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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 3, 2024 1:10am-1:56am MSK

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six months and i was already threatened with an article, and my close old friend got me a job at the newspaper, uh, since i came like this, unencumbered, firstly, with professional education, and secondly, uh, with a store of knowledge about all the taboos and prohibitions, then i i began to write on topics that had not been written about before, and it so happened that i was the first to write... about the first in the soviet press to write about soviet prostitution and about child abduction, because for me kidnapping has always been precisely the abduction of children, although we will talk about the fact that adults are also kidnapped there, i - relatively recently i met with lyova novozhonov, and lyova, olev yurievich, uh, told me how my senior comrades generally reacted to all these exercises of mine, i was the first to write. about incest, about
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incest, and the topic was listed specifically as incest, and novazhonov told me that the members of the reading board for a minute, natalya dordykina, if i remember, she headed the department of literature, this is important, literature, she asked, says colleagues, what is this this is the kind of jew about whom dodolev will write, because he says what kind, she says, well, i see here the author of pre-daleev incest. that's who, who is this incest, what kind of sphere does he come from, that made me very very happy, in principle, uh other members of the editorial board, i pleased, as far as i understand, with my kind of stupidity and uh recklessness, which was uh, in principle, i won’t even say what is inherent in me, but i repeat, i didn’t know that some topics were simply taboo. it
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was the end of times, that is, the already established system of ageprop and media was collapsing, gorbachev said that everything that was not prohibited then it’s allowed, in fact, i thought, well, why would i write there about this, about that, the topic of kidnapping arose - after my trip to armenia, it wasn’t a business trip, it was just some kind of trip with my friend, there i met... with relatives of a family that suffered from this kidnapping, two twins were killed there, that is, children were kidnapped for ransom, they did not receive the ransom, and they were killed, i was at this grave, i was completely shocked by this story, why, not because the children died, but because that those involved in the death were the closest relatives, there was an uncle and other close ones...
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relatives, this topic somehow touched me, i returned to moscow - and before they worked as journalists, now i would take it there, go online, i would have collected all the information using search engines, i would have learned a lot of interesting things for myself, then i wrote a letter to the ministry of internal affairs, they led me to a person... who wrote a dissertation on these abductions of children in the soviet union, in particular, he worked on this story in armenia, at that time he worked in some volssian city, i don’t even remember now, i signed up for a business trip, flew to this city, found it, there were no voice recorders, there were no gadgets at all, i didn’t even have a voice recorder, that is, there was just a reporter’s notebook, where i everything ... wrote down what he
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told me, and i made this discovery for myself that mostly relatives or family friends or very close relatives are involved in child abductions, and most often, at least in the soviet union, that’s when period children were kidnapped for ransom, but i repeat, in the current project, kidnapping is simply the kidnapping of people, as if violent. moving from a microsociety to another to another place, not always for the sake of money, sometimes in order to force a person there to do something or force his loved ones to do something, in my book of memoirs about the formation of perestroika television was described an episode that at that time no more than a dozen people in moscow knew about. about how
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our beautiful, beloved, leonid arkaevich yakubovich, he was kidnapped precisely as a presenter. field of miracles project, the attackers kept him in the apartment so that he would refuse cooperation with his comrade vladislav nikolaevich listev and , as it were, move with this project under, well , a different roof, so to speak, for us, for everyone in general, arkach is such a good-natured showman in a butterfly. who pronounce the phrase: there is such a letter in this word, and much fewer people, well, his fans, they of course know that he is a pilot, that’s an airplane, that he traveled to chechnya during the second chechen campaign, he is generally a very courageous person,
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that is, the attackers who were kidnapped were confident that they would sufficiently resolve the issue there within a few hours, as a result they kept him for several days, there were promises, threats, in general, they tried in every possible way to put pressure on him, but... leonit arkaevich showed strength of character, in general , in principle, famous people do not like to talk about the fact that they became victims of this kind of extortion, as a rule, this is precisely extortion, until now, let's say it is not known what the kidnappers wanted, who kidnapped jessica alba, the famous actress, she was 15 years old, by the way, she was only, she was later found in the trunk. gagged, blindfolded, and it’s still unclear why she was kidnapped, julio and glesius’s father was kidnapped in 1985, the singer himself lived in florida, in miami,
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his father lived in madrid, he was kidnapped terrorists from the eta organization, these are the basques. they extorted several million there - and freed the fathers of the thugs who were there to stare, a group of almost 100 there people, there were 40 from the national guard, about 60 other security forces, that is , a fairly big story was in the mid -eighties, and jessica alba 10 years later in 1996 - she was kidnapped, in general , in principle, in spain there were a lot of these high-profile stories of kidnappings, about one of them that happened in perene.
