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tv   Po zakonam voennogo vremeni  1TV  May 2, 2024 9:35pm-11:31pm MSK

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us intelligence. russia is not involved in student protests against the israeli operation in gaza. we can officially breathe out, but we don’t drop the topic. there is an interesting twist in american lawmaking. however , giorgi lisashvili will start with riots. the palestinian-israeli conflict has entered a hot phase on the west coast of the united states. at night , barricades near the university of california. erected by protesters in arafatki, were attacked by supporters of the jewish state. behind the dramatic development of the middle east plot, in which the victims were from both sides, the police watched for a long time without interfering. only after a couple of hours of fist fights and clashes, the police slowly separated the protesters into different directions. the fact that the degree of violence was increasing was clear even the day before from footage of harsh detentions of pro-palestinian activists in new york.
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the picture is similar in arizona. by the way, most of the detainees are released as soon as they reach the police station, but those with double motivation return to their comrades. the morning after the night of massacre, pro-palestinian activists in california gathered press conference. anonymous people in masks essentially delivered an ultimatum to the administration of one of the country's leading universities. the university of california must sit down with us at the table of negotiations, violence. that we encountered last night presented the university with a simple choice: either the administration remains on the sidelines and watches as the zionist aggressors kill us, or they sit down at the table and agree to our terms. the main condition is condemnation of the war in gaza and a total boycott of israel. until then, access to educational buildings is only for our own people. the protesters emphasize that they are not anti-semites, but anti-zionists, that is, not against jews, but against israel as a country. but some students report that they cannot go to almamator. because they are ethnic
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jews, the violent actions of the cops only motivate the protesters, congress is hastily preparing a law that will give the police additional arguments. it has already been considered in the lower house. the bill approved by the house of representatives significantly expands the concept of anti-semitism. for example, it will not be possible to compare the actions of the israeli authorities with nazi practices, any calls for the dismantling of the state of israel will also be prohibited. the wording is so vague. that any of the current anti-israeli slogans can be used under this base, that is, you won’t go to a rally again. some experts, however, believe that such a law contradicts the first amendment of the constitution on freedom of speech. there is no limit in the first amendment to criticize any country under the threat of being subject to the anti-discrimination clause. the first amendment allows citizens criticize any country, including your own. comparisons of other governments with the nazis are allowed, although this may offend many americans. for the seventh time in six months the chapter. returned home, the war
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continued until hamas was completely destroyed, a compromise is possible on the first point, but the militants are unlikely to agree with the second, especially since israel continues to bomb the sector. after the meeting with netanyahu, blinken hinted that there was still some progress, but the israeli prime minister was ahead of the us secretary of state. netanyahu was the first to report in the press that he was not ready for long-term. what looked like a demarche against big brother, the american diplomat was clearly unhappy. let him speak for himself. all i can say is that we discussed, among other things, agreements that included an immediate ceasefire and the return of hostages. and then everything else. let's see if we can implement this. the israel defense forces are preparing to enter rafah, where hundreds of thousands of northern gaza refugees and civilians are near the egyptian border. apparently, against the backdrop of the most gloomy. while waiting
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, washington seriously thought about whether to accept palestinian refugees? the white house is considering the possibility of accepting refugees from palestine. several senior officials are discussing the possibility of resettling palestinians from gaza who have relatives in the united states. republicans who support israel reacted to this news as expected. joe biden is going to create the conditions for a terrorist attack like october 7, right here in america, he will bring thousands of refugees from hamas-controlled areas. from gases to america, from the first day in power i will return the entry ban and leave, damn the terrorists, outside our country. the question is, who should be considered extremists? biden, who is what the current president calls trump supporters, has made it clear that the protests will not change his decision to support israel. protests that lead to violence are outlawed, only peaceful protests are allowed, violence is outlawed, vandalism, trespassing on private property, broken windows, anything that leads to the cancellation of classes. none of this
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is a peaceful protest. election race in the states risks sliding into protest chaos. the leadership of the university of california demanded that the demonstrators vacate the campus after. why did the police storm the activists’ position, opening fire with rubber bullets? there were dozens of detainees, using the harshest methods. today classes at the entire university have been cancelled, and protesters are once again gathering at the barricades dismantled by the police. georgy lisoshvili, pavel nesterov, andrey mikhailov, vladimir zalutsky, channel one usa. dramatic. shots from kyrgyzstan on holidays truck drove into a crowd of children, 29 victims, seven in intensive care, three in serious condition, the driver of the ice cream van first got out of the cab without putting on the handbrake on the slope, and the car rolled, picking up speed. everything happened so quickly that many did not have time to react. now
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the advertisement in the second part is about the correct attitude towards nato trophies, the dangerous fate of truth-tellers from boeing, changes in transport during the holidays. there will be much more. don’t switch, you have a lot of fighters, slangbons, your sleep will be guarded by 150 pieces, well, including me, yes, right here on the soot on debasovskaya, serve breakfast in your room, chain the perimeter, yeah, posts along the perimeter, every 100 m, two platoons in a chain into the forest, first platoon, circle, that is, now you accomplice to murder, i'm a prosecutor. lawyer, we will hope that justice will prevail, according to the laws of war, new episodes, watch after the program time, the seventh, i am the fourth, i hear you, full readiness, accelerating, full readiness, rum,
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castra, stellar group product, veda vodka. a product of the stellar group old barrel cognac a product of the stellar group borbong storsman is a product of the stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. gin сnop. product of steller group. monteshoka cognac is a product of the stellar group.
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in the original, child abduction, i simply lost faith in humanity with each publication, my mood deteriorated, at one time our wonderful leonid arkaevich yakubovich was kidnapped, as experts say, there are many such cases, the public does not know about them, i have already mentioned that i myself became
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victim of kidnapping, i didn’t know that this was a kidnapping, a fake kidnapping is also a separate story, very often it becomes the plot of the same tv series and films, i made it for myself... this is a discovery that mainly relates to child abductions relatives are involved, if we don’t react to these things, then the real end of times will simply come, and we wouldn’t want that, lam’s podcast is on the first today. “i feel like a happy person when my loved ones are with me and when everything is fine with them, and we spend common evenings playing board games, when i am with my sister, the main happiness is my family, and we say hello to everyone to our grandparents and
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sisters, brothers, many thanks to my parents for raising me, making me a real person, makes me happy, loved ones, not only loved ones, everyone around me, and this is very important, i wish our country to be healthy, i love my country, i am proud of it and i wish it for everyone. find your happiness in it, this is the program time and we continue: france, more precisely emmanuel macron again does not rule out sending troops to ukraine under two conditions: if russia breaks through the front lines and kiev asks for support. in february, macron already raised the topic, but it did not find understanding either among western leaders or among the majority.
