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tv   Slishish vremya gudit - BAM Bolshoi prazdnichnii kontsert  1TV  May 2, 2024 7:00pm-9:00pm MSK

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this is normal in the order of things, but what happens when it becomes more or less clear that they will now deal with him? the search begins for people, accomplices, countries, accomplices who will protect. in this sense, the conference in switzerland, which we have already mentioned, it may be from the other side, from the point of view of ukraine, it is important to take all these countries as accomplices, because this means if some kind of declaration is signed there. and ukraine will participate in this, all these signatories, in fact, seem to approve of this very state terrorism, which ukraine is engaged in with western money, in this regard, i think, yes, probably the most important thing for them now is to draw in china, india, countries that take an emphatically neutral position in this conflict, help, yes, cover them up , so to speak, with blood, to smear the forehead with blood to say, and the guys, now they are with us, that’s the devil. we look at it with horror, well
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, this is our culture, excuse me, we look at it with horror, yes, well, it’s just the truth, a word to describe what happened, when people were actually being burned, we discussed this today during the day and they showed life stories from there from that one from the house of trade unions, and there you know some guy completely maddened, yelling, surround them, set them on fire, this is not fiction, this is not a russian narrative propaganda, like... you look, your fists are clenching, i remember this state 10 years ago, and you feel some kind of, well, i don’t know, helplessness, impotence, you can’t do anything, this whole anger inside, it just tears it apart, and not just me, everyone who is now watching what they are doing, well, if you allow me, goncharenko, who is taking pictures in front of these corpses, yes, so to speak, as they say to each other, everything worked out for us, look , seporov, yes, how did they start serving, excuse me, i understand that this is already...
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after that they began to serve and people laughed there with laughter, well, some sell with laughter, others buy with laughter, i drink with laughter and so on, but the most important thing is this, as i understand it, because i don’t know before even before the twenty-second year, in fact, in europe, that’s the truth, i know this for sure and i’m telling you, so to speak, not not speculative...
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that’s it, now, now there is such a nation as ukrainians, now there are ucranians, and there are rashians, no one is now in europe, i repeat, until the last moment, it’s just them in general, who, what are they, what kind of nonsense, some kind of hype, no, so in this sense, in this sense, odessa is terrible, it was a successful action, it was from their point of view in terms of an absolutely successful action, andrei frantsievich, it sounds it’s a little strange, but now i’m trying to stand on the other side, on the side that came up with this and implemented it. and these are not ukrainians, the perpetrators were ukraine, and the successful action was from the west. let me remind you, the british, they always suppressed the nations that they captured, through mass executions, which fit into the gene pool in the minds of people, they are then afraid, executions by cannons, tied to indian cannons, which means separatists, as they called them, massive executions in africa, slaves, then, relatively speaking, suppressed by will. three or four local
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the overseer leads these slaves then for loading onto ships and so on, all this is the dark side of the americans, but then it was all a little different, these were east indian companies that traded, about odessa specifically odessa on the second of may the fourteenth in my i understand that i don’t know who exactly what special services are behind this, but firstly, by russian definition, at the time of the fourteenth year such a catastrophic change had not yet occurred. the consciousness of people is not characterized by such cruel, as it were, activity, and moreover, people understood when they were told that they needed to carry out this action, because everything was falling apart for them at that moment, they needed to in some part stop this popular movement, which was capturing more and more regions, we understand that the right sector that was sent there , she had a task, relatively speaking, something big, bloody and terrible, who set the task? the task became ukrainian politicians who formed and assigned to the commanders of the units that operated there. another question, someone gave them
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guarantees, they were told: guys, no problems there will be no, we will support you, we will protect you, at the international level there is no responsibility, no international criminal court. will kill everyone, a punitive action, we saw this with you in nazi germany, and we see one nation in the world that constantly calls for this and does not hesitate to write about it on its official pages, we need to kill more leaders of public opinion in russia, we need destroy more heads of regions
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controlled by russia, more terrorist attacks on russian territory are needed, this is britain, which on the page of its intelligence services mi-6, writes this... directly, so i do not rule out that their trace is here, because it is in their traditions, and another small remark, we very often see from afghanistan how helicopters are shooting at peaceful columns, weddings, what do you think, the pilots don’t see this, or do we think that the pilots are doing this, they are flying suddenly, for no apparent reason, they realize that everything is being recorded, let them shoot the wedding, these are the special services on the ground when they work with various gangs and say: if if you don’t follow our command, we will destroy you, they say we won’t. indicatively , some group of people with women, with children are destroyed, and in this way they are forced to fulfill, they are forced to carry out their decisions on tasks, so what they are now saying: we want to talk with russia from a position of strength, this is what they are voicing, this transformation of power here to us in our
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consciousness, through terrorist attacks, through fear, through horror, of course, well, that is, yes , konstantin vasilyevich, and as you understand, maybe we are too much, maybe we...
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euromaidanites are throwing stun guns, molotov cocktails into the house of trade unions, most likely, the most touching thing there, of course, is an idiot in glasses, who is just some kind of set, well, it’s clear that he has some kind of hatred there, he has hatred there, but...
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we discussed this whole matter, but i think that many things after, by the way, may 2, may 2 , 1914 also look different now, for example, zelensky’s victory in the elections, and it also seemed like what - there is a certain element of chance here,
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a movie was shot there, servant of the people, it was successful there i came in, it seems like one ukrainian oligarch financed it, not knowing that it would all work out, and now we understand that this too... uh, it might not have been random things at all, conscious things, by the way, uh, if let ’s return to the same series “servant of the people”, because we also see that at that time this nation... in the sense that you said, was not born in the full sense, because the president of holoborotka speaks russian exclusively, and says, in general , things that were understandable to the pro-russian, so to speak, to the voter, this means that after all, this is the conclusion that this so-called ukrainian nation was completely created as an anti-russian nation, it was too early to draw this conclusion, but this project was underway, this is of course an important part of this project, and further step by step. the project was implemented, now we look differently at the events of may 2 in odessa, at the election of zelensky as president,
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i just keep remembering this video, but pay attention, but it would seem that 2014 is distant, the fourteenth year, but look what kind of rhetoric is not very appropriate, but nevertheless, here is what they are yelling, yes, yes, everyone must be killed, killed, killed, killed, well, i understand, everything is there now, they showed me, you understand that it would be possible there opponents could hypothetically say, with their eyes they are screaming to kill, kill, set them on fire, bastards, bastards, look, this is the fourteenth year, well , the ato is underway, the right sector in ukraine is already in full swing, by the way, many participants. events where, where is the same yarysh, for example, yes, that is, they were also played out and new heroes came, like
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part of this project and as part of this plan, but the fact that this plan was, is, we are just now convinced of this completely, another thing is that it is better to recognize these plans in time, this is of course a serious lesson for us, because if we in time this is when, yes , i think in the nineties you still understand, when in the early nineties in ukraine in high school they officially taught the subject of scientific nationalism, in fact, i understand.
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was the instigator of this tragedy, it’s just interesting about the observance of rights, because for the americans, as for the europeans are exclusively concerned with human rights, yes, human beings, but ukraine, which supposedly had to fight for these rights, after the fact, submitted a written application to the council of europe about a partial deviation from compliance with the european convention on the protection of human rights and freedoms and... the freedoms and rights that ukrainians were deprived of under the pretext of martial
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law, to put it mildly, are really impressive, that is, it turns out that i don’t know, having jumped on the maidan for the rights of american democracy, they have quietly become a herd of powerless slaves, well, this is how it turns out in practice, that’s interesting, yes alexey aleksevich, well, yes i am. listen, it’s interesting, europe is eating,
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it’s important here in hindsight, because in fact they have already violated it so much that europe is already like this, guys, well, let’s at least write this down in hindsight, yes, well, look, everything is interesting, they’re eating, they don’t eat, here’s goncharenko, i say, who’s hugging, here, here, here, yes, a man who, look with what interest, almost childish, generally spontaneous, yes, he took pictures, what else i took a selfie there and so on, they ate, they eat. must listen, why? because in the investigation the main thing is not to expose yourself, because if you admit that ukraine, excuse me, is normal.
