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tv   Po zakonam voennogo vremeni  1TV  May 3, 2024 9:45pm-11:46pm MSK

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what's happened? russian patrol. she needs to go to the hospital. she can’t go to the hospital, she ’ll be arrested there. but she might die.
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the pressure drops, another 200 blood, clamp. let's get ready, it's empty here, comrade major, how empty, what the hell, run, run, 50 oxygen bags. i wrote down 50 oxygen bags, a key to the warehouse, and more blood urgently.
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they took away all the essentials: sulfitin, glucose, hexinal blood, and now all operations will stop. i called and they said i’ll deliver something only in 3 days, but it’s too late, who was on duty at night? i, nothing they saw, they didn’t hear, no, they just brought in the wounded, i didn’t see anything suspicious, but how long was it? at night in the morning, just before your arrival, yes, they left a great many traces of the robber, they worked roughly, most likely, they hid them with a crowbar or crowbar, the ears are at the lock, on my mailbox, and even more serious, there were only a few operations at night, so here no one came down, and this is one warehouse for the entire hospital, or something, there’s only one for the whole city, why did you guard it so poorly, you’re local, that’s right, before the war
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i worked here, then at the front, after being wounded i asked to be transferred, they transferred me, sergei sergeevich, stop swearing there, he didn’t say anything anymore, our bukomor will quarrel. well, what else remains? sergei sergeevich, you can’t hear anything up there at all, well, that’s what i thought, you do the reporting, but how? where is the documentation? here is the complete list, what is it? two boxes, two more boxes? and what is this? and what do these boxes look like? well, this is not a box, this is a box, and how many of these were there, well, 10, yes, 10 of them and 7 donor blood, yes, you can’t just bring it, it’s past the duty officer, why did he need to sell so much at the market, that medicine needs special storage, and blood needs
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a refrigerator, everything is clear, they either wanted to ruin our wounded, or help their own, or both , in any case , the group was working, was it just a foreign one? a number of allies very good painkiller was the evacuation plan you have where the evacuation diagram is upstairs. the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation vladimir putin. live broadcast may 7 at 12. stellar group,
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oldbar cognac, stellar group product, burbo steersman, stellar group product, mancacher whiskey, stellar group product, gin. nop, stellar group product, monte shococa cognac, stellar group product, rum, castro, stellar group product, list of medicines, distributed to all posts on the market, if something pops up immediately behind my ears, there is, let go of the elderberry, he has albi, the soldier at the checkpoint confirmed that he spent the whole night with the wounded soldiers. interesting, the fastest the way to get to the hospital, then through
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the window, svetlana petrovna, come on, wait, what are you doing here, the work is here, they pay money, they don’t pay anything, they give you food, but i was here today, no, what, the warehouse was robbed with medications. “it’s not me, but i know, the questions are different, do you want to help the red army, but what needs to be done, nothing needs to be done, work the same way you worked, only if you see some stranger who is snooping around and asks, call me right away, i understand, and we’ll give you a certificate, it’s like intelligence, exactly, but no one, ruble dash, a red army soldier’s ration, with condensed milk, and yesterday the pavarikha took the commissar home for herself”? i saw everything, well done, keep up the good work, here’s a chocolate bar, there’s a phone on it, and i have to go, thomas, hello,
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hello, are you sick, no, i came to pick up some medicine for school, excuse me, i have a lot to do, wait, thomas, when will you finally tell us the whole truth, what kind of truth about the horoscope, are we interested in the horoscope with lieutenant severidov, yes? come at any time, preferably during the day, we can come home, is it better? school, any time during the day to school.
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leave the hospital, call for reinforcements, a personal file with elderberry is not with an address, there is an urgent need.
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i think that bezin will not be stored here, why? he is a doctor who should know how this is done. i obey.
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stand, hands up, morphine, cocaine, amphetamine hydrochloride, called pyrovitin, opium, great. where is everything else? what's the rest? i am completely honest with you, comrade captain, i have nothing to do with this, i took narcotic substances, that is, i stole, but not from the warehouse where the patient left, morphine has already been prescribed,
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they wrote off everything, dropped out, does that mean he died? well , yes, that is, the criminals brought boxes of medicine past you at night, you didn’t notice them, i didn’t see anything, i swear, with this little gold you, who paid, i accidentally met the correspondent, he was just writing a note about our hospital, and i'm on duty. so he suggested, and i put him in touch with the right people, the right people turned out to be rich, it’s clear how you contacted them, by phone, when the medicines were piling up, i called, went
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to meet them, when was the last time? 10. back, didn’t these right people ask anything about the warehouse? no, well, it seems to me that the drug shipment has been collected, let’s call and arrange a meeting, but why call, the meeting has been scheduled, let’s go.
