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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 3, 2024 3:30am-4:16am MSK

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oh, thank you, thank you, yana, 21 years old, designer, founder of her own clothing brand, buys herself new things every day, eats cold rice porridge in the morning and loves to dream about the future, plans to open a chain of boutiques, a dance school and a fashion house, be proud of that she moved to moscow at the age of 17, admits that she smells food before eating it, and warns that she won’t leave her. her business for the sake of a man, only after a year of relationship did jaana learn that her lover was old enough to be her father, she hopes that ivan will not consider her too frivolous. hello, pretty girl, she looks older than 21, well, as for me, it seems to me, just a little older, but if after such a long time you found out that he was good enough for you , then everything was good about him, and what difference does it make, age in general. everything was absolutely
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gorgeous, that is, it was really the best kind of conscious relationship, and he looked very good, that is, he is a swimmer, then, how old was he to you, and i turned out to be 20, he turned out to be 40, and that we met, yes , we met him, then we began to travel with him to different countries, and it was really a downright chic attitude, he constantly surprised me with various surprises, i always loved to surprise him. i even started cooking, so we kind of understand what he is like to you, but what are you like to him? yes, well, there, for example, i drew for him and danced there, for example, i specially learned choreography for him, on the table, or something, where did they dance? no, just at home, then it just happened that at one point he changed his license and i found out, i just saw the card is right and his date of birth was written there, i did the math and yeah, that means 10 years from...
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older, it turns out, than we met, and i thought, well, this fact wouldn’t embarrass me, but he deceived you, yes , yes, if a relationship begins with deception, then it will not end well, but we separated not for this reason, the reason was different, because i am the kind of person for whom it is important to have a goal, well, that is, the goal of communication, the goal of contact with a person , in this case there was no goal, that is, he didn’t want a family, he didn’t he didn’t i wanted children there and so on, but i already wanted...
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did they even know that you were dating an adult guy? no, why don’t they know? because i’ve been living alone for 4 years now, so you’re underage and have left home? no, no, well, at the age of 17, yes, i came to moscow, it was my huge dream, but how did you come without your parents? well, like everyone else comes to go to college, well, of course, you graduated from school, where is she, are you going to college or where did you come no, no, no, i just came to work, well, that is, i’m a designer oder? but there were simply scandals, yes there were quarrels,
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but we agreed with them, that is, i did not avoid directness from home, please tell me, in order to create your own clothing brand, you need money, where did you get the money for this, to survive here , i would rent an apartment, there would be enough for food, yes, i sold my dresses, do you think this dress was her design? well, i think so, why not? i think he looks so good, well, not bad, but he’s so handsome, what kind of education do you have, am i taller? no, i don’t have a higher education degree, i studied to be a designer, it’s like that too training, plus she took various courses in design, so you wrote on the questionnaire that you buy new things every day, but why should you buy if you have your own brand of clothes, so you would wear your own, but i really like it, i i love clothes. i always
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like to see what the fit is, what fabrics are there, what new accessories are there, another fairy tale, where do you get the money to buy things every day, i have a lot of work, it seems to me. you can’t be touched or talked to in the morning until you’ve eaten, and well, the interval, that's how much, when you immediately wake up, do exercises, go to breakfast, smell every piece of food before you put a spoon in your mouth, what do you smell? and you know, you really feel all the taste buds at once, it ’s as if they’re turning on, it’s just juicy food, and why do you touch strangers who pass by, but not by, not everyone, she’s not crazy, strangers, well, here he is he’s coming,
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it’s written, she’s coming, she came up and touched him, why is that probably not true, yes, but i just see when a person is dressed beautifully, he’s it has beautiful fabric, here are the accessories. i come up, there, i say, you can touch it, see what kind of material this is, it’s professional, it’s professional, if a person deals with clothes, then everything is quite logical, but the language of love for you is surprise gifts, that’s it, nothing else is needed, yanochka, show me the surprise, oh, yes, yes, i need to get ready, oh, wait, this dress is yours, yes, well done, man, what do you think, she left to get ready, what will she do, me it seems most likely that this is a dance in some special dress of hers. i i think, either some kind of gift for him, which she herself made with her own hands.
