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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  May 3, 2024 4:05pm-5:01pm MSK

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i just sat and looked closer to you, you know, she’s much more interesting in life than on the screen, she’s much fresher, younger, more beautiful, my mother would be stomping her favorite songs right now, out of concern, a thirty-year-old i don’t even know, take it, take it stanislava, who is good, in general seemed to me to be a very kind and sincere person, so live with character, remember, meet me in the third. valentina, good afternoon, good afternoon, you look amazing, thank you very much, unfortunately i was the last, but i hope i will not be the last in your life, thank you very much, it’s nice to meet you, mutually, vladimir, 32 years old, specialist in the development of trade and retail networks, lives in moscow.
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he is proud of his status as an honorary donor to russia, dreams of attending a ball and buying a sports car, and admits that he is not afraid of women who earn more than him. after 5 years of an ideal relationship, vladimir’s beloved refused to marry him with a cold heart and sent him to another city, hoping that valentina would value him. oh oh oh, no, now, now he’s probably modest, he’ll take modesty, i’m so arrogant, she doesn’t need someone so modest. well, you know, if your woman refuses you, you can breathe a sigh of relief in happiness, but you were upset, you know, no, why did you propose to her then, but there was a period of my life when my friends began to get married, get married , children, children began to appear, and i - there was a moment, there was one such gorgeous wedding, just amazing, in fact, and after it everyone came out, well, well, somehow i wanted to do it myself. i
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i realized that i really wanted the next step, how did i propose this? but at that time , i was just lucky, some group flew in very much, there - with a performance, that is, they were making dive planes there, and i arranged a surprise, that is, i rented a plane, we brought her with our eyes closed, they put us on the plane, we flew and the proposal itself was already, that is, when we arrived, the plane landed on the entire runway, they made a circle for us, there was a large poster along the entire long strip, that marry me in the air, i proposed, that is, this was prepared. she refused, no, why, she agreed, i think valya is interested, the man is more respectable, more presentable and most likely older, but not staz, you proposed, forgot about the wedding, no, no, no, we immediately discussed the wedding, but they wanted the wedding in the summer, but the period was in the fall, they postponed it, that is , next year, of course you postponed it for 9 months, this is of course, well, not exactly 9 months, but then it turned out that you are completely different people, right? well, it’s not that
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different, we had some moments before that, they just somehow began to be clearly displayed at the moment when i began to make drastic changes in my life, specifically related to work, that is, i was offered a very good vacancy, i went on an internship, or , say, a test job in moscow, but we there were dialogues about this, somehow they weren’t shelved, well, you’re happy that you didn’t get married, how happy, i don’t feel any kind of happiness, i really was, why are there, for example, actions that cause god took me away, i think, lord, thank you, how happy i am that i’m not i married this guy, hasty marriages, when you just know, yesterday i fell in love, and today they are already filing an application, this is bad, listen, i don’t understand at all what’s in the first and second case, that’s what women still need, both are young people, normal, normal, adequate, not stupid, yes, one second, valyusha is looking for a husband to grow up, she will be raised, she will be, and you are ready, well, for the educational process of your wife,
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it will improve, you will listen to valya, everything will be fine with you, it sounds of course it’s interesting, but if this is the case, and this is real bears fruit, and what’s more, it won’t contradict me in any way, i’ve already agreed, you see, valya will listen, but tell me, and the kids, we’ll probably get it right away.
