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tv   Eta bezumnaya lyubov  1TV  May 2, 2024 11:30pm-12:11am MSK

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i will call these people conciliators, they really wanted to maintain and develop relations with the collective west, and on the one hand it was convenient, grants, conferences, free trips to interesting places, but on the other hand it seems to me that they had the feeling, correct me , what i’m about to say is my hypothesis, i’m...
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not completely sure of it, but it seems to me that even for self-respect it was very important for them to be together with the west when they said, here we are with europe , they didn’t say that this is in russia’s interests, this is a pragmatic decision, it seemed to them that this was the only morally correct course, i’m wrong, well, modern ukrainians think so, they are fighting for it, but the fact is that ours...
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at high, very high levels there are such bearers, for sure, these are already conscious representatives of the russian elite, the sovereign russian elite, but of course, a huge number of people either mimic or even openly confront, trying to bring it together, considering that this is a misunderstanding, that this is a temporary stage, that the conflict will end, and often they say, well, after the war, well when the war will end, and then they begin to fantasize, but about how we will return to... what they are doing, this is not an analysis, this is not an expectation, because this war, it will change absolutely everything for everyone, the conditions, if we do not achieve victory , we will not exist, which means we must achieve victory, when we achieve victory and at what cost it will be given to us, it will be a different society, another country, another state and another.
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from there to here, and here it seems to me that there are people who have already left, but among foreign political experts, such, fortunately very little, but it seems to me that enough people have, in general, some kind of nostalgia, not for soviet greatness as a great power, not for the russian empire, but for that short one , in my opinion, very... to the opposite period in the nineties, when it seemed that russia and the west were twin brothers, although it was obvious that they were not twins, and that russia was not even accepted as a younger brother. maybe there are practically some grounds here, because it is said in
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the gospel, where your treasure is, there your heart, if, for example, their assets, during integration into the western world, one way or another,... and moves many, that is, there is also a material reason, that is, their heart is not here, that is , their heart is for treasures, with here they could reassemble this treasure, but where to store it, there are already different rules, everything that they lived with was actually held hostage by the west, you see how the west
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manages our resources, if i understand you correctly, you you mean that there is stockholm syndrome, that... to educate it, how to educate it, how to prepare it, because in principle, the tools are for the sovereign elite, the question here is rather how institutions for training elites through education, upbringing, and many other mechanisms, they are still colonial in our country, they are also
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western-centric , we must , of course, think about this very seriously, we are all so grateful to you, probably all these are exaggerations, but very many of us who... want to see a sovereign russian elite, we are very grateful to you for your new role in the highest political school named after ilyin, and it seems to me that those people who have some questions about the name ilyin, that they are less guided by what rin actually wrote and what rin represented, they are guided more.
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unconsciously, without strictly realizing what is happening, victims of these typical online, online campaigns to denigrate, in fact, russian sovereign philosophy.
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healthy relations between the sexes, there is no perversion, there is no celebration of any mixtures, critical race theory, she doesn’t have that, therefore, it should be banned, strictly speaking, it is a product of western liberal ethics, cancle culture wok, it has come down to us, that is, they snatched several quotes from one thinker, on the basis of this it should be banned, but it seems to me that this is secondary, that by and large , really...
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nothing like the flourishing of sovereign russian culture has happened, this is a goal, this is like
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a goal, like at the front, only more serious. alexandrevich, thank you very much for your time, for this very interesting conversation. and in general for everything that you do, because what you do, it seems to me, is really very important, and i completely agree that the main thing is not to criticize the past. the main thing is not to expose any specific people, but the main thing is to follow your own path and build, if you want, a new field for discussion and work on creating a new russian elite. thank you again, i hope we will see you on our air again soon. thank you. let's go to advertising. easter of christ. live broadcast of the service from the cathedral of christ the savior. may 4, saturday, on
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first. the holy fire is born right here, the holy of holies of the temple on a marble slab, and it is from here, through a special hole in the wall, that it goes out into the world. through this fire we connect with god himself, with his divine love. and we receive grace from the holy sepulcher. many believe that the hole under the altar remains from the cross. in fact, the cross stood a meter further away; now there is a crucifix there. god became a man and came into the world when people decided to get rid of god and get rid of his word. the greatest tragedy happened in the history of all mankind. there are 33 steps from golgotha ​​to the holy sepulcher. this is the path, from the crucifixion to the kingdom of god. the rudeness of the lord on may 4th on the first, this city was literally and
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figuratively reborn from the ashes, because during the war rzhe was almost completely wiped off the face of the earth. that's just the sound, that's the sound. yeah, it looks like there's something about this place. oops, in the partisan detachments there were pigeons, scouts, demolitionists walked around with pigeons. and what about the pigeons? and suddenly the radio came out in line. you will need to get up now in the right stance, i’ll make my hands like a house, that’s where this expression comes from: i’m in the house, i’m in the house, guys, i’m in the house, that’s it, one of the main symbols of the city, rzhev, and... the red boots of prince vladimir, one boot you do, i do the second boot, the knot is tied, and one and two, three, it throws up, oops, falls, two at once, the life of one’s own, the premiere on may 5 at the first, these are miracles, blessed matrons, i always
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carry an icon with me, i have petals here, the matron’s petals are very... many are healed, we came precisely for this, so that she helped us in our personal lives, those who protected her and took care of her came up with the idea that she was from a very poor family, this is not true, whoever has something that hurts makes the request, i don’t know how to do it right, i appeal as best i can , the matron was not born into a large family, because at the time the matron appeared in the nikonov family, there was only one child, a 10-year-old girl, i can’t say that i just so boundlessly believed in... i believed, but i just admitted, what could it be, in may we got stesha, some kind of god fishery, we just stood in front of the relics and i mentally, in my thoughts, turning to the matron, i say, look, holy matron, come to me as if i were alive, on may 5th on the first, mother
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nikul navanna, i came to her, she stroked me on the head she said: you will never have a headache again... you will, and having lived 96.5 years, now i realized that i was crazy, there is a big game on the air, today is the tragic anniversary, 10 years, a crime that was committed by ukrainian nationalists in odessa, when the trade union building was destroyed, even burned a significant number of people, more than 40 people, a lot has already been said about this, everyone understands, at least everyone in russia understands that this was an absolutely unacceptable event and the result of absolutely outrageous behavior
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of the ukrainian authorities, but let's go back to this period, may of the fourteenth year, but certainly russia did not see ukraine at that moment as a truly sovereign state, which is why russia had to go to the defense of donetsk, lugansk, because america’s curators allowed the then ukrainian government, well, engage not just in human rights violations, but i’m not afraid to say, outright war crimes, so... during this period , they headed the united states, actually coordinated the ukrainian maidan, they, as we well know, because there is public evidence of this, were engaged in determining , who will be in the new ukrainian government, at
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this moment, on the eve of literally the events... in odessa, the director of the cia, john brannen, comes to kiev. a very interesting person, with an unexpected biography, he himself publicly said he was surprised that he was accepted into the cia because he admitted during a polygraph, a lie detector, that he voted for the communists, but given that there were very few communists in america at that time... almost no one for the communist candidate did not vote, this of course indicated that john brennen either had some unusual views, or, let's say, for some reason he behaved in an unusual way, under all conditions he became the person who later established himself as the main fighter
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against russian interference in american elections, and he was one of the people that trump himself collaborated with the russian authorities and that in fact he is a usurper. then they were surprised a lot, i mean.