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thank you, there are a lot of emotions in one dance, and... and a very flexible, very beautiful figure. mikhail, you have a girlfriend or wife, that is, in a relationship, how do you like jaana? a calm, little girl, a girl - who develops herself, achieves, and
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who is self-sufficient in everything, she is more interested in just living in this world, and not depending on a man, but it seems to me that he is just not emotional, of course. this is just a minus, that is, he is just like a stone, you know, he’s sitting like that, well, even now he’s frowning, you saw, you’re only 34 years old, there’s still time, yes, but why do you need jaana, who, strictly speaking, is going her own way, well, there’s absolutely no need for this, especially if lariska claims that you are still jealous, pathologically, here you will remember the past, mom doesn’t say. we just need a young woman or girl who, as i told you at the very beginning, has practically nothing, she may have been sitting in the library, she graduated from college, now she’s just starting, as they say, meet the second bride, come.
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hello, hello, nice to meet you, mutually, i'm veronica, veronica, cold hands, what's so fresh about you, i love such hands, you'll warm me up, this is for you, thank you, oh, first blink, it's okay, thank you, very beautiful, creating a library for blind, visually impaired children, dreams of holding exhibitions of her veronica is 32 years old, the artist writes poetry and paintings all over the world, admits that she places boxes with paper napkins everywhere and always packs her suitcase at the last moment.
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veronica considered her marriage successful until her husband began systematically smelling other people's perfume, hoping that ivan would smell of reliability. hello, at what year in your life did your husband begin to come home inspired, and we were together for 13 years. what are you saying, how long have you been alive, you are 32 years old, it was your first love, i met when i went to college, received my first education, how old were you, i was 17, got married at 19, yes, 20, and that, as they suspected, as they understood, they believed, in fact in fact, it was not the smell of someone’s perfume that repelled me, but... the coldness that repelled me, the young man began to come home later, when i
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was preparing something to eat, he refused, every time he was tired, he left for the weekend either to visit his family , or for some other business, that’s how we pulled away from each other, she’s too old, it seems to me, for him, but she’s so incredibly beautiful, bright, very attractive, she has very kind eyes, but somehow i it seems that this is not his type, you were jealous of his mother. believed that he he devotes too much time to his mother, it ’s not about his mother, it’s about the fact that we stopped talking, no, nothing happens out of the blue when he suddenly stopped talking, something preceded it, well, for example, you did it to him hours, a remark that you are with your mother all the time, that you call her, you understand, if you blow in a man’s ears like this all the time, he will get tired, some are already going somewhere, some are in work, some are in another woman, immersed, yes, when you have no experience, you are young, you... you understand, you, and what are you and your mother like? relationships? with my mother, she was my
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best friend, well, she’s like me, she wants to spend a lot of attention, more time, but she’s just so possessive for me, that’s when you suspected him, without catching his hand, that he was cheating on you, because he began to smell of someone else’s perfume, they conducted an investigation, who is it, what is it? no, of course, i would like my man to talk to me, tell me how it is, and have you tried talking to him? that there is something wrong in our relationship, that i want to communicate more, what i feel, that you are pulling away, but in response the person simply did not want to talk, and why didn’t you give birth when you were 13? years, no one, because we had such, such a situation that he
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studied, and i studied, and morally we thought that we needed to first get a higher education, then build a house, it seems to me that they are not suitable for each other now to a friend, but he needs something more fatal, she’s like more open, yes, more open, more bright. you have a good education, higher economics, management of the tourism industry, but you work as an artist poet, you earn good money, you have some kind of education as an artist, i studied in two schools, this was in childhood, that is, in a music school and an art school, that is, it was drawing and music in class, that is, you now you earn money as an artist, but what do you draw, yes, i draw pictures, i draw, they buy electrons, and yet you still dream? open a library for the blind and visually impaired, that is, you collect books, or what? no, i
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write books in briley, but this is wonderful, this is just, well, worthy of praise, how much time do you need for one book, i am creating an ordinary book, that is, you will answer the question, my dear, what do you think is two weeks, people have been writing classic books for decades, this is in demand if you can somehow alleviate the suffering. here's medelson, come on, let's start, placing napkins everywhere, black-haired,