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in this regard, this is really the case, they are not atlanticists, they are tied, everything is fine there, in this sense, they have it, but wait, they are worried, why , because of the internal feeling of the injustice of what is happening, or no, well, i mean it’s moral torment for them or some kind of expectation, it’s moral torment they don’t can understand how to get out of this situation, i ’ll explain, but how and why, you’ll get out of this,
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well, there is such a way, but as you know it... we fall into maybe we did it wrong when we were so dependent on the united states, when we let alone being an accomplice, remember how macron drank the vase when trump won, allies don’t do that, trump said, who are you? in general, guys, you are not allies, you are people who help the united states. ari partners, you are freeloaders, he says, you are helping the united states of america get out of systemic crisis in which their social sphere, economy and so on are located, this banquet is at your expense, trump in this sense, he is of course on his own mind, but he just told it like it is, and that’s why the europeans don’t like him,
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why, because he showed them that guys, you are weak, you are biased, you are corrupt. and i don’t see you point-blank, i don’t give you any credit, the europeans didn’t like it, some thought, some thought about how it would all end, and indeed at this stage not only the united states, but also china owns, then the united states owns a certain part, and china shares with them certain economic processes, controls certain economic processes in the european union and also owns this, china just really doesn’t like to admit it. now considers himself the main ally of the united states, because in the end they will face the fate of afghanistan, yugoslavia, ukraine, the european union, and so on, undoubtedly, here i really want to just live until this moment, that is, i
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really, i just want to live until this moment, i really think that the plot will be like this, the question is how many decades it will last, this is important, that’s what europe concerns.
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and i really like him as a historian, because history is first like a drama, and then like a farce, that’s how a drama was, it was in the thirties of the last century, and hitler was raised against the soviet union, what happened to him, we drove him to suicide, so history repeats itself like a farce, this is a farce to a large extent, we drove him to suicide and so to speak, and this is a great victory and in general it’s even funny to discuss it, the price, the price was high, we paid a huge price for it. i hope not this time, well, here it is interesting, that means, we have shown these provisions that ukraine declares, restrictions, therefore, on constitutional human rights and freedoms in ukraine. in fact , the question is why europe is silent, and for europe this may well be beneficial in light of the fact that the same poles are now, it means, somehow trying to resolve the issue of deportation of men
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of military age, but if ukraine itself deprives them of what -certain rights and freedoms, then the europeans get hands are free in relation to the disenfranchised in their own country, i understand correctly andrey, that they will remain silent, therefore they will also eat it, that it is beneficial for them. well, all this is not beneficial for europeans, but who will ask them? the fact is that for americans, europe is the same as ukraine; a limited nuclear war on the territory of eastern europe is included in the concept of the american use of nuclear weapons. kistinger came up with an idea in 1954, he said: in america, if they don’t shoot, we’ll exchange there. who is the main competitor for americans? now? europeans. therefore, with a crunch, eat their economy, move all the factories to their place, this is their goal. but alexey alekseevich said very clearly that the world... is based on rules, is that everything happens as we say, as in the barnyard of the orv pig they said that we send the horse to rest, but in reality it is for canned food, well everything means this is how we should
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perceive it, in this situation we see that ukraine has long been without rights, that it is one big concentration camp, they do whatever they want, without the right, and no one in the world is talking about it it will be, here now i have a question, why is ukraine publishing this, why is ukraine raising this story to europe, if it could do all this anyway, and no one would notice it.
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that if they put pressure on us now, we will stop, they understand that what happened, the americans understand, there will be no more new aid package from america, but
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more is needed, this is not enough, because everyone thinks 61 billion, but in reality there are still 13, everything else remains in america, all this has been stretched out for years, who still has to uncover their supplies, europeans, they still have tanks, they still have air defense systems, and they still have soldiers. which could also be sent to ukraine just so that the citizens would be calmer; understandably , there is a lot of space in victory park, and as for the barnyard, only, probably, in line for slaughter, the sheep begin to guess about the treachery of their owners. a short advertisement and we’ll be back, alive, sveta, i can’t believe my eyes, stay with me, svidarenko. we will work together, there is nothing to do, the military prosecutor’s office, everyone stand, we we are investigating a criminal offense, we urgently
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need the files of these people, why did you take her with you, every one of us is a fighter, she is not a fighter, she is your wife, grigory ivanovich, where are you going, someone is unkind with you. just shilov, not angry, incredulous, where is he? here, life without pain simply does not exist, all we can do is try not to hurt others, according to the laws of war, new episodes, watch the time after the program, do you think that i have? is there no heart, or do i feel nothing? cognac monte shock, product. rom kastro product
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stellar group vodka veta product of stellar group cognac old barrel product of stellar group burbon stirsman product of stellar group. the first perception of the audience is the same. major tomin and there’s no getting around it, if he feels petty and unprofessionalism, then this of course pisses him off. he has a great sense of responsibility, masculine charm and masculine self-confidence. your man lifts dumbbells every morning. it’s a great pleasure, i’ll say, this correctional room is amazing, he works out, he keeps
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in shape. very efficient, yes, he gets tired, but he can’t live without it, i believe in omens, probably all actors believe, but in the black eye, so you have to spit phew, on leonid konevsky’s eighty-fifth birthday, today is the first. kidnapping is, in the original, the abduction of children, i simply lost faith in humanity with each publication, in my... mood , our wonderful leonid arkaevich yakubovich was kidnapped at one time, as experts say, the public does not know about many such cases. i already mentioned that i myself became a victim of kidnapping, i didn’t know what it was kidnapping, fake cookies - this is also a separate story, very often it becomes the plot of the same tv series and films. i made this discovery for myself that mostly
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relatives are involved in child abductions. if we don’t... react to these things, then the real end of times will simply come, and we wouldn’t want that, podcast love, today on the first, this city was literally and figuratively reborn from the ashes, because during the war rzhev was almost completely wiped off the face of the earth, that’s just the sound, that’s the sound, yes there seems to be something in this place, oops, partisan. there were pigeons, scouts, demolitionists walked around with pigeons, but why with pigeons, suddenly the walkie-talkie went out of order, you will now need to take the right stance, your hands were made into such a house, that’s where this expression comes from, i’m in the house, i’m in the house, guys, i’m in the house, that’s it, one of the main symbols of the city, rzhev, the red boots of prince vladimir, you make one boot, i make the second boot, a knot is tied, and one and two three, and it’s tossed, oops! and fall
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two at once, the life of our own, the premiere is on may 5 on the first, lent ends, the magical holiday of easter awaits us, the most important miracle is that god is love, i understood that my loved one was suffering, my feet just led me to the temple , and i confessed, without preparing for this, i burst into tears, since then, yes, we already have four children, i said, katya, what a blessing, you ’re pregnant, she says: no, i don’t want to live, i don’t want to give birth , i said, no, stop, this can't be, you saved the child, yes, it was voronezh religious procession, the first 600 km from voronezh to deveevo, we walked in 21 days, a monk walked with us, and so i walk, i felt so good, i say what is it, he says, it’s grace, i’m blind in one eye , completely blind, on the operating table, i physically felt my guardian angel, i believe that my guardian angel, of course, god,
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with the hands of the doctors they performed a miracle. oh, how beautifully you are preparing for easter. and this is preparation. i ’m walking with the children, and we’re hanging our entire garden with all these eggs. we are already the second we have been carrying this sunday in our hearts for a millennium. this is truly the greatest russian holiday. may 4 on the first. we continue our broadcast. that this is not an action is a fiction, and this is once again confirmed by the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine kuleba. we all know and remember very well that in march-april 2022 , negotiations were held in istanbul between the delegations of russia and ukraine, and all this happened in the presence and with the mediation of turkish officials. we covered this on air, the news, which means the world news also showed stories, inclusion of correspondents,
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everyone was waiting for what... it would happen in the end, well, in the end, it means that we know very well that all these negotiations were interrupted, everything fell through, now 2 years have passed, and now, it means, the kiev side, through the mouth of kuleba, says that. .. it turns out that nothing happened. it's kind of crazy that we're even involved in conversations like this. why not discuss what concessions russia should make in order to resolve this military conflict , in particular, to deal with issues of responsibility. so yes, we can get involved in this discussion of concessions, remember about the most favorite story that the russian foreign minister likes to tell everyone, the so-called istanbul agreements, which never existed. a question we must ask ourselves.
