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tv   Igraem svadbu  1TV  May 2, 2024 11:10am-12:01pm MSK

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thank you for letting me live in this house, that it’s still easier, my husband works, that we’re trying, we’re getting out of it, if everyone does a little good, this world will become a better place, it’s true, so thank you so much, i’ve watched your videos a lot, how many you we have already helped people, thank you very, very much, god bless you with all the best. things, including great ones, like... consist of
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little things like this, help, attention, participation, while our people, through their actions, create a picture of the future, create miracles, the west and ukraine are doing what they have in mind this time right after a short commercial. i feel like a happy person when my loved ones are with me and when everything is fine with them and we spend common evenings playing board games, when i am with my sister, the main happiness is my family, and we say hello to everyone, our grandparents and sisters, brothers, many thanks to my parents for raising me, making me a real person, the health of my loved ones makes me happy. not only
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my loved ones, everyone around me, and this is very important, i wish our country to be healthy, i love my country, i am proud of it and i wish everyone in it to find their happiness, shilov is alive, sveta, i can’t believe my eyes, stay with me sidorenko, we will work together, samancho, the military prosecutor’s office, everyone stand. we are investigating a criminal offense, we urgently need the files of these people. why did you take her with you? everyone here is afraid. she's not a fighter. she's your wife. grigory ivanovich, where are you going? with you, some kind of unkind, and also evil, downright wicked. not angry, distrustful. where
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he? here. life without pain simply does not exist. all we can do is try not to hurt others. according to the laws of war. new episodes. watch the time after the program. do you think i don't have a heart? or i don't feel it. nothing, a fashionable verdict, a new season, i’m with you, lilia rakh, tomorrow on the first one. the most important thing is not to spoil your holidays with a wasp sting. what to do in this situation? the program to live healthy will help you spend the holidays with feeling, purposefully, and with health benefits. tomorrow on the first. "i will
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reign or perish." the foreigner, who had no legal rights to the throne, accompanied by the orlovs, arrived at the barracks of the izmailovo regiment, where she was declared an autocratic empress. during the 34 years of her reign, catherine earned the glory of a wise, fair ruler, she radically changed the country and, like peter, i received the epithet: great. she waged victorious wars and annexed new lands to the empire, wrote laws and carried out reforms. he is 34, and soon they will not talk about the darkness. as the most influential person in russia. but even relying on male help, the empress always reserved the final decisions for herself. empire of catherine ii.
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may 4 on the first. potemkin was preparing the main surprise for the woman he loved. with a glance. i said, no, stop, this can’t be, you saved the child, yes, it was the voronezh religious procession, the first, 600 km from voronezh to deveevo, we walked in 21 days, a monk walked with us, and so i go, i it became so good, i say, what is it, he says, it’s grace, i’m blind in one eye, completely blind, in on the operating table i physically felt
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my guardian angel, and i believe that the guardian angels, of course, lord god, with the hands of the doctors performed a miracle, oh, how beautifully you are preparing for... and this is preparation, i’m going with the children, and we are hanging our entire garden with all these eggs, but we have been carrying this sunday in our hearts for the second millennium, this is actually the greatest russian holiday, may 4 is on the first, time will tell the program, we continue to work live. kiev used american atak ms ballistic missiles. washington secretly sent a hundred of these missiles were sent to kyiv back in march. and so the ssu began to use them. the main goal is crimea, which has a goal, as we understand, in the west not to skimp on funds. here is the post-prep of ukraine at the un. diplomat. just think about it,
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diplomat sergei kislitsa posts what he thinks is a very funny picture of the disappearance of the crimean bridge. as you know, good is the one who. for the latter, but despite the fact that the fact that the ukrainian armed forces will hit the crimea on the crimean bridge, this is precisely why american missiles were supplied, this has already been discovered, western experts write. ukrainians again carried out three major attacks on crimea, all using american atacom missiles, that is, missiles with a range of 300 km. previously , the americans supplied. only missiles with a range of up to 165 km, ukraine's targets in crimea are russian anti-aircraft missile systems, when they cease to function, the crimean bridge will likely be attacked. atakoms are strategic
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weapons. in other words, ukraine has the opportunity to hit strategic targets: railway junctions, roads, bridges. i think it’s no secret that ukraine. intends destroy the kerch bridge, the main bridge from russia to crimea, which is why supplies to the attacks are so important. what targets can these longer-range missiles hit? atakoms has a range of about 300 km, with its help the ukrainians could strike throughout the entire ukrainian territory that they currently occupy.
