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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  May 3, 2024 10:10am-11:01am MSK

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what is your attitude towards the new alena, respect is probably pride, that’s it. very deep , so heartfelt, you accept these images for yourself, you feel comfortable, yes, it seems to me that i ’ve sparkled like this with this necessary new side, i want to return to the ponch now, maybe only occasionally, but the silver cloak, i already have silver on me, i have to admit that... the heroine has become even older,
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we look like 25 now, we have to hold on, time goes by, time goes by, our country has there are many wonderful goodies that our peers in other countries are deprived of, for example, we can simply go to the store to change the size or even return the item, having a receipt, and of course the unused item, everything will be returned to you right away, no stupid vouchers, that they give you,
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leading collections as stylists on all international catwalks, it really worked out really well for them, i , if only, for example, there was an opportunity to expose stars to stylistic teams, venison stylists, and her makeup artists and hairdresser, would give a collective five, such five gold stars, well done guys, these are variable things, three completely independent sets, maybe the last one has... such a beautiful russian word is too much, but in the end you can turn around somewhere, but no less, you know, this is a good stylistic work, so natalya, lilya, how were you, how do you like the third image of your friend? to be honest, i really like it in you, i see now, really, something very feminine.
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incredible, unusual, what is in you was hidden for so many years, but you revealed it, showed yourself, your costume is simply magnificent. alen, i am very glad to meet you, you look great, please keep this child for another long, long year.
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thank you alena, the first channel presents. the most important thing is not to spoil your holidays with a wasp sting. what to do in this situation? the living healthy program will help you spend the holidays with feeling, purposefully, in order, and with health benefits. today is world sun day, such an amazing day, it turns out, if we, as they say, not in one eye, but we don’t... celebrate,
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today is world sun day, so today there will be questions about the sun, our favorite section: stupid questions for the doctor, and my favorite words, there are no stupid questions. there are only stupid answers, so don’t judge anyone, but support those who ask us questions, we are waiting for the first guest, i have a very curious grandson, when the weather is clear and sunny, he looks at the sun for a long time. but i’m worried, is this harmful to my eyesight? professor and doctor of medical sciences, ophthalmologist, surgeon mikhail egorovich kanovalov knows the answer: this is harmful, children
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should also wear glasses, the fact is that ultraviolet radiation affects all tissues of the eye, including the cornea, and so-called photokeratitis develops, that is, damage. cornea, then the lens can be damaged, and the child has a lens, a lens, it is very transparent, it allows all the rays into the eye, then the rays are the retina, the place on the fundus of the eye with which we see, these are the rods and cones, then the rays enter, in particular on the central part of the retina so that we can see and can affect this part of the retina the child has. too, so everyone needs to wear glasses, including children, moreover, we must understand that these glasses protect you from ultraviolet radiation, so when buying glasses in an optician, we must look at the inscription there, the inscription
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should be there, 3n, 3n, these are the glasses which protect, approximately filter 85%. that these are ultraviolet filtering glasses, i don’t just buy black glasses for you, but make sure, i specially came up and showed this inscription on the glasses 3n, here it is, where the very first numbers are written, this is the most important thing that you must provide for both yourself and your children today. this issue has been resolved, the children also need glasses that do not let in ultraviolet radiation in the summer, we are waiting for the next guest,
