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tv   Zakritii pokaz s Aleksandrom Gordonom  1TV  May 3, 2024 11:45pm-3:16am MSK

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a natural cave in the thickness of the limestone rock. today, on the site where the house of the virgin mary and joseph once was, the church of the annunciation was built. to get there we had to go uphill through the narrow streets of nazareth. on the way we met a local resident. he sat in the middle of the street with an accordion in his hands, having learned that we were from russia, he immediately started playing the farewell of a slavic woman. it turned out that his name was yuri, and he came here back when the soviet union existed. this cheerful man has been meeting tourists here with music for many years. so i'm practically i play for each country separately, only their music. and they really like it. but the russians like the farewell of a slav, and i will perform it for you when you tell me. that's it, how do you
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distinguish russians from non-russians? in appearance, all those who come from the west are dressed disgustingly, the russians are dressed, more or less decently. tourists, thank god, don’t know how to read minds; they just smile cheerfully when they hear familiar tunes, throw dollars and even dance. yuri sits on the busiest street of nazareth, here all the roads and curious tourists and the streets of believers lead to the temple, church of the annunciation. the church of the annunciation contains images of the mother of god from all over the world, and in the courtyard of the temple there is a magnificent sculptural image of the mother of god, with whom tourists love to take pictures. there are many historical books,
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novels, there is some kind of abstraction in this, yes, it was somewhere far away, and so on, yes, when you can bend down, kneel down, touch it all, and, most importantly , feel it, this is also such a thing, there are strict rules in the church of the annunciation, only small tourists are allowed here in portions, so as not to create a crowd, and he is allowed to speak only in a whisper, so as not to disturb those who are bowed in prayer. this is the only place in the world where hick was added to the famous phrase in the word of the lord became flesh, in latin, which means that here, precisely here, the archangel gabriel appeared to the virgin mary with the news of the birth of the savior. we don’t know what maria felt, but we can well imagine how she lived. in 2015, literally two blocks from the church of the annunciation, archaeologists excavated another house of that...
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savior, whom we do not understand how he he says, in my father’s house, there are many chambers, yes, he means the kingdom of heaven, but the people who live in such houses understand very well what he is talking about, yes, that this is a house in which there are many, many rooms, everyone enough space. in the house where jesus was born, there were also many rooms; we usually remember only three family members, mother mary, father joseph and ... jesus himself. in fact, the family was
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very large. jesus had seven brothers and sisters. the gospel reports that the brothers' names were jacob, joseph, judah, and simon. there were three more sisters. their names are not mentioned. whether they were relatives, cousins, or step-in-laws, no one knows. by the way, brother james, or the righteous james, became the first after the death of jesus. archbishop of jerusalem and head of the christian community. we do not have definitive evidence that jesus could read, but circumstantial evidence suggests that he was most likely literate. the key issue here is that apparently joseph himself was from a more educated environment. joseph is the father of jesus. we see that there is a stable tradition, he was from the line of david, that is it is an impoverished aristocracy. jesus
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had no chance yet, the profession was passed on by inheritance, then for the residents of nazareth the family was everything, the place of birth, the school of life and a guaranteed job. most likely, i was very poor, we have indirect indications of this in the gospel, the fact is that, according to the traditions of that time, for the first son born. jerusalem temple, the gospel tells how joseph and mary go to jerusalem, but they sacrifice not a lamb, but a pair of doves, this is the sacrifice of a poor man. maria went here to get water, by the way.
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the path is not close, about half a kilometer, and even ... from the house of the holy family. the well today is located in the church of the archangel gabriel, a greek orthodox church. this well is the only place in nazareth whose authenticity is not disputed even by skeptics, so these stones are certainly 200 years old.
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nazareth is considered the hometown of jesus, although he was not born here; the birth of christ is bethlehem. everything that is written in the gospels about the birth of jesus christ is connected. precisely with this city, and christmas is the main thing today festival of the city, but why did jesus’ parents end up here, it’s almost 200 km from nazareth, 5 days of walking, despite the fact that mary was, as they would say now, pregnant, in
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late pregnancy, which means she could give birth at any minute . joseph and mary could not help but come to bethlehem; they were obliged to participate in the census. they live in nazareth, but then it came to mind, so to speak, the time has come for the roman emperor to conduct a census of the population, and according to the laws of the roman empire, the census is carried out in places other than where you live, and where you were born, and she was from the house of david, maryam came from, so she had to be with her family. with his family and with his husband joseph, to marry in bethlehem. lent is ending, and the magical easter holiday awaits us ahead. the most important miracle is that god is love. i understood that my loved one was suffering, my
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feet simply led me to the temple, and i confessed, without preparing for this in any way, i burst into tears. since then , yes, we already have four children. katya, what luck, are you pregnant?
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shock start of history, spotted, traitors,
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the main task is to liquidate it, machine, add two nodes, we should be in place in an hour, quietly, quietly, quietly, who can go on a mission with us, to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders, saboteur, crimea, that means, we have 5 minutes. in order to remember the card. may 9, on the first. if in the time of jesus any jew could come here, today everything is different. bethlehem is located in the palestinian authority. this means that when visiting the city you are actually passing through the border israeli and arab territory. so the journey to bethlehem begins at the israeli checkpoint. a huge wall separates two warring
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nations. everyone can get to the other side except the israelis. roadside posters eloquently testify to this. it is written on them: territories a, that is, palestinian, entry for jews is strictly prohibited, dangerous, but for people with russian passports, there are no special problems at the checkpoint. the entire small city is divided into eight quarters and decorated with christian buildings. today bethlehem has about 11 thousand inhabitants. half are christians. they never hid their faith, on the contrary. on the doors of their houses they depict a cross or st. george the victorious. very similar to the moscow coat of arms, and in the most prominent place. this saint is from palestine. the mayor of the city, according to local
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law, must be a christian. the bible says that jesus was born in a cave. on the site of the cave today stands the church of the nativity of christ. the bible says that jesus was born in a cave. proverb cave, imagination draws. we've all been to a nursery at one point or another, has anyone ever wondered where that word came from? this is
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the cattle trough that became jesus' first cradle. today, in memory of her, there is a stone excavation left here. when you can put your face like that on the place where, according to legend, jesus was born, this stone lies there, you think, wow, you immediately transport yourself. now, centuries later, you think about how you could be there at that time, to feel what those people felt who realized that he was coming, and the birthplace is marked with a silver star; bethlehem is perhaps the main shrine; the queue to see the star can last for several hours. many people don’t understand why they go there, but after that i know people whose
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whole life changes, people begin to look at the world differently, some things reconsider their values, this is natural, most likely it is even natural, because apparently god touches the heart of a person at this moment, and something happens to him, the same for the unbeliever. the path of christ, step by step, manger, where the mother of god placed the baby. the sacred waters of the jordan, where the savior was baptized, the cave of the forty-day fast, the threshold of the gates of judgment, over which jesus stumbled on the way to calvary, you will see all this with your own eyes, you will walk the path of christ. in the church of the nativity
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there is a special icon of the mother of god. the virgin mary is smiling on it, there is a lot of jewelry under the glass, gifts from grateful people, those who received healing, the only icon that smiles, the only icon in the world, when everyone left, left me, i, it was the thirtieth august, august 30, i fell to my knees in front of this... he asked the mother of god for a long, long time to give me a son, exactly 9 months later they took me to the maternity hospital. on may 31 at trinity they took me to the maternity hospital, because vanechka was born at 37 weeks and 5 days period. to understand what victoria is talking about, you need to know the story of her life. she managed to give birth to her first child only 12 years after the wedding. she and
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her husband anton makarsky visited hundreds of doctors. they tried eco, after which vika was barely saved and even thought about adopting a child. but a miracle happened, their prayers were heard. today victoria and anton already have two children. i have one friend, my closest one, who said, vic, well, when please, well , believe me, well, believe me, well, you too. “no, well, it’s yours, it’s so, it won’t be like that for me, it’s been a long time, more than 9 years ago, that doctors have given me a verdict that i won’t be able to become a mother, i called vika makarskaya, this is my close friend, and i say, vika, i say, i’m in such despair, it seems to me that
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my life has come to a certain point line, given that i, in principle, did not hide my age, and 40 years - everything that you want, you most importantly, you really want it, and believe in it. as often happens, annie and her husband began to pray to god out of despair. after all, we turn to god for the impossible, for the possible, and there are enough people. we read the akathists, it is very
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difficult, that is, it requires certain things. concentration, because this is not just a text, this, you also need to pass this through yourself, and a miracle happened, a year later anna and mikhail became parents, the doctors divorced hands and said, well, these are wonderful miracles, the doctors don’t communicate with us anymore, they don’t say anything, they say, you live your own life, we don’t know what to expect from you. the icon from bethlehem anya cherishes her eye like the apple of her eye, and these are not nice words, this image gave her not just a miracle, it gave her hope. all my life i will be grateful to god for this gift, for my daughter, because at
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over 40 years old, this is my greatest reward that could be. in the church of the nativity it is customary to pray for health; notes with the names of relatives can be found here leave at the right entrance to the cave, there is a small church shop, notes are accepted by a greek monk, who, by the way, speaks russian: not to nazareth, to egypt, and not at all for vacation. they had to flee from king herod the great. when jesus was born, herod was nearly 60. in feature films
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, he is usually portrayed as a disgusting old man, this is a demise. and in general, it is not surprising that 3 years before his death, he ordered the strangulation of his two sons, heirs to the throne. herod was terrified of losing his kingdom. and when he heard from "this confusion will haunt christ throughout his earthly life, he will be called the king of the jews, although, of course, they meant the kingdom of god, and not the power of the jews. and even on the cross where he was crucified, the letters inri, an abbreviation in latin, were written, jesus of nazareth, king of the jews. herod decided to destroy his rival on the scale of a purely eastern despot; he simply ordered the death of all
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male infants under the age of 2 years. this absolutely terrible event is happening here, genocide, one might say. babies were killed in the vicinity of bethlehem throughout judea and no one escaped this fate. so, of course, it can be called. they are prayed to by women whose children died in infancy, and by those who had an abortion.
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hiding from pursuit, joseph and mary walked more than a thousand kilometers, on foot through the desert, and with a baby in their arms, they had to go in a roundabout way. just before leaving the city, mary stopped to feed the baby; this place has been preserved in iphilem, called the milk cave. the walls of the cave are covered with such a white coating, like spilled drops of milk, it is believed that this coating is the best remedy from infertility. the day of june 1, when, according to legend, the holy family crossed the border, is a national
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holiday among the christian part of the egyptian population. in egypt, they found their refuge in the wodin otrun region in the libyan desert. a few years later, an angel appeared to joseph in a dream and said: “get up, take the baby and his mother, go to the land of israel, for those who sought the baby’s soul have died. herod is dead, times have changed, the holy family.”
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solemn ceremony of inauguration of the president of the russian federation vladimir putin. live broadcast on may 7 at 12:00 moscow time. nazareth is clearly associated with jesus. the name jesus is not a common name today, but 2 thousand years ago it was quite common, like ours tanya or sasha, so we had to add the prefix nazarene. jesus' mother was most likely widowed early. we no longer see joseph at the cross of golgotha. crucified on the cross, the savior entrusts the care of mary to the apostle john. so providing for the family rested on
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the shoulders for a long time and...