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let's go position. what's a bead? if you play the fool instead of a prison hospital , the boy will be on the list of dropouts.
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let's go, svetlana petrovna, i'm going in in two groups, you're covering svedorenko, is it like this or not, no, so stay in the car, if we miss anyone, you'll cover, yuri, svetlana petrovna, this is an order, zotov, with me. and what, grigory ivanovich, let’s go, where,
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there, what about the young commander’s order, well , although i’m not young, i’m also a commander, i cancel the order, you should figure it out, svetlana petrovna, which of you is the commander here, otherwise i will it fly in? and you didn’t even inform shilov , oh well, grigory ivanovich, i have my own people in the prosecutor’s office, don’t be afraid, i ’ll cover for you, i’m a stray passenger, the boss. what are you doing here, i told you, you came quickly for the baraflet, hands behind your back, petrovna, we could have caught you, i’m still calculated, calculated, but this one would run away,
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don’t do that again, but i have nothing to do with it, it’s all grigory ivanovich, grigory ivanovich, i didn’t expect it from you at all, but i, i didn’t do anything, svetan petrovna, they took everything, just like that , captain.
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i am for peace, and preferably without any ideas. but we don’t need a world like yours, shield dar, it’s still upstairs, the one you rent out the room at, can give you away at any moment, let him go, it doesn’t concern you.
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sit down, they found him, wow, where is everything that was in the boxes, pints, blood, medicine, everything you stole from the warehouse, i don’t know, oh what are you talking about, medicine from the hospital. for whom, for the forest brothers or for the city flock, for whom? you won’t sew this for me, excuse me, boss, i
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don’t know the enemies of the soviet regime, they are traitors, but i love my homeland, and i took the marathon for myself, and then i took the gold in order to pay for the goods, i inherited it from my grandmother , and who is our grandmother, a hertzagenia at the court of the prussian king, prove that she is not. ohhh, but i can’t prove it, i’ll have to shoot you, to hell with the law of martial law, fedorenka, come on the next one, there should have been a door here, they laid the hackwork in one brick, and i... that, i, i, i nothing, they didn’t go through the duty officer, and if through... camilla,
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camilla, camilla, i, i apologize, but circumstances have developed so that i, i just, i have to ask you to move out with apartment, the fact is that relatives are coming and the place where...... i heard everything at night, believe me, i didn’t do it on purpose, you just spoke too loudly. camilla, this man and the people associated with him are, these are very bad people, dangerous for you, and it would be better. thomas, i understand everything. i'll pack my
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things this evening. and thomas, don't worry, i won't give you away. just enough for a man to crawl through and pull out the boxes, but they broke down the door to confuse us, i told you i didn’t see anyone, who was the one who came in? no one, neman yanovich was there before, but he is already old, address.
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so somov, neman yanovich, 65 years old, had just returned from evacuation from the urals, went there with his wife, but she died there of typhus. "hello, please come in, while i was gone, the house was open, here now i go around the neighbors, collecting my things, but why do i need them, you know, when they ask me how life is, i always answer, it’s passing, why did
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the prosecutor’s office need me, especially the military one?” “i’m a civilian, for the war i’m not naked, and my profession is not suitable, it’s quite suitable for us, i understand, i’m all ears, be careful, excuse me, look, is this scheme familiar to you?” "
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there was a door here, remember? perhaps, perhaps, and then it was bricked up? who bricked it? well, i don’t know, the builder, probably what builder? from a trust, from an office, maybe just from the market? i won’t tell you now, i won’t remember, please remember, because here thieves came through the wall and stole everything from the building, that is, how... how they dismantled the wall brick by brick, they knew that the wall was not permanent, then they hastily restored it, and you were present when they laid it, yes, but this cannot be, because it turns out that someone knew that there was a passage there, nothing, be careful, this, this, this is a photograph of my vera. what's bad there
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there are cabinets of pills in the kitchen, and they, they are in a box, doctor, do you have a phone number? yes, at the neighbor's, yes, just her, she's at work now, this or that, nothing is needed, now, this happens, it happens, this, now that's all. it will pass, it will pass, but where did you get this medicine? this, this is a dentist's medal,
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a pain reliever, yesterday i visited him with a tooth, uh-huh, naman yanovich, please give us the address of this dentist of yours. yes, of course, of course, of course, lent is ending, and the magical easter holiday awaits us. the most important miracle is that god exists love. i understood that my loved one was suffering, my feet simply led me to the temple, and i confessed, without preparing for this in any way, i burst into tears. since then, yes, we already have four children. i said, katya, what luck, are you pregnant? she says: “
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oh, how beautifully you are preparing for easter. and this is preparation. i go with the children and we hang our whole garden with all these eggs. we have been carrying this sunday in our hearts for the second millennium. this is truly the greatest russian holiday . tomorrow after the program , on the day of victory on the first. documentation. tegin, senior lieutenant, unit commander, we are ours, men, well, in an extreme situation, instinct will always tell you the right decision. agent name czech, rank classified, position letnap. rya you have children. the enemy entered
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sometimes. alexey bobrikov, junior sergeant, volunteered for the front. look, i'm bobrikov. lyani. junior sergeant, excellent in combat training, tell me when, where and by whom you were recruited, it means that a very serious task is being prepared, a saboteur, the legendary beginning of history, spotted, traitors, main the task is to eliminate him, machine, add two nodes, we should be there in an hour, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, who can go with us on the mission? to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders, saboteur crimea. this means we have 5 minutes to remember the card.
