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tv   Khram Groba Gospodnya  1TV  May 4, 2024 12:15pm-1:01pm MSK

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well, this is the territory of a military burial ground in hungary. representatives of rusatom traditionally took part in the event. let me remind you that our specialists are building the paks-2 nuclear power plant in the country. company representatives have planted dozens of fir trees in bangladesh. in this country, too, an important energy project of rosatom is under construction of the rupur nuclear power plant. the garden of memory campaign was also held in vietnam. our next episode is at 12:55 immediately after the live broadcast from jerusalem of the convergence of grace. fire, now a documentary film church of the holy sepulchre. easter is the main holiday for christians around the world. it symbolizes victory over death. for the salvation of all mankind, jesus christ suffered on the cross and rose again on the third day. all events
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related to the crucifixion, death and resurrection of christ took place here in jerusalem. this is where it stands today.
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every year on the day of easter, after finding the holy fire here in jerusalem, in the church of the holy sepulcher, he is sent to moscow by plane, and he reaches the believers within a few hours. the holy fire or holy light appears on holy saturday, on the eve of easter, in the temple holy sepulcher this miracle happens every year, and has been like this for more than one and a half thousand years. the holy fire symbolizes the end of sorrow, the beginning of a bright holiday, the resurrection of christ. the church ceremony of the descent of the holy fire is called:
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they kept the holy fire throughout the whole year; there is no other fire in the temple and there cannot be. patriarch theophilus of jerusalem is the first to receive the new holy fire. it comes precisely from his prayers. the ceremony begins with a procession around the holy sepulcher .
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he is examined by special church ministers, that he has nothing with which he can do anything, an armenian bishop comes in with him, if i’m not mistaken, or an archimandrite. in the limit of the angel, the armenian remains in the limit of the angel, and the patriarch lies at the three-day bed of the savior, praying. the greek patriarch of jerusalem and the armenian archimandrite, holding 33 candles in his hands, according to the number of years of the savior’s earthly life, goes inside. there is silence in the temple, the believers freeze in anticipation. it is believed that the year when the holy fire will not descend.
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prayer and ritual continue until the miracle everyone expected will not happen. the chapel is divided into...
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it is from here through a special hole in the wall that he goes into the world, and he really spreads throughout the whole world, all, mind you, all the living fire in the temple, is born from the holy fire, it is lit from candle to candle, this is the best, what you can take with you from here as a souvenir, the blessed fire, which is passed on to the greek patriarch and the armenian archimadrid, spreads very quickly throughout the temple, from candle to candle, the holy fire symbolizes the light of god, enlightening all nations after christ resurrection. christ is risen. this is what we
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want to wish to the russian people. have faith in christ, be devoted to the orthodox church , and participate in church life in order to truly find happiness.
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jerusalem, the main temple of the christian world. here are two shrines and evidence of the resurrection of christ. golgotha ​​and the holy sepulcher. over its long history, the temple was repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt; it has existed in its current form since 1810. it was restored after a severe fire. at that time jerusalem was under turkish rule belonged to the ottoman empire. during the period of the ottoman empire, when officials often became involved in some kind of corruption schemes, there was such a concept as baksheesh. bagshish was translated as
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a bribe, a gift, an offering. and while offering this baksheesh, there are certain confessions, coptic, armenian, syrian. they could win back from the turkish sultan, to put it mildly, pieces of land, pieces of borders around the holy sepulcher and so on, this was the most... jerusalem since the 5th century. russian orthodox egyptian christians, these churches were located in the church is represented in the composition.