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until the age of 30, jesus lived the life of an ordinary person. why didn’t he show himself, what was he waiting for? according to jewish laws, adulthood occurs at the age of 13, that is, at this age jesus was considered already a fully grown man, but a spiritual adult, having the right to teach other people, is considered only from thirty. wise law, nothing can be done.
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up to 30 years old, just remember yourself, we still haven’t gained any life experience to teach adults, to be listened to, for a person this is unthinkable, he doesn’t have yet beards, mustaches, and this is no longer trust, without a beard, without conditions, no one will believe you, at the age of 30, he challenges society, he begins the age-old traditions of his people, a very brave act, he quits his job, leaves his family and goes into the desert. how could the relatives perceive this? most likely, they decided that jesus had gone crazy, and neighbors and acquaintances immediately labeled him as possessed, a brawler, a friend of sinners. remember the phrase:
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there is no prophet. maybe not adequate enough, they might have thought it was too much, but jesus is like this as if he doesn’t notice, he fulfills the will of reasonable behavior, not reasonable enough, of god, first of all he goes to john the baptist and is baptized in the waters of the jordan. along the jordan, baptizing.
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yes, as always, in the middle, baptism actually takes place in the water, and the width of the river here is, well , 8 meters, by the way, these 8 meters should under no circumstances be crossed, because this is a real state border, the borders are locked, border guards are on duty on both sides , we had a case when one man did not heed the guide’s admonition and decided to swim, and what the most interesting thing is that it began to be demolished, because in winter the jordan overflows heavily, the current
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is very stormy, so he is struggling with... a border guard runs along the shore into the radio and reports: moshe, moshe, a man has crossed the border, from there we hear an answer from the radio, and he i touched the reeds on the other side. once a year on the feast of baptism. now pilgrims and tourists come here freely. you don't need any permits or entrance fees, you can just arrive by car or with a tour group. this place was chosen by john
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the baptist. jewish tradition demanded so that the living water that flows is used for cleansing from sins. and...
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in the designated places only in a special uniform. everyone who wants to plunge into the jordan puts on long white shirts, purchased in advance from church shops or brought with them from home. it is not customary to go into the water in a swimsuit or swimming trunks here. this is moviton. before diving, priests from pilgrimage groups recite a prayer to illuminate the water.
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either jokingly or seriously adds, he tried to imbue himself with holiness, i entered the jordan three times, bathed three times, you will go, and there is such a current, it carries you to this border, there is a grid, a border, it carries you,
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there once, once, once, once, plunged, plunged , plunged, prayed, i prayed there, on january 18, a great illumination of water takes place here, baptism. on this day , patriarch theophilus ii, the primate of the jerusalem orthodox church, comes here from jerusalem. the patriarch at one point goes straight down to the jordan river. and immerses the cross in water three times, as is done when illuminated? for literally a few seconds it starts to look like water, such seething, and the jordan, instead of flows from north to south, turns north for a while, the flow of water goes in the opposite direction, the miracle that he throws the cross, here is the answer to the question, theophany and the blessing of water? the baptism of the jordan
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turns back, as confirmation of this, a unique fact: the water in the river suddenly becomes salty, this salt of the dead sea ends up in the river, rare luck to get a bottle of it. even the ancient jews considered rivers to be healing, at this moment it acquires special power.
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said: this is my beloved son, god, son by baptism from john in the jordan and god the holy spirit, descending on jesus christ as a dove. the bible describes what happened after the baptism of jesus in sufficient detail. for jesus , the life of an ordinary person ended. he set foot on the path intended for the son of god.
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in quite detail, and with a specific geographical reference, it becomes clearer what he did, what he talked about, what kind of air he breathed; from this point of view, the bible is the best guide to holy places. where and how could it actually happen? events that the gospel describes? after his baptism on the jordan river, essentially the first
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event in the life of christ, which is described in the bible, jesus withdrew into the desert. the saying “ desert” represents sand dunes, and this is where it actually was. mountain of temptations, jesus christ went here immediately after baptism. he rejected all the wiles of the devil. he didn't eat or drink. i don’t even have enough strength to try so hard. one priest
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told me very well, he says: at least you liked some kind of candy, at least give it up, to become even a little cleaner, something must probably change. i was talking to my daughter once, he said, can you stop drinking at all? come on, i say, from january 1 to december 31, you promise that i will swallow. temptations or as it is also called the forty-day monastery, it is located literally 7 km from the jordan, an hour and a half walk no more, because it was not a matter of distance and sand, it was solitude, distance from other people, humanity, there is one place where i would
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i just stayed like that and... i just leaned at the entrance, and i didn’t need to there was, in fact, nothing more, i was pleased that, in principle, god allowed me to step on this mountain like this, the mountain stands on the border of the judean desert and the jordan valley
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near the city of jericho, its height is 380 m, it’s actually a difficult climb, no less , you need to go while reading a prayer. lord jesus christ, son of god, have mercy on me, a sinner. people rise with a feeling of repentance and remember that christ himself was on this mountain, tempted by the devil, and we know that he is often a pilgrim. "if you are the son of god, tell these stones to become bread, it was these stones that he proposed to turn into bread, and here the lord said the phrase: “ man will not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth
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of god.” you can pick up pebbles from the monastery, consecrated in the cave of jesus, these are a kind of amulets, here they are, what are they, pebbles from rogovnivo to the mountain, we have a new priest, he says, at least bring me a pebble, but i brought him a pebble, so i took it from this forty-day mountain, there was such a healthy bowl, there were pebbles, so i left two for myself, one priest, then the road down, and although...
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like even amazing loneliness, christ had no place in this world from his very birth. nazareth was a completely inconspicuous village, so the most likely reaction to the fact that jesus is a man from nazareth could not be, how come, from such a dubious place, but where is it? jerusalem is the capital, it is the city that was chosen by god's providence so that the salvation of man would take place there. it is there that you realize that it is not a legend that he existed. that he walked there, he preached there, he sat in the garden of gethsemane, this is absolutely certain, when people decided to get rid of god, to get rid of his word, there was, one might say, the greatest tragedy in the history of all mankind, that is, people killed god, the way of christ, tomorrow on the first, on victory day on the first, so there is
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a blue handkerchief on the musical front , clearly, dugout, smuklyanka, comrade commander, we have been for a long time... harp, there is no harp, take a tambourine, we know everyone by name, grasshopper, romeo and masha, buglyanka, i, comrade commander, we remember how they flew, they caught grasshoppers , eagles, wolves, and how they loved, and as said shakespeare in the eighteenth sonnet, hello boys, and we remember what these boys did for us? the same fields, roads, villages? uh, no, the air is different, the sky is bluer and the earth is greener, we will. to live, they will live, as long as we remember, only old men go into battle, may 9, after
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the program, time, and if they give you a division, where are the balalaikas, we will gather, the path of christ, step by step, the sacred waters of the jordan. where the savior was baptized, the cave of the forty-day fast, the olive tree under which the words “ this cup prevails over me” were heard. you will see all this for yourself eyes, you will walk the path of christ. after forty days of temptation, the ministry of jesus began, this stage of his life is the most complete. described in the bible, however, the motives of his actions are described by the evangelists extremely rarely, one can only speculate about this, where he
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was supposed to go after leaving the desert, in theory, to jerusalem, this is a city in which i always want to cry, i used to perceived it as a surge of emotions, and then... i realized that this was affecting my conscience, jerusalem is a city that will simply be my conscience, no matter where i go in this city, this city reminds me of what i should be, but jesus doesn't go to jerusalem, to... places. why? it is unlikely that he could come to jerusalem and immediately declare himself the messiah. nobody would have heard him. wrong
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information transfer speeds. today it’s enough to post a video on youtube, the whole world knows about you. 2 thousand years ago there was no internet and mobile phones. jesus had to personally tell people about his teachings. he had to show the standard of life. good news. the news that the kingdom of god had come should have spread like ripples on water, and this needed time. jesus begins in his native galilee, preaching in houses of worship, somewhere on the hills, or even in the open air. galilee, region in northern israel.
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christ did not come to earth to teach people some intellectual truths, as the gnostics say, that
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he revealed to us some knowledge that saves us, the lord came, turned first of all to the heart of man, the apostles were it is precisely those people who were not burdened with much knowledge, the apostle paul says that much knowledge puffs up a person; the apostles were simple people. the apostles caught it, our lord jesus christ ate it, this fish has
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one distinctive feature, it has... just below the gills there are two such black, well , like dots, marks, this is the place where the apostle fished from the pier andrew, the savior walked on water, the apostle andrew fished with his brother peter, and now this fish is called the fish of st. peter, according to legend, two dark spots behind the gills are tracks. his fingers. telapi are found in many bodies of water around the world, but are recorded only in the kinneret. cana of galilee is the village where, according to the bible, jesus performed the first miracle, turning water into wine. at first glance, this miracle does not carry any deep meaning, but this is only at first glance. just like everything
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in the bible, jesus and his mother came. wedding during the holiday, the newlyweds ran out of wine, a miracle was needed to save them from shame. the savior did not create it at all wanted, he creates it out of obedience to his earthly mother. the lord came to fulfill the law, and according to the law, honor your father and your mother. and so the mother of god asks, and christ yields, although in fact he is in no hurry to perform a miracle. why isn't he in a hurry? because he knew that as soon as he started creating. miracles, this will be the beginning of the end, the beginning of his way of the cross, they will already know him, he will already , as it were, announce himself to the world that he is a difficult person, it so happened, the countdown has begun and the process has become irreversible, the miracle in cana, the first step of christ to calvary , but then
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no one knew this yet except jesus himself,
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and after the interview george invited us to a wine tasting. the holy fire is born right here, the holy of holies of the temple on a marble slab, it is from here, a special hole in the wall, that it goes out into the world.