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spain, but her friend accidentally witnessed this abduction. which they were returning from school, they walked there along a mountain path, because it is a small village in the mountains, and at the same time they kidnapped her a friend, they were kept in a pit for 5 years in a shelter equipped like this, then one of those who was kidnapped, as they say, for company, she managed to escape, they helped her, in general it was such a very noisy story. and this story was not about extortion, that is, very often children are kidnapped for the sake of being used for one purpose or another, sometimes they are kidnapped simply for what is called organs, that’s the story
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that i wrote about, that happened in armenia, it was such a completely christ-like case. kidnapping for ransom for money, and naturally, after every publication that opened one or another overton window, immediately other publications also began to write on this topic, i wrote about this story in armenia, i immediately began to receive orders from different editors , and since after my trip to volsky city i collected invoices, i was in all the major publications, all the newspapers that would now be called federal, previously they were called central, there were few of them, you can tell by the finger of your hand, i was listed in all of them with this topic, i can’t say what she somehow especially fascinated me, but i simply
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lost faith in humanity, with every publication, that is, with every case that i became acquainted with, my mood deteriorated. although, in principle, it seemed to me that i saw there, i saw everything. ceremony, inauguration of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live broadcast: may 7 at 12:00 moscow time. kidnapping shoots a lot of tv series and films. yes, they are based on real stories, sometimes it’s just
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a film adaptation of a particular criminal case cases, and uh, as experts say, there are a lot of such cases, they just uh, well , the public doesn’t know about them, because a ransom is paid, uh, the child is returned, and well , only some people from there
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, at most, if only then this, by the way, would have been published in those years, it would have been a sensation, now against the backdrop of all the stories that are happening in the world, in particular, all sorts of cases related to the kidnapping of a celebrity, in general this is blurred against this background, especially since in general, it's all over. safely this time, children are often killed for the sake of the reputation of the kidnappers, so that the next time they present certain demands, it will be known what the result will be if they go to the police, or even the police, relatives, or if they don’t collect the money, that is, this in the case that i described, children were killed simply as an edification, moreover, unfortunately, there are often cases when a ransom is paid, but the child
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still does not return to the family, he is killed because he could become a witness, he could something... then hear, recognize someone, because i will remind you again, more often all this business is organized by people from the victim’s inner circle, i have already mentioned that i myself became a victim... because child abduction has a lot of gradations there - there is a concept of family kidnapping and i was 5 years old when - my parents divorced, my father worked with the op-corr in donbass with the op-corr of the largest soviet newspaper. organs of the central committee for military welfare, and my mother taught at the moscow national institute,
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and my mother sent me for the summer, she herself is a cossack, from kuban, she sent me to parents, to my grandparents, koneskaya village, as i remember now, and i was a five-year-old cossack there, that is, i had a popa, i rode a horse, everything was my own, there were apricot trees, raspberries, fish. was unnoticed by the neighbors, parked a few hundred meters from the house,
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my grandparents, waited until i went out into the street there with something, but then he came up to me, of course, he recognized him, was surprised, happy, which means he saw my dad , he said, would you like something there, he gave some tasty treats to the confectionery shop, and suggested that i buy something there for my child i... well, it’s a machine gun or a plastic dump truck, and since i agreed, that’s exactly what i was in, without documents, without anything, he put me in the car. left for rostov, from rostov we flew to moscow, without documents, i just want to point out that the journalist’s id in those years, i still saw that time when i myself received the id in the eighty-fifth year, this red crust, that is you show this faith, all the doors open, that is
