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tv   Novosti  1TV  May 3, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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with nowhere to go, space will soon not be enough for them. news on channel one. ceremony, inauguration of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live broadcast on may 7. 12:00 moscow time, this is news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery korablev, in this issue, we remember, we are proud, alexander garden, the tomb of the unknown soldier, a solemn ceremony where, on the eve of victory day , particles of the eternal flame are sent. precision
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strikes, ammunition depot liquidated, personnel from the front line and covering our borders, work military in the region of ukraine bordering the belgorod region. everything for technological and industrial sovereignty, the contribution of rostec from the defense industry to medicine, the report of the head of the state corporation to the prime minister. battle with the elements. forests, villages, dachas are burning, measures against violators are being tightened too often, the cause of emergencies is the human factor. and let's start with urgent messages from the fsb. a saboteur, an agent of ukrainian military intelligence, was eliminated in the leningrad region; he was planning terrorist attacks in russian cities. here are the details known: the man came from lithuania, where he was trained. the purpose of sabotage at the facilities of the ministry of defense and... energy
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infrastructure in the capital region and in the leningrad region. an attempt was also planned on the lives of participants in one of the volunteer battles in st. petersburg. it is known that the saboteur, as we have already said, was trained in lithuania. in his phone they found correspondence with his curator, from which it became known about the plans of the ukrainian terrorist organization. quote: completely eradicate everything russian in the baltic countries, as well as planning terrorist attacks in orthodox churches in places of residence of russian-speaking residents. as reported by the fsb, explosives and ammunition were found in the garage of the apartment he rented. ukrainian militants attacked the belgorod region today. in one of the villages of the shibekinsky urban district, a kamikaze drone hit a bus that carries enterprise employees to work. as the governor said.
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ukraine, near the border of the belgorod region , crews of hail were working, artillerymen also hit the field ammunition depot of the ukrainian armed forces on in the red army direction, the shells detonated, the warehouse was destroyed. on one of the islands in the dnieper delta, a group of saboteurs was eliminated; the enemy tried to dig in, but didn’t come out; grenade fire was on fire. in the donetsk
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direction, the geotsind howitzer crews did not allow the ukrainian armed forces to rotate? the flame of memory in the very heart of the capital at the tomb of the unknown soldier in the alexander garden today launched a large-scale, very important event: particles of the eternal flame for victory day will be delivered to dozens of our regions and other countries, common memory, the connection between generations, the invincible spirit of veterans of the great patriotic fighters who... are at the forefront now. report by alexander lyakin. alexander garden is the tomb of the unknown soldier, a sacred place for every resident of russia. today, lamps will be lit from the eternal flame to divert the flame to 33 regions of russia and 14 countries, where veterans of the great patriotic war are waiting for it. the fire of memory action is carried out by the people's front. among those who came to pay tribute to all those who died in the great patriotic war were participants in the special military operations. volunteer alexander klassich was seriously wounded near kupinsk.
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today to be here at the tomb of the unknown soldier, a symbol of the courage of the participants in the great patriotic war. it is a great honor to respect the veterans, our grandfathers, great-grandfathers, and great-great-grandfathers of our generation. the heroism that they did, what they did for their country, for their future, this should never be forgotten, it should be remembered not once a year on the may holidays, but constantly, i remember the end of the nineties, like in children's camps, veterans came to schools there, and we they listened to them with such silence, with such respect, because that is, every word of his is a story, that is, you think, lord, is it really a man, he really saw it all, he saw it, what he experienced, particles of the eternal fire went to europe, asia and africa, special lamps that ensure safety,
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your name is unknown, your feat is immortal, these words are carved in granite, the eternal flame in the alexander garden was lit in may of sixty-seven, an unknown red private is buried here. we don't know his name, but we know his feat. it was he and his comrades who, at the cost of their lives, stopped the germans at the last line, the very approaches to moscow. alexander lyakin, victor averin, nikolay sesoev, sergey valetov, channel one.
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europe is playing with fire, inciting kiev to continue hostilities. these are the words of hungarian prime minister viktor orban. he emphasizes that the crisis and anti-russian sanctions had an extremely negative impact.