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he is 34, she is 10 years older, soon it will be
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dark. they will talk about him as the most influential person in russia, but even relying on male help, the empress always reserved the final decisions for herself. catherine ii. tomorrow on the first. potemkin was preparing the main surprise for the woman he loved. with a glance sevastopol harbor appeared to those present. capernaum. the city where jesus christ lived and preached. of my 33 years, 3 years. he lived here, and here he performed the greatest number of miracles. this very word, kfarnakhum, the village of nauma, naumovka. not
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just naumovka, but the word, naum, is associated with the hebrew root of consolation, often understood by mystics as messianic consolation, the consolation of the end of times. today it is no longer a city, but... an open-air archaeological museum, why did jesus choose to be his, so to speak, this place is the headquarters. this is easy to explain: in the time of christ, capernaum was a kind of regional center of galilee. everything that was said in this city quickly spread throughout the surrounding area through word of mouth. the news about his movement, about his words, about his sermons, it spread without a telegraph, without the internet, very quickly. and uh, apparently, the public consciousness was ready to accept it - a sermon. capernaum is a paradise for
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archaeologists; a house was once found under this temple, which looks more like a flying saucer. simone. jesus christ lived here for some time, crowds of people came to listen to sermons. simon is saint peter, the one who holds. the keys to paradise, all the walls of this house are covered with various inscriptions of some of the first christians, whom they affirm their faith, what we consider today to be vandalism, when people write on the walls here bulvasya, for archaeologists and historians, an invaluable source of information, i do not encourage you... write off on every wall to be here, but when it is in some historical place and is revealed on archaeological site, it is truly a fantastic source of information. in
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capernaum, christ performed many miracles, healing the mother-in-law of peter, who was lying in a fever, the servant of the roman centurion and the future apostle matthew, who was dying. the miracles performed, in modern terms, greatly raised the rating of jesus, they started talking about him throughout the area, but not yet as the son of god. it seems that even the closest students do not quite understand who they are with. jesus has yet to reveal to them the divine essence. this is an event in church tradition called the transfiguration of the lord. apple saved, we celebrate it on august 19, apple because it is a harvest festival, because this sour meat is just ripening into a juicy apple, saved because it is
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the feast of the transfiguration of the lord, the transfiguration of the savior, it happened here on mount tabor, its also called pub of the earth, by the way, it really looks like it. pilgrims from russia love this place very much; they specially come to the orthodox monastery. according to ancient tradition, before entering the gate, you must knock. hanging in the temple miraculous icon of the mother of god, unknown color. they say she came here in a bottle. in greece there was a man seriously ill with cancer on one of the islands. he had this icon, in black and white on newsprint, and he prayed in front of it, it resulted in healing, he recovered from an already incurable form of cancer, then this peasant decided to thank the lord, he
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rolled this icon into a tube and put it in a bottle , attached a letter describing this story, it was 1956, he threw this bottle into the blue sea, or he had a post office was... in favor and this cheap simple icon became famous for miracles; in gratitude, believers, according to the greek tradition, bring silver plates with the image of what the prayer was fulfilled: the lord gave someone a child, healed someone’s arm or leg. there are gazebo benches around the church, but there are few people who want to sit, most of them try to admire what is opening up. the transfiguration
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took place 40 days before the crucifixion of christ. thus, christ allowed the disciples to touch the holy of holies, as if he had opened a door for them allowed us to look into the kingdom of god. from that moment on, they didn't just believe. they didn’t know for sure that it existed. now jesus was able to openly announce to his disciples about his martyrdom that would lie ahead. at the age of 33 , i was a little overwhelmed by this, precisely the story of calvary, because a man came in and began to talk about how christ was crucified, that the nails were driven in, not here, as shown on the crucifixes, yes, here in the forearms, because here this bone holds up. body weight, that a person dies from
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suffocation, that the diaphragm is pinched, cannot take a breath, that’s why he is looking for support, he rises, that’s why the nails are in his feet, because this is a support, the nails turn when he rises and takes a breath, and the nails are forged by hand with serrated ones, not like now all of these are here nerve endings, this is one tooth, the tooth hurts, this is one nerve. and here there is just a bunch of bumps and, turning around, the guest again puts the person into a painful shock, he again begins to slowly settle, takes a breath again, this is torment, well, it lasts, here is a man a crucified person sometimes suffers for several days, this execution was carefully verified, slavish, terrible, most terrible, and this man who... experiences all this
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suffering, he prays for his tormentors, since it was recognized that he is a state criminal, although his guilt was not proven, then death should have been the most humiliating and shameful, it was necessary to humiliate him so that his followers would turn away from him and forget about the heresy that they were carried away by. the last thing jesus does before going to jerusalem, facing an inevitable and painful death, he preaches. this is a kind of legacy, something that people need to leave behind. it contained words that essentially concentrated the entire meaning of christian teaching. and most importantly for all christians, prayer. if all christians come together...
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our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be your name, may your kingdom come, everyone knows this prayer, even unbelievers, jesus christ first uttered these words in the sermon on the mount, in the sermon on the mount, because on the mountain, right here. the height of the mountain is 110 meters, the slope
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forms a kind of amphitheater, you can’t find a better place for a sermon, everyone can hear it, now let’s see, yes, indeed, from here there is a stunning view of the sea of ​​galilee, as if nature itself here helps to feel the presence of god. today this mountain is called the mount of beatitudes, the beatitudes, because every part of the sermon on the mount began with the word “blessed.”
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jesus said: stop thinking about yourself and look at those around you. the words from the sermon on the mount are familiar to everyone, including including unbelievers: judge not, lest ye be judged, the light of the world is the salt of the earth. salt, it protects food from decay and decay, and prevents it from rotting. yes, that’s how he salts food. the meaning here is that a person should become salt in relation to the world around him. the world as a whole is falling apart, there is something wrong with it all the time. and human relationships and connections fall apart, there are a lot of decay processes in society, in human
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souls, a person, if he listens to jesus, he can become salt himself, that is, block this process. c. at the sermon on the mountain, jesus first gives the commandment: turn the other cheek. some institutions of the old testament still reflect the level of an older society. i'll bring one so bright. for example, in order to protect a woman at that time, it was assumed that in the case of rape, the rapist should marry the victim. thousands of years bc, this was apparently a good way. protect the victim, but a little later it became much less good, in our time it is simply terrible. it is clear that maintaining such commandments will not serve benefit of society. now, jesus nowhere abolishes the old testament. his position is that no matter what commandments you want
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to fulfill, you must fulfill them based on the well-being of those around you. the teaching of christ did not abolish, but in many ways updated the old testament laws.
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for his ministry, jesus chose a strange and provocative manner that attracted attention, as if christ were not being led, but he himself was walking to calvary. he constantly did everything contrary to the rules, ignored the ritual washing of hands before meals, lived surrounded by such outcasts of society as tax collectors and prostitutes, publicly communicated with women and even included them in his community as equals, which was completely unthinkable in those days, jesus was especially reproached for not honoring the sabbath, how dare he perform miracles in this day.
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many people completely prohibit themselves from all work, you can’t even press buttons on the elevator, well, all this was exactly the same during the time of the savior, on saturday any activity was prohibited, when the lord worked miracles on saturday, for the pharisees this was the reason reproach him for breaking the law, but the lord came precisely not to break the law, but to fulfill it and fill it with new meaning, which is why in the gospel he so often explains to them: that i want to learn mercy, and not sacrifice, and that the sabbath is for the sake of man, and not man for the sake of the sabbath, the activities of jesus attracted all... followers, conversations and disputes about him multiplied, who he was, a prophet, a messiah or
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a charlatan. the appearance of jesus in jerusalem was supposed to put an end to these disputes. declaring yourself to be god's messenger in galilee is meaningless. we need to go to the very center jewish religion. jesus arrives in jerusalem on the day when the largest number of people gathered there. exodus from egypt. on a high donkey, jesus rides into these golden gates. now they are blocked with stone, but the arches marking the entrance are clearly visible on the wall. through them, according to old testament prophecy, it was the chief donkey who was to enter jerusalem with the messiah. today easter is the main
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holiday for christians around the world. it symbolizes victory over death. for the salvation of all mankind, jesus christ suffered on the cross and rose again on the third day. all events related to the crucifixion, death and resurrection of christ took place in jerusalem. but before that there are still a few days full of active activity. first of all, jesus causes destruction in the main jewish temple. he reproaches the high priests for distorting the teachings of god and expels the merchants from the temple. have you ever wondered what they could be trading there? the fact is that people came to jerusalem from very distant places, many abroad.
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temple square and sees this whole bazaar baslay, he overturns the tables with indignation money changer and expels traders from the temple. after this, the fate of jesus was sealed. the high priests convene the sanhedrin, the supreme court, and sentence him to the death penalty. and now jesus himself. deliberately bringing the denouement closer, his word, with
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which he addressed people, for some it became an encouraging and life-giving word, that is, for them it was precisely the word of life, but for others his word was something annoying, disturbing, then that it was scary, inconvenient, so to speak, for their everyday life, that’s where they got used to, when people decided, some of the people from god to get rid of his word, that's...
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how they have dinner or lunch, in the center there is a treat, dishes, men are reclining around, on the floor, in the scripture you will also see that they were reclining, but leonard daincha imagined it as his own. imagination, the famous garden of gethsemane also appears to everyone as a dense forest where jesus retired from people; in reality, everything is much more modest. is located in jerusalem at the foot of the mount of olives, seemingly unremarkable, unless you think about the fact that
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it was here that christ prayed the night before execution. the garden of gethsemane, a symbolic place, words dominate me, this cup, the last hours before the trial and crucifixion, and the greatest betrayal in the history of mankind, at the cost of 30 pieces of silver. obviously, this is really the same place, why? if we look, across the kidron stream, on the contrary, is exactly where the platform of the old testament temple is located. the lord came to the garden of ephsemane. why this place was his favorite, that he prayed opposite the old testament temple, that is, on the same level as it. in the garden of gethsemane eight ancient olive trees grow. the peculiarity of olive trees is that they grow for centuries, constantly renewing themselves, so it is quite possible that these very trees are
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the same age as christ. it is there that you realize that this is not a legend, that he is. was that he walked there, he preached there, he sat in the garden of gethsemane, this is absolutely certain, over there near the orthodox church of the assumption of the virgin mary, as the bible says , within a stone's throw there is a cave where the disciples slept, and jesus was betrayed by judas and taken away into custody. many of us have. bright the idea of ​​the last hours before the crucifixion is formed after reading the novel by vulgakov's master margarita, a trial in the palace is described there, although in fact pontius pilate never lived there, he came here only from time to time. we do not know where ponti pilate stayed when he lived in
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jerusalem. there are two options: he could have stayed in a palace that was once built. this palace is located in the western part of the city, near the modern yaba gate, above it now stands the police station of the old city, but could stop at a fortress built by the romans, called antonia, in the eastern part of the city. roughly speaking, if ponti pilate chose comfort, he stayed in the palace of king herod, and if he chose official duty. then in the fortress of antonia, the path of sorrow or the way of the cross, it is he who leads calvary, it begins from here, from the fortress of antonia, today via dela rossa is a large covered eastern market, however, in the time of jesus, i think it was the same, just they sold other souvenirs here, 2.0 years ago who were only here
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there were no pharisees, shepherds, fishermen, tax collectors, merchants. there were pickpockets scurrying around. in a word, the life of the eastern city was in full swing. the entire path can be walked at a leisurely pace in about 20 minutes. during this short stretch , several events happened to jesus. christ dropped the cross, then stumbled, leaned his hand on the wall, and met simon of cyrene.
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the cross is not the way it is usually depicted in films. in palestine, with an acute shortage of wood, it is unlikely that a new personal cross. most likely only the top crossbar was carried. the main pillar was permanently installed at the place of execution. under the weight of the cross, jesus stumbled at the threshold
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of the gates of judgment. this is the place, through these gates , the condemned were taken out of the city for execution. the courts, because the verdict was read out here for the last time, and there is no further appeal, there is no turning back, for you. today, the threshold of the gates of judgment is located on our territory, in the alexander metochion of the imperial orthodox palestinian society in the old city of jerusalem. over it the orthodox church of alexander nevsky was built. you can't touch the threshold, but you can look. the path of the quick ends. in the church of the holy sepulcher. we often hear the holy sepulcher, which is also true in name, but in essence it covers the miracle
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in which all christians believe, they do not believe in the death of christ, in his resurrection. therefore , the main, main point in the temple, of course, is the place of resurrection. and historically in all languages ​​it is exactly that. called the church of the resurrection of christ. there are five in the temple places associated with the crucifixion, confirmation and funeral of christ. golgotha ​​is a rock that in the time of christ was the place of execution of criminals. its top is a holy crucifix. here stood the cross of the savior. there you become deeply aware of the state of your sinfulness. there is no one to hide it from when you are standing on calvary. that in this place here, for the whole world, the lord was crucified, he sacrificed himself , he sacrificed himself voluntarily, no one voluntarily, few people
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would give their lives for their loved ones, few, but for the whole world. the salvation of humanity happened here, this cave is called the holy sepulcher, the place where jesus was resurrected. queue. it never ends here, the holy of holies, i went twice, twice, once, because once is not enough for me, when i won’t be there yet, maybe i won’t be at all, i fell to my knees, i’m in tears, i think , i’m the only one crying, it turns out that everyone there is crying, every year a miracle happens here, the holy fire descends, all christians in the world celebrate: easter, the day of the resurrection of christ, you feel the holy week, for some moment , abandonment, failure to ask god, i in that
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i understand the moment, there is no need to touch him, in the last week, the whole world is simply mourning for him, we must not ask here, in this week, for some reason i understand with the whole being of my soul that there is no need to ask now, we have to wait, when he is resurrected, that’s when the power appears, when the lord has risen... i have these feelings precisely at easter. sunday is the main holiday of the whole year. therefore, christ is risen, we must say every year, every year, every day of god. and then, in general, we will think not about death, it’s not about how the savior’s body was laid in the rough, but his resurrection, which gives us hope for eternal life. something that gives meaning and nourishes our entire christian faith, because if christ was not resurrected, then our faith
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is even. on the third day, having risen, jesus appeared to the disciples. yes, the timid and frightened disciples of jesus gained the strength to boldly bring the light of the gospel to people. this is how christian was born. gentlemen are the jack of heaven, and you deserve to sing. god,
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hello, dear friends, this is the podcast life of the wonderful, i’m with you, its host writer. and in my studio is the rector of the shchukin theater institute evgeny vladimirovich knyazev, people's artist of russia and theater historian, rector of the higher education institution.
