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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 3, 2024 3:05am-3:31am MSK

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region, again, or in tuva, there is little selenium, and little iodine, and a lot of iodine, so this problem is more pronounced there, and there is the prevention of iodine deficiency, we are not in soviet russia now, yes, there are no such programs there, we have now, but we have very accessible medical care, and if you turn to an endocrinologist or even a therapist, you can understand whether the synthesis of thyroid hormones is sufficient and whether there is a problem in this aspect? very simply, then simply by using poisoned salt, we can rid ourselves and our loved ones of this problems. by the way, eating affordable seafood really, really helps to cope with this problem. well, for example, a person’s daily need for iodine is 120-150 microg, and i’m not talking about ustoritsa, and not everyone eats ustoritsa, especially not every day, but seaweed. well, a more than affordable
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product, this seaweed contains almost 1 gram of iodine per kilogram, we need only 150 micrograms, that is, many, many times less, you don’t need to eat a kilogram of seaweed, even if you even eat seaweed salad every other day cabbage or some seafood is more than enough to provide yourself with iodine, i remember what you said, you had a patient... who remembered these numbers 150, only she decided not micrograms, but grams and when she ate 150 g of marshmallow cabbage every day, and it all led to sad consequences, we had to urgently bring her out of this state, hyper, how can i say, hyperfunction, yes, against this background hyperfunction developed, this sometimes happens, these are etrogenic , that is, when the doctor prescribes very large doses of iodine, or when...
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as much as you need, that’s how much you need , that’s how much you need to consume, do i understand correctly that at some extreme levels of damage to the thyroid gland, you can see everything with your own eyes, that is, a goiter appears, yes, a goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland tissue, and this happens for trivial reasons. yes , iodine deficiency, and the thyroid gland, which extracts it from the blood, it enters the blood with food, and it tries to extract everything, which is literally all the tiny little things that enter the body and in order to cope with this more effectively, it increases in volume, that is, it overstrains, it overstrains, grows in volume, this goiter is such a large thyroid gland that developed against the background of hypothyroidism, against the background of...
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insufficient amount of iodine in the body , then hypothyroidism develops, that is , its function synthesizing this organ decreases and we see this clinically, and sometimes when the thyroid gland reached such a size that it had to be carried with you or carried with you in some kind of bearings, this has happened before, but these cases have been described, that is, such a huge organ that... it was no longer possible to hold it in your hands, yes, unfortunately, this is true, now it is almost impossible to find such a thing, but it was described in textbooks, by the way, there was a good experiment before the war, before the great patriotic war, in kabordino-balkaria, in my opinion, they carried out experiment, over the course of 7 years, they literally saturated all the products available to people with iodine, everything that was possible, iodized salt, many products containing iodine, and the number of goiters decreased among.
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this incidence of goiters and iodine deficiency, well, in fact, everything is solved simply, the problem is global, it is solved simply. we continue the podcast deception of substances, my name is olesya nosova and zukhra pavlova is with me. let's now talk about soybeans, soybeans and cruciferous vegetables, you and i really love cruciferous vegetables, broccoli is our favorite vegetable.
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a very similar situation: cruciferous soybeans also reduce the amount of iodine absorption, and here i would like to cite southeast asia as an example. the japanese even before birth in the womb they get a lot of soybeans, because it is part of the food culture of this people, they do not have any problems with iodine deficiency, because they also eat a lot of seafood, in other words, when they eat cristotswe. there is less culture, but now there is a lot of tofu and so on, lovers of some kind of exotic food, well, cabbage, all its turnips, soybeans and so on, we have soybeans just for the sake of it, if you add something iodine-containing to them, seafood or iodized
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salt, then the problem goes away, as they say, into the background, because we compensate the loss of this same iodine with cruciferous vegetables is all... the problem is solved very simply. now about soy, we also need to take into account this point, that there is a lot of soy in protein shakes, and protein shakes are a very good thing, good, let ’s say, good protein shakes are a good thing that allows you to compensate for protein deficiency, and we all, everyone with you, are always in a protein deficiency, if we don’t specifically monitor this, and accordingly, if we take some protein shakes, we need to... see if there is soy in it, if there is soy in it, then we look at what kind of salt we have, the salt should be iodized, yes, and it is also very important to look at the composition of this product, because it can be added iodine, because respected manufacturers, and they immediately, they
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immediately add it there, so that again there is no overdose of a certain amount, then if iodine is included in the composition, then we do not add nuclear salt, if it is not included, we add it. no organ needs nicotine or alcohol, so there is not much to dive into this story, i don’t know of a situation where alcohol or nicotine could...
