so different that you can watch films about
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love, at the same time there will be some part of our military-patriotic theme. a visit to the victory museum on poklonnaya hill is especially interesting; here you can see equipment from different countries. and the festival of proper cinema will last until may 10. nobody. and nothing can stop us from capturing, prepare for the assault! maria bronzova, victoria obalenskaya, joseph kobrin, andrey tsarev, ilya saedzh, channel one. it’s a working thursday morning, nikita pimenov and daria shulik greeted you, thank you for being with us today, we wish you a productive day, good health, good mood and as much good news as possible. stay on the first page, see you later. the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation,
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vladimir putin. live broadcast on may 7 at 12:00 moscow time. this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery korablev, in this issue, all that remains of justice is a pipe, a tragedy in the odessa trade union house.
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colombia breaks off diplomatic relations with israel. russia demands an investigation into crimes in the gas sector. horrifying reports have emerged of the discovery of mass graves in the enclave. and the middle east conflict in american universities brings new barricades, new clashes. and politicians are using protests as an electoral bargaining chip. today is 10 years old. co the day of the tragedy in the odessa house of trade unions. in 2014, radicals carried out a monstrous massacre of those who did not support the ukrainian coup. the militants turned the buildings into a fire trap. those who managed to get out were finished off on the street. unthinkable
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cruelty, for which no one has yet been punished, and, characteristically, the kiev regime is not even trying to look for the culprits. report by pavel krasnov. that unrest was brewing in odessa became clear as early as the afternoon of may 2, when the... trade unions moved into the city, not only were they surrounded
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activists swept away the tent city and surrounded the house, but random passers-by, including women and children, were taken by surprise; people hurried to take refuge in the building, unaware. that there would be death traps, well, they went in, they went in and they seemed to be trying to throw some pallets on the ring to block the way for this crowd, anything is possible, how are you going to block them? road, as soon as they threw the first molotov cocktail, everything flared up so that it was simply impossible to put it out, set the bastard on fire, surround them, surround them, surround them, surround, after ten years, this massacre itself and the routine with which the brutal crowd staged a bloody massacre still causes shock, molotov cocktails were thrown into the house of trade unions with eligrad, in a matter of minutes the fire flared up with such force that the cut...
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at the same time while another group of militants finished off those remaining in the building, breaking through the side doors, the fanatics destroyed everything in their path, trying to get to the kulikovo field activists. guys, don't! according to official data, 42 people died in the house of trade unions, but few believe these numbers, and in general, the victims do not trust the investigation; for 10 years, none of the culprits have been punished; on the contrary, the authorities have pointedly accused them of everything. victims
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of the massacre, they intimidated people, showed that they could kill, on the one hand, on the other hand, the other part, there in the donbass, in lugansk, in donetsk, people realized that they would have to defend their choice. odessa was a rubicon, when everyone realized that they would kill and that they had to defend themselves. on that day, the regime that came to power through bloodshed finally did it. bet on terror, the answer will be volunteer movement, a fighter with the call sign grizzly - one of those who was then at the house of trade unions, now he commands a mortar battery in the northern military district zone, the chevron on his sleeve reminds, after which he took up arms, 10 years ago, odessa is my hometown, well, as they say, from odessa, so i believe that we will get there and go further. as
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they say, we are obliged to return to odessa , to return once and for all, to put an end to the monster that escaped from its cage 10 years ago. pavel krasnov, artyom tikhonov, sergey prokoev, dmitry volkov and valery kuznetsov, channel one. the fact that those responsible for the odessa tragedy were never punished is most clearly confirmed. nazism is the norm for the kiev regime. these are the words of federation council speaker valentin matvienko. she noted that the names of all criminals can be established briefly.