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and that is, khabarakh directly to film the program and right away, of course, and you are here, this is a normal phenomenon, this is television, everything is in order, but in general and in general, thank you, thank you, why so quickly, and you thought everything, and i even imagined, it turns out that vladimir is like this on a youth shirt, and i would do it like this once, and he’s already dancing in a tuxedo with valyusha, that’s it, go, darling, go, go, that's it, go with god, he's great, ugh, he's great, he just chatted thoughtfully right away into the dance, everything is fine, well done, well, i think he won't lose anything, he's 32 years old, so you know how women argue, 5 years, but mine, that’s
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why everyone is groomed today equally, it seems to me that they suit you, your eyes lit up, you were interested, which is nice, it seems to me that you came for a reason, i don’t understand, about raising, it’s just that she... well, she’s presenting it, maybe it’s so unclear, there’s nothing, there are some questions that i’d like ask, ask, like, i think that he has a completely different type of position, different, you look at her, like she’s generally different, as if she’s reacting to this, she’s laughing herself, well, of course i’m for pavel, for the first, he’s too good, he’s just handsome, just having a child like that is already happiness, but it will work out, it won’t work out, i know, you know, with someone the same age, it might not work out with an older one, but the child will be... beautiful, i’d be for pavel, i love everything beautiful, i’m for vladimir, because i think it’s worth investing in him you can, uh, well, like 5 years, but as they say, yours, this is to make a handsome man out of him, well, he’s a handsome man, he’s a man,
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let him go with god into the big world, and then marry a coward and so on, well , you and i have a different concept of beauty ; after all, we probably grew up differently. therefore, his mother will be grateful to you, as they say, come on in, i invite everyone to come out and support valentina, have a seat, thank you.
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the person definitely told you: let's get married, i just want him to leave me alone, he just wants me got me, a young man is stalking me, we met on the internet, he turned out to be orthodox and i also go to church, when she had to move to another country, right there he... like a vampire, yes, yes, that is, he incited a national discord on your behalf in your social network, yes, this is horror, fear, at the same time, when he began to actively pursue me, i had a young man, how to get rid of these pointers, stalkers, you just block him, some people contacted him
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perfume, and he needs to find me, he even goes to there is severe frost in my area, but it’s scary, especially when this creature has ambushed me for the second time. started running towards me, why did you call it a creature? what do you mean he ran towards you? good afternoon, male attention! of course , it’s good when he’s courting, how pleasant, how nice, but when these courtships become very intrusive, and then threaten life, this is scary, and most importantly, it’s not clear
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what to do with it, we are now talking about male instructions, and female, the weaker, uh, tatyana is in our studio today. tatiana, hello, hello, who is following you, what happened? i am being stalked by a young man, we met on the internet, he left comments under my post, and i reacted to him... we just started talking about christian topics, he turned out to be orthodox and i also go to church, here we are we agreed on this topic, discussed mainly the bible, and when was this, in what year? this was in november, it even turns out to be at the beginning of twenty-one, and he is still haunting you, yes, but you told our problem in more detail correspondent, let's see. he has already done so many nasty things to me, i constantly cry, worry, worry, i just want
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him to leave me alone, he just got me, i hope that he will move on with his life and stop pursuing me. i had a profile on an orthodox dating site, he found my page there, left a comment, i decided to ask who he was, to get acquainted, we just corresponded on... christian topics, discussed the bible, he posted quotes there, then he came to peter, we met, went to church, i even introduced him to my priest, then we agreed that we would meet, go to an exhibition, i couldn’t go to the exhibition, i wrote to him, asked for forgiveness, he has since deleted correspondence in full, a month later he showed up, wrote that i ruined his mood, that he was very angry with me, we didn’t quarrel at all. there was no flirting, no, that is, there were no such personal correspondence, just
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some christian topics, and if, for example, i didn’t answer him, i reacted with some kind of aggression, i gave him my address out of stupidity, because he asked to send me to some orthodox holiday, a gift, well, i gave him my address, he really sent it to me christian books, and i certainly didn’t think that this person who comes to god could turn out like this, from then on it began... the persecution has been almost 3 years long, listen, what a nightmare, as i understand it, this is on the rise, that is, at some point everything came to the point that you even i had to change my job, so you can tell me in more detail, but it turns out that i lived in st. petersburg and worked at a school, at first he wrote a letter to the director, supposedly from the parents, that the children kept... my intimate photographs, some nudes and me