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russia has never refused negotiations, so i would like to draw your attention to the fact that with the assistance of the same president erdogan, as you know,
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a whole series of negotiations took place in turkey between russia and ukraine to develop the confidence-building measures that you mentioned , on preparing yourself. text of the treaty, the draft of this treaty was initialed by the head of the negotiating team from kiev, he put his signature there, here it is, it is, that’s what it’s called, an agreement on permanent neutrality and security guarantees for ukraine, exactly. about the guarantees that you spoke about, dear friend, but after we, as promised, withdrew the troops from kiev, the kiev authorities, as their masters usually do, threw it all into the dustbin of history,
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let’s say, i’ll carefully try to express myself intelligently, they refused this, where are the guarantees that they will not continue to refuse any other agreements, i thought, why? now it’s denying everything out of the blue, but because ukraine itself is a denial, it’s everything with the prefix anti, anti-russia, anti-humanity, anti, anti, anti, anti, that’s the kind of country, it seems to me, you just know, now the kuleb is already addressing someone, well, like the public, but the public has a memory of four days, someone, lord, my god, what are the istanbul agreements, what are you talking about, we’re not political scientists and that’s it, that’s it ok, this is the same,
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half an approach taking into account the presence somewhere out there somewhere on the horizon or behind the shoulders all the time in various forms, but boris johnson says no, no, you have to fight, and so on, their image of victory was roughly outlined to us, so to speak, respected experts, there he joined aleksandrevich borodai, for which i thank him, my question to you is, the image of victory from the other side, how can they present it, well, it’s clear, here’s a russian bear, look, it means he trampled and trampled, but didn’t trample, the fact that ukraine survived in that the form in which it now exists is already our huge victory. victory that means the progressive forces of all humanity blah blah blah, yes, our victory, look, their image, their image of victory has changed very much over all this time, changed several times, and from the fact that they even come to moscow, they will rob all the boutiques here and
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so on, and there are all the banks and the like, they had such an image of victory in the twenty-second , they had, they had such an image of victory, about that, and they had an image of victory and another, about that that they will take over the rostov region, the voronezh region, they will take over the whole of cuba. that there is the stavropol region and the krasnodar region, great, they also had this image of victory, and then it will take over the whole world, they will call it ukraine, well, this is, so to speak, further advancement, but in principle, they have it, yes, now they have both. from victory, that’s what they mean by victory, is to hold out and hold out until some kind of korean version, relatively speaking, along the thirty-seventh parallel, wherever it passes, this is the thirty-seventh parallel, to preserve ukraine as such, that is, to preserve the regime , that is in fact, you already understand that the image of victory is the image of victory of the regime that i understand exists in kiev and which, by the way, by the month of may, or rather not by may, which is actually already by the end of may.
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a- not negotiable, b, absolutely in tune with us, well, just a satanist, now we were just discussing odessa, where this came from, yes, as if the remaining people were running around shouting, surround them, set them on fire, die, die, die, die, well , i say, well, it was just necessary... here i am, my comrades, those who are fighting, yes, we
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we really don’t want this, we really don’t want this, and we are ready, ready, i emphasize, and we want to fight until the moment when the so-called ukrainian state disappears from the map altogether, completely, until this regime does not exist, but we are ready to allow the following, oh the fact that somewhere along the line of combat contact, which will take place at a certain hour x, a situation will arise that... it will be recognized as beneficial, the most profitable, to come to an agreement after all and really say, this is ours, this is the devil with you, what is called, it’s yours, choke, but true, this will mean that the regime there in kiev will collapse and the president of the so-called ukraine will be someone other than zelensky, because, firstly, it is impossible to come to an agreement with zelensky, and secondly, it is pointless to negotiate, because look, even some kind of ceasefire agreement, who will sign, who is expired, it’s expired, i say it, well, it’s expired, yes,
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it’s expired, so it must be someone else, it could be anyone, it ’s overdue, damn it him, yes aristovich is there, i’m not i know, any comic figure can be there, yes, but what does one actor have to do with another, this actor is stupider, well, more infernal, i mean the one who is now, this one, well, sort of a little smarter, yes, because everyone else is still stupider, of course, as they say here, no comment, yes, let’s say, well, then it will be a victory.
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like, of course, if we talk about whether we would like it or not, no, because this will mean that we will leave the problem, and this problem will be solved one way or another, maybe not by us, i say volunteers like me are already, in principle, excuse me, not exactly young people, but to put it mildly, yes, but then we will be forced to leave this problem, leave it to our children or grandchildren, which of course we would not want, we would really like
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which would really help we are treated very badly, but this territory, which is up to kiev and its eastern part, is the territory where people like us live, they were simply forced in relation to russia.
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we see that europe is now being redrawn, including for these processes, including changes in the landscape, who will supply what weapons, who will earn money, or, for example, as such a vivid example, the murder, which means british tank production, that’s it, they haven’t produced new tanks since the ninth year, these are
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the british now, this one the modernization that is currently underway on the challenger is a german contract to replace the guns, turrets, and so on, there is some kind of challenger on the way, no? how the americans are killing the joint european industry on airplanes, pushing away their own tasks, but we are talking about such particulars, but more globally, what is happening, more globally, is the building of the great american wall in eurasia, which goes from the north from finland, further through the baltic states, poland, romania, in general.
