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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 4, 2024 4:00am-4:15am MSK

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weapons and equipment, a military parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war, may 9 at 10:00 moscow time live on the first. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. iskhron was not saved; the saboteur, for whom ukraine had extensive plans, was destroyed in the leningrad region. what did he prepare and how did they find him? nobody but them, the svir airborne division. 80 years
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of history and battles in hours, information about the front as a whole from the ministry of defense. and 3 years and long budget planning: income, expenses, principles. vladimir putin held a meeting on the economy. from tanks to medicines, from airplanes to gas turbines in roste. on military and civilian projects, report by the head of the premier corporation. riot. in the personnel forge , parisian political science students took up the american protest against the war in gas. what is the danger for europe? the eternal flame of victory, from the walls of the kremlin to dozens of cities to the front line, and the century of veterans, parting words from gorlovka to an amazing person, to the fighters of our days. so, the leningrad region and the liquidation of the ukrainian agent with plans immediately several major sabotages. russia and,
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by the way, latvia, which seems to be friendly to ukraine. neighboring lithuania became the place of preparation, a tangle, in general, the fsb provided details and operational footage. alena germanova studied. gaychinsky district, leningrad region, under the cover of darkness in a forest belt, a ukrainian saboteur makes his way to a hiding place, suddenly realizes that he is being watched, he tries to escape. there is a small shelter in the middle of the field, from where the fugitive shoots back. fsb officers are getting closer. the ukrainian intelligence agent is eliminated on the spot. packages that carefully remove the explosive device from the shelter; it was this device that was previously hidden in the cache. the man was planning to carry out a terrorist attack at a fuel terminal in the neighboring tosninsky district. it included weapons and means of communication with ukrainian intelligence. she had big plans for this agent. his correspondence with his curator was discovered, confirming the preparation of a terrorist attack in the leningrad region, as well as training in the city of pobrad, vilnius district of lithuania, as a mine-explosive shooter. case for subsequent
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participation in hostilities in the country of the armed forces of ukraine and committing sabotage on the territory of russia, as well as plans of a ukrainian terrorist organization to completely eradicate everything russian in the baltic countries and planning of this organization of terrorist attacks in orthodox churches in places where russian-speaking residents are located, in particular the arson of a cinema in the city of riga, during a film screening. 48 years old, member of a ukrainian terrorist organization banned in russia, and also has russian citizenship. the man arrived in the country from lithuania back in march. brought with him several scenarios of terrorist attacks. it was established that, at the command of the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine, the saboteur was planning to commit a series of terrorist attacks on russian territory, including against objects of the ministry of defense of the russian federation in the moscow region, as well as participants in one of the volunteer battles and its volunteer center in the city of st. petersburg. the fsb prevented the implementation of these plans; they watched a man near one of the tanks in the moscow region ; they tried to detain him, but he opened fire, abandoned the car and disappeared. in that same
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abandoned car they found a stechkin pistol, a hunting rifle, grenades, components for making explosives, ammunition and explosives were also in the garage of the apartment that the criminal rented in moscow, a card of the lithuanian branch of the swedish bank, documents and a mobile phone were seized, here is the correspondence with the ukrainian curator, they are discussing how to assemble an explosive device, i can solder it, i don’t understand the circuits, but i’ll think about who can be involved, it’s here or here, in general we need an enemy. here we are thinking about how to organize this, i want it to be a conveyor assembly, including remote detonation, while the criminal suggested to the curator to increase the power of the explosive device so that, quote, it would be beautiful, the ukrainian regime has long ago crossed the line in its bloodthirstiness, at least this one recently a minibus was detained on the russian-latvian border, but three hundred orthodox icons stuffed with hexogen would be enough to blow up a five-story residential building; the icons were found to contain explosives and fuses. after which i
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was detained, but this cargo from ukraine, which crossed the country at none of the checkpoints in europe, did not raise any questions until the driver was stopped by our border guards, after the liquidation of another... ukrainian agent, the fsb reported that everyone involved in the preparation terrorist attacks and sabotage will be identified and brought to justice, sooner or later ukrainian terrorists will have to answer for everything, no matter what high positions they hold. alena germanova, anastasia slobodenyuk, evgenia lionov, channel one. since the beginning of the year, russian troops have liberated almost 550 km of our land from ukrainian formations. these figures were given by the head of the department at the ministry of defense conference call. the offensive is developing, one of the key areas in the avdeevka area. in recent days , novobakhmutovka, semyonovka and berdyche have been taken under full control, and the front has already advanced to ocheretin, novokalinov and arkhangelsk. the enemy, while retreating, is unable to stabilize
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the situation and suffers huge losses. grigory emelyanov has more details from other areas of the special operation. 507. awakening lifting mechanism is replaced by a deafening roar of launching rockets. in the case of hourly installation of hail. classic tactics: hit, run away. the best defense against a snarling enemy. that's it, let's turn it off. according to the results of the departure, the enemy still has minus three strong points this night. so, time after time, a drop wears away the stone. sergei shaigu spoke about the results of this methodical daily work at today’s conference call of the ministry of defense.