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the clear understanding of this fact today fully confirms the historical fidelity of russia’s decisions and actions to denatify ukraine. this purpose of a special military operation must certainly be fulfilled in in the interests of russia's security, in the interests of the ukrainian people, in the interests of all humanity. latest data from the front lines. our scouts destroyed a heavy copter of the ukrainian armed forces, which is called "babaega". the very first launch of an anti-tank missile from the carnet complex was an accurate hit. in the southern donetsk direction, russian tank crews liquidated a ukrainian armed forces stronghold with direct fire. another one was broken in the northern section. gvozdik self-propelled howitzers in action and more. footage of battles in the report by gusein huseynov. a bright flash illuminates the night for a split second forest. this is russian artillery at work.
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the crew of the mstab howitzer received data from the next target. charged. the seversk direction of the front , as part of the southern group of troops, is leading the offensive with the artillery division of the 123rd brigade. batteries for special purposes. we work on call, reconnaissance only finds a target, we immediately work on it. we have no mistakes. the artillerymen confirm their words with deeds. these are objective shots. they clearly show how each fired shell lands with pinpoint precision, exactly where the ukrainian armed forces infantry is hidden. it’s not for nothing that they are their weapon called a sniper rifle. i can say that this is the most accurate weapon on which i have worked, the range is also excellent, 24.5 km, the main task is the destruction of lightly armored vehicles, dugouts and counter-battery warfare, the fighters have something to brag about, viznakova
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destroyed three m777 axes near seversk this gun with its crew, also armored personnel carriers, tanks, armored vehicles, all the armor that was possible, knocked out everything. the enemy is trying to respond and figure out the firing points of our fighters, but everything is unsuccessful, largely thanks to good camouflage. at their positions, the artillerymen, one might say, dug out an entire underground city, here is a warehouse for storing ammunition, these are the communication routes, then dugouts, shelter and a place for rest of personnel were built.
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there was a stir around the worship mountain, but the majority of the media in the west preferred to remain silent about the event. those who did mention large-scale exhibitions have a special rhetoric. the german newspaper bilt describes in an offended tone a leopard tank whose gun was humiliatingly bent and cites the opinion of so-called military bloggers from ukraine and the usa. russians, quote: no
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having managed to damage the car, they broke its trunk to make it look defeated. this is the logic. although the vulnerability of leopards has been proven more than once in battles. and the same newspaper bilt admits. of these tanks, supplied from germany and portugal, is so badly damaged that it cannot be restored. those who still have self-conceit are welcome at the exhibition. at the entrance, guests are greeted by a poster with an employee of the nato embassies, access to equipment without waiting in line. and here’s another thing, regarding the invincible, invulnerable, a new video in telegram channels. this is also reportedly leopard near the village of berzyche. the technology, as they say, was in disarray and was also blowing downwards. it's commercial now, we'll be back in a few minutes, don't switch. josep borel is a very aggressive character, while we do not have a concrete plan on how to defeat russia. this is not my task. its task is to be an instrument of war. russia is a threat to our world. who are you, mr. barel, what is
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your background, what is your biography, where are you from? he grew up in francoist spain, he grew up in a fascist state, he trained at stanford, the intelligence services are beginning to invest money. is running for the role of american monkey. we have been discussing for several weeks how to use the proceeds from frozen russian assets. the americans are forcing the europeans to take over our assets. barel acts as a representative of the globalist elites, they are cutting off the path to further dialogue with moscow. the masks of the european elite were dropped with the start of a special military operation. we cannot allow russia to win, otherwise the interests of the united states and europe will suffer. game only begins. we have run out of time for gestures and goodwill, old jazep, excuse me, who are the dolls of the heir to tutti, today is the first, the operational map of the minefields is ready, the main stage of preparation for the offensive
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is completed, we can begin, no one will cancel the order for the offensive, and two my divisions across the fields will blindly walk through their own mines, for this key... and the map was answered by oseev, there are not just arrows and numbers on it, there are people on it, call for reinforcements, there should have been a door here, they laid hackwork in one brick, well, let's go on the offensive the most striking forces, what, shulzhenko, how i would like to go to her concert, according to the laws of war. new episodes, look after the program for the time, the light, well, you can just go blind, but i immediately go blind. the holy fire is born right here, the holy of holies of the temple
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on a marble slab, it is from here, a special hole in the wall, that it goes out into the world. through this fire we connect with god himself, with his divine love, and we receive grace from the holy sepulcher. many believe that the hole under the altar remains from the cross. in fact, the cross is worth it. i i i wasn't famous. fashion seems to have frozen between the 70s and the 90s, and within
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this there is a kind of fermentation going on. almost no one in our country has a reliable idea of ​​what couture is. haute couture is high hand sewing. high-class sewing, which is placed on a level with painting and architecture. i think he has all the qualities of a young fashion designer. i was once young myself. what is especially attractive about him is his sense of fashion. concerns the theme of costumes and dresses, a large part of the time in couture he prefers a large evening dress. how long does one collection last? practically she lives until the next fashion show, that is, 6 months. i really liked yudashkin’s show, i think its level corresponds to international fashion. congratulations valentin. of blessed memory.
