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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 4, 2024 3:15am-4:00am MSK

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they took away all the essentials: sulfitin, glucose, hexinal blood, all our operations are now at a standstill, i called and they said i’ll bring something only in 3 days, but it’s too late, who was on duty at night, i didn’t see or hear anything. no, they just brought in the wounded, i didn’t see anything suspicious. how long was it? at night in the morning, just before your arrival. yes, there were a great many traces of the robber. they worked roughly, most likely, they hid it with a crowbar or crowbar, but the ears on the lock on my mailbox are even more serious. there were only a few operations at night, so no one came down here. is this one warehouse for
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the entire hospital, or what? there is only one like this in the whole city, why did you guard it so poorly? are you local? that’s right, before the war he worked here, then at the front, after being wounded he asked to be transferred, he was transferred, sergei sergeevich, stop swearing there, he didn’t say anything anymore, our bukomor will quarrel, but what else is left, sergei sergeevich, there ’s nothing at all up there i can’t hear it, well, that’s what i thought. you keep reports, but what? where is the documentation? here is the complete list, what is it? two boxes, two more boxes? and what is this? and what do these boxes look like? well, this is not a box, this is a box, and how many of these were there? well 10, right? such 10 and seven donor
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blood? yes, you can’t just bring it, it’s past the duty officer, why did you need to sell so much at the market, or what? medicine requires special storage, and blood requires a refrigerator. everything is clear, they either wanted to ruin our stored goods, or help their own, or both, in any case the group worked. what is this, foreign? just now we received very good painkillers from the allies. where is your evacuation plan? evacuation diagram above. the list of medications has been distributed to all posts in the market, if something pops up right away to me, there is, let go of the elderberry, he has an alibi, the soldier at the checkpoint confirmed that he spent the whole night with wounded soldiers, interesting, the fastest way . get to the hospital, then through
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the window, svetlana petrovna, come on, wait, what are you doing here, work here, they pay money, they don’t pay anything, they give food, and at night i was here today, no, but what, they robbed a warehouse with medicines, it’s not me, but i know, the questions are different. do you want to help the red army? and what should be done? you don’t need to do anything, just work the same way you worked, only if you see some stranger who is snooping around and asks, call me right away, understand? and we’ll give you a certificate, it’s like reconnaissance, exactly, but not for anyone? a ruble, sales, rations, a red army soldier with condensed milk, and yesterday a congratulatory worker took herself home yesterday, i saw everything, well done, keep up the good work, here’s some chocolate for you? on
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she has the phone, but i have to go, thomas, hello, hello, are you sick? no, i came to pick up some medicine for school. sorry, i have a lot to do. wait, thomas, when will you finally tell us the whole truth? what truth? about horoscopes, we are interested in lieutenant sveridov. horoscope, yes, come at any time, preferably during the day, we can come home, is it convenient? it’s better to go to school, any time during the day to go to school. i think that you pushed the boxes through
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the window, and then he spooled them in the fence, but you just can’t get past the duty post, where sat, a guzenian, yes, then, when the backpack was unloaded, you couldn’t bring the boxes either. unnoticed, guzines, and what a quick way to leave the hospital, call for reinforcements, a personal file with elderberry not with an address, urgently, there is. the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live broadcast on may 7 at
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12:00 moscow time.
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why, he’s a doctor, he should know how this is done, keep the motorcycle on, obey, stand. hands up, morphine, cocaine, amphetamine hydrochloride,
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called pervicin, opium, great, where everything else, what? the rest, i ’m being extremely frank with you, comrade captain, i had nothing to do with it, i took narcotic substances, that is, i stole, but not from the warehouse, where the patient left, the morphine was already prescribed, they wrote off everything, he dropped out, that means he died, well yes, that is, the criminals brought me at night... you have boxes of medicine, you didn’t notice them, i didn’t see anything, i swear, with this little gold you, who paid, i
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accidentally met the correspondent, he was just writing a note about our hospital, and i was on duty, so he suggested, and i with the necessary brought people together. the right people turned out to be rich, is it clear how you got in touch with them? on the phone, when the medicine was accumulating, i called, went to meet you, when was the last time? 10 days ago, and these right people didn't ask anything about the warehouse? no, well, it seems to me that the drug shipment has been collected, let’s call and arrange a meeting. why call? is the meeting scheduled? go!
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let's go, positions so that you play the fool instead of a prison hospital bed. will he be on the elimination list?
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come on, svetlana petrovna, i'm coming in.