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as a result of active actions, the center improved its tactical position. in aisa we lost up to 360 military personnel, an abrams tank, two infantry fighting vehicles, two armored combat vehicles, five pickup trucks. 155mm self-propelled artillery mount m-109. paladin. operational-tactical aviation by missile forces of the artillery, groupings of the armed forces of the russian federation, destroyed a guidance illumination radar, two launchers of the s-300 ptt anti-aircraft missile system, a launcher
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of the irist anti-aircraft missile system, and hit the bolovnoye oil depot, which supplies fuel to military units of the armed forces of ukraine. the growing pace of ukrainian losses, according to management. amino defense is associated with the fact that the military personnel are being rushed, driven into battle, or rather, to slaughter by their nato curators. the united states of america and its allies demand that ukraine prevent the collapse of its defense and contain the offensive of russian troops at any cost. to replenish the lyutsky reserves, the kiev regime is tightening mobilization, ukrainians who do not want to fight are forcibly sent to the front line, in fact, they are still being thrown to slaughter. such an inhumane attitude towards its population. testifies to the desire of ukrainian authorities to curry favor with their western masters in order to continue to receive financial and military assistance from them. among the imported weapons on which the kiev regime places special hopes are tactical missiles, such as the american atakms,
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sent to ukraine as part of the latest package of military assistance from the united states, and in general kiev has been using them since last fall, but that’s why air defense shoot down enemy missiles, anti-aircraft gunners scan the sky in... the target is destroyed, the cost is one, one missile, one target, today it is a drone, but in principle, anything can happen, whatever the enemy is flying, we can work on all types of targets, starting from airplanes, helicopters, all types of unmanned aerial vehicles, also on cruise missiles, recently the enemy has begun to use fpv drones quite often, the main methods of protection against them are primarily groups cover that moves with us, and accordingly, we install countermeasures to the combat vehicle itself, drone nets, rubbers and the like, a drone approaching a target is not a sight for the faint of heart, but this one is first of all ours,
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secondly, training, in their free time from combat work, away from the front line , russian drone pilots are improving their skills, the results speak for themselves, we see them every day in video reports from the combat zone on... television screens in military telegram channels, here from a fresh, british -made mastiv armored vehicle, broken by a lancet, the surviving vsu soldiers get out of it, some running, some in full force, here are the drone operators with... more about the valor of courage: a strategically important fortified area was taken by soldiers of the 98th guards airborne division in area of ​​the same chasov yar. cities of the key to the liberation of the entire donbass. the ivanovo paratroopers themselves told how it happened to our military commander gusein huseynov. plow for your homeland,
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that's it, move along the path, under the cover of artillery, a group of attack aircraft makes its way into a forest plantation, a platoon of paratroopers enters in three groups, from the flanks from the center, the actions of our soldiers are coordinated at headquarters, watching them from the air, telling them where and who to move, watching behind the enemy. yes, listen, there is a machine gunner. left flank there is a machine gunner sits, the main fire cover of the enemy is a machine gun nest, so the first step is to silence him, the grenade launcher copes with the task. if from the air you can somehow still make out well-camouflaged enemy dugouts, then approaching them in full force on the ground is almost impossible, sometimes you have to navigate as you go, no matter how many situations you plan, there are a thousand and one, yes, as they said in one film, naturally. everything didn’t go quite according to plan, we were under constant artillery fire, mortar fire, there was flying
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that's it, cluster bombs, the second group comes from the edge into another dugout, the paratroopers are already in the enemy trench, throwing grenades at the so -called fox hole, a shelter in the ground, while one is preparing a grenade, the other is working with a weapon, he threw it, the other one, accordingly, the grenade explodes , while he’s taking the machine gun, i’m already working, with short bursts of machine gun fire... very battered, but alive, trying to shoot back. a strategically important point is
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the command post of this defensive line of the ukrainian armed forces, and also a place for the supply of ammunition and food. that is why the militants held on to him so tightly, but the ivanovo paratroopers managed to turn the tide of events. it is the ninety-eighth svir guards airborne division that is advancing on the city of chasov yar. today it celebrates the eightieth anniversary of its founding. it was on this day, the harsh years of the great patriotic war , that the formation i formed was presented with a battle flag, as a symbol of honor, kindness, courage and courage, which to this day is fundamental in all military affairs of the paratrooper guards. paratroopers we prepared for this assault for many days, the result lived up to expectations, after such a massive onslaught of our infantry, some of the militants flee, leaving their positions. we ran, we ran, where? yes, that's it, roll away, it's leading. they try to reach a building on the outskirts of the city and come under artillery fire. another group is looking for shelter in
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a nearby forest plantation, but it is under the gun of our fighters. understanding the hopelessness of the situation, when some of the colleagues have already been destroyed, and the other is running, abandoning their positions. the ukrainian armed forces soldiers remaining in the trenches receive the only correct decision is to lay down your arms and surrender. that's it, they give up, accept it. to assault, take positions, gain a foothold, hold the defense, let the fortification group enter and roll back accordingly, this was our task, we completed it successfully, three who surrendered were taken away, paratroopers took up recaptured positions, this assault allowed us to take control of a strategically important fortified area, sometimes . there is already a residential area behind it, the enemy is retreating. congratulations, i am proud to serve with such music. for
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displaying bravery, courage in battles and on the day the division was founded, today the paratroopers were presented with state awards, orders of courage, medals for courage and st. george's crosses. i serve in russia. a reward awaits this paratrooper too, but a little later. for three days, as part of an evacuation group, he pulled his wounded colleagues from the battlefield, every single one of them, all under constant, dense enemy fire. they just saw from the copter that they were dragging the 300th, they were immediately throwing barrel artillery, mortars, drops and cassettes, everything they had, that well how... the boys are sitting there and they are much worse off than me, and overcame fear, then continued the evacuation, he doesn’t know exactly how many people were evacuated, and he didn’t count, he was just trying to help, the command counted more than forty lives saved, for this action of the paratrooper was presented.


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