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, how he put a child without documents on the plane is really unclear it's clear. that he had this red journalistic document, and in his editorial office he agreed that he would be sent with opcor to kazakhstan, the kazakh ussr, to karaganda, and it was all encrypted, that is, they didn’t tell my mother anything, because, well, mom figured out who was behind my disappearance, she understood that i was... alive, that is, she was given to understand that everything was fine, but the next time i saw her was 5 years later, when i was 11, i was with her talked in a new one, i was generally, i don’t remember, there was some kind, but just an incomprehensible aunt who cried all the time, and my father’s version was that my
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mother dumped me, that’s how... that she had a new man and how she left me, that is, she sent me to my grandparents, uh as if from moscow, my mother had a different version, that i just went with me for the summer, well, i went there, like a child, like, well, to a resort with my relatives, like, well, to the village, and that she was not going to leave me , but i grew up with the feeling that i , what is it called, remember this expression piece of parasite that i was completely useless to anyone , abandoned by my mother, i went to school there in karaganda, and school number one, as i remember now, and there - everyone was a classmate, first-graders, mothers, as a rule, were brought to school and picked up from school, uh , for me,
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since my father was traveling around kazakhstan, he was, i repeat, a special correspondent, that is... he had all sorts of journalists on business trips, otherwise i just walked home with a key around my neck, i was fed by the parents of my classmates, neighbors, uh, but basically i grew up as such a completely social child, that is, i - i actually grew up to be such a moral monster who believed that no one needed him, even my mother abandoned me, uh, i behaved very badly in... in relation to very well-to-do boys, that is, i bullied and beat them, i had a lot of arrests from the police, in general i was a wildly antisocial child, and as a psychologist, whom i already
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went to at that age, told me, after talking to me for several days, she said that what saved me was that... this means that somehow i ended up in prison after numerous arrests, well, it’s like a prison. there was a pre-trial detention center of the kgb of the ussr, where i was charged with robbery, malicious hooliganism, and also the reproduction of illegal literature, you won’t believe it, it was gumilyov, he was replicating it, it was just taken in photographs, so... and these were the photo prints as a result, by the way, in this case, i have no criminal record, because several people were imprisoned there, there was a group of the so-called vladimir sukhadeev, golden youth, majors, as they say now, there would not have been such a term then, but i have no criminal record
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it was, but in principle, here i am saying that i grew up exactly like this - information about the modern situation with this same kidnapping, that there are 2000 children in the united states. they kidnap a year, well , something like 200,000, i haven’t found statistics for our country, only 50,000, of these 200,000
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are not relatives or people and families, that is, they are mostly kidnapped, as i already said, by people close to them from a family, and more than 60% of children who are abducted are abducted by women who either cannot get pregnant or do not want to be there for 9 months to go there with fuz, but they want a child, they kidnap, that is, they kidnap babies too, and they kidnap there when they are very young, because from my own experience i can say that if you are taken away from your family at the age of 5, you are there i say at the age of 11, i saw my mother for the first time after 6 years and, well , everything just disappeared. memory, all over the world there are still no clear definitions of what kidnapping is, in different criminal codes of different countries, it is interpreted very differently, and there are a lot of nuances,
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let’s say, you all remember, if we already we’re talking about gaidai’s films, we started with this, captivity of the caucasus, this is also kidnapping, when a bride is kidnapped, bride kidnapping is pure... this is absolutely a case of kidnapping, and it was practiced, and is still being practiced, quite recently, in the past year in kazakhstan they just introduced a norm into the criminal code of the country where this is condemned, such a norm was already in force last twenty-third year in uzbekistan and in turkmenistan, in my opinion, somewhere else, i don’t remember exactly now, but that is... in central asia and in this is very common in the transcaucasus and was and is still practiced even in the soviet union , although often it is just part of, well, you