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and what, gregorinovich, let’s go, where to go, what about the order of the young commander, well, although i’m not young, i’m also a commander, i’m canceling the order, you should figure out, svetlana petrovna, which of you is the commander here, otherwise he’s flying to me, and you even shilov was not informed. come on, grigory ivanovich, i have my own people in the prosecutor’s office, don’t be afraid, i
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’ll cover for you, i’m a no-nonsense passenger, boss, what are you doing here, i told you, you came for the barfet, hands behind your back. setlana petrovna, we could have hooked you, but i’m still calculated, counted, and this one would run away, don’t do that again, svetlana petrovna, i have nothing to do with it, it’s all grigory ivanovich, grigory ivanovich, i didn’t expect it from you at all, but what am i, i’m okay, svetlana petrovna, they took everyone, that’s right, captain,
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rose and her child are dearer to me, i’ll give you a day, sit down,
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they found him, wow! where is everything that was in the boxes, pints, blood, medicines, everything that was stolen from the warehouse, i don’t know what you are talking about, medicines from the hospital, for whom, for the forest brothers or for the city a spandrel, for whom, no, you won’t sew this on me, excuse me, boss, i don’t know the enemies of the soviet regime, they are traitors, but i love my homeland, and i took the marathon for myself, and did i take the little gold then? in order to pay for the goods, i inherited from my grandmother, who is our grandmother, the dukes are not at the court of the prussian king, prove that no, oh, but i can’t prove it, i’ll have to shoot you, to hell according to the law of war, fedorenko , let's have the next one. "there should have been a door here,
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they put some holturaks in one brick, but i that, i, i, i nothing, they didn’t go through the duty officer, and if through, camilla, camilla, camilla, i apologize, but the circumstances have developed that i just, i have to ask you to move out of the apartment, the thing is that relatives are coming and the place where
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thomas is, don’t torture yourself with lies, i heard everything at night, believe me, i didn’t do it on purpose, don’t worry, i won’t give you away.
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just enough for a man to crawl through and pull out the boxes, but they broke down the door to confuse us, i said that i didn’t see anyone, who was the keeper, no one, nemon yanovich was there before, but he was already old, address. so, somov, neman yanovich, 65 years old. i just returned from evacuation from the urals, i went there with my wife, but she died there of typhus.
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hello, please come in, while i was gone, the house was open, now i ’m walking around the neighbors, collecting my things, but why do i need them? “you know, when they ask me how life is, i always answer, it’s passing, why did the prosecutor’s office need me, especially the military one, i’m a civilian, i’m not fit for war, and my profession is not suitable, but it’s quite suitable for us, i understand, i'm paying attention, be careful"? "excuse me, look, this diagram is familiar to you, this is a hospital, yes, how long ago
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was this in another life, do you remember when this building was rebuilt, it was probably with you, yes, some things are with me, some are not, you know, then..." everything was rebuilt, the old owners built this house as a profitable one, however, then they ran away, wait, namaniyanovych, please tell me, there was a door here , remember, well, maybe, maybe, and then they laid it, who laid it, well, i don’t know, the builder, probably, what kind of builder, with trust, from an office, maybe just from the market, i won’t tell you now, oh, i don’t remember, please remember, because here thieves entered the buildings through the wall and stole everything, that is, how, like through the wall,
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they dismantled brick, they knew that the wall was not permanent, then they hastily restored the hand, and you were present when it was laid, yes, but this cannot be, because i, it turns out, someone knew that there was a passage there. "nothing, be careful, this, this, this is a photograph of my vera, which is bad, there are cabinets of pills in the kitchen, and they are in a box, come here." the doctor, you have a phone number, and the neighbor, but only she, she
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is at work now, this or that, nothing is needed, now, it happens, it happens, this, now everything will pass, it will pass. where did you get this medicine? it’s an anesthetic, i visited him yesterday, please give us the address of this dentist of yours, yes, of course, of course, of course, grigory ivanovich, don’t stop, home. i’m surrounded, i don’t understand by whom,
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i don’t know, they’re guests at the dancer’s house, we’re heading straight, there’s a phone booth, we need to urgently inform him. light from the other side without nonsense.
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prosecutor's office, lieutenant colonel shillov, i'll go upstairs, quickly, quickly!
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don't move, hands, hands, i said. slivido, come to me, quickly! grigory ivanovich for the eldest. siredov, what is she saying, now
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thomas, what are you doing here, i ask you, she is pregnant and injured, she has lost a lot of blood, she urgently needs a transfusion, be quiet, what is she saying, rose, her name is rose. she says it's all her fault. not guilty, she swears. cheese, hide the mana. and the pistols and leaflets are also hers. thomas, explain to us what's going on here. she's random, please. she has lost a lot of blood, you must help her. you robbed, lord, for her sake? i didn't rob.