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may 4 on the first, this is news in perma, we continue: colombia is breaking off relations with israel from this day on, the country’s president announced. the reason is a humanitarian catastrophe in the gas sector. in israel, the colombian leader called antisem. earlier, bolivia announced the severance of diplomatic relations. the situation in the middle east was discussed at the meeting. un. russia demands an investigation into crimes in the gas sector. mister. many cities in the sector were destroyed to the ground. hospitals and schools were wiped off the face of the earth, roads were damaged. work to eliminate unexploded shells in the gas will take 14 years. horrifying reports have recently emerged of the discovery of mass graves in the enclave. an independent international investigation is needed to ensure prosecution criminals to justice. one of the conditions for the peace process, according to the permanent representative, is palestine's full membership in
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the un, but the united states is preventing it. ordinary americans do not seem to agree with the authorities’ policy; they expect washington to solve the problem and not indulge israel’s aggressive line and spend billions on weapons for it, as evidenced by the mass protests of students. report by georgy lisashvili. the palestinian-israeli conflict has entered a hot phase on the west coast of the united states. at night , barricades near the university of california, erected by protesters in arafatki, were attacked by supporters of the jewish state. the police followed the dramatic development of the middle eastern plot, in which there were victims on both sides, for a long time without interfering. only after a couple of hours of fist fights and clashes, the police slowly separated the protesters into different directions. the fact that the degree of violence was increasing was clear even the day before from footage of harsh detentions
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of pro-palestinian activists in new york. the picture is similar in arizona. the morning after the night of massacre, pro-palestinian activists california held a press conference. anonymous people in masks essentially delivered an ultimatum to the administration of one of the country's leading universities. the violence we experienced last night left the university with a simple choice. either the administration remains on the sidelines and watches as the zionist aggressors kill us, or they sit down at the table and agree to our terms. the main condition is condemnation of the war in gaza, a total boycott of israel, and from now on access to educational buildings is only for our own. protesters emphasize they are not anti-semites, but anti-zionists, that is, not against jews, but against israel as a country. but some students report that they cannot pass valmamator precisely because they are ethnic jews.
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for example, it will not be possible to compare the actions of the israeli authorities with nazi practices, and any calls for the dismantling of the state of israel will be prohibited. the wording is so vague that any of the current anti-israeli slogans can be used as this basis, which means you won’t be able to go to a rally again. some experts however, they believe that such a law contradicts the first amendment of the constitution on freedom of speech. for the seventh time in six months, the head of american diplomacy, blinken, flew to israel. prime minister netanyahu is ready to make... a deal with the palestinians, but only one so that the israeli hostages return home and the war continues until hamas is completely destroyed. on the first point, a compromise is possible, but the militants are unlikely to agree on the second, especially since israel continues to bomb the sector. after his meeting with netanyahu, blinken hinted that there is still some progress, but the israeli prime minister is ahead of the us secretary of state. netanyahu
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was the first to tell the press that he was not ready for a long-term truce, which looked like a demarche against his big brother, the american one. the diplomat was clearly unhappy, let him speak for himself, all i can say is that we discussed, among other things, agreements that included an immediate ceasefire, the return of hostages, and then everything else. let's see if we can implement this. israel defense forces are preparing to enter rafah, where hundreds of thousands of northern gazans and civilians have fled along the border with egypt. apparently, against the backdrop of the darkest expectations, washington seriously thought about whether to accept it? republicans who support israel reacted to this news as expected. from the first day in power, i will return the entry ban and leave, damn the terrorists, outside our country. the question is, who should be considered extremists? that's what biden calls trump supporters. the state election race risks descending into protest chaos in dallas, where a tent
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the town of pro-palestinian activists was demolished a couple of weeks ago, demonstrations resumed under the same slogans. achieved a golden double a record five times, meaning that in the same year the title went to both the women's and men's clubs. this week , dynamo akbars defeated kaliningrad lokomotiv 3:2 in a dramatic final series. the girls' initiative was supported by zenit volleyball players, who easily defeated dynamo moscow. at the same time , they completed it in three matches. they won 3:0 and 3:1 at home, and won in four games away.