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again, if we use poisoned salt, do not abuse its quantity, you and i had a whole program dedicated to salt, we remember that per day this no more than 5 g, taking into account products in which salt is added, let’s say bread, so really don’t add salt to the food you are preparing, only add salt to the finished one, and you will prevent iodine deficiency, even if you use some substances or products or... pretas that reduce iodine absorption or contribute to its faster elimination from the body. i would also say that when we have some problems with iodine deficiency, our entire country is in iodine deficiency, we, unfortunately, have one of the few countries,
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there are about a dozen of them left there, in which there is no mandatory salt poisoning, therefore, when a person is forced. take responsibility for your health, this is generally correct in principle, because no one owes us anything, we have many opportunities to take care of our health, either by buying salt, make sure it says iodized on it, but using iodized salt will deprive you of many problems associated with the pathology of the thyroid gland, and with iodine deficiency, by the way, yes, there are studies that say that if a person is not offered iodized salt and not...
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at the state duma level, this bill is being folded, but it exists, it exists, it is ready, in general, the only thing left is, well, let’s hope that someone succeeds, the salt will be poisoned, because, well, okay, adults can yes make a decision, and the children they won’t be able to use the salt that their parents bought, but it will become more expensive, so it’s as if the family budget will suffer from this by some completely insignificant amounts, by pennies, of course. the consequences of a deficiency
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can be reversed at some point, in fact, not so many different pathological conditions of our body can be reversed, here , in fact, everything can be solved with one small pinch of salt, not the right word, moreover, iron in general, she is so grateful in my opinion, there is a lot of process in her.
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contains iodine, so you say that persimmons, there is a lot of persimmons and there is a lot of iodine in persimmons, this - well, let's say, a fruit that has not always been in our food culture, like fiyahua, but contains, this is generally a storehouse of iodine, there is a lot of - a lot of iodine, but fihua, persimmon, uh, there are seasonal and fruits, buckwheat, millet, always in our diet, please, well, millet, no millet, okay. are we birds, why do we cook porridge from millet, we have some other products,
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how can we use enough of it somewhere, well, okay, we often use buckwheat, thank god we have rehabilitated it, nuts, eggs, by the way, eggs, a strategic product, lemon, in general citrus fruits contain iodine, well, lemon in this regard is larger, a more leading, so to speak, fruit, so m... iodine deficiency - if you eat right, it’s quite difficult to get iodine deficiency, the only thing is when a person goes to get tested, now our listeners might think, what if i have iodine deficiency? they’ll go get tested, if you ate seafood the day before, then you ’ll be fine - with iodine, that’s if you eat more often than not, potatoes and pasta, then well... we always talk about the fact that you don’t need to go get tested, you need to go to the doctor, and the doctor will already tell you what tests
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you need to take, well, just in case, because i well, i very rarely come across people doing everything as you say, so anticipating this possibility, i want to say that you can get tested completely pointlessly, wasting time and money, so olesya is absolutely right, go to the doctor, he will tell you right away . will tell you what to do and what not to do, it will be effective and reasonable, yes, and i hope that we will save everyone from iodine deficiency. yes, we would really like to be heard by the people who make the decision after all, they passed a law on the mandatory addition of salt. yes, perhaps there are some counteracting situations, well, for example, poisoning salt greatly changes the government in relation to food producers. but this is a very useful thing, and most importantly, judified salt is intelligence, this is our health, this is
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our future, yes, yes, thank you, the podcast deception of substances and i, editor-in-chief, were with you komsomol truth olesya nosova, and the famous endocrinologist, zukhra pavlova, you can watch all episodes of the podcastlab project on the website of the first channel i'm larisa guzleeva, let's get married, good afternoon, today's bride is yana, veronica, another veronica, and... we have ivan. ivan is 34 years old, his beloved left an unhealed wound on his heart, despite the fact that she was a doctor. ivan, an entrepreneur in the field of construction and auto sales, enjoys boxing, is proud that at the age of 24 he bought his first apartment in st. petersburg, warns that he is a fan of the bathhouse. ivan does not see himself next to a silent , modest person, as well as with the owner of
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a down-to-earth profession, he marries a charismatic creative person who wears. you want what, you want your future bride to not be ashamed of her past? or maybe we’ll take a look, otherwise i don’t understand what you’re starting about, you don’t remember, you don’t remember vanya, handsome guys, no, i remember outwardly, but what kind of story it was, i don’t remember, let’s remind the audience too, uh, i’m watching photo, uh, the first thing i saw there
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a photograph of her with two men, no, no, no, no, look, she's with two men in the middle on a plane, with two, right? in the summer, and this is her right with two, now i ’ll tell you everything, and these are her work colleagues, well, i know them, i know them, but just like with colleagues, maybe colleagues, yes, they also filmed this in the video, she dances a striptease in front of two men, and then they do all sorts of bad things there, maybe they drugged her and sent her photographs to blackmail her, because they business together, they don’t seem to...