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what to add: dozens of french citizens were killed by our army’s attack on the location of foreign mercenaries near kharkov on january 17 with just such a blow. well, there’s also an exhibition of western trophies on poklonnaya hill. reality, for her, the truth was offended by the press, they say they bent the leopard’s cannon, vandals, we don’t accept offense, the leopard was the first to climb, our heroes were burned, we have the right to do what we want. grigory emelyanov will continue. employees of the embassies of nato countries have access without a queue, and this seems to be exactly the case when no one will be indignant that it is foreigners who are being let in first. it just seems that nato diplomats are in no hurry to bow down; the press, for example, the german one, is taking the rap for them. this sounds incredible, but we, barbarians and propagandists , are taught in all seriousness to treat
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enemy technology with reverence. the day before the big one russian trophy show in moscow's victory park, russian propagandists had their hand in the cars on display for the last time. they did not like the proud barrel of the captured leopard 2 a6 from the bundeswehr's reserves. we're talking about this video. military telegram channels always remember him well. the leopard's cannon is bent to the ground with a heavy press, but what is logical? barrel up? a symbol of victory, the barrel down, a symbol of defeat, but the germans seem to be very offended that they do not stand on ceremony with their advertised equipment in order to guarantee penetration bottom, the author of the article, the notorious julian röbke, who became the talk of the war people because of his anti-russian rhetoric, also burst out with a video commentary: a russian crane with a heavy load hung over the tank, which should bend the tank’s barrel and lower it. russia just desperately wants to be bigger, better, more beautiful and more magnificent than its western competitors. and... we see how this tank is destroyed in a barbaric way, we see how the muzzle of our tank is lowered so that in
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the coming days the german leopard looks as if it was damaged during the war action, this is exactly what the russian army failed to achieve on the battlefield, because german technology was so superior that it could not be destroyed like that. it’s true, the roebks really believe that the russian army was unable to damage this excellent tank on the battlefield, and that it arrived in moscow undamaged, well, here’s a memory tablet, photos and videos. leopards smashed into rubbish by the russian army, they do not look damaged or defeated, they are defeated, that’s the winner’s business, what should he do with the trophies, even bend the trunks, even throw the standards on the ground? i want to believe that the german press has no complaints about such a barbaric, to use the ribs expression, treatment of those flags, by the way, the american press acted much simpler, their abrams the leopard's neighbor at the exhibition is also standing with his gun down, so the american media are literally paying one.
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this is a good symbol for current citizens for the future generation, so that they understand that russia is waging a war against the entire nato bloc. and the exemplary restrained reaction of the bbc journalist. the british challenger tank is not at the exhibition yet, but there are wheeled vehicles. well, for example, this is a british army husky, a tactical support vehicle, as you can see, its windshield is completely covered in bullet marks, just opposite tanks, such as the german american abrams leopard tank. all this makes a strong impression on the russian public, amazing, even, as they say, the jaw dropped, of course, the british journalist cannot help but once again voice the standard mantra that this is not nato turned ukraine into a monster armed to the teeth, and russia aggressively attacked its peace-loving neighbor, but it seems that this time
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we succeeded in conveying our main idea to the bbc audience, the main message of the exhibition, it is written right here on the poster, it says here, our victory is not from. .. grigory emelyanov, alexey belov, veronika ilvutchenkova, natalya labanova and stanislav opletin, channel one. news of these minutes, the prime minister of georgia refused a visit to the united states, as washington demanded to suspend consideration of the law on foreign agents, announced georgian. mit. an hour earlier , detentions resumed in tbilis near parliament, which is preparing for the third reading of that same law. by incurring new pressure from the western crowd, or the pro-western crowd, this is also possible. mikhail akinchenko will continue. one might say that evening skirmishes near the walls of the georgian parliament are already an obligatory program.
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protesters throw bottles and stones at the police, trying to blind them with laser devices, and law enforcement officers fight back with a water cannon. and tear gas grenades. attempt to storm the gate leading on the territory of the georgian parliament failed the night before, but just in case, the deputies decided to cancel today’s scheduled meeting, and at the same time take a break from the monotonous shouts from the street. georgia will not deviate from the path of european integration; the government will not be able to pass this law. we want to be free, we want to go to europe. in europe they were still heard. the head of the european commission responded from her social media account. with great concern. i am following the situation in georgia and condemn the violence on the streets in tbilisi. the georgian people wish european future for your country. georgia is at a crossroads; it must follow the european course. ursula fondelein did not specify who exactly needs to be condemned, however, how could there be any doubts after the words about following the european course.
