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tv   Vremya  1TV  May 2, 2024 9:00pm-9:36pm MSK

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the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live broadcast on may 7 at 12:00 moscow time. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day: leveling the front, the berdochki in the dpr were completely liberated, with a long-range view, a large ammunition depot was destroyed in odessa. no one is forgotten, the house
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of trade unions, already 10 years after the tragedy, the stories of those who fight and believe that they will return to their hometown. housing, medicine, national projects, support for participants special operations. conversation between vladimir putin and the governor of the tula region. road map, development of bama and the trans-siberian railway and driving holidays, new opportunities. what else was discussed at the meeting.
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russian army, the ministry of defense reported. in fact, its cleansing has been completed, and the front has already advanced significantly. so a large bridgehead is opening up in the area of ​​ocheretina, novokalinovo, keramik. and this is already 5-7 km from the same berdychi. our offensive is taking place along the so -called watershed ridge, that is, we occupy heights from which we will control space over tens of kilometers. the military also reported the destruction of american missile launchers. there is also a video of a burning western ammunition warehouse in odessa. alexey ivanov will tell you more. tactical success of the center group. our fighters completely liberated the village of berdychi, which is located north-west of avdievka, from ukrainian militants. information about the transfer of the settlement to the control of the russian military appeared at the end of april. today the ministry of defense announced this officially. subdivision as a result of active actions, groupings of troops from the center completely liberated the population.
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berdachi point, improved the tactical situation and defeated the formation of the fifty- ninth motorized infantry, 42-47 mechanized brigades and the 109th territorial defense brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, in the areas of vozdvizhenka, kalinovo, sokol, novopokrovsky and progress. it was in the berdychi area that the ukrainian forty-seventh mechanized brigade suffered heavy losses in manpower and equipment. its other name is magura. it is in service of this the units were praised. american abrams tanks. after the destruction of the abrams, western sponsors banned the ukrainian armed forces from using them in direct clashes with our fighters. the intelligence officers were already able to remove secret nato equipment from the immobilized tank. come out. another assault unit of the brave group is now taking a short break. it is these guys who are fighting in the area of ​​​​the village of ocheretino, all in the same ovdeevsky direction. an officer with
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the call sign poet has been fighting since the first days of the special operation in different sectors of the front. in in february, his group liberated avdeevka. stormtroopers in an armored personnel carrier in an urban environment jumped into the rear of enemy positions and were able to capture a large fortified fortification. we set out in the morning as part of a column and moved until a certain point at the transition line, and so we dismounted and began to work and act. it is clear that there were some nuances, but the result is the same.
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moment they found, so to speak, an advantage in defense, they pressed, pressed, and the enemy ran, even this was... optera, all actions, coordination, everything was worked out at the request of the group commanders artillery, smoked the route movement, that is, they also acted together with other neighboring battalions. the battalion commander with the call sign sakha will take part in
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the victory parade on red square in moscow this year. after the successful capture of several settlements at once in the avdeevsky direction from the attack aircraft, the time center groupings were organized in order to rest and simply relax. simply no, even being here in a supposedly rear area, the guy is honing his combat skills, this is a lesson in tactical medicine, all these actions save lives on the battlefield. first, sirens, air raid, then a powerful explosion and subsequent detonation, a large-scale fire in odessa could not be extinguished until the morning, all this was the high-precision work of our rocket scientists and reconnaissance officers. the strike hit the terminal, more precisely the company's cargo compartment number four.