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when you give lectures, say, on the history of theatre, as opposed to history and literature, you know this very well, you can’t take the book off the shelf, no, especially if we talk about theater, there is no live role that you can show today, not a decade those people who have ever seen machalov, shchepkin, the sadovskys and so on alive, here you go, shchekin, whom we can see live,
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the desert, stupid playfulness that was present in it, but behind which stood the powerful philosophical worldview of zavadsky, twenty-second year, the civil war had just ended or was ending, there was no family in which, so to speak, there were no killed, wounded, arrested, exiled, with whom ties were severed, that’s right, irony,
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a joke, he seems to obscure it, maybe behind this there was some kind of jealousy of the vaktankov actors, his generation, who suddenly saw how one of them rushed like that high and deeply, and this is the combination of a person immersed in almost such an early moscow art theater naturalism, at the same time with amazing playfulness, gaiety, sarcasm, irony and so on, this is what
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it seems to me, when he plays tortaglia, when he says one phrase in yegor baluchev : there is no video film material, nothing to show at all. the name of boris vasilyevichakina is alive today, only due to the fact that after
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his death, the laureate of the stalin prize, people's artist of the soviet union, when he died untimely, his name was given our. institute, you see, here, here is shukin, shukin, shukin, shukin, now we can name you a huge galaxy of artists of the twenties and thirties who were brilliant in their expressions, acting, and which we forgot about when we talk about vakhtangov, for example, the widow nadezhda mikhalovna wondered why the name vakhtangov was so bright in the sixties and... why it sounds, and the answer was found from his grandson, when we opened the monument in 2013, he said, i now understand why the name vakhtangov sounds, because it comes from him
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students, and the name of shchukin is also ringing today, from his students, from the fact that we study at the shchukin school, and the rest, those speculations asked... i can’t, i have nothing to rely on except some facts , where are theatrical articles about bulychev, who was in amkhat, and was in the akhtangovsky theater, where, despite
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the grandeur of leonidov, and shchukin is presented most highly, whether this is true or not, i don’t know, but this has remained in history, man. .. usually talented, because he plays so furiously and so brilliantly with on the one hand tartaglia, on the other hand buluchev, it is necessary to have talent of such a crazy range, in general shchyukin is a supporter of the moscow art theater, but how did it happen then that he ended up in the vakhtangov theater, he did not end up in the theater and there was no vakhtangov theater then, but there was only the third mkhat studio, which was headed by vakhtangov, that’s also there...
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he was a big theatergoer, it was he who taught him to go to theaters, and shchukin, from a huge number of theaters and the enterprise of that time, he chose the art theater, and his idol it was kochalov, and there is a photograph where kochalov was written, i probably won’t say the exact phrase, but its meaning is that my brother in talent, grandson, in my opinion, or grandson in talent, that is, he is his, yes, he identified him as a very talented person, kochalov, and can you imagine what kachalov was in the twenties and thirties, that was all, and he
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went to kachalov, this boy who wandered around moscow came to work in a koshira, and he couldn’t fit in there, because it was already cramped for him, because... what was he missing? the cultural environment in which he immersed himself, he missed these theaters, well, what is this amateur theater in kashira, where he also played, he worked as this assistant driver, rode these trains, and his dream was andrei platonov, assistant driver train, and he still returned to moscow, and probably walked along one of the streets, it was written that there was a reception at the mkhat studio of the third, the head of the shift workers there, he came there and signed up. show up, but vakhtangov is really one of the first students and well, sulerzhidsky vakhtangov is those people who brought stanislavsky's system to life and... when he showed at vakhtangov's studio, vakhtangov was not at the show, it was
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the studio members who accepted shchyukin, and vakhtangov treated shchyukin, well, he saw, he saw, well , a man came, well, he said, well, show that you can, and he sat through it, he proved, there is something written in his hand that he saw vakhtangov’s talent, he is a detailed person, he is very, he, when he came somewhere, he wrote everything down. he had a wonderful family, tatyana, he was so modest man, this is the story of his falling in love with shukhmina, this is his wife shukhmina shchyukina, when they had, well , a little higher social status, and he came, he didn’t do anything, even he couldn’t confess his love, it was she who determined that he he was in love with her, she was the one who brought him, he was a very modest person,
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yegor was born, this son is wonderful, and he lived like this all his life, they wrote to him that you can’t deceive adults, you can’t go out on the street, he told him the whole sheet writes how he should behave, what he doesn’t should enjoy the benefits of those who enjoy it, here he is to his son, he was an amazing person. solemn ceremony of inauguration of president of the russian federation vladimir putin. live broadcast on may 7 at 12:00 moscow time. we continue, this is a podcast. wonderful, i am with you, its host, writer alexey varlamov, my guests are
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the rector of the shchyukin theater institute evgeny vladimirovich knyazev and the rector of the shchepkin higher theater school, boris nikolaevich lyubimov. boris nikolaevich, as it turned out that this modest young man, who was even embarrassed to confess his love, became such a superstar of soviet cinema, it was he who was entrusted with playing the role of lenin, it’s not a joke, playing lenin. this is not a joke at all, yes, because in general, well, imagine, this is lenin in october, lenin in the year eighteen, this was filmed in the thirty-seventh and thirty- eighth, so, in total, so to speak, 20 years, but what happened in this time in the country in the thirty-seventh and thirty water, perhaps, it’s pointless to tell here now, this is a very big responsibility for everyone, because the revolution was made by lenin, stalin , the people, yes. from lenin's inner circle,
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in fact, by that time they were either pushed aside, like krupskaya, or shot, so here is a step to the right, a step to the left, and it can end with anything, in that he looks like lenin, gorky saw this , back in 1932, when they were rehearsing there, and balychev was rehearsing, he told him that you look kind of like... lenin and ruben simonov, it stuck with him somewhere when simonov was looking for an artist to play lenin, he remembered gorky’s phrase and offered this role to shchyukin, and the first appearance was in the akhtangov theater, a man with a gun, a man with a gun, it was, they say, it was some kind of bomb effect, when lenin you...
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the scene when - specially with the artist they made a long corridor so that lenin, who is walking with a long gait along the corridor of smolny, then shadrin in the role of tolchano will come out to meet the seagull, nowhere to get boiling water, there ’s a comrade who won’t tell him, and he leads him to the other side, they say it was some kind of, well, the effect of an exploding bomb, the appearance lenin on... write what he is like, they didn’t bet on copper,
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they said he’s red-haired and with a sideways eye, but we... we think that he’s an independent man, strict and of enormous stature, what can we do, but what can we do? you can't help it, something is written, let's go to sleep, yes, yes, sleep, in fact, i had a feeling, now, when i watched this film, that this is some kind of fig in my pocket, that this is some kind of... then the joke that lenin looks there, well, so funny, that’s how similar he is to all these jokes about lenin that we told, that i don’t i really understand how everything was possible back then... he had to be perceived by most of the audience as the most humane of people, well, before iosifanovich
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stalin, so to speak, there was a difficult role, on the one hand, the great lenin, on the other hand, neither by no means outshine stalin, well, yes. not to cause the effect of some kind of jealousy, this is really on the edge of a knife, here it was, apparently this entire film crew everyone understood that the price of the issue was simply not worked out yet, because in the next part, say, the pogodin trilogy, the kremlin chimes, after all, lenin is also the main one there, and stalin is very second. lenin was always played by people's artists of the ussr, major actors, but the role of stalin there was not very good.
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with the number of a man with a gun, stalin watched as stalin came out, yes, it seems to me that this is very important, here’s another question about why he came to this role, after all, from his generation of vaktangovites, he of course stood out for the role of yegor balucheva. maybe that’s also why it coincided with him so much, because after all, he was apparently not a very healthy person, and even at the age of 40, like those who they saw him, they say that this theme of death, in general, is also quite early in death, he is already , so to speak, not an ancient old man, she
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already lived in him, this feeling, so to speak , of ill health and power, he... the student played in such a way that he actually won the play, which nerovich danchenko later staged and was less successful than the performance of the vaktangov theater, and he immediately became the first artist of the vaktangov theater, then a man with a gun, then these two films and an absolutely untimely, of course, death, i want it again to say, at 40 at the peak of absolute glory, then so to speak, it’s even difficult to imagine how he... could develop, but in general, in general, this is his illness, it’s acquired, because he, when the revolution happened, he around these years he came to moscow, returned from koshira, i can’t tell you the exact date now, he lived in the poveletskaya area,
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he walked to the studio on mansurovsky lane, he had to work during the day to earn his living, because you have to pay for the studio. melting and cold, he was already there, because he had nowhere to go, and he complained to his comrades that i don’t feel well, i don’t feel well, his comrades, they even called him a malingerer, they all the time thought that he
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was slandering himself in order to achieve something i couldn’t really complain about that, he was always feeling some kind of malaise, he was always with... still overcoming it, and even these days he’s filming at night, and it’s still unknown what will come of it, that’s the result, he fell asleep and didn’t wake up, what a short life he lived, before his death, he read a paradox about an actor, that’s how it is, it’s his paradox about an actor , he opened this book, he did it, he lived only in the theater, he had no other life, all his correspondence is only about the theater, only empathy. that here he was, he walked and thought about how he could play the mayor, because he was preparing for it, the premiere was about
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to take place, he didn’t have something there and something like that was there, he walked , was looking for speech, he was looking for a manner of speaking, he invented it for myself, yes, when i arrived in paris, i was not famous, fashion seemed to have frozen between the seventies and nineties, within this... i think that he has all the qualities of a young fashion designer, i myself was once young, and what especially attracts him is his sense of fashion, the artist touches on the theme of costumes , dresses and...
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look how beautiful the mountains are, the gorgeous coastline, meet the creative lighthouse, for more than 100 years he has never stopped his work, here nuts, sufofruits, these are treats for animals, you can treat them, it’s very difficult to surprise herrings, but for me now this is the biggest surprise of the whole trip. have you tried peeling gas? yes, i prepared this beautiful black sea fish for you, and i found a gorgeous one...