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during the decisive confrontation, many fans recalled the events of almost twelve years ago, when he himself was at the olympics. point and lost a very duel to sokolov, who had six points more, but personal achievements in such cases traditionally fade into the background. there is joy, but there is
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also fatigue in a very difficult season, thanks to the guys, thanks to the team. that in the final they helped, everyone played for each other, and despite the fact that my game probably didn’t work out very well today, well done guys, this is a real team, with this team you can go through fire, water and copper pipes, yes, it’s easy, psychology plays a role, and today the dynamo was backed up to the wall and it would seem that it could be difficult, yes, but this is probably experience, this is experience that allows our players first of all, i can’t prove myself and even step over something, the record for the number of victories in russian championships belongs to sergei tityukhin, he has 10 titles, one more than mikhailov, maxim will try to repeat the achievement next season, at 36 years old , there is no talk of retiring, zenit took everything this season three trophies - championship gold, russian cup and super cup. the season in
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the continental hockey league had barely ended when the clubs began resolving personnel issues with an eye to the future regular season. siberia signed. ska, and before that he headed dynamo riga and the russian youth team. sochi , a fifty-year-old mentor, collaborated from 2017 to 2019, under his leadership the team twice reached the khl playoffs. gagarin cup winner metallurg extended its agreement with danila yurov for one year. twenty-year-old striker last regular season he played 62 matches, in which he scored 49 points. in the playoffs , yurov had nine performance points. lokomotiv, which lost in the magnitka final. signed a new agreement with the team's most productive defender martin gernet. the thirty-one-year-old slovak was recognized as the best defensive player based on the results of the semi-final series and will spend at least one more season in yaroslavl. former
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dynamo moscow captain andrei mironov, who left the blue and white camp due to the expiration of his contract, signed an agreement with spartak. he valid until may 31, 2026. last season, the twenty-nine-year-old defender set a club record for the number of matches for dynamo 644. in 2013 he was ob'. worked as an assistant. finally, ivan ryabkin signed his first professional contract with dynamo moscow. the seventeen-year-old blue and white forward spent last season as part of the dynamo youth club playing in the mhl and was
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recognized as the best newcomer in the league. the agreement with dynamo is for 2 years. in the stanley cup, valery nechushkin broke into the sole leaders of the sniper race. russian striker colorado opened the scoring in the fifth match of the series against venepeg. this goal was nechushkin’s seventh in the current playoffs. in the second period of the game , another native of chelyabinsk, playing for lavin, yakov trenin, scored his debut goal in the playoffs. nichushkin could well have been given an assist point for his participation in the combination when mick karantonin scored what later turned out to be the winning goal, the russian on his heel completely blocked conor’s visibility hellebuyck, and the goalkeeper simply could not react to the shot. another hero of the meeting was alexander georgiev. the evilanche goalie made 33 saves. in one of the episodes, georgiev reflected four shots in the upo.
