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tv   Vremya  1TV  May 3, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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and 75 units of various types of weapons and equipment. military parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. may 9 at 10:00 moscow time. live. on the first. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day: iskhron was not saved, a saboteur, for whom ukraine had extensive plans, was destroyed in the leningrad region, what was he preparing and how did they find him? nobody but
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them, the svir airborne division, 80 years of history and battles behind the front in general, information from the ministry of defense. for 3 years and long-term planning budget, income, expenses, principles. vladimir putin held a meeting on the economy. from tanks to medicines, from airplanes to rostec gas turbines. chapter report on military and civilian projects.
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and the liquidation of a ukrainian agent with plans for several major acts of sabotage in russia and, by the way, latvia, which seems to be friendly to ukraine. at the same time, neighboring lithuania became a place of preparation, a tangle, in general, the fsb provided details and operational footage. alena germanova studied. gaichensky district, leningrad region under the cover of night in in a forest belt, a ukrainian saboteur makes his way to the hiding place, suddenly realizes that he is being watched, and he tries to escape. in the middle of the field there is a small... from there the fugitive shoots back, the fsb officers are getting closer and closer, the ukrainian intelligence agent is eliminated on the spot. in the bags that carefully carry an explosive device out of the shelter, it was precisely this that was hidden in advance in a cache, the man was going to carry out a terrorist attack at the fuel terminal in the neighboring tosninsky district, he had weapons with him and means of communication with ukrainian intelligence, she had an agent on it there were big plans. his correspondence with his curator was discovered, confirming the preparation of a terrorist attack in leningradskaya. region, as well as
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training in the city of pobrad, vilnius district of lithuania, in mine explosives and small arms for subsequent participation in hostilities in the country of the armed forces of ukraine and committing sabotage on russian territory, as well as the plans of the ukrainian terrorist organization to completely eradicate everything russian in the baltic countries and the planning of this organization of terrorist attacks in orthodox churches in places of residence of russian-speaking residents, in particular arson cinema in riga during a film screening. 48 years old, member of a ukrainian terrorist organization banned in russia. at the same time, he also has russian citizenship; the man arrived in the country from lithuania back in march, bringing with him several scenarios of terrorist attacks. it was established that, at the command of the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine, the saboteur planned to commit a series of terrorist attacks on russian territory, including in relation to facilities of the ministry of defense of the russian federation in the moscow region, and also members of one of the volunteer battalions and its volunteer center in the city of st. petersburg. the fsb prevented the implementation of these plans; the man was observed at one of the tanks. moscow region
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tried to detain him, but he opened fire, abandoned the car and disappeared. in that same abandoned car they found a stechkino pistol, a hunting rifle, grenades, and components for making explosives. ammunition and explosives were also in the garage of the apartment that the criminal rented in moscow. lithuanian branch card seized swedish bank, documents and mobile phone. here is a correspondence with a ukrainian curator, discussing how to assemble an explosive device. i can solder, but not in the circuits. i’m figuring it out, but i’ll think about who can be involved, it’s here or here, in general it’s necessary in the russian army, we’re thinking about how to organize it, i want it to be a conveyor assembly, including remote detonation, while the criminal suggested to the curator to increase the power of the explosive device, to quote, it was beautiful, the ukrainian regime of its bloodthirstiness has long crossed the line, take this one for example a minibus was recently detained on the russian-latvian border, but three hundred orthodox icons stuffed with hexogen would have been enough to blow up a five-story residential building in... there were questions until the driver
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was stopped by our border guards. after the liquidation of another ukrainian agent , the fsb reported that everyone involved in the preparation, terrorist attacks and sabotage will be identified and prosecuted . sooner or later, ukrainian terrorists will have to answer for everything, no matter what high positions they hold. alena germanova, anastasia slobodenyuk, evgeny leonov, channel one. since the beginning of the year, russian troops have liberated almost 550 km from ukrainian formations. our land. these figures were given by the head of the department, sergei shaigu, at the ministry of defense conference call. the offensive is developing, one of the key areas in the avdeevka area. in recent days , novobakhmutovka, semyonovka and berdochi have been taken under full control, and the front has already advanced to
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ocheretin, novokalinov and arkhangelsk. the retreating enemy is unable to stabilize the situation and suffers huge losses. at gregory's emelyanov provides more details from other areas of the special operation. 507 the awakening of the lifting mechanism is replaced by the deafening roar of launching rockets. in fact, under the hourly installation, hail. the classic tactics hit, run, the best defense against a snarling enemy. that's it, let's turn it off. based on the results of the departure, the enemy still has minus three strong points this night. so, time after time, a drop wears away the stone. about the results of this methodical everyday. sergei shaigu spoke about the work at today’s conference call with the ministry of defense. groups russian troops continue to break into the system of enemy strongholds along the entire line of combat contact. a ukrainian armed forces unit is trying to cling to certain lines, but under our pressure they are forced to abandon their