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may 5 on the first, we continue, this is the podcast life of the remarkable, with you i, its host, writer alexey varlamov, my guest is the rector of the theater institute named after shchukina evgeniy vladimirovich knyazev and rector. higher theater school named after shchepkin boris nikolaevich lyubimov, i would like to take advantage of this opportunity, evgeniy vladimirovich, let’s talk a little about you, about your work, about the vakhtamgo theater today, you know me, so i understand that you have played a lot of work in cinema, in the theater, probably a separate podcast could be dedicated to this, but still, here’s what i personally very interesting, i’m very interested in zoyka’s apartment, because zoyka’s apartment was a play by bulgakov, which was performed immediately after the success of the turbyan days in mkhatovsky, and was performed in the theater.
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there are dispersed in this performance, in this piece in the performance with these artists, but
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here we are alone and there is not a single national, nor deserved, we were all the same year old and came out on stage and performed this performance, so i am grateful, well, firstly, this is bulgakov, and the theme and pain, and who played the main character, yul rudberg played with us? russian literature and the works go on the stage of the theater pushkin lermontov and tolstoy and the queen of spades masquerade and of course war i play in everyone and you play in everyone that’s why i’m asking, let’s now also look at the screen this is war and peace boris nikolaevich what’s this the colossal success of this boris nikolaevich doesn’t think so about the performance, but you don’t know , but i’m really imposing my opinion on what you say and that it’s a great success - that’s beyond
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any doubt even here. there is no need to argue about the performance, i think about the work of evgeni vladimirovich that this is one of, so to speak, the keys to this success - one hundred percent getting into the image of the old prince, but i have a more restrained attitude towards the performance, to be honest, well, nevertheless less, that i have the right to disagree with the audience, with the opinion of some of the critics and etc.
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an indelible impression, he left a mark for many years, of the three performances that you listed, i most loved the queen of spades staged by fomenko, even then he was still a pisser, he wrote about this performance, and i would like to add these three, look, yes, yeah, to these three performances i would add another wonderful performance without guilt, guilty, it seems to me that
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this is fomenka’s best performance at the vaktangov theater, this is this. here i’m just and you played in it, yes, i played the most unknown, yes, and the queen of spades, after all, the queen of spades, as far as i understand, you still have a one-man show , yes, oh, i after that, i when when the play had already left the repertoire, it was i who already made the queen of spades as a one-man show, but in general it would be two completely different things, because it dramatic performance, here for the audience.
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and there i tried to read for the first time without playing the queen of spades, and it seemed to me from the reception that this could be the case, then i decided to learn, already learn the entire work, now i play with great pleasure, it is very much in demand today, oddly enough, it turns out, because now there are also a lot of people who are trying to beat fate
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- yes, and pushkin wrote an incident, a fairy tale, an anecdote, an anecdote about three cards, which greatly influenced the imagination. it seems to me that today we remembered boris vasilyevich shchukin very well, we talked about your work, in general, this is completely unnecessary, let’s talk a little more about shchukin, something or about the school, our school too, about that, maybe maybe potential applicants are looking at us, no, to me, everyone man is born with a thirst for creativity. they will come to the theater and will only work, who will not be able to do anything else but do this, like kakin, for example, who wanted nothing else for himself except to play on stage, he was ready
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to endure such difficulties and hardships in order to achieve this come, we live much easier, today, no one is hungry, no one suffers, well, maybe not everyone there eats pickled vegetables... but there are no hungry people, compared to the same twenties, thirties, when people had to survive, when he there was a very rich man, because he had two coats, yeah, a demo season and a winter one, and everyone wore one, so if you have the passion to engage in this profession, and i’m not without appeal, this person himself will come and tell you that he comes, but those who come are us... i never argue with boris nikolaevich, who go to the shchepkinsky institute, i don’t stop anyone, who at first treat us well, and then say: but we want to go to the shchepkinsky school,
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go because every person determines our own destiny, and since we have a graft of the vakhtangov theater, our theater exists only due to or in spite of the fact that over all these long years... our theater, when it doubled, tripled, other theaters split in two, were upset, but we never we didn’t share, when we tried to stick to the same school, even when a very famous artist came to etush and said that i want to teach you, he said, great, come work for us, but only i would like to change the school, he said, oh no, you will work for us at the school that we, which we received from the hands of vakhtangov and... which was developed by boris evgenievich zakhava, wonderful, and we preserve, hold on to this school, try in any case as much as possible, because it is easy to destroy, difficult to create. boris nikolaevich, what would you
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say, but i would certainly say, and i say, when he comes, think about it, do you need it, if you are ready, even with great talent, you will have a hamlet today. and tomorrow you will have a second gravedigger - are you ready to play not hamlet, the second gravedigger? if you're ready, then yes, you can then, so to speak, for the rest of your life , associate yourself with the scenes, with the theater, with intrigues, with the fact that you will not have roles for some time, for some time you will have less money than your neighbor in the makeup bourne, roles to cinema and so on, if you adore this smell of the scenes, then you... so to speak, yes, if you are ready at some point, if life doesn’t work out at all, if something to find some kind of second profession within theater, but i will be anyone,
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but only in the theater, then it makes sense to do it, but i also want to say that there is no here jealousy and in relation to the studiokhata school and the shchekino school, sec will find its way in gitsi and... anywhere, yes, here too we try to preserve, so to speak, our traditions, developing them, and live in this small, but existing collectives in different ways, a kind of unity, with their own problems, but, but here we stand and hold on, and we have been holding on for our school for more than 200 years, we in this sense, and here in this year. 110 years, also a lot, very, of course, of course, and 130 years for boris vasilyevich shchukin, here such a double anniversary, so it’s as if we are also in this anniversary,
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it was not easy for us to survive all these difficult years, but, but it is possible, and this profession, it, if, as kruchenina said , without the guilt of the guilty, how do you feel about the actor? is profession an art or a craft? what it is? it’s so rare that our profession and performances become art, but when this happens, you’re ready to probably give everything for it, because you succeeded, and while there, if there are performances, usually you’re some kind of a translator between lermontov and the auditorium, you transfer it there, but suddenly. something happens when the audience, as someone said, when, regardless of class, social status, finances.
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podcast life of the remarkable, visiting us thank you very much for this conversation, these were two rectors, two wonderful theater people, evgeniy vladimirovich knyazev, people's artist of russia, rector. theater institute named after shchukin, which we talked about today, and theaters boris nikolaevich lyubimov, rector of the higher theater school named after shchepkin. and we were also interviewed by the rector of the literary institute. yes, we figured out three rectors here. thank you.
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hello, the theater podcast is on air and i, its host anton getman, today our guest is the incredible prima ballerina of the bolshoi theater svetlana zakharova. hello, sveta. hello. tell me, please, was it your choice to choose the fate of the ballerina, or did your mother participate? well, probably in childhood. at the age of ten, when you need to go learn this profession, at at that moment, of course, i had no idea at all what it was, that is, i saw on tv how ballerinas dance, what ballet is, in principle, i had an idea, because i myself studied in different circles, and went i went to dances, went to gymnastics, that is, well, my life as a child, it was so very rich in different things.
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she graduated from a cultural education school, she danced, danced in groups, in ensembles, in the theater, there was also a drama group in which there was ballet, let’s say, she performed there, that is, she was like that very creative, when my moment came, let’s say, i grew up, and i had to make a choice, not even me, my mother, whether to take me to a vocational school or not, was not in our city.
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vocational school, i was born in the city of lutsk, we had to go to kiev, where at that time in ukraine there was the only choreographic, vocational school, and it so happened that my mother was a little confused, she remembered about her wonderful teacher, and who in the past was a ballerina from leningrad, so she took me to her to she just looked at my physical data, so she undressed me. i asked to stretch out my figure, that is, she looked at my figure, then she asked me to stretch out my foot, checked the turnout, she told my mother, why aren’t you taking her to leningrad? mom said, leningrad is far away, let her at least enroll somewhere closer, she says: take it, take it, she will definitely enroll, and i immediately got in the first time, why i say the first time, because it takes a lot of practice. in our
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ballet, that children who do not enter first year, they definitely try to get in next year, but i got in right away, there was a huge set, it was huge, i don’t even mean a set, but a competition, there were about 35 people per place at that time, it was , yes, indeed, instead three rounds, it was four rounds, because there were so many children who scored the required score that the commission was confused and added one more - a round, well, there is also a whole story with this, that is, we had to change tickets every day, because to be honest , mom thought that right after the first tour, i’ll cure her, which means her soul will calm down, what she did, and we’ll go home, yes, we had nowhere to eat, and tickets, which means we had difficulty, my mother changed the next day, and then i again again, in general, every day my mother went, changed these tickets, and we spent the night at the school in the basement of the duty room. she
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sheltered us because at that time there was a hotel there, you know how difficult it was to rent, it was still soviet times, then we spent the night at the same house attendant, that’s just how i remember. how i prepared last night for the next round in the corridors of the choreographic school, i danced this number to my mother, which i had to show to the commission, that is, if so very briefly, this is the story of my admission, the most interesting thing is that when i entered the school in kievskoye, i lived afterwards of course in a boarding school, and my mother lamented that well, we have relatives in moscow and in st. petersburg we have relatives, but there is no one here, and so why am i talking about this, because in... you know, i lived, girls from my class also lived with me, uh, someone lived nearby, well, someone was leaving to visit relatives, on saturday, sunday, i was left almost alone in the room, and because of this, my mother was very worried, at first she came to see
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me almost every week, by train, and spent 2 days with me, then left at night to go back to work, well, in general it was so difficult, i cried, my mother cried, it was very difficult, but... when such a certain moment came, let’s say, when they began to notice that something... it turns out, it became interesting, such childish excitement appeared, so the choreographic school brought me sent to st. petersburg for the vaganovo prix competition, and there i received second place, so i received second place and another boy from belarus, whose name is igor kolp, but the two of us are the only one who, let’s say, penetrated these pedestals, because he ... took third place, i took second place, all other places in solo or pair performances were naturally given to graduates and students of the vaganova school, tell me, is this the atmosphere of a boarding school, is this the atmosphere of a pioneer camp, or is it
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the atmosphere of a children’s camp? garden, this is a hostel, in in general, you can say this, a boarding school, that’s just what it was officially called, a boarding school for a choreographic school. here is one dining room for everyone, large rooms, after some time they were divided and we lived there, at first we lived seven people in a room, then they made renovations, i remember, and i lived with my classmate alone, and it was just happiness, so one phone for the entire boarding school, that is, you know, sometimes you can get through to my mother and the parents of other children there, i don’t know how many, about 100 children probably live in the boarding school. plus or minus, at that time not there was no cellular communication, no internet, nothing, and this only phone, it was the duty officer, only she managed to pick it up, one child spoke, immediately the phone rang again, they called, there was also such a notification
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on all floors that svetlana zakharova was there, come over to the phone, and you are three steps from the third floor, flying head over heels, because you understand that international long-distance communication is very expensive, and you run that... quickly, the main thing is that the call does not fail, in general, yes, of course , well, in general there is something to remember, because the harsh there were conditions, in fact, there was a group of children around, and it was quite like that, not only were the relations between the children in the class quite harsh, completely unfriendly, but still there was competition, you can already feel it absolutely immediately, especially if you are from a boarding school. there is no one to stand by for you, your parents live in another city, you can’t even pick up the phone at any time to call them to cry, or you have to run to the post office, long-distance phone, order a call, or wait, sometimes my mother couldn’t even get through to me, here i am saying because the duty officer
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received so many calls so that the children could communicate, in general, all this is very now, i had already forgotten about it, of course, thank you for reminding me, this is such a school. survival, probably in life, well , in general, for a child’s psyche this is quite a serious test, if i do, yes, you know, it happened that, well, i didn’t know why, it seemed like i didn’t do anything bad, but the girls from the room could stay with me for a week not to talk, these things happened, i couldn’t understand why, they just didn’t talk and that’s it, but to each other communicate, and i’m like an outcast, it’s not clear why, that is, then i already began to understand when i was allowed to, we... took exams, i had the highest grade for vocational training, then i already began to understand a little what was why this is happening, maybe the teacher paid more attention to me because he saw potential in me, there was nothing to eat there either, because it
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was a huge canteen that served, in addition to the choreography school, the music school and the school of artists, that is, there in general there was absolutely no... any conversation about calories, but in general about how to feed a child who is studying ballet, that is, 300 people came there, a huge queue still had to be stood in order...