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may 9, on the first. so, grigory ivanovich, yeah, don’t stop. the house is surrounded, i don’t understand by whom, i don’t know, guests are at the dancer’s house, we’re going straight, there’s a telephone booth, we need it urgently, be patient, the doctor will come now, why is everything taking so long, now, dear, now. stand on sveta, on the other hand, without nonsense.
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prosecutor's office, lieutenant colonel shilov, i'll come in. swart up, quickly, quickly!
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don't move, hands, hands, i said.
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you and the leaflets are hers too. thomas, explain
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to us what's going on here. she's random, please. she lost a lot of blood. you must help her. did you rob her, my lord, for her sake? i didn't rob. how do you know? which one? this is a doctor. you are now in his house. lord, i don’t know him, we just, we just brought her here today. who is this we? comrade colonel, there are no boxes, no medicines, no bottles of blood in the house. the idea, she, she begs to save her life, it just has nothing to do with it, she’s here by chance from a marriage, the medicine is from the hospital, where? i don’t understand what you ’re talking about, take her to the hospital quickly, she needs blood, there’s no blood in the hospital, it seems she’s lost consciousness, rose, rose, come on, i’m happy,
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i talked him out of it, but she didn’t listen
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to me, she married him married, i didn’t even attend their wedding, who is she to you, sister, dear, yes, younger, so what, who is the sister, it doesn’t change anything.
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lieutenant colonel shilov, military prosecutor's office, yusya zubras, antique dealer, and i'm still waiting for the new government to come to me, please! “leave everything out here, but be careful, everything here is valuable, like everything else, i thought you needed my advice,
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to evaluate a book or paintings, but if you are definitely looking for something, you tell me. i’ll help, the plaster is for you, who put it on , dr. vaughn, yes, he is a wonderful doctor, well, a leg is not a tooth, not a tooth, true, but there is a lot in common, if you cut it off, a new one will not grow, and dr. vaughn is a universal specialist, just like you, as i understand it, in what in a sense the same like me, just as unprincipled, in what sense, doctor? he collaborates with flattering brothers, with partisans. stop, i’m out of politics, i’m interested in antiques, old things, things, they bring me documents, and not the people who come with them, right, right, why do you need all this, you’re
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only interested in money and valuables. it seems to me that financial and commercial relationships are not prohibited. law, but aren’t you really afraid that someday they’ll just kill you for this? what about the promissory notes? just dukes of the non-prussian king, or maybe it's even the king himself? listen, many people come to me, i help with advice, i lend money, but you are looking for something specific, you tell me...
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since christmas we have seen the greatest tragedy, it is, one might say, even amazing loneliness , christo has not found a place in this world since his birth. nazareth was a completely inconspicuous village, so the most likely reaction to the fact that jesus is a man from nazareth could not be, how come, from such a dubious
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place, but where is it? jerusalem is the capital this is a city that was chosen by god's providence so that salvation would occur in it. it is there that you understand that this is not a legend, that he was there, that he walked there, he preached there, he sat in the garden of gethsemane, this is absolutely certain, when people decided to get rid of god from his word, one might say the greatest tragedy occurred in the history of all mankind, that is, people killed god, the path of christ, tomorrow is on the first, on the day of victory on the first, and what were you singing there directly? dark-skinned comrade commander hung up the war -
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only old men go into battle on the ninth of may after the program, time is satisfied with the ruins of the richstag, i used to work here at a factory as the head of the supply department, so to speak, during the bombing of the air-raid shelter during the raid i met a guy, he told me something... sold some squabbles , all sorts of small things, siridov, stay here, outside the exit, look, there’s an underground worker, take it from the forest, that
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lineh, well, yes, from the forest, he also offered me a pistol, and what, they bought it, well, why should i, i’m peaceful man, i'm not fighting, that's why i called recently, i started talking about medicine, well, i went to a doctor i know, to the dentist, and he had nothing, just dentures, and to rob the warehouse, yusis, was it your idea? i simply told lesny that we could try, the doctor went to the hospital for reconnaissance, for a small sum, somov, who was the farmer, drew a drawing, a matter of technology, i am out of politics, only commerce, and then what? they asked about a shelter, well, to make it colder, i found it, or rather equipped it, also
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for a small fee, right here, the director of the thomas nykus school, you know, if only? i knew, but this is the first time i’ve heard, now turn right, here, you won’t catch any of the meat workers, but i could help, also for a fee, you’ll now have to work off this fee for a long time, businessman, stop, left, come, listen, what if if you had to run away from here, where would you go? run into the forest? well, of course, into
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the forest, well, it’s closer here, so the fence is so tall, but there, it seems, there isn’t one, let’s go and have a look, i have orders to guard the exit here, okay, i’ll do it myself, walk around, eh... an order, that’s what you were ordered to do , wait, what am i, i’m okay, what, what?