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positions and retreat. since the beginning of the year, we have taken control of 547 km of territory in new regions of the country. over the past 2 weeks, russian. operational-tactical aviation missile forces and artillery, groupings of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation, destroyed the illumination and guidance radar,
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two launchers of the s-300 ptt anti-aircraft missile system, the launcher of the irist anti-aircraft missile system was hit by the bolovnoye oil depot, supplying them... they are being driven into battle, or rather, to slaughter by their nato curators. the united states of america and its allies demand that ukraine prevent the collapse of its defenses and restrain the offensive of russian troops at any cost. to replenish human reserves, the kiev regime is tightening mobilization. ukrainians who do not want to fight are forcibly sent to the front line, in fact they are still... thrown to slaughter, such the inhumane treatment of its population testifies to the desire of the ukrainian authorities to curry favor with their western masters in order to continue to receive financial and military assistance from them, among imported weapons, on which the kiev regime places
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special hopes, tactical missiles, such as the american one, sent to ukraine as part of the latest package of military assistance from the united states, and in general kiev has been using them since last fall. but that’s the purpose of air defense to shoot down enemy missiles. anti-aircraft gunners scan the sky 24x7 mode. the target is destroyed, the cost is one. one missile, one target. today it is a drone, but in principle, it could be anything that the enemy flies there. and we can work on all types of targets, starting from airplanes and helicopters. and all types of unmanned aerial vehicles. also on cruise missiles. lately the enemy has started. quite often we use fpv drones, the main methods of protection against them, well, first of all, are the cover groups that move with us, and we install means according to the combat vehicle itself countermeasures, drone nets, rubbers and the like, a drone approaching a target
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is not a spectacle for the faint of heart, but this is firstly ours, secondly a training one, in their free time from combat work along the front line russian drone pilots improve their skills, the result... speak for themselves, we see them every day in video reports from the combat zone, on television screens in military telegram channels, here from a fresh one, a british -made mastiv armored vehicle smashed by a lancet, surviving in... and more about the valor of courage: strategically important the fortified area was taken by fighters of the 98th guards airborne division in the area of ​​the same chashi yary city, the key to the liberation of the entire donbass. how it was for our military commander gusein huseynov.
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let someone move, they are watching the enemy, yes, listen, there is a machine gunner, the left flank, the machine gunner is sitting there, the enemy’s main fire cover is a machine gun nest, so the first thing you need to do is silence him, the grenade launcher copes with the task. if from the air it is still somehow possible to see well-camouflaged enemy dugouts, then approaching them on the ground is almost impossible; sometimes you have to navigate as you go. how much is the situation?
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explodes, while he is taking the machine gun, i’m already working, they clear the dugout with short bursts of machine gun fire, making sure that the enemy is neutralized, they move on, we opened fire so that they would not stick out, but they also reflected, tried, or rather, to drive us away, but they have it it didn’t work out, and we tried to work quickly, clearly, so that they didn’t have time to figure it out, get out, and so on. in the landing center, where the main forces are concentrated the fortification is still ongoing, the enemy
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is badly battered, but alive, trying to shoot back. a strategically important point is the command post of this defensive line of the ukrainian armed forces, and also a place for the supply of ammunition and food. that is why the militants held on to him so tightly, but the ivanovo paratroopers managed to turn the tide of events. it is the ninety-eighth svir guards airborne division that is advancing on the city. clock, today it celebrates the eightieth anniversary of its foundation. it was on this day, the harsh years of the great patriotic war, but the formed unit was presented with a battle flag as a symbol of honor, kindness, courage and bravery, which to this day is fundamental in all military affairs of the paratrooper guards. the paratroopers prepared for this assault for many days, the result lived up to expectations, after such a massive onslaught of our infantry, some of the militants fled, leaving their positions. they ran, they ran, where, yes, that's it, that's it, roll away, some are trying to run to a building
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on the outskirts of the city and come under artillery fire. another group seeks shelter in a nearby forest plantation, but it is under the gun of our fighters. understanding the hopelessness of the situation, when some of the colleagues have already been destroyed, and the other is running, abandoning their positions. the ukrainian armed forces soldiers remaining in the trenches are the only ones receiving them.
