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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 3, 2024 2:40am-3:01am MSK

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i’m not recognized by you, i’m talking to myself, in conversation every night, the soul itself can’t figure out whether it’s my madness that’s babbling, or whether your music is growing, we see how amazing poems appear, born from a completely opposite thought, and this can only be read from vladimir nabokov, well, let’s return to his russianness, not russianness, to his paradox.
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completely led, and who does he love, generally speaking, pushkin, tolstoy, czech, i wanted to say that of course, one cannot help but love pushkin, he is the author of the commentary, he is very many in fact, he even loved the same pasternak, he loved his poetry, what he was talking about, he planned to translate dostoevsky here, take karamazav into english, everyone can turn this name to see there in the other direction, yes, yes, even even pasternak, he just didn’t like this novel and didn’t like its history, publications, didn’t like how it was advertised.
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fame begins with lalita, let’s remind you , yes, well, that’s also enough in general, yes it happened by chance, yes, indeed, worldwide fame began, of course, with lalita, she goes beyond the limits of the narrow circle and narrow-mindedness of intellectuals who read the american press and who are scandalous, all those who prohibit something must understand that it always works for the one whom it prohibits, it always means moral death for the one who prohibits and has no result, that’s exactly what happened with larita. as i wrote, it’s absolutely, absolutely true, well, that is, you can really say that this is a little feigned hatred, but a rejection of an excessive number of ideas, probably, it seems to me that he completely did not like sartre, camu, folklore, yes, of course, tatyana alegovna, here are lectures on both russian and non-russian literature, we know that nabokov taught for quite a long time until he freed himself from the need to be dependent on.
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analysis of creativity apparently was not required, so he and he was very successful as a teacher, because it seems to me that he was a rather extravagant traitor, that is , to come, come to a lecture there about transformation , finally draw this creature, give it a name, explain to his listeners, and what kind of beetle is this or draw a diagram of a pullman car, this is on the sides, love for details, readiness to show how these fairy tales work, he often says:
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an essayist at the same time, yes, yes, instill in students a love of literature, a love of reading, it seems to me that he is always here i wanted this, to show them how interesting it is, yes, but this also cannot be said to be scientific, yes, a scientific approach, after all, it’s more likely the writer’s approach to his reader, there was a subtext here, i asked you as a university prisoner , yes, i’ve been teaching for 42 years, so i keep thinking about what i’m doing, infecting and wanting teach to read or? the most complete,
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but nabokov’s books continue to come to us, to come, here igor, i know that you wrote about the collection, which in the original was called strong opinions, yes, and is it correct to translate strong opinions, what is it and in general about the new nabokov, after his death, he continues to come in different senses, well, to the russian reader, at least, it seems, the home translation of strongo pinis was the creed, and this is a good word for... this collection, the book was published in america in the year seventy-three after transparen things, this is a collection of his selected interviews, which he put together, some of his reviews, and it seems to me that, by the way, about nabokov, there is a love for other authors, there is a wonderful essay on inspiration, where he talks about how
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his process works thinking, this is how he came up with ada, from what fragment did such a magical text appear, and talks about those he likes in american prose, as in this poem? he tells us where this on inspiration came from, yes, it’s as if it’s only about a novel, and not about poetry, and that we we learn that the unapproachable snotlet navokov adored seldger, abdeik, cheever, the late john barth, he was a generous reader, in fact, the assessments he handed out can be harsh if we are talking about thomas mann or maxim gorky, and yes thomasman, my favorite, or very flattering, like sasha sokhalov, or... we continue our conversation, we talk about vladimir nabokov, about his biography, about his books, and my interlocutors, today the head of the nabokov center of the institute of russian literature, russian