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in kiev, their american masters were not let down; our ministry of defense reported an attempt by kiev to strike the crimea with the help of these same atak ms missiles, but six missiles. were destroyed by our air defense systems. over the course of 24 hours, air defense systems shot down 10 ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, six operational-tactical missiles made in the united states, and two hummer guided bombs made in france. after the missiles were shot down, local residents began to report that they were finding unexploded submunitions. the head of crimea published a photograph of a metal ball.
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assigned to defeat large manpower, there are no targets for this, no corresponding,
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corresponding need for application cluster munitions, this means that they were intended for civilians, when we talk about these cluster munitions, which have a special relationship, you will note that russia today has the largest... largest line of cluster munitions, we do not use them practically with the exception of individual ones, which were tested for the degree of their capabilities and, so to speak, analysis of possible future use, i think we are waiting for nato troops to move in, where we will be able to carry out certain things related to the use of such ammunition against...
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3000, imagine, our own, yes, but this, in my opinion, is, this is overkill, which means that in the end, we learn, little by little, that no, no, things are not very good they are going well, it turns out that our media has been reporting lately that the ukrainians have a very large shortage of manpower, yeah. and that means, therefore, that constantly ... they write that without weapons, everything is a waste, but for
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ukraine, that’s why our people don’t die there, yes, and that means that for us this is at least an indirect war, and let the ukrainians there is one there, to the last ukrainian, no matter what the ukrainians amuse themselves with, the main thing is, yes, we all over the world after syria sometimes say: oh, the iranians are there, so they killed ours, but firstly, what are ours doing there, yes, in any case... there are only a few of ours there, and if there are ukrainians there, and i also wanted, if possible, the crimean bridge, at the very beginning, when the ukrainians got there, well, they were very congratulated, in america they were happy, yes, yes, and the fact is that they say that this is the main route for the supply of weapons, and if, i’m a man, i know
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what is this, these are trains, this is a civil movement. and if you put weapons in crimea, it means to the south, yeah, to the west to the north, then this is nonsense, by this time you have already conquered the east and south there, that’s the same strip, but we have a land corridor, built there the route is already excellent and all deliveries have been going through the mainland for a long time , the bridge is not used for this and so they do not recognize it or not for us...
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if someone did not have the opportunity to take a photo on the kerch bridge, there is still time. well, these are the baltic posts the mongrels are only immediately approaching their hour. but the west solemnly entrusted the baltic states with the role of such a mouthpiece for the most unfavorable news. and now the head of mid-latvia, mrs. baiba brazhe, announced that kiev had stopped taking even a formal promise not to attack russian territory. ukraine. on the russian territory they are hitting you, the territory on russian territory, in the places from where russia is attacking ukraine, because international law allows this, you can hit not only on the sovereign territory of ukraine, but on those places from where the russians are therefore, ukraine needs long
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-range weapons, you also need air defense systems , planes that shoot down missiles, all this is possible thanks to the american... we hear from our western partners a demand that the weapons they supply do not hit targets outside of ukraine. do you see this approach changing? he can change. there are already countries that have provided ukraine with weapons without such restrictions.