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leningrad region, the site of the most difficult liberation battles during the great patriotic war. on the day of the eightieth anniversary of the connection in ivanovo together with the current deployment there are great celebrations. on the embankment of the uvod river , maples were planted on the new walk of fame, and a festive rally was held among the paratroopers. military veterans assigned.
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economic development of the country, this is the basis for drawing up government programs and projects, for their financing and practical implementation. i propose today to continue the discussion of budget plans, not only for the next three years, but also as agreed for the long-term period until 2030. at the same time, let me remind you that it is fundamentally important for us to maintain responsible, balanced, extremely realistic approaches in the budget area. policies, including planning the main financial document countries based on fiscal rules. let's start, please, with words to the minister of finance, anton germanovich sluann. i ask you, and today, vladimir putin spoke on the phone with the president of tajikistan imam ali rahmon. the leaders exchanged views on the bilateral agenda, including anti-terrorism and
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migration. and they expressed confidence that certain forces were trying to shake up the situation around migrant workers. including tajik ones, will be suppressed jointly. another topic is the upcoming victory day. em ali rakhmon invited to the celebrations in moscow. russia has significantly increased the production of military equipment and ammunition. the head of rustec, sergei chemizov, reported this to mikhail mishustin. the state corporation accounts for 80% of the weapons in the special operations zone. breakthrough tanks, fifth generation fighters. or this heavy flamethrower system, abbreviated. tos-2. tosochka, as it is called among the troops, burns out a concentration of enemy infantry, cover and equipment. one plot and 6 hectares - that's all. but rostec not only provides front-line supplies, but also successful peaceful projects. report by anatoly lasareva. what do artillery and medicines, tanks and power
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plants, airplanes, passenger and combat, and medical devices have in common? all this, and much more. this is the implementation of all relevant tasks related to the state defense order, in order for our defenders to be provided with equipment and technology, from the beginning we have significantly expanded production capacity, most of our enterprises have switched to a three-shift operating mode, almost
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80% of the weapons that are used today in... troops recently and quickly proved their superiority in difficult conditions of real combat. factory workers came and were interested in what proposals could be made, but there was nothing to offer. i jam the rangefinders, i jam the anti-tank guns. and this is the tos-2 heavy flamethrower system, tosochka. along with its predecessor. it is considered the most powerful non-nuclear weapon, also made by rostec, the most combative, the most dangerous on its territory, after it there is no one, nothing left to consolidate the advantage. rustec is increasing production, compared twenty-third year compared to the previous year, then they made more tanks in 3 seconds,” chemizov said. there are nine times more shells for tanks,
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and 20 times more rounds for mortars. our specialists , together with the tactical missile weapons concern, continue to work on adapting standard aircraft ammunition to the planning and correction module; these are flying aircraft bombs, which are in great demand today, and such long-range weapons are very popular. .. civil projects, without rostec it is impossible to imagine modern aircraft and automobile manufacturing, energy, healthcare, engine production. it is very important that you increase investments in scientific
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design work; such technological advances help solve issues related to people’s health. rostec enterprises now produce more than 150 products for healthcare, thanks to the state corporation, high technologies help patients with various ailments, pulmonary diseases, eye diseases, and hepatitis. the first domestic complex of haifa therapy diatrm was registered, the complex is intended for non-invasive removal of tumors, we we received a registration certificate for the reanimon respiratory support device for newborns. previously, similar products were purchased abroad, but today we can produce them ourselves. rostec specialists themselves can now mass- produce large gas turbines.
