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tv   Novosti  1TV  May 3, 2024 9:00am-9:20am MSK

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must be observed so as not to leave yourself and your neighbors in the ashes. family stories that are treasured as treasures. he didn't know that he had a second son, my dad. the immortal regiment, portraits near the heart, how to tell about the feat of your loved ones, this year there is an innovation. unkind may, weather on easter, on victory day. cold weather has hit the central regions; how long will the northern cyclone linger? night salvo of fire
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from grad rocket systems. russian fighters who cover our borders destroyed temporary deployment points and military equipment of militants in the region of ukraine bordering the belgorod region. a group of saboteurs was eliminated on one of the islands in the dnieper delta. the enemy tried to dig in, but it didn’t work. fire from a grenade fire, right on target. in the donetsk direction , the geotsins galubitz crews did not allow the ssu to complete a rotation. well, the pilots of the mi-28 helicopters hit the camouflaged positions of the militants with unguided missiles. and the assault, which made it possible to take control of the strategically important fortified area of ​​the militants near the city of chasov yar, this is one of the key hottest areas of the special operation. in the case of the military svir guards division of the airborne forces. today is 80 years since its founding. huseyn huseynov met with the soldiers on the front line. for the homeland, that’s it,
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move along the path, under the cover of artillery, a group of attack aircraft makes its way into a forest plantation, a platoon of paratroopers enters in three groups, from the flanks from the center, the actions of our fighters are coordinated at headquarters, watching them from the air, telling them where and who to move, keeping an eye on enemy, yes, listen, there is a machine gunner, left flank, there is a machine gunner is sitting. the enemy's main fire cover is a machine-gun nest, so the first step is to silence him. if from the air it is still at least somehow possible to make out well-camouflaged enemy dugouts, then approaching them in a field along the ground is almost impossible; sometimes you have to navigate as you go. we were under constant artillery fire, mortar fire, everything was flying there, cluster bombs. the second group enters another dugout from the edge. convincing. that the enemy is neutralized,
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they move on, we tried to work quickly, clearly so that they don’t have time to figure it out, get out , and so on. a strategically important point is the command post of this defensive line of the ukrainian armed forces, and also a place for the supply of ammunition and food, which is why the militants held on to it so tightly, but the ivanovo paratroopers managed to turn the tide of events. it is the ninety-eighth svir guards airborne division that is advancing on the city of hours. today it celebrates the eightieth anniversary of its founding. it was on this day, the harsh years of the great patriotic war, but the formed unit was awarded combat the banner as a symbol of honor, kindness, courage and bravery, which to this day is fundamental in all military affairs of the guards and paratroopers. the paratroopers prepared for this assault for more than one day, the result lived up to the expectation, after such a massive onslaught of our infantry, some of the militants ran, leaving their positions .
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cities and come under artillery fire. another group is looking for shelter in a nearby forest plantation, some are trying to run to a building on the outskirts , but it is under the gun of our fighters. the ukrainian armed forces soldiers remaining in the trenches accept only the right decision is to lay down your arms and surrender. that's it, they surrender, accept the wounded, drag away, occupy. positions for their bravery and courage in battles, and on the day the divisions were founded, the paratroopers were awarded state awards, orders of courage, medals for courage and st. george's crosses. serve in russia. a reward awaits this paratrooper, too, but a little later, for three days as part of an evacuation group, he pulled his wounded colleagues from the battlefield, every single one of them, all under constant heavy enemy fire. they as soon as they saw from the copter that they were dragging the three-hundredth, they immediately threw it there. and barrel
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artillery, and mortars, drops, and cassettes, everything they have. having overcome fear, the evacuation continued. the command counted more than forty lives saved. for this action of the paratrooper. first channel donetsk people's republic. the price of salvation from conscription in ukraine. in the odessa region , a border guard was detained who, for $1, helped evaders escape and sold passes to the transit zone. the main thing is to get to the moldovan border is crossed through the checkpoints on foot. there are many abandoned cars on the side of the road, signs of the times. ownerless trucks appear, filled with cargo. their drivers and military commissars were caught at the border and dragged to the front. there are already several such cases. however, danger awaits ukrainian men everywhere. this is what the british magazine economist was told in odessa. the shortage of personnel on the front line is stronger than ever, but there are no people willing to fight. in local slang,