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everyone says, it’s a stupid question, but i really want to ask it, from excessive... sun, i know, you can get skin cancer, but in a solarium you can dose, so it is considered safe, well, at least that’s what they say in advertising, the question is, is it true or false, tanning in a solarium is safer than tanning in the sun, is it true or false, is it not true, in principle there are two groups of ultraviolet... rays, please go to the screen show herman shaich, there is group b, which penetrates very superficially and mainly causes burns, and there is group a, now
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the skin is tanned - this is the action of rays b, rays that penetrate deeply. skin and responsibility for photoaging, i may disappoint you, both group a and group b cause cancer. the conclusion is simple, tanning beds are not safe ultraviolet radiation. in general, tanning beds are required to place such a symbol as on radiation, the threat of radiation, so a tanning bed is not a safe way for contact with ultraviolet radiation. chami causes cancer unfortunately, we are waiting for the next guest, thank you, it seems stupid to me that many people
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consider the sun to be harmful, but solar energy gives us health, some even get charged from the sun, and it seems to me that the longer you spend time in the sun, the better you tan , then the stronger your immunity will be and the healthier you will be, right? does tanning strengthen your immune system? in fact, this is a serious question, even today i. in fact, tanning is the protection of our body, our cells from sun rays;
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the more melanin, the more protection and there is less synthesis of vitamin d, that is, when we become brown, the sun penetrates much worse, this is protection, that is, the skin is protected from the sun, and vitamin d is produced less and less, this is what happens , and the skin dries out, this water supply is disrupted.. . the water-fat layer increases the number of harmful bacteria on the skin that harm the immune system, that is, in sum , it must be said that in this case, immunologists , immunologists, allergists, especially, recognize that the sun, unfortunately, is a lie, not a friend, and we too. we remind you what it looks like melanoma is a tumor that penetrates deep into the skin, it is the most metastatic and most malignant tumor, unfortunately,
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we are waiting for the next guest, hello, i probably have the stupidest question, but... “my wife and i love to relax on the beach this year let's go to crimea, the fear is that the fear of getting heatstroke, i prefer to wear white underwear, because the tan is better visible, and my wife is black, who is right, otherwise we will be like yan, this is just a wonderful question, because a whole study we looked at the gradation of the color of clothes, the influence of the color of clothes on...
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and we found out that the blue color red protects from ultraviolet radiation to a greater extent, can you imagine, all our lives, we lived and thought that we should wear white, summer has come, we need to wear white, this is the perfect picture . here all the colors are in gradation, the lower the column, the lower the protection, the higher the column, the higher
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the protection, so you can test all your clothes and tell yourself whether they protect from the sun or not, there is great science behind the answer to this question, and one more guest to us i came today, well, at least one person here is celebrating the summer as it should be. they say it’s a stupid question, but i’m wondering, i have acne on my face and they say that if the sun comes out, it will go away. is it true that the sun will help cure my acne? herman shaich, by the way, it’s not true, it’s not true, so many people thought that it was true, uh, that is, the sun’s rays may or may not affect your acne. or even worsen them, and people who are already taking medications that contain retinoids
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are simply dangerous for them to be in the sun, this is a medicine from group roaccutane, but nevertheless, herman shai, why is everything, everything is very simple, what is acne, in principle, you see, purulent inflammation of our sebaceous glands, that is, what happens when we come into contact with the sun? firstly, the skin dries out and the outlet of the sebaceous sac may become clogged, this will worsen congestion, in addition, we sweat, and in a humid environment , germs too.
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infect that very area, skin, area, in this regard it will be, it is atopic dermatitis psoriasis - these are two diseases that can improve with tanning on the sun, so many people with psoriasis and atopic dermatitis sunbathe; their manifestations decrease, in general, in short, and you convince us that the sun does not improve acne, no, because the concentration also increases.