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there was no comment on the attitude towards the reason for the protest, the bill on transparency of foreign influence adopted the day before in the second reading. they did it for her overseas. the american state debt, through its embassy, ​​even called representatives of the georgian authorities on the carpet, but they refused to go to washington, which, judging by the text of the official statement of the us diplomatic department, caused poorly concealed irritation. this bill and the anti-western rhetoric of the georgian dream are putting georgia on a dangerous trajectory. the statements and actions of the georgian government are incompatible with the democratic values ​​that underpin membership of the eu and nato. and thus, georgia's path to euro-atlantic integration is jeopardized. we support georgian. the people and the right to have their voices heard, we condemn use of violence against peaceful protests. everything about this statement is perfect, starting with the fact that the attack on the georgian parliament turns out to be a peaceful protest, not like the attack on the american parliament in january 2021. to understand, on the left are peaceful georgian protesters, on the right are rebels who tried
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to stage a coup in the united states. the former must be protected from police tyranny, the latter must be arrested with the participation of special forces. this is even if you don’t remember that in the usa , in fact, it has been operating for almost 86 years farah's law on mandatory registration of foreign agents, the new york times also did not remember. the bill is reminiscent of a similar measure passed by moscow in 2012, which was used as a tool to suppress anti-kremlin human rights activists. media groups. critics who call the law russian say one of its goals is to try to get georgia, a former soviet republic of more than 3.5 million people, closer to moscow. similar measures were taken by other former soviet republics, kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan. the message is certainly clear: the stranglers of western freedoms are entrenched in the territory of the former ussr, the reader
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should not know anything else. the main thing is that he does not have unnecessary questions, for example, about why american. about foreign agents is good, but the georgian analogue, which in some places is a literal translation, is bad, and if georgia is accused of turning away from its course in the eu, then what path does, for example, france take, where in the end in march, a bill on countering foreign interference was adopted in the first reading; violation of it is proposed to be punishable by a fine of up to 45 thousand euros and a prison term of up to 3 years. in great britain, one might say, the cradle of western liberalism, for trying to hide connections with foreign states and organizations, you can... pay with five years in prison; in the united states, for violating the law on registration of foreign agents, a fine of up to 250 thousand dollars is imposed and up to 5 years for bars, but if it is proven that he accuses... he did not work simply for a commercial organization, and its activities were controlled by a foreign government, then the term of imprisonment can reach 10 years. former
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presidential campaign chairman paul manofort was just sentenced to 47 months, just one month shy of 4 years. in the spring of 2019, paul manofort, a former influential american lobbyist, was sentenced to prison, a fine of $50,000 and damages of more than $20 million. for communication with the ukrainian government and lobbying its interests, and many then were indignant at the leniency of the sentence. in my opinion, this verdict is a failure of justice. monofort committed serious crimes, he showed extreme disrespect for the law, he believed that he was above the law. in modern times, it certainly sounds somewhat strange, but perhaps the whole point is that manofort was still working for the yanukovych government; the american authorities, as we know, don’t spare hundreds of billions of dollars to the current zelensky government. what if this is not work in the interests of that very foreign government, but not a single congressman or senator who voted for the latest funding package for ukraine has registered as a foreign
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agent, nor has biden, despite his long and deep ties to ukraine, and neither clearly fears severe retaliation , the principle of the law that the drawbar seems to be well known to them, the main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing the right side of democracy. mikhail akinchenko, arkhipov, channel one usa. it is now dangerous to work on a boeing. in the usa they write about the death of already the second an informant in the case of malfunctions at the main american aircraft concern. forty-five-year-old joshua dean, who had no previous health complaints, was hospitalized about two weeks ago with breathing problems. the infection turned out to be fatal. auditor dean was fired from boeing after discovering gross violations at work. the situation was then hushed up, but the man turned around.
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standard, there are more entrances, the seat is more comfortable, the air is fresh, the light does not hurt the eyes, after the first trip, passengers understand in which carriage they are most comfortable, for example, if with bicycle or large bag. anastasia kobozeva has already appreciated the advantage of such an evil. passengers of the moscow central diameter were pleasantly surprised today; new orioles entered the line, this is already the fourth model in this line. someone immediately drew attention to... the updated design, so laconic and, let's say, uncluttered, pleasant purple, blackberry color, very comfortable seats, armrests can be adjusted,
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others noted the fast, smooth, silent running of the train, very quiet, ergonomic, all apparently, it’s very cool, the passenger flow on the mcd is constantly growing, the engineers took this point into account, there are more doors on the train, three in intermediate cars, which means that passengers will get off... or vice versa, passengers will get on faster, without queues , this is especially true during rush hour. and such orioles will gradually completely replace the old moscow electric trains; by the end of this year, more than 50 modern trains will be delivered. the mayor of moscow, sergei sobyanin, together with the head of russian railways oleg belozerov, spoke about this today, they launched a new compound. we specially created a new volga train for central diameters, thank you. which developed and produces this belt with 97% russian components, today at mdd1m cd2 the rolling stock
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on d3 will be completed this year and next year by four. the enormous work we are doing together with moscow to prepare the infrastructure, sleepers, rails, power, and energy are very important for the rolling stock to move. the maximum speed of the fourth oriole is 160 km per hour, this allows reduce the interval between trains; there are only 11 cars; more than 2,500 passengers can travel in them at the same time. if someone rides a bicycle, you don’t have to worry; you won’t have to jostle in the carriage with passengers. there is a parking lot if you are on an electric scooter, and here you can charge it, but in case it suddenly runs out of charge. telephone. for this case , the carriage has these tables with wireless chargers. still, there is no way without communication now. the new oriole has free
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wi-fi. another nice bonus is that she is smart. lighting, bright, backlit in the morning and calm in the evening, mothers were also taken care of, places for strollers were provided, everyone should be comfortable, says leading specialist of the tver carriage building plant artyom kozlov, he worked on all the modifications. my father lives in the moscow region and constantly travels on the oriole, every time he sends me either some video or some photo, in general he really likes it. and he is downright proud that his son is involved in such a significant project. 500 enterprises, about 50 thousand people throughout the country are employed in the production chain. there is still a lot of work ahead; there are plans to assemble another 5,000 new generation cars by the year 1930. anastasia kubazeva, andrey melikhov, mikhail vasiliev, anastasia slobodenyuk, sergey shatila, channel one. today is great or maundy thursday of holy week. in all orthodox churches, memories of the last supper, the establishment of the main church sacrament, communion and
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how judas. delivered christ into the hands of the high priests about the suffering of the savior, and at home on this very day they prepare for resurrection festive table, eggs are painted, cakes are baked. the next day is good friday, the most mournful and strict. easter services on sunday night. this is how we get it. that's all, well, right now the film premiere is at the first according to martial law. the enemy is behind you. new episode.
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mikhailov, i’m alone, where are the others, the devil, right, come here, right, grachev, what happened, hello, comrade major. on the way out we ran into each other, we are killed, damn it, i’m sure, i’m sure you yourself are not wounded, in the third square i saw three more howitzers on road, caliber 105, so, give him dry food, feed him as he should, and let him
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get enough sleep in the reserve, eat, run.
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lieutenant colonel shilovnaya prosecutor's office, i wish you good health, comrade lieutenant colonel, why did they drag you outside? i thought he was still alive. this is struntsov, he discovered grachev’s corpse. what time
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was it? a little over 10 years old, i wanted to call him into the kitchen, but the last person to see him? i gave him a new uniform, and then went to our place to sleep, can anyone confirm this, who? no matter what, i personally saw him at the location of the reconnaissance platoon, he was sleeping, there was someone else in this room, you know, a lieutenant colonel, the marks on the neck are not from a rope, a cord or a thin leather cord, and you are our expert, comrade lieutenant, you would have recorded and not interfered, someone else i was in this room, no way, it’s clear, take it, it’s german, it’s brighter.
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no, it doesn’t look like this was an accidental murder, maybe a saboteur or a scout, maybe someone wanted to check the dugout, and grachev woke up? leident, why strangle him then, or one of his own?
