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tv   Povara na kolesakh  1TV  May 2, 2024 12:15pm-1:06pm MSK

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in the case of defects in booing aircraft, joshua dean worked for one of the supply companies, he was 45, led a healthy lifestyle, but a sudden infection, breathing problems , and death in the hospital. in the twenty-second year, dean discovered gross violations in the production of airliners, but the authorities ignored the problem, and the employees were soon fired. in march, the media reported the suicide of another whistleblower, former boeing engineer, sixty-two-year-old john barnett. troubles have been haunting me lately. in january, the door of a plane was knocked out at an altitude of 5 km emergency exit, after which a wave of bans on the operation of airliners swept across the world, and the landing gear also fell off, there were problems with the emergency oxygen system. that's all for now, we are monitoring the development of the event, and the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell. the information channel on the first continues its work, we are working live, anatoly kuzich is with you. on the air our special project is time
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to remember. today is may 2, it’s clear what decade we’re remembering today, or rather, well, i don’t know if we’re celebrating the right one word, we remember. so, surprisingly, today all the children living in odessa, as the ukrainian press reports, did not go to school. the ukrainian regional military administration has decided that schoolchildren today should study remotely. apparently... they are afraid, they are afraid of something, i don’t know, perhaps they are afraid that the local residents have not forgotten what happened, what the ukrainian government actually did to them, there is certainly an interesting story here, we just discussed , when this topic, here we are with the editors, well, we’re talking about a topic like this discuss, that's what, they say, well, well , well, after all, odessa residents, i say, you know, this is who odessa residents are, this is also, by the way, a good topic, let's talk about this too, who are odessa residents, odessa residents are those who burned in ...
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the house of trade unions, those 48 people who were killed, or the odessa residents, those who later began serving cocktails called smoked sepor in bars, both of them are odessa residents, so i don’t even really understand what odessa residents are, those , who are now being packed by these very same tec vans, and who are from them they are fighting back, these are odessa residents, or the tetsekashniks themselves who are packing, they are also odessa residents, there is no, you know, i don’t understand, let’s talk in general, what kind of city is this, i had an idea about the city, about odessa? now, now it’s gone, now i don’t understand what this is all about, but, in fact, the massacre, the bloody massacre that took place in the trade union house on may 2 , 2014, people were burned alive, 48 people died, i draw your attention, that none of those organs that are just so finely tuned, that begin to vibrate when the slightest suspicion of a violation of at least some human right, not one of these...
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russia russia your mother banderrogi. all the buildings, they
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didn’t build this building, and now because of them they will have to burn it down, don’t worry, the euromaidanites are throwing trade unions, flashlights, molotov cocktails into the house, most likely. “people bring flowers, they remember to the memorial, this is today, you see odessa, but there are few bouquets, they are a little lonely, i understand that bringing a bouquet is not easy now at this time, but to remember, this, well, i won’t say a word there a feat, but in fact, this is, of course, an action, because you understand, anything can happen, and i also looked at this, looked at these comments, surround them, set them on fire, like everything else, and i remembered that this morning i
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came across the publication of one vile person, i won’t name, so as not to advertise, the riga publication, but before ours, as it were , the opposition one, they have it there, they love everything there, we explain everything on cards, well... like, so to speak, so that it’s simpler to understand, then, how the myth about odessa on may 2 arose, we explain on cards, like why this is a filthy stupid myth, like russian propaganda, a narrative, a myth, you know, it’s simple, of course, the longer i live, the more, i’m just amazed at what kind of people there are, amazing, memorable events take place today and in in many russian cities, people remember what happened in odessa, they don’t forget, i think it will happen today...
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but what happened 10 years ago, it was, of course, not odessa history, it was odessa that became the place where the then , the people who seized power in ukraine decided to organize an action intimidation, they staged it a little later in mariupol, where they burned people in the same way, only they were law enforcement officers , that is, successively several actions of intimidation that were supposed to lead to submission. what they actually wanted, but the horror and - the meanness of this situation lies in the fact that those forces of the west that brought them to power were satisfied with any option, option one - an act of intimidation, as history shows, the russians cannot be brought to obedience and will not
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be frightened , so the nazis who burned entire villages, like khotyn and other belarusian villages, together with the inhabitants, they achieved nothing except growth, indignation, growth of the partisan movement, so on. so for the west, the second option, if it fails to intimidate, the growth of protest, uprising, this was also a completely satisfactory result for them, they needed a civil war on the territory of ukraine, when we are talking about hundreds, thousands, maybe tens of thousands of people then at that moment they decided for themselves that they should go to donbass, take control weapons and defend, it was after odessa, after that, and this was achieved.