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it is used to carry out terrorist attacks in crimea and sevastopol. there are also people in army uniforms flashing near the terminal, saying that the new post office handles military parcels instead of civilian ones. logistics has long been known. ukrainian militants openly publish videos of how they transport armored vehicles, in this case british spartan armored personnel carriers, in trailers with the logos of the new post office, so that the truck can pass unhindered. across the border, polish license plates were attached to cars; our military violated such logistics. ukrainian military equipment is being successfully destroyed in all directions. here is one of the striking examples. this footage was published today by the ministry of defense. precise strikes on two rsazoa hymers installations at once. armed forces of ukraine
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transferred these american systems to the kharkov region in order to strike civilians in belgorod and the region. fighters from the north group, using reconnaissance drones, tracked down the installations and destroyed them instantly. preparation for strikes. tactical missiles and tornado s systems were operationally tested against khaimeros. there, in the kharkov region , the irist anti-aircraft missile system and the control center of this complex took off. germany transferred these air defense systems to ukraine. the radicals hid iris in farm buildings. did not help. operators our drones with powerful optics were discovered by the equipment. the rockets were destroyed. all that was left was ash and a plume of black smoke. in another direction in the dnieper delta, in the kherson region. all our marines neutralized 10 ukrainian saboteurs at once, they tried to gain a foothold on one of the islands, now this is a part of the land that was formed after the acquisition of the dnieper completely under our control, the marines of the black sea fleet have already equipped camouflaged firing points and observation posts there. alexey ivanov, valentin stukanov,
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alexander napalkov, victor averin, channel one, donbass. our other military correspondent gusein huseynov talked with artillerymen and snipers. a bright flash illuminates the night forest for a split second, it is russian artillery at work, the mstab howitzer crew has received data from the next target. 310, to the left of 0.87, the charge is full, charged, the northern direction of the front, as part of the southern group of troops, the offensive of the 120th division. differs from a regular battery due to the fact that there is an accurate weapon here, yeah, the best ammunition, and we work on call, reconnaissance only finds the target, we find it we work it out immediately, we have no mistakes,
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the artillerymen confirm their words with deeds, these are objective control shots, they clearly show how each fired shell lands with pinpoint accuracy, exactly where the infantry is hidden. this is quite enough to conduct a counter-battery war and reach almost any target. the main task is the destruction of lightly armored vehicles, dugouts and counter-battery warfare, the fighters have something to brag about. iznakov’s three axes m777 near seversk destroyed this a gun with its crew, also armored personnel carriers, tanks, bombshells, all the armor that was possible, knocked out everything. and these shots show the destruction of a warehouse with ammunition in full force. a direct hit first causes a fire, and then the shells themselves detonate. the enemy is trying to respond and
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identify the firing points of our fighters, but everything is unsuccessful, largely due to good camouflage. at our artillery positions , we can say that they dug out an entire underground city, here is a warehouse for storing ammunition, these are the communication routes, then there are dugouts, shelter and a place for personnel to rest. they have been trying for months, and they continue. now here is one of the premises, there will be either a room for a fighter or a warehouse, we haven’t decided yet, there are several slopes of flooring, there are logs here so that the earth does not crumble, there is still work to be done here, the fighter’s call sign ignat shows his dugout, well, this is our kitchen, like this also unsophisticated, we haven’t completed everything here yet, here you can drink some tea, please, gas stove, resident of the lugansk people’s republic.
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per day, we help the infantry, offensive, gun, during a special military operation, this artillery division worked on different directions, he lost only a few guns, while the number of ukrainian equipment destroyed by him already goes into the dozens. yulia khodorova, channel one, donetsk people's republic. today is 10 years since the tragedy in odessa. on the same may day in 2014 , a massacre occurred. opponents of the maidan
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authorities were burned alive in the house of trade unions. those who escaped finished off. this morning in odessa, despite the ban, flowers were brought to the site of the terrible events, leaving them near the fence put up by the security forces. word: we remember from burning candles in moscow, at the former embassy ukraine was posted by activists of the young guard of united russia and the volunteer company. they dropped me off in the capital's mitino park. among those fighting at the front now there are those who survived in odessa that day. stories from pavel the red. he long ago changed his civilian clothes to camouflage, now he looks at enemies through sights, only the chevron on his sleeve, the battery commander, reminds him of where it all began for him 10 years ago. odessa, my hometown. well, as they say, from odessa, so i believe that we will get there and
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then we will go, as they say, to catch up we owe odessa, we owe it to those who died in the house of trade unions, who survived but ended up behind the walls of the sbu, to the residents of odessa who gave their lives at the front and to those who are fighting to this day, to everyone whose lives were forever divided on may 2, 2014 on before and after. when in the afternoon of may 2 a crowd began to gather in the center of odessa, there was a hint of alarm in the city, the authorities assured that football fans had gathered for the game and wanted to march peacefully through the streets, but this formation of well-equipped militants was clearly not preparing for a football match. kill every single one of them, 10 years later for sure. everything that happened that day was not an accident; shortly before the tragedy
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, maidan self-defense militants were brought to the city with the clear task of destroying the pro-russian camp in odessa, the only city outside the rebel donbass that was not yet completely under the control of the kiev elite , which was a key city for ukraine, therefore it was necessary to deal demonstrably with all those who represented a connection.
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as soon as the first molotov cocktail was thrown, everything burst into flames so that it was simply impossible to strangle, set it on fire, surround, surround, surround, surround, the attackers did not hide their intentions, these
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shots amazed everyone then, girls with yellow cloud bands were enthusiastically pouring...
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it may seem that the militants were seized by madness at that moment, but this the impression is deceptive, their actions obeyed a clear plan, while in one part of the building people were dying in the fire, in another there was a real hunt for them. having broken through the side doors, the fanatics destroyed everything in their path, trying to get to the kulak field activists. dead burned, suffocated or fell to death, but where did this pool of blood come from in this case, what about a woman strangled in one of the rooms, or the dialogue of militants caught on live television, there are many more of them,
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one corpse, one corpse, one corpse, but how did it become a corpse, suffocate, burn?