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lieutenant, what are you doing? let 's not touch anything, find the whistle players, find out from captain ilagin and how are they doing there? eat. well, judging by the corpse's ending, he was killed at about 4 am. strangulation
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strip, not from velvet, more like a noose. thank you, we’ll have to find out if there have been similar cases anywhere else, i understand, we’ll find out. comrade captain, he had it in his pocket that your hands are so dirty, you need to wash your hands, you’re a medical worker, but i’m not a medical worker, i’m an orderly, excuse me. before a reconnaissance exit, i always first mark out the passages, but tonight we wanted to go to that side across the lake, i chose a place, sent sergeant kochetkovy take a closer look at what time it was, at 3:00 in the morning, and where you
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set your tasks, in our location, someone could have heard you, no, it’s impossible, he most likely was not praying, you know, all the obvious ones, only there are no traces of a battle, so these are saboteurs, experienced ones, so your scout was inexperienced, it’s like a duel, whoever’s lucky, and i’ve had a quality officer for six months already, we went through the crimea and rym with him, well then maybe you you know why he needs this, i don’t know why, maybe measure the distance on the map, it’s his first time i see this, but have you noticed anything unusual lately? well, maybe someone came to him, some stranger, or his intelligence officer, no, i would know, major
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chubrikov, smersh, i have an order, the investigation into the murders of intelligence officers is now being conducted by the investigative department of smersh, the political department. the inauguration ceremony of the president.
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he has a great sense of responsibility, masculine charm and masculine self-confidence, a man lifts dumbbells every morning, it’s a great pleasure, i’ll tell you, here this gym is amazing, he works out, he keeps in shape, he is very efficient, yes he gets tired, but he can’t live without it, i believe in omens, probably all actors believe, but... in the black eye, so it’s necessary spit, tfu-tfu-tfu, for the eighty-fifth birthday of leonid konevsky, today on the first. the holy fire is born right here, the holy of holies of the temple on a marble slab, it is from here, a special hole in the wall, that it goes out into the world. through this fire. we connect with god himself, with his divine love, and we
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we receive grace from the holy sepulcher. many believe that the hole under the altar remains from the cross. in fact, the cross stood a meter further away; now there is a crucifix there. god became a man and came into the world when people decided to get rid of god and get rid of his word. the greatest tragedy in the history of all mankind occurred. there are 33 steps from calvary to the holy sepulcher. this is the path, from the crucifixion to the kingdom of god. church of the holy sepulcher on may 4th on the first day when i arrived in paris, i was not known. fashion seems to have frozen between the seventies and in the nineties, there is a kind of fermentation going on inside this, almost no one in our country has any idea what couture is, for sure, couture is high-quality handmade sewing, high-class sewing. which is placed on a level with painting, architecture, i
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think that he has all the qualities of a young fashion designer, i myself was once young, and what especially attracts me is his sense of fashion. the artist touches on the theme of costumes and dresses; most of the time in couture he gives preference to a large evening dress. how long does one collection last? practically she lives until the next fashion show, which is six. month, i really liked yudashkin’s show, i think its level corresponds to international fashion, congratulations to valentina, in blessed memory of vyacheslav zaitsev and valentin yudashkin on may 4 at the first, thank you, ograchev, with whom? here he quarreled, no, if
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you don’t count lupin, but he’s in the counter with everyone, who is he, junior lieutenant, just arrived, commander of the third fire platoon, according to the regulations, he demands that he be, and when were these regulations written, young haven't smelled gunpowder yet, if honestly, i myself would punch this lupin’s face with pleasure, why is he... a week here, and already wrote five reports, all on little things, who teaches them this, agachev, that he directly fought with him, where are you going now? you’ll see, you’ll understand everything right away, comrade lieutenant colonel, this was in his pocket, thank you, but what did you say? they gave him a new uniform, that
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's right, i also gave him some thread to sew under the collar, so, until my order, you remain in the disposition of your company, clearly, just make sure, there is, there is, listened, but rachev had some kind of talisman or amulet, i don’t know, he didn’t tell me about this, but... scouts are generally superstitious, necessarily, freely, that’s why he didn’t tell me, foreman, explain why you’re not wearing a helmet. so here’s my helmet, comrade junior veteran, so it wasn’t written for you, or maybe you didn’t read it, but what am i, i’m nothing, that captain, commander of the third fire platoon, junior lieutenant lupin,
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lieutenant colonel shilov, military prosecutor’s office, this our car, what's wrong, it's not in order, comrade lieutenant colonel, the driver reports without a story not in shape. and a car is not allowed in the location of the day, they unmask, there is a technical area for them behind the forest, grigory ivanovich, go, i obey, you also need to put on helmets, you’re not supposed to be without them, you’ve been here for a long time, lieutenant, no way, but it doesn’t matter, the charter is the charter, let me go, i don’t allow it, i have a couple more questions for you... colonel arnaukhov, smer investigative department, you are from the prosecutor’s office, that’s right, in the case of a murdered intelligence officer, yes, i’m investigating the murder of sergeant
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grachev, no longer, it’s a case conveyed to us why, because it’s already clear whose work this is, and whose , the germans, i... naturally, everything that was found out was immediately, in writing, taken away to me, the corpse was already taken away, yes, they were taken away, in vain, they were in a hurry, the division commander, there , there, put the car on the technical site, and start writing already, comrade investigator, then...
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come on, lieutenant colonel.
