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tv   Novosti  1TV  May 3, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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more than 9,000 military personnel from different types and branches of the military will take part in the solemn march, including units involved in a special military operation in ukraine and 75 units of various types of weapons and equipment. military parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the great victory. this is the news on the first, hello, in valery korablev’s studio, in this issue. elimination of a saboteur in the leningrad region, the agent was destroyed.
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what kind of terrorist attacks he planned, where he was trained, what was found in the hiding place, the fsb told the details. the budget plan is not only for a three-year period, but also for a long-term period. vladimir putin held a meeting on economic issues. war trophies. look at the equipment captured in your zone. not only did the military ataches of friendly countries come to poklonnaya hill and they were impressed. everything for technological and industrial sovereignty, the contribution of rostec from the defense industry to medicine, what the head of the state corporation told the prime minister. arctic invasion, not at all may footage from tatarskan, frosts are promised in the capital region at night, and what weather to expect for easter in victory day. and at the beginning of the leningrad region , the agent of the main directorate was eliminated.
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to ukrainian military intelligence , he planned terrorist attacks on the territory of our country, including in the capital region. what targets were chosen, where did the saboteur come from, where did he undergo training? all information known at this moment and operational footage of the fsb. in the report by alena germanova. gaichensky district, leningrad region, under the cover of darkness in a forest belt, a ukrainian saboteur makes his way to the cache, suddenly realizes that he is being watched, he is trying to escape. there is a small shelter in the middle of the field, shoot the fugitive from there. fsb officers are getting closer and closer, the ukrainian intelligence agent is eliminated on the spot. packages that carefully remove the explosive device from the shelter; it was this device that was previously hidden in the cache. the man was planning to carry out a terrorist attack at a fuel terminal in the neighboring tosninsky district. he had weapons and means of communication with ukrainian intelligence with him. she had big plans for this agent. his correspondence with his curator was discovered, confirming his preparation terrorist attack in the leningrad region, as well as training in the city. vilnius district of lithuania
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to the mine-explosive small arms business for subsequent participation in hostilities in the country of the armed forces of ukraine and committing sabotage on the territory of russia, as well as the plans of the ukrainian terrorist organization to completely eradicate everything russian in the baltic countries and the planning of this organization of terrorist attacks in orthodox churches in the places of residence of russian-speaking residents, in particular, the arson of a cinema in the city of riga during a film screening. 48 years old member of the banned there is a ukrainian terrorist organization in russia, and there is also a russian one... the man arrived in the country from lithuania back in march. it was established that, at the command of the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine, the saboteur planned to commit a series of terrorist attacks on russian territory, including against the facilities of the ministry of defense of the russian federation in the moscow region, as well as participants in one of the volunteer battalions and its volunteer center in the city of st. petersburg. implement these plans prevented the fsb from one of the tyniks in the moscow region. they tried to detain him, but he opened fire, abandoned the car and disappeared. in
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that same abandoned car they found a shotgun for a hunting rifle, grenades, components for making explosives, ammunition and explosives were also in the garage of the apartment that the criminal rented in moscow, a card of the lithuanian branch of a swedish bank, documents and a mobile phone were seized, here is an excerpt from the correspondence with a ukrainian curator, they are discussing how to set up an explosion, i can solder, i don’t understand circuits, but i’ll think about who can be attracted, is it here or here, in general we need enemies, so i’m thinking... how to organize this, i want it to be a conveyor assembly, including remote detonation. after the liquidation of the ukrainian agent, the fsb reported that everyone involved in the preparation of terrorist attacks and sabotage will be identified and brought to justice. alena germanova, anastasia slobodenyuk and evgeny leonov, channel one. today , vladimir putin and the president of tajikistan, imali rahmon, discussed cooperation in the fight against terrorism by telephone. how the kremlin press service reported that they also discussed cooperation in the migration sphere. both are leaders. attempts by some forces to artificially
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escalate the situation around labor migrants, including from tajikistan, will be stopped jointly. another topic of conversation is participation in ceremonial events in moscow. on the occasion of victory day , imali rahmon was invited to the russian capital. today, vladimir putin held a meeting on economic issues in the kremlin. it is important to maintain extremely realistic approaches to budget policy, the head said states. at the last meeting we discussed the forecast for the country's socio-economic development. this is the basis for drawing up government programs and projects for their financing and practical implementation. i propose today to continue the discussion of budget plans, not only for the next three years, but also, as agreed, for the long-term period until 2030. at the same time, let me remind you that it is fundamentally important for us to maintain responsible, balanced, extremely realistic
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approaches to budget policy, including including planning the country's main financial document based on budget rules. let us begin, please, with words to the minister. the united states of america and its allies are demanding that ukraine prevent the collapse of its defense and are holding back the offensive of russian
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troops at any cost. as a result , the enemy's daily losses in april increased to a thousand troops. in total this year they exceeded 100. and military assistance. and here’s what concerns the law on mobilization in ukraine, which, among other things, abolishes the concept of limited fitness. a while the ukrainian media are explaining the new order. people with tuberculosis, depending on the severity of the disease, can serve in military registration and enlistment offices and support services. in some cases,
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they are considered fully fit. also , hiv-infected people with cancer will be sent to the front, and people with mild mental disorders will serve in the rear. a message arrives from the city of takmak, this is zaporozhye region. ukrainian militants hit a five-story residential building. according to preliminary information, there may be people under the rubble. they are working on site rescuers. in kiev, the head of the british foreign ministry , david cameron, from whom zelensky, naturally, is trying to beg for more new weapons. yesterday in the ukrainian capital , cameron said that ukraine has the right to use british weapons to strike russia. well, today, as the british reports.