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conduct such a large-scale information campaign, yes, albeit through the baltic states, but however, telling the whole world that this will be the main goal, everything here is very simple: the aid that they have been trying to allocate since december 2023 cannot be converted into zero. look, the united states of america is the main exporter of weapons. missiles, atak ms - this is certainly, well, let's say, high-tech ammunition, which should symbolize american power to the whole world. military-industrial complex, and imagine the situation: you allocate this assistance, tell the whole world that your ammunition, your missiles, your specialists are the best, you can’t do anything on the battlefield, in fact they have already come to terms with this, but as olesya correctly noted, from a pr point of view, the only goal that can hypothetically justify
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that very help , convert into some result, this is the crimean bridge, why? because he’s popular in... she said that they would enter crimea, drink smoothies or wet their feet there in yalta and so on, there was going to end up with nothing, but not so much ukraine, what from it
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take how much the west, how much nato, which told the whole world that this is the most powerful military bloc that supplies ukraine with weapons, with the help of ukrainians they will be able to defeat russia, they have already forgotten this scenario, they no longer dream about victory, but the destruction of the crimean bridge is such a sweet thing... this nato bloc supplies weapons not only to ukraine, but supplies us with exhibits for the exhibition, well, the west stubbornly steps on the same rake, does not want to admit it, yesterday in moscow, at the bow mount, an exhibition of this captured nato equipment opened, western military trophies were already exhibited in the capital in 1943 in gorky park, then nazi tanks and planes were shown, this time in german style. british models of military equipment, but the american and german ones joined the leopard, it should be noted that the german journalists were most offended by the fact that
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the cannon of this german leopard tank was bent with the muzzle down. let's turn our attention to what is happening in moscow, where a strange, grotesque and possibly a very symbolic scene for the war in ukraine. in front of us is a german tank leopard-2 a6, taken straight. from the bundesweir arsenal. the tank arrived in moscow on may 1 and will be presented in victory park as a trophy. what we see is truly incredible. a russian crane hung over the tank with a load weighing a ton, which should destroy the leopard 2 a6, break it by bending the barrel. russia just desperately wants to be bigger, better, more beautiful and more magnificent than its western competitors. and now we see how this tank is destroyed with barbaric force, we see how the muzzle is lowered our tank to come. this is exactly what the russian army failed to achieve
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on the battlefield, because german technology was so superior that it could not be destroyed like that. in general, germans tend to make mistakes in relations with russians, and in an attempt to prove their superiority, not only can a gun be broken on a german tank, but also the necks of the germans themselves. at the exhibition, by the way. presented the most hyped tank in the west, the american abrams, next door there is a bradley armored vehicle, also made in the united states, for the convenience of employees of western embassies , they are allowed to look at military equipment without queuing, well, we suggest you go, as they say, without queuing, we only emphasize that everyone has their own turn. stefan, are you planning to visit the exhibition, are you planning to visit the exhibition? yes, i, well... yesterday, in my opinion, no, no, i don’t know, no, but the day before yesterday i was there, well, they were just exhibiting there, now yes, we are, and that means, this is a sign of that,
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this is very seriously, a very serious step, i agree, i everyone agrees with this, in america this was noticed, there is such a painful blow for the americans when their invincible equipment ends up on the field, you saw how the germans got out of it, they couldn’t break our tank. all the best, you, as i remember, are a gas station, that is, we are a country of a gas station, yes, and that means you have nothing, but i think that this still
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influences a little, will influence the opinion of americans, because we supply there, and we don’t write about how much there is - they lose, yes, mostly i saw there, well, there were many that were shot down, and also... some there were almost without damage, and that means the question arises about how these are not entirely new, but how did they fall into the hands of the russians, by the way, and therefore abandoned, and if the americans find out that the ukrainians simply abandoned them on the battlefield, well then this is what it’s like so, we are passing on 60 billion. it turns out that it’s good, this happens, yes, with tanks, when they go to the field, of course, they knock them out, and if the americans...