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academy of sciences, pushkin house, tatyana alegovna panomareva and literary critic, journalist, researcher of nabokov’s work, igor kiriyenko. we have come to the most important thing, just recently a huge, meaningful archive of nabokov returned to russia, now it is located in the pushkin house, at the institute of russian literature, the russian academy of sciences, you can say that you are its custodian, so it’s correct to say, yes, formally, no , formally, after all, i’m not a custodian, i’m more of a scientific supervisor, and that’s what i’m after all, this process was handled by the transfer. so now i am, of course, also studying this archive, yeah, now we will see a photograph of dmitry vladimirovich nabokov, yes, who played a very important role in ensuring that this archive was consolidated, yes, collected in order, although nabokov himself
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took care of this , he cared, but nabokov did not imagine that so soon he would be read, published and read in russia, seventy-seven , of course. on which these objects were first shown, not all, but some of the objects, but this it’s not an exhibition yet, judging by the packaging, no, this is part of the exhibition like this, like this, yes, the designers of the exhibition thought of it in such a way that what will be shown here is exactly what it was brought in, and these are the suitcases in which nabokov
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stored these items , his family, and transported from place to place, because he did not have, in fact, there was no permanent home anywhere, so all this was transported in a walking machine. but here, nevertheless, this machine is here, and this is what nabokov himself used, this is what now, probably, not everyone they will know, i am writing this, these are inserts, inserts, i just gave it, yes, this is catfish, wonderful, a word, few people know, i once talked about this, my listeners did not immediately understand. i explained what it was, because stavochka is a word that few people know anymore, but that’s how he wrote, these are the ones you wrote at school, no, no, i also wrote like this, it’s not the same fountain pens they called like that, well, no let's talk, you see, here he gnawed everything, he literally gnawed everything, yes, yes, yes, all his objects of writing,
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all gnawed, dear friends, these are feathers pens that do not write in all directions, there is a pusher without pushers, there is a hairline, this is... that motor skill of writing that disappeared forever under the onslaught of ballpoint pens, felt-tip pens and especially keys, this is the return of the archive to its homeland, this is how you do it again blitz, what... do you think, is this some kind of new impetus in studying, in understanding, in emotions, on the side, what is this, or is it just a museum future exhibition, i would really like, of course, such a full-fledged nabokov center, and maybe be even transcontinental, because that as we discussed many things, the texts are stored in america in europe, researchers there, of course, here we are right now, yes, a few years ago nabokov’s poem about superman was published, a text that was considered lost, which we read only in a retelling. how much of this is still stored somewhere
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and maybe in this archive some discoveries are also waiting for us, of course, well, still , i want some very vivid detail, what is there in the archive that no one knows yet, well, here’s the correspondence from vera trail, yes, which daughter guchkova, well, the most famous russian, russian politician, and then the wife of suvchinsky, one of the founders of eurasianism. we too, i hope you remember our listeners, because you don’t speak, but read, according to our slogan, so you know who suvchinsky is, who trubetskoy is, who the eurasians are, of course, well, here’s vera trail, nabokov’s interlocutor, what’s interesting about this correspondence that has become available to us, what’s interesting is that it’s hard to call this correspondence proper, it’s several letters, yes, it’s it’s just very interesting, because this speaks, firstly, about the stability of the political... views of nabokov and his wife, who, vera trail, was a person of a completely different, of course, political camp, she
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was a communist there, at one time, she was considered a soviet agent, and apparently, on the one hand, they did not want to communicate with her, on the other hand, it was impossible not to respond to her letter at all, because the letter was so very polite, personal, she knew nabokov’s sister, so they came up with a very sophisticated a way, on the one hand, to answer, on the other hand, it’s as if we don’t even put our signatures, therefore...