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then avakov was there, parubiy was there, in general, the whole guard was there,
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and these guys, the same nalevaichenko, they all participated in the planning of this operation, they knew perfectly well that this operation would end in blood, not i know they planned to burn, but what they planned to kill, what they initially held, they didn’t release either the ministry of emergency situations, which means that the security forces were used very limitedly to prevent slaughter, that is, this is absolutely exactly, absolutely exactly, that the authorities have made everything available to them. in order for blood to be shed there, that is, they needed this sacred blood, in order to simply move to another level, to begin to calm down this south, southeast of ukraine, which still showed some potential for to confront kiev, which was captured through a coup d'etat, well , yes, by the way, remembering allah, for some reason i now forgot his words, but he spoke openly and was not shy, while still in a high position, he said, he says, look, in some cities , he didn’t mean odessa, of course. says: well, it was necessary, of course, to burn all sorts of captured people there, as they say, to the local
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administration, just burn them, you can find, this is a direct quote, burn them along with the people, then nothing, of course, this wouldn’t have happened, oh, we, so to say, we didn’t have enough will and determination, so to speak, to burn, blow up, together with people, end of quote. vladimir vladimirovich, well, you remember, actually after all, on may 2, 1914 , two operations began at once, we just... then we were all so shocked by the evening footage of the trade union house, and the morning itself began on may 2 at 5:00 a.m. the assault on slavyansk, that is, when the armed forces of ukraine went, contrary to the constitution of ukraine prohibiting the use of armed forces against the people, they went on an assault and the residents of slavyansk, with their bare hands , used weapons seized from the ministry of internal affairs and repelled these attacks by armored vehicles and so on. and at the same time this action began the suppression of the russian spring in odessa, before that
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there was kharkov, i want to remind you that when they cleared out all the pro-russian opposition to the maidan, it means that all this was announced there in advance, footage of the parubiy, the secretary of the national security and defense council, who did not forget at that time, yes, live broadcast a day before these events, where he collected all this maidan, that means. the murder of those people who did not accept the coup in ukraine was planned,
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and of course, in this regard, when you look at these comments from europeans, westerners, when they talk about the democratic revolution, about the choice of the masses, when you look at how the civilian population was killed, yes, what struck me most of all was not, we were ready for this, in general, we understood that the nazis had come to power, now the centurion is... me, i remember the reaction of the public in savik shuster’s studio, remember when the executioner goncharenko reported directly from odessa, we burned, so joyfully, burned the camp of these same quilted jackets, and all these liberals are noteworthy, which are several more months ago they were just screaming about a bloody nose tanya chernovol, remember there was such a maidan activist, some bandits, for some reason they didn’t share the car.
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they cheerfully applauded, that was all, it was the end for the theoretically even peaceful development of ukraine, after that all the russians really understood that, well , the only way was to resist, but if that was the plan, well, of course. that after this this is really a transition to a new level, this is a transition of a point, excuse the befurcations there, forgive the harshness and so on, but it was difficult not to understand, or this is exactly what it was necessary that after this, but after. nothing can roll back, that everything, everything is predetermined, taking into account the fact that the ato began a couple of weeks before, that’s it, then on may 2 it turns out, in 1914 everything was decided, the point of no return was then may 2, 2014, it turns out, if i understood all our experts correctly, you get that this was the plan, this was not how history decreed, this was the plan, it turns out this way,
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by the way, you are talking about european values, we have a european, a bearer values, jiře just. i have already prepared for your visit, so to speak, i wanted to tell you something, well, to say everything in accordance with the values, how the case is being investigated there, i found out, got in, look, first the case was handled, the case was investigated by the veloodessa prosecutor’s office, then prosecutor general's office of ukraine, all this meant that it lasted for several years, all the detainees were acquitted, but even god bless him, in the west no one like that... such rudeness, well, i don’t know how to say it, come up with a word yourself, no one said anything, no one didn't condemn anything, and i look, listen, these same people are fighting for values, i understand correctly, for european values, but please explain to me, it’s true, maybe i would also like to share european values, maybe now i’ll share them, right away , if you explain to me how
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this can be, it’s easy, well, first of all, i ’ll start with the fact that i naturally condemn.
