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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  May 3, 2024 6:00pm-6:40pm MSK

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happy easter to you. ceremony, inauguration of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live stream. may at 12:00 moscow time, hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. a ukrainian intelligence agent in the leningrad region eliminated a saboteur who was preparing terrorist attacks on military and energy infrastructure facilities. and also attacks on
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russian speakers in the baltic states. ivanovo paratroopers storm chasov yar, footage from the front line and news from the ministry of defense. destroyed two s-300 launchers, and many more western armored vehicles. the enemy has lost 111 thousand fighters since the beginning of the year. revenues are growing, including those not related to oil and gas exports, but it is important to maintain a realistic approach to fiscal policy. this was discussed at a meeting on economic issues held by the president. “berlin is covered in black toxic smoke, one of the factories of the concern, which produces air defense systems and rist, is on fire, a fire broke out in warehouses with chemicals, part of the building has already collapsed. great or good friday, believers remember the suffering of the death of the savior on the cross, today is strict fasting, special services, and we’ll tell you what the weather will be like on easter in the leningrad region.
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a saboteur, an agent of ukrainian military intelligence, who was planning several major terrorist attacks on russian territory, was eliminated, the details were told by the fsb, footage of the special operation was shown, during the arrest the criminal offered armed resistance and was neutralized. this happened at a time when the saboteur was in a cache with explosives. lots of ammo weapons were also found in his apartment, garage and car, and correspondence with curators from kiev was also discovered, the reading of which makes your hair stand on end, the plans are terrifying in their bloodthirstiness. alena germanova with details. gaichensky district, leningrad region, under the cover of darkness in a forest belt, a ukrainian saboteur makes his way to a hiding place, suddenly realizes that he is being watched and he tries to escape. there is a small shelter in the middle of the field, from there the fugitive shoots back, the fsb officers are getting closer. the ukrainian intelligence agent is eliminated on the spot. the man collected the packages that carefully carried the explosive device out of the hiding place; it was this that was previously hidden in the cache. to organize
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a terrorist attack at a fuel terminal in the neighboring tosninsky district, it was weapons and means of communication with ukrainian intelligence, she had big plans for this agent. his correspondence with his curator was discovered, confirming the preparation of a terrorist attack in the leningrad region, as well as training in the city of pobrad, vilnius district of lithuania, in mine explosives and small arms for subsequent participation in hostilities in the country of the armed forces of ukraine and committing sabotage on the territory of russia, as well as the plans of the ukrainian terrorist organization to completely eradicate everything russian in the baltic countries. planning this organization of terrorist attacks in orthodox churches in places of residence of russian-speaking residents, in particular the arson of a cinema in the city of riga, during a film screening. 48 years old, a member of a ukrainian terrorist organization banned in russia, and also has russian citizenship, the man arrived in the country from lithuania back in march, bringing with him several terrorist attack scenarios. it was established that, at the command of the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine, the saboteur planned to commit a series of terrorist attacks on russian territory, including.
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the fsb prevented the fsb from implementing these plans ; they were watching one of the tankers from the moscow region; they tried to detain him, but he opened fire, abandoned the car , and disappeared. in that same abandoned car they found a pistol that could be used as a hunting rifle, grenades, and components for making explosives.
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his bloodthirstiness has long crossed the line take, for example, this minibus recently detained on the russian-latvian border, but three hundred orthodox icons stuffed with hexogen would be enough to blow up a five-story building. residential building. investments and explosives were found in the icons , after which i was detained. but this cargo from ukraine, which crossed the country at none of the checkpoints in europe, did not raise any questions until the driver was stopped by our border guards. after the liquidation of another ukrainian agent, the fsb reported that everyone involved in the preparation terrorist attacks and sabotage will be identified and prosecuted. sooner or later, ukrainian terrorists will have to answer for everything. no matter what high positions they hold. alena germanova, anastasia slobodenyuk, evgeny leonov, channel one. the united states and other nato countries demand that ukraine restrain the advance of our troops at any cost, despite the huge losses. and to replenish the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, kiev tightened mobilization.