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pavel krasnov, artyom tikhonov, sergey prokofiev, dmitry volkov and valery kuznetsov, channel one. no one has ever answered for the tragedy in odessa. kiev, at the instigation of the west, turned the investigation into a farce. representatives of the russian authorities spoke about this today, we believe it is a completely unacceptable shameful tradition in the history of ukraine that the people who stood behind
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this crime, a crime against humanity, who carried it out, were never punished. we remember all those who died tragically then, and we are convinced that those who are behind this crime must be punished. such crimes have no statute of limitations, there are criminals captured on video, their faces, and, in the end, footage of the crime, detailed, terrible, bestial, every thrown bottle with an incendiary mixture, every fascist cry has been saved digitized, there is everything necessary for a fair verdict to take place long ago, nothing like this, as is well known, has happened, the kiev regime is not going to get rid of nazism, it is organic to it. to destroy the fascist-bandera ideology that has taken hold in kiev , external efforts are required, because unrestrained by anyone or anything, it poses too serious a threat. the investigation into the case on may 2
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, 2014, launched by kiev under pressure from international organizations, turned into farce. due to shortcomings, the indictment was repeatedly returned to the prosecutor's office. the judges were recused four times, which slowed down the consideration of the case. attempts were made to turn it inside out, to assign those responsible for... riots, disruptions of meetings, attacks on lawyers, judges, and their accused relatives. today the kiev regime is rewriting the history of odessa, monuments to the founder of the city catherine ii, commander alexander suvorov, monuments to the writer maxim gorky have been dismantled and renamed about 200 titles associated with russia and the ussr were removed from the school curriculum. writers, city residents are punished for using the russian language, this is what nazism is, the fight against it is one of the goals of a special military operation in ukraine, which will definitely be achieved. three
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teenagers, thanks to whose decisive actions hundreds of people were saved during the terrorist attacks in crocus city holly, have been presented with state awards. the decree was signed by vladimir putin. schoolchildren artyom donskov and islam khalilov, as well as a college student nikita ivanov, awarded a medal for saving the dead. the same decree awarded the order of courage to vyacheslav glatkov, the governor of the belgorod region, who is daily subjected to shelling in the ssu. the full list of awardees is published on the legal information portal. support for the participants in the special operation and their families was one of the topics of vladimir putin’s meeting with the governor of the tula region. there are about 60 state programs in the region, and there is help from entrepreneurs. the growth rate of tula industry is impressive, the president noted. yuri lepatov with details. the tula region is one of the most dynamic developing regions, the president noted when meeting with governor alexei dyumin, there is such an impressive growth
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in industrial production, construction is growing, good indicators in general, as with one of your main social problems, this is resettlement, there is movement, i want to thank you for continuing. program for the resettlement of all emergency housing, which means that we completed the previous stage ahead of schedule, now a regional project is being implemented, this is over 900 million rubles and 230 have already been resettled, but the need remains high, we need to calculate about 300,000 km, work is underway, we understand how to move on, from houses in which basic... amenities were not provided people are moving into modern housing. we are very glad, it ’s just that this happened to us, we lived in old houses, the germans built these houses in
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the post-war period. another priority is support for the families of svo participants, for them in the tula region on an extraordinary basis issue certificates for the purchase of housing. our developers came up with the initiative to create a housing fund on a star-free basis and... the region, together with our builders, is currently creating about 50 apartments that will be renovated, mobilized, the fund will accurately and specifically address these issues for the family members of our guys, who take part in a special operation. a package of regional benefits for svo participants is being implemented, a special care card has been issued, with which you can receive discounts from 5 to 25% for purchases from partners of the medium and... business program, in addition, university education, free second vocational secondary education are compensated from the regional budget, and for those who want to become an entrepreneur, there is preferential
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financing. in tula. a special center for providing assistance to the families of northern military district soldiers, called defenders of the fatherland, is open to the public. the region has a reputation as a weapons capital and this is now in great demand. in addition to the production of traditional military equipment, now we have also launched the production of combat drones. at training grounds, in conditions as close as possible to combat conditions, uav operators are trained. at the tula engineering school there is a separate direction, the development of a control system for mobile platforms and aircraft . so far these have been agreed upon. actions on laboratory models look like this: the operator controls the actions of the platform and copter, and they successfully interact with each other. in the future, this can be transferred to the battlefield with military equipment. we have entered the third stage of creating a university campus, which will be entirely focused on the hardware and industrial complex. we are talking about creating competence for the defense industry, which will train and retrain specialists.