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fair-skinned, incriminating men by smell, vanya's fiancee, veronica, bravo, veronica, your hot, how many melodies there are in the world, chords, pieces and different thirds, but best of all loved ones. mendelssohn's march song heart, like why not hello? it’s really nice to watch, you’re great, listen, since you’re a creative person, i have a question for you: are you ready to take your husband’s last name? my last name is ryazan, i think that a girl should take it despite the fact that it’s
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a creative person, that is, you are ready, but what is your last name, it doesn’t matter, in fact, you like a beautiful bride. let's see the surprise, what do you think the surprise will be now, well, it's creative, it seems to me, a song or a poem, maybe some verse of his own, i’ll put on a red dress, glasses over my eyes, versace, so that no one can see how i’m crying, so that they don’t know what i’m hiding in my soul, one beautiful, sweet dress instead of black ones for tears and farewells, i i’ll hear so much passion, no prohibitions, no promises, you know, i’m moving such a straight tenbik, i added little ones, yes, yes, yes, but she’s just a star, you know, just 90, life, let’s
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make a deal, take it. give me my red dress, give me love instead of crafts, i will wear happiness today, i will dress happiness today. thank you, thank you, thank you, take the flowers, come on in, this is something of hers, the fact that she wrote the song herself, she performed it herself, she wasn’t afraid, how do you like the bride, my friends, good, good, really a nice girl, sweet, feminine, kind, well, that’s what i saw, as
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it seemed to me, she didn’t love, it seems to me that she lacked love, warmth from... if you want to be loved, love, it seems to me that there was such a selfish two-sided thing, but a woman, if she wants loves a man, she wants a continuation, you can also endlessly to dream when we build a house, a dacha in addition, two cars and so on, something was different there, i want a family of children, of course, for of course to be wealthy, calm for my future and for the future of the child, tell me, did you want a creative girl , is veronica not creative or? she’s just the way you dreamed of and gentle and not swearing, but that’s not the point, and she didn’t say anything about sponsorship about men, that a man should not say a single word, well, plus fat, by the way, she didn’t give birth, she didn’t say that, she didn’t give birth in marriage, because that she earned more than her husband, she was very scared that if she went on maternity leave,
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it was unlikely that her husband would be able to provide for the child for you... a girl who will sit at home, write poetry and pictures, is better than her on the plane - then catch, no, well, that’s better, of course, but this is probably not what i want, then meet the third bride, come on in. van, hello, you are engaged in construction and build strong houses, i hope we can also build a strong family, of course, this is for you, thank you, here you go, veronica, 23 years old, a photographer at a children's center, sometimes earns money by playing computer games, admits that he will not sit down for breakfast
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until he has swept all the floors in the house, warns that he will not tolerate a night work schedule from... and his communication with his exes. veronica tried to get pregnant for a long time, but as soon as she gave birth to a child, she realized that her husband was not the right person for her. she hopes that ivan will become an ideal match for her. hello veronica. hello. well, listen, she came just like that. yes, yes, yes, just like those lips. no and you? tried get pregnant while married or before? before marriage, why? we were together for a total of 5 years, but the child appeared 3 years later. well , what happiness, your man was delighted? yes, at first he was happy, everything was fine, well , then for about a week he just walked around in shock, at first he didn’t understand, well, he was just in some kind of state of shock, but why did he not walk like himself, well, there was fear because
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we just had a tense relationship, we started arguing, because, well, my hormones were probably going crazy, i didn’t have enough eternal attention, he either works there or in on the computer, well, outwardly she tries to emphasize long eyelashes, big lips, it seems to me that she seems to want to... erase memories of the past, but where did they live? lived with his parents, his parents fed him, well, as i understand it, yes, well, they lived with his parents, well, his mother wanted us to just live next to her, it was just a big two-story house, so she said: i won’t let you i won’t interfere with your meddling, well , i won’t get into your life, like, well, just that everything is together, no, i didn’t, well, thank god, here he is he came home from work, let’s say, he ate, well, i didn’t have enough attention, because he could. well, go up to the second floor, just kiss me there, look at the baby, we’re together,
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well, you should go down to him, if the baby is calm, you have so much energy that you don’t want to sleep, attention from your husband, it seems to me, comes first sometimes you think, lord, he fell asleep somewhere on the sofa and you walk around quietly, you’re afraid to turn off the tv, because your eyes are right there, and what did you say tv, i’m watching, you know, so as not to touch you, that’s how i am the mother of two children. i i understand that i don’t care about anything at all, well, somehow i just want to sleep stupidly, no, it’s sad that you’ve been with your child for 23 years, without anyone, when you finished the acting course, when he didn’t like it, i we parted in advance, that is, i said that i wanted to enroll in higher acting, i said that well, i was interested in this, so i was going to enroll in rostov first, but before enrolling, i wanted to take acting courses, he did not support me, he said:
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to a friend literally for a week, performing songs. or you don't accept it, because i had the same situation, but not with a kiss, did you go to rostov to see your friend? i left for what became the final point of separation when i visited. purely, so i decided that i needed to do something, because even there, at a distance, there were simply some conflicts, and there they were jealous of me, they decided to take out a mortgage on the apartment, with what money, having a small
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child, did the parents help, down payment, yes, he is now paying you some kind of alimony, i’ll help you, yes, at his own request, once a month, yes, he pays alimony, and how much he pays, well, that’s enough, well, for me his mother also helps a lot, and milinderson, please tell me where and when did this concept of alimony come from? in december 1918, the bolsheviks returned alimony, before that they did not exist in russia for about a year, and it is interesting that if there were several alleged fathers, well, the woman forgot who exactly the child was from, then, as the bailiff’s handbook writes , the court could oblige all candidates to participate in the elements. she's beautiful, she's good, but it seems to me that she's not his type at all, of course, i'm honestly, i don’t know who could
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stand next to him, tell me, veronica, are you ready for, for a new marriage, so you consider yourself to have changed, the main thing for me is that the person and i can understand each other and hear that there was no shouting at each other, something like that, so that as you hear, he tells you you don’t need a mortgage, well, okay, but no, that means later, but you still take it? how to negotiate with you, well, there was no such thing that no, he didn’t say anything, he didn’t care at all, tell me, kuvan is your friend, on which side, what brings you together, yes with a heart on this, he has a girlfriend, my very, very close friend, but unfortunately, due to health reasons, she couldn’t, well, she couldn’t just come with us, okay, let’s look at the surprise that you have prepared, come on, please, well , it seems to me that she will either sing, well, not dance exactly, she is like that, it seems to me that she is not at all... a sports person, not a person, sports, tricks, perhaps, by the way, we are now blindfolding each other, we will dance with our fingers , i got it, lower, lower. yes, okay,
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let's go, i'll put it down now, so now, that's it, i helped, which is normal, yes, with the right leg on me, okay, so, oh, veronica, i ’m starting to feel something, veronica, you smell very tasty, thank you. well, this is such closeness, such tenderness, such romance, so what? you're huddled in a corner
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in the middle, at least they can't see it? he doesn’t know how to dance a waltz, oh well, you’re strong, thank you, i imagine myself on the spot, and this close contact is very conducive, immediately such a mood, romance, love, how do you like the bride, small, stupid? i don’t want to offend you in any way, i’m still a girl, i it seems that she just needs to engage in self-development, raise a child, so maybe read books, well, it has nothing to do with age, how small she is, she already has a child, this is experience 2 and then who said 23 years old, i think that she he doesn’t raise you there, probably his parents brought him up, i think so too, but you see he says that you’re a stupid little girl. doesn’t
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see that you are a very energetic person and don’t know where to give this energy, guys, well, you need to choose, i recommend the first veronica, who is older, 32 years old, after all i believe in her more if you point it out correctly, you know, after all, a husband should also help his wife, in this regard, if you point it out correctly, she has a good education, let her draw, when she gives birth to a baby, let her draw and rhymes with him. writes there, all this will be useful for the family, the fact that she wants to help someone, today, i think it’s so great, even just her desire is one, yes, let’s find out from mendelsonchik, who are you for, dear , i am also for the artist and the poet, no matter who you go to now, in any case, we will support you, come in, if he comes here and chooses me, then i will come out with him, because i really liked him, i invite everyone to come out and
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support. listen, i would like to try to build a relationship with you, if you don’t mind, okay, we can, it’s mutual, yes, i’m very glad, but can i take a closer look into your eyes, of course, i really liked the light in your eyes, it’s mutual, we have .
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the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live broadcast on may 7 at 12:00 moscow time. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. leveling the front. berdochi in the dpr has been completely liberated ; a large ammunition depot has been destroyed in odessa. no one is forgotten. house of trade unions, already 10 years after the tragedy.