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ukrainians who do not want to fight are forcibly driven to the front line. about this today during a conference call at the ministry of defense , the head of the department, sergei shaigu, spoke. according to him , our units continue. grigory emelyanov has footage from the front line and news. 507. the awakening of the lifting mechanism is replaced by the deafening roar of launching rockets. in the case under the sentry yar, installations of hail. classic tactics, hit, run, better. protection from a snarling enemy. that's it, let's turn it off. based on the results of the departure , the enemy still has minus-3 strong points this night. so, time after time, a drop wears away the stone. about the results of this methodical sergei shaigu spoke about his daily work at today’s conference call with the ministry of defense. groups of russian troops
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continue to break into the system of enemy strongholds along the entire line of combat contact. the ukrainian armed forces unit is trying to cling to certain lines. but under our pressure they are forced to abandon their positions and retreat. since the beginning of the year, we have taken control of 547 km of territory in new regions of the country. over the past 2 weeks, russian armed forces have liberated the settlements of novabakhmutovka, semyonovka, berdychi, donetskaya people's republic. the enemy's losses, as sergei shaigu emphasized, over the past month have grown to a thousand people a day, in just 4 months of this year they have exceeded 111 thousand people, here is a summary of the current situation. as a result of active operations, the unit of the grouping of troops - the center improved the tactical situation; in aisu they lost up to 360 military personnel, an abrams tank, two infantry fighting vehicles, two armored combat vehicles, five pickup trucks, and
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an m-109 155mm self-propelled artillery unit. paladin, operational-tactical aviation, missile troops, artillery, groups of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation. an illumination and guidance radar, two launchers of the s-300 ptt anti-aircraft missile system, a launcher of the irist anti-aircraft missile system were destroyed, and the bolovnoye oil depot, which supplies fuel to military units of the ukrainian armed forces, was hit. the growing rate of ukrainian losses, according to the leadership of our ministry of defense, is due to the fact that the armed forces of ukraine are being rushed, driven into battle, or rather, to slaughter by ikhnatov’s curators. the united states of america and its allies demand that ukraine not allow the defense to collapse. and hold back the advance of russian troops at any cost. to replenish human reserves, the kiev regime is tightening mobilization, ukrainians who do not want to fight are forcibly sent to the front line, in fact, they are still being thrown to slaughter. such an inhumane attitude towards its
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population testifies to the desire of the ukrainian authorities to curry favor with their western masters in order to continue to receive financial and military assistance from them. sent to ukraine as part of the latest military aid package from the united states, and in general kiev has been using them since last fall, but the purpose of air defense is to shoot down enemy missiles; anti-aircraft gunners scan the sky 24x7. the target is destroyed, the cost is one. a drone approaching a target. the spectacle is not for the faint of heart, but this, firstly, is ours, and secondly, training, in their free time from combat work, they cover the front lines, russian drone pilots are improving their skills, the results speak for themselves, we see them every day in video reports from the combat zone actions, on television screens in military telegram channels.
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grigory emelyanov, vladimir zalutsky, alexander gornostaev, channel one. london is dangerously escalating the ukrainian conflict, thereby creating a potential threat to the whole. european security, so the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov commented on the words of the head of the british foreign ministry, who arrived in kiev the day before and said that ukraine has the right to use british weapons for...