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alive, legs intact, thank god, let's go faster, or maybe
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give these cubes to the smershevites, somehow they connect these two murders. as well as the fact that both were killed in the same way, no, they have their own investigation, we have ours, the evidence is more important to me, some unkind, but also evil, straight up shilov, not evil, distrustful, a good habit, by the way , good, of course, during the war, do you want to complete this matter without making it known, yes, that’s exactly what i’m doing, they are now, the remaining the intelligence officers will be alive, they will blame him, and the case will be closed, i am sure that struntsov. has nothing to do with the death of his comrades, this is from the archive, he took it for just one day, signed it in blood, interestingly,
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the file of scout grachev from the artillery battalion, kochetkov, this is kochetkov, whom they were killed on the lake, it turns out that... from one training there are 26 more people from this class, oh yes i am, oh well done, you are great, we need to get all the certificates on them, miscusi, it’s me, well done, here the cases of sergeants igrachev, kochetkov and four others are in the personnel of the intelligence department. i wish you well, the military
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prosecutor's office, captain yalagina, lieutenant colonel shilov, we urgently need the files of these people, i think you have them behind this iron door, an order from the head of the intelligence department, please, but... we don't have it, but since the matter is urgent, this is an exception, i think i can’t do it without an order, neither as an exception nor in any other way, that is , captain, you don’t understand, we are investigating a criminal offense, we urgently need the cases of these people, you don’t understand , comrade lieutenant colonel, first the order, then the case, i have instructions, it’s no longer known whether these cases are with us or with the front personnel? check, i can’t do it without an order, i have instructions, comrade captain, well, you understand that we will have this order, it’s a matter of time, get it,
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come, goodbye, comrade captain, see you dates, and you are always so principled, always, and physically, the preparation is good, what does it have to do with it, you see, we don’t have enough scouts? basically you won’t find a bender in it, we’re taking you with us, where are you taking you? and i have special powers, and i can attract everyone i need, so will you continue your service in my special battalion, will you fight with the local forest forces? how is this, and who is here? well, i think they will find someone, maybe, of course, not so important, but they will definitely find someone, but don’t worry. you will have the documents about your transfer tomorrow, i think major general alyoshin will not refuse me, congratulations, wait, don’t
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, general alyoshin. thank you. in november '43, all seven intelligence officers were enrolled in a special group. major kornookhov. further, during a special operation of this group, vazdev and matveev died. the group was disbanded. grachev and kochitkov were sent to the ninety-first rifle regiment.
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there are two survivors, here is major kornaukhov, now colonel smerzh, colonel arnaukhov, investigative department smerzh, you are from the prosecutor’s office, that’s right, in the case of the murdered intelligence officer, yes, we are already investigating the murder of grachev. no, the case was transferred to us, otherwise he took the case from us. kidnapping is the original abduction of children. i simply lost faith in humanity with each publication, my mood deteriorated. at one time, our wonderful leonid arkaevich yakubovich was kidnapped. as experts say, there are many such cases, the public does not know about them. i have already mentioned that i myself became a victim of kidnapping; i did not know that this was kidnapping. care - this is also a separate story, very often becoming the plot of the same tv series and films. i made this
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discovery for myself that mostly relatives are involved in child abductions. if we don’t react to these things, then the real end of times will simply come, and we wouldn’t want that, love podcast, today on the first, this city literally and figuratively was reborn from the ashes, because during the war rzhe was practically completely wiped off the face of the earth. that's just the sound, that's the sound, but it looks like there's something in this place, oops. v in the partisan detachments there were pigeons, scouts, demolition men walked with pigeons, but why with pigeons? suddenly the walkie-talkie is out of order, you will now need to put it in the correct position, i’ll make your hands like a house, that’s where this expression comes from: i’m in the house, i’m in the house, guys, i’m in the house, that’s it. one of the main symbols of the city, rzhev, the red boots of prince vladimir, you make one boot, i make the second boot, a knot is tied, and one and
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two are three. he throws himself up, oops, falls, two at once, the life of his own, premiere on may 5th on the first, these are miracles, blessed matron, you always have our icon with you, here i have petals, very many are healed with the matron’s petals, we came precisely for this, so that she would help us in our personal lives, those who protected her and took care of her came up with the idea that she ... a very convincing family, this is not true, whoever has something that hurts makes that request, i don’t know how to do it correctly, i appeal as best i can, the matron was not born in a large family, because at the time the matron appeared in the family nikonov, there was only one child, a 10-year-old girl, i can’t say that i just so boundlessly believed in it, but i simply admitted that it could be, in may we had stesha, some kind of divine
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providence, well, we just stood before the night, and here i am with... hello country, welcomes you to the new voronezh, i really love our small cities, i have passed through almost the entire golden ring of russia and the silver necklace of russia, i have a dream, i really want to go on a hike to baikal,
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i hope it will come true soon, to altai by car. across the whole country to the south, and vladivostok, in the urals there is also a lot that look, i visited all the bozhov places, by the way, volgograd has the most delicious shawarma, you knew, i’m from the city of belaretsk, the republic of bashkartastan, sevastopol is the pride of russian sailors, i’m from the incredible city of chelyabinsk, i love st. petersburg for its beauty and the beautiful neva river , i love my country very much and am proud of it. three chords, new season may 5 on the first. the machine must be complete. firstly, there is one spare wheel, but there should be three. secondly, a camouflage net, helmets, a seeker.
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why a mine detector? who knows? where will you still get carried away? this means that he knew the killed scouts and didn’t give up, and that’s why he took the matter under special control, that we’ll go to him? no, let's visit the other two while they are still alive, let's start fighting. how will they ever learn to indicate deployment points on maps, the entrance is here, but enter from the other side, there is an arrow at the entrance, the shortest path between two points is straight, let's go, ivanovich, where are you going, with you, you
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should also take a gun with you grabbed it. yes, the gun won’t fit into the car, so stay here, the car guard, idiot! hands, i’ll get the document, military
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prosecutor’s office, lieutenant colonel shilov, this is captain ilagina, the thieves thought, what’s this? who climbs through a closed gate, if only they hung a sign at the entrance, it hangs there in lithuanian and german, in russian, which was difficult, in russian there is an inscription all over the wall, an arrow to the entrance, you probably just didn’t notice, sergeant kondratev, head of warehouse. are you familiar with this item? of course, this is vanya kublova, he played with it all the time, they even gave him the call sign of the cube, where did he get it from?
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you? yesterday two intelligence officers, grachev and kochitkov, died, and not in battle, they were killed on our side, strangled, and at different points of the front, how were they strangled? a noose, this is what we found at grachev’s, this at kochitkov’s, i don’t understand anything, neither do we yet, but we know that ivan kublov died and did not die, i thought so too, just a minute, i usually don’t keep them, soil habit, but now i’m kind of... in reconnaissance, it came 2 months ago to the hospital, they found me somehow, the field mail of the front, and this is his handwriting, almost, he’s there
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writes that after being wounded and shell-shocked , he just learned to speak and write again, that’s why the letter is short, he writes, matvey died, he writes that somehow i was thrown out by an explosion... i woke up in the hospital, this is about that developed way out, well, yes, tell me in more detail, the target was the enemy headquarters, but then they quickly advanced and the germans simply set it up in an ordinary house, on the edge of the village, their units stood around, they had to pick up documents, set fire to the headquarters, make a visible target for aviation so that the square would work, the weather was still bad excellent, the rain was drizzling.