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competing faiths forgot about such fragile matter as air. the rivalry has moved into the sphere of sound, for example, during services, catholics play the organ, orthodox priests begin to sing louder so that they can be heard. as a result, the temple is filled with an unimaginable cocophony. in 1852 . the confessions divided every centimeter of the temple among themselves by signing an agreement. since then
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the status quo has been maintained. for more than 160 years, in the church of the holy sepulcher, everything has remained in its place in the literal sense of the word. and we see a certain atovism of the responses of that time in the franciscan staircase, which you can still see on the facade. a wooden staircase from the 19th century, this is how it was fixed, it remains in place. no one cleans up. today, in fact, only one part of the temple can be seen. the wall that faces the southern platform has been preserved since the times of the crusaders. there are two doors in it, but only the left one is open and serves as the only entrance to the temple. the first thing to do, immediately to the right of the entrance , is to climb golgotha, in the literal sense
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of the word: climb golgotha. this is different from us from christ it is much easier to do. just a few steps up, literally one flight of stairs in an old house with high ceilings. this is golgotha. many believe that the hole under the altar remains from the cross. there are huge queues here, everyone wants to touch their hand. in fact, the cross stood a meter further away. now there is a crucifix there, and the hole is under the altar. the only opportunity to touch. stones of golgotha, everything else is covered by temple buildings. then this rock
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was the place of execution of criminals. the top of golgotha ​​is the holy crucifix. there was a cross here the savior, and on the sides are the crosses of two robbers sentenced along with him. many people gathered to watch the execution; for them it was a common event. the crowd laughed, some spat, only two were able to understand who was in front of them. the first one, one of the criminals named dismos. he was crucified at the right hand of jesus. a second before his death, dismos recognized christ and asked: “remember me, lord, when you come to your kingdom.” in response, jesus promised: “today you will be with me in paradise.” and the second robber, gestos, at that moment he grinned wryly: “if you are the son of god, save yourself and us.” there is an opinion that it is for this reason that the lower crossbar... on orthodox crosses is inclined, one points upward to dismos, who went to heaven, the other points down to
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gestos, who went to hell. and one more person at the place of execution believed in christ, the roman centurion langinus. the torment of christ so shocked his soul that after the death of jesus he exclaimed, this true man was of god, that is, he was the first to receive his sight in a spiritual sense. in the temple. somewhere here on golgotha, the person was nailed to the cross, which lay on the ground, then the cross was raised and installed in a previously prepared hole. people line up right at the place where the cross with the crucified jesus was raised, the place where he died. there is an altar there. everyone kneels for him. this is the only way to see
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the silver circle with a hole in the middle. you can put your hand into the hole; the depth there is a little less than half a meter. and touch golgotha ​​itself. if you want your loved ones to be mentioned in prayer, you can write notes with names. in one note, it is advisable to write no more than ten names, in block letters in cyrillic, in the nominative case. under no circumstances write the words “sick anna” or “young paul”. the notes are read by greeks, they do not know russian, they perceive every word as a name.
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the people are trying to leave these notes in the area of ​​adam, which is located directly under golgotha. on the icons and mosaic frescoes in the temple you can see the image of a skull under the cross of the crucified christ. many people believe that the skull is simply a symbol of death. actually it's not this way. this is an image of the skull of the first man, adam. noah takes adam's skull with him when he enters the ark. and he travels with this skull. the ark, when the journey ends on mount ororada, the settlement of people begins, it’s not that far, in principle, it reaches the place that today we call golgotha ​​or the place of execution, like a skull, and it is buried there so that it can be clearly seen, and the people knew that their ancestor was buried here, the skull of his ancestor, thereby, as it were, emphasizing
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the point that this is where it should happen redemption of the first adam by the second adam. not far from the front door, right on the floor, there is a slab of pink marble, and there is always a crowd around. the body of jesus was placed on this stone after he was taken down from the cross. it was here that joseph of armathia and nicodemus prepared the body for burial and performed confirmation. in our tradition, a person is buried on the third day. but in jerusalem everything is different, they bury there day after day, in a rare testament of the pirinth it was precisely on the day of death that they were buried before sunset, so they were well preserved right away. today the stone smells fragrant, from it droplets of the world appear, oil that does not exist in nature, it is a mixture of forty components.
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there is no way it can appear on a stone slab in a natural way. there were many attempts to find out where this oil comes from on the stone, but... today there is a marble slab on it, it protects the real stone of anointing from pilgrims who tried to break off a piece and take it with them. there was even a term: holy vandalism. around the stone you can see women on their knees, wiping it with their scarves. with with the stone of anointing, the body of christ was transferred to a cave; it was located on the slope of a mountain, which was squeezed during the construction of the temple. the chapel of edicule now stands on this site, but in the church of the holy sepulcher you can still see today what the real burial caves of that time looked like. the tomb of jesus christ
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looked the same except for one fundamental difference. died in the family, they were developing another niche, here is a tomb that has been started, there are boxes on it, that is, it is new, that is , clearly, it is nothing was used, for some reason it was stopped once...
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nowadays , the uvuklia chapel rises above the place where jesus was buried. there is very old masonry here. pilgrims use these ties to light candles. as a result, the entire wall became smoky and covered with wax. the monks don't like this very much; they have to constantly extinguish the candles. wooden beams catch fire all the time, and someday this could develop into a big fire. the doors of the church of the holy sepulcher open at 4:30 a.m. and are locked at 7:30 p.m.; opening and closing hours change frequently.
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the best time to visit the church of the holy sepulcher is 8:00 in the morning or an hour and a half before closing. the wave of tourists subsides in the temple, as they say, there is something to breathe. you can calmly stand at every holy place. but always with a scarf on your head. you can stay in the temple overnight, but to do this you need to obtain special permission from representatives of three faiths: greek, catholic and armenian. temple of the sepulchre. often called the center of the world, everything is mixed here, nationalities, religions, churches. christian service easily
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may coincide with the call of the muezzin, just 70 m away stands the mosque of caliph omar. the mosque appeared here in the 7th century, when jerusalem was besieged by the troops of caliph amarat. in the end, the city was surrendered to him on the condition that he would not touch the church of the holy sepulchre. and when caliph omar entered the church of the resurrection of the lord, everyone froze, god forbid, he would throw a prayer rug inside the temple space. but khalifa amar kept his word, they were still afraid, he was the ruler of the muslim universe, which captured the entire middle east. khalifa amar leaves the temple the holy sepulcher throws his prayer rug.
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the queue to the sacred tomb stretches for several tens of meters, but moves quickly; you can walk through in about 20 minutes. the premises are so small that several
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people can barely fit in them. the deathbed of christ, which is located in the tomb, is covered with a marble slab, from particularly zealous pilgrims who literally crushed the stone into pieces in order to take with them at least a grain of sand. after the conquest of jerusalem, the turks preserved the temple, but took away a lot from here. slab over the coffin the lord liked one of the turkish governors. he decided to take it to decorate his own home. the patriarch of jerusalem could not say no, but as soon as the governor was a little distracted, he drew his fingers on the stone. the marble slab is cracked, but now you can see it in its place. two or three people at a time are allowed into the special chapel for literally seconds. the vigilant greek priests do not allow too much delay. during
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this time, you need to have time to get on your knees, touch the stove and turn to the savior. as you exit the tomb, there is a lamp with holy fire on the right. they burn throughout the year, until next easter. they say you have to light them again if you get into trouble. it is believed that the flame of such a candle drives away all misfortunes and burns away negativity. they can light it up. or an apartment, it is generally believed that in the year when the holy fire does not descend to people, the end of the world will come, once this almost happened, on that day the turkish governor forbade opening the doors of the temple, a huge crowd gathered at the entrance, people prayed with tears, preparing for inevitable death, but suddenly lightning struck one of the columns in front of the gate,
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the column split, and the blessed fire descended. well, about the split column, that’s not even a story. and the patriarch of jerusalem saphronius stood humbly at a certain column. and the blessed fire came down from this column, which we see physically split. the temple contains five places associated with the crucifixion, anointing and funeral of christ. they complete the path that jesus walked from the moment of condemnation to death, the path of tribulation. in latin via dolorosa. in jerusalem it is real address,
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a street with that name runs through the entire old town. via doloorosa begins here. it is believed that the roman fortress of antonia once stood on this site, where the procurator pontius pilate sentenced christ to execution. today it is an ordinary street. on one side there are monasteries and churches, on the other there are arab shops selling souvenirs. there is another version of the trial of jesus, which claims that it did not take place in the fortress of antonia. and in the palace of herod the great, as described in bulgakov’s novel, master margarita. in the fortress antonia cohort, for example, even alone, obviously did not last for a month, there was not enough space there, and pilate himself did not need to be accommodated in the antonia fortress. at his disposal was the large, very well fortified palace of herod the great. on via doloorosa there are 14 special places associated with the gospel texts. they
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are called stops or stations. anyone can walk this path; every friday an organized procession led by franciscan monks moves along it. once a week they repeat the way of the cross of christ. by traditionally, the procession is accompanied by muslim guards. during the time of turkish rule, they guarded believers and kept order. the guards walk with ritual scales in their hands. their whips, of course, they don’t hit anyone with them, it’s more of a symbol of authority, like a traffic controller’s baton. the second stop is naviyaroza, the arch where pilate brought jesus out to the high priests, said the man. the third stop is the place of the first fall of christ, another one, the place where the salvation not made by hands appeared.
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the apostles fled. relieve your suffering by wiping his face with a towel, on the towel remains the image of the suffering christ, the canvas of veronica, the so -called one of the first christian images of christ, prototypes of future icons. there are 14 so-called navia dolorosa stations in total. this is the so-called path of sorrow, yes vio doloza, that’s it.
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only two points coincide with the real path of the lord jesus christ, perhaps, that is , the first point is the garden of gethsemane, the last point is the church of the resurrection of christ itself, in which there are several stops, but priests and historians agree on one thing: the place executions and burials definitely took place here, in the church of the holy sepulchre. these are the end points of the path. services are constantly taking place in this small space.
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the doors of the temple and only then the gates to the square. it turns out that by the time people find themselves in the square, the temple is already open. wajihnu seibe ​​is a local landmark. he already has a whole album of photographs with famous people. and
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there is a watch on his hand. a personal gift from russian president vladimir putin. russia has always had it. special money was collected which were sent for restoration and major repairs, which were completed in record time. today in kuvukley you can see icons of rostov masters
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made using the fenifti technique. the lamps that were donated by the russian grand duchess and new martyr elizaveta feodorovna have been preserved. in soviet times, the connection with the holy land was interrupted, the pilgrimage stopped, but in the nineties everything was restored again, as well as the tradition of bringing the holy fire to russian soil. christ is risen. christ is risen from death, death is quicker by death. her image is in every second russian home; in order to touch her personal belongings, people are ready
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to stand in line. the day she became a mother is celebrated all over the world. and her child became the most famous person in history, she is called by different names. mother of god, queen of heaven, blessed virgin or comforter. but what do we know about her? each of us has an established image of the mother of god in our heads, although in fact, almost nothing is said about her in the bible. on the pages of scripture she it is mentioned only a few times, and then only in passing. these references are impersonal, they
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talk about her actions, and not about herself, what they say about this, that jesus was born from a woman, that’s all, they don’t tell anything else, not even the name, this, of course, is important information, but not enough for a person , curious. the new testament is the essence of christ's teaching, not a biography. to say little about specific people is a generally accepted principle of the gospel. so as not to distract from the main thing, it is impossible to find out from the bible exactly what i was thinking about what did you dream of, after all, what did the mother of god look like or where did she live? here are women’s questions, what kind of dress was she wearing, of course, a single mother is wonderful, a traumatic life, hard, a test for nerves, for everything, but we will try to imagine her life, it will help us. better understand the essence of the feat of the mother of god.
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we are accustomed to perceive her as the queen of heaven. but she lived her earthly life, and like any of us, she faced worries, joys and suffering. so what was the life of the virgin mary like? if we go over modern terms, then briefly, it could be described as follows: early orphanhood, life at the temple, suspicion of a spouse of treason, this is the beginning of the life path of the most holy theotokos, and then the mockery of the crowd against her son, his martyrdom...
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jerusalem, the place where it is believed that her house, located in the old town near the lion gate. true, orthodox catholics are still arguing about a specific point. that's why.
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a striking irony of fate, the temple of joachim and anna
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survived the invasion of napoleon, in peacetime of the late sixties it could not resist the soviet power. not far from the catholic church of st. joan in jerusalem , the savior's way of the cross begins. it just so happened that significant places in the life of the mother of god were nearby. here she was born, raised, betrothed, and here she experienced the most terrible suffering of her life. this is the city of jerusalem, which is located, as it were, in the center of the world. he is at the center of the universe, at the center of the universe. all these events are narrowed down to the boundaries of the city of jerusalem. maria was a late child of her parents, they begged for her for a long time and gave her vow to dedicate the girl to god. on december 4 , orthodox christians celebrate a special
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holiday: the introduction of the most holy theotokos into the temple. it is believed that mary’s parents, when she was 3 years old, sent her to jerusalem. temple, where she grew up and was brought up. the holiday is called introduction to the temple, although historians say that women could not get into the temple itself. there can be no talk of any woman staying in the holy temple, or of any person at all, except the high priests; moreover, once a year he could enter the holy saints most likely they mean something else. none of the researchers deny that there was something like a boarding school or school for girls at the temple. at the jerusalem temple, especially after king herod rebuilt it, there really was a certain school for noble maidens, like,
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say, the school in smolny, st. petersburg, where future wives of priests were educated. and today. a historical fact, proven on the basis, firstly, of evidence from historical, written sources, and we can confidently say that it is there the mother of god studied, it was there that she studied, but it is not so important whether mary was raised inside or outside the temple, what is important is that she grew up in a religious environment. what temple was she sent to? in fact, there was a temple in jerusalem at that time. western wall. the jerusalem temple was
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destroyed by the romans in 1970. jesus' prophecy came true. today it is a holy place for jews. on jewish holidays, it seems that all of jerusalem has gathered here. and in this place certain rules are followed. men and women pray separately. they can only communicate with each other through the wall. there are notes stuck into all the cracks of the wall at human height. this is how jews address their deepest desires to god. once a month they are taken out and buried on the mount of olives. christians have a tradition of leaving notes. many of our pilgrims put pieces of paper with requests into the cracks of the temples of the holy land. maria graduated from the temple school for girls.
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the best of the best studied here. after graduating from this school, one could successfully marry a priest or representative of a noble family. so.


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