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for the armed forces of ukraine, the position of chasov yara will result in the collapse of the front line near slavyansk and kramatorsk, they write about it already including western media, we learn about what is happening there now from war correspondent arti vladislav andritsa, he gets in touch with us directly. vladislav, hello, what's the news from the chasyar direction? yes, hello, our offensive continues to develop, around the early hours, in particular the last couple of days since the beginning of this
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of course, we don’t make any plans, the date has already changed several times, so we are waiting, looking forward to seeing the wreckage of the plane at our exhibition in victory park. franz adamovich, tell me, please, how realistic is it that they can use these f-16s during the summer campaign, what bets are they making on what they can really influence? no, they are 100%. here they are canada, germany, france, who will be pilots from the united states of america, have trained pilots, will participate in landings from the territory of nato countries, the territory of ukraine today does not allow the airfield network to be based in the use of aviation, well, they are afraid that in this case, taking into account the qualified work our intelligence, they
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will be there instantly... so desperately declares scholz and stormschedel are those high-precision winged long-range ammunition that will be used in the near future, we are ready for this, and most importantly, we are talking about the fact that in these conditions today, including what the equipment showed, you see, reaction of a german journalist to a lowered barrel, historical memory, historically. look at the tanks in the kurdish battle, where 2 defeat the nazi forces, a symbol, and
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a million people practically participated on each side and 2.0 tanks on both sides took participation, then piles of these lowered tigers with lowered trunks.
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there will be legitimate targets for us, and we certainly will not tolerate watching them fire missiles at us from the territory of nato countries. of course, hypothetically this could be belli’s case, because the use of military airfields, for example, on the territory of romania, which has been repeatedly said, where they have already prepared the infrastructure on the territory of poland, this certainly leaves no choice, because even with the presence of our latest air defense systems defense, many they say that... soon we will be able to see how the s500 works, yes, we remember how countries lined up for the s-400, for example, the same turkey, we already have the development of the s500, but despite again, any participation of american f-16s
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is certainly an additional burden for air defense, it is an additional threat to those objects that long-range missiles can reach, that is, of course, all of them will one way or another repeat the path that we saw. on the worship mountain of nato equipment, on the other hand, one gets the impression that this strategy really is to gradually, little by little increase the degree of conflict and wait to see what russia’s reaction will be, it is necessary, we must admit, it works, why, because at the very beginning of a special military operation of nato countries, for example, ustami scholz was afraid to even think about the fact that they would transfer their leopards, their presses , and so on, now the transfer of f-16s and the use of... airfields is probably the very last line before a full-scale conflict, in my opinion, you need to respond not in the airspace of ukraine, but at an airfield in romania, but at an airfield in poland, otherwise i am afraid that such, well, actually such
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tactics, yes, it will lead to the fact that after the f-16 - this is again trial balloon, another weapons system may appear, this cannot be allowed, but in the meantime our aerospace forces are increasing strikes against... deep behind enemy lines, the ministry of defense reported the defeat of the headquarters of the south group of the armed forces of ukraine in odessa, explosions thundered on the night of may 1, the military the hut was detached from the whole area to get everyone out military who abandoned under the rubble of this headquarters, but that part of the ammunition that has already reached ukraine is being successfully stored; tonight in odessa our iskander missiles hit a postal warehouse where western ammunition was stored in the ssu, fire detonation. continued all night, the glow from the flames could simply be seen for kilometers, ukraine will have to work off the money allocated by the west, because the west