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air conditioning and do not go outside. more than 83 thousand people visited the exhibition of captured equipment on the first day alone. sergei shaigu also stated this. today is the third day the excitement has not subsided. to the poklonnaya mountain the military attachés of friendly countries also arrived.
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there is something to see. american abrams and bradley, german leopard and marder. this is clear evidence that technology is very vulnerable, contrary to the assurances of the west. the impression is good, to see how russia and the russian army can destroy this equipment, the west constantly says that they... tanks, american, there are german, there are protecting the people, this is not true, there are these czech republics, well, from different countries of europe and america, this suggests that russia is not fighting against ukraine, on the contrary, the entire west, the entire nato is fighting against russia and they are simply using ukraine for this war, almost 80% of our weapons, which are used in the northern military district zone, were created at... rostec enterprises, over the past year planes, tanks were transferred, they are being created new models, but work on
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civilian projects does not stop, the head of the state corporation sergei chemizov reported to mikhail mishustin about this. anatoly lazarev has all the details. what do artillery and medicines, tanks and power plants, airplanes, have in common? passenger, military, medical devices; all this, as well as much more, is produced by the rostec enterprise. its head reported today on the state of affairs to the prime minister, you head a large state corporation, which includes hundreds of scientific production enterprises, associations that, despite unprecedented sanctions, solve the problem set by the president, this is the achievement of the technological and industrial sovereignty of the country, and of course extremely important direction is the implementation of all relevant...
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the production of shells for tanks increased nine times, rounds for mortars increased by 20. our specialists, together with the tactical missile weapons concern, continue to work on adapting standard aviation ammunition to the planning and correction module, these are flying aircraft bombs, which are in great demand today, and such long-range weapons are very are needed today, today there is an increase in the production of aerial bombs of all calibers and types along with them. with military production we continue to implement the most important civilian programs, this is in the area
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aircraft manufacturing, automotive manufacturing, engine manufacturing, energy, healthcare and other sectors of the economy. it is very important that you increase investments in teaching and design work; such technological advances help solve issues related to people’s health. rostec enterprises now produce more than 150 products for healthcare, thanks to the state corporation. high technologies help patients with various ailments, including pulmonary diseases, eye diseases, and hepatitis. and the first one registered the domestic haifa therapy complex, diatrm, er, the complex is designed for non-invasive removal of tumors. we have received a registration certificate for the respiratory support device for newborns, reanimon. previously, similar products were purchased abroad, but today they are. we can already produce it ourselves, rostec specialists themselves, can now produce
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high-power gas turbines, an important step for domestic energy, we are installing it at our impact station, which is being built on the taman peninsula, this is the first production turbine, and now we can say with confidence that we may have reached a very important milestone, because i know the corporation has been working on this for a long time.
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and in 14 more countries, where veterans of the great patriotic war are waiting for him. well, what will the weather be like on victory day? preliminary forecast for moscow. the kind of cold that hasn’t been seen on may 9 for a quarter of a century. frosts are possible at night, no higher than +10 during the day, and even snow is possible. this weekend is no better. moscow region, upcoming but... in the morning it will be -5, heavy rains for easter, storm wind. the volga region these days feels the breath of the arctic. snowy landscapes in tatarstan. the roads are covered with snow, snowdrifts, in general, it’s real winter. there is also snow in ulyanovsk, but it melts immediately. that’s all, thank you for being with us, the “let’s get married” program is on air right now. the semi-final stage of the russian handball championship among women's teams starts on saturday. the current title holder, rostov-don, barely cleared the quarter-final barrier.


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