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everyone come to me, so we take the boxes in a lorry to the hospital. be very careful, there's glass in there. where is this maniac? light! neatly,
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quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly.
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camilla, you, that is, you will have a search here now, i know, yura, i don’t care why you didn’t tell me that the teacher was hiding the forest people, not all the rules and laws of wartime need to be observed, not all.
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“if you need to interrogate me, then we can go up to my room now, and if you need official testimony, then i’m ready to appear at the prosecutor’s office tomorrow. strashena.
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i’ll tell you one story, when i was little, my mother took me to yelets to visit my relatives, there was a huge hill near the river, all overgrown, and for some reason it always seemed to me that if you go up, you can see the sea, i was very strong then. i looked around, but i couldn’t see the sea, instead of the sea, there was another hill, dustless, grigory
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ivanovich, that’s what this is for, yes so... why, it’s just my birthday today, well, well, yes, yeah, here, come on, try it. look, add up, the last 15 minutes of the forest have been removed, comrade major, we’re making one more pass, enough, a whole division will pass through here now, okay, it’s impossible to clear the beam yet, reconnaissance spotted snipers, contact the artillerymen, let them close this square, it won’t work, we’ll come back at night, eat, wait, be careful with the fuse, this is urgent
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regimental headquarters, don’t run around like that , be careful, this is... hold it, this is the last third square, today four passages have been cleared, uh-huh, pildegiri to me, i obey. deliver the army headquarters without delay, ensure secrecy and security, you answer with your head, captain, ok, ok, yes, we will do it quickly, we will try to do it all faster, of course, additional clarification is needed, they took both, go ahead, they sent it from the forty-fifth regiment. great, this is the last, commander, general
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shorokhov, i report, the operational map of the minefields is ready, the main stage of preparation for the offensive is completed, we can begin. until the end of the investigative actions, do not leave the city about changing places. inform the work situation within three days, okay, sign and you can go home,
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well, the most shocking ones went on the offensive strength, is this shulzhenko, is shulzhenko really here, as i would like? he’ll remember the good things, okay, it’s clear, that means only five, it’s even inconvenient to somehow get over the commandant, give 10 more, and 10 to someone else, and i ’ll take it to the kids at school, well, grigory ivanovich is right, let him at least look and be happy, again in the work with
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the population column, we’ll put a tick in the box, so be sure to change the nanny, and hello, thomas, hello, hello, do you want a horoscope or would you like to interrogate him again, well, why is he doing this, today in the cultural center. concert and what are you do you think i’ll just go to a concert? yes, i don’t think anything, i just asked for 10 tickets for your guys, let them go and have a look, thank you, you know, thomas, life goes on, if you still decide, come too, zhuzhenko, with the orchestra, sorry, but no, how your sister? a breakthrough in this sector should be carried out with a tank attack here and here, after the success of the tankers on the right flank, the 71st corps enters the operational space through our
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minefields and develops the offensive there , comrade major general, the staff has prepared a general a map of the passage barriers according to the latest reports from sappers; map number three please; the map is strictly secret. exists in a single copy, the regimental commander should bring it to the attention of the commander immediately before the operation. leakage of this information must be completely excluded.
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as you asked, thank you, yes general, if you need me, i’m here, i didn’t take the card, let’s agree right away, we’re asking questions here, captain yalagina, adjutant to the commander?