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britain is dangerously escalating, creating a potential threat to all european security, the kremlin said, admitting the possibility of attacks on russia, london, as part of the collective west, openly admitted that it is waging a war against us with the hands of ukrainians, mit also noted the crimean bridge, preparations for an attack on it are now being carried out openly with ostentatious barovada and with the absolute support of the direct... shy collective west. the last days in the ssu have already been marked by the use of several american long-range atacoms missiles secretly received a month ago in crimea. according to
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the russian ministry of defense, all fired missiles were destroyed. after easter, kiev expects to receive the first f-16 aircraft, which , according to the british, can also be used in the destruction operation crimean bridge. i would like to again warn washington, london, brussels that any aggressive... an exhibition of trophies of nato ukrainian weapons on poklonnaya hill, as a reminder to them, we keep our word, more than 83,000 visitors only on the first day of the exhibition with sabroms, leopards, marders, bradleys and many others that used to shoot, today foreign military ataches are among the guests, report . oleg shishkin. more than 80 military attaches from 52 countries, mainly from the middle east, asia and africa. representatives of western states also received an official
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invitation to the exhibition of captured equipment. but they didn’t come to poklonnaya hill, italians and turks came to the exposition from countries belonging to the nato bloc, although they categorically refused to communicate with the press, however, many atashes avoided giving interviews in every possible way, citing the fact that they had not received permission from above, and those who still, he decided to talk to journalists; they were laconic, although it seemed quite sincere. this is a big victory for russia, and we support russia and hope for peace. american bradley, german marder, expensive swedish infantry fighting vehicle cv90. australian bushmaster armored personnel carrier, foreigners surround the main exhibits of the exhibition, broken abrams and leopard tanks. in ukraine they were considered almost a wunderwafe, a miracle weapon that would allow the kiev regime to fulfill the utopian plan to seize crimea and occupy donbass. but it turned out that on the battlefield, nato equipment burns no worse than ukrainian equipment. the otoshe military can see with their own eyes how our fighters debunked the myth of the invincibility of western weapons. impression good, see how russia, and
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the russian... army can destroy this equipment, we saw with our own eyes today how russian equipment arrived at the factory. it took foreign guests about an hour to view the exhibition; many did not let go of their smartphones, filming everything on camera; some moved from one exhibit to another as part of excursion groups; others preferred individual routes; the organizers did not limit the guests in any way. do we stay here or go to the next one? yes, of course, we'll start from here to the next one, okay. i think that this is a conflict not only between russia and ukraine, i think that this is a conflict between russia and western countries, a very interesting exhibition, previously it was all shown in patriot park, but it was a very good idea to move it here, here it is more accessible to civilians, and to the representative the south african republic had to answer journalists’ questions about how military equipment produced in ur ended up in ukraine. i think our government will issue a statement on this matter. our
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car was handed over. channel. meanwhile, german weapons and fire together again in the news headlines. in berlin there is a huge fire at a factory that is part of a defense concern that makes pvis systems. the destroyed launcher was in the ministry of defense report today. but that’s not about that now. the iris release in berlin is said to be unaffected, but there is a fire scar. sulfuric acid and copper cyanite are toxic together. the wind is constantly changing, residents are asked to stay
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indoors with their windows closed. let me remind you that in saxony they burned down the country house of the head of the concern, leaving a note that this was a protest against military supplies to kyiv and profit from the war. turkey has stopped billions of dollars in trade with israel. president erdogan today confirmed the cessation of the operation announced the day before. as stated, until the israeli military operation in gaza ends and the delivery of humanitarian aid to palestine is ensured. tum bati, israel. the whole west is working for israel, starting with america, they are all working for israel, all these means are used to, unfortunately, doom death from israeli bombs, the homeless and poor people of palestine. we can't stand it these events, therefore, took certain steps. there was a trade turnover of $9.5 billion between our countries, we closed this door, making a statement that such a volume of trade does not exist, let everything
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be fine from now on. and erdogan added: turkey knows perfectly well how the west will attack it after this decision. let's watch. for now, the western agenda includes protests that have already spread from america to europe. ivan blagoy, more details. students in arafatki draw posters about double standards. this is footage from almamator five french presidents, including emmanuel macron, and 12 prime ministers, including the current gabriel athal.