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in fact, after the georgian events of the eighth year, for the first time in washington
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they realized that russia was ready to break the existing paradigm, when they took away what they wanted from russia, what they wanted, did in the post-soviet space, russia had neither the strength, nor the will, nor opportunities to prevent this. georgia has shown that a turning point has occurred and here, too, the crimean events later showed the americans that if this is not decisively opposed, then indeed very soon there will be no left-bank ukraine, it will be novarussia. you know, this explains not only brenan's arrival.
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let me ask you a question that will require, well, if you want, some kind of logical conclusion, because there is no direct evidence yet, you can imagine that mr. brenton was in kiev, that he met among other things, of course, with the heads of the ukrainian special services, that he probably met with his subordinates, and there he worked in kyiv.
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united states, he was in kiev on april 21
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, 2014. 8 billion dollars in illegal military assistance to the armed forces of ukraine, let's look at another person, we already talked about him, john brenton, he was also at the end of april, and his role, but she more or less understandable. let's look at others. john bradon, fortunately.
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he was then deputy adviser to president shapa of national security, that is, president obama, and repeatedly received, including in march, ukrainian leaders, including the cynic, in washington for consultation. this was the main group in the then administration that dealt with ukraine and was responsible, including for what happened in odessa.
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state department on the ukrainian problem as the main expert on these issues, okay? we proceed from the fact that they knew about it, they, of course, will deny it, if they didn’t know it, then you’ll probably agree that they definitely knew about it, there was some kind of american condemnation, i’m dmitry, exactly about he said that i simply have no doubt that they were given a command, act tough, do not allow any events that could be like in crimea, so that they get out of the control of kiev and especially the west, and we will cover you, no condemnation , no condemnation, and
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that’s why i say that they were originally. they said: you act, and we will cover you, they did it, they did it, so i think that this is very important to understand, and it is very important not to forget when we talk about the odessa tragedy, and now let's let's talk about new york, other american cities where student unrest is taking place, what do you think about the unrest and how these unrest are now being suppressed?
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because, since these were all non-indigenous, without having been there, they had some connection with their former homeland, so they actively participated in it, why am i leading to this now, it’s one thing when mostly people came from western or eastern europe to america, and this half-pot actually worked, where they were transformed.
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pro-palestinian speeches and such, well , harsh condemnations of the actions of the israeli authorities, well, just recently this would have been unthinkable, but today it is a fact, and why? but
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who would have thought that the american president would create great tension with the prime minister of israel... the fate of the elections will interfere, now, according to
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preliminary forecasts, trump is winning, well, a lot can change, well, that is, every vote in these states is counted, so , which means that american presidents are pursuing such a policy, today biden, with one on the other hand, he cannot help but react to what is happening in the gas sector. biden still said: you know, that, in
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general, all these actions against hamas must be done so that the civilian population, women and children suffer less, but on the other hand, of course, taking into account the special relationship between israel and the united states, of course , the president, and many politicians, naturally, still adheres to that line for various reasons, for historical reasons. jewish people during the second world war, so they still take the position that manifestations of anti-semitism, including on university campuses, and it is necessary to do everything possible to support... the israeli authorities,
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who are trying to find some kind of solution, i still want to get your opinion on why not only the biden administration, but also the republicans in congress, why are they insisting on such a decisive suppression of these riots, and these are real riots, i have little sympathy for the students who...
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from the point of view of washington for others it is absolutely unacceptable. it was big a game. we'll see you on air next week. well , i started as a captain, then i was a major, as people would remember, and then i became a colonel, senior investigator, znamensky, senior criminal investigation inspector tomin,
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forensic expert kibrit, abbreviated as connoisseurs alexander tomin, middle name leonid konevsky. as they say, you can’t outplay animals and children, here he is, he’s like that in a good way, such a representative of the fauna, the kind of popularity that was among experts was not even dreamed of by today’s stars, people were coming out with a new series, i watched without stopping, sasha, weapon with him, hung from head to toe, let's go, we'll tell you what actually has in common between leonid konevsky and his main character. "if he feels indifference and lack of professionalism, then this of course infuriates him. why did the most iconic role almost become fatal for the actor ? i was included in this list, do not recommend, they did not recommend me, you are letting me down big time, what today in in his old age, leonid konevsky is ready
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for work, he got caught on a tile and fell, and without getting up yet, he told me: “i have performance in 3 days." i say that we can handle it, and what is the actor like in the circle of those closest to him, this is a man who lifts dumbbells every morning, he has enough strength, obviously, hello, please sit down, this is a chair, right?
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but that makes him less likely to have questions is gone, the first of them suggests itself, how did he manage to remain so, because it’s enough just to compare the footage of our interview with the actor ten years ago with what was filmed now, as they say, feel the difference, or rather... you’ll feel that it’s not there, today leonid semenovich is 85 years old, but for it’s like time stopped, last time we wrote you in the dark, well, remember, there was a fireplace, the fire was burning, we filmed you in the hermitage garden in the basement, do i remember, 10 years ago, of course, remember, you’re kidding me, of course i don’t
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remember, during this time i had about 800 shootings in different objects, so how can it be in this? there is a secret of the actor’s youth, that he is in constant motion, works a lot, acts in films, but where does konevsky get all his strength, what or who helps him, and what kind of relationship do you have with god? by whom, with god? i’ll tell you one anecdote, the jewish community has gathered, the messiah is supposed to come, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, where is rabinovich, no, rabinovich, what to do, no, that’s it, he’s coming the messiah, the messiah comes, oh the messiah, suddenly runs from afar, rabinovich, he says, then, excuse me, the shame is not on you, the messiah says, rabinovich, shame on you, he says, oh, who would speak, the messiah, who is waiting,
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waiting, waiting, waiting, this is the story, so how does... someone lead through life, in the filmography of leonid konevsky there are more seventy films, a variety of roles, but for viewers he will forever remain major tomin. greetings, tomin from ukrozovsk. for me personally, this is, of course, one of the experts. experts, how... i watched this series as a boy, i liked his image so much, such a pillar, in general, a pillar that you can rely on, that you can trust, that you are right in.