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the question is understandable in principle, i could perhaps continue, the idea is that the main constructive force is the modern ukrainian state, so the idea is precisely that if this state is dismantled, then what will happen quite quickly, well, maybe be not very fast, but relatively fast , as it were, deprogramming the nation that you have already managed to create, that is, it is quite fragile and flexible. there may be, in principle , examples in history regarding the people living in this territory, we know quite a lot, that is, in this regard, if you create a new design skillfully convince them of this, then in principle this kind of thing can happen, because if your question is answered like this , what other options, well, excuse me,
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we need to catch everyone and put them in some kind of special institutions, it’s right if we consider these people as an eternal threat. russia, here is actually the option that alexander voiced: let’s dismantle the state, then what will happen is a reverse reprogramming of a significant part of the people who will see what flag is hanging in their capital and will change their opinion accordingly. the only question, of course, remains: what flag will fly there in the capital, how quickly the dismantling of this statehood will take place, also yes, to be honest about this, this is the question. if the dismantling of this state does not occur, then there is really only one option left, to think about what we are forced to really remain key, because we will coexist with it, to create some kind of buffer zones at some point in time, because if we continue the parallel
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with the ottoman empire, which alexander spoke about, but i will remind you that then the first world war began and the ottoman empire collapsed, but it’s true that the russian empire did too. here in my head for some reason right away yes, on the eve of may 9, there are also such historical throwbacks there, because after may 9 , after our victory, the germans very quickly somehow self-identified, but there is more than one passing there. regarding germany, now we are right, by the way, vasilevich said today that in hindsight, we are all strong, listen, well, really, this is a unique case in the history of mankind, yes, on may 10, 1945
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, all of germany suddenly found out that these were generally anti-fascists, secret ones, it just so happened, yes, well, somehow, and you know how many, how many members of the national socialist party there were, in my opinion there were 6 million, only official ones with party cards, but anti-fascist, but on may 10, you know, everything magically changed. this is a big, really complex conversation, like what, what is this change worth, this is, so to speak, a magical metamorphosis, do we need it, but as if we didn’t have it, there was such a case in history, and we actually brought it closer , we created it, this is a historical experience, on victory day on the first, moscow, red square, main parade countries. more than 9,000 military personnel from different types and branches
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of the military will take part in the solemn march, including units involved in a special military operation in ukraine and 75 units of various types of weapons and equipment. a military parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory was introduced. patriotic war on may 9 at 10:00 moscow time live on the first. do you have many fighters? slamstrono, your sleep will be guarded by 150 pieces, including me . yes, right here on sashno diribasovskaya, serve breakfast in your room. unhook the perimeter. posts along the perimeter, every 100 m. two platoons in a chain into the forest, the first platoon - into the gun, that is , now you are an accomplice to the murder, i am a prosecutor,
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not a lawyer, we will hope that justice will prevail, according to the laws of war, new series, look after the program time, seventh, i am fourth, i hear you, full readiness, i repeat, full readiness, from the moment of christmas we see the greatest tragedy, this can happen... like even amazing loneliness, christ has not found a place in this since his birth world. nazareth was a completely inconspicuous village, so the most likely reaction to the fact that jesus is a man from nazareth could not be, how come from such a dubious place, but where is it? jerusalem is the capital, it is the city that was chosen by god's providence so that the salvation of man would take place there. it is there that you realize that it is not a legend that he existed. that he walked there, he preached there, he sat in the garden of gethsemane, this is absolutely certain, when people decided from god to get rid of his word,
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one might say, the greatest tragedy in history occurred of all humanity, that is, people killed god, the path of christ on may 4th on the first, i will reign or perish, a foreigner who had no legal rights to the throne. he is 34, she is 10 years older, soon
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people will not talk about it in the dark as the most influential person in russia, but even relying on male help, the empress always reserved the final decisions for herself. empire, catherine the second. may 4, on the first. potemkin was preparing. the main surprise for the beloved woman was the sevastopol harbor that appeared before the eyes of those present. when i arrived in paris, i wasn't famous. fashion seems to have frozen between the 70s and the 90s, and within this there is a kind of fermentation going on. almost no one in our country has a reliable idea of ​​what couture is. haute couture is high hand sewing, sewing. high class, which is placed on a level with painting, architecture, i think that he has all the qualities of a young
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fashion designer, i myself was once young. and what is especially attractive about him is his sense of fashion. the artist touches on the theme of costumes and dresses; most of the time in couture he gives preference to a large evening dress. how long does one collection last? practically, she lives until the next fashion show, that is, 6 months. i really liked yudashkin's show. i think his level is in line with international fashion. congratulations valentin. a country where they are ready to silence anyone for freedom of speech, as we have already understood very well recently, is surprising, so i don’t know how connected the news that came from america is with this formula, but nevertheless , the second
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informant about defects in aircraft manufacturing.
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how is this possible and is it possible that all these amazing deaths can be built into a single consistent system or will we leave them in this section of the riddles of mathematics? this is a new wonderful world of rules, when international law is abolished, when there is no responsibility and it does not occur, neither legal nor moral, and so on, then such miracles happen that you just described, which really happen.
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exist in the heads of people who believe, change, it, but just like these rules that they have the right to form them, they naturally, it depends on the situation, on the actors, and it exists in the heads of people who wear the casino always wins, oh, better, perhaps, the casino always wins, but what did you want to win from the casino in order to understand in general what is in the heads of these people? you should definitely watch now on channel one the dolls of tute’s heir, jouse borel, in the spotlight.
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security policy is announced to the high representative of the european union for foreign affairs. european politician josep barrel, we can safely present the prize. no, not an oscar, but a political chameleon, for the fastest and frequent change of orientation to suit the surrounding reality. but what really distinguishes him from a real chameleon is the main thing. motive. already it is pure, purely about money. and why should his comrades sin and his conscience is clear. he doesn't use it. for what kind of rugs is the barel regularly repainted? in our program of dolls-heir tute right now, puppeteers of customers, we will show and tell everything with our experts, this is maria butina, we are starting. the european council made a historic decision. this is granting ukraine candidate status eu. this is a decisive moment for the european union and ukraine, as well as for peace and democracy on
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our common continent. became one step closer to his cherished goal, 2 years have passed and the european diplomat is already... in splendid isolation, reporting sad news for the ukrainian diplomat. europeans will not die for donbass, but we can help ukrainians no longer die for donbass. and i know that this is a difficult question, and many people will say how much longer are we going to spend so much money, but since we committed to support ukraine at the beginning of the conflict, then must continue to support until the ukrainians are unable to resist, but this will not happen soon, sorry. why did josep barrel suddenly have such an insight, because just recently he was completely confident in kiev’s victory and shouted about it from various stands. ukraine's victory in this war of annihilation will be a huge
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contribution to the security of europe. russia is a threat to our world. we cannot allow russia to win, otherwise the interests of the united states and europe will suffer. baral encourages further escalation, at the same time, it immediately enters into a bipolar dialogue with itself, allegedly the eu is obliged to do everything possible to avoid a collision with russia. to do this, it is necessary to increase the production of weapons in europe, even if
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it is necessary to take out loans for it, while barrel is not interested in the economic, non-military orientation of the european union; he deliberately turns it into a supplier of shells for the tasks of the united states and nato. we have been engaged in silent disarmament in europe for a very long time and... over the year it grew by 40%. we must be able to mobilize our military, when necessary. along the way, the eu is expanding, although for a long time now, not being able to digest the economies of those countries for which the ursula barrels are turning the green light. thus, the european commission is luring armenia with assistance in the amount of 300 million euros. barrel gets involved in the politics of georgia, china, israel and generally expresses an opinion on any subject in any video. yes, yes, the israeli government funded hamas to discredit the fatah movement in the palestinian authority. if we do not intervene decisively, then the flywheel of hatred and violence will unwind more and more with the change
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of generations with each new funeral. we will see how the seeds of hatred sown in gas today will bear fruit. in his denial of common sense, he almost reached the point of cursing the supreme pontiff when he once again called on kiev for negotiations. his holiness the pope entered a garden to which no one invited him, but calling on ukraine to surrender is more than a wish for peace. i believe that now is not the moment when it is necessary to offer ukraine giving up, on the contrary, is the moment when you need to continue to help. these confessions, accusations, demands, and barali’s arguments with himself are taking place against the backdrop of the upcoming european elections. the eu foreign policy chief is already preparing the ground for future accusations of interference, but is confident that this is not the case. will prevent him from retaining a high post in brussels, but of course, the main european diplomat just turned 77, which is a lucky number. there
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is a very serious social crisis in europe right now. well, yellow vests have been suppressed in france, nevertheless, more and more often people go out into the street, suddenly here, a barel jumps in and says that no, it’s not the people who need to be helped, but... just give more money for armaments to ukraine, where is the logic, it’s unclear, let’s try figure out why he says such nonsense. we have been discussing for several weeks how to use the proceeds from frozen russian assets. we are not talking about the capital itself, but the windfall that we received due to rising interest rates. after discussion, i sent the council a proposal to allocate the main part of the income for eu funding. 90% will be allocated to the european peace fund to increase military assistance to ukraine, the remaining 10% will go to the eu. in theory, he should
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represent the interests of the citizens of the european union, but in practice, he primarily serves american interests, otherwise barel would not be a doll, we imagine him as a chameleon, but he does not feel like a chameleon, but rather an actor who needs to play some small a short script, to say something, then another script, everything, but at the same time he knows. that its main focus working to ensure that the european economy withers, the american economy remains stronger. the united states, represented by its secretary of the treasury, janet yellin , recently... visit to china stated that china allegedly has excess production capacity. in fact, the european union has at least 30% of production capacity that can be considered surplus, that is, it can be destroyed, as a result it will be possible to maintain some equilibrium in the american economy. barel understands this, it’s convenient for the united states, because the european economy will remain cut off from its salvation, salvation lies in restoring natural economic ties with russia. we remember how the americans promised
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to supply... their abrams tanks, so they forced the germans to supply much more leopards, the leopards were burning, and much more abrams tanks arrived, much more in a much smaller volume, here we actually see a roughly similar situation, yes congress recently gave the american president the right not only to freeze russian assets, but to confiscate them, this is true, but you need to understand that russian assets in the united states of america are not very large compared to what we have stored in europe, in the beginning many said that... in in america, in general , we have something in the region of 30 billion in assets, well, in reality, after several audits, we came to a figure of 5 billion, which of course is not very much, and, to be honest, i strongly doubt that they are somehow very these assets will quickly be confiscated, because there will be lawsuits all the rest is here, but why is this being done? yes , the americans are forcing the europeans to somehow take our assets into their own hands, but you need to understand that the lion’s share of russia’s assets is stored in belgium, and it has an organization there approximately 250 billion, that is, practically in...