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“i have decided to stop regional funding for the institute of political studies until order and security are restored to this educational institution. al-jazeera kator information network publishes a conversation with french students, names have been changed so that the young people will not be identified, they report intimidated. the university management said that we could be expelled, we wouldn’t get paid. diplomas, the police will be called to campus again. the authorities take bullying on student campuses very seriously, and for good reason. red may 1968, then
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student protests were supported by trade unions and a general strike arose. the crisis eventually led to snap parliamentary elections in france, and a year later the great deaul was forced to resign as president. architect of the holocaust scandal erupted. milanchon actively criticizes israel's actions, and does this as part of the ongoing election campaign for the european parliament. and what what if other leftist forces begin to raise the topic of student revolt? i studied political science at
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university. if i were a student today, i would also participate in demonstrations. if the wave of student protests in europe gains momentum, it could have unpredictable political consequences. the geography is vast. here is an action at the humboldt university in berlin. and these are shots from switzerland. students occupied the campus of the university of lausanne. it has not yet reached the point of clashes like in the united states, but the speed at which the protests are spreading is amazing. here is a video from mexico, and it's from australia. students at the university of sydney are making demands on the university's leadership. we want them to disclose their investments in weapons companies and divest from them. the requirements are almost the same everywhere. refusal of partnerships with israeli educational institutions, condemnation of the gas operation, review. financial relations with companies that allegedly condone this operation. in canada, producer jonathan potens, who supports israel, reported panic among his neighbors. he spoke at meeting hosted by the toronto police service. everyone i know is armed, it
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should scare everyone here. everyone on social media is arming themselves, they are all getting gun permits, because these protests are not losing their power. on the recording you can hear that putin tries to interrupt several times, but he finishes his thought. well, in the usa , social network users habitually confused the events in the american state of georgia, where students are also protesting, with what is happening in georgia, in english, also george. so video companies of the tbilisi police in the background parliament's consideration of the law on foreign agents who criticize us officials unexpectedly caused a flurry of enthusiastic comments from pro-israel americans. they thought the police were using water cannons on demonstrators who were demonstrating in support of palestine. i fucking love water cannons. it's amazing if. another video, it was necessary to add soap, wash them more, let him say thank you that they are not fired at with real bullets, in general, the principle of double standards is different in all its glory. ivan good, dmitry volkov, lyubov dmitrieva , dalia serezhedinova, boris kamenov, channel one. back to our events. the
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victory day campaign started today in the very center of moscow. the fire of memory is a sign of great gratitude to those who fought against fascism and those who gave their lives. particles of flame for... an unknown soldier will be sent to veterans of the great patriotic war in dozens of regions, from kaliningrad to kurgan and from arkhangelsk to lugansk, as well as abroad. the lamps will be delivered to the soldiers who are now on the front line. alexander lyakin will continue. alexandrovsky the garden is the tomb of the unknown soldier, a sacred place for every resident of russia. today , the fire of memory campaign began here; particles of the flame, the eternal flame will be delivered to more than 100 russian cities abroad, to where our veterans live. among those who came to pay tribute to all those who died during the great patriotic war were participants in a special military operation. volunteer alexander klasich was seriously wounded near kupinsk; he is proud that on this day he was entrusted with
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representing the military brotherhood at the tomb of the unknown soldier. great honor of respect veterans, our grandfathers, great-grandfathers, great-great-grandfathers of our generation, those actions, the heroism that they did, what they did for their country, for their future. this must never be forgotten, it must be remembered not just once a year on the may holidays, but constantly, i remember in the nineties, how veterans came to children’s camps and schools and we listened to them with such silence, with such respect. because, that is, every word he says is a story, that is , you think, lord, is it really a man, he really saw it all, he saw it, what he experienced, this is what the connection between generations looks like, the grandchildren of those who won in '45, bringing veterans a piece of the fire that burns in the memory of their feat? today's action, today's laying on of it, is such a sign of great continuity between what our grandfathers did during the great patriotic war. in whose honor the eternal flame was lit here in