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and matvey, that means matveev, that’s right, sergeant alexey matveev, the officer was here from a patrol, the germans missed him, of course, there was an alarm, a patrol, they had barracks on the other side, the soldiers went from there, the machine gunners went. kubik, matvey, go to the attic, cover it up, everyone else is getting ready to leave, quickly! the hut
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was supposed to burn for about 30 minutes, the aircraft were already on the way, they killed the nail. all right, commander, let's leave quickly.
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the task was completed, the aircraft accurately reached the position, we were sure that they were both killed. but it turned out that one was alive, whatever
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the cube survived, it’s generally incomprehensible, there is probably one case in a million, and not only did he survive, but he also decided to take revenge on you that he had moved with his mind, he writes to the rear: i don’t want to, i’ll stay here, well, after such a wound and concussion in reconnaissance they definitely won’t take him into the infantry or sappers, please, the cube can do everything, he was our best, this is what i’ll advise you, sergeant, grow yourself a couple more eyes and ears, and the first time the cube appears on the horizon, call us, there is. light,
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let them stay with you, why, but not why, just let them stay with you, you’re afraid, but i don’t feel comfortable, i don’t understand what this crazy person can have in his head, well, what can he have in his head, the same arms, legs, like everyone else, and what a little soul yes? little souls are rubbing in a frying pan, well, even if he was abandoned, well, a normal soldier can’t take revenge on his own, well, he can’t, in general, let them be with you, consider that i’m afraid of them, shilov, you think that i have no heart , or i don’t feel anything, no, light, i’m scared too, yes, and sometimes it hurts, more
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sometimes you feel uneasy, so, lieutenant colonel shilov, you say, this is so much, but we need just a little, we owe everything, you know, even if there is a devil with horns in front of us. someday all this will end, maybe we can go?
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yuri, you can handle it, i believe in you, good night.
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the same non-medic with dirty hands? well, i'm a nurse. how did you end up here? as usual, we are an ambulance, from sambat to sambat, today here tomorrow there, they delivered the ranskar, then we’re going forty to the army, excuse me, orderly, you’ll wash your hands, that ’s right, but what if our cube is also like this i quickly got a job from the reserves, he writes here. i’ll stay, military officer pletner, what did you want? yes, i wish, hello, we are interested in soldiers who were treated in your hospital and were discharged somewhere in the middle of summer, i only have statistics, arrived, died, the offensive is underway, who is then
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distributed where after discharge, i have no idea who - some stay in the city, some are demobilized, some go back to the front, but i have no time for that, excuse me, the name... is not familiar to you? well, how is it so not familiar? this is our stutterer, after being wounded in stayed to work in the hospital. fashionable verdict, new season. i'm alexander rogov with you. tomorrow on the first. lent is ending and the magical easter holiday awaits us. the most important miracle is that god is love. i understood that my loved one was suffering, my feet just led me to the temple, and i confessed, there was no way to do that. getting ready, i burst into tears, since then yes, we already have four children, i said katya, what happiness, you are pregnant, she says: no, i don’t want to live, i don’t want to give birth, i said, no, stop, this it can’t be, you saved the child, yes, it was the voronezh religious procession, the first, 600 km from voronezh, to deveevo, we walked in 21 days,
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a monk walked with us, and so i walk, i felt so good, i say, what is this, he says, this is grace, i was blind in one eye, completely blind, on the operating table, i felt physically... since christmas we have seen the greatest tragedy, his, one might even say, amazing loneliness. from his very birth, christ had no place in this world. nazareth was absolutely inconspicuous. jesus - it was the salvation of man. this is a man from nazareth, maybe not, how
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could it be, from such a dubious place, but where is this? jerusalem is the capital, this is the city that was chosen by god's providence so that in it is there that you understand that this is not a legend, that he was there, that he walked there, he preached there, he sat in the garden of gethsemane, that's absolutely certain. when people decided to get rid of god, get rid of him. words, one might say, the greatest tragedy in the history of all mankind occurred, that is, people killed god. the way of christ may 4, on the first. i will reign or perish. the foreigner, who did not have legal rights to the throne , accompanied by the orlovs, arrived at the barracks of the izmailovsky regiment, where she was declared an autocratic empress. during the 34 years of her reign, catherine earned the glory of a wise,
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fair ruler. she radically changed the country and, like peter the great, received the epithet “great”. she fought victorious wars and annexed new lands to the empire, wrote laws and carried out reforms. he is 34, she is 10 years older. soon the darkness will no longer be spoken of as an influential person in russia, but even relying on male help, the empress always reserved the final decisions for herself. empire, catherine, second. may 4, on the first. potemkin was preparing the main surprise for the woman he loved. the sevastopol harbor appeared before the eyes of those present. we are now going to the artillery battalion, where kornaukov is located, and shilov, to the unit where
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he is listed as a reconnaissance officer, the cube can be both here and there, this kublov, ivan pavlych, he is now an ambulance, so they go from unit to unit some of them have already become familiar, no one perceives them as strangers, they move from regiment to regiment. like a ghost, but how did he know where his comrade served? what kind of comrade is he? he crushes like a rabbit, he’s crazy, well, that is , his former comrades probably talked the wounded into conversation, he’s a scout, after all, and apparently a good one. kublov was wounded in the head and had scars on his face after the operation. he has excellent
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professional training, and he must only be taken alive. why would he kill other scouts? revenge, found the time. there is such a thing. i repeat, our task is to find scout anishchenko to provide him with security. he is now an obvious target for kublov. our scouts always come to the seventh precinct, this is here. strange, it should already be there.
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onishchenko, noose, about an hour and a half ago.
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three officers, medium weight, stretchers are not needed, let them load, don’t sleep, we have three medium ones.
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he was wearing a gauze bandage, and his hands were big, i immediately noticed, i was jealous, well, it was professional, and also, he stuttered a little when he left, i don’t know where he went, he didn’t say, to where the battalion was bombed the other day, through them all sanitary the cars are returning.
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kublov moves in the dream, i will shoot. colonel, how are you? military prosecutor's office? you're lucky, comrade colonel. matvey, what matvey, matvey, this can’t be, come in, come in, comrade colonel, this orderly. i wish you good health, comrade major, that
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is, comrade colonel, hello, cube, matvey, you’re alive, this is yours, no, no, we’re in your pocket. and rightly so, because it was matveev who killed them, the scouts grachev and kochitkov, and nishchenko was also dead, and planted these purchases on them so that we would think about you, comrade kublov, matvey killed, yes, yes, strangled,
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no, no, he couldn’t, strangled. noose, i 'll tell you, will you? then the entire first floor was already on fire, i heard planes, they entered the position and began to bomb, but it distracted the germans who surrounded the headquarters, i managed to pull the cube out into the forest belt, he was unconscious, but i decided to leave him, covered him with branches.