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preparations for an attack on it are now being carried out openly with ostentatious barovado and with the absolute support of direct the unabashed collective west. last days at sssu have already been noted for the use of several secretly obtained at once in the crimea. a month ago , american long-range atacoms missiles were launched, according to the russian ministry of defense, all fired missiles were destroyed; after easter, kiev is expecting to receive the first f-16 aircraft, which, according to the british, can also be used in the operation to destroy the crimean bridge. i would like to once again warn washington, london, brussels that any aggressive actions against crimea are not only doomed to failure, but will also receive a blow, retaliation, which will... as for situation at the front, then one of the hottest
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areas now is the outskirts of chasoy yar. russian soldiers, including ivanovo paratroopers, are pushing out the enemy, gradually moving forward. the enemy command post was destroyed, and they also managed to cut off the supply routes for ammunition and food. huseyn huseynov saw how it happened. his report from the front line contains footage of our assault. for the homeland! that's it, move along the path! under the cover of artillery, a group of attack aircraft makes its way into a forest plantation. a platoon of paratroopers enters in three groups from the flanks from the center. the actions of our fighters are coordinated at headquarters, watching them from the air, telling them where and who to move, and keeping an eye on the enemy. yes, listen, there is a machine gunner, on the left flank, there is a machine gunner sitting there. the enemy's main fire cover is a machine gun nest, so the first step is to force it.
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clearly so that they don’t have time to figure it out, get out , and so on. a strategically important point is the command post of this defensive line of the ukrainian armed forces, and also a place for the supply of ammunition and food. that's why action movies are so held on tightly to him, but ivanovo’s paratroopers managed to turn the tide of events. it is the ninety-eighth svir guards airborne division that is advancing on the city of chasov yar. today it celebrates the eightieth anniversary of its founding.
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run to a building on the outskirts of the city and come under artillery fire. another group is looking for shelter in a nearby forest plantation, but it is under the gun of our fighters. the ukrainian armed forces soldiers remaining in the trenches make the only right decision: to lay down their arms and surrender. that's it, they give up, take the wounded, pull away, take positions. for the bravery and courage shown in battles and on the day the division was founded. a reward awaits this
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paratrooper, too, but a little later, for three days as part of an evacuation group, he pulled out his wounded colleagues from the battlefield, every single one of them, all this under constant heavy enemy fire, they only saw from the copter that they were dragging the three hundredth and immediately throwing him there and barrel artillery, and mortars, drops and cassettes, everything they have.
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from the stone of a hand holding a grenade. it is important for russia to maintain an extremely realistic approach to fiscal policy in the long term . vladimir putin spoke about this task at a meeting on economic issues. as the head of state previously noted, current indicators are higher than forecasts. for the first quarter. revenues not related to the export of oil and gas increased by 43%, in general, revenues increased by one and a half times. there is a basis for growth, and today we talked about plans until 2030. at the last meeting we discussed the forecast for the country's socio-economic development. this is the basis for drawing up state
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programs and projects for their financing and practical implementation. i suggest. today , continue the discussion of budget plans, not only for the next three years, but also , as agreed, for the long-term period until 2030. at the same time, let me remind you that it is fundamentally important for us to maintain responsible, balanced, extremely realistic approaches to budget policy, including planning the country’s main financial document based on budget rules. let's start, please, with words to the minister of finance, anton germa. and today, vladimir putin had a telephone conversation with the president of tajikistan emmali rahmon. according to the kremlin press service, the leaders exchanged views on current issues on the bilateral agenda, including cooperation in the fight against terrorism and in the migration sphere. confidence was expressed that attempts by certain forces to artificially escalate the situation around
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labor migrants, including from tajikistan, will be stopped jointly. another topic of conversation is participation. at ceremonial events in moscow, according to on the occasion of victory day, mmali rakhmon was invited to the russian capital. russia has significantly increased the production of military equipment and ammunition. the head of rostec, sergei chemizov, reported this to mikhail mishustin. the state corporation produces 80% of all weapons used in the northern military district zone; in just a year, production, for example, of mlrs has doubled, and rockets for them have grown eightfold . there are 3 and a half times more tanks coming off the assembly line. and the production of artillery systems has increased more than tenfold, the troops are also receiving new types of equipment, among them, for example, t-90m breakthrough tanks, fifth- generation su-57 fighters and tos-2 heavy flamethrower systems. they are now actively used at the front, and despite the large volume of defense orders, rostec is also successfully developing