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upstairs, over there we were filming - several of our affairs and discussing problems with the hero. the main characters were written in great detail, but only the investigator had the prototype znamensky, played by georgy martynyuk, major tomin was literally putting it together bit by bit. i can shoot before you. there was such a wonderful misha daneko, there was boris mudrov. such a detective is a legend who never used weapons, although he always had a pistol, in general, i wanted to show
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on the screen this kind of people with whom we met, we’ll sniff here, look for accomplices, tomin’s gesture was also taken from real life, this very click, he also took it from one of the operatives who we were, we went - for interrogations we sat during the search, which was not pleasant when the search was carried out, but nevertheless, the way they behaved, this had to be understood, so he did it somewhere, where should we start, he told me from there, even children sometimes say, and this is what we said later after this episode, zinulya, yes, he urgently needs a tattoo, the hairstyle that was fashionable at that time was given to the hero from konevsky himself, in general it was a miracle. that i was approved by this same tomin with these tanks, but the police
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were grateful to me, because these then they were allowed to wear these sideburns, that’s really true, they were allowed not to make a fuss about it, but here they are, he’s the one who sometimes reminds me that if i had hair like that, that means i had sideburns, but... what could they comprehend, well, excuse me, some other time, the television series the investigation is conducted by experts, appeared on television in the early seventies, immediately became super popular, and the performers of the main roles were almost national heroes. we had such a theater small armored brigade, they were experts, martynyuk and kanevsky, yours your humble servant, and two more actors from our theater, and that means we had such a brigade, and we and... for several years we traveled all over russia, we were constantly met everywhere by the police of the
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highest ranks, wherever we they didn’t go to which cities, that is, they considered it their duty, because they seemed to belong to them. the beneficial effect of rumayor tomin was felt by everyone around konevsky. so once the director anatoly efros, with whom the actor worked for many years in the theater, the very fact of meeting konevsky was great helped out. he once told me something wonderful. “i took advantage of your authority, i say that i was stopped by a policeman, a traffic cop, documents, and i understand that i just violated something, he says, i say, and you know, i’m the director of some artist, he says, with what, he says, no, you don’t know, he says, i said, here’s konevskaya, who plays, the remedy is being conducted by tomin’s experts, he said, yes, oh, and gave him the documents, he’s his, so i’ll use your authority, pash , what are you going to do, but
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i thought, this is not necessary when in one of series, the public's favorite major tomin received a fatal gangster's bullet, bags of letters with threats fell on central television, if you don't revive tomin, we'll break the tv, such a guy was ruined. the authors of the series had to resurrect the hero konevsky, they seem to be all equal, and the main investigator, well, she is a woman, beautiful, he should be a little in the shadows, no, he comes out first, and even if killed, everyone remembers most of all, of course, shurik, i i fly to the taiga, and i go to kurga, and life finds new questions, temperament, energy, often not a template.
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sorry, i got excited. the actor's appearance on the screen was very short-lived, but viewers remembered his character with a hairy torso forever. he has a beautiful toned body, and this is an expressive means of an artist. if this artist is beautifully built, why shouldn’t this become the property of, so to speak, a movie or, say, a play, and if an actor can
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be undressed, he is beautiful, then he must be undressed. the actor volunteered to show his body, to play half naked, although at mosfilm they sewed a pretentious shiny suit for his character, i put on the suit, but he doesn’t sit, like this, like this crooked braids, well, that’s all i come up with, girls, it’s impossible, look what he says, but it ’s not good, well, look at something with the costume designers, i wear one thing, another doesn’t work, all that. uh and i pop out like i was halfway there, that means i was and i say, we can’t find anything, well , what should we do, i don’t know what to do, he says, oh-oh-oh, stop, stop, stop, who made this suit for you? i say, which one, this one, it’s me, this is what you’ll be filming in, this is how i acted, it means that the birch tree beckons when a person is in good form, when the hairline is there, everything is fine there
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- it’s functioning, well, go ahead, that’s it. as they say, we see women on the screen and we fall in love with them, and women see men, which means they also look at who i am on the screen, so everyone wins in this sense, the role worked, strong muscles, a head of black hair, but a real turkish bandit, the young actor began to be recognized on the streets and asked for autographs, konevsky, of course, he is the king of the episode, what follows is an untranslatable play on words using local ideomatic expressions. there was not a single russian word in this episode, there were only interjections, as far as they were speaking, as far as they were emotional. leonid konevsky is in excellent shape today, i have no
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doubt that he would have had the opportunity to play something similar. he could well demonstrate his torso and his sparkling, emotional, unique recordings of natural monteverdi, 17th century, please, the actor himself was incredibly happy about the unexpected fame, but at the same time he was 100% sure that this was his limit, he would not jump higher, with such and such with his physiognomy he will continue to play minor roles in...
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then - i even auditioned for photo tests for ostap bender, yes, but either he was too young or something, in general, i didn’t pass. in fact, leonid konevsky was not going to play bandits, he was a boy from an intelligent family, he studied well, he obeyed his mother and father, his older brother shurik, he didn’t even think about the big stage, he dreamed of being a teacher, in general, he grew up domestic and... quite plump as a boy, when we sat down at the table, two gluttons, they were terrible, which means, gradually, all the food, all the booze they came to us, they called us a mass grave, all this disappeared, in the yard a plump boy was often bullied by local hooligans, but leonid did not endure the bullying for long, he went to sign up for a sports club, hunting, i have
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an approach to the enemy, cross series huklyai, aptertu. he was taught, he says, you stretched his muscles, you see his muscles, we’ll beat him for the last time and that’s all he has before giving up, that’s it, that’s it, leonid konevsky’s love for sports has remained like this since childhood, no matter where the actor is was, always finds time, to take care of his body, for example, his favorite sports grounds in israel, where he visits, but still does not forget about physical education, i work out in israel and here in moscow. “sorry, i’m wearing a jacket, it’s awkward, in the gym, i need to be in shape, but i have a performance today, so i just don’t have time to work out today, i just came
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to get inspired before the performance, i usually start with bicycles, and then gradually move on to apparatus , well, let's go, come on, oh'. it's a great pleasure, i'll tell you, this is it. here is the observation room, konevsky’s physical form is the envy of many colleagues. there is a period like this: in the theater there is a pause and in the cinema there is a pause for a year or two or not. and some of my colleagues are falling apart, this is the same thing, and when it comes up, suddenly a proposal arises, and you. collapsed, so you need to be prepared for the occasion. leonid konevsky monitors not only his muscles, but also his nutrition, constantly on a strict diet. of all the delicacies, he allows himself only
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the healthy ones. well, this is ginger, this is ginger, this is ginger. oh, well done, sugar, but they say which is very useful. such gluttony as there once was in... it was thanks to him that this personal life once turned out quite happily. healthy bulls. at one time, alexander kanevsky worked with the legendary pop duo shtepsel and tarapunka. he took it and
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tore it. just think, serpentine. look, this is a photograph of the most famous artists, tarapunka, i talked about them, this is one of them - this is anechka’s dad, this one is below, which. shtepse was. anya, daughter of efim berezin, who played stepsele.