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why nobokov is interesting to our contemporary, let’s finish with this, this will be our final one. chord, why it is important, what is the most important thing in our time, is this nabokov’s time, let’s start with you igor this time, nabokov had a metaphor that his ideal conditions for the existence of creativity is life on campus with a huge number of free books time, it seems to me that in a sense, right now, with the advent of the internet, we can read nabokov in a new way, what the slavists have been doing with their hands since the beginning. researchers in russia are now doing things much faster and much more intellectually; we can finally
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get a grasp of what nabokov really is. brian boyt wrote an article: "lolita, what we know and what we don't know." this is about lolita, about one of the most christ-studied, far and wide. and there are things that even in such works remain misunderstood and undisclosed. what can we say about the monstrous beautiful hell. that is, nabokov’s time has come, but it’s true, in your depiction it’s a little reminiscent quarantine, right?
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we spoke with the head of the nabokov center of the institute of russian literature of the pushkin house of the russian academy of sciences tatyana olegovna panomareva, thank you tatyana olegovna, we will see you, i am sure, more than once, and we spoke with journalists, literary critics, researchers of nabokov’s work igor. demyanovich kirienkov, thank you very much, we are not ending this conversation, because it is endless, we are going to read, and i tell you , as always, read with pleasure, dear friends,
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hello, this is a podcast deception of substances from... its host is olesya nosova, editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda, famous endocrinologist zukhra pavlova. zukhra, here my friends and relatives watched our podcast and made a remark to us, we smile very little, well, as i said, we are talking about serious things, of course, we are talking about this with serious faces, but it seems to me that we should correct ourselves with pleasure , yes, the second second important remark, we still probably need to constantly talk about the fact that all those recommendations that are voiced in... in our transmission, they are still advisory in nature, and if we are talking about some substance, then before prescribing it for yourself, you still need to go to the doctor, well , of course, it would be better to have a medical examination, so that they tell you everything that you can and that it’s not allowed, yes, well, now we’re going to talk about iodine, so are there people who absolutely, under no circumstances should not consume iodized salt, or
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anything else, there are people who absolutely definitely can’t use it. iodine they even prescribe an iodine-free diet, well, for example, when human hyperfunction, that is, excessive synthesis of thyroid hormones, here you definitely cannot use iodine, iodized salt, any drugs containing iodine and even food that contains a lot of iodine, but how can you recognize this in yourself, or you won’t understand it at all, well, it won’t light up in any way, and such a light bulb and you can’t eat iodine, you have hyperfunction, if a person is preparing for iodine therapy, let’s say he had a serious illness of thyroid cancer , he was operated on and will have iodine therapy, then the doctor will definitely tell to the patient: you are now eating completely without iodine, indicate which foods contain more iodine, what should be completely excluded, be sure to make sure that the salt is not iodized, then you should also not consume iodine. in other cases, in
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most situations, iodine is just really needed, and the problem that has become so... has become enormous on a global scale, it is associated with iodine deficiency, we have very, very many countries around the world where there is a natural deficiency, iodine deficiency, by the way, our country, well, probably 90 percent, consists of regions where there is iodine deficiency, so this is very important for us, but why is iodine deficiency so scary? oh, it’s easier to say than it’s not scary, iodine is a substance that is vitally necessary for a person. and, for example, those same thyroid hormones cannot be synthesized, if there is no iodine or there is a deficiency of it, there will be few of them, and thyroid hormones are what determines, well, let’s say, the level of our metabolism, how actively they will work all mechanisms in our body. well, for example, as an example, when a person
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is born in a situation, a child is born in a situation where the mother had iodine deficiency, he is not... the strength of these hormones, such a child will be born with a pathology of the nervous system, he will have a poorly developed intellect, up to cretinism, this is often perceived as abusive word, but in fact, critinism is a diagnosis, if a child in the embryonic period did not receive sufficient iodine and thyroid hormones, his intelligence will never be sufficient, and unfortunately, this situation is very similar to the fact that you and i are preparing a pie and we forgot to put it there the eggs are baked, it’s of poor quality, you won’t be able to mix in the eggs and change the quality of this pie, it’s the same here, if a child is born, then the situation will already be improved... well, it won’t be possible to get it back to normal, yes, of course, he will be treated, he they will give him the necessary substances, but it will not be possible to change his level of intelligence, there is...


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