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stories are those who fight and believe that they will return to their hometown. housing, medicine, national projects, support for special operation participants. conversation between vladimir putin and the governor of the tula region. road map, development of bama transib and driving holidays, new opportunities, what else was discussed at meeting of the government, to pump according to the manual the unrest in tbilisi with the approval of washington and brussels, imposing on others what they will not tolerate, faster, more convenient, more spacious, the oriole trains, completely domestically produced, reached... moscow central diameters. the settlement of berdochi in the avdeevka trap has been completely liberated by the russian army, the ministry of defense reported. in fact, its cleansing has been completed, and the front has already
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advanced significantly. so a large bridgehead is opening up in the area of ​​ocheretina, novokalinovo, keramik. and this is already 5-7 km from the same berdachys. our offensive is taking place along the so -called watershed. that is, we occupy heights from which we will control space for tens of kilometers. the military also reported the destruction of american missile launchers. there is also a video of a burning western ammunition warehouse in odessa. alexey ivanov will tell you more. tactical success of the center group. our fighters completely liberated the village of berdychi, which is located north-west of avdievka, from ukrainian militants. information about the transition of the settlement under the control of the russian military. appeared at the end of april, today the ministry of defense announced this officially. as a result of active actions, the division of the group of troops - the center completely liberated the village of berdychi, improved the tactical situation and inflicted defeat with the formation of 59 motorized infantry, 42-47
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mechanized brigades and 109 territorial defense brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. in the areas of vozdvizhenka, kalinov, sokol, novopokrovsky and progress. just in the area. whose heavy losses were suffered in manpower and equipment by the ukrainian forty-seventh mechanized brigade, its other name magura, it was this unit that was equipped with the vaunted american abrams tanks. after the destruction of the abrams, western sponsors banned the ukrainian armed forces from using them in direct clashes with our fighters. the intelligence officers were already able to remove secret nato equipment from the immobilized tank. yes, come out. that's it, go get sick. one assault unit of the brave group, now there is a short respite, these are the guys who are fighting in the area of ​​​​the village of ocheretina, all in the same avdeevsky direction. an officer with the call sign poet is fighting with the first days of the special operation on different sectors of the front. in february, his group liberated
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avgeevka. stormtroopers in an armored personnel carrier in an urban environment jumped into the rear of enemy positions and were able to capture the large fortified area. we set out in the morning as part of a column and were moving. at a certain point at the transition line, they successfully began to work, to act, it is clear that there were some nuances there, but the result was the same, that the assigned task was completed and in the end, avdeevka was cleared, then they went, well, yes, to they didn’t stop there, they rested a little there , they began to act further, they went there and so on, during the assault. despite the pain, the officer continued to lead the detachment and the enemy was eventually destroyed. come on, makarchi! we struck at the right moment, found, so to speak, a gap in
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the defense, pressed, pressed, and the enemy ran, even this was visible, as if felt physically, that it was somehow easier with quadcopters. we observed that enemy groups simply retreated from their position. the battalion commander of this battalion, a hero of russia with the call sign sakha, calls the combat experience gained invaluable, each time the attack aircraft used new tactics, acted in small groups, acted, roughly speaking, how to say, in a conveyor belt, that is, one group acted, consolidated, then the next group advanced, everything was carried out from a quadcopter, all actions, coordination , everything was worked out at the request of the group commanders. they smoked the route movements, that is, they also acted together with other neighboring battalions. the battalion commander with the call sign sakha will take part in the victory parade this year red square in moscow. after the successful capture of several settlements at once in
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the avdeevsky direction from the attack aircraft in the center group , there is simply no time to rest and just relax, even being here, in a conditionally rear area, the guy hone his combat skills. this is a class on tactical medicine. all these actions save lives on the battlefield. first sirens, air raids, then a powerful explosion and subsequent detonation. large-scale fire in odessa.