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well, yes, you’re getting very tired here, i understand that along the way you stopped somewhere, with someone we talked, no way, the keys to the apartment, where are they? here. who are you friends with, who are visiting, i’m friends with the guys from the headquarters, mostly, guests often come in, i was there 2 days ago. lieutenant karpov,
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for example, we graduated from school together. was karpov alone? yes. what were they talking about? so, about nothing, they shared their plans. plans for minefields? i already told you, but i didn’t take this card. do you have a girlfriend? constantly, no. if you're talking about the key, i didn't even take it off in bed. what should i do to make you believe me, you were responsible for this key and card oseev, there are not just arrows and numbers on it, there are people on it, tens of thousands of people, their lives are your responsibility, lieutenant, just don’t tell your father. snot, be careful, are you an officer or
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a rag, until the end of the investigation you will be in a garrison prison, chained up. look, important, it’s her, she, and if someone managed to copy, but the safe didn’t have time to make a copy at headquarters, he simply didn’t have time for that, he had to steal the original, or someone ordered him to make it so, he was at home, at 7 am he
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returned to the headquarters, no one was in the entrance except him didn’t come in or out, the patrolman saw him, the sentry at the house opposite also confirmed this information, who would have thought, i know his father, a hereditary officer, a civilian , a hero of kholkingo, and his son is a traitor and a bastard... probably, but it’s a fact fact, theft is in people’s blood, this is already said in the bible, read the bible, no, my husband retold it, yes, comrade general, i brought a translation of an article from biobakhtor, you asked urgently, thank you, kamil, i’ll leave it on the adjutant’s desk, okay , you will need me i'll call. relearn from god, by the way, about
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the bible, well, forgive us, for god’s sake, for the confiscated safe, there is an order, tomorrow it will be returned to you, as they say, if you hurry, you will make people laugh, i understand, thank you, comrade, comrade general, can i ask a question , of course, the font here is gothic, you are working with german maps, well, the map is captured, a good scribe made it. they tried, except that the lisinors were not indicated here, that’s why we are working with the germans, allow me to go, go. commander , connect me on the day of victory on the first. moscow, red square, the main parade of the country. more than
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9,000 military personnel from different types and branches of the military, including units involved in special military service, will take part in the ceremonial march. operations in ukraine and 75 units of various types of weapons and equipment. military parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. may 9 at 10:00 moscow time live. on the first. comrades, come quickly. the concert will begin as soon as everyone takes their seats.
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margore, take it, grigory ivanovich, take it, take it, grigory ivanovich, let's go, otherwise we'll be late, it's time for business, time for fun, please, thank you, just let's go quickly, enjoy watching, sit me down, i'm here for you.
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i brought the kids from school to the concert, of course, this is my wife and i adore her, but it’s better for the kids, sonya, finally, you can’t be late, run and run. behave well, goodbye, oh, i'm running, camilla, wait,
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do you want me to give you a ride in my new car, this one, yes, is it really yours, mine, they awarded me for excellent service, they wanted to give me an order, but i refused, why did i refuse?
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i’m not used to it yet, but i used to do auto racing in general. that you didn’t become the champion of the ussr, but injury won’t allow it, you’re beautiful, it’s beautiful, i also have an absolute ear for music, yes, then shout something, right there, but can you sing something? - no, in general i’m
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a lyrical baritone, please, for me, hands, you’re like two big birds, the way you screamed, they were so enlivening. whether everything is around, but i will be in our campaigns and battles with enemies for a long time. people sleep in a circle with friends, these days,
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someday we will remember the fires of the fires, and friends, comrades, somewhere, someday we will. i remember tehota and my native city and you for letting me smoke, let’s light a cigarette, comrade one at a time, let’s light a cigarette, my comrade, sergei sergeevich, well, stop messing around with this safe, i thought you’d already taken it to the stop. yes, here’s
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the thing, yegor prokovich, the safe, it seems, was definitely hidden, and it was opened not with a master key, but with a duplicate, and a duplicate made after the original. you are sure? yes seven times. i’ll check, everything is according to the classics, wait, but aseev said that he never removed the key from the neck, it looks like he did.
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from outsiders, no one entered the cell, no one was a colonel, and the last time you were here in the morning after breakfast, everything was according to the regulations, garrison service, tomorrow, whoever brought it to him, i brought it, there was a special regime. boy, even if oseev had an accomplice, he could have simply given him the key, why make a mandatory duplicate, and if one of his friends was jealous, he stole it? i found it, i need to interrogate his classmate,
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karpov, put him aside, you don’t notice anything, he threw the card to the axis, it’s too easy for you to miss it, and what, who drew the poster, it’s the artist they brought her with them, it will be a blow for the father. a cruel blow, especially if it turns out that osiev is not guilty, even the general, look, you see, this is the letter d, there are three jumpers, there should be four, all german printing houses have font standards, they have not changed since the thirties, like printed large-circulation the machines have appeared, you go. thank you, captain, free, you see,
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it’s written in the original maps. so, this map needs to be checked on at least one section of the front. perhaps this is a fake? ilchenko, comrade general, allow me to address comrade lieutenant colonel? i allow it. lieutenant karpov has been delivered. here is a map of minefields; we urgently need to establish its authenticity. listen.