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after all, it’s the holidays, let’s take a short break and then continue, menu for orgasm, products that improve the quality of sex, this is omega-3, this is good blood vessels, this is also good, firstly, they provide, why is it what i wanted say, he will get up on his own,
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what is the secret of the herring, everything is for analysis. urinary acid in the blood of hypertensive patients. what is padaga? this is inflammation in the joints caused by uric acid crystals. when should you change treatment? stung in one place. nature, we were relaxing, walking through the forest, then i noticed that someone had bitten me, it turned out to be a wasp. what to do if bitten? wasp, the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation vladimir putin. live broadcast on may 7 at
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12:00 moscow time, permafrost, snow, we are in salihard, my name is nyadma, i am from the yamal region, my name is masni, i am also from the yamal region, for our bride we prepared a frog from deer fur, we will decorate the dress with a beautiful pattern, very calm, they are called chipmunk ears, go to the tundra, learn all sorts of wisdom, otherwise your wedding will face the snow . nenets clothes, malisa, they call it, it’s warm inside, unlike me, you don’t freeze, ice table, imagine, there ’s not just ice here, here is a northern polar berry, cranberry, it’s in the shape of a pattern, deer antlers, rides for the bride, before the wedding the oldest
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woman in the family performed the plague cleansing ritual fumigating the bride with smoke. here in the arctic circle in the tundra let’s shout out our friendship, we play wedding, on may 5th at the first, dear, beloved, the only one, you’re in a completely different format, you’re a completely different singer, but you know how to show what chanson is, well, where are you, my love, i love it so much when such numbers are performed by an actor, and they’re so delicious, what’s it worth? there is no limit to this talent, she can take any song and sing it like an amazing classic romance.
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that's it, we shot our hearts into the sky, and today we need to experience an orgasm, from what the same product, mikhail egorovich, from herring, from herring, the herring is already ready, the herring is already ready to be taken out, in this cycle of food orgasm we have products that affect sexuality. we hope you find these recommendations useful during the holidays. bring us some selts in the studio.
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now the question arises, where is the concentration? and in this sense, in the sense of herring, a food orgasm. mikhail egorovich, our plane takes off in moscow and flies in the north.
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a huge amount of vitamin d, four daily requirements, and vitamin d is responsible for the level of testosterone, the main male sex hormone, everything is fine here, but if there is little testosterone, then this situation happens, you understand what we were hinting at, whoever did not understand, we are not to blame, which means that the first seltz is a source of vitamin d, four daily norms are up.
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correlation between vitamin d and the presence of cataracts, this is the eye. we have two lenses in the eye: the cornea and the lens. normally, the lens is like this, transparent, and light passes through it into the eye. if there is not enough vitamin d, the lens takes on this appearance, it is opaque, light cannot get into...
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eat right, come to us straight from solovki, from well, how to choose, how to store and how our guest arrived from the white sea, please come to us, ustinov, alexander. i tried herring for the first time on the shore of the sea, we came there on an excursion, on a ship, we rode all night, the storm was such that i
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always... a school of fish, it walks around the island, the monks have been catching it for many hundreds of years, i must say , which is very tasty, even beluga whales love it, seals, yes, which beluga whales have,
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herring, because in general in life we we only come into contact with the salted one, it was somehow fried in the most tender way, it was simply incomparable, i tried nothing more delicious from fish on nightingales , i have never eaten salted one, so if we talk about the choice, how can we choose the right herring, for what to navigate, and can we buy raw or frozen herring somewhere? only the privilege of the nightingales, i think this is only the privilege of the nightingales, it is not supplied anywhere, as far as i know, nowhere, i wonder why, so we choose only salty, there is any principles for you as a resident of this region? well, first of all, the smell, so what does it smell like? well, fresh fish smells like fresh fish, so once again, you need to pay attention to the color, freshly caught herring, it
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shimmers like a rainbow. at least some of them make an indelible impression on you, no, the man said, what about the mother-of-pearl network, well, we have these, look at your salted herring, it ’s been lying around for years, it’s true, well, salted is essentially preserved they even make it in milk, well, what can we say about them, they have it’s really very tasty, but how to properly store herring? i think the best way is to salt it, salt it? we are talking about salted fish, it can be stored for a very long time in a cold place in brine, if we cut it up, it is already cooked, which means it can be stored in a container, usually in a plastic container in the refrigerator, for several days, and