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in one form or another of its political position, both financially and in future political terms. and republicans or democrats, or is it all together in america? i think that in any case we understand that there is such a thing as deep state. i can to say that regardless of who formally performs the functions of leadership, a republican president or a representative of the democratic party, there is, for example, such a structure as the cia, and it is known that, for example, about a month ago.
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which is clearly aimed at maintaining the leading position of the united states as a shining city on a hill, all means are good, but of course, europe is only a tool in the person of politicians like bare, many are now saying that now trump will come to power there, everything will change, interesting , how can assistance be allocated to ukraine, at the same time, which will go to the united states, that is, for weapons stocks, for ongoing military operations, for contracts with defense companies, grants for the purchase of weapons. they will check ukraine for the same money, the state department will have the opportunity for administration, well , here, here, somewhere, there is a little bit of ukraine’s budget, but the payment of pensions is excluded.
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for odessa, for nikolaev, for sevastopol, so to speak, and so on, well, they instilled into our consciousness, into our subconscious, that we will fight with ukraine, but on the other hand, we understand perfectly well that there are no they have no chance of winning, and why do they continue to do this, the barel performs such functions that we... are not merging this project, because politically, especially before the elections , it is practically impossible to merge it, and so many things were lost there in afghanistan and so on, so we will support him, but not at our own expense, but at the expense of the peoples of europe. in general , it’s interesting, there’s always some loudmouth who has to come out and utter some kind of crazy idea, then everyone
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will say: oh my god, what a terrible nightmare, they seem to play it back a little, really in fact, everything will still be like this, in fact, barel has such a function, but i have only one question: torpedoes are in the interests of their employer, in fact there are two main competitors. the main task of one of the parties is to throw mud at his main competitor, to try to bring this competitor to some kind of emotion, to try to turn off this logical and
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smooth conduct of a political campaign. but sergei sergeevich does not agree with you? i agree with you a thousand times, not he, not ursunov, vonderleen, they are not elected politicians. who is his electorate? he has no electorate. word at all, who appointed it, who carried it out, how, in what way he needs to prove something, he doesn’t need to prove anything to anyone, if i wasn’t elected, i don’t have my electorate, i don’t have that person in front of whom i will look, i’ll say, i’m wrong, he doesn’t exist, the barrel refers to the system of appointed officials, of course he was appointed, democrats and republicans tell us, we must clearly understand the differences between democrats and republicans does not exist, what the democrats did today, they did a very important thing: they created a mechanism for stealing other people’s money, they created a mechanism for using money for their own, you showed a picture, you called it help, but you showed a brilliant picture, it turns out that 2/3 remains in america, and the remaining money that they should send there is a little less than 20 billion dollars, of
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this money, at best, 1/3 will reach, why will they take those funds that are transit countries for their services, and that’s all those the money that is now supposed to go to ukraine will be repaid from this money. the loans that were presented, first the interest on the loan, they will still be repaid, it was barel who launched the deindustrialization processes, he became that person, he does not accept any mechanical economic ones, he has a recommendation function, this is enough for his recommendation function to work, you know, europeans, they are very specific in this regard, they don’t need a blow of a whip, but simply a demonstration of it whip, they are different, no, well, wait, here’s one of his speeches, when it comes to...
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he was so-so, even that’s nothing, yes, you know, what hasn’t changed, i would say that he’s like this, you know, jesuit smile, when borel is told about something unpleasant, he begins to smile, instantly smile, he smiles, his eyes begin, something like this, just such a smile, he drags his mouth like that along the rock, it’s unpleasant for him it's unpleasant when they do something he doesn't like, it's a habit when he says, but you know, the series, we staged it, we achieved our goal, or maybe, listen? it’s this american smile, you know what i ’ve always had amazingly, here in america, but
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here’s a situation, somewhere a person hit himself, fell, something else happened, they start laughing, and you think, well, that’s not funny , but it turns out that this is an attempt to smooth it out, like nothing happened, maybe this is this attempt to hide the awkwardness, which i saw often in america, no, in the case of barel, if now this smile, it’s not not hiding the awkwardness , it's satisfaction, not awkwardness. this can be seen when he communicates with correspondents, journalists, when he is unpleasant, his eyes, you know, immediately begin to get angry, he smiles and slyly, borezhe is almost like a chameleon, he knows how to change his shoes, like he was in moscow in 2018 with lavrov in madrid they speak at a press conference, barel signs his readiness to be friends and sign treaties with russia, but the question is how does he say this? let's watch a short video. we just signed the plan political consultations, which will
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develop from 19 to 20. and we will continue to work within the framework of the joint economic commission, where the minister of trade and tourism will take part on the spanish side. mister minister, russia is of great importance to us as an economic partner. serious and practically without a smile, what was that here? the fact is that he is critically uncomfortable. here i’ll explain why: he restrains his thoughts, he restrains what’s in his head, he doesn’t say what he wants to say, quarrel with russia, well, it is not yet possible to such a degree, so he says what, in principle, an adequate foreign minister should say, and what is meant here practically, again i can assume that we are talking about energy contracts, which at that time were still relevant between russia and spain, and like any normal person, he, of course , uh. in theory, he should have defended the idea of ​​spain getting cheap energy, he’s far from stupid, i mean,
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he’s not always like that, you know, stupid smiles at something else, he can act seriously, but now we have only touched upon the tip of the iceberg, who borel is, in fact, he has quite an interesting biography, a corrected biography, more on that a few minutes after a short advertisement. ceremony, inauguration of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live stream. may at 12:00 moscow time, mancacher whiskey
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- a product of the stellar group, сnop gin, a product of the stellar group, montechoca cognac, a product stellar group, rom castro, a product of the steller group. veda vodka, a product of stellar group. greetings, tomin from the criminal investigation department. the first perception of the audience is still major tomin and there’s no escape. if he feels petty and unprofessional, then this of course makes him angry. he has a great sense of male responsibility.