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so for the soul not a penny, lived in a hostel, not there were no known theater roles or film roles yet, but the feelings turned out to be stronger than all the fears, the solemn ceremony, the inauguration of the presidency.
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won’t find out about them, i already mentioned that i myself became a victim of kidnapping, i didn’t know that this is a kidnapping, false kidnappings - this is also a separate story, very often it becomes the plot of... the same tv series and films, i ’m i made this discovery for myself that mostly relatives are involved in child abductions, if we don’t react to these things, then we’ll just the real end of times will come, but i wouldn’t want that, the lab podcast is on first today. konevsky began to carefully look after...
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anechka, traveled to see her from moscow to kiev regularly, took her to all his premieres, including the diamond hand, and was aware of all the events in her personal life. it was a very long process, a conquest, because we met and for some time we were just friends and talked. i had my finger on the pulse, she also had her finger on the pulse, she knew. about all my trips, about all my hobbies, and, uh, we met sometimes in moscow, sometimes in kyiv. such courtship lasted more than eight years ; leonid konevsky decided to propose only after he received a cooperative one-room apartment, and after the whole country saw the investigation being carried out by experts. is there a serious, unsolved crime?
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a small communal apartment, where there were 11 rooms and 50 of all neighbors, antonina branislavovna had such a long room, my hostess, i entered on the left there was a sofa, and then there was a curtain where she lived, and here i am i lived at this entrance, there was a sofa here , there was a chair here, that’s all, and so i’m talking about four happy years, being a student at the imeshukin theater school. during his years of study , konevsky, like all students, of course, dreamed of heroic, positive characters, but very quickly realized that with his appearance one could not count on such roles, the very first hero whom he was offered to play on the screen was, to put it mildly, specific, i was offered the role of an episode, a short episode of the head of a general store in a belarusian village, and i so a little confused.
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a prominent character from a children's fairy tale. today we will arrest all those who lisp and whisper. and we will find the criminal, mr. gelyom. it was a city of craftsmen. volodya bachkov shot this film. wonderful, i loved this film and this
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fairy tale. and, characteristically, he played the chief of the secret police there. i don’t trust people or ears, i only believe denunciations, denunciations, denunciations. i know, after. something like this, well, he’s just appearing, he’s just appearing, i already want to talk to him, i’m already starting to smile, i wants to say, lenka, hello, it’s so good that i met you completely sincerely, even if we hadn’t known each other so much, we got ready, in relationships with the female
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sex, the actor’s specific appearance didn’t interfere at all, well, first of all, he has a burning eye where are you today... a man will see such a burning eye, it went out even before the man approached you, he has a great sense of responsibility, masculine charm and masculine self-confidence. so on the set of the famous film dartagne and the three musketeers, where the actor played a small role as the husband constance, he enjoyed no less success with women than his fellow musketeers. i used it, yes, i used it, he is a married man, what am i going to compromise? well , he used it and he himself paid attention to women and used it, he certainly did, but what, lord, it’s not about appearance, it’s about charisma, and it was because of constance that i ended up here and suffered so much, valya
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smernitsky, my friend and colleague, a hundred years old, that i will argue with him, i don’t know, he knows better from the outside, i don’t know. it’s interesting that banasier konevsky was cast for the role of the haberdasher invited in the midst of filming the legendary series, the investigation is being conducted by experts, the director was not stopped by the fact that for several years now the whole country has been perceiving konevsky as nothing other than a positive hero, major tomin. moreover, leonid was already on the list of artists whom film authorities categorically did not recommend filming in negative roles. he tells me.
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that even if he plays a killer, the viewer will feel somehow awkward, because the killer is very cute. during the filming of the series about connoisseurs, konevsky was not afraid to play another negative character. in 1984 , in a duet with leonid yarmolnik, he played a swindler in the children's film "pappy longstocking ." where there are no dogs, only a small castle. you missed it, i missed it. riddles, then no mistakes, then everything is in order, but still it was difficult to interrupt the beloved image of major tomin on the screen, it is very difficult to jump out because of your role, and why should they do it
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if it works, why change it, why change the recipe lettuce, if it's already there works, will he still eat olivier? but in leonid’s theater kitchen, the choice was not limited to one olevier, the actor did not have a bright mark of one role, everyone plays here. at konevsky in linkom and in the theater on malaya bronny, where he served, many typical characters performed, sometimes to the point of being ridiculous, so in the play the indictment, experts, konevsky and martenyuk got the roles of prisoners.
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was a major, as people would remember, and then became a colonel, already like a colonel, but since 10 years later he went to lyon, so to 2003, well, i started with the captain, then there was such a story, it was with evildoers, which lasted 20-odd years, many actors
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who are recognized by one role complain about this, but we must pay tribute to konevsky, not during filming, not after, the actor never denied his tomin, even today he has a famous melody on his cell phone from experts: they’re calling me, if anyone is where we are? legendary film, he agreed without hesitation. good afternoon, colonel tomin.
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according to the new version, tomin is already deep a married man, has a son, serves with the rank of colonel in interpol and permanently lives in france in the city of leon. the legendary znamensky remained a child. but instead of the charming little girl kibrit, a new female one appeared in the cinema. hello, gentlemen officers, tatyana aleksandrovna kitaeva, alexander nikolaevich tomin, the legendary tomin, according to zinaida yanovna, i can say, her student. actress lydia velizheva took this place, because a few months before the start of new filming, elsa leshday passed away. their that series somehow brought us together, somehow some kind of invisible things were not so different, we
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just had to solve the problem, it’s the same for everyone, it’s important to look for these heroes in a new one at this time, and even change the dramaturgy, it was such a wave to the departing train , this is partly why i feel this way about this picture, you know, the train left, that’s how it is, the characters stand and wave the trail, but then it was no longer possible, these characters already had their own separate lives, pash , i propose to drink so that fate does not separate us for a long time, anya, she goes, she goes, but fate had its own way, she taught them on february 13, 2014, on that day georgy martynyuk died. this
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loss became a personal grief for konevsky, the same as the losses of other people who were brilliant artists for all of us, and for him, first of all, close friends, which is why it is very difficult for him to talk about it. let me discuss, this is pain, this is grief, what does it mean? there are no irreplaceable people, you know, nonsense, they say, oh, there are no irreplaceable people, this is bullshit, how can you replace mironov, how you can replace papanov, how you can replace shirvint, how there are replaceable ones, these are these people leaving, these are holes in the soul, in the souls in the hearts, from the moment of christmas we see the greatest tragedy, his such, one might say, even amazing loneliness, to christ from the very there was no place for birth. in this world. nazareth was an absolutely inconspicuous village, so the most likely
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reaction to the fact that jesus is a man from nazareth could be, not, how can it be, from such a... dubious place, but where is it? jerusalem is the capital, it is the city that was chosen by god's providence so that the salvation of man would take place in him. it is there that you understand that this is not a legend, that he was there, that he walked there, he preached there, he sat in the garden of gesemane, that’s absolutely certain. when people decided to get rid of god and his word, one might say, the greatest tragedy in the history of all mankind occurred, that is, people killed god. the way of christ. i will reign or perish. the foreigner, who had no legal rights to the throne, accompanied by the orlovs, arrived at the barracks of the izmailovsky regiment, where she was declared autocratic sovereign. during the 34 years of her
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reign, catherine gained fame as a wise , fair ruler. empire of catherine ii. may 4 on the first. potemkin was preparing the main surprise for his beloved woman. the sevastopol harbor appeared before the eyes of those present.