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they asked me to close all social networks, to this how would i react, that in fact there is nothing there , you can look, and then these are just these photographs, photographs, in short , you are in swimsuits on the beach, yes, but these photographs are different, this his next one it turns out the dirty trick he did, he found these videos on my sister’s account, that is, it was not open in mine... i was afraid of everything, it always seemed to me everywhere that suddenly he, it was him somewhere- something, considering
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that he knows my address, he knows the address to the school, and you never know what comes into his head, and you decide to protect yourself and move, yes, first of all, i just wanted to change the address, but but in my a friend moved to armenia at that time, she was very supportive of me, she says: leave, for now, come to me, try online, i started creating a page to develop somehow. online, he also did different things in general, he created bots, which prevented me from promoting the page, and thus i could not find a job online, that is, you went to another country because of his persecution, tried to somehow settle there, it’s clear that it’s impossible to live anywhere without a job, and he not only didn’t give you a chance to somehow settle down because you couldn’t work, but he specifically made it so that... i couldn’t get a new job find and also in armenia, he created my page on a dating site and under my
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name he wrote all sorts of things that generally insult the nation, forgive me please, did you promise him something once, no, we even have correspondence, when we started communicating, i had the young man and i immediately indicated this and he told me he was not interested, but you told us in the video that your correspondence was simply purely on spiritual topics , everything is correct. personal topics, but he didn’t talk much about himself, i’m just an open person, naive, so now i understand that i seemed to be saying something more about myself, so he knew that i had a boyfriend, and he didn’t... no matter how he didn’t want a relationship with me, and i especially didn’t want to, so, i’m not from armenia there it turned out that he started to insult someone on your behalf, you said, on a national basis, he simply created a copy of your page, and corresponded on your behalf, yes, and they started writing to me on my real social network, saying, why are you writing this? , at first i
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couldn’t figure it out, and well, they started sending me screenshots just like this site exists and... that i supposedly am there, that is , he incited national hatred, this is an article on your behalf on his social network, please tell me, you eventually had to leave armenia, and uh, but it turns out i couldn’t find it online work, so i came and got a job at school again, they called me to the gymnasium, and it turns out that he continued there too, this is already this year, it turns out , since september, did he get in there? yes, yes, have you ever contacted law enforcement agencies precisely because of stalking, because it is haunting you? yes i i contacted, at first i just went to the police, the local one in st. petersburg, they told me he came to you, that is, to the door there or something else, i said: no, he’s right there, and they said: well that’s it,
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yes, they say, well, yes, yes, then we drew up, we don’t have such a law, well, that’s it, he just writes, if he... if he comes, call, he says, they told me, and you where do you live now? i now live in the arkhangelsk region, i’m originally from there, but i don’t live in my city, this is where i am, you moved there because of this situation, how can i say it? because of this situation, i left russia completely, now i’m back, they just called me while you have some kind of job prospect, well, i’m now looking for a job there in the arkhangelsk region, and well, i’m planning to work online , because i’m afraid to return to some government institutions. because he will find you there, again he will compromise you, again you will have to look for a new place of work, because your profession is still so difficult, yes, you work with children, you are a teacher, naturally, it’s as easy as pie, i wrote to my parents, my parents immediately responded, well, that is, it’s very easy, in fact, yes, and that’s what he did, he’s where he is now, well
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, it turns out that the police started working when i wrote a statement online right in perm. now a lawyer is also helping me draw up, that is, they are sending refusals again, we are drawing up new ones, and that is, he himself is from perm and the police have already come to him, but they have already talked to his mother, his mother did not give any information, she just said that he is no longer here does not live and he is supposedly in the moscow region, you know, you are more we were told in detail about all his persecutions even before the program, let's listen. before the new year, he wrote to me that you are the worst thing that happened this year and in general almost in life, that he hates me, since then some kind of troubles began in my life, i worked at school , the director invited me and said that the parents wrote a letter saying that the student had saved my nude photographs, in fact it was he who wrote this letter, i tried to explain