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here the same thing, comrade general, the passages are marked on the map, in fact there. in exchange, it means that this map is fake, german disinformation, damn, now the question is, where is the real map, if it falls into the hands of the germans, they will know the direction of the main attack, that’s it, in this area they will quickly regroup and give us a bloodbath here , i don't even want to think. why are you sure that the germans still don’t have the card? they would have her began to check, intelligence would become more active, which means we need to check the underground, i don’t believe that lieutenant oseev was connected with the underground, but at the headquarters there is a voice behind everyone, wait, general, you said, they’ll give us this bathhouse, and if sepa, who - in the bathhouse i took it off the key, well, while they
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were steaming there with the carp, you won’t go into the tree with the key, for sure it was... i rented the bathhouse, a good place, make acquaintances, listen to conversations, take a cast of the key, and maybe for live bait, but quietly, come get acquainted, chat with the staff, ask around, well well, who will be this live bait, i can’t, i’ve already appeared there 100 times, they won’t go with me in the clear, grigory ivanovich, there ’s no one else, well, not me, i’ll give you three days. no one will cancel the offensive plan, and my two divisions will march blindly across the fields, hitting their own mines. these are tens of thousands of soldiers. find me this card, lieutenant colonel, and to prevent this from happening, do whatever you want, but find it. the holy
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fire is born right here, the holy of holies of the temple on a marble slab, exactly. everywhere there is a special hole in the wall, it goes into world. through this fire, we connect with god himself, with his divine love. and we receive grace from the holy sepulcher. many believe that the hole under the altar remains from the cross. in fact, the cross stood a meter further away; now there is a crucifix there. god became a man and came into the world when people decided to get rid of god and get rid of his word. the greatest tragedy happened. the history of all mankind, from calvary to the holy sepulcher there are 33 steps, here is the path, from the crucifixion to the kingdom of god, the church of the holy sepulcher, tomorrow on the first, i will reign or perish, a foreigner
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who had no legal rights to the throne , accompanied by the orlovs, arrived at the izmailovo barracks... she radically changed the country and, like peter i, received the epithet “great”. she fought victorious wars and annexed new lands to the empire, wrote laws and carried out reforms. he is 34, she is 10 years older. soon, and the darkness will not start talking about him as the most influential person in russia. but even relying on men's... help, final decisions, the empress always reserved for herself. empire, ekaterina second. tomorrow on the first. potemkin was preparing
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the main surprise for the woman he loved. the sevastopol harbor appeared before the eyes of those present. we found out everything, two women, cleaners, clean in the mornings, one barman pours beer, the officer’s department has its own locker room, three bathhouse attendants, gustas, benedikt and kolya, yeah, they’ve been working here for a long time, since pre-war times, yeah. they seem to value them, but the germans went there, well, where else, yeah, comrade lieutenant colonel, igor osei
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wanted a flight ticket, they didn’t take it, but the guy, he was real, but i don’t believe that he’s a traitor, well, lieutenant, we have a chance to find out, so, from your entire list, the locals with whom you met are the most suspicious, so the legend is like this, draw a diagram of the bathhouse, you are a new adjutant, you both old friends met again, went to the bathhouse , drank, relaxed, went to the steam room, you took the new key to the safe from your neck and put it in your trouser pocket, i realized i’ll be there, you’ve also drunk, so as long as i don’t drink, how can i play drunk, well, you’ll have a couple of hours, you'll practice. thomas, why are you standing there in the rain, let's go into the house?
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no, thanks, i won’t be long, but let’s go, at least we’ll stand under the canopy, i came to apologize for yesterday, i was a little rude to you at the prosecutor’s office. forgive me, please, my sister is doing well, she says hi to you, thomas, please tell me about your family, as an investigator, no, as a friend, i think this is of no use. thomas, but you are a smart person, you know that this war affected every family, not just yours,
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because of this damned war i lost a child, i was pregnant and i was shell-shocked, simply put, they said that i would no longer be able to have children, and i didn’t know then where my husband was. what's wrong with him, is he alive or dead? i don’t remember how i lived during this period, i just got up every morning and collected myself like a cardboard box, and in the evening i unstuck myself again, until at some point i realized that life without pain simply does not exist, all we ... do this try not to hurt others, take comrade captain, i
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beg you, thomas, please come, don’t call me comrade captain, okay, comrade captain, thank you, i hope so. lieutenant colonel, thank you, i can imagine my eyes.
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why is it so cold here, you can’t scald yourself in the steam room, so come on, let’s sweat it, little key, little key, come on, come on, oh!