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despite the absence of the regular season's top two scorers, ianis ardutakoumba and demian lillar are still injured in their absence , other players have taken over the lead. in the fifth meeting
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with indiana, three bucks basketball players scored double-doubles. khris middelton scored 29 points and had 12 rebounds. bobby portis the same figure for points scored and 10 rebounds earned, and patrick beverlik added 12 accurate passes with 13 points for performance, a total of 11592 in favor of miloka. so far indiana is ahead 3:2. dmitry terekhov, sports news, channel one. good morning, hello, you are watching the fashion verdict show on channel one, i am with you, alexander rogov, stylist and tv presenter, and we are starting, with me today is fashion expert evelina tromchenko, a person who knows everything about fashion, and even more, and also tatyana gevaryan,
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a real tv presenter. very soon we will let's meet our heroine, see her transformation, but before she enters this studio, i propose to talk about what accompanies many of us, if not every day, then once a month, almost all sinners. what can they say about a person and his purchase in an online store? can they show who we are and how we live? i'm sure yes, let's try to guess what kind of person our heroine is, what she looks like, what... she does, by studying her list of online orders. so, pay attention to what is in the online cart of our heroine. first, rubber boots. maybe she likes rock festivals? may be. well, actually, rubber boots are trending. rubber boots, rubber shoes are very popular now. maybe she's a fashionista. or maybe she's a farmer. so, next purchase: attention eye cream. building.
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materials, putty, plaster, assembly adhesive, this is how it works together, eye cream and building materials, for whom? but i really like this, it’s good that when a woman buys building materials, she doesn’t forget about eye cream, this is the right one look, this is a woman who can build, but at the same time look good, which means she cares about how she looks, she ’s probably doing well with home renovations, or not hers, but her relatives. so the third purchase, oh my god, berry scrub mesh dryer for fish, is she a scrub, but fish, no, she ’s just, she’s just thinking about others, she doesn’t forget about herself either, that’s not bad, in general i like everything i hear for now, or maybe she has a business like this, a spa for fish, a fish spa, a fish rescue salon, of course, i don’t know, our heroine’s next purchase is a red tracksuit, i like it, i love the color red, tracksuits
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are trendy, i hope he... something, well, does she use a scrub to clean fish or what? well, no, no, ivelina was close, very close, she’s going to fish, yes, yeah, she’s a fish, and a fisherman, and a mushroom picker, and a builder, all together, it’s interesting, i suggest no more guessing, let’s quickly get to know our a heroine who specially flew to us from the city
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of stavropol, now... we ourselves have everything with her we'll find out. zoya, come out to us. zoya, hello, this is the same red suit. please tell us why you need so many building materials, why you need a fish dryer, in general, what’s going on, rubber boots, where you wear them, tell us everything. this means that building materials, at the moment i work at a construction site, we are finishing apartments, in principle, almost turnkey. installing suspended ceiling doors, i putty, plaster, glue wallpaper, that is , i do all types of work that i can, yeah, here’s a fish dryer, but it’s not only for fish, i also dry fruits, mushrooms and of course fish in it, because i really love fishing, i love everything in general, and when i catch a good catch, and i often do,
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no one here catches it, but i’m the only one, so i fry it, and the rest is dried, i love fish very much, any kind, but dried most of all, it’s great, what a passionate nature you are, it turns out, and rubber boots, well, of course , go mushroom picking when it’s mushroom season , well, you probably won’t be able to kick me out of there from morning until night, while i’m already going to bed somewhere, i there’s something there somewhere, well, i’m dragging it, you’re very cheerful. graduated from college, and of course, she always took care of herself, was always at her best, beautiful, slim, well-groomed, but for some time she left
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her profession and began to renovate apartments, all this went very unnoticed, that is, gradually there, oh, yes, i won’t go to the hairdresser again, and i won’t get my manicure done again, i’ll... i’ll ruin it later anyway, just like that, gradually, gradually, after probably 15 years, well, that’s it, everything has already started to such an extent that i had to turn to you, there was nowhere else. zoya, please tell me, it turns out that you have a professional deformation, your activity affects the way you look, why put yourself in order if i’m going to a construction site, why get a manicure if it’s going to get ruined anyway, professional deformation, well, not really about... the information is just the situation itself, you understand for yourself what a construction site is, you walk in with nails, but he’s a hop and he’s not there, you know, well, although i’m used to it, i walk, even many of us say we have plasterers with such they don't go to work with their nails, i say, i
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i’m walking, but can i look at your manicurist, come up, and i’ll come up myself, that is , they say here that you don’t do manicures, but i see it from a distance of 5 m, yes, we’re gorgeous here, of course, there’s already one, great, then we are already on the way to correction, of course, good, there is something you are not saying, but i have a question for your daughter, what are you doing, you have a deformity, yes, there is a small one , unfortunately, because you are on maternity leave i'm on maternity leave, i'm not doing anything at home, it's just that i just recently got a job, and then.