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a few activists will sit and shake their heads, well, how can this be, so it’s still unfair that no one notices anything at all, some city crazy people notice, but here you need to understand that this was rather perceived as a consolidation of ukraine, i know that this sounds very rude, very unpleasant, but the fact is, it has already been said here, the slavic has already happened, there has already been a seizure of power in lugansk, in donetsk, but i was in kiev, wait, let’s talk. the city doesn’t matter, but
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on may 9 there was also a certain event there, and someone calls it a conflict for the city, a battle for, and what happened in kharkov, sorry, in odessa, yes it is perceived. how simply they defended ukraine, that’s all, they defended ukraine, that’s how this is called, that is, in europe, they didn’t let the sepors defend ukraine, they didn’t let the sepors capture odessa, these are burnt people, they, i mean the westerners, can’t say anything, won’t say anything for one simple reason, but here the analogies are very simple, burned people, but for any normal person this is... a disaster is a terrible crime, and this is also theirs, this reptile, this nazi regime, it is still small, weak, if at this moment you say, that only after coming to power through for a month and a half these people are being burned, well, that’s it, the end of the project, but we need to start a civil war, we need to create an abscess on the body of europe, we need to tear apart russia and europe in
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the economy, we need to think about the explosion of the northern streams, not a consequence, we unfortunately cannot so to speak, no, why, although on the other. why, we can punish the perpetrators, i wanted to say, but not like we can’t, you remember, one of the stated goals of the special operation is to punish those responsible for the odessa khatyn, vladimir
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putin immediately announced accordingly, well, that’s what they wanted it, they got it, and they will get more, it’s also interesting, since we’re talking about values, all this probably even looks indecent, so i think that in a couple more broadcasts, it will simply be considered vulgar to talk about european values , well, it kind of hurts, well, it really does. absolutely, well, today let’s still defend european values, the right to life, you defend these people from the point of view of european values, the other day one of our experts said it perfectly, saying: you love wine, well done, it’s so that he shook his head doubtfully, in europe there used to be different varieties of grapes, which were then exported to the new world, in europe all of them, all these varieties, all these vines were devoured by the phylaxera, it was just like an epidemic, it devoured everything. therefore, now the european vine is classic, it blooms only in the new world, there is none left in europe, it was devoured by phylloxera, so you understand what’s going on, as for
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european values, as i understand them, your values ​​were devoured by some kind of phylloxera or something else something, and now this vine is here, you know, real, real, just don’t say that the right to life is a pure european, civilization-wide right, so it’s good, this right, it existed in different...
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do you want to recognize them, but in conditions when there are hostilities, bombings and so on, in ukraine no, in ukraine, why? not a proportian after all, why, yes, in ukraine, it’s possible there, no one calmly restricts all these rights, there’s no thought about it, as they say, so there are words, who stands for what, but there is practice of implementation, and here, as they say, facts, a stubborn thing, speaking under the flag of freedom, some kind of european choice, ukraine was simply occupied, then they made preparations for a civil war, they were drawn into a full-scale military conflict, and immediately, canceling everything that they initially stood for , including the saying without visas, that’s the terrible irony of what happened: ukrainian society was bought with a beautiful package, inside it’s not just candy,
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it’s perfect.