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i am very grateful to her, but in at some point there she had some, let’s say , conflicts with the management of the school, she left, but we, you know, the whole class was just madly afraid of her, madly loved her, idolized her, and incredibly we listened to her and trusted her, believed when...
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yes, yes, well, you know, i’m built in such a way that some difficulties, they very quickly for me, you know, are somehow forgotten, and i don’t think about what happened yesterday, i think about how to live today and how, well, let’s say , organize tomorrow, yeah . so now i remembered it, even somewhere with a smile, with irony, maybe this is what i had to overcome, but it really educates, it builds character, and you know, there is such an expression as a ballerina’s character, yes, that’s it tell me what it is, yes, a ballerina character, it’s hard for me to tell you what it is, but apparently he has i have, that’s for sure, dear, beloved, the only one,
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there is no limit to this talent, she can take any song and sing it like an amazing classic romance, oh how beautiful. new season on may 5th on the first, the option that i offer you is the best, 10 km from the city, and they will provide care at the highest level. we have prepared our best apartments for you, no hint of a hospice or almshouse. an autograph is possible, i admire it from a young age, autograph, anna evseeva, actress, and her
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relatives give a double rate, fatal the lady, i would say, is a bitch, and you are a believer, a born atheist and in general, there is nowhere to take tests, again for the old one, yes, mom, you are sick, well, somehow you come to your senses already, you decided to hit me in the face, until you decide, take me arm in arm, and you lead him out into the courtyard. uh-huh, i’ll sneak into your limousine and we’ll go to europe, if your mother at her age wanted a boy, we should probably just be happy for her, i don’t want you to repeat my mistakes, anna andreevna, i’m not alphonse, oh, i'm daydreaming, the animator is on may 10th at the first, and you know that anima is the soul of latin. on air theater podcast and i, its host anton getsman, we continue the conversation with the prima
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ballerina of the bolshoi theater, svetlana zakharova. light, you moved to st. petersburg, new teachers, new classmates, or probably already classmates, it’s correct to say, new requirements, something fundamentally changed when i came to st. petersburg to study, and they took me, it happened after .
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nadirov, he said that the council decided that you need to graduate quickly and go to work in the theater, that is, in the marinin theater, naturally, something i had never even dreamed of, so, of course, it was a big shock for me, firstly, i was psychologically not ready to study one year into adulthood, not even into the theater, but into adulthood, here's the relationship with classmates, already in my senior year, suddenly a young girl arrives who, not only is she from another school, but she also jumps through the course, well, that is, this is initially some kind of very serious head start, so i’m lucky, i have there was a wonderful class, and there were two graduating classes, and the parallel class was very good, from
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a parallel class, and we girls, well, in general , many of them lived in the next rooms to me, so. and we were very friends, it’s amazing, for me it was a revelation that i arrived, a stranger, one might say, a stranger, and i was so accepted in the class, they worked with me a lot, studied, the girls and i went, walked, there were shops, museums, theater, there was such a quest, let’s say, ride like a hare from zocha, vorosi, come and take the tram, get to the theater without paying money, and so everyone stood there, so, well, this there was such an adrenaline rush, such, there was something to cook, eat, we also somehow all did it together in a group, somehow we still maintain warm relations, now many have already finished dancing, probably almost all of them, someone has already become a teacher at the aganov academy, someone continues to dance a little, someone already teaches in theaters, that is, we
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continue, when we meet, we continue to communicate very warmly, dear people, tell me,
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which one i also performed there , and i danced to maria, that is, i understood that the ballet is divided into two characters, so, when i danced giselle for the first time, then i really felt like a ballerina, the next stage was the bolshoi theater, 2003, yes, again a change of school, again a change of city,
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again a change of group and again a change teacher, but still you are already an accomplished ballerina, after all already... you are already a big, serious ballerina, you are already a star, here is the transition to the corpse of a big theater with other traditions, with another school, with other relationships, with other internal rules, it was psychologically difficult, no, it wasn’t it was hard, i was ready for it, and the only thing that was really hard for me was saying goodbye to my beloved teacher, olga nikolaevna moiseeva, she had already passed away, but at that moment she was such a close relative to me. the person, that is, this is the teacher who made me a ballerina, all the ballerina’s parts, she passed everything on to me, she was vaganova’s student. that is, she told me so much, she showed me everything so well, it’s just that on tour we were always close to her, well, very close a person dear to me, and the only thing, probably,
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at that moment i was very worried and regretted that i was parting with her, not because i was leaving the marinsky theater, i had a great international career, i danced in many theaters around the world, it’s just that all the doors were open, and i was invited a lot, that’s why... i already had such experience of working alone, i come, see my partner for the first time, and we start rehearsing, working, getting used to each other, well, that is this is also a whole, well, this is such a kitchen, i i was always surprised how two completely unfamiliar dancers, a ballerina and a dancer , meet for the first time, often you don’t even know each other, in 2 days you can dance about love, how is it possible, yes, yes, well, yes, here, here... here in i had already gone through everything, i was already a fairly experienced ballerina and independent, so, probably, at that moment i was ready to move to the big theater, the only thing is that if i
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rewind my life, then from my first appearance at the marinsky theater, 3 years passed month, and i received the first invitation from the big theater, yes, yes, yes, yes, that is, the first time i didn’t give my consent and only... the fourth time i gave my consent, each of my visits to moscow on tour carried with it an invitation to me to the bolshoi theater, when i anatoly genadevich aksanov invited me for the fourth time, for which i am very grateful to him, he promised support and care, in general, well, everything, everything , he fulfilled everything for me, fulfilled everything, yes, yes, yes, and i really was like god in my bosom, for me at that moment the main thing was that i could freely continue ride. in the theater, in which i had already signed contracts, so it was freer, i probably even felt, light, when you felt that you were a star, to be honest,
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i still don’t feel light, tell me, i ’m watching you nowadays , you are working a lot with youth and young dancers and very young dancers, this is an attempt to start a teaching career. i started thinking about children after my daughter was born, yeah, that's when you become a mother, uh, that's when a woman becomes a mother, she has a lot
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priorities change, this happened to me, too, when this little miracle appears in your hands, your dearest, and you understand that your performances, your rehearsals, this whole world career, the press and.. . there are many, many things around, it all just moves into the background like that, well , somehow it becomes side by side, it becomes not the main thing, yeah, but the main thing becomes this little man, who is your blood and flesh, so i started thinking about children, and you know, here’s mine mom, she is also such an ideological, let’s say, inspiration for me, she once told me, let’s organize a charity. a festival for children, so little is done for children, namely a dance festival, it turned out that in our country we did a festival not only for professional
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children, professional children performed there, but there were a lot of performances by groups that, well, let’s say, more for myself, that is, for many children this is not a future profession, this is not an artist and ballet, well in ours the country has so many amazing, interesting choreographic groups, they are different, i don’t know. how many times did we get to the point where somewhere in one festival, about 500 children came from all over our country, it was an amazing action, at that moment i somehow realized that we need to help the children, why do they study in choreographic groups in order to get on stage, and i offered them more, it’s all for charity, the festival took over and came. and accommodation, food, everything, everything, everything, and children from different cities of russia , they flew on trains, rode in buses, went to moscow, in luzhniki, we spent. this is
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a wonderful event, that is, for them it is also a journey, it is a whole adventure for them, yes, it was also a very important event for me, but when i was offered to become the artistic director of the educational program in sirius in the direction of choreography, here i am, of course began to work more closely with professional children; children, well, as a rule, who study in professional choreographic school. and this is somewhere from 11 to 18 years old 19 like this they come, well, that is , including graduate courses and graduate courses that can come during the year, well, children come throughout the year in groups of classes, and in the summer i once did such an experiment, i suggested children themselves , everyone who wants from all sides, but it is precisely those who study at a professional choreographic school who can apply on their own, and it
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worked out very well. now children have more opportunities to come to the center in the summer, and i collect unique teaching staff, they work with children from completely different schools, this may be, listen, such a mixture of schools, but this is the most important thing, this is really an amazing advantage, because well, when you study at the eifman academy or moscow academy, you don’t have the same opportunity to study with teachers from the neighboring one? yes, you just named these academies, these are the best, yes, moscow, st. petersburg, but here children study, they come to programs from saratov, from krasnoyarsk, from novosibirsk, from ufa, this a large number of completely different children, sometimes you have to refuse them, yes, there is still some kind of limit on the number, well, yes, yes, yes, yes, of course, it works out somewhere.
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three or four people per place according to requests, but you know, we work for results, each shift ends with a big grandiose holoconcert, each program, well , it’s more correct to say, all these children are there for 25 days, who are not in sirius, they are preparing for it , they are preparing for a concert, they are learning a new repertoire, new variations, some we are still being treated very well. master classes in modern choreography and children really like to study with teachers in modern choreography and beautiful numbers are specially staged for them, and children take courses in duet dance, i invite teachers, i really like to invite even artists who still dance, but who they can work well with children, and the children are also interested in this, not just a teacher, not just a teacher, but in front of
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them stands a star, an active one. from parents, from teachers who wrote and said: “the child returned different person." the solemn ceremony, the inauguration of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live
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broadcast. may 7 at 12:00 moscow time. the theater podcast and i, its host anton getman, are on air, we continue the conversation with the prima ballerina of the bolshoi theater svetlana zakharova. i know that you have been experimenting with neoclassical productions for quite a long time, i know that choreographers are creating works specifically for you, you are asking to license some of them
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, not only that, but we have started this. to study, we tried to dance better than in the original, it had to be, that is, we added so much of our own there, i don’t want to say that we changed the choreography, but we decorated it with our presence, that’s why yes, i always had it it’s interesting, of course, when you are a beginning young ballerina, your priority is the classics, to gain a repertoire, well, to gain is not the right word, to dance it.
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despite the fact that in moscow, if we talk only about moscow, although this can be said about the whole of russia, modern dance over the past 20 years was represented in such quantity, in such diversity that i think that the slikhva can outweigh any central european country,
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however, modern dance is not yet such a serious phenomenon in the theatrical context of moscow, st. petersburg, although there is a group in moscow. ballet moscow, for example, but nevertheless , this is still a very unstable territory, the professional curve of modern dance , why do you think? well, it's all about the choreographers, i think we took a lot from the west and studied and did not raise their own choreographers, well, of course we have boris yakovlevich eifman with his author’s theater, we have the amazing yuri posokhov, such bright choreographers, stars.