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how to eat herring correctly is true they say that they specially taught the monks how to pickle herring, did they learn how to salt it? i don’t know, but now local residents make canned food from it with tomato paste and pepper, delicious, very tasty, but what didn’t you bring us, at least treat us with local herring, these are the people who come from other regions, at least they brought it to us residents of moscow, try the endemic herring that hangs around the nightingales in a school, but you can eat salted, the most important thing to remember is that salt increases blood pressure and... the dose should be small, okay? that ’s all, comrades, about food, it’s time for us to talk about medicine, so, friends, this is a pressure scale,
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let me remind you that normal pressure is lower than 120.80, and hypertension starts from the numbers 130.80, and if you don't reduce your blood pressure, it goes up and up and up. then sooner or later you will have a stroke. this is how we bang all the time, to bang into your consciousness. we have a special project going on: my pressure, my responsibility. this is due to the fact that now you have the opportunity to monitor your blood pressure yourself. free applications for smartphones have appeared that give you the opportunity to control blood pressure and select. correct treatment and cancel treatment if your health indicators have changed, all this is now done by artificial intelligence, we have a whole group
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called my pressure, my responsibility, please stand up, my dears, here they are, and my pressure is on the chest, my seal is printed on the back. i’ll emphasize once again that this is truly your responsibility, because none of us doctors will come to you and measure your blood pressure . today, before the program, german schach and i had the pleasure of testing nine people, just by looking at the app, looking at how someone’s blood pressure changed, how their treatment changed, and so on, today our topic is this. what tests need to change the treatment, tests that change the treatment, and i want to invite our new man to us, and i know that he is already at our medical point, german shevich, don’t
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lag behind, because we, of course, test and check all the new ones and we take tests, andrei andrevich, we measured our guest’s blood pressure, 140 over 85, elevated. to all the articles, tape your finger, and we ’ll go now, take you, let’s go find out what’s wrong with the phone, absolutely right, let’s go, get up, what’s your name? igor, igor, how old are you? 49, will be 50 this year. 49 will be 50 this year. so, igor is new to us, so open the application. i’ll open mine, which means there’s still a lot igor might not have contributed, right? i just brought it in.
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first - it could be padagra, what is padagra, this is inflammation in the joints caused by uric acid crystals, look.
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does not have this effect, this is a unique property of lasartan, the property of lasortan is an international non-proprietary name, the brand can be anything, okay? therefore, if urinary acid is elevated, everyone needs to take it, then all medications for... pressure are prescribed only lazartan, this is important
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to understand, let's put an end to this issue, we are like a seal, we are sealing it so that our viewers will remember, uric acid is elevated, complete replacement medications for lazartan, clearly, i emphasize, this is an antihypertensive drug, this is not a drug for the treatment of gout, but... it’s clear, like this, this is what the system does, this is beauty, maybe the doctor doesn’t know, everything is already included here, thank you very much , you are just starting your journey with us, take your blood pressure every morning and evening, write down all the tests too, enter it, okay, sit down, please, well, this is the main thing we wanted to tell you, this is analysis one after another, in our project we tell you about tests that require changes in treatment . hypertension, let's take a short break and then continue. is the operational map of
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minefields ready? the main stage of preparation for the offensive has been completed, we can begin. no one will cancel the order to attack, and my two divisions will march blindly across the fields, on their own same minam. you were responsible for this key and map oseev, there are not just arrows and numbers on it, there are people on it. call for reinforcements, there should have been a door here, they laid the hackwork in one brick, well , the most striking forces went on the offensive, this is shulzhenko, how i would like to go to her concert, according to the laws of war, new episodes, look after the program for the time , yes... these are miracles
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, blessed matrons, i always carry an icon with me, here i have petals, with the matron’s petal many are healed, we have come precisely for this, so that she would help us in our personal lives, those who protected her and took care of her came up with the idea that she was from a very poor family, this is not true, that’s who... whoever hurts is the one who makes the request, i don’t know how that’s right, i’m addressing it as best i can, the matron was not born into a large family, because at the time the patron appeared, she was a family man.