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stands up and says, we are ready to negotiate, we have done everything, europe is everything, what was required of us to join is, we have already fulfilled everything, hey europe, let’s start accepting admission into the european union, you gave the status of a candidate to the eu, but why do you say, no, well, it’s unlikely, on what basis do you think that it’s unlikely, well , at least based on the armed conflict that is taking place on its territory, let’s put it out of the equation, the conflict, because it didn’t
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continued, they lied, they will continue to lie , saying that it’s candy, that’s not it, what do you think, you will definitely deploy it, only for 10 years everyone has been trying to do it expand, everything doesn’t work out, please remember this, remember, this is 10 years, now in a minute i’ll literally tell you about these ten years, there’s one more interesting thing, an interesting fact, but for now, just , really, finishing this part , well, as if about human rights, that’s what ir says, you’re a wonderful person, of course. and there is peterstan, which means he is an official representative of the european commission, the european commission, so i read, i read several times what he said, i just can’t deny you the pleasure of this show, and i think what i remembered, you know, there is an expression that you can forever look at the burning fire there at the flowing water, this is flowing water, that is, he said so many things with so many pretentious nonsense i know beautiful rhetorical figures, but what i said is generally unclear, listen, if we have any questions...
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now our teams of ukraine and the united states are working on a bilateral security agreement, they are already working on a specific text, discussing the specific foundations of our security, our interaction, we are
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working to fix specific levels of support for this year for the next 10 years, this is military support, financial, political and as regards the joint production of weapons, what does this mean, and this is nothing? it means, if, if we formulate yes, that this is an agreement on ensuring security there, it doesn’t mean anything, this, well, this is some kind of memorandum, yes, which only contains, i don’t know what is contained, what is more precise will be contained in the american treaty, yes, because before him there are already nine concluded, there with britain, with france, there with a number of other states, naturally on the basis of a decision that was made last summer, in this format. now here they are, that is, firstly, this, well, excuse me, is just such an expression, an excuse for not accepting ukraine into nato, that is, this is a substitution, a substitution with some kind of agreement, and you know, in ukraine they have been talking for so long about the fact that the budapest memorandum, it’s just horror, it’s
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terrible, what kind of idiot could sign it, yes, let’s open the budapest memorandum, open it the agreement with the uk, for example, and we read it verbatim, yes, that is, it means that if something happens there, ukraine will be subject to attack, yes, that is, those are the participating countries. germany promised 7 billion, france promised 3 billion, the americans, after they voted, will most likely write down the 60.8 billion dollars that they have already allocated, which they have already secured in an agreement, and so on, everything else.
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ukraine to westerners, well, let's tell you what a real agreement on guarantees between one country and another should look like, it should be short, clear, understandable, i think that three points are no more, point one: country x, in the event that ukraine is under attack, comes to the defense of... ukraine and declares war on the country with which ukraine is in conflict, point number two, point number two, if country x finds itself in war, ukraine declares war in the country with which country x finds itself in war. point three,
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the parties undertake not to enter into military blocs against each other. dot, seal, signature. specific security guarantees that great britain, italy, the united states have signed and will sign with ukraine.
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why did i go through the forest, these were not germans, not germans, who were forest brothers, lithuanian partisans, from the forests, and from the forests, and this was marta, his daughter-in-law, what happens, grigory ivanovich, there are only forest brothers around here, you are afraid, but not on my own. josep borel, a very aggressive character,
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until we have a concrete plan on how to defeat russia, this is not my task, his task is to be an instrument of war. russia is a threat to our world. who you, mr. barel, what is your background, what is your biography, where are you from? he grew up in francoist spain, he grew up in a fascist state, he interned at stanford, the intelligence services are already starting to invest money, he’s running for the role of the american monkey, we’ve already had a few. week we are discussing how to use the proceeds from frozen russian assets. the americans are forcing the europeans to take over our assets. parel acts as a representative of the globalist elites, they cut off the path to further dialogue with moscow. the masks of the european elite were dropped with the start of a special military operation. we cannot allow russia to win, otherwise the interests of the united states and europe will suffer. the game is just starting. and we have run out of limits on gestures and goodwill. old jazeb. forgive me, who are the dolls of tutti’s heir, today is on the first,
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this is clear to me, i welcome you, the first perception of the audience is all the same, major tomin and there’s no escape, if he feels indifference and lack of professionalism, then this of course pisses him off. it has a great feeling. responsibility of male charm and male self-confidence. your man lifts dumbbells every morning, it’s a great pleasure, i’ll tell you, this is the gym, it’s amazing, he works out, he keeps in shape, he’s very efficient, yes he gets tired, but he can’t live without it. i believe in omens, probably all actors do, but in the black eye, so you have to spit. tfu-tfu-tfu!