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military patrols are called fishermen because they catch their victims. officers are hiding near bus stops, stopping departing buses and checking the documents of anyone who is suitable for installation. authorities. kiev took on odessa with special zeal; only the most courageous travel by public transport; those remaining in odessa prefer to hide. meanwhile, in america, where there are only six months left before the presidential elections, the biden administration has decided to push the ukrainian agenda into the background. in future speeches , he intends to pay less attention to kiev, giving preference to internal problems. about this is what the political publication writes. democrats are especially zealous in protecting the information field from unfavorable topics. people are already complaining about this. representatives of congress, the judiciary committee argues that social networks are censoring books under attack from the media, raising the problem of the one america news network channel, which in the twentieth year reported on the scandal with the laptop of the son of president hunter biden. a channel employee told tucker carlson about this. democrats in
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congress sent letters not only to the companies that broadcast our tv channel, but also to advertisers. after a few months we were expelled from social platforms, deprived of contracts with... this has been happening since 2020, that is, members of congress tried to expel the tv channel from the air and ruin it, call me naive, but in the country where i grew up, this was impossible, this is illegal. what happens is that the us authorities shout the loudest about freedom of speech, but they do not consider it necessary to apply this practice; double standards are in effect. another example is protests. white house spokeswoman karina jeanpierre said she sees no contradictions in what washington is demanding from others not to suppress such actions. but the authorities are reacting harshly to student unrest in support of palestine in the states themselves. just this night
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there were clashes again at the university of california, and more than 200 people were arrested. now with advertisements and we'll be back in a few minutes, don't switch. it had to be, they laid the holturaks in one brick, well, the most striking forces went on the offensive, this is what a shulzhenka, how i would like to go to her concert, according to the laws of war, new episodes, watch after
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programs, time, light, we can simply go blind, but i immediately saw blind people from the moment. on christmas day we see the greatest tragedy, its, one might even say, amazing loneliness. from his very birth, christ had no place in this world. nazareth was a completely inconspicuous village, so the most likely reaction to the fact that jesus is a man from nazareth could not be, how come, from such a dubious place, but where is it? jerusalem is the capital, it is a city that was chosen by god's providence so that it was the salvation of man. exactly. there you understand that this is not a legend, that he was there, that he walked there, he preached there, he sat in the garden of gethsemane, this is absolutely certain, when people decided to get rid of god from his word, one might say the greatest tragedy in the history of all mankind, that is, people killed god, the path of christ, tomorrow is on
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the first day, lent ends, the magical easter holiday awaits us ahead, the most important thing... a miracle is that god is love, i understood that my beloved person suffers my feet just led me to church, and i confessed, without preparing for this in any way, i burst into tears, and since then, yes, we already have four. lucky, are you pregnant? she says: no, i don’t want to live, i don’t want to give birth, i said, no, stop, this can’t be, you saved the child, yes, it was the voronezh religious procession, the first, 600 km from voronezh to deveevo, we walked for 21 days, a monk walked with us, and i walked like that, i felt so good, i say what it is, he says, it’s grace, i became blind in one eye, completely blind, on the operating table, i physically felt my guardian angel, i believe that i am a guardian angel...
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one of the main symbols of the city, rzhev, the red boots of prince vladimir,
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you make one boot, i make the second boot, the knot is tied and one and two three, and he is thrown up, he falls, two at once, the lives of his own, the premiere on may 5 on the first, this is the news on the first and we continue, the immortal regiment will again connect the whole country. the story of every veteran is the main value for the family. this year they decided to abandon the traditional procession for safety reasons, but there are many ways to talk about the exploits of your loved ones and show a portrait of your grandfather or great-grandfather. lyubov filippova, about the formats of the action, without which it is impossible to imagine victory day. his battle route passed fifty miles from home. he didn't know that he had a second son, my dad. nina chulkova wears a photograph close to her heart.