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this program is to live well, friends, i have a wasp in my hands. at temperatures above +10°, bees, wasps and gadflies become active, they begin their stormy spring life, much like us, for the may holidays. therefore, at this time you need to be especially careful. andrei petrovich, we are visiting, bitten, as they say, tell us how to bite you? and we ’ll show you what a terrible swelling she had on her body, vic, tell me what happened, look, andrei petrovich, and it’s huge, and my story is like this, we went with friends to the dacha, and there was naturally nature, we relaxed, walked around forest, then i notice that someone bit me,
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it turned out to be a wasp, everything began to swell, itch, hurt very much, and...
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it will eat everything, so as soon as you if you come and make any picnic with any food, a wasp will definitely fly in, and they are fundamentally different, what does it do? has, as you know, complaints, and if she suddenly thinks that you are disturbing her, she will remove you, drive you away for her, biting is a way to scare you away, what? there will be, but there will be this kind of inflammation, why? this is a cell that contains histamine, due to the fact that histamine immediately comes out, it is simply stored there in granules in these special cells, in short, swelling begins, swelling, there are two aspects: there is a true allergy to
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stinging, then this fatal condition, anaphylaxis, can occur, and there is a reaction, as if pseudo-allergic. which you had, but it is also deadly, because this poison activates cells, the release of histamine and the inflammatory reaction, unfortunately, unfortunately, with each new bite the probability of a subsequent anaphylactic reaction increases by 10%, it’s clear what our girl should do- that is, this now poses a particular threat to you, an anaphylactic reaction, unfortunately, this can happen. anaphylactic shock, unfortunately, and you can die from this, so jokes aside, what needs to be done? now you need to see a doctor, do a specific test for wasp stings and see if you have a true allergic reaction, because if you
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do, you need to take care and always carry a syringe with adrenaline with you, because one or the other, anyone. because the fact that you describe that you felt bad, you felt better after the injection of the hormone, suggests that you have already begun a systemic reaction, which manifests itself in a loss of pressure, in confusion, feeling unwell, these are also elements of the so-called anaphylactoid reaction, of course, that is, from the moment of the bite, given what happened, each time the risks increase from dying from... in fact, these are feeding troughs, because if you go there they put something, even, excuse me, doctor’s sausage or something, the wasp
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would rather let it go there than on your plate or fight for a piece of your kebab - ice, tear it out of your mouth, why is ice why is cold needed in place bite because it will restrict blood flow and limit the spread of that same wasp poison. in the body, the swelling will still be less , the systemic reaction will be less, but this must be done immediately, if it was done after 15-20 minutes, unfortunately the spread is already clear, well, that is, your situation is serious, no hee-hee-ha-ha, it’s worth drinking an antihistamine and using hydrocortisone cream, it’s worth it, because in any case, instead of a bite , you need to apply hormonal cream for several days,
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friends, in the country, in nature, wherever you are, that your holidays will go well, dear you will, so with great, great pleasure we wish you a good holiday and say, as always, we had a good time with you, may you live healthy. hello, the information channel on the first one
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is starting to work live, this program will be shown in the studio by ruslan nastashko and olesya loseva. when our fighters liberate populated areas for local residents, the fight continues. this happened in the village of toshkovka in the lugansk people's republic, there are practically no entire residential buildings left there, only 100 people live there, there are no pharmacies there. there are no shops with electricity and water, big problems, so maryana naumova brought humanitarian aid there and met a large number of volunteers from all over our country. let's get a look.
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hello, there are a lot of people, they brought bread, yes, they brought it, where are you from anyway, well, i’m from omsk, and how did you end up here in toshkovka, well, we have volunteers here, they bake bread in pervomaisky. what kind of people, what kind of volunteers, these are just people who chipped in, believers, christians chipped in, bought equipment, opened two bakeries, right here in pervomaisky in kremennaya, they bake bread, deliver it, distribute it to cities like this, broken, where there is no water, no electricity, 24-hour communications, shops, we saw that there is no, there is no at all, people just live here, thank you for your work, thank god, what can i say. hello, hello, here
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we are...


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