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speaking, one day the performance was performed in russian, the next in ivita. my friend, a wonderful artist, grisha lampa, was like that, he was in low armor, then he also went, we went to the gesher theater. one day we were playing, the life of mr. demalier, we were playing
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was, here we are playing a play, we are still standing backstage, waiting for the exit, grisha is on stage and says: here was my rattle, but this is no longer my walker, i would n’t hang up these photographs with all due respect to to these artists, he locked my box like that,
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can you imagine? now the lack of an offer is hindering me, because if there was a good offer, an interesting one, god willing, there will be work, we will play on this stage, great, today leonid konevsky spends most of his time in moscow, here at it’s normal for him to have both his main job and his beloved family for a week with such a suitcase. over the years , the actor began to act less in films, but still showed his bright texture in each new role. he demonstrated another facet of his talent in 2005, starring in pavel lungin’s film, poor relatives. well, you must admit, i could have said nothing to anyone, calmly completed the matter,
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taken my money, i could have, i could have, but i didn’t do it, i’m actually an altruist, you know, i... wished you all well, i’ll drown if you did something good in your life, god will take care of you, i can’t do anything more for you, don’t, don’t, it was clear that... this is his role, that he is playing a very funny jewish mafia, who combines a terrible love for his mother with the code of mafia honor and with a whole series of some incredible incompatible character traits and lenya, of course, he is not only a very subtle psychological actor, as we saw him in the gesher theater, but he is amazing... centric actor, he can be very funny while maintaining seriousness, here is your ear, it is necessary, very, there was
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a small company, and we went to a wonderful balaclava, to eat red mullet, we were walking along balaklava street and suddenly a police car stops, comes out from there, which means there are two policemen who notice lionid semyonovich, recognize him, naturally, so to speak. the black sea, so we sat all day, we had a great snack, relaxed, told stories, some tales, with great difficulty we left the table a few hours later. in 2018
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, he was endowed by nature, his parents were endowed remarkable appearance, very bright, memorable appearance, and, by the way, he practically does not change over the years,
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of course, such actors are bright, they can make even a small tiny episode so that it will be remembered by all viewers, and why do you need to throw a hammer, i i don’t understand why it’s necessary to hammer, and not to the forge, uncle konstantin, never say such words out loud, this is a projectile that consists of a handle, a rod, and a core, it seems to me that its potential has not been revealed, it needs act more in films, tv series, and science fiction, i’m just appealing to everyone who watches this film and will see what a wonderful shape it is in, it’s such a wonderful texture, even we...
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the holy fire is born right here, the holy of holies of the temple on a marble slab, it’s from here, a special hole in the wall, it goes out into the world. through this fire, we connect with god himself, with his divine love, we receive grace from the holy sepulcher . many believe that the hole under the altar remains from the cross. in fact, the cross stood a meter further, now there crucify. god became a man, came into the world when people decided to get rid of god and his word, the greatest tragedy in the history of all mankind occurred, from calvary to
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the holy sepulcher there are 33 steps, here is the path, from the crucifixion to the kingdom of god, church of the holy sepulcher may 4 first of all, these are miracles. matrons, i always carry an icon with me, here i have petals, many people are healed with the matron’s petals, we came precisely for this, so that she would help us in our personal lives, those who... protected her, took care of her, came up with the idea that she was from a very poor place family, that's not true whoever is hurting is the one who makes that request, i don’t know how to do it correctly, i appeal as best i can, the matron was not born in a large family, because at the time the patrons appeared in the nikonov family, there was only one child, girls are 10 years old, i can’t say that i believed in it so boundlessly, but i just assumed that it could be, in may we got stesha,
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some kind of divine providence. well, we just stood before the night, and i mentally, in my thoughts turning to the matron, said: look, holy matron, come to me as if i were alive, on may 5th at the first, mother nikolina anna ivanovna, i came to her, she stroked me on the head and said: you will never have a headache again, and having lived 96 years, here she is i realized that i was smart, she was jealous of her mother, she was jealous of me, all my life for about 50 years, before going out i always go to check the stage, the props, how everything is standing, with what,
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is everything okay, no matter what happens. surprises, well, tell the truth, hello, tell the truth, but not everything is good, everything is fine, hello, oh-oh, great, oh, what a team, like you, everything is in place, so, these are the little things, even how to turn this handle to make it easier to take? this is also a prop, this is not, yes, he walks, checked, comes, grumbles, grumbles something, he gets into the role, grumbles, walks, closes, grumbles, his eyebrows, yes, he checked, walks, door, opens , then he will call someone, that something needs to be corrected here, something needs to be done, yes,
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this is every time, he can come. he always comes around the stage early, that's all, and of course, he checks where everything is, and mrs. helper, she looks out every time of my door, when i leave to go to the bank, we recently even chatted a little about the position of walking in the rain, oh, i'm afraid that you would chat with her shadow, she 's been gone for more than 5 months, that's how, i believe in will accept. probably all actors believe this, but in the black eye, that’s what i believe, god forbid, yes, there are, unfortunately, a couple of real-life examples, situations where there was an evil eye, an evil eye, an evil eye, so, probably, someone... then he’s directing us from above, and if you don’t tell me what the story is, that’s when you thought you were jinxed, well, we i was in odessa once with natasha, natasha was
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little, we swam in the sea, everything, sunbathed, wonderful, in the evening we went to visit one house, uh, natasha is cheerful, energetic, and some lady lives there, oh, what a girl, everything is like that, well, it doesn’t matter, in general, we return to the hotel, natasha’s temperature is 40, from zero, the next day the temperature is high again and after... a day everything goes away, what is it? you analyzed the situation, the statements and so you have to spit, pah-tfu-tfu! natalya is the only daughter of leonid konevsky, she is for dad is not only a light in the window, but also a colleague. natasha is a costume designer and fashion designer who has worked with her father in various productions on film sets, and he is very proud of her.