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that such photographs cannot exist, that you you can look at my entire profile, i have 10 priests, subscribed, it’s not my style to post something like that, since then my profile was closed for a whole year, he found some videos of me in a swimsuit on my sister’s page, i recorded the screen, posted it in the school group, wrote to the municipal deputy, and did all this from my student’s fake account, i conducted a survey so that the girls answered what kind of prayers they would like to see, late in the evening i published it, it turned out that everyone can edit, in the morning i noticed that everything the questions have simply been changed. for all sorts of vulgarity, so he created a profile of a certain nina and on behalf of the grandmother wrote to me that he wanted to buy a slow cooker from me, i accordingly came to the address and waited at the entrance for a while, then he wrote just on behalf of the same grandmother that we are going to a concert at joseph kobzon's with a reference to the fact that i once went to a concert instead of meeting him, and
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the phone was simply exploding with messages, i came up with some sophisticated methods. to somehow ruin my life, i i feel abnormal, it seems to me that he is everywhere, doing something, that he is here now, that he can come or something else. ceremony, inauguration of president of the russian federation vladimir putin. live stream. may 7 at 12:00 moscow time. the holy fire is born right here, the holy of holies
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of the temple on a marble slab, it is from here, a special hole in the wall, that it goes out into the world. through this fire, we connect with god himself, with his divine love, and we we receive grace from the holy sepulcher. it is believed that the hole under the altar remains from the cross. in fact, the cross stood a meter further, now there is a crucifix, god became a man, came into the world when people decided to get rid of god from his word. the greatest tragedy in the history of all mankind occurred. there are 33 steps from golgotha ​​to the holy sepulcher. this is the path, from the crucifixion to the kingdom of god. church of the holy sepulcher. tomorrow. on the first, these are miracles to the blessed matrona, i always carry an icon with me, here i have
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petals, matrona has many petals they are being healed, we came precisely for this, so that she would help us in our personal lives, those who protected her and took care of her came up with the idea that she was from a very poor family, this is not true, whoever is in pain makes that request. i don’t know which is correct, i’m addressing myself as best i can, the matron was not born into a large family, because at the time the matron appeared in the nikonov family, there was only one child, a 10-year-old girl, i can’t say that i’m right here i believed in it so boundlessly, but i simply assumed that it could be, so in may, my mother and i appeared, some kind of divine providence, well, we just stood in front of the relics and i was there in my thoughts, turning to the matron, saying: look, holy... from the throne, come to me as if i were alive on may 5th first, you cannot
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promote yourself in any way on the internet, which is now very popular, develop, well, conditionally, even work online, yes, well, you can find a job and students via the internet, you can’t do anything about it as soon as you you open your social networks, right there he’s like... a vampire, yes, yes, yes, what a nightmare, us in the studio, your friend, olga, as i understand it, you knew from the very beginning that your friend had this strange, strange, i don’t even know what to call him, who is he, a terrible, admirer, well, with tatyana we we’ve known each other for more than 12 years, since school, and accordingly, i was constantly with her when this whole situation was happening, i was also nearby, she called, shared, it’s clear that initially all this was not perceived at all. seriously, but when it came to the point that she had to quit her job and more than one, when she had to moving to another country, understandably, became scary. yes. alexey, please tell me what to do in these specific
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situations? well, at the moment we note that there is no specific criminal article that would be aimed at protecting our victims from stalkers; they do not exist from this article. at the moment, applications are being submitted, yes, to the police, they are being carried out. pre-investigation checks, and as a rule, this method of pre-investigation check is a kind of protection that it this is when an operational officer, in theory , will come to this stalker, take some kind of explanation from him and, so to speak, will conduct such a preventive conversation, but unfortunately this is very little, because when receiving such a statement, police officers simply ignore it, when they kill, then you will come, plus it should also be noted that under our criminal law... threat of murder and 137 illegal collection of dissemination of information constitute personal
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secrets, but it is precisely article 137, for example, it has the investigative jurisdiction committee, that is, the legislator specifically highlighted this article and transferred it to the investigative committee, after the program we will be able to write a statement, and under your sensitive leadership, of course. let's watch the story about our next heroine, and then get to know her. we met on a dating site, he seemed like a fairly interesting young man, we didn’t have a whirlwind romance, we only talked for about a month, literally after a couple of weeks i realized that he didn’t have time to communicate with me. at first everything seemed fine, but then some strange stories began to happen and we sat in a cafe.