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the alexander garden in the most sacred place for all residents of our country by our guys, who today in the trenches are bringing our today’s victory closer. they read the right books as children, watched the right films, but looking at the veterans of the great patriotic war, they never thought that they, too, would have to see sighted tanks with crosses. they did a great thing for us, they liberated ours. country, also now we are liberating our country from the same fascists, representatives of the popular front will bring a piece of the eternal flame to europe, asia and africa, they will be met in belarus, germany, algeria, cyprus, serbia, a total of 14 countries. tonight they will be in new regions of russia in crimea. we are taking us to kerch, they meet us there, they are waiting for this fire to come delivered by a veteran, and we will also take this fire to artek, an international children's center, where all children from... from all regions of our russia will participate in this
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event, this is the memory of all those who once fought for our land, for our freedom, for everything great, the most valuable that is in us. a spark of this fire will be heard, you can even support it and transfer it somewhere. your name is unknown, your feat is immortal, these words are carved on granite by the eternal flame. it was lit in the alexander garden in may sixty seventh year. a red army private was buried here, whose remains were in a mass grave near kryukov station. we do not know his name, but we know the feat of this soldier. it was he and his comrades who, at the cost of their lives, stopped the germans at the last line, the very approaches to moscow. alexander lyakin, victor averin, nikolay sysoev, sergey valetov, channel one. and also a hero memorial. together with the veterans of the great patriotic war, the director of the russian guard, viktor zolotov, honored the memory of those who fell in that war. a wreath and flowers were laid at the monument to soldiers of the internal troops and the russian guard. more than 98,000 soldier-officers
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gave their lives, bringing the great victory closer. another event for may 9: symbols of the great victory took place today on poklonnaya hill. more than one and a half thousand schoolchildren, participants in the youth movement, and volunteer cadets unfurled a three-hundred-meter st. george ribbon and a huge banner of victory. 79 copies of the red banner were handed over to military personnel who perform combat missions on the front line. the feat of the heroes of the great patriotic war is well remembered and honored in gorlovka today, veterans of fellow countrymen who liberated from the nazis in donbass, and then all of europe. alexey ivanov joined in the congratulations. in gorlovka, the city of military glory of labor valor, in fact, the only large settlement of the donetsk people's republic. republics, where the line of combat contact runs right through
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city blocks, even now small arms can be heard among the veterans of the great patriotic war; there are only two of their legendary compatriots left , the townspeople rush to congratulate them personally on the upcoming victory day. hurray, hurray, hurray! in gorlovka they honor, perhaps, the most famous hero of the day in the city, a veteran the great patriotic war fyodor ivanovich bryntsev celebrates exactly 100 years since his birth. the holiday is right in the courtyard of the house where he lives. the birthday boy of 100 years for us is such an unattainable date and may god grant him good health and all the best, we worked with him together at koksahimi for many years, wonderful as a person, as a father, a veteran today became an honorary citizen of gorlovka, mandatory attributes, breast ribbon in the colors of the city flag, a certificate with the coat of arms on the cover, guests wonder where this guy gets his strength a man of steel, a metallurgist by profession, his age a veteran by... in honor of the anniversary
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of fyodor ivanovich bryntsev, the veteran today in good health sings and dances with everyone. he was called to the front in the last year of the war from the kharkov region, served in the thirty-sixth separate artillery division of the 228th rifle regiment of the second ukrainian front. the first fight took place in romania, then. liberated hungary, fyodor ivanovich met victory day at the station of the austrian capital, vienna, then his carriage with an anti-aircraft gun on the roof stood on spare ways, nazi germany.
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we will win, come in! another veteran vasily nikifrovich popov was congratulated on the upcoming victory day in his house, soldiers of the first army corps and schoolchildren came, where shells explode, where fields are burning, the russians will not surrender, the russians will stand!
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thank you very much for your contribution to the victory, for what you have done, but we promise you that in the near future we will win and... finally return peace to our homes. vasily popov came to the military registration and enlistment office of his native gorlovka in 1943, as soon as he turned 18 years old, crossed the dnieper, liberated berlin, celebrated victory day in prague, from gorlovka to berlin, from berlin to the brest fortress, from the brest fortress, home, and what specialty did you have, specialty, and in connection with the reel on...
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sleepy friday in churches there are mournful services where they remember the crucifixion and death of christ in the tomb. in the cathedral of christ the savior , patriarch kirill of moscow of all russia performed the evening service with the removal of the shroud and its burial. the priests' clothes are black, mourning, strict fasting, but also approaching the holiday is already felt. in the decoration of streets, squares, squares, even the metro. moscow is ready for easter. tomorrow is great saturday, when everyone is waiting for the descent of the holy fire in the church of the holy sepulcher in jerusalem. live broadcast on our channel at one o'clock in the afternoon, tomorrow evening at 23:30 at the first festive service in the cathedral of christ the savior. well, right now there is a film premiere for victory day according to martial law, the enemy is behind us. two new episodes at once.
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wait wait!
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