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he constantly conveys to me... some greetings from colleagues, artists who worked with me, he always has such pride, he makes sure that i release some new collections, then that female actresses wear mine dresses, in general it seems to me that, of course, everything, everything connected with the family, is a great, great joy and support for him support, but the greatest joy for konevsky is his grandchildren, amalia and michael. well , amalia has become more mature, she is already practically an adult, she teaches her grandfather, she tells him how to behave correctly on social networks, she tells him that he is doing everything wrong, watching... the wrong programs, doesn’t know some fashion bloggers, but amalia learns something from her grandfather, for example, how to cook, he makes delicious glacomoli, that’s what i know about him, well, glacomoli, but it’s a mexican thing
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made from avocados, there’s like avocados, tomatoes, a little onion and spices, it’s very tasty, and amalia is also crazy about her grandfather’s main accessory, an elegant tie, she took it from her grandfather, she really likes it, i asked, is it there, is it, found it, there, there are so many ties, i was choosing, and i also i took a tie with little dogs and flowers like this, well, this is my favorite tie, it’s the only one i wear. amalia appeared as a light in israel, in the promised land, a family affair. therefore, all family members are nearby when the baby appears and can see him in the first seconds of life, but when leonid semyonovich was allowed to hold the newborn, his face changed, of course,
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he saw amalia right on the same day when she was born and he was terribly upset, he said that she was somehow ugly, she was somehow strange, he was almost scared, everyone around laughed and said, you just saw the babies you were before...
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life was a success, and bright roles, fame and success, he had and still has all this, and most importantly, he had relatives and friends nearby, his rear, and these the roles of father, brother, husband, grandfather, friend are the most valuable for konevsky.
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hello friends, this is a podcast. chronicles of the end of times and me, evgeniy dodolev. let me remind you that in this podcast i talk about my experience as a reporter and about all sorts of stories that happened precisely during the period of the so -called end of times, during perestroika and the early nineties. and
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today i will tell you about kidnapping. kidnapping is the original abduction of children, because a whale is a child in english. but in principle, kidnapping simply means kidnapping people for a purpose. were based on acquaintance with the film leonid gaidai, which was called business people, is a film adaptation about henry, one of... three navel talked about two american swindlers
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who kidnapped a child from a wealthy city dweller, and this child turned out to be such a tomboy, as a result they were ready to return him first for free, and then they even wrote something out of their money to the father so that he could keep the child until they managed to reach the canadian border, there was no such term as ma’am, i was already unemployed there in the early mid
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-eighties, about six months and i already threatened with an article, and my mother-in-law and longtime comrade got me a job at the newspaper, since i came so unencumbered, firstly with professional education, and secondly with a store of knowledge about all the taboos for... how did my senior comrades generally react to
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all these exercises of mine, i was the first to write about incest, about incest, and the topic was listed specifically as incest, and novazhonov told me that a member of the editorial board for a moment, natalya dordykina, if i remember, she headed the literature department, this is important, literature, she asked, will it burn colleagues, and what kind of jew is this?
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because those involved in the death were the closest
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relatives, there was an uncle and other close relatives, this topic in general somehow touched me, i returned to moscow, and before , how did journalists work, now i would go there and go online, there would be i would have collected all the information on search engines, i would have learned a lot of interesting things for myself, but then...
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but - relatives or family friends or very close relatives were involved in the abductions of children, and most often, at least in the soviet union, during that period children were kidnapped for ransom, but i repeat, in the current era, kidnapping is simply the kidnapping of people, as if forcibly moving from a microsociety to another to some other place. not always for the sake of money, sometimes in order to force a person there to do something, or to force his loved ones to do something, in my book of memoirs about the formation of perestroika television an episode was described, which i
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knew about at that time, well no more than a dozen people in moscow, about how our beautiful, beloved one was kidnapped... leonid arkaevich yakubovich, he was kidnapped precisely as the leader of the field of miracles project, the attackers kept him there in an apartment so that he would refuse cooperation with his comrade vladislav nikolaevich listev and move, as it were, with this project under another, so to speak, roof. for us, for everyone in general, arkadich is such a good-natured showman in a bow tie who pronounces a phrase, there is such a letter in this word, and much fewer people, well, his fans, they of course know that he is a pilot, that he is a plane, that he traveled during the second chechen campaign, he is
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generally a very courageous person, that is , the attackers who kidnapped were confident that they would resolve the issue there within a few hours, as a result of detention. him for several days, there were promises, threats, in general, they tried in every possible way to put pressure on him, but leonid arkayevich showed strength of character, in general, in principle, famous people do not like to talk about the fact that they became victims of this kind of extortion, as a rule , this is exactly extortion, until now, let’s say, it is unknown what the kidnappers wanted for jessica alba. and the famous actress was kidnapped, she was 15 years old, by the way, she was only, she was later found in the trunk, uh, with a gag in her mouth, blindfolded, and it’s still unclear why she was kidnapped, from julio and glesios in in eighty-five
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, his father was kidnapped, the singer himself lived in florida, in miami, his father lived in madrid. he was kidnapped by terrorists from this organization, these are basques, they extorted several million there, and he was released by a group of almost 100 people there, 40 there was from the national guard, about 60 other security forces, that is, a fairly big story was in the mid-eighties, and jessica alba 10 years later in 1996, she was kidnapped, in general, in principle , in... spain there were a lot of these high-profile stories of kidnappings , about one of them, which happened in perenia, even serials were filmed, and since perenia is the border between spain and france, a series was filmed in spain and two girls disappeared there in france, and later it turned out that
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the attackers only wanted to kidnap one, this girl was so 11 years old, she was blonde, this is quite... rare for spain, but by chance this kidnapping was witnessed by her friend, with whom they were returning from school, they walked there along a mountain path, because it is a small village in the mountains , at the same time they kidnapped her friend, they were kept in a pit for 5 years in such a shelter, equipped in such a shelter, then one of those who was kidnapped, as they say.