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civilian projects. anatoly lazarev, more details about everything. what do artillery and medicines, tanks and power plants, passenger and combat aircraft, medical devices have in common? all this, and much more, is produced by the rostec enterprise, if they say high technologies for civil and military purposes, then they mean, first of all, this state corporation; its head reported today on the state of affairs to the prime minister. a large state corporation, which includes hundreds of scientific production facilities. associations that, despite unprecedented sanctions, solve the task set by the president, this is the achievement of the technological and industrial sovereignty of the country, and of course, an extremely important direction is the implementation of all relevant tasks related to the state defense order, so
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that our defenders are provided equipment, technology, since the beginning we have significantly expanded our production capacity. today we need and today there is an increase in the production of aerial bombs of all calibers and types of the ministry of defense in the twenty-third year, new production aircraft
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su-57, su-35s, su-34, su-30 cm2, il-76 md990a, yak-130, k-52m, mi-28 nm helicopters, t-90 breakthrough tanks and penicillin artillery reconnaissance systems. the production of new models has been mastered, including heavy flamethrower systems, this is tos-2, it is very much used today in its zone. along with in addition to military production, the state corporation continues to develop civilian projects; without rostec, it is impossible to imagine modern aircraft and automotive industries, energy, healthcare, and engine production. it is very important that you increase investments in educational design work; such technological advances help. solve issues related to people’s health, rostec enterprises now produce more than 150 products for healthcare, thanks to the state corporation, high technologies help patients with various ailments and pulmonary diseases,
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and eye diseases and hepatitis. the first domestic complex of haifa therapy diatrm has been registered; the complex is intended for non-invasive removal of tumors. we have received a registration certificate for the device. reanimon respiratory support for newborns, previously similar products were purchased abroad, but today we can produce them ourselves. rostec specialists themselves can now mass- produce high -power gas turbines, the first of which can be installed at the impact thermal power plant in tamansky peninsula. and now we can say with confidence that we can be behind a very important milestone, because i know the corporation has been working on this for a long time so that... rostec is not only the largest industrial company in russia, but one of
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the most important for the country employers, creating new jobs. its enterprises employ 660,000 people. anatoly lazarev, ekaterina yarovenko, yuri yarchenko. first channel. more than 83 thousand visitors only on the first day of work, and interest is only growing. exhibition of trophy weapons on poklonnaya gora, russians and foreign guests also come to look at western equipment captured by russian fighters in the special operation zone. today, for example, military attaches of friendly countries visited the victory museum. the exhibition is impressive, there are american abrams and bradleys, german leopards and marders. oleg shishkin was impressed. more than eighty military hatashes from 52 countries, mainly the middle east, asia and africa. representatives of western states also received.
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this is a big victory for russia and we we support russia and hope for peace. american bradley, german marder. expensive swedish cv90 infantry fighting vehicle, australian bushmaster armored personnel carrier, foreigners surround the main exhibits of the exhibition, broken abrams and leopard tanks, in ukraine they were considered almost a wunderwafe, a miracle weapon that would allow the kiev regime to fulfill the utopian plan to seize crimea and occupy donbass, but it turned out that on the battlefield, nato equipment burns no worse than ukrainian equipment, the otash military can see with their own eyes how our soldiers debunked the myth of the invincibility of western weapons. the impressions are good, see how... russia and the russian army can destroy this equipment, we saw with our own eyes today how russian equipment
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was superior to the clockwork one. it took foreign guests about an hour to view the exhibition, many did not let go of their smartphones, filming everything on camera, some moved from one exhibit to another as part of excursion groups, others preferred individual routes, the organizers of the guests did not limit anything. do we stay here or go to the next one? i i think that this is a conflict not only between russia and ukraine, i think that this is a conflict between russia and western countries, a very interesting exhibition, before it was all shown in patriot park, but it was a very good idea to move it here, here it is more accessible to civilians , and the representative of the south african republic had to answer a question from journalists about how military equipment produced in the republic of uzbekistan ended up in ukraine. i think our government will issue a statement, therefore.