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will no longer forgive kiev for repeating the mistakes of the counter-offensive of the 2023 model. we are in direct contact with our permanent military expert, yuri ivanovich podalyaka, yuri ivanovich, hello, good afternoon, let's start with odessa, especially since today is the anniversary, 10 years since the terrible tragedy, we are talking about this on our channel today. we’ll definitely talk, but this morning i specifically looked at ukrainian public pages, that’s why i came, i don’t know, it was predictable, they complain, they say, 900 parcels were burned, how can we live on? and not a word about the fact that these parcels detonate, explode and burn all night, that is, what kind of parcels were these that ukrposhta and the non-recipient of these so regret parcels, well, only ammunition can detonate, we understand this perfectly well, that is, even if the grain, we remember from odessa, the grain also detonates well, well, no, but it burned with such black smoke, let me remind you of the grain, there were most likely government-owned materials there, and this is detonation, yes, detonation is ammunition, but that’s how i understand it. not only the ammunition caught fire, but a lot of other things burned out that do not
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detonate, but are military property, well, for example, some armored personnel carrier, if it burns there, it will not detonate it will, yes, but it will just burn out and so on, that is, any equipment, it will not necessarily detonate, so i think a lot of interesting things caught fire there, again we are connecting uh action here is the blow on may 2 , a week and a half before, serious deliveries began, that is, we can assume that there was a lot of valuable stuff there, we tracked it down, and accordingly struck, i really hope that a lot burned, we learned to track down supplies, because last time, a year ago, these same western weapons supplies did not burn so often , this time, for now, by at least from our guys on the front line, we didn’t hear that new weapons were there, well, unfortunately, we know that crimea was shelled with new missiles, so well , unfortunately, it’s still not possible to do so. well
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, fortunately, we can destroy many things, if at the beginning of the war we had such an estimate, again approximately, we destroyed up to 10% of military aid, then by the end of last year we increased it to 30%, but i really hope that this the figure has grown because we really have new technical capabilities, i i know some of them, i won’t say on the air that everything is serious today. allows us to say that we can destroy a much larger amount of equipment that is supplied from the west, but we see this, in fact, not only in odessa, in fact, many such defeats, they are simply not on camera, that is, this is that in odessa it caught fire, because a big city, the city of milion, where in general nothing can be hidden, again this is a pro-russian city, which in general can give out the necessary information despite the prohibitions that kiev imposes, in galicia they also deliver a lot of... a lot of blows, but the golics treat us differently, so seeing there
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is an order of magnitude less material, definitely no less weapons are destroyed there, and not only there, but already when some of the weapons fall into center in kiev, about a week and a half ago there was a good raid, there were also detonations near kiev, and there, too, a lot of nato equipment, weapons, and so on burned down , yes, that is, there are actually a lot of such attacks, moreover, some even these deliveries are already catching up just before front, already on the territory of the donetsk people's republic. before unloading, it still flies, still hits, we burn a lot. what happened on the fronts during the holidays, over the weekend, a lot happened, you are interested in the direction of ocheretin, chasovyar, rabotin, what else is important? well, first of all, ocheretina, because this is a major breakthrough, which so far has no analogues in the history of this conflict, because a breakthrough to a depth of more than 10 km, having created big problems at the front, the enemy still really hasn’t... not to mention not can get it together, he's figuring it out,
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the front is essentially shaking and collapsing, and even those reserves that the enemy is transferring there while the situation can only be kept under control, but not stabilized, where we hit, in the end we always achieve the result we need, and within one time there at once, a maximum of two days, but this has never happened, and the enemy is a colossal problem, ukrainian military experts are already saying that if they cannot localize all this, then the front will collapse. here , further retreat is inevitable, accordingly much further into the depths of the controlled territory is inevitable, again i want to emphasize, this is not our main offensive, this can also be called to some extent an active defense, a defense that brought unexpectedly good results, i repeat, this is not our main attack, let’s put it here ellipsis and time will tell how events will develop, thank you very much, yuri ivanovich podalyaka, he was in direct contact with us, well, we need to prepare for...