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then there were interrogations, then more interrogations, and then torture, i couldn’t stand it, torture, non-excuses, matveev, i know where you were trained, noykhov, near koeniksberg, perhaps a school? the task is to reach the partisans in the area kaunas, establish radio contact with the german
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rear, help the underground organization of supplies, and then you met someone who could identify you, and a rook, by chance at the market, said that i had been commissioned due to injury. and he said that he had received a letter from kubik from the hospital, i pretended to be happy, and what fate awaited kublov, after you had gotten even with all the witnesses, the shell-shocked psycho kubik would have shot himself, well, thank you, the prosecutor’s office for all. by the way, why didn’t you tell me about the cubes right away? sobal,
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i’m guilty, we won’t do this anymore, comrade colonel, let me ask you, what about me? kublov, are you still here? transport the wounded, yeah, cube, you don’t hold a grudge against us, but good luck, yes!
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now camilla, you can’t get away from my help, hello, this is not a date, goodbye, svetlana petrovna, for some reason i didn’t take half a step, they immediately gobbled him up, and eye for an eye, like he’s bringing a lot of fish. grigory ivanovich, maybe we’ll make a joint card, i’ll send it to vanya, now i ’ll organize it, i’m sorry, maybe
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i’ll take a photo, oh, comrade, hello, svetlana petrovna, look, this is who i met, hello, camilla, svetlana petrovna, the line has come, let’s go, let’s go, let’s take a photo together, we want to take a common portrait as a souvenir. that you are uncomfortable, let's go, let's go, let's go, i'm dressed inappropriately, camilla, you look like a beautiful princess, in general, everyone here belongs, well, since everyone here belongs. i have one condition, but you don’t have a mirror, yes, of course, it’s necessary, so smooth, everything, everything, wonderful, let’s switch to you, yes, sit down, this is an order, right, the order is right in the face, everyone, get ready, yuri korlovich, you will be photographed with a bucket, what are you with a bucket, now we have everything, as you said, vanya, at war. if you
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have experienced everything in battle, trust and do not doubt. here we have a team of battle-tested friends. only the commander is missing, you, comrade major. vanechka. a special analytical edition of the big game is on air. russia has made great strides on the battlefield in ukraine. russia has made great strides in appealing to the global majority in relations with such countries as china, india, and many african states. but, unfortunately,
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we have to admit. that the collective west, the nato countries, are not only not going to give up, but in general they are ready to aggravate the situation, and this is manifested in the adoption of new sanctions, pumping ukraine up with weapons, and, if you like, further attempts to isolate russia. i want to raise all these topics with alexander gelovich dugin, an outstanding philosopher. geopolitician for several months now, director of the ivan ilyan higher political school at russian humanitarian university. aleksan angelevich, we welcome you, we really appreciate your time. hello. well, i’ll start with another topic, you know very well that your interview with tucker carlson, that it made a great impression, had a serious resonance in russia and, very importantly, in the united
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states. and you explained what is happening in the west’s reaction to russia, why do you think the west, in general, has taken such a, well, not just an unfriendly line towards russia, it seems to me, just some kind of nervous and not very rational, could you repeat what you said to carlson, naturally add what you consider necessary, and you know, oddly enough, maybe he didn’t ask me at all tucker carlson about russian- american relations or about ukraine, immediately moved on to how i see the west, that is, by the way, this was not included in the interview in the conversation, we just talked with him for a long time before and after that, when he came to do an interview with our president, he said: "many of the things you say, i i heard from orban, i did an interview with him, and i’m very interested in an outsider’s view of
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america, the western world, what ’s happening to us, in fact, i tried to answer him honestly, as i see it, outlining my understanding that the west at one time took a radically wrong, false path in the most fundamental issues, it identified man and only individuality, it lost sight of all forms of collective connection, spiritual connections, gradually, when man was left alone, without god, god died, as nietzsche said , this is... individualistic ideology became dominant, at which point he lost himself, he lost connections, he lost his content, now he is crumbling before our eyes, he is crumbling into transgender people, into transhumanist models, he is ready to transfer the initiative to artificial intelligence, and this collapse human being is associated with the wrong decision of western civilization during the transition to a new time, that is, and
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of course the most important name - the disease, this evil, this disease, this insanity, is liberalism, liberalism as the flourishing all of this, in fact, since we have taken a different path, since we protect traditional values, since we issued a decree, the president issued a decree on the protection of these traditional values, they are all belittled to a completely different philosophical family, where the defense of the fatherland, a healthy, strong family, spirit over matter all other properties of the traditional. then the west hates us, this is my hypothesis, which takiru lived, simply because we are talking about two fundamentally different civilizational choices.
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and you said in a conversation with tucker crallson, that the very concept of a liberal has undergone changes in the west, but my grandfather, for example, was a liberal, he ran for the constituent assembly from the kadet party, he seemed to pass, but then, of course, the bolsheviks did not allow the cadets there, he was a monarchist, a constitutional monarchist and there were cadets. if you know, in fact, you know, this is better than me, when it was a party, well, let’s say, with many vices, but there was no intolerance, that’s what strikes me about modern western
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liberalism, and you said about it that this some kind of totalitarian liberalism, explain what you meant when you said that, well, firstly, of course, russian liberals, even before the 20th century, there were a lot of them... you think differently than me, then this is liberalism - this is just a certain opportunity to give yourself such a right, modern liberals, if you think differently from me, then you are not a liberal, and if you are not
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a liberal, then you are a fascist, and if you are a fascist, then you are needed today eliminate, limit the rights to speak, to move, or better yet kill, why is this suddenly so, you ask, you asked. but because if we don’t kill you fascists now, then you will kill us tomorrow, and this is written in the classic work of liberals, the open society and its enemies, karl popper, that is, and this is the teacher of soros, this is the inspirer and theorist of this new galaxy new liberals, and it says that liberalism should be with fists, it should defend itself, and if a liberal sees an illiberal, a red light should come on, yeah, this might be my death. therefore, it’s better for me to strike first, eliminate him, subject him to execution, write a denunciation, accuse him of some mortal sins, i will arrange an interrogation and some kind of prosecutorial check, if i can, i will subject the person to ostracism, demonization, and then we will successfully lose him,
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and if he insists, we will kill him, this is a completely new logic, here is tucker carlson and a huge number of american patriots and old-school liberals, they themselves don’t understand how... like this: we started with absolute freedom and ended with absolute slavery, we said that i am ready to die for yours, for your beliefs that do not coincide with mine, and now i'm ready to kill you, if they are even a little different from mine, how did this liberal liberal attitude turn into its own opposition, this is some kind of ideological hallucination, the old liberals say, but we live inside it, we have become its victims, therefore... we really now, with our president, with our course, with our
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orientation towards the restoration of traditional values, can become the leaders of this conservative world majority, and from the west in the west with whom we are at war, and even more so in the conservative societies of non-western civilizations, we have a unique chance, and this chance is called putin, because in fact it is what he embodies, at least in the eyes of this great humanity.