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russian assets have instead switched to searching for alternative ways to extract income from frozen funds for transfer ukraine. the british newspaper financial times writes about this, citing its own sources. the main reason, the material states, is fear of consequences. indonesia and saudi arabia are also calling for an end to confiscation of assets, as they are rightly concerned about the safety of their reserves, which are stored in the west? the question provoked a serious split. such a step could create a dangerous precedent in international law, which would jeopardize not only the interests of any country at war with the west, but international law itself. law and order the biden administration, as well as canada and some members of the uk government, especially its foreign secretary david cameron, have supported calls for confiscation. meanwhile, japan,
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france, germany, italy, and the european union itself, adhere to an extremely cautious position, which leads to a dead end. the growth of those since the beginning of the special operation has increased significantly. enterprises, associations that, despite unprecedented sanctions, solve the problem set by the president, this is the achievement of technological and industrial sovereignty country, and of course, an extremely important direction is the implementation of all relevant tasks
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related to the state defense order, so that our defenders are provided with equipment and technology, from the beginning we have significantly expanded production. most of our enterprises have switched to a three-shift operating mode, almost 80% of the weapons that are used today in the sleep zone... at the enterprises of our corporation, with a significant increase in government order turnover, the volume of civilian revenue in the twenty- third year did not decrease, but increased by in absolute figures, and today it reaches almost 1 trillion rubles, i would like to say about energy production, that today we have created our own large turbine, 110 m, yes, this is the first serial turbine.
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tb and as for the aircraft industry, sergei chemizov announced plans to begin producing long-range aircraft in a few years. it is very necessary for ours. our tu-95 ms strategic missile carriers spent more than 11 hours in the sky. the crews of two aircraft carried out a planned flight over the neutral waters of the bering sea, near the western coast of alaska. they were accompanied in the air by su-30 fighters. well, on certain sections of the route, planes from foreign countries joined in. such flights. our pilots fly regularly, everything in strict accordance with international rules for the use of airspace.
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this year's fire season started earlier than usual. almost half of the regions already have a special regime. statistics show in nine cases out of ten. the cause of the fire is human factor. measures against violators are being tightened, but every day report of an incident and a report of fires due to someone's irresponsibility. report by ivan prozurov. the battle with the elements on khabarovsk dachny island against burning dead wood and squally winds, firefighters on the ground in the air, in dense garden buildings , miraculously there were no casualties. employees of the ministry of emergency situations are finding out which of the summer residents neglected fire safety measures. such violators are now being sought in other areas of the khaborovsky territory. in the region, 30.00 hectares of forest are already on fire, including almost everything in hard-to-reach areas.
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can lead to grass fire in sunny weather. the ministry of emergency situations uses a space monitoring system to find glass or even a plastic bottle of water to extinguish fires at an early stage. data on thermal hotspots from the satellite are sent to operational services and local officials using a special mobile application. then count down to hours and even minutes. to reduce risks, authorities in forty-four regions have tightened requirements and declared a special fire regime. you cannot visit the forest. inspectors of the ministry of emergency situations use drones
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they monitor the territory for several kilometers around in the kirov region, the violators first issued a warning: we are carrying out prevention, we are warning you so that you are aware that it is much more dangerous for such people who want to relax with a sparkle, in the chelyabinsk region a group of young people lit a fire. in a nature conservation area, thoroughly fueled with strong drinks, yes, i will pay how much there is for breeding, and how many fines. since the beginning of the year , more than 3,500 people have been brought to administrative responsibility, fines for violation fire safety requirements, for individuals from 5 to 15,000 rubles. for officials from 20 to 30,000, for legal entities from 300 to 400, if property or people are damaged, penalties up to criminal liability. the emergency brought 25,000 settlements into the forest fire risk zone, where the authorities are first of all obliged to clear
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the area of ​​dry grass, remove unauthorized dumps, and prepare protective zones. a clearing around a populated area with a width of at least 10 m. if we say that the territory of a populated area borders on the territory of a forest, it is necessary to arrange so-called mineralized strips along the forest. the prosecutor general's office ivan prozarov and maxim kulifeev took special control over ensuring local fire safety . that's all for now, we are monitoring the developments, the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell, good day everyone, the information channel on the first continues its work, work live, anatoly kuzichev is with you, our special project is on the air, time to remember, let's start let's start with this, well...


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