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similar not only externally, but internally. mikhail shevlyakov is one of the strongest athletes in the world. powerlifter, he says, he was very strong, his grandmother was also strong in spirit. my grandmother, shevlyakova anna arkhipovna, was a hard worker rear, like many millions of people, she helped our front by firing shells and cartridges. when i published it, they asked who it was? artyom talks on social networks about his great-grandfather , after whom he was named, and put his photo on the screensaver of his. he
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lost a lot of weight, neighbors and residents of neighboring villages came to see him after the war, because how he left and how he returned, these were completely two different people, another of the formats of the immortal regiment, the memory wall campaign, is opened in youth centers and schools , museums, anyone can bring photographs. evgenia mokshina does not forget her great-grandfather, a participant in the battle of stalingrad. a man who never washed his face, who smiled, but tried once again not to touch upon the history of the war, the entire city was practically destroyed, and people, despite everything, continued to live, believe in victory and fight the enemy. t-shirts with portraits of heroes of dagestan are worn by players of local football teams to the match; in the moscow region , photographs are on buses, they were sent by passengers, more than two with... beautiful and you can correctly design a portrait of your family hero on a computer, and even just
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do it on your phone very quickly, go to the website in the designer section, select any of the backgrounds you like, add a photo, enter the first name, last name, patronymic, military rank, years life, if you wish, you can add a signature on the side to choose from: partisan, home front worker, or my grandfather fought for a world without nazism, if every second person there takes part in the action. and choose any format for yourself, just imagine what will happen on our streets, what we will have on the internet, we will have heroes of the great patriotic war everywhere, and here everything depends on each of us. serebrennikov, sergey ponomarev, natalya moshtakova, channel one. what will the weather be like on victory day? preliminary forecast: cooling in the northwest, in the bulzhye region, in central russia. in some places frosts at night up to 6°. in the capital region, the peak of cold will occur on easter, so those who are going to worship services, especially night ones, should dress warmly. today too
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it’s cool, but without rain, and a strong magnetic storm adds to the headache. however, she has this one. a positive effect, the aurora, a phenomenon that usually occurs only in northern latitudes, was observed today even in moscow, perm, and the kursk region. the fire season this year started earlier than usual, and almost half of the regions already have a special regime in place. statistics show that in nine cases out of ten, the cause of a fire is a human factor. measures against violators are being tightened, but every day in the summary of incidents and reports fires due to someone's irresponsibility. report by ivan prozurov. the battle with the elements on khabarovsk dachny island against burning dead wood and squally winds, firefighters on the ground in the air in dense garden buildings , miraculously there were no casualties. employees of the ministry of emergency situations are finding out which of the summer residents neglected fire safety measures. such violators are now being looked for in other areas of the khaborovsky
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territory. in the region, 30,000 hectares of forest are already engulfed in fire, including in hard-to-reach areas. almost everything is the work of man. to gain firefighters from neighboring regions are being sent, it was decided to use airborne forestry troops. as the temperature rises, the situation is heating up in other regions, where the cause of fires is most often the burning of dry grass; the flames instantly spread to neighboring fields and forests. nine out of ten causes of fires are caused by humans. an empty , thrown light glass bottle or even a plastic water bottle can cause the grass to ignite in sunny weather. the ministry of emergency situations uses space systems monitoring to find and extinguish outbreaks at an early stage. data on thermal hotspots from the satellite are sent to operational services and local officials using a special mobile application. then count down to hours and even minutes. to reduce risks, authorities in 44
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regions have tightened requirements and declared a special fire regime. can't visit. lighting any open fire or burning grass even on your own property, even in metal barrels, is prohibited somewhere, and barbecuing on a grill is prohibited. using drones, emercom inspectors monitor territory for several kilometers around. in the kirov region, violators were first given a warning. we are carrying out prevention, we are warning you so that you are aware. much more dangerous are those who want to relax with a sparkle. a group of young people in the chelyabinsk region. i lit a fire in a nature conservation area, having thoroughly fueled myself with strong drinks, but i ’ll pay how much for lighting it, and how much is the fine? since the beginning of the year , more than 3,500 people have been brought to administrative responsibility, fines for violation of requirements fire safety, for individuals from 5 to 15,000 rubles. for officials from 20 to 30,000, for legal entities from 300 to 400, if
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property or people are damaged, punishment up to criminal liability. the ministry of emergency situations has included 25 thousand settlements in the forest fire risk zone, where the authorities are first of all obliged to clear the area of ​​dry grass, remove unauthorized dumps, and prepare protective zones. a clearing around a populated area with a width of at least 10 m. if we are talking about the fact that the territory of a populated area borders on the territory forest area, it is necessary to arrange so -called mineralized strips along the forest. a width of at least 1.4 m. the prosecutor general’s office also took special control over ensuring fire safety in the local areas. ivan prozarov and maxim kulifeev, channel one. for orthodox christians, great or good friday is the most mournful day of the church calendar. believers remember the suffering of the death of the savior on the cross. strict fasting, special
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services, tomorrow is great saturday - the last day before easter. at the church of the holy sepulcher in jerusalem, everyone is expecting something special. sign descent of the holy fire. our channel will broadcast live, starting at 1 p.m. and tomorrow evening at 23:30 at the first festive service in the cathedral of christ the savior. with this , i say goodbye to the residents of the european part of russia. next on the air is a fashionable verdict. the semi-final stage of the russian handball championship among women's teams starts on saturday. the rostov-don title holder barely overcame the quarter -final barrier, surpassing dynamo sinara on aggregate. the volzhan women with burning eyes came out to the return meeting and after the first half eliminated the three -goal handicap provided. rivals at home. their attack was led by varvara syomina, who scored six times and scored almost half of them.


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