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there were few of them, you can write on the fingers of your hand, i noted this topic in all of them, i can’t say that it particularly appealed to me
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fascinated me, but i simply lost faith in humanity with each publication, that is, with each case that i became acquainted with, my mood deteriorated, although in principle it seemed to me that i saw everything there. ceremony, inauguration of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live broadcast: may 7 at 12:00 moscow time. there are a lot of tv series and films about kidnapping, sometimes they are based on real stories, and
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sometimes they are just a film adaptation of a particular criminal case, and as they say specialists, there are many such cases, they just, well, the public doesn’t know about them, because a ransom is paid,
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in general this is blurred against this background, especially since in general everything ended well this time, children are often killed for the sake of the reputation of the kidnappers, so that the next time they presented certain demands, it was known what the result would be if they went to the police, or their relatives, or if they didn’t collect the money, that is, in... in this case, which i described how children were killed there just for edification, moreover, unfortunately, there are cases, often when the ransom is paid, but
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the child still does not return to the family, he is killed because he might become a witness, he might have heard something, recognized someone, because i’ll remind you again, most often this case is organized by people from... the circle of the victim, i already mentioned that i myself became a victim of kidnapping, because child abduction has a lot of gradations, there is a concept there family kidnapping, and i was 5 years old when my parents mine got divorced, my father worked in opcor. in the donbass with the correspondent of the largest soviet newspaper, the organs of the central committee of the soviet union, and my mother
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taught at the moscow national institute, and my mother sent me for the summer, she herself is a cossack - kuban, she sent me to my parents, to my grandparents, the village of kaneskaya, as now i remember, and i was a five-year-old cossack there, that is, i had a butt, i was riding a horse. everything was its own, there were apricot trees, there were raspberries, the fish in the river that i caught, in general, in short, she sent me away for the summer. and my father - uh, i repeat, was the correspondent for the donbass, he was the official black volga, the black volga - it was very cool, in the sixties the black volga - it’s just, i don’t know, well, like now, i don’t know, a maybach or a rolls-royce, especially for kuban, nevertheless, he somehow arrived unnoticed by the neighbors and parked
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a few hundred meters from the house. my grandparents waited until i went out into the street with something, so he came up to me, of course, he recognized him, he was surprised, he was happy, so, when he saw dad, he said, would you like something there, he gave some tasty treats to the confectionery shop, and suggested that i buy something there for the child, i don’t know, well, it’s a machine gun or a plastic dump truck. since he agreed so directly , this is what i was wearing, without documents, without everything, he put me in the car and drove off to rostov, from rostov we flew to moscow, without documents, i just want to draw your attention to the fact that the journalist’s id is in those years, i still found this time when i myself received a certificate in 1985, so this red crust, that is, when you show
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this delivery, all the doors open. that is, somehow he put me on a plane as a child without documents, it’s not clear, in fact it’s clear, because he had this red journalistic bag, and he agreed in his editorial office that he would be sent with opkor to kazakhstan, the kazakh ussr , to karaganda, and it was all encrypted, that is, they didn’t tell my mother anything, because well, my mother... figured it out - that means who was behind my disappearance, she understood that i alive, that is, they made her understand that everything was fine, but the next time i saw her - 5 years later, when i was 11, i talked to her, i didn’t care at all, i didn’t remember, there was some kind of just an incomprehensible aunt who cried all the time, uh and uh...
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my father’s version was that my mother dumped me, it was as if she had a new man and she seemed to leave me, that is, she sent me to my grandmother with grandfather, as if from moscow, my mother had a different version, that i just went with me for the summer, well, i went there, well, like a child, like, well, a resort to my relatives, like, well, to the village, and that she... wasn’t going to abandon me, but i grew up with the feeling that i was, as they call it, i remember this expression of a piece of parasite, that i was completely useless, abandoned mother, i went to school there in karaganda, and school number one, as i remember now, and there everyone’s classmate, first-grader from
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my mother, as a rule, was brought to school and taken away from school, for me, since my father was traveling around kazakhstan, he was , i repeat, as a special correspondent, that is, he had all sorts of journalistic business trips, i’m just with the key i walked home on my neck, i was fed by the parents of my classmates, neighbors, but in principle i grew up as such a completely social child, that is, i actually grew up as such a moral monster who believed that no one needed him, even my mother abandoned me, very i behaved badly towards such well-to-do boys, that is, i bullied and beat them, i had a lot of arrests from the police, then in general i was a wildly antisocial child, and as the psychologist told me, i was already at
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that age. went that after talking with me for several days, she said that what saved me was that somehow i ended up in prison after numerous arrests, well, like a prison, it was a pre-trial detention center of the kgb of the ussr, where i was charged with robbery, malicious hooliganism, and also duplication of illegal ... i don’t have a criminal record, because several people were imprisoned there, such was the group of the so-called vladimir sukhadeev, the golden youth, the majors, as they say now,
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there wouldn’t have been such a term then, but i didn’t have a criminal record, but in basically, here i am i say that i grew up as such a social child, i didn’t know that this was kidnapping, that this was kidnapping and... this is a very common format when parents kidnap a child, well, don’t be mean, my father proceeded from that , that it’s better for me, i wouldn’t become a journalist, and i wouldn’t be sitting in this studio now, i wouldn’t tell you about the end of times, i was completely amazed by the information about the modern situation with... with this very kidnapping that is in the united states in the united states, 200,000 children are kidnapped a year, well, something like that 200,000-something, i didn’t find
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statistics for our country, only 50,000 of these 200,000 are not relatives or people from the family, that is, they are mostly kidnapped, as i already said, by people close to them and families and... more 60% of the children who are kidnapped are kidnapped by women who either can’t get pregnant or don’t want to walk around there for 9 months with a belly, but they want a child, they kidnap, that is, they also kidnap babies, they kidnap very young ones, because... i can say from my own experience that if you are 5 years away from there they take you away from your relatives, you are there, i say at the age of 11, i saw my mother for the first time 6 years later, well, in general, everything is erased from memory, all over the world there are still no clear definitions of what kidnapping is in different criminal
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codes of different countries, it’s very it is interpreted differently there too - there are a lot of nuances, let’s say you all remember, if we are already talking about gaidai’s films , the caucasian captivity began with this. i don’t remember exactly, but that is, in central asia in turkmenistan, in my opinion, somewhere else, now in the transcaucasus it is very common and was and even in the soviet union and is
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still practiced, although often this is just part of, well, you remember how in this film, when the kunaks say: a beautiful custom, it’s just a beautiful custom, that is, by agreement, but different things happen, by the way, in africa, in one of the countries, in ethiopia, where the most... mostly in africa, they kidnap buses, school children, some families, the so-called mass abductions, this is in groups, in my opinion, a record number
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of abducted at one time there were about 200 in one of the african countries, where children are kidnapped the point is that the child is , in principle, without... with inhibitions, without prohibitions, that is, it is easy to turn a child into a very bloodthirsty soldier, devoid of empathy, therefore, since these wars are waged there endlessly, they are very often kidnapped there boys with the fact that they are, as it were, recruited and made of them into young fighters, at one time, by the way, cambodia, kampuchee, and half the time, they relied on these very soldiers, children, that is... young soldiers, they are very shovels and shooting without hesitation at all has changed a lot.
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that children are their parents or exploit them sexually - then in third world countries it’s basically just money, there is also such a term as - i don’t know how to translate this, herping, well, that is, a literal contract - this is tiger abduction, this is when they kidnap, say, a relative from some person, in films most often this is some bank employee and...
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some official is kidnapped, sometimes, by the way, even a beloved pet to kidnap a child or a beloved wife or , i don’t know, a beloved grandmother, they force a person there, i don’t know, to give up the code to a safe, or to open a safe, or to help in the commission of some crime, threatening death to a close being, i say that sometimes this is of course not... . falls under the classification of kidnapping, but by its emotional nature, it’s very close, the criminal codes of different countries provide different penalties for this, in many countries a person who has become a victim of tiger kidnapping is not at all. jurisdictional, that is, if it is proven in court that he was blackmailed, by murder and...