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he talked with an ex-girlfriend who asked me to bring him food, alimony for the cat, well, that is, some kind of trash, he began to disappear, he was constantly busy, and i just stopped communicating with him, if you are not interested in me as a man, can i to make you a business proposal, i honestly began to have the feeling as if i was being viewed not as a woman for a relationship, but as just a person with status, passed probably about two months already... “oh, let’s go to the mountains, i don’t know how you can even write to a person so simply, neither hello, nor how are you, well, without asking anything at all, just like, oh, hello there , anna chup today in our studio, anna, hello, hello, your story differs from the previous one in that you still had a date at the beginning, yes, some kind of romance, well, i
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wouldn’t call it straight romance, yes. , indeed, we met, i looked at his profile, and it was important for me to choose a person who does not have bad habits, where did you look at the profile? i registered on the site, he picked me up, looked very gallant, behaved extremely respectfully, like a real man, a gentleman, then he started talking a lot about himself, how wonderful, wonderful he is, i listened to all this... and he drove me home when he started following you? in general, we talked a little, and i realized that the person was not in the mood for a serious format, i wrote to him that everyone is looking for their own partner, and it is important for me not to waste time yours for some kind of communication that will not lead to anything further, yes, let's watch the video, and then we will understand where he got this from. a predator was born,
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these are the active actions in my direction, they have already begun to take on some kind of violent nature, i come to the city of sochi, prepare the event, there are 15 minutes left before the start, at that moment he comes through the door, please leave, i i told him that i didn’t want to communicate at all, at some point i just turned away, well, towards the door where the seminar was taking place, but there was some noise at that moment he takes me in his arms. starts circling and reading poetry, i was so scared, i didn’t understand why, i have these eyes, i don’t understand what ’s going on at all, it’s normal for them to behave this way, and stalker tried to tell me about his feelings, that we need to make peace that we needed to meet, i was afraid to go out, i called a business class taxi so that a man would just come and pick me up from the studio,
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i think, what will happen next? well... that is, at some point i just realized that he no longer controlled himself at all, and i felt scared, we decided to relax with a friend, and went to the port on a yacht, we sat on the bow of the yacht, started taking pictures, when the yacht had already sailed out of the parking area, there was water all around, at that moment a stalker appeared. how can it happen that he just appears out of nowhere, some kind of special effect at this moment, you experience so many emotions, it’s horror, fear, at the same time, there was a desire to just dive into this water and swim away, because it’s impossible to be in his company, he started filming me, came up to me at that moment, i said that if he does more one step on my side i’ll just scream, maybe in his picture of the world that he’s kind of
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looking after you... he started saying that my boyfriend doesn’t take me seriously, back and forth, in the end i had to involve him in this situation, i don’t really like pitting people against each other, but since i had to complain and share, because it was just crossing all boundaries, he started coming to my work, under the pretext of bringing flowers, under the pretext of some kind of surprise, well that is, there is a feeling that what he brought it, it was just such an excuse
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to... see me, he began to come, he even came to another city for you, yes, he came to sochi, yes, that is, well, we live in krasnodar and i had a small tour around the region - with the author’s course that i teach, and he signed up for all my seminars, that is, i open registration for everything online, offline, it doesn’t matter, and i see his last name, first name everywhere, right here - after all, this is pure stalkering, because stalkering is a form of violent behavior, when a person stalks when a person calls his of the chosen victim, a feeling of fear, it’s not easy to become stalkers...