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uncle egor, there’s some guy rummaging through your things, he froze, and turned around. it's all him, it's not my fault,
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it's him, who is he? he is kramen, put your hands away, tades kramer, nicknamed nokot. they say he once opened an argument with an english lock on his fingernails, maybe it’s vurut, he and i were in jail together in 38, i’m for a fight, he’s for robbery, for what robbery, they didn’t rob banks, kramer, an experienced security guard, one day we sat down to play cards, and i lost my wife to him, in front of witnesses, like... so
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the last thing that happened, i bet, then the war began, i thought it was over, but he he found me and presented me, that is, now you have to give him your wife or something, what are her things, no, he offered an exchange, to fulfill a couple of requests, and no one owes anyone anything if my wife finds out that i lost her with a card, our daughter is 3 years old, i love them very much, where are they now at my mother’s krestanis, but i didn’t know that what to do, i don’t know how to play these damn cards, there are people here in the cell, in front of witnesses...
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10, maybe more, i thought he would never find me, and how did he find you? yes, they opened a workshop in our market, and i went there myself to sharpen the scissors, you fool, what else did he ask you to do, just the key, for that lieutenant guy, with the key on his neck, he pointed it out to me, i made a cast, and today i myself, as soon as i heard that the lock on the safe had been changed, i decided to give him the key in front of witnesses and the edges. well , look, gustas, if you refuse, i’ll go to i’m going to tell your wife, no, i’ll never do that again, that...
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i haven’t been to the circus for a long time, your documents, quickly, quickly, lieutenant, you put the pistol down, otherwise you’ll pull the trigger by accident, i
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’ll get the documents. police lieutenant aspen, report, a planned raid to seize weapons, comrade lieutenant colonel, who taught you to conduct raids like that, you should have posted an announcement in advance, i, according to the instructions , rub this instruction of yours, permission to open a workshop for repairing irons, metal utensils, sharpening and so on. issued in the name of tades kramer, look, the bathhouse attendant is not dying, he was lying in a cache under the floor, so you need to give it to the police, let him be glad, dates,
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you won’t recognize anyone? “i wish you good health, comrade lieutenant colonel. camilla, why didn’t you indicate who your father was in the questionnaire? this is him, tadamer. this, this is my uncle, my mother and father died at the front, uncle, he only, only recently found me. why ? he takes care of me, and i take care of him, while aunt amilia is away, he lives in my apartment, and i rent it, so as not to embarrass him, he works at the market in the workshop, and aunt amelie is his wife, yes, she, she
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is now in evacuation, what tasks did your uncle give you, excuse me, tasks, none, what did you tell? it’s okay, we don’t know him at all, it’s just that everything has been officially introduced. camilla, you are under arrest on suspicion of espionage.
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camilla taught the language somewhere, my mother worked at a school as a german teacher, no, she taught french, so you know french, yes, my mother taught me since childhood. one false move, the sniper opens
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fire to kill, i am a very demanding, very angry viewer of camilla, she will do anything.
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tadros kramar, we know everything, so let 's not waste time, tell us where the card is, what other card, a purely heartfelt confession softens the wine, tell the truth, you won't be shot, my card... we'll find it a long time ago, it will turn out that they shot you in vain, huh, and you have a niece, your wife will come again soon, amelia, what did he tell you, gustas, it’s true, how you sat together, how you played cards with your wife, he told you everything, the card is where the nail is, the nail, i everything was the other way around, and the nail is thick, it was his nickname and blackmailed it’s not i who lost him, but he... me, as his wife, it was he
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who lost to you, but no, it was i who lost, great, amelie, of course i didn’t admit it, i wouldn’t forgive me, but when the war started, i thought that everything would be forgotten, but no, why did they come here to visit their niece, and we decided to sit here to support camilla, an orphan, when i saw her, i didn’t recognize her, she was independent, an adult, she let me into the apartment, she began renting herself, and then. .. in the market, then why did you run? because of
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the pistol, while gustov is alive, it’s impossible to go off topic, keep the detainee. here's everything i found edge.
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i was born and raised in donbass, my great-grandfather was twice awarded a medal for courage, for me, first of all, this is a memory and a great honor, this is victory day. victory day, festive evening, may 9th on the first, these are miracles, blessed matron, i always carry an icon with me, here i have petals, very many are healed with matron’s petals, we came precisely for this, so that it will help us in our personal lives, those who protected and looked after her came up with the idea that she was from a very poor family, this is not true. whoever has something that hurts makes a request, i don’t i know how to do it right, i treat it the best way i can, the matron was not born in a large family, because at the time the matron appeared in the nikonov family, there was only one child, girls of about a year old, i can’t say that i’m just so limitless i believed in it, but i simply admitted that it could be,
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in may our mother-in-law appeared, some kind of divine providence, well, we just stood in front of the relics and i mentally turn to... i say: look, holy matron, come to me as if i were alive on may 5th at the first, nikolina’s mother annavanna, i came to her, she stroked me on the head, said, you will never have a headache again, and having lived for 96 years, she now realized that i was with the matron.