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he is very efficient, yes, he gets tired, but he can’t live without it, i believe in omens, probably all actors believe, but in the black eye, so you have to spit out, for the 85th anniversary of leonid kanevsky, today on the first, the blessed fire is born right here, the holy of holies of the temple on marble. on the slab, from here, there is a special hole in the wall, he goes into the world, through this fire we connect with god himself, with his divine love, and we receive grace from the holy sepulcher. many believe that the hole under the altar remains from the cross. in fact, the cross stood a meter further, now there is
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a crucifix, god became a man, came into the world when people decided to get rid of god from his word. my feet led me to the temple, and i confessed, without preparing for this in any way, i burst into tears, since then yes, we already have four children, i said, katya, what happiness, you are pregnant, she says, no, i don’t want to live, i don’t want to give birth, i said, no , wait, this can’t be, you saved a child, yes, it was the voronezh religious procession, the first, we walked 600 km from voronezh to deveevo in 21 days,
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a monk walked with us, and so i walk, i felt so good, i say what it is, he says it’s grace, i’m blind in one eye, completely blind. on the operating table i felt physically my guardian angel, i believe that my guardian angel, of course, the lord god , through the hands of doctors, performed a miracle. oh, how beautifully you are preparing for easter. and this is preparation. i ’m walking with the children and we’re hanging our entire garden with all these eggs. but we have been carrying this sunday in our hearts for the second millennium. this is truly the greatest russian holiday. on may 4th, this city was literally and figuratively reborn from the ashes, because during the war rzhef was almost completely wiped off the face of the earth, so it’s just a sound, it’s a sound, but it looks like there’s something in this place, in the partisan detachments there were pigeons, scouts, demolitionists,
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they walked around with pigeons, but why with pigeons, suddenly the walkie-talkie came out, you’ll need... that’s where it came from this expression: i’m in the house, i’m in the house, guys, i’m in the house, that’s it, one of the main symbols of the city, rzhev, the red boots of prince vladimir, you make one boot, i make the second boot, the knot is tied, and one and two three , and he is thrown up, oops, falls, two at once, the life of his own, premiere on may 5 at first. maria butina is with you again, this is the doll of tuti’s heir, our today’s character is josep borel, a very aggressive character in relation to russia and with a very interesting biography, in which we found many blank spots, but at first he is generally considered such a straightforward person who should
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promote ideas and be a political torpedo, let's see do not have. so far we do not have a concrete plan on how to defeat fascist russia and its fascist regime. i was asked about this, but this is not my task, my task more modest. help ukraine through joint efforts and continue the discussion with our partners, as well as effectively apply the sanctions adopted by the eu council. marie, in fact, this is his cue, this is the second part of the ballet, there was also the first, there was also the first. then, while still in the post of minister of foreign affairs of spain at that time, in may 2019, he stated that russia is an old long-standing enemy of both spain and europe, so, where does this come from, that he agreed before fascist russia, which means where this man, he grew up in francoist spain, he grew up in a fascist
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state, he received a school education, albeit through a pincolloda, but he received it in a fascist state, he graduated. fascist polytechnic institute of madrid, he later interned at stanford, where he was also targeted, you need to understand how, this man cannot think in a different paradigm, why did he then say that... russia is a long-time enemy of spain, i can even specifically name age, how old, we are talking about 1936, when the soviet union provided comprehensive support for the republicans in spain against the fascist rebellion of franco. franco won, franco led spain, this man was formed under franco, then let's see a little story about who franco is, let 's continue. franco addressed a nationalist audience, he was the most ruthless and decisive of them all. the initially unsuccessful revolt of the spanish military grew into a coup d'etat in 1936, led by francisco franco. on his side were nationalists, monarchists,
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fascists, conservatives and the old upper class. them even the cruelty of franco’s associates was beneficial, since they wanted the restoration of their rights, they were opposed by the socialists, the uprising, which the rebel forces rushed to imitate, but the republicans did not even think of giving up under the onslaught of the francoists. the result is a confrontation. escalated into a bloody three-year civil war. franco once said: i would have no problem destroying half of spain just to prevent it from becoming marxist. it is unlikely that the general would have decided to transfer military personnel from morocco to the south of the country, if not for the air support of the fascists in italy and the nazis in germany, but even having the opportunity to win a lightning victory, the military dictator chose the tactics of a grueling metro-sweep war. the offensives were accompanied by purges of the leftist forces of the republic; the soviet union rushed to their aid. forces and equipment to prevent the spread of nazism in another european state. hundreds of emigrants found refuge in the ussr, most of them later fought in the red army
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and in partisan detachments. in this fascist little giuseppe's childhood and youth passed through the political system. he was born in '47 in spanish catalonia. before his eyes , the enemies of the cuudilio regime, socialists and communists, were dealt with for several years after the end of the civil war. therefore barrel. genetically perceives modern russia as an enemy and longs for its destruction. in his paradigm, it turns out that russia became the enemy of that spain, fascist spain, 11 years before his birth. there is nothing surprising in this, so is it worth it? expect an adequate assessment of our relations and a few words about your schedule, so we also bring here gonzalez and pedro sanchez. why did you tell us to place them here? well, the fact is that gonzalez is the prime minister thanks. to which, in principle, this man entered into great power, and entered into big politics, you see how many positions he held there, was involved in the budget, and public works and became a deputy of the spanish congress, yes, after
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which, in fact, this was the same springboard, with whom he took off in the european parliament in the future, well, pedro sanchez is a socialist, so to speak, from his recent political history, thanks to whom he took, including the position that he has today, in addition... in addition, he has an amazing anti-catalan position , yes, it seems like he is a catalan, he grew up there, he should be for his people, but he is against his people, why, again, the answer is franco, because under the franco regime any catalan movement was mercilessly suppressed, he completely absorbed these narratives therefore, one should not be surprised at his position, let's say frankly, barel is a fascist from the point of view of his mentality, from the point of view of the ideas that he absorbed in childhood and... youth, but he pretended to be a fascist because he would declare his fascist views, and thus he could no longer blame russia for this phenomenon, because it was a disgrace for any
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european politician, with the start of a special military operation, the masks were dropped, we saw the true face of all european politicians, including borel, therefore the fascist ascal and accusing russia of fascism is an attempt... to take historical revenge for 1945, for our victory, let’s not forget that franco’s spain sent its army, including to wage war against the ussr, the spanish blue division, it was not the only one , therefore, today barel, throwing aside decency, demonstrates his true essence, the essence of a fascist who carries those franco genes into the modern era. let's add subtlety to this story, there is a spanish context, franco had such an interesting expression that we need to squeeze these germans like lemons, now barel is squeezing germany like lemons, he
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is destroying it, he is ruining it, in this sense the francoist formula is expressed, yes, that we must not help world fascism, we must develop spain, strengthen it, and weaken germany, use germany, barel germany is now causing enormous damage, the desire to take revenge is such. suit, i do not agree with what was said, the barrel looks about the same as the average elderly, wealthy european employee looks, and he shows that his policy is the policy of the wealthy...
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for their umbrella for the security that they provide us, and he, one might say, just attacks them in the states and says that this , well, this is not our way, this is not good , at the same time, he notes that we need to be friends with russia, because these are our interests, then hop, he moves through positions and at one moment becomes some super anti-russian politician, and throws in absolutely incendiary theses about the jungle, as
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if and... these american kiplinas we've read so many prosperous and prosperous gardens, the same speech formulas, the same incendiary theses that are aimed at creating a conflict between europe and russia, well, you'll probably agree with me that they learn this, of course this, this this is put in politics, we are now only touching on his political career, here’s the question of blind spots, we have a special guest in our studio. timur shafir is a journalist who conducted an investigation into the eagle’s biography and found interesting inconsistencies there. hello, timur, bring barel to light for us. let's look a little into his blue-eyed childhood, where we come across such a characteristic story that he worked very hard, his father owned a bakery, and from the age of 10 the little barel was forced to
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ride a donkey around the nearby area. went to knowledge, went to knowledge, but there is a small hitch: by royal decree of 1717, the university of lleida was closed in catalonia, but how did he study there, so we tried to find out, we found out that in catalonia at the same time in 1717 was another university was opened, the university of sirvera, and another little misfortune, it was closed in 1835 and until 1960.