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you can apply a sanction, if you continue in the same spirit, then i will block you, and we will no longer communicate, and we look further at the person’s behavior, if he continues in that way in the same spirit, you already warned, you just take it and block it. our next heroine also found strength in herself and told her story. let's first look at the plot and then introduce her. from the end of october a person started writing to me, at first i didn’t pay attention to it, because well, i i’m still involved in media activities, albeit not on a very large scale, but one way or another, various people write to me and not
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always adequately, the person just spits out streams of some kind of incoherent nonsense, which i don’t even really want to read into, but the underlying motive is all that happened was that some spirits contacted him and ordered him to find me. find my some kind of psychic sister, we never had psychics, talk about some kind of afterlife, about some sacrifices, about some mirrors, what he is going to go to another world and that he needs me for some kind of transition to the astral plane, if you don’t accept me, it will be bad, now there will be a family showdown in heaven between your and my relatives, there will be horror in heaven, now this it would be terrible, we should cross paths somehow, at least he threatened to burn my dog. i also received similar threats, to sacrifice me in the bathroom, to break down the door, to cut the door open with a grinder. hello everyone, i was offended and will do what the spirits ordered me to do. a person sends out massively
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pornography from anonymous accounts, which he immediately deletes, uploads all this dirt to the disk, puts it into public access, and children, too, can see it. delete comments. it’s impossible, that’s why it all remains there, i’m tired of chasing the monster, i hope that the police will finally take care of this matter and save me from his disgusting presence. i 'll get the document, military prosecutor's office, colonel shilov, this is captain ivalagen. why didn’t you complete the cast, captain, why did you go through the forest? these were not germans, not germans, who were forest brothers, lithuanian partisans. and this is martha, his
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daughter-in-law. well, what’s happening, grigory ivanovich, there are only forest people all around, you’re afraid, but i don’t feel comfortable. according to the laws of war, new episodes, look after the program for the time where the real map is, if it falls into the hands of the germans, they will know the direction of the main attack, that’s all. on christmas day we see the greatest tragedy, its, one might even say, amazing loneliness. from his very birth, christ had no place in this world. nazareth was an absolutely inconspicuous village, so the most likely reaction to the fact that jesus is
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a man from nazareth could not be, how can it be, from such a dubious place, but where is it? jerusalem is the capital, it is the city that was chosen by god's providence so that the salvation of man would take place there. and there you understand that this is not a legend, that he was there, that he walked there, he preached there, he sat in the garden of gethsemane, this is absolutely certain, when people decided to get rid of his word from god.
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may 5 at the first maria nelyubova in our studio maria, hello, how long has the stalker been stalking you since october 2023, yeah. it all started unexpectedly for you, it
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started more than unexpectedly, a crazy person just wrote to me, some nonsense in private messages, i ignored it, the next day he’s already running up to me from behind on the street, that is, i still have no idea i know where he got my address from, he said that spirits contacted him, and back in the 2000s they said that in such and such years i would live here and he needs to find me, what a nightmare, but you may have some common i have acquaintances that no, no, i thought that one of my... several people and i followed them, he is 100% following, because he walks with complete confidence, well, that means he is following you even in the bitter cold. to my district, he describes the changes that took place in the area, for example, he says: they demolished a store, that is, only a person who directly lives there or actually hangs around can know this, he describes the doors of the entrances, he tries to figure me out by the windows , that is, i have quite noticeable blinds, he apparently walks around looking out, listen, well, this is scary, this is extremely unpleasant. especially when this creature waylaid me for the second time, it had already
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started hunting, that is, it was running towards me, did you call it a creature? i cannot call this creature a human. wait, what do you mean he was running towards you? i’m leaving the store with some shopping, it runs at me, screams, waves its arms, yells some nonsense about its perfume and so on, says: let’s put up with you, i never quarreled with you, so i can’t put up with you, i just i don't want to interact with you in any format, are you right there for us? they told about how it was, let's see, i paid for the purchases and was already leaving the store, and this scarecrow ran towards me, waving his arms, saying that i should go somewhere with him, again yelling his nonsense about spirits, about some kind of knife fight in heaven, well, in general, complete nonsense, which is even impossible to make out, and i ran far away from it, right along the shelves, this creature was running after me, trying... somehow offended me around the shelving, that’s how it somehow surfaced, some man at the end
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of the shelving caught him and took him out into the street, he drove away. i don’t know how to convey to a person that they will not communicate with him personally, well, under no circumstances, i don’t want to interact with him in any way, i don’t care about his life, i’m not interested in what he wants to convey to me after these meetings how is he with you... have you contacted you yet? he writes to me every day, this morning two accounts were banned, he buys an unreal number of accounts every day, i even wonder where he got the money from, because his subscribers were pushing him, he buys some foreign sim cards, they cost on average, well, virtual ones, they cost on average 700 rubles. and what did he write to you today, so you say, you have already banned two accounts, but what did he write? i don’t even read it, i don’t want to read it or delve into it at all, otherwise he sent me some link, he constantly sends pornography to my social networks, all this dirt is still hanging there.