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girls, it started in higher educational institutions, but due to the situation, since we have three children, everything changes in this world, that’s when my girls began to enter college, they all studied very well, graduated from college, well, naturally, on their own you understand that teaching work... the salary wasn’t enough for me, i had a girlfriend, a plasterer and painter, so i told her one day, lenochka, teach me, so i’ll be with you, she got injured there, she’s officially it was impossible to work, she went on wild adventures, just like many, i quickly picked up everything and
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sort of moved forward with alexey, when we met, he also worked at a construction site, but separately worked there officially in the company, by the way, i also have parents, my dad is a participant in the great one. very interesting, there are many such funny episodes, but nevertheless we are already truly masters, you are so caring, you surrounded everyone with your care, your students who doted on you and cried when you left them, in our
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studio today your former student is visiting, let’s find out more about you from her, marin, please tell us about zoya and her period when she taught, what she looked like, the fact is that i lost my parents very early and... egorovna was my teacher, i fell in love with this person very much, she was kind, sympathetic, charismatic, so she showed love to all children, and this love, of course, she turned my head in terms of the fact that she is very caring, she is gentle, she is ready to help the whole world, she will never refuse , she will always help, i’m a mother of three children, uh, zoya egorovna is friends with my spouse. with my children, and to this day i can address her as a mother, i call her mom, this is my wonderful, second mother, how big is yours? zoya, please tell me, if not for the circumstances, you would
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have changed your teaching career to repair, i really love my job, and you know, when i left, i still have my girls, i told them, they talk, we understand everything , there’s more money there, everything else, but you’ll stop looking after yourself, you’ll be different for us, and we ’re used to seeing you like this, well, that’s probably why i also wanted to contact you, and the teaching...
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but now i want to return, but not to the general one, by the way, as soon as i left, they still wait for me every day in my person, they hoped that i will return, both the management and the teachers, they all love me, everyone treats me great, so, but i want to return to the tutoring position, i... understand that perhaps this was the reason for contacting us, because the tutor is in in a tracksuit - this is a tutor of a certain level, we want to earn money, a physical education tutor, you want to say, yes, but we want to earn money, reach a new level, we need to look a certain way, they ’re calling me, hello, whomin from ugrodovsk, the first perception of the audience is still major tomin and there’s no escape if he feels like he doesn’t care and doesn’t professionalism, then this, of course, infuriates him. she has a great
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sense of responsibility, masculine charm and masculine self-confidence, a person lifts dumbbells every morning, it’s a great pleasure, i’ll tell you, this gym is amazing, he works out, he he keeps in shape, he is very efficient, but he gets tired, but he can’t live without it, i believe. signs, probably all actors believe, but in the black eye, so you have to spit, on the eighty-fifth birthday of leonid konevsky, today is the first, i will reign or perish, a foreigner who had no legal rights to the throne, accompanied by the orlovs, arrived at the izmailovsky barracks.. . regiment, where she was declared an autocratic empress. during the 34
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years of her reign, catherine gained fame as a wise, fair ruler. she radically changed the country, like peter the great received the epithet “great”. she waged victorious wars and annexed new lands to the empire, wrote laws and carried them out. reforms, he is 34, she is 10 years older, soon they will not talk about the darkness as the most influential person in russia, but even relying on male help, the empress always reserved the final decisions for herself. empire, catherine ii. may 4, on the first. potemkin was preparing the main surprise for the woman he loved.