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remember, like in this film, when the kunaks say: a beautiful custom, it’s just a beautiful custom, that is, by agreement, but different things happen, by the way, in africa, in one of the countries, in ethiopia, where the most beautiful black women live, well, i don’t know whether this is connected or not, but in ethiopia this is also very common... bride kidnapping, sometimes , by the way, it ends in blood, that is, there is revenge, there are all sorts of shootouts, massacres, that is, in general, it’s all quite connected with crime, in addition, kidnapping is practiced, so -called mass kidnappings, this is mainly in africa, buses, school children, some families, groups, etc. -i think the record number of people kidnapped at one time was about 200 in one of the african
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countries, where children are kidnapped due to the fact that the fact is that a child is, in principle, without inhibitions, without prohibitions, that is, it is easy to make a child very bloodthirsty . this is not without thinking for a minute, statistics have changed a lot over the last 15 years in the world, if previously the main kidnappings
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occurred in latin american countries, this is mexico, this is venezuela, but that is, where the drug trade is very developed, where there is this easy money, it’s actually like... like as a side effect, as a concomitant, this is the criminal aspect of the drug trade, there are these kidnappings, now iraq is the record holder for kidnappings, that is, after the americans came with their mission of planting democracy, in general there is very much this business... began to flourish, mostly foreigners are kidnapped, the countries of the former british indian subcontinent are also in the lead, these are bangladesh, india and pakistan, there are also some real numbers there - very impressive.
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they say that they were kidnapped, this happens all the time, here it’s always just money, but there were, by the way, stories, very noisy and tragic, when john paul getty, the third grandson of the richest at that time, this is the beginning of the seventies, the richest man on the planet, john polgety, billionaire and tycoon, was kidnapped from his grandson, they demanded 3 million dollars, this is a large sum for the early seventies, this is not another 3 million, this was very, very serious money, but not for him, i repeat, he was the richest man on the planet at that time, and he refused to pay, he he said that he didn’t care , he wouldn’t pay, the kidnappers cut off his ear, realizing that it was useless to send this ear, they just sent it to his grandfather on television, that is, they turned to the media.
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then the press exploded all over the world, that everyone knew that there was such an episode that they kidnapped man and the grandfather is simply not ready to fork out, and since this was such bad pr for the man, he agreed to allocate part of the amount, and gave part to his son, that is, to the father of his grandson. in debt at a substantial interest rate, well, that is, he figured out how much he could pay him, and lent him money for ransom, but i must say that life, of course, did not work out for the kidnapped person, because he was tortured, he was kept there - in in the best conditions, well , they cut off his ear when he was 25 years old.
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then a heart attack, in my opinion, or a stroke, i already i don’t remember now, i always confuse it, this is in general and he is at a fairly early age.
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really kills, if we don’t react to these things, then the real end of times will simply come, and we wouldn’t want that, this was a podcast chronicling the end of times, and i, evgeniy dudleyev, told you about my journalistic experience in the field of kidnapping, everything you can watch episodes of the podcastlab project on the website of the first channel well, great ones, among the emperors we have two
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people, peter and catherine, about peter, we have already talked about, today catherine, of course, both figures are very controversial and there is plenty of criticism.
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wrote that peter surprised europe with his victories, and catherine taught europe to these victories. in general , there were many very solemn statements about the reign of catherine and that peter was just the dawn, so catherine brought light to russia. eh, there was a saying of this kind that peter created people in russia, it was catherine who put her soul into them. well, it’s a little pompous, so to speak, pretentious, but in principle, here’s the russian the pre-revolutionary encyclopedic dictionary still says the same thing, but speaks it in a calmer language, but the essence remains
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the same, her reign is one of the most remarkable in russian history, its dark and bright sides had a tremendous influence on subsequent events, especially on the mental and cultural.