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this or that scheme, and cases and revelations are insured by the fact that he was blackmailed. separately, of course, stories, if i have already mentioned, fake kidnappings are also a separate story, very often they become the plot of the same tv series and films, these are fake kidnappings, when people, as it were , organize the kidnapping of themselves or...
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negotiate with whom -to their friends, to somehow be kidnapped, or they simply say that they were kidnapped, this is all too common what happens here is always only money, but there were, by the way, stories, very noisy and tragic, when here was john paul getty, the third grandson of the richest at that time, this is the beginning of the seventies, the richest man on the planet, john polgete. billionaire and tycoon, kidnapped from his grandson, demanded 3 million dollars, this is a large amount for the early seventies, this is not another 3 million, this was very, very serious money, but not for him, i repeat, this was the richest man on the planet in that period and he refused to pay, he said that he didn’t care, he wouldn’t pay, the kidnappers cut off his ear, realizing that this ear was useless. to send it to my grandfather, they simply sent it to
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television, that is, they turned to the media, then the press all over the world exploded, so that everyone knew that this was it. such an episode that a person was kidnapped, and the grandfather was simply not ready to fork out, and since it was such bad pr for the person, he agreed to allocate part of the amount, and gave part of it to his son, that is, to the father of his grandson, as a loan for a substantial percentage, well, that is, he figured out how much he could do for him.
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we don’t remember, i always get confused, this is in general and he passed away at a fairly early age, that is, he was paralyzed, that is, his life was actually broken, of course , these stories always amaze me, when you remember these, and this skopinsky maniac , yes, this story, it is very reminiscent of that story in the pereney, that is, when girls are kept for years like this... i don’t understand how these people can then be free, i don’t understand at all, that is, i don’t fit in head, because this is actually murder, that is, when a girl is kidnapped there, she is raped there, she lives there in some kind of pit, in some
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basement, this is actually the destruction of a person, that is, yes she may even be physiologically in normal shape, she can give birth there, she can walk, she is not blind. there, she’s not paralyzed, she’s, well, a person, it actually kills, in fact, if we don’t react to these things, then the real end of times will simply come, and we wouldn’t want that, this was a podcast, chronicles of the end of times, and i, evgenia, told you about my journalistic experience in the field of kidnapping, you can watch all episodes of the podcat project on the website. first channel,
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great ones, among the emperors we have two people, peter and catherine, and you and i have already spoken to peter. today catherine, of course, both figures are very contradictory and there is enough criticism of both, nevertheless, time and memory itself have confirmed their importance as great characters, well, the topic is definitely ours, because after all, the german on the russian throne is such an autocratic manager of the west. yes, vasily iosipovich klyuchevsky, our great historian, wrote that catherine was the last accident on the russian throne after the era of palace coups, which means the last coup, the last accident, that’s how it happened, how catherine became great, let’s try to figure it out today. hello, this is a historical podcast
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russia-west on the swing of history, with you pyotr romanov and sergei solovyov, today our topic is catherine ii. this sums up the reign. catherine the great, a classic of our national history, karamzin, he wrote that peter surprised europe with his victories, and catherine taught europe to these victories. in general , there were many very solemn statements about the reign of catherine and there was a statement that peter was just the dawn, so catherine brought light to russia. and of this kind, that peter created people in russia, it was catherine who put her soul into them, well, a little pompous, so to speak, pretentious, but in principle, here is the russian encyclopedic dictionary to still revolutionary, the same thing, but
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speaks in such a calm language, but the essence remains the same, her reign is one of the most remarkable in russian history, both dark and light sides. he had a tremendous influence on subsequent events, especially on the mental and cultural development of the country. from this reign in russia they began to realize the significance.
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after the end of the senior line of the dynasty, and catherine’s mother was johanna elisabeth of holstein-gottorp, she is such a very interesting lady, she was from russia under elizabeth they simply kicked out, there was even a moment that they could have kicked out along with her and... she was different from everyone else, if we talk about the number of favorites in the era of catherine
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the great, then she probably had more than all the other empresses combined, we must remember how it all began, catherine at a very young age was married to pyotr fedorovich, the heir to the russian throne, since elizabeth was childless, he was discharged from galstein, accordingly, they tried to raise him... as a russian heir, well, i must say, did not work out, he was german, he remained german, the relationship between the spouses did not work out, at the beginning there seemed to be a warm period at the very beginning, but then everything went to hell, i must say that catherine dreamed of a crown from the very beginning, she was still in germany, while in her duchy and principality of analzerb, she dreamed of being lucky, she tried on herself, including the russian crown and... catherine was much more than her fiancé. it must be said that
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life at elizabeth’s court was downright bad for catherine. she was oppressed by elizabeth, that is, she belonged to her as such an appendage to the heir to the throne, which led her, firstly, to participate in palace intrigues, she became a master of palace intrigues. and on the other hand , to search for lovers on the side. it is no coincidence that even the birth of her son pavel, and by many. with the special kind of activity of sergei soltykov, the husband was generally indifferent to her, consulted with her, by the way, even about favorites, but they were completely alienated from each other, they didn’t even hate each other, they lived separately. elizabeth, dear aunt, yes, catherine was oppressed in every possible way, just to understand to what extent she was once forbidden to cry for her father when her father died, that his loss was small, his ranks were small , and accordingly it was impossible to mourn him, right up to this. they watched her, peeped through keyholes, forbade
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her to even have any lackeys who showed any warmth towards her, that is, they were immediately kicked out of the palace, they were forbidden to go to the bathhouse without asking, to go for walks, she only sent letters to her parents according to the collegium foreign affairs, all the rumors, everything that she said was reported to the empress, and she was deliberately screwed up, and elizabeth believed a lot of it... in general, the atmosphere in which she lived was very difficult, she talked about it in such detail writes in pain in her notes in her memoirs, and at the same time this brought her up, brought up duplicity in her, of course, that is, the ability to pretend, the ability to intrigue and the ability to see her own benefit, and to pursue it steadily, despite this , the attitude has really changed a little after not even a little, but quite a lot of changes, freedom became greater when she gave birth to the heir paul. in russia , some considered catherine to be frederick’s creature, such an exile to russia, so
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to speak, she was at the court in berlin, being german, she, she wanted to be not a german on the russian throne, she wanted to be a russian empress, russian, one might even say, according to in its essence, in the essence of its policy, in the essence of its attitude towards russia, when... came to the throne, it turned out that frederick was in a generally quite mood has deteriorated greatly, because instead of promoting some kind of spring interests. the only thing that catherine offered friedrich was such a very, very cool, icy neutrality, and he was already happy by that moment with this, but of course, catherine tried very hard to be, well, pretty, both to the court and
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to the russian people in general , she.


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