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i was also interested in his dissertation, here he is, when phd received, look, this is what happens, that is, he is writing a dissertation in the seventy-sixth, and defends himself in the fifteenth, or something like that? 39 years, 39 years have passed since the writing of the dissertation, the man is 39 years old, all relevance would have been exhausted, at that moment, i would also like to draw attention, at this moment barel already has a whole selection of diplomas,
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certificates, he graduated. stanford, he graduated from the french institute of petroleum, he also graduated from the polytechnic university of madrid, yes, a complutenza university. in addition, there is another interesting fact of his biography related to his work, his volunteer trip to israel. according to a whole range of data, including his official biography, at that time he was on his trip to a kibbutz called galyon, which is located in the south. in fact, a completely different point on the map of israel, maybe he was in two places at the same time, perhaps crossing the border, a person who could study at the same time at a closed university, certainly could volunteer in two kibbutzim at the same time, but here is information about this,
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unfortunately, thank you very much, but i would like a colleague for one more moment to pay attention, and at whose expense is this banquet, look, he is going to stanford to study, it costs money, a lot of money, here he is helped by... a spanish businessman, yes, well, the foundation of a spanish businessman, it had something to do with his studies there at the university of madrid, where he also did internships, that ’s the thing, i think you can and should really dig into this, because the program is really popular, it has existed there for about 80 years, they annually select 400 foreign students to study at american universities, there several stages of selection, if you go through them, and they themselves choose some university for you in america, in addition to the fact that you study entirely in the united states, and as you know very well, this is quite an expensive pleasure, so you also pay money for living expenses, he studied there, by the way,
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he again switched to another specialty, as you can see, there he first did aerospace research, then worked in the energy sector, at stanford he studied in general practical mathematics, applied mats, that’s how... sort of like all technical specialties, but still not directly connected with each other, and then returns home, yes, and this is precisely the beginning of the nineties, and the period of such rapid democratization of spain, they have a public policy, and he goes and is elected as an ordinary deputy from the socialist party, which is also very important, after the collapse of the soviet union, the americans worked very closely with the left in europe, and they were already being crushed and forced to adopt their own agenda, such a more globalist one, in actually... worked on this agenda, today we talked about how he often changed his positions, but i would say that there are four formally, but jazaparelli, the first one is his work another barrel as a deputy from the socialist party, and then even he the party he headed at the turn of the nineties, but
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there were a couple of scandals and he had to leave, then the second barrel was a european deputy, at least he was elected somewhere, that is, he had an electorate in spain, so he even reached the presidency of the european parliament there, the third barrel is already a minister. foreign affairs in the sanchez government, but here i think that after all, sanchez is, of course, barel’s appointee, in fact, although he is higher in position, well, the fourth barel is already now and in the post of one of european commissioners, he always adapts to one specific agenda, but of course, given the mood in spain, and spain is currently one of the most russophobic states, if we look at any society from the other side, the barrel now has to spain, even if it is not european politician, this is the first and second point.
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the same conditions, if you, say, get an education at our expense, you work in the country, essentially for us, but somehow the freight re-buys it, that is, it is already here changed his shoes, already in his youth, this is the first story, the second story is interesting, you know, in the seventy-sixth year he is studying at the university of california, and at the same time larry fink, the owner, founder of black rock, is studying with him, for some reason, you know, there was a national oil company, spain, it didn’t let anyone in, but as soon as it became a republic. and he worked there, larry fink buys a certain percentage, being a block in this company, a coincidence, i don’t think so, here ’s the story, yeah, please, well, about juan's fund matches, yes, absolutely right, i just wanted to comment in the context of what the previous expert said at
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whose expense the banquet was, it was at this expense, that is , initially he graduated from school, universities paid for him, i think , that of course this all didn’t just fall out of the ceiling by the fundjuana match and here he was prepared so that further... he received it through the fullbright fund - he threw juana march and i think 100%. outbought, you need to clearly understand that almost all those who apply are free, they write basically my wishes: i want to enter the five best institutions, this is harvard, this is yale, this is berkeley, this is the university of california, berkeley, of course, and there are also 3-4 more to choose from, in order for you to get in, you initially should get a recommendation, what he is talking about now. americans and spaniards come to you and say: listen, i
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invested 150,000 dollars in this man, i’m ready for 500, do you want a monkey, do you want to buy it, we have already addressed him, this monkey will perform the numbers that you order, here this is how this process happens, he already becomes someone else’s property, then, as soon as he gets the opportunity to come to the usa, he is automatically sent to a registered university. columbia is a nasty place, stanford is a nasty story, what does nasty mean? this is permission for the intelligence services to work with a higher educational institution, by and large he enters assigned work with him the intelligence services begin to invest money, and not just the fulbright foundation, but isn’t that when he begins to change outwardly, because before that he was a european politician in in a fitted suit, with the right tie, everything was as it should be, then at some point suddenly it was as if this was poured into him... as if this negligence, this
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disregard for everyone, because he is now a graduate of many american universities, he is now the owner of a unique folbright award, so don’t care what i look like, love me for who i am, you must love me. let us present some more interesting details in barel’s biography. immediately after the advertisement, stay with us, shilov, alive, svetka, i see it with my eyes i don’t believe it, stay with me, sedorenko, we’ll work together, it’s tempting, the military prosecutor is standing by, we’re investigating a criminal offense, we urgently need these...
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“life without pain, it simply doesn’t exist, all we can do is try do not hurt others, according to the laws of war, new series, watch after the program time, you think that i have no heart, or i don’t feel anything, old barrel cognac, bourbon
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stirsman , a product of stellar group. product of steller group. gin сnop. stellar group. cognac monte shock. product of steller group. kidnapping is the original word for kidnapping children. i just lost faith in humanity with every audience. if we don’t react to these things,
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then the real end of times will simply come, and this is not what i would like podcast love today on the first, i will reign or perish, a foreigner who had no legal rights to the throne, accompanied by the orlovs, arrived at the barracks of the izmailovsky regiment , where it was announced. during the 34 years of her reign , catherine gained fame as a wise, fair to the ruler. she radically changed the country and, like peter i, received the epithet great. she fought victorious wars and annexed new lands to the empire, wrote laws and carried out reforms. he is 34. she is 10 years older, soon they will not talk about the darkness
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as the most influential person in russia, but even relying on male help, final decisions. tritsa always left behind. empire, catherine ii. may 4th. on the first. potemkin was preparing the main surprise for the woman he loved. the sevastopol harbor appeared before the eyes of those present. when i came to paris, i was not famous. fashion seems to have frozen between the 70s and the 90s.