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and missiles towards them, fire broke out in warehouses with chemicals, part of the building collapsed, the flames cannot be brought under control, several areas of the german capital are enveloped in toxic smoke, residents are asked not to go outside and close their windows tightly. this is the second time this week that news about a fire in germany is related to weapons for kiev. earlier, in lower saxony, the country house of the head of the rain metal concern, manufacturer of the mardor infantry fighting vehicle and leopard tanks, burned down. it was immediately known there that the dacha was approached as a sign of protest, those who were dissatisfied with
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the supplies at... the international fire of memory action, did not let's talk about the weather for easter, and also about switch, i will reign or you watch the evening news and then i will die, a foreigner who had no legal rights to the throne, accompanied by the orlovs, arrived at the barracks of the izmailovsky regiment, where she was declared an autocratic empress. during the 34 years of her reign, catherine gained fame as a wise, fair ruler. she radically changed the country and, like peter the great, received the epithet “great”. she waged victorious wars and annexed new lands to the empire, wrote laws and carried out reforms. he is 34, she is 10 years old. soon
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they will no longer talk about the darkness as the most influential person in russia, but even relying on male help, the empress always reserved the final decisions for herself. empire, catherine ii. tomorrow on the first. potemkin was preparing the main surprise for his beloved woman. sevastopolskaya appeared before the eyes of those present. lent is ending and the magical holiday of easter awaits us. the most important miracle is that god is love. i understood that my loved one was suffering, my feet just led me to the temple, and i confessed, without preparing for this in any way, i burst into tears. since then, yes, we already have four children. i said, katya, what happiness, you are pregnant, she says: no, i don’t want to live, i don’t want to give birth. i said, no, stop, this
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can't be happening. child, yes, it was the voronezh religious procession, the first one, we walked 600 km from voronezh to deveevo in 21 days, a monk walked with us, and so i walk, i felt so good, i say what is this, he says, this grace, i went blind in one eye, completely blind, on the operating table, i felt physically your guardian angel, and i believe that the guardian angel, of course, the lord god, with the hands of the doctors they performed a miracle, oh, how beautifully you are preparing for easter, and this is preparation, i’m going with the children, we have our entire garden like this we hang all these eggs, but we have been carrying this sunday in our hearts for the second millennium, this is actually the greatest russian holiday, tomorrow after the program it’s time, this city has literally and figuratively been reborn from the ashes, because during the war rzhe was practically destroyed off the face of the earth, that's just the sound, that's the sound, yeah
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here... it looks like there is something in this place, well, oops, in the partisan detachments there were pigeons, scouts, demolitionists walked around with pigeons, but why with pigeons, suddenly the radio came out , they lined it up, you will now need to insert it into the correct position, hands made such a house, that’s where this expression comes from, i’m in the house, i’m in the house, guys, i’m in the house, that’s it, one of the main symbols of the city of rzhev, the red boots of prince vladimir, you make one boot, i make the second boot, may on the first day of victory on the first romeo hold the car commander calmly romeo let's sit calmly attention earth well done guy commander only old men go into battle on may 9th.
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guys, we will live, this is the evening news on the first, and we continue: in moscow, at the tomb of the unknown soldier in the alexander garden today, the international fire of memory action was launched, its goal is to express gratitude to all those who gave their lives in the fight against fascism, particles the eternal flame will be delivered to different regions of russia to veterans abroad, as well as to the front line. to our fighters. alexander lyakin for more details. alexander garden - the tomb of the unknown soldier - a sacred place for every resident of russia. today , lamps were lit here from the eternal flame so that veterans of the great patriotic war could see particles of this particular flame. the people's
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front holds the fire of memory campaign in thirty-three regions of russia and fourteen countries. among those who came to pay tribute to all those who died during the great patriotic war were participants in a special military operation. volunteer alexander. klasich was seriously wounded near kupinsk, he is proud that on this day he was entrusted with representing the military brotherhood at the grave unknown soldier. it is a great honor to respect the veterans, our grandfathers, great-grandfathers, great-great-grandfathers of our generation, those actions, the heroism that they did, what they did for their country, for their future, this must never be forgotten, this must be remembered more than once a year on the may holidays, but all the time, i remember the end of the nineties, how veterans came to children’s camps, there, and we listened to them with such silence.