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as an insult and as a threat, and these are two worldviews, one unipolar, which identifies the western, modern western , these neoliberal, new liberal values ​​with absolute values, with universal values, this is their view, they believe that if they came to such a conclusion that man is an individual and freed him from all forms of collective identity, this means this is the ultimate truth and all humanity must simply be ordered to go. in the same way, this is a unipolar,
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globalist, totalitarian, ethnocentric in some sense russian idea, and this is believed very intensely, they absolutely believe in it, here i think that they believe in it, that is, it may seem to us, what they say are these formulas for order, nothing of the kind, i am deeply convinced that they are captured by this idea, the end of history, the victory of liberalism, the only establishment of the only a global world order with a market, with individual values, with global communications, without the borders of nation states and individual civilizations. this is unipolar globalization. and there is another form of thinking, this is multipolar, when you firmly believe in your own values, defend them, in your ideals, but do not impose them on others, do not declare them the only ones and tolerantly, with attention, sometimes friendly, sometimes, perhaps, warily and detached, you relate to the fact that other civilizations and...
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may still be so scary, because humanity is gradually awakening, greater india, which is now no longer indiyarat, akhan, harat, a new project of india as a state of civilization and china, which simply represents a completely different version of humanity, and the islamic world, and even africa and latin america, they are gradually also, looking at, for example, russia, they say, listen, if putin, if it was possible, if... putin is strengthening his sovereignty and refusing to recognize western, western values ​​as universal, maybe we go this way, then a chain reaction arises, humanity, which wants to go its own way, wants to set aside its own ideals, values, build its own society, without the instructions of the western
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hegemon, they take the same path, while carefully hesitating, without breaking relations with the west, but itself... i think that this is precisely the resilience of our country, which has nuclear weapons, colossal, colossal resources, both energy and human, historical, it’s just that we turned out to be the ones whoever is able to resist this, we are not forgiven and will not be forgiven, but we did not start, we did not begin the path of expansion. we simply began to strengthen and save our own identity and our own sovereignty, then we became victims of this aggression. let's go to advertising.
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ceremony, inauguration of the president. russian federation of vladimir putin. live broadcast may 7, 12:00 moscow time. this is me calling. greetings, tomin from ukrodovsk. the first perception of the audience is the same. major tomin and there's no escape. if he feels indifference and lack of professionalism, then this, of course, infuriates him. he has a great sense of responsibility, masculine charm and masculine self-confidence, the man lifts dumbbells every morning, it’s a great pleasure, i’ll tell you, this tripod gym is amazing, he works out, he keeps in shape, he’s very efficient, but
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he gets tired, but he can’t live without it, i believe in omens, probably all actors believe, but... in a black eye, so we have to spit, tfu-tfu-tfu, for leonid’s eighty-fifth birthday konevsky, today at the first, when i arrived in paris, i was not famous, fashion seemed to have frozen between the 70s and the nineties, there is something like a stir going on inside this, almost no one in our country imagines that this kind of couture is authentic, couture is high hand-made sewing, high-class sewing, which is raised to a level by the painting of an architect. i think he has all the qualities of a young fashion designer, i was once young myself, and what is especially attractive about him is his sense of fashion. the artist touches on the theme of costumes and dresses, most of them
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time, in couture he prefers a large dress. how long does one collection last? more than 9,000 military personnel from different types and branches of the military will take part in the solemn march, including units involved in a special military operation in ukraine and 75
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units of various types of weapons and equipment. military parade dedicated to '79. victories in the great patriotic war on may 9 at 10:00 moscow time live on the first. a special analytical edition of the big game is on air; if you look at the facts, then 2008, russia did not use force at all, and not only military, but let’s say, diplomatic, economic, with the fact that...
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that we deserved the maidan, even from their point of view, yes, yes, we, well, yanukovych was not such a pro-russian politician as he is described in
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the west, he is not a particularly successful leader, but he wanted to go to the european union, he wanted to go in their direction, absolutely right, well, a little slower, maybe at a different pace, with different conditions, by signing this the european charter not immediately, not in this form, in some slightly modified, he was a pro-european politician, but he was more moderate in this regard. well, this was enough to carry out a coup d’etat, literally on the eve of his new elections, when he could have been removed in a completely legal way, the west, of course, was going to escalate, from that moment on, and maybe even earlier, it was constantly going to escalate relations with us, in order to force us to get involved in this conflict in which we find ourselves, i think that we are not - ours, not our toughness... it was provoked by what did he think, well, listen, well, the russians are completely flexible, pliable, the more
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ultimatums we present to them, the more they will swallow, but in the end our patience ran out, because this was just a real, real slap in the face, this is a coup . on the maidan, which went beyond all legal, diplomatic and geopolitical boundaries, it was of course an act of direct, direct violence, the greeks had... such a concept as gubris, the most terrible sin for the ancient greek is when you not only kill, for example, person, but you're kidding over his corpse, on him, right on the battlefield, you sacrifice his children, you rape his widow right in front of the whole society, the rage is understandable, the tension of the struggle is understandable, but you can’t do this, this is gubres, this is the sin of the titans, the greeks believed many heroes were condemned, even the iliad.
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there was no need to show toughness from a position of weakness, yes, let’s say, not the wisest policy, secondly, well, it could not immediately come to an understanding of how far the west would go in the fight against russia, i understand this very much, because i did not expect it , i'm not saying what it is some seer could not see this, so i don’t know anyone, neither in moscow, nor, by the way, in washington. who really expected such a level of, i’m not afraid to say, bestial hostility towards the new independent russia, but there is a third reason, it seems to me, at least, well, in general, the russian expert community, that is, those who are engaged in professional foreign policy, and they don't make the decision, but they
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create the one, if you like.


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