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how do you know? which one? this is a doctor, are you in his house now? lord, i don’t know him, we just, we just brought her here today. who are we? comrade colonel, there are no boxes, no medicines, no bottles of blood in the house. clear idea. she, she begs for her life, rose, nothing to do with it. she is here by chance because of her husband. medicine from the hospital, where? i don't i understand what you are talking about. yes, take her to the hospital quickly, she needs blood. there is no blood in the hospital.
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his name is saullyus, rosa met him about a year ago, i knew that he was one of these, from the forest, tried to dissuade me, but she didn’t listen to me, she married him, i didn’t even attend their wedding, who is she to you, sister, dear, yes, younger, so what, who is the sister? it does not change anything.
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lieutenant colonel shillov, military prosecutor's office, yusya zubras, antique dealer, and i'm still waiting for a new government to come to me, please, leave it here, be careful, everything here is valuable, like everything else. "i i thought you needed my consultation, to evaluate books or paintings, if you are definitely looking for something, you tell me, i’ll help, who put the plaster on you, doctor, yes,
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a wonderful doctor, leg, not a tooth, not a tooth, true, but there is a lot in common, if they cut it off, a new one will not grow,
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“listen, many people come to me, i help with advice, i lend money, well, are you looking for something specific, you tell me, i, i will help, we are interested in the robbery of a military hospital, no one approached you with such thoughts, you mean criminals, i i mean anyone who could mention a hospital in a conversation with you." i have a good memory, but i don’t remember right away, well, we’ll remind you, maybe the somov state farm, neman yanovich, he painted,
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yes, it’s him. i ask you to take into account, this is a sincere confession, everything to the guests, i used to work here at the plant as the head of the supply department, so to speak, during the bombing of the air-raid shelter, i met a guy, he sold me something, i’m checking out some little things, siridov, stay here. , behind the exit, look, there is an underground worker, from the forest brothers, what a molt, well, yes, from the forest, he also offered me a pistol, and that they bought it, well, why should i, i’m a peaceful man in the street, i’m not fighting, so i called
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recently and started talking about medicine, but i know a doctor, a dentist, and he has nothing no, just dentures, and rob the warehouse, yusis, was it your idea? “i just told the forest people that we could try, the doctor over there went to the hospital for reconnaissance for a small amount.”
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right here. principal of thomas nykus school, do you know? if only there were children i knew, but this is the first time i’ve heard of it. now turn right, here. you won't catch any of the locals, but i might help. also for a fee, now you will be working off this fee for a long time, businessman, stop, to the left, come, listen, and if you had to run away from here, where would you run, run, i mean, into the forest, well, of course into the forest, well, it ’s closer here, so... the fence is so tall, but there doesn’t seem to be one there, let’s go
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take a look, i have an order to guard the exit here, okay, i’ll do it myself, wait, but the order, that’s what you were ordered to do, just wait, what am i doing, i'm okay, what, what? everyone come to me, so we take the boxes and a lorry to
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the hospital. very careful, there is glass, where is this one? nice, light, neat.
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camilla, you, that is, you will have a search here now, i know, yura, yeah. i don’t care, camille, why didn’t you tell me that the teacher was hiding the forest people? not all rules and laws of wartime need to be observed, not all, if you need to interrogate me, then we can go up to my room now, and if
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you need official testimony, then i’m ready to appear at the prosecutor’s office tomorrow. strashena. i’ll tell you one story, sveridov,
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my little mother took me to yelets to visit her relatives, there by the river. there was a huge hill, all overgrown, and for some reason, it always seemed to me that if you go up, you can see the sea, i then really missed the sea, i once climbed, climbed for half a day, got scratched all over on the bushes, when i got up, i looked around, but i couldn’t see the sea. instead of the sea there is another holon, without soroshiy, grigory ivanovich, that’s what it’s for, yes, it’s not what it’s for, it’s just my
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birthday today, well, yes. on the day of victory on the first. moscow, red square, the main parade of the country. they will march in a solemn march. military personnel from different types and branches of the military, including unit involved in a special military operation in ukraine and 75 units of various types of weapons and equipment. military parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory in
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the great patriotic war. may 9 at 10:00 moscow time. live on the first. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. iskhron was not saved; the saboteur, for whom ukraine had extensive plans, was destroyed in the leningrad region. what did he prepare and how did they find him? nobody but them, the svir airborne division.


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