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lacerated wound on the neck, comrade lieutenant colonel,
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i see sviredov, strengthen all posts and guards on the road, orientation now... do they have baths there around the clock? no, they are waiting for us, the military prosecutor's office , the prosecutor's office, ash ir žinojau, he knew
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that you knew, ką jūs žinojote, kad did gustas do something, when did you see him, when did she? indicated the address, amay,
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i know where he is, so you... it could be anywhere, he could be lying in the bushes, it’s dangerous in the bushes, but in osiev’s apartment it’s just right, no one will look for him there, but he thinks so, where did he plant the card? we need to check, the font is gothic, it is a counterfeit card.
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you are surrounded, drop your weapons thickly, if you surrender yourself, we will spare your life, fuck you all. general, please forgive me for the early visit,
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we have identified the person who forged the card and planted it in your adjutant’s apartment, all the letters here are correct. and today he was going to hand over the real one to the germans.
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svetlana petrov, you are always on time. it's ok. i’ll get there myself, it’s not far, okay, goodbye, also captain, you don’t need me now, no, i’ll be there soon, so what do you have there, grigory ivanovich, what? there’s nothing wrong with the car, it’s fine, the spark
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has gone somewhere, uh-huh, the main thing is that it comes back, like svetlana petrovna, the spark always comes back, the main thing is to want it, uh-huh, and so, nothing. the path of christ, step by step, the manger where the mother of god laid the baby, the well where jesus’ hands touched, the cave forty days. post. and the olive tree, under which the words were spoken, dominates me in this cup.
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you will see all this with your own eyes. you will walk the path of christ. the sands of time, time has strange properties, sometimes it stretches for centuries, sometimes it compresses in a matter of years. 2 thousand years ago such a clot of time was formed, during just one human life, you could see with your own eyes julius caesar, emperor augustus, cleopatra, and even catch the uprising of spartacus, but most importantly, you
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could witness the event that stripped. our time was nazareth, before and after the birth of jesus christ. it is also called the city of good news. it was here that the virgin mary learned that she would give birth to a savior. and here jesus lived until he was 30 years old. it is a holy city for christians, just like bethlehem, where he was born, and jerusalem, where he died on the cross. the number of holy places in one place is simply amazing. this is a touch, even if non-believers come there, this is a touch to history. this is a story where
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you feel very well with every fiber of your soul. on for 2 thousand years people have been trying to imagine what jesus looked like and how he lived. we see portraits of scenes from his life, but all this appeared not at the time of christ, but later. in fact, no one knows what his appearance was like, how he dressed or what his manners were. the gospel is silent about the color of his hair and eyes, and his gait, was he right-handed or left-handed, did he have a favorite food? what songs did he like? as we ask ourselves these questions, we begin to realize how little we know about jesus. the most reliable the indisputable source about the earthly life of christ is the gospel. but the bible mentions his birth and childhood only three times.
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the only way to understand how he lived was by studying the image. his contemporaries, one can easily guess what his first words were: abba and imma, in aramaic meaning mom and dad. for us, nazareth is associated with christianity, but today more than half of the city's residents are muslims. arabic speech can be heard everywhere on the streets of the city. oddly enough, hebrew was not spoken here at the time of jesus either. residents spoke in aramaic, the language jesus spoke. by the way, galileo spoke aramaic with a wild accent, which everywhere betrayed their origin. surprisingly, the aramaic language is still alive today. it is spoken by the residents of maalouli in syria, 55 km from damascus. and until
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recently here. then the city was captured by militants, this is what was left of it after the liberation. today about 70 thousand people live in nazarite. in jesus' time the city was much more modest. there were only about a thousand inhabitants here, a large village or a village by our standards. nazareth was an absolutely inconspicuous village, of the very existence of which it is quite likely that people simply did not suspect in judea, so the most likely reaction to the fact that jesus is
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a man from nazareth could not be, how come from... such a dubious place, where is it? therefore, when christ begins to walk through galilee, he gets to know more and more people, one of the future apostles, bartholomew , says: from nazareth, can there be anything good, because it was a hole, a completely remote place, and some preachers here, v in modern nazarite there is a village museum, everything here is as it was 2000 years ago, paved streets, modest houses made of stone and clay, a roof made of reeds, here the terrain is almost everywhere, overgrown, the rocks are hard, in this rock... an entire floor was cut down. the house of the holy family, like all houses of that time, was most likely located in a natural cave, deep in the limestone rock. today, on the site
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where the house of the virgin mary joseph once was, the church of the annunciation was built. we had to get there through the narrow streets of nazareth, going up the hill. on the way we met a local resident, he was sitting in the middle. it turned out that his name was yuri, and he came here back when the soviet union existed. this cheerful man has been meeting tourists here with music for many years. this means that i practically play for each country separately, only their music. and they really like it, and the russians like the farewell of the slavic woman, and i will perform it for you when you say, that’s it, how do you distinguish russians from non-russians?


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