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in whose honor the eternal flame was lit here in the alexander garden, in the most sacred place for all residents of our country by our guys who are in the trenches today bringing our today’s victory closer. they read the right books in childhood and watched the right films, but looking at the veterans of the great patriotic war, they never thought that they, too, would have to see tanks with crosses in their sights. they did a great thing for us, they liberated our country, and now we are... liberating our country from the same fascists. for the fire of memory campaign, we made special lamps that not only preserve the flame lasts for several days, but is completely safe for transportation on a passenger plane. representatives of the popular front took pieces of the eternal flame to europe, asia
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and africa. this flame will be greeted in belarus, germany, algeria, cyprus and serbia. tonight it will be in new regions of russia in crimea. we are taking us to kerch, they are meeting us there, waiting for us, this fire will be delivered to the veterans. we will also take this fire to artek, an international children's center, where all children from all over all regions of our russia will participate in this event. this is the memory of all those who once fought for our land, for our freedom, for everything great, the most valuable that is in us. a spark of this fire will be heard, you can even support it and move it somewhere. your name is unknown, your feat is immortal, these words are carved on granite by the eternal flame. it was lit in the alexander garden in may '67.
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they laid flowers at the monument to the soldiers of the internal troops and honored the memory of the fallen with a minute of silence. during the war years , more than 98,000 soldier-officers died in battles with the enemy. internal troops. almost three hundred soldiers were awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. the heroic pages of the great patriotic war were remembered in donbass; the residents of gorlovka, our soldiers, congratulated the veterans, whose names the whole city knows. one of them is celebrating its 100th anniversary today. the second is 99. both are front-line soldiers who liberated both their native land and europe, where they celebrated victory day, from fascism. report by alexey ivanov. in gorlovka, the city of military glory of labor valor, in fact, the only large settlement
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donetsk people's republic, where the line of combat contact runs right through city blocks. even now you can hear the small arms of veterans of the great patriotic war, only two of their legendary fellow countrymen remain. the townspeople rush to congratulate you personally on the upcoming victory day. hurray, hurray, in gorlovka they are honoring perhaps the most famous hero of the day in the city, a veteran of the great patriotic war. metalgist by profession, a veteran
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who doesn’t feel his age at all, but this is probably the most touching moment throughout the solemn ceremony in honor of the anniversary of fyodor ivanovich bryntsev, the veteran today in good health sings and dances along with everyone. he was called to the front in the last year of the war from the kharkov region, served in the thirty-sixth separate artillery division of the 228th rifle battalion, the second ukrainian. and we fired, we gave a salute, the honor of ending
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the war, our cannon never fired again. previously, on the eve of victory day , parades were held right in this yard in honor of one veteran, but now the soldiers are liberating again donbass, those who, while on vacation, came to congratulate the hero of the day on the anniversary and received a veteran’s farewell from fyodor ivanovich.
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it is customary to remember the suffering of the death of the savior
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on the cross. strict fasting, special services, a mournful day in the church calendar, when priests wear dark robes. patriarch kirill of moscow in the cathedral of christ the savior celebrated vespers with the removal of the shroud. it symbolizes the linen that covered the body of jesus. tomorrow, great saturday, the last day before easter, in the church of the sepulcher lord in jerusalem, everyone is waiting for a special sign, the descent of the holy fire. ours will broadcast live. the channel starts at one o'clock in the afternoon moscow time. the weather for easter will show us its harsh character, only about 12°c. stormy winds, rain in places, and weather forecasters in moscow and the moscow region say that frosts up to 5° below zero are generally possible this coming night. an emergency warning is in effect. however, in some regions there are surprises, like a real blizzard in the midst of spring.


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