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after the end of the senior line of the dynasty, and catherine’s mother was johanna elisabeth of holstein-gottorp, she is such a... very interesting lady, she was simply kicked out of russia under elizabeth and there was even a moment that they could have expelled catherine along with her, yes, yes, yes, this lady served, she served frederick the great. as such an informal diplomat on special, including not entirely, so to speak, correct instructions, and it so happened that catherine was a second cousin to her husband pyotr fedorovich, or rather karl peter ulrich. catherine is not the first and not the last woman on the russian throne, but of course she was radically different from everyone else. if we talk about the number of favorites. the era of catherine the great, then she had it,
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probably more than all the other empresses combined. we must remember how it all began, catherine at a very young age was married to peter fedorovich, the heir to the russian throne, since elizabeth was bezet, he was discharged from galshtinia, they tried to raise him as a russian heir, but i must say, it didn’t work out, he was a german, and remains a german. between spouses. didn’t work out, at the beginning there seemed to be a warm period at the very beginning, but then everything went to hell, i must say that ekaterina and from the very beginning she dreamed of a crown, she was still in germany, being in her duchy and the principality of angalzerb, she dreamed of being lucky, she tried on the russian crown, and as klyuchevsky wrote, catherine liked the russian crown much more than her fiancé. i must say that at court. elizabeth’s life was frankly bad for catherine, she was oppressed by
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elizabeth, that is, she was treated as such an appendage to the heir to the throne, which led her, firstly, to participate in palace intrigues, she became a master of palace intrigues, on the other hand, to the search for lovers on the side, it is no coincidence that even the birth of her son pavel, and many associated it with a special kind of activity of sergei soltykov. the husband was generally indifferent to her and consulted. with her, by the way, even about favorites, but they were absolutely alienated from each other, they didn’t even hate each other, they lived separately. elizabeth, dear aunt, yes, she oppressed catherine in every possible way, just to understand to what extent, she was once forbidden to cry for her father when her father died, that they say it was a small loss, small ranks, and accordingly it is impossible to mourn him, right up to this, which means that she was watched, peeped through keyholes, and was forbidden to even have any lackeys.
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the very arrival of her brother, firstly, was reminiscent of the surrounding family tree, and secondly, she was terribly afraid that someone might assume that she was protecting her relatives. or does it actually promote any prussian interests? catherine, in fact, wrote: i wanted to be russian, so that the russians would love me, she learned this skill even before she ascended the throne to like, she realized that in russia you need to give gifts, and if someone liked something, including her
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household items, she gave it. she, as she herself wrote, plunged headlong into all the squabbles of the court, delved into court gossip, intrigue, and became... to get supporters, she succeeded, although the money that was allocated to her for maintenance was 30,000 rubles. in general, this is a substantial amount, she began to not have enough, she got into debt, she took on debts, took on loans, and for this she received reprimands from empress elizabeth. she, of course, learned for it it’s time for such resourcefulness, for patience.
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henbury williams, who very clearly, so correctly, competently assessed catherine’s potential, and gave her quite apt characteristics, foreign influence in russia is not new, in principle, the participation of foreigners, then mainly the french, in the coup that she carried out. elizaveta petrovna is well known, but the british helped catherine a lot here, with funds that she spent on bribing the guards, let’s say, yes, and with some advice, so she wrote in april
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1756, just to the english envoy, what do i not owe to the conduct that sent you here, as if... the traditional point of view, yes, that on the one hand the person seems to be, well, empty, in general, a rather pathetic ruler, and this is largely true, on the other hand, he was a very active ruler, he tried to delve into state affairs, even tried to imitate peter i, but he immediately
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aroused hostility because of his mania to imitate prussia, because of the shameful end of the seven-year war for russia. although, by the way, troops from prussia ekaterina has already brought it up. peter ii wanted to fight with denmark for the holstein lands, and for this he tried to withdraw the guard from russia on this danish campaign. the guard did not want to leave st. petersburg at all, much less on some kind of campaign for some holstein, and then there was this gottorb issue, yes, connected with the disputed territories, and between, so to speak, the homeland of peter.


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