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let’s come to my place and have tea, i say: tea, she says: well, yes, herbal tea, you like it, i say, listen, i adore herbal tea, and we went and drank this magical tea, well , and so it happened, what the next morning she gave you this tea, you fell asleep there and fell asleep with her magic tea, delicious, by the way, she’s right on her first date, i like that he’s so measured, calm, such a look insightful, we were in a relationship - 3 years in total, oh well, yes, yes, yes, that was it ok, until one day, i uh, often fly around cities, for work, and in my city in st. petersburg, uh, it so happened that my friend, and he’s also my partner, that is, i made him a manager there , yes, confidant, i fly, uh, to st. petersburg, call him, he
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doesn’t answer the phone, uh, i call my girlfriend. so she doesn’t pick up the phone, then after a while he calls me and says: van, uh, my ex-girlfriend’s name was yana, and he says: listen, we need to talk about yana, and i’m going like, well, i work in head, i say: listen, what does yana have to do with this, i say, let’s meet, we need to talk, he says: listen, well, yana is with me now, we’ve been wanting to tell you for a long time that we are together, i’m emotional, in short, i went to him, of course i understand everything, it’s just tough. it became kind of funny and pathetic, i took the car from her, fired him, well, about a week has not passed, uh, i’m sitting in my office at work, she comes to me, all in tears,
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there, vanya, i’m sorry , i say, listen, yes, in fact, everything is fine, my life i got rid of such a friend and such a girl, like you, he is a strong man, because he came here, that is, he believes in love, he continues to look for that same woman, that is, this is very important. you are looking for a sexy, liberated, and at the same time true devotion, so that a friend, i agree, you know, that ’s just the kind of person i am, i have a job and a house, i probably wanted to fall in love very much and you know, i’ve built the illusion for myself that this is so, and then it is absolutely not so, and where do you meet them, we we met on social networks, by the way, this is the truth, well, so handsome, young, we haven’t tried it in other places, listen, i met, you know, and... the acquaintances took place there in a restaurant in the hall there, and yes, and just on the road, you’re driving a car, you can get acquainted, you know, it’s just that there’s such a thing as a good person, everything ’s cool, he’s handsome, what will you do now, that
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’s what you’ll pay attention to today first of all, get to know the girls, you know, i’d like the girl to strive for something , something for her not to be a slacker, so that she is not a hundred 100% a slacker, but that she has the right concepts... inclined, well, for example, in tibet, there some nationalities will happily give up their wife, well, let's say, for temporary use
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as a guest, if the woman he liked it, i feel that now the prices for tickets to the ticket will jump, what do we have, we have an apartment, there is an apartment in st. petersburg, it turns out, a car, i don’t know, i missed the car, i missed the car, there is a child, he seems to live in moscow, but there is business. vanya, who will i recommend to you, well, as you say, i don’t corruptible, well, now they will all be, they hear now, now everyone will be incorruptible, no one needs anything, but i have a dossier on each one, yes, this is said from their words, so we will see when we, when i catch them, how they react, and it also seems to me, ivan, the problem is you, you need to sort yourself out, it seems to me that you are a very... jealous person, well, on your own, jealous, suspicious, anxious and distrustful, this is such a mentality, nothing wrong with there's nothing you can do about it, and
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maybe you're provoking your women, so with this suspicion of theirs, that at a certain moment they say, well, it’s better that i really go over to the side, it seems to me that the last such circumcision is mine, but it seems to me, don’t try, don’t strive, don’t rush to quickly move in together, that you’re starting to third day of living with a family. i don’t understand this, why, but so you will be with us, and we will be with you, what do you think about age? there’s too much of a difference, it seems to me, well, in love all ages are submissive, as long as there’s a good person, we’ll see, come on in, meet the first one bride hello, my name is yana, i hope you can trust me, yanochka, this is for you, oh,
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thank you, thank you, yana is 21 years old, designer, founder of her own clothing brand, buys herself new things every day, eats cold rice porridge in the morning and loves to dream about the future, plans to open. a dance school and a fashion house, she is proud that she moved to moscow at the age of 17, she admits that she smells food before eating it, i warn you that she will not give up her business for a man, only after a year of the relationship did jaana find out that she her lover is old enough to be her father and hopes that ivan will not consider her too frivolous. hello, pretty girl, but she looks older than 21, well, to me, it seems simple. older, well, if after such a long time you found out that he was old enough for you, it means that everything was good about him, and what a difference in age, in general.


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