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i could easily drive a car to maxdom or rukha, buy a generator and an angle grinder for three hundred circles and 300 mm wheels for it, i would buy a carrier and a sonnet, take the five-digit key code for the intercom, go into the entrance, start the generator, cut down the door, look, i even bought a disk for the grinder to
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start building, plywood crypt 8 mm, nora takes, listen, well, let’s do this, it’s absolutely obvious that he’s... not just a stalker, he’s also sick, because if the spirits tell him to kill you tomorrow, he’ll come and kill you, and okay, just me, no it is known that he can still imagine in his head, he can directly it’s scary, although you are not a timid person, well, not a timid one, but at least tell me what your relationship with the investigative authorities was like, so you addressed it somehow, i wrote naturally, i wrote a statement to the police, they have been considering it since november 2023, we have already complained to the prosecutor’s office twice, the prosecutor’s office said, we’ll sort it out, they told us to provide...
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whoever, whatever you want, so i say, i’m an ordinary person, that’s what’s interesting, psychics brought you to me, psychics didn’t bring you, i i say, i talked to a woman, on the topic, no, there is a picnic, you don’t need to treat me to anything, thank you very much and nothing is poisoned , you don’t need to follow me either, thank you.
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that he is stalking you, this is of course a crime, but we have a problem, you know what, that there is no law on stalking, i know, the state duma has not adopted a law on this crime, a law on stalking should be adopted in our russian federation in the near future , and i hope that this program will contribute to this, we have ksenia khanova in our studio today, ksenia, hello! tell me, please, are you being persecuted too? hello, yes, i was persecuted only 2 years ago, and the background, my work is related to the english language, and i received a call from a man who introduced himself as the head of a company that deals with cryptocurrency asked for help, for translation, yes, oh, the editors of the site,
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yes, ah, he suggested that we meet on neutral territory. and i agreed, came to meet him, we talked quite adequately about work for an hour, the man turned out to be quite handsome, i even liked him a little, what are you talking about, yes, and then, and the man decided to act, after an hour of our communication purely only about work, he offered to go to the cinema, but i refused, i said, i have other plans today, and in general plans to build in some personal ones... i didn’t have a relationship, but he says: okay, i’ll order you a taxi and pay, you’re such a princess, you deserve all the best, he ordered me a taxi, got into this taxi, drove to my house and said, now i know where you live, the next day he started calling me 10 times a day, 20
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times a day, and already offered to go to the road restaurant, going on some kind of trip is also expensive. that is, he wanted in every possible way to continue the relationship with me, communication, and so on, i refused and decided to block him, that is, i blocked his number, and that same evening i went to the dance, that is, i have a hobby, i dance, i go out from dancing, the time was somewhere already 11 pm, it was winter -25, i looked, he was standing, i was very surprised, delighted... and at the same time scared, happy, well, yes, it seemed to me that i was such a princess, really, that’s it yeah, he went behind me, he started crying, he said: please let me in, we’ll drink tea, i’m cold, i was standing now, waiting, i don’t have a car yet, in the end i took pity, let him
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in, and the man immediately started to harass me, and say the following words: we must sleep with you now, in order for our relationship, you would fall in love with me, our relationship would continue in a great way, did you have something, no, did we? it was, well, if you let someone home, well, there may be consequences for a complete stranger, i want understand where the stalking is, i don’t see it yet, i apologize, yes, after i kicked him out, i said, you and i are stopping all communication and not just about work, any communication, so i blocked everything his numbers, calls also started from other numbers, and i discovered that my key was missing, the second key to... the apartment, i became scared, and i decided to urgently change the locks, so, but it so happened that i spent the night,
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actually , without changing the lock, alone in this apartment, and about two o’clock in the morning, i woke up because someone was trying open the door, i changed the locks, everything became fine, after that, and the man started writing threats from other numbers that he would allegedly break my head, this was 2 years ago, and i don’t even remember how it ended, yes, thank god, it’s all fast it ended, well, after two months, it