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the sevastopol harbor appeared before the eyes of those present. the great ends the magical holiday of easter awaits us ahead of lent. the most important miracle is that god is love. i understood that my loved one was suffering, my feet simply led me to the temple, and i confessed, without preparing for this in any way, i burst into tears. since then, yes, we already have four children. i said, katya, what luck, are you pregnant? she says: no, i don't want to.
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this sunday is truly the greatest russian holiday. may 4 on the first. i think it's time to look at our heroine's things. let's go to. evelina, your way out. looking at this wardrobe, it becomes clear why our heroine is here.
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i also want to show the scourge of the wardrobes of women in our and not only the country who are at a beautiful age, for some reason this particular model of trousers is adored by ladies after thirty. the buyers' sellers call these trousers capri. capri - this has nothing to do with either a geographical or a fashionable point of view. capri pants actually look completely different.
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well, the theme of the bard, by the way, was not ignored by our heroine, it sounded bright, she liked it, she bought it, well, that is, i don’t see in this wardrobe there is some kind of uniformity, some kind of rhythm and tact, well, except of course for the mania associated with blouses, but our heroine has an interest in everything new, what happens in fashion, she dresses according to the situation, that is, i like our heroine, look, she’s a woman bold, clearly works with flowers, brighter , more fitted. she’s not afraid, she goes for the experiments that the season offers, at least something, but within the framework of the season she tries, here ’s a barbezon, not everyone will dare to draw attention to themselves, she’s not afraid, she’s visible everywhere at a construction site, in mushrooms in the forest, then there is a completely normal attitude towards oneself, and this, in fact, is the most important thing, this is the basis and
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guarantee of an excellent transformation, because our heroine does not need psychological support at all, she herself wants whoever she wants...
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time, well, yes, a little with this work, but since she is still a very active, athletic woman, sometimes i can’t even keep up with her, but i want to say that you are a gorgeous couple. and your wife is in red, you are in red, what are you doing? also in construction, and you work together, yes, well, tell me, did you have any conflicts, just because of zoya’s appearance? no, we didn’t have much, well, there was a little bit, like friction there or something, well, it was very difficult in the kitchen, so i always like it, take it, as long as you smile here.
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irina allegrova, which other female characters are close to you, there is some kind of ideal of beauty, well, in my youth there was the main character of the camp goes into the sky, wow, yes. i even once wanted to marry a gypsy and walk around russia like her, and then there was a moment when, while studying at the institute, i came from the village, in general there in the city of mikhailovsk we have a gypsy town, so i saw this gypsy whipping a gypsy, i defended her there and then said, i will never marry a gypsy, i wonder what alexey thinks about this story? alexey hid the whip away, i don’t know, unfortunately, fortunately, but i didn’t know each other then, so i told this story myself, how did you
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find out, well, let’s say, not so long ago, you tell me, could i marry gypsy, she could, well, i have no doubt, she can do anything you want, look, you will get to know each other even better on fashionable sentence, and what did zoya conquer you with in the first place, so you met every day in the kitchen, what? did you have any interesting conversations, or maybe something else caught your attention? well , besides the conversations, i also liked how deliciously and often she cooks, so i knew that there would be something about it, i knew it, she always makes delicious food, she cooked a lot, well, plus i see that she is a very energetic person , cheerful, i even said today that sometimes i can’t even keep up with her, well , i know that you have an 11-year age difference, in whose favor? yours, i’m 11 years older, when i find out i’m 11, i think, lord, what am i doing, why do i need this, i have children, yes, i already have
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two, lord, then my friend says to me: “ zo, what are you worried about, well, you ’re not a girl, well, try, and the age difference didn’t bother you? no, well, at first, of course, i was a little afraid that after all, children, adults, how would they react?” well, in the end, then even the eldest daughter, on the contrary, supported and how many years have you been together 22 - that’s 21 years, after all, the cement holds it together, it’s straight closely and what style she had when you met was different from the one that is now of course different, she was still teaching then, so she had something more feminine, she dressed more often well... so look at the wardrobe, there are corsets , boleros, skirts, blouses with rhinestones, or was there something