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the states are going to sign some kind of security agreement for a period of almost 10 years. now our teams are ukrainian. the states are working on a bilateral security agreement, they are already working on a specific text, discussing the specific foundations of our security, our interaction, we are working to fix specific levels of support for this year for the next 10 years, this includes military support, financial, political, and what concerns the joint production of weapons. stefan, as
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an american taxpayer, are you ready to support ukraine for 10 years? not really, will they ask you? here we have the new york times, i i understand that the attitude in russia is bad, but i admitted, by the way, that our military-industrial complex manufacturers are delighted, so it turns out that we are taxpayers paying for weapons, here is the tax, there are also workers there, good, they earn very well, and that means why the taxpayers haven't gotten up yet.
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by the way, we are constantly, we are already, excuse me, unfortunately, taxpayers are more or less used to it all over the world, yes, as i remember, we have 800 military bases, and also, but you get used to it, zelensky says, you still have 10 years of them bear with me, a short ad and we'll be back.
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ceremony, inauguration of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live broadcast, may 7 at 12:00 moscow time. josep borel, a very aggressive character. while we do not have a concrete plan on how... to defeat russia, this is not my task, his task is to be an instrument of war. russia is a threat to our world. who are you, mr. barel? what is your background, what is your biography, where are you from? he grew up in franco's spain, he grew up in a fascist state, interned at stanford, the intelligence services are already starting to invest money, they are running for the role of
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the american monkey. we have been discussing for several weeks how to use the proceeds from frozen russian assets. the americans are coercing. on the first, the marks on the neck are not from a rope, a cord and a thin leather tourniquet, this doesn’t look like an accidental murder, i don’t understand that there could be this crazy person in his head, so, lieutenant colonel, we owe everything, you know, even
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in front of us to hell with horns, someday all this will end, grigory ivanovich, or maybe let's make a joint card, i'll send it to vanya, thank you. i'll organize it now. according to the laws of war. new episodes. watch the time after the program. this rings a bell for me. greetings. tomin from ukrozysk. the first perception of the audience is still major tomin and there’s no escape. if he feels indifference and lack of professionalism, then this, of course, infuriates him. he has a great sense of responsibility, masculine charm and masculine self-confidence, this is a man who lifts dumbbells every morning, it’s a great pleasure. he works out, he keeps in shape, he is very efficient, yes, he gets tired, but
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he can’t live without it, i believe in omens, probably all actors do, but in the black eye, so you have to spit out, for leonid konevsky’s eighty-fifth birthday, today on the first. these are miracles, blessedly matrona, i always carry an icon with me, here i have petals, matrona’s petals heal many people, we came precisely for this, so that she would help us in our personal lives, who protected her, took care of her, they came up with the idea that she is from a very poor family, that's not true, that's who what hurts is worth asking, i don’t know how to do it right, i’m appealing as best i can, the matron wasn’t born much.
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may first. mom, nikulina anna ivanovna, i came to her, she stroked me on the head and said: you will never have a headache again, and having lived for 96 years, she now realized that i was like a matron. american military assistance to ukraine may not help; the west is sounding the alarm. 51 billion dollars, ukraine's military success. moreover, by the end of the year, ukraine may lose even more. morma pulled out of congress does not guarantee
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which the biden administration is literally from the territories, that’s what bloomberg writes. ukraine could lose even more territory before the end of this year, even if its defenses do not collapse completely. the more territory ukraine loses, the more difficult it becomes to end the war on acceptable terms. american assistance will undoubtedly strengthen defense capabilities. ukraine, but this will not be enough to help the ukrainian military, who did not show their best talents in well-prepared positions, to defeat the enemy. well, gen sec nato en stoltenberg sent a proposal to alliance members to raise $100 billion for military assistance to ukraine over 5 years. this was announced by the minister of foreign affairs of hungary, petr szijarta. well, europeans live with it, but we have news. on the day of victory. on the first. moscow. red square. the main parade of the country.
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more than 9.00 military personnel from different types and branches of the military will take part in the ceremonial march, including units involved in a special military operation in ukraine and 75 units. hello, in the studio of valery korablev, in this release. the perpetrators have not yet been punished. odessa -


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