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ended when i arrived in paris, i was not famous, fashion seemed to have frozen between the seventies and the nineties, and within this there was such a fermentation going on. almost no one in our country has a reliable idea of ​​what couture is. haute couture is high hand sewing, high-class sewing, which is placed next to painting, architecture. i think he has all the qualities of a young fashion designer. i was once young myself, and what especially attracted me about him was his sense of fashion. the artist touches on the theme of dress costumes, most of the time in couture. prefers a large sword dress, how long does one collection last? practically she lives until
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my next show, that is, 6 months. i really liked yudashkin’s show, i think his level corresponds to international fashion, congratulations valentin. in blessed memory of vyacheslav zaitsev and valentin yudashkin, tomorrow is the first, lent ends , the magical holiday of easter awaits us... the most important miracle is that god is love, i understood that my loved one was suffering, my legs just led me to church, and i confessed, without preparing for this in any way, i burst into tears, since then, yes, we already have four children, i said, katya, what a blessing, you ’re pregnant, she says, no, i don’t want to live, i don’t i want to give birth, i said, no, stop, this can’t be, you saved the child, yes, it was voronezh religious procession, the first, 600 km from voronezh to deveevo we walked in 21.
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“i have admired since my youth, anna evseeva, an actress, and her relatives give double the rate, a femme fatale, i would say sterova, and
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you are a believer, a stricken atheist.” . and in general there’s nowhere to leave the samples, again it’s old, yes, mom, you’re sick, well, somehow you come to your senses already , they decided to hit me in the face, until you decide, you take me by the hand and take me out into the courtyard, uh-huh, i ’ll sneak into yours limousine and we're going, where to europe, if your mother at her age wanted a boy, we should probably just be happy for her, i don’t want you to repeat my mistakes, anna andreevna, i’m not alfonsa. oh the animator was daydreaming on may 10 at the first, and you know that anima is the soul of latin, we need a protective order, that is , perhaps not some kind of law, just a protective order that will allow women who
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are there, for example, we don’t take now marriage and family relationships, they spend money on psychologists there, they can’t build their relationships, they’re afraid, let’s avoid feminism, because this applies to men too, oh well psychologists, they left the country, but it ’s not even a matter of going to a psychologist, it’s just scary to go out on the street , for example, well, give him a big fine there, 1.100-200, well, the person will think whether i need to go to the next time
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i came closer again, so i went to sit there for a little while. roman, please tell me where you will write and what you will say so that we finally pass this law, listen, well, you will laugh, in 2013 i came up with such a law, with a proposal, and we have done this more than once discussed at programs, when in 2013 i proposed to our state duma to adopt just this... to protect our honor, dignity, business reputation, so that we would not be persecuted, and so that you and i would have the opportunity to defend ourselves, so i wanted to say, that today we are only men, men, listen, i myself encountered, but only with a woman, for my statements, for my statements, the woman began to persecute me, when i went to her on social networks, i was surprised, but there are photographs
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with all our famous , it seems like you even... i took pictures with her, sate, yes, i found out that she was sitting like that in the hall, you know, like, uh, with the girls like that with the boys, what was she doing, she was promoting her account, that she was a director, that she was famous screenwriter of russia, that she’s with everyone there, with kirkorov, with gordon, there with all the celebrities, when i’m her, i’m tired of listening to all the threats, my address, what a scoundrel i am, what a scoundrel i am, that she’ll devour me there that she would beat me up there, i just stupidly blocked her, she managed hack my wife's social network, although my wife, so you understand, yes, she has a closed social network, yulia, you can't go there, she pulled out childhood photos of my children, then threw off my former mobile phone number, which...


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