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very important projects that have already been launched, this is the prenatal center, where 9,000 babies have already been born, these are not only children from our region, but also this is the commissioning of an oncology center, it is very important, where about 6,000 of our highly qualified people are currently receiving help citizens. this is one of the results of the successful implementation of the national health project, according to which, in addition to the construction of modern
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medical centers, they will be strengthened. modernization of these railways , the cabinet of ministers today approved the next stage of highways. over 10 years, the volume of funding will amount to more than 3.5 trillion rubles, which once again confirms the strategic importance of the direction. however, items for...
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a decision to expand transport corridors, we are talking about the eastern training ground, which is necessary to strengthen trade ties with friendly countries. the president emphasized that the volumes of transportation by pobamu and trans-sib are growing; last year alone , the carrying capacity of this route reached 170 million tons. and we plan to increase the figure by almost 100 million tons within 9 years. to achieve this, we continue to implement investment plans. project for the development of the baikal-amur and trans-siberian railways. approved work plan for modernization of highways until 2035. the total cost of these works exceeds 3.700 billion rubles. thanks to this, it will be built additional tracks, sidings, tunnels, bridges, including those across the amur river. the expansion of the eastern testing site will also create new opportunities for industrial enterprises, especially in the mining and
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manufacturing sectors, and improve quality. life of people in siberia in the far east. bam today is also a tourism project. routes are now being developed along bam for those who dream of seeing with their own eyes the scale of the legendary highway. encircling lake baikal, passing through 11 large rivers, cutting through seven mountain ranges. this is relevant, given that every year more and more russians choose to travel around their native country, and the task for the next six years is to double the domestic tourist flow . in the twenty-third year, our residents made 78 trips, which is 21% more than in the twenty-second year, by the way, a year earlier there was another 15% increase, so this dynamic continues, and a third of these domestic trips are accounted for by autotourism, autotourism became a real salvation during the coronavirus, but the pandemic is over, the demand for such trips continues to grow, this is what the tourists themselves say about it, gleb fedorov, for example, was so drawn out by all this that he now travels in
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a motor home, marching throughout russia, wherever his eyes look, crimea, now i have returned from the altai mountains, the caucasus, we stop wherever we like, the roads are simply magnificent. that is, and where their pieces still remain, maybe not of very good quality, it is clear that they are being built, wonderful gas stations, just at almost every step, the government is now developing a development concept autotourism, emphasis on roadside service, construction of campsites, campsites, so that it is comfortable to travel on any type of transport from a bus and a motorhome to a car and a motorcycle, for example, the chuya highway or the serpentines of southern roads... and a network of national tourist centers will appear in the country auto routes. in bashkiria , for example, they have already offered their golden ring with access to the pearl of the ural mountains, lake talkaz or, for example, the taratau national park, where
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one of the oldest mountains on earth is 285 million years old. it is very important to involve concept, all russian regions, including the most remote corners of our large country, are often there, by the way. tourists from large cities and megalopolises tend to come. attention to small towns and villages, this is another topic of the meeting in 2021, citizens themselves decide which street, square or entire neighborhood to put in order and propose how. today the government discussed the results of the fourth all-russian online vote on improvement. over the past month and a half , 17.2 million people took part in the voting, which is 3 million more than last year. year again. became another record. it is important that this year for the first time residents of the kherson region joined the voting. in this new russian region, they voted for such a park in the village of cheplynka. for example, in the small ural town of verkhnyaya tura, which won last year, work has already
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been completed on the site where until recently there was a vacant lot, now there is an embankment. of course, this kind of work needs to be continued, people everywhere need places where they can relax, walk with their children, and thanks to the competition there will simply be a lot more of them, even in the most little ones... well, the competition for the best space in the urban environment will be held until 2030. anna kurbatova, maria martanov, anna zayakina, artyom tikhonov, sergey deev, channel one. the european parliament is undermining european democracy by adopting a resolution criticizing the presidential elections in russia. the arguments were presented today.
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a well-developed protocol on the interaction of the united states government with countries where they do not recognize the authorities as legitimate, they do not like putin, oh well, we like putin, the election results are obvious, that is , a conflict arises, so to speak, but their conflict is not with putin, with the 84 million citizens of our country, so it turns out that with such actions they are essentially opposing themselves to the 84... intelligence usa.
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meanwhile, in washington, the head's recognition russia is not involved in student protests against the israeli operation in gas. we can officially breathe out, but we don’t drop the topic. there is an interesting twist in american lawmaking. however, georgi lisashvili will start with riots. the palestinian-israeli conflict has entered a hot phase on the west coast of the united states. at night , barricades near the university of california, erected by protesters in arafatkas , were attacked by supporters of the jewish state. the police followed the dramatic development of the middle eastern plot, in which there were victims on both sides, for a long time without interfering. only after a couple of hours of fist fights and clashes, the police slowly separated the protesters into different directions. the fact that the degree of violence was increasing was clear even the day before from footage of harsh arrests pro-palestinian activists in new york.
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the picture is similar in arizona.


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