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will publish a video like in trailers with logos the new mail transports armored vehicles, in this case british spartan armored personnel carriers. in order for trucks to pass across the border without hindrance, polish license plates were attached to the vehicles. our military violated such logistics. ukrainian military equipment is being successfully destroyed in all directions. here is one of the striking examples. this footage was published today by the ministry of defense. accurate strikes on two haimers missile launchers at once. the ukrainian armed forces transferred these american systems to... the kharkov region to strike at civilians of belgorod and the region. fighters
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from the north group, using reconnaissance drones, tracked down the installations and destroyed them in preparation for the strikes. tactical missiles and tornado s systems were operationally tested against high-morose missiles. there, in the kharkov region , the irist anti-aircraft missile system and the control center of this complex took off. germany transferred these air defense systems to ukraine. the radicals hid ires in farm buildings, but it did not help. our operators. drones with powerful optics discovered the equipment, the missilemen destroyed it, all that remained was ash and a plume of black smoke. in another direction in the dnieper delta in the kherson region, our marines immediately neutralized 10 ukrainian saboteurs. they tried to gain a foothold on one of the islands. now this is part of the land that was formed after the dnieper was cut off, and is completely under our control. marines of the black sea fleet have already equipped observation posts there with camouflaged firing points. alexey ivanov, valentin stukanov,
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seversk direction of the front as part of the southern group of troops, the offensive is led by the artillery division of the 123rd brigade, special -purpose batteries, differs from a regular battery due to the fact that here we have an accurate gun, the best ammunition, and we work on call, reconnaissance only finds a target, we immediately work on it, we have no mistakes, artillerymen speak their own words. they claim in practice that these are objective control shots; they clearly show
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how each fired shell lands with pinpoint precision, exactly where the ukrainian armed forces infantry are hidden. it’s not for nothing that they call their weapon a sniper rifle. i can say that this is the most accurate weapon on which i have worked, the range is also excellent, 24.5 km, this is quite enough to wage a counter-battery war, to reach almost any target. the main task is destruction.
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undecided, the flooring has several slopes, there are logs here so that the earth does not crumble, there is still work to be done, the fighter call sign ignat shows his dugout, well, this is our kitchen. this one is also unsophisticated, we haven’t completed everything here yet, here you can drink some tea, please, gas stove, ignat, resident lugansk people's republic, in civilian life he worked as the director of a rural cultural center, when our army liberated his native lands from the ukrainian nazis, he received a russian passport and volunteered for the front, my grandmother
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fought, my grandfather fought, everyone took the crimea, i was simply brought up, so we will go through all this and we will win, the division is armed with a variety of guns, shells per day, we help the infantry, offensive, gun, during a special military operation, this artillery division worked in different directions, lost only a few guns, while counting the ukrainian equipment destroyed by him. it's already in the dozens. gusein huseynov, fariid muslimov, boris chuchupalov, yulia khodorova, first channel donetsk people's republic. today is 10 years since the tragedy in odessa. on the same may day in 2014, a massacre occurred. opponents of the maidan authorities were burned alive in the house of trade unions. those who escaped finished off. this
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morning in odessa, despite the ban, flowers were brought to the site of the terrible events, leaving them near the fence put up by the security forces. we remember the words from burning candles in moscow, from the former the ukrainian embassy was posted by activists of the young guard of united russia and the volunteer ruta. an alley was planted in the capital's mitino park in memory of the victims of the odessa tragedy and the participants in the special operation who died in the fight against the bloody terrorist regime. among those fighting at the front now there are those who survived in odessa that day. stories from pavel krasny. he had long ago exchanged his civilian clothes for camouflage, for the enemy. now he looks through the sights, only the chevron on the sleeve reminds the commander of the mortar battery what it all started from started for him 10 years ago. odessa is my hometown, well, as they say, from odessa, so i believe that we will get there and go further, as they say,
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we owe it to odessa, we owe it to those who died in the house of trade unions, who survived, but got into trouble to the dungeons of the sbu. before the residents of odessa who gave their lives at the front, and those who are fighting to this day, before everyone whose life on may 2, 2014 was forever divided into before and after. when , in the afternoon of may 2 , a crowd began to gather in the center of odessa, there was a sense of alarm in the city. power assured that football fans had gathered for the game and wanted to peacefully march through the streets, but this formation of well-equipped militants was clearly not preparing for a football match. glory to the nation, kill every single one, there is no need to kill, it is necessary, 10 years later it is already known for sure that everything that happened that day was not an accident, shortly before the tragedy, maidan self-defense militants were brought to the city with a clear task - to destroy the pro-russian camp in
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odessa , the only city outside the rebel donbass that has not yet been completely controlled by the kyiv elite. nadasa was the key, uh. means a city for ukraine, so it was necessary to deal demonstrably with all those who, therefore, represented a connection with russia, a connection with the russian movement and in general, speaking about russian sentiments in society. on the kulikovo field they knew about these plans, and an anti-maidan squad came out to meet the yawning crowd. the first clashes began during the day on a greek street. afterwards, kiev’s supporters will say their justification, saying that the first person killed was in their ranks, but it’s inconvenient for them, the truth is that even then there were many times more killed and wounded anti-maidanovites. clashes break out here and there, but the force is too strong.


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