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young choreographers who don’t yet have what it takes to do this, i think it ’s necessary to do this because it’s a big risk, it’s a risk, you know, that is, i understand that you’re talking about that big name, which there is no large, large repertoire list for theaters, for companies, trust artists, trust time, this risk, because you can get a small death, but you can get yes... that is, you have to take risks, yes, i think you have to take risks, and where does a choreographer come from if he has no practice, and you argue with choreographers who for they are doing something to you, no, i’m not arguing, sometimes i’m yura posokhov, our amazing
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choreographer, who has staged a lot of performances in the big theater, every time he, and here he can choreograph so many movements in just a few bars of music why are you standing there and thinking, it’s me, i tell him so: build a system that they have to learn something, i can hold rehearsals, there teachers ask me for opinions, ask for some comments, as soon as i get to work, of course, as
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a professional i see a lot and see the potential in children , i want to fix it, but as a teacher, as my future profession, i don’t see this yet, tell me, with this crazy workload, do you have anything left? time for life, for family, my family, it was originally created this way, it so happened that my husband, vadim repin, he violin, sometimes it seemed to me that he was away from home even more time than i was. so he came, even here i am, in milan , somewhere else in paris, when he had a few days, he always came there or to moscow, naturally, then our daughter, anechka, was born, at first we took her there before school age with me, my mother traveled with me all the time, vadim flew to where we were, that is, we were a family all the time, when you are on tour everything is somehow easier and simpler, because you went to class, rehearsed in... in such a way that
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we initially from the first day of my acquaintance with vadim were with us, that is, it was clear that we could not, let’s say, be under the same roof every day, well, even so, because everyone’s schedules are big, i remember we open our schedule, compare it, and i was shocked because i saw that... vadim’s schedule does not have the opportunity to fly to moscow for at least one day during the month, but here somehow he ordered everything so godly that anyway, somewhere, somewhere somehow he escaped and we still spent time together, and what i want to say is that we basically have my anyuta now, she does professional rhythmic gymnastics and spends all day in the training room, and so i’ll be honest, we meet either in the morning and... already in the evening. svetochka, you have an absolutely
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incredible career. on the one hand, it consists of some accidents, but if you look back, these accidents, of course, all line up into a pattern. i am eternally grateful to you for coming. you are, of course, a real hard worker, and i think that your stellar career is absolutely deserved because it is something that you have certainly worked very hard to earn. thank you very much, thank you, it was a theater podcast and i, its host anton getman, my guest was the prima barelina of the bolshoi theater svetlana zakharova. hello, this is a psychic podcast and we continue to pull the splinters out of your hearts and...
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somehow it wasn’t so hard, and then, when
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mikhail was one and a half years old, we had a daughter, and since the girl was born prematurely, she needed a lot a lot of attention, a lot of time, and of course, these are constant rehabilitation doctors, and i want to have time, so to speak, to give that older child all the attention, he also needs his mother, and of course he was still very young for a year and a half at that time. plus, such a child seems to require a lot of attention, well, what was the last straw or some turning point when you realized that it seemed so, you need to deal with this situation, it seems that something is going wrong, well, that's why you're very tired, and it’s as if you can’t do less, and you’re trying to have this internal race - to do as much as possible, but you realize that it’s physically impossible, that is, when you fall asleep somewhere on the floor. children's, when
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you don't remember the last time you ate there, there or some other such things, just at some point you realize that it all accumulates, plus some other problems accumulate, there, for example, problems with health, which you need to solve there with your self-realization, since you understand that children, they will grow up to think too far, you have long-term planning, denis, and are you an involved dad? yes, i try to help actively, so you try to help when faith asks you, or you yourself already understand that you have to do this, and you already realized that it’s very difficult for her. yes, i ’ve known for a long time that i’m heavy, but once they tried this question, i offered to cook something instead of her, she refuses, so unload her, that is, she refuses for you to come to the kitchen and cook something , fully, so that you can cook it yourself, and help there, now olga will deal with you professionally, and now please, at such an everyday level, i
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didn’t understand something, it means you don’t remember the last time you ate, it means you you fall asleep in the nursery, you understand that in this race you are not... i’m a perfectionist and i really want some kind of ideal result from my point of view, so it always seems to me that i ’ll come now and do better, that’s it that's it, that's how it should be, well olga, i'm like that i understand that there is a lot of things mixed together here in one bottle, yes, a lot, yes, here there is a desire to unload oneself, yes, it contrasts with desire, with desire everything. manage to be good in everyone’s eyes, including in your own eyes, yes, the internal controller is precisely your controller, that is, it is not a man who plays the role here, yes, who comes and says: you don’t have 20 dishes prepared there, i’m already upset , and you set
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such a bar for yourself and try to reach it, but it still hits you in the face, that’s right it turns out, yes it turns out so, it’s internal. you don’t realize it at the moment, then, when you’re already tired, when you’re already on the floor with the children, you already understand, yes, you probably should have given him the opportunity to cook there, maybe it’s impossible for him to track it, because you agree, something can be done there i wanted to convey it, do it, but in the moment it’s impossible to do it, now the body is already so exhausted, moving like this at such a speed that it’s simply impossible to stop, let’s try.
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that i want to allow myself to rest, i want, i i want to raise some kind of children, independent , viable, viable, yes, i want, and now it is very important to show them what to want - this is about education, about our life,
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that is, when i love myself, i teach to love myself. when i teach them to take care of themselves, yes, i show them this, but if you protect them all the time, all the time, guard them, yes, then they will always rely on their mother, all the time only to their mother, to their mother, to mom, describe it in a little more detail, yes, this is the day, how is your day going, yes, how is the day, oh, well it’s our usual weekday, we’re around 6:00, i wake up, i literally have 10 minutes there to wash my face and get ready.
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so that the weather there is good, and everything is there, if everything, something goes wrong, then that’s it, he’s no longer in the mood, he may not go anywhere anymore, pay attention, yes, what mom says, even the weather has an effect , yes, that is, if the child planned sunny weather, it should be sunny, yes, yes, if we agreed to go by tram and suddenly it ’s not there, we need to go by taxi, then yes hysterical, look, at the same time my mother says: that he looks like me, of course, a mirror, just a mirror, he is very careful about how he looks, so that he is even, that’s all , so that he has a haircut, so that he... so to speak, well, as the psychologist told us before in the kindergarten, in order to please his parents, he wants to look better in order to
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please his parents - what is this about? a three-year-old child wants to be liked, that is, not unconditionally, it seemed to me that a child at 3 years old is something like that, well, usually yes, it’s something like that, unconditionally confident that the world is open to him, his parents love him, accept him, suddenly... a psychologist pulls out of him that he has a task, yes, he keeps it in his head, his parents like him, well, we love misha very much, and i spend time with him, maybe say, most of this time, especially now, we always tell him that we love him, that, but he has this, he finds out that his mother will come to the matinee, that’s it, he needs to perform in the front row, his mother will come , uh-huh, mom will watch, he wants pride, he wants... love in a behavioral way level, speaking means conveying words, and the behavioral level is when the child
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unconditionally believes in what mom loves, yes, and if mom only loves neat, then he will try, then he will try to be exactly neat, always neat, and that is, if something is untidy, he will perceive that my mother doesn’t like me in this state... she loves me if vera tells her son that you are great, you are good, you are wonderful, but at the same time, even without any comment, she quickly removes from him a t-shirt with small spot, puts on another one, then he still gets it in his head that something was wrong, yes, she doesn’t scold him, mom tensed up, mom tensed up and the children read, like children even read with us, they read with us two, two levels, a smile is one thing. a sad mother or a tense mother in the eyes,
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even one who lisps, is touched, says, he will rely on vision, what the mother shows, moreover, if the mother is still like this, here tired, here smiling, the child will understand that this is from -for me me, mom gets tired, it’s my fault for her constant movement of fatigue.
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when you make an adjustment, we’ll put on boots instead of sneakers, yes, you’re already starting to do something, fuss, do something, maybe faster, something not planned, and the child reads this tension, they’re just bundles of energy in 3 years old, intellectualization doesn’t work there yet, the child can’t explain something, put it into categories, like we adults do, yes, he’s like that, he looked at mom, mom is a little tense, mom... she quickened her pace a little, the mother began to change things a little faster so that the child would not be upset, and you both tighten this knot, and feeling each other’s tension, how
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interesting, and... my daughter is the same, no, our daughter is like that , she’s all on her wavelength, she runs, puts on everything that was lying everywhere, everything that there are some hairpins, that is, she’s just cool, she woke up and she’s cool, yes, she’s everywhere, she’s ready to go anywhere, explain that two parents have the same children, they have two different children, but here we need more look at the fact that we are born with a temperament,
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she doesn’t want to attract your attention, take your attention, why? because in this case the tension there will increase, the brother’s tension will increase, and what will this threaten? well, because he quarrels with her, accordingly, what she does, like her husband, she pulls away, it seems that this is called avoidant behavior, this is called distancing, and avoidant behavior, that is, i don’t want that... here that energy was directed at me, they are still here somehow interact, they interacted like this before me and will continue to interact like this, and i will watch this too, i feel calmer this way, i feel more confident, the point is that you understand, if a mother directs the vector of her tension to her daughter, daughter he also gets lost and thinks, what should i do about this,
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my mother is so used to communicating with her elders, she’s the same model when... she poisons me, i’m lost, and i’d rather be there, then we’ll boil some potatoes with dad until mom boils the potatoes, no, by the way, she’s very competitive with her brother, that is, she is quite jealous of the fact that she now needs to be picked up, she looks at him so much that they took me, i’m now in my mother’s arms, and there so that to her there, and if misha behaves calmly, then at that moment masha begins to pull on herself.
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evening of may 9 on the first, this is a psyche podcast and today, together with family psychologist olga shubina, we are meeting with a married couple who does not know how to find the right harmony between parental responsibilities and with your marital happiness. let's talk now about denis's life, how is your family's day going? - i wake up, dress my husband’s daughter, and have breakfast with her. which one of you will have a daughter? we basically mostly wake her up, together, as if i were combing her hair, dad dresses her, so, that is, the team, when i don’t have time, she will have faith, basically i try to wake her up, dress her, then we go to breakfast, we comb our hair there before breakfast , after breakfast we go to the garden, they go to different ones, that is, they have different places, different schedules, and you distributed, distributed in in general, in a fairly fair way, it turns out, yes, yes, with misha, that with him,
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he wants to spend more time, it’s important for misha to go with his mother, to go, but he stays late at home, he is capricious sometimes, so i only go with masha mostly. and how do you feel when misha is capricious, when i’m angry with him, yeah. yeah, that is, you both experience such tension, but that’s why it’s better, of course, to pass it on to your mom at this moment, but how do you cope? now it has become a little easier because masha went to the garden, and that is, i have there is at least some thought that now i will take him to the garden, then i will have breakfast there, for example, there or something else i can do, and as if when you understand that you need some kind of the moment to wait out this mood, it’s easier to cope, otherwise. of course, when you understand that you need to run further there, that there is still a child and you need to devote time to him, then now you are nervous and in a hurry, trying to somehow make it, uh-huh, uh-huh, it turns out that
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he of course this makes me more nervous when you left for the maternity hospital, please tell me how very, very abruptly it happened, because at the twenty-seventh week my waters broke and they took me away. we were just going to go to the center, take a walk, yes, but basically that day he was in a good mood, because his cousin came, and he was very happy, in principle he didn’t even want to leave with us, he was calm in the room, playing with her, then yes, the fact that i wasn’t somewhere, probably for two weeks, while i was in the maternity hospital, he was with the grandmothers, with grandfathers, but outwardly something like that, so that he would cry, yes, he asked there, and where is mom, well, no, well, he probably felt it, but this...