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jerusalem is the capital, it is the city that was chosen by god's providence so that the salvation of man would take place there. that's where you are you understand that this is not a legend, that he was, that he is there...
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from calvary to the holy sepulcher there are 33 steps, this is the path, from the crucifixion to the kingdom of god. church of the holy sepulcher, may 4 on the first.
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the information channel on the first continues to broadcast, time will tell the program, we are working live. head of ukrainian. trikuleba made a discouraging statement. it turns out that the istanbul agreements between moscow and kiev, which were negotiated, were meant in april of twenty- two and were stopped last year moment by british prime minister boris johnson, never existed. it's kind of crazy that we're even involved in conversations like this. why not discuss what concessions russia should make in order to resolve this military conflict in an hour. questions of responsibility, so yes, we can get involved in this discussion of concessions, remember the most favorite story that the russian foreign minister likes to tell everyone, the so-called istanbul agreements, which never did not exist, the question we must ask ourselves is: why do we always start conversations with the question of what concessions ukraine should make, we categorically
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reject this paradigm, we have sacrificed enough, we have fought enough and we deserve much more respect, than a discussion of what else we... which could then be agreed upon by the delegations published 17 pages of a peace treaty between russia and ukraine in april 2022, here are a few points from it: maintaining the neutrality of ukraine, renouncing nuclear weapons, refusal to conduct foreign exercises on its territory, ban on fascism, nazism. russia pledged not to attack ukraine, and our country also retained the territories of donbass and crimea. also in an interview with forrain policy, koulepas said that without the emergence of a coalition of countries sympathetic to ukraine, kiev
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will not sit down at the negotiating table with russia. there is no point in inviting russia to the negotiating table if there is no way to guarantee that it will act in good faith. there are only two ways to create circumstances for russia, in which she will act honestly. the first is our success on the battlefield, the second is the presence of a coalition of countries that share the same principles and approaches. this is why russia is not scheduled to participate in the ukraine peace summit in switzerland, because the purpose of this summit is to unite countries that share common approaches to the ukrainian conflict. first, you need to create such a coalition, and only after that a dialogue with russia is possible, because you are right, in the end , you cannot end the war without the participation of both sides. "well, it turns out, some people have gone crazy from hatred and anger, others are spewing, which means sanctions, entangled in packages, well, just ideal partners for a coalition. gegor, how can negotiations take place at all, if the overdue one, which i call zelensky, when he was still not overdue,
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forbade himself these negotiations. well, as you know, zelensky, the master of his word, gave his word today, tomorrow he will take his word, just the same." russia lost and further down the list we were told from all screens, from all irons, that there are no disagreements within the coalition, what then is mr. kuleba talking about, what kind of need is he talking about?
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it is necessary for moscow to stop liberating its current and future territories,
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because if this is not done, then the forecasts, they need moscow to stop, but i do not agree with such optimistic forecasts that ukraine will collapse there by the end of 2024, but in principle, the trend will be absolutely irreversible, in this regard, returning to the istanbul agreements, it would be a huge benefit for ukraine if... boris johnson did not disrupt that process, if ukraine remained within the borders that istanbul provided for, and for us this would have been an unpleasant story, so to some extent, excuse me, maybe they will not agree with me, thanks to mr. johnson for disrupting the istanbul agreements, because we moved on from a temporary solution to the ukrainian conflict, because, well, it is clear that ukraine would have violated all the conditions that were signed in istanbul and by the authorities in kiev there through two election cycles. there would be a coup to join nato would have entered into an agreement with zaporozhye, sterson, odessa , nikolaev and kharkov. this is argued by the will of the ukrainian people. and now we have moved on
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to another, let’s say, method of solving the ukrainian problem, but a method that will solve the problem completely, that is, the liberation of the territory. and already here, let them deceive us, let them not deceive us , whether the remaining stub of ukraine joins nato or not , does not matter much anymore. we are solving the ukrainian issue the way we should.
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not to recognize it, but that is, it’s like that on purpose they let us down, in a state of illegitimacy, why have reshuffles in the government begun now?


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