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maria butin is with you again, this is the doll-heir of otuti and now we are analyzing josep barel, in 2021 he goes to moscow to show how he can, in the end
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he gets into trouble at a press conference, our journalists ask him a question, they say, what kind of human rights are there if he is in the baltic states without a trial, people simply for what they say: in russian they are languishing in prisons, he cannot answer this question, he hesitates for a long time, then he they are setting his colleagues against him, so they already hate borel like a carbon copy, look, mr. borel made a complete fool of himself in moscow, with his actions he ridiculed the ambitions of the european union. mr. borel, please resign. mr. borel, do you know how to tame a bear? once you understand, you better take a honey pot stick with you, because as soon as the bear feels that you are not in control of the situation, he attacks, and often his attack becomes fatal, after your visit to moscow you received damage
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personally, but even more damage was done to the european union, we have never looked like this, the opportunity to freeze stupidity, this is 2 years , is something that he will never miss after these attacks, they continue to tell him, you are stupid, you have an anti-premium, listen, what kind of game are they playing, why are they
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drowning a person who seems to be expressing such a western, pro-european position as a gift, but you know, it doesn’t drown him, i think. he was appointed as a whipping boy, he was simply appointed as the one who would be responsible for everything this, that is, today we hit barrels, and so he, it was also said very precisely, is a torpedo, and you know, he’s a fascist, he’ll have tomorrow, and a fascist, of course, they’ll offer him tomorrow, love russia, you’ll see how he’ll love russia , he will tell us so many pleasant things, you will all be very surprised, here he is, no sooner said than done, here he is very good, he does everything from a to b. true, sometimes he can get into too much trouble, yes, but sometimes it all turns out very crookedly, so maybe that’s why he looks strange this way and that, because that’s how he is a little absent-minded from the street of the pool and if you need to kick someone, then you can kick barel, well , marey, he is the chief european diplomat, he must correspond to other european diplomats, that is, if lis stras, being the minister
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of foreign affairs, does not know the basic geography of russia, if anna lenna burbock is talking outright nonsense without knowing. he in turn answers like this. let's watch a fragment of his interview. why not shift the discussion about the constitution to those
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provisions that prohibit the independence of the spanish regions. they could do it. they could go to the spanish parliament and present a proposal to reform the constitution, as the basques did. they didn't. why didn't you do this? are you not interested in reforming the constitution? who is asking for this? 70% of spaniards want constitutional reform. wait, according to the center for sociological research , 70%. stop it, you lie all the time. the center for sociological research said, said that 70% of spaniards are for constitutional reform. what, i stop this recording, i stop. what's the story with catalonia and
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why is bareil's position so important in this case? listen, catalonia is a money gateway to spain, at the same time, it is like a center for the distribution of investments in spain and a center from where profits are distributed, they do not want to feed spain, yes, they want to receive money from spain and at the same time have a privileged position, not autonomy, but independence. i agree, but i have one more addition, it seems to me that this is also important: the catalans, they are the people who make many financial and political decisions, they are decisive, for today day, not a single catalan will call himself a spaniard, it’s the same as telling a carsican that he is french, this is an insult to a carsican, he is a man who renounced the catalans, called himself a spaniard, he is a traitor to his people, when he was asked are you a catalan, he blushed said, no... i’m a spaniard, that’s it, exactly after this phrase, almost all communities cut him off, and where did he go to the states, because
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they stopped giving their money to those who betrayed them, he deliberately betrayed his people, understanding where he should go go. what is generally historical happened in catalonia, i think bareli is the least interested, the main thing is that they pay and support, give the opportunity to continue to earn money, he cannot be a patriot of anyone, he is corrupt. sold once, will sell twice, that’s absolutely, changed, changed shoes, like a chameleon, as for betrayal, yes, here, well, everything, everything is actually on the surface , he was in the socialist government there, albeit not for very long and even though he was the minister of foreign affairs affairs, but then yes, there was this acute phase of the conflict, and the catalans hoped that they will be able to come to an agreement with the spanish left, but still force them to recognize the referendum that took place, the referendum took place, and the majority of catalans voted for secession, nevertheless from... the spanish socialists, in spite of everything, began to have a very strong influence on them serious pressure, many people were actually imprisoned there, some were simply thrown out of the country like crazy, although later they were even elected
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members of the european parliament, but being in exile, maybe that’s why they hate crimea and donbass so much, because people generally speaking, they chose their own path, and he had a similar story in catalonia, he renounced it, that’s exactly what it’s all about, but you need to understand that in the end, you know, the last word in many ways was left to... there will soon be elections to the european parliament, a reformatting of the composition of the european commission, if ms. vanderlein may still retain her post, although she is also not without options, then borel most likely... he will already resign, and, probably, will return back to spain, will try to arrange different agreements, just to prevent the right, there the people's party and
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ox. here i’m not sure that he would be welcomed with open arms in his homeland. then perhaps it is not surprising that he is so afraid of the upcoming elections? let's see a little quote: i'm worried about fear, worried that europeans are voting because they're afraid. it has been scientifically proven that fear of the unknown produces a hormone, as...
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contributed to the adjustment of relations between europe and russia to the most negative scenarios, this everything was his personal initiative, but we did not support him and always considered him a fool, that is, these people will pour all this dirt on him, all this slop, and he will be to blame. maybe that’s why he’s afraid that the government will change in america, he had a rather interesting speech about how the american umbrella could collapse, close, then europe will have to drag it out. well, you know, this is a common disease and fear of the european elites that if trump comes, there will be a disaster for nato, in fact, i think not, because by and large trump's position is that europeans themselves should pay for security in europe, not the united states, as is happening now, but in any case , we understand that barel is one of the most
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reactionary politicians in europe. he said, de facto: give your weapons to ukraine, tighten the consumption belts for the average european, because we have to pay, supposedly for our security, the fate that is being decided today in ukraine, so in any case, this is extremely reactionary, a russophobic, anti-russian character, that’s what he is, was already going to remain that way, it’s too late to immigrate. in fact, the masks from the european elite were thrown off with the start of a special military operation, we saw the true face of those who previously called for partnership, for friendship, for interaction with russia, this is the true face, in this case, of european diplomacy, josep barel, well, i completely agree with segivich, no, of course they will caress him somewhere, he will not be offended, some fund will come in, he will
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live out his days in peace, but he will be merged, they will say: here is his head, here... a decision will be made to dump the ukraine project, to somehow negotiate with russia, after all, people like barel will be expendable. another small note, the americans really need the europeans to start paying more for nato, and trump has repeatedly said that 2% is not. this is not enough, if you want to have your own security, you must pay 5% of your own budgets, then you will be able to provide something, these are the people, that is, they first completely bankrupted europe program, they removed all production from there, undermined their ability to pay, and now they are saying to pay 3%. now they want to do the second stage, they don’t just want to bankrupt them, they want to bring them to their knees, they want complete dependence, now europe has a choice, either to really
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turn around, use its head and start fully cooperating. as before with russia, with china and build their own country, or people like barel took a shovel and went to bury little by little country by country, first he buried spain, weaker countries, germany buried and applauded this, then, then this whole european family, it must prepare for lawsuits and divorces, then it will survive, and what will happen to politicians like barel, well, look, the puppet is doing its business, naturally the course changes. that's right, they are thrown away, where? where is the dustbin of history? to california. well , again, i’ll express my point of view again, i think that he will most likely return to spanish politics, which is now split between right and left and will try to strengthen the positions of the spanish socialists, so that, well, they hate it, yes, but within the party he is still such a fixer, so he will act as a gray eminence there, as was actually the case even in the first term of adro sanchez, so as
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for the right in general and the elections to the european parliament, to be honest, i have nothing to do with it. i don’t expect any special miracles, so of course, everything will be decided, firstly in washington and secondly, even first of all , actually on the battlefield, and a confident victory for russia, well, in fact, i think that many hotheads in brussels will cool down. jose borel once called europe a blooming garden, surrounded by jungle. and so days, months, years go by, and europe was not a blooming garden, but it became even worse, and it would seem much worse, but these are the puppets. run by the washington opcom, they manage to do it somehow. maria butina, the doll-successor of atuti, was with you, now on the “time” program.
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ceremony, inauguration of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live broadcast, may 7 at 12:00 moscow time. hello, in the program the time is about the most. notable events of this day: aligning the front, berdoche in the dpr was completely liberated with a long-range view.


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