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they pass it from hand to hand, like everything is fine, i receive warmth, i receive contact, but there is no one to express it with, and of course we haven’t been there for 2 weeks, yes, then, when you came, how did the child react, well, he was very happy, yes, that’s how... when he arrived home , and it so happened that masha was in the maternity hospital for 3 months, while she was at full term, and as if during these 3 months he was without his sister, yeah, well, well, we’re with him together everywhere, this time, the first two weeks, somewhere after you appeared, did he hang in his arms, that’s different, mom, he always hangs in his arms, even now, when he is 3 and a half years old, he’s like i wish i could hug you all the time. to sit here, to hug him there, to hold him there somehow, to hold his hand there, we even walk down the street, he always walks by the hand, even if there is no danger, in principle i i can let him go,
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he will insist on going by the hand, little feather, and your dad and mom praised him, well, yes, but our dad left, as if when i was 2 years old, and i was very worried, i probably sat in the hallway for about a day, waiting for my dad to get home from work, because they explained to me that he works and... i kind of waited, but then somehow we got used to it, the older sister was probably more worried, and my mother praised me, but my mother is quite demanding, but please tell me, i just saw such an emotion you, here you are about the fact that your father left, you sat and waited for him to come, now you’re telling me what feelings, well, i don’t know, it seems to me that it’s just that at that moment they probably couldn’t explain it, but the very fact that you’re like, well, this is this feeling. that you feel that something is wrong, something has changed, no, you didn’t just change, you were sitting, they were waiting for him in the corridor, yes, and you still remember this, yes, yes, at the age of two, she i still remember, yes, and what
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this divorce meant for you, then, well, dad later came to us much less often, of course, and of course he always, well, just like anyone phone call - it's dad calling, the doorbell rang, it's dad who came, there's a man there who looks like him. walked down the street, it’s dad , it probably turns out that you both suffered the loss of a significant adult at almost the same age, and you both want to sort of distance yourself from each other, the first child is generally considered in family psychology as a projection child, all mother’s projections that come from their parental family, they will be very strongly reflected there, but here we are... we can smoothly discuss that the question is, why does mom try so hard to be a good mother, because the boy’s praise is important to her, and she doesn’t talk like that about her daughter, yes, so that misha, her
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three-year-old son, would praise her, misha, by the way, is very similar to me in appearance, that is, he has the same hair, the same eyes, he seems to be very similar in appearance, our marusya is fairer, blue-eyed, she probably looks more like her dad, i want to hear from him that i’m good. at the very beginning she started talking about how i want to be a good mother, good, so he hears, he hears it, you know, emotionally. something else, they spend time with him there, and sometimes we try to separate the children, so that only misha goes there with his parents, so that it’s his for a while, there, or only masha goes somewhere with her parents, so and also to separate them, so that only with his mother, marusya, for example, was very happy here when the two of us went to...
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scary, the most terrible thing he is afraid of is not love, not love, he is not afraid of love, he wrapped up, simply overwhelmed with love, filled with love, filled with love - this is when there is a lot and i still want, what if mom disappears, what if mom disappears, there was already, there was already an incident, mom will disappear, and if mom gets distracted, what if mom gets lost. sight, yes, this is all very, very
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, i think i understand, you mean that faith , having set in itself such a pace of this race towards itself first of all, yes, these are the obstacles that are over the head, through which you need jump over, yes, fly over, as you want on the morally strong-willed, yes, a distance that a person cannot overcome and a speed at which horses do not run, but here is faith in yourself came up with, she, as the most significant reference adult, as a role model, has already taught...
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you have already dismissed them, rejected them, devalued them, or with the best intentions, of course, exclusively with the best intentions, of course your husband should eat the best pasta, of course, i always pack lunch with me from odenis, so i’ll die,
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whoever is in pain makes that request, i don’t know how to do it correctly, i appeal as best i can, the matrons were not born in a large family, because the moment cartridges appeared in the nikonov family, there was only one child, girls of ten years old, i can’t say that i believed in it so boundlessly, but i just assumed that it could be, so... in may we had stesha,
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some kind of divine providence, well they just stood before the night, and i mentally, in my thoughts , turning to the matron, i say, look, holy matron, come to me as if i were alive, may 5 on the first, on victory day, on the first, mom, hold the car, commander , calmly, romeo, calmly, let's sit down, attention, earth, well done, fall! commander, they are going into battle only old people. may 9, after the program time!
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i howl, i see yes, that he wants to help, he loves, he is interested, he came to us, for men it is a feat to even come to a psychologist for an appointment, you can immediately be given a hero, i just don’t know, a hero of the region for sure or district, and you still came to the program, no, in fact, denis is such a very involved dad, that is, when he always comes home, he immediately goes to the children, he’s there as soon as he hasn’t even changed his clothes yet, he’s already on his way there, there, but it turns out. you and i usually do dinner i cover it, and he goes to communicate with the children, so we literally arrive at the same time, vera comes with the children, kindergarten, and then i come, yeah, and you distribute a little responsibilities, yes, and i go to the children, she does everything, yeah, and then when you call them to
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the table, well, i call them to eat, so they all come, well, misha is naturally the first, but mostly misha, whom misha praises, and well, misha usually comes. looks at what they put in front of him, says, oh, there, there, there is my favorite soup, there or there, well sometimes, of course, he says, i won’t eat that, but then that’s it anyway, he sits down and mostly eats, yeah, but i also want him to praise him, but he eats himself poorly often , yes, he basically tries this infantile behavior, that is, for his mother to feed him, for his mother to give him there, and his mother she begins to suffer that her child is not eating well enough, as an ideal child should eat, i don’t think so, it seems to me that if something happens. it’s not difficult, it’s like out of the category, like him, for example, there he can ask to change his clothes, i don’t like this there, i want another one there, i don’t want it this t-shirt, let's see everything, when it kind of looks like something simple, you think, so what, let's change the t-shirt, well, i'll feed him there with a fork, then it
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seems like it's not worth it he was upset, uh-huh, yes, i can change his clothes himself, or he doesn’t like something, he came up, took them, changed his clothes, yes, wait, but you can watch him like... denisa torobka says, i understand correctly that you probably tried more than once to say, vera, let him change clothes himself, but you got it right there, no, a little different, to say, i say that i didn’t feed so often, strongly myself, he ate more himself, she feeds all the time, and why don’t you listen to the words of your husband, because i feel sorry for my beloved son, yes, he eats in the garden himself, he doesn’t have such problems in a cafe, that is, if we go somewhere, he eats fine on his own, he has such a problem, only at home, you don’t need to feed him, you just need to delve into it less, denis, what are you, what you feel that my wife doesn’t hear me, that my wife doesn’t hear you, and therefore neither does the child doesn’t hear dad, so the child is not proud of dad, dad is not an authority, so
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staying with dad is like, what if something is wrong, yes, what if something is wrong, mom knows better, mom will scold us if anything happens, but now let's go back to the beginning of... the program: you came with a request on how to preserve yourself, uh-huh, and at the same time raise children to be independent, independent, from the short story that olga and i just heard, children with whom they behave more independently , in front of dad, yeah, that is, who is great, dad, dad is great, say it again, dad well done, denis, well done, well done, and at home you praise so much, at home? probably, well, kind of sometimes, yes, well, maybe just admit this fact and say, dad, listen, you’re great, i’ll have to follow your example, maybe i really shouldn’t feed, as he advises so often, well, probably, yes , probably then, that
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you will have more, some kind of harmony in the family , there will be more balance, there will be more strength, smart girl, denis, now tell me, you said at the very beginning... i want the children to be independent, yes, independent - what are they? well self-sufficient, so that they can take care of themselves, can solve some issues themselves, make decisions there, themselves, what will i go in, for example, yes, where will i go, what kind of doctor do i want to become, or a teacher there, and something... then to myself, in the future everything is everything. you’re not very interested, no, no, and as if
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this is the only function, then probably with the children, well, they see that you’re giving everything to someone, yeah, that’s right, they’ll be a third more, yeah, no, they don't see you fulfilling any social role, you don't you even perform a marital role, you have distanced yourself from your spouse, i’m all about the children, i need to cook food, i need... everything, everything, everything, she’s holding the dome, she told you olga, she’s holding the dome, you know, i have no time , i, as a woman in general, have lost my role, and as a social object, and i have also lost it as a daughter for my mother, most likely you will also keep such a dome, because i need to prevent my mother from interfering in the upbringing of my children, let’s imagine, just now the world of dreams, and what if suddenly you become like this... “and i want to decorate a picture there, i bought myself a picture, sleep
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until 9, today is daddy’s day, daddy’s day, daddy’s morning, that’s it, i sleep until 9, what will happen to the children at this moment? well, masha is probably more calm he will take it in, but he will also knock on me, try to open the door, we even carried out a general cleaning here this weekend, closed the door with a mattress so that they could not get in there, there were just fights to take the room by storm, to go in there. participate in the cleaning, but everyone together, yeah, he just wants to be close, yes, he wants just feel mom all the time, why, because only with mom is it safe, because only mom knows what boots or sneakers to wear when the weather turns bad, uh-huh, he can’t support himself at the moment when mom is on the horizon, but mom isn’t there, is ... dad, what am i doing, i’m already starting to think about myself, when my mother is there, yes, i
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want to please my mother, that means i have to be next to her, i have to be in front of her eyes all the time, look how we are to an unexpected conclusion for me we come to the end of our conversation, so that our heroine, faith, has time for herself, has strength for herself, has some kind of space. she needs to help strengthen dad’s authority in the eyes of her children, that is, not protect her, on the contrary , invest as much as possible in dad’s authority now, that is, send the child, say: mom, what am i going to eat, ask dad what should i wear, dad will say, uh-huh , i’ll go for a walk today, as dad decides, look, the most important thing in your condition is in your emotional tension. just sit down with a piece of paper and write the role of the mother write
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what percentage is the role of the mother write the role of the woman - what percentage is the role of the woman and the role of the daughter of her mother and what percentage and then see if i can somehow weaken my maternal role where i will weaken it here here here here here and add something about yourself. children will be happy to see a happy mother, a happy one who takes care of herself, for her daughter, how wonderful it will be to see a woman who takes care of herself, she will love herself for sure also try to take care of yourself, yes, mom should not become a victim, very good and somehow so correct olga said that you are a team with the whole family, right?
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look how much sincerity is in his eyes, he says the very first thing he said, i want her to sleep, so a man can say, the one who is simply crazy about his woman, who simply even wants the very, the very, the very for her, well look, give him a gift, please, get some sleep, get some sleep, let him unload the laundry car or load it with whatever he wants, and then praise him, well, friends, it seems to me that with this married couple we managed to find the right path to their happiness.
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come to us too, tell us, and together we will try to pull out those very thorns . your hearts so that everyone is happy.
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what happened russian patrol russian patrol.
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are you alone here, or were yours alone, we were only escorted to the city, then we ourselves, what were you doing in the city, a special task, now it will feel a little better, you need to sleep,
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you hear, try to sleep,
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3:14 am
the pressure is dropping, 200 more blood, clamp, peu pintal sodium, we are preparing, it’s empty here, comrade major, how empty, what the hell, run, run, 50 oxygen bags, wrote down 50
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oxygen bags, key to the warehouse, more blood, urgently.


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