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else, there were classics, some classic suits, there was something more classic, what image do you like zoya in the most? to be honest, i like her in any image i like it, great answer, tatyana, how about you developed a relationship with alexey, well , at first, of course, everything was done with caution, because as alexey already... said, we smelled delicious, my mother is like that, she is good-natured, very kind, not a greedy person, when you realized, yes, probably that everyone there is like a family, everyone knows each other, when she cooks, it doesn’t matter here, the men there came from work, whether it’s her man or not, she feels sorry for her, she wants to feed everyone, at first i thought maybe he’s just... eats , walks around, got fit, well, then, when i really saw that... he has feeling for my mother, and since my mother is alone, she has two children, well, i understood that
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she needed a man, she, well, in any case , a man should appear in her life, how old were you then, i was just , probably, how many 16-17 years, that is, such a difficult period of adolescence, yes, a difficult period, and i will say this, at that time my mother and i had such a relationship that, well, we had no secrets there, she very much at that time... she trusted me with everything and consulted with me, that is , she did not put my opinion in the background, she couldn’t even go there without me to get a t-shirt, much less how to choose a man.
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leaves separately, returns after 3 minutes, it’s done, and i jokingly say that i took it to the store or something, he says, no, i did it, yeah, i think it’s clear, but you know, i ’m looking at you now , i listen to what your friends, family, your loved one say in the studio, how they say it, i look at your
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wardrobe and i understand that you are exactly the case when you deserve the best, everyone sees this, i think that maybe be, has it makes sense to emphasize our program in this way, maybe it’s not even connected with the fact that you want to return to teaching, you need new suits, that is, not with something practical, with the fact that you really are one of those people who deserve better, and this wardrobe is not up to you, thank you, zoya, how do you see yourself in just a few moments, how do you imagine the transformation from a fashion verdict? and i don’t even know, you know, well, i think i’ve already warned them all, wait for me very much beautiful, very happy and unrecognizable. well, zoya, i see that you are in a positive mood, ready to say goodbye to your old image and try on a new one, i suggest you don’t hesitate, go to the room with our stylists, they are waiting for you, see you, see you, what kind of
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image the fashion stylists will create we will find out the verdict for zoya very soon, stay. with us, a solemn ceremony, the inauguration of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live broadcast on may 7 at 12:00 moscow time. remain a few moments before the moment when our heroine zoya enters the studio after the transformation, she is incredibly worried, we are incredibly worried, the finishing touches remain, but for now i suggest we remember what she was like at the very beginning of the program. i putty, plaster, glue wallpaper, why do you need a fish dryer, in general, what’s going on, you know what
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construction is, you walk in with nails, but he hops and it’s gone.
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zoya looks into the eyes of her husband, i don’t even know who to ask the question first, it seems to me that i need to ask alexey, alexey, how do you like zoya? like it, right? categorical answer: how do you find yourself now? well, i don’t understand yet, wait, i ’ll tell you later, did you like it? yes, are you impressed? very! i like that there is a little sport here, these zippers on the jacket, i like how the jacket fits on you, i think the stylists did a great job, i’m sure tatyana, how do you like it, and i’m just in
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delighted, really, as you said, she has become just as bright, a lighter, but not only inside, but now outside, and tanya, what do you say, well, i’ll say that there’s no place for you, already on... troika, uh-huh, you really need to teach because you want to believe, you look very authoritative now, look, you wanted to change in order to particularly return to your previous profession that you love, and in front of me is a really fashionable tutor, i introduce you at the workplace, you are not wearing a sports sweatshirt right now, not in sweatpants, you really look elegant, but you still have yourself here... there is sportiness, there are daring details, there is color, it seems to me that this is what you wanted, yes, evelina, you have the floor, alexander, i i can ask you for the courtesy of fastening this.


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