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tv   Segodnya vecherom  1TV  May 4, 2024 9:35pm-10:42pm MSK

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alive, okay? according to the laws of war, new episodes from monday on the first. uncle egor, i saw how svetlana petrovna was loaded into a car by two men with pistols and drove off. on the day of victory on the first. always and in everything act in the shortest way, directly and rudely. shoot without missing. i confirm a hit on the tanks. even before the army, from 55. i killed, to play a double game, and if you told the scouts that you are not bobrikov, then, well, you didn’t say and fool the girls’ heads, she is the only one, i understand, there is no other like her and there will not be, everyone can scout, they will lead me to the monastery, but don’t be scared, dear fellow, we just have to choose the best, comrades, you are germans, behave like germans, well, i’m teaching you, well done,
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daredevils, scouts, for an impossible task, i don’t know what yet , guys, but in my opinion, you and i are in deep trouble, so all actions need to be adjusted to an imaginary ending, and it must be successful, the saboteur on may 9 is on the first and remember, in an extreme situation, instinct will always tell you the right decision, but who they don’t tell you, it means you don’t deserve it, natural selection, it's clear?
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these are dogmas, i just taught me this way, my mother just really taught me that when entering a church, you must first of all say thank you, thank you, thank you, and nothing, she just did it like that, so she forced me like this, and how it so happened that even when i was falling, i still went into the temple, i still said thank you, but it was already , you know, like a habit, but then the realization only came, and unfortunately, i was in the soviet union. .. they weren’t accustomed to this, they were accustomed to other moments, but for some reason i knew that someone is there, somehow i knew, yes, it’s inexplicable, well now i understand it, but it was impossible to explain, until i was 13 years old i closed my eyes, i saw a devil and i saw an angel, and i understood that i you need to choose someone, but i always said, no, i’ll stay in the middle, that’s how i stayed, well, then the nineties, dashing and so on, and we are athletes, here are colleagues, we know what it is, there were a lot of all sorts of sins,
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mistakes , meaning misses, sin is translated from greek as a miss, yes, well, a mistake, a miss, so there were a lot of misses a lot, well, this is how we all lived not according to god, i had my personal fall physically, spiritually, it was just in the processes of the workers, victoria, i think, remembers, the acting brothers supported me, because i had nothing left at all nothing, well, the lord called me harshly, and then i came to one event, nothing made me happy, my son and i were there. on average, and andrei mirzlikin, a brother in christ, our colleague, comes up and says, he says, i don’t recognize you, but i usually light up, everything is fine, here, you’re sitting here, there is no face on you, and i went to his confessor, it was mine, it was my first confession, and as soon as i started, my tears began to flow, that is, i did not cry, there were no hysterics, the tears flowed and flowed, he says : well, this cleansing is wonderful, he says, well, what did you want, he says, when we do not live according to god, and if god needs you, then sooner or later he will call you. yes, maybe it’s harsh,
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tell me, what happened, what, what shocked you so much? well, it was connected with a person and also with a family, if i may i won’t tell you the details, there’s no need to blame, there’s always two people to blame, yes, it was family related, unfortunately, unfortunately, i’m very sorry that we couldn’t cope, that we were weak, and that’s where my repentance began, that is, confession is when you admit, repentance is when you change. well, it seems difficult to change, difficult every time, here i am smoking there and that’s it, and you went and lit a cigarette again, these are our micro mistakes, they amount to a very big one, you couldn’t save what you had, i couldn’t, i personally i couldn’t, but i felt it again when i came to pray and so on, then andryusha calls me again from merzlikin, he says go to the monastery there, if you don’t mind help the guys, there is such a project as an altar boy, they write poems and make small videos, i i say yes, it’s not a question at all, there was no money, the guys sent me for... i was already with
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them in the morning, from that moment i got acquainted with the karasun desert, there is a huge amount of fertile place of love, it’s just that you just move, all your worries disappear, this surprisingly, i came, starred, introduced. with father silouan, the rector, we talked with him for a very long time, i understood my mistakes, where to go, but in my head, as a layman, it didn’t fit in here either, i saw, yes , what is this, yes, this is not so, yes this everything is wrong, and it’s not going in the right direction, but then she said something, stop, pray, believe, go, and there i met through young guys who are from peresvet, who take care of your father, he married them, they tell me, come with us to the godfather. and i’m thinking to myself, oh, a hike, cool, i didn’t know what it was, i’m there for me they started telling me, i think i’ll come now, it was the voronezh procession of the cross, the first one, i think i’ll come, everyone there is now in the church, there is grace and so on, in the end i come, it’s even blacker than me, everyone is like, get away from here, god willing, let me get out of this series, i think, what am i doing here, what am i doing here, i
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think i’ll go, excuse me, from here, and the young girl says, vladushka, let’s go, i have to go, to... i have tears started flowing, i get up, i can’t do anything, my grandmother is standing next to me like, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy, he gives me a handkerchief, i gave it back, and this happens there for a whole hour, that is, he gives it to my handkerchief, i wipe away my tears, back, i go into the temple, this is how unhumble we are, for example, i go into the temple, and on purpose, the density, well
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, it’s generally impossible to get through, and those who want to beat the traffic jam to confession to come a little faster, i say, so we’ll all be there, and i’m standing like the laity, what, where? , i say, hello, there’s a traffic light, turn on the turn signals, they’re coming, my legs are all broken, they will step on me, i say, what are you doing and so on, a woman comes up to me, says what’s wrong with you, i say, yes , they’ve already tortured you, what is this, she says, and just imagine, it’s the other way around, so you lure people and the lord leads through you, you thank them, i say, just a minute, everyone, i say, god save everyone, after 5 minutes the stream has gone, i say,
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this is happening, it’s happening, it’s actually a documentary, well it's like a story from my layman side, yes, when you get there, in the elite of religious processions, well, in this group, which people live by, let's look at a small fragment, christ is risen, today is the twentieth, 5:30 am the procession of the cross begins. about 600 km 25 days from voronezh, deveeva, firstly, no one walks this way at all, from st. smernitsky to seraphim of sorov, we have a meal, brewed rose hips, the twenty
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-seventh, early rise nadombo. frost, wind in the face, a very saving religious procession, they will appear in front, prayer
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is strong, thank god, let’s go, well, without prayer, here it is, i'm going on so many trips. almost the finale, the twentieth day, which began cheerfully, and so the religious procession, which lasted 21 days, 600 km, where. literally just recently ended, i want to thank everyone who prayed for us, who helped us, thank god, we can do this, in principle, an ordinary person can’t do it, there was a seventy-year-old grandmother walking, faster than i, in general, how strong faith is, but i know that you have also mastered a new craft, you are now still doing... crosses of crafts , thanks to the lord, i have already acquired a lot, crosses -
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this is just one of the miracles at the very beginning of my journey, it was in the karsun desert, i came and we shot a video: there is a master, ruf, he creates wooden temples, cuts iconostases, icons and so on, and i came and said: here they are crosses, they sell for so much, well, as always, he started me-me and so on, he says: so what, take it and do it, i say: well, just sit down and do it, i sat down and i made the first cross, we showed father, they called it the karsun cross, it looks like an iconostasis, i would like to give it to you, but maybe another time, because the last one i just gave away my last job, thank you, i’ll wait, so i prayed to the lord, i say: lord, i want to help those people who are on the edge, as i was, so that they don’t have, why are you on the forum, i am a danish cossack.
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i say, well, i’m not a cossack, he says, yes, you are a cossack more than us, because you, a warrior of christ, you go in religious processions, i say, you are warriors, i say, let’s try, we have started joint activities and so on, i'm the cossacks, yeah, they say, come with us, i i found out that there were ural cossacks in my family, but i would never have known this. and so on, in principle, now i have a high-flying position, i’m trying very hard to live up to it, this is the deputy marching ataman of the entire rostov region, the head of bukhtiyar vladimir vasilyevich, he is a legendary person, a legendary cossack, he helps is, every week they send a huge amount of humanitarian aid help, i also accompany periodically, when the lord allows it, that is, we have a lot of missions, thank god that there are cossacks, thank god that our. the president helps the testimony to raise the spirit, well, including me, the spirit of orthodoxy, wonderful, good luck to you in all
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your endeavors, thank you, god forbid, valerie, i know that in your life the cross is also a very important component of life, yes, when it it started, well, you see what a happy childhood you had, your mother told you, your grandmother told you, the adults said, let’s go. probably because i grew up in georgia, because somehow everything was prohibited there, just like in the soviet union, but some things were allowed until a certain hour, so they woke me up very early in the morning and took me to church very early in the morning, because my mother worked at a school and, well, she was afraid that this was surprising, because well, i grew up in a village and there was a wooden school on the eve of easter , the teacher gathered us all and... said, so, i will sit with the prokonins, and
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mary vasilna will sit with the iosipovs, if anyone, and there it was impossible to pass by the prokonins and oosipovs to get to the churchyard, the temple was there so that you won't be noticed, if i notice someone that you went to church, tomorrow to school, you can come without a tie, or you can... not come at all, so, you know, this is the path to god, it began like this, i wouldn’t like to say how i came, how say, because this is a very intimate question for me, but probably, most likely , through literature for real, god granted it, i wrote an amazing book on the radio, you were already a very famous artist, and i was a famous artist,
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my miracles are quite specific, you know, specifically, what happened to me, i i arrived for filming, i arrived with my little daughter, they called me urgently, we were vacationing in crimea, they said: they moved the deadlines, come urgently, i played the main role there, so i had to grab my five-year-old child, fly to this filming city, we arrive on the first day, she’s poor, it was her first time flying on a plane, it was all so surprising for her, but she broke down, fell asleep, and they took me to filming, we come, the first day of filming, the director says: listen, we came up with an absolutely brilliant shot, here we will
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film you with two cameras, he says, here you are, entering the entrance. i played the investigator of the leader, you say you enter the entrance, then we see how you get into the elevator, and the elevator is so glass, you know, when you can see him walking, then, he says, the camera meets you there already on the landing, you get out elevator, such a long shot, and you enter the apartment where the murder took place, i say, well, come on, we tried it once, we rehearsed it, it’s really a wonderful shot, it was about 1996, probably, yes, sasha was 5 years old , and how... the director comes up to me, a rather old man, but a very good man , vladimir mikhailovich, comes up and says: valera, come on, you know, but i have a cross hanging, the cross is summer, and it’s visible under my shirt, he says, you know, although advice, you are still an investigator of the old school, you were a communist, you know, where did he get the cross from, that he
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wears this cross, so to speak, let’s take it off, i say, come on, i took off the cross, hid it, we started filming , i walked through, that's it, got into the elevator, pressed the button, elevator, went up, one and a half floor, stopped, and stood in the middle of nowhere, on sunday, where to get a crew to do the repairs, there are no elevator operators, they said, they sent them, they will be there, in another area, so to speak, everyone is running around, everyone is screaming, my daughter woke up, thank god, by that moment my wife had already flown in from moscow to pick her up, they came, he said: dad, we’re leaving, my daughter told me, what are you doing here? and i’m sitting like ilyinsky on a carnival night, there’s such a grid there, i’m sitting, that means i’m saying, i’m making money, daughter, what am i doing here, that’s what it means, he says, maybe you’ll have lunch, i say, well, there’s a grid, so to speak, i’m sitting in this elevator, they’re having lunch there, swearing, shouting, i
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don’t know who told me, so where’s my cross, i said to myself, i got it cross, put it on, pressed the button, the elevator went, i went down, they all make the life-giving cross, they, they all, this is actually a story, i must say that this cross is on me, i illuminated it at the holy sepulcher, it is, in general, so to say, this is a very dear thing to me, here, but the story is not over yet, i went down, they said how everything, he says, is from me... this shot, let's shoot, you enter, we just meet you there, i say, no, let's please film, i just say, i 'll be with a cross, they buttoned my shirt higher so that the cross was not visible, we shot six takes, the elevator never stopped, the most remarkable thing is that the story continued, a few years later i came to this city, where yuri pavlovich, with whom i was once on your show, yes,
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headed team, he was the head coach there, i came to see him for your football friend, yes yuri pavlovich semin, i came to see him for football, we arrived, bori ignatiev, i arrived, the match took place, and we settled with him, he has the twenty-second floor, he lived on the twenty-second floor, a very beautiful house, all this is wonderful, and we walked around the city all night, he had to fly out in the morning, he says, let’s spend the night, a car will come for you at 10:00, you will fly to moscow, and in the morning i will spend the night at my football base club and that means i’ll fly off to... shooting, we say, okay, we we said goodbye to him, he left, we enter the entrance, the guard comes to us, says: guys, i watched on tv, you won, well done, just wonderful, well, he says, we have a problem , our lights have gone out, i say, like a light went out, he said, the elevator is not working, ignatiev looked at me, said, well, let’s go, i said, i won’t go to the twenty-second floor, there are so
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many emotions there, we walked, we had a beard here, that’s it, i say, i don’t have the strength anymore, i say, i ’ll sleep here before the plane, right here. we call semin and say: “yura, come back, we’re on base, we can’t sleep, he says: “okay, i ’ll be right back.” bye, then, semin is returning, i tell them this story about the cross. i say, you know, in your city in the nineties, i had this story with a cross, i say, they put me in an elevator, pressed it, the elevator didn’t go, that’s it, i’m there , that’s it, he says, oh, really , i say, yes, really, i say, here’s this cross, i take it out, just like that, here’s this cross, the light turned on, their... their jaw dropped, the light really came on, and we called, everything says: that’s it, i’m leaving , everything is fine, and i’m like this with a cross got into the elevator, of course.
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i played napoleon, at the end of march i came back from filming very sick, well , very sick, i rarely get sick, but here it’s just, well, everything flows from here and i can’t play everything, and then koluga says let’s go, everyone’s there the theater is going to this techno desert, there’s a font to swim in, the month of march is snowing, well, i’m thinking with everyone, well, i’ll go with everyone, i’m coming, korshinov would be our leader, the director of the theater, he looked at me like that, he said: just watch me, don’t climb into the font, and it’s 4°, just don’t climb, it’s worth it
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the monk is nearby, he says, what are you doing, i say, but this one says, climb up, and i undress completely, plunge into this font, get there, and there, then, go to the plunge and get there, there is an icon hanging there and you have to get there before... he got out, well, naturally, grabbed the half-towel, he said: no need to wipe yourself, don’t, don’t wipe yourself, stay like that, i’m all red and white spots, now everything just turned red and white, that’s it, god, forgive me , if anyone doesn’t believe me, i came out of this font, i had a dry nose, i played a performance, i i was an absolutely healthy person, yes, all my miracles, i apologize, but they are so material, i perceive it as a miracle,
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after the advertisement there are even more stories about how miracles saved our heroes, on the day of victory at the first, moscow, red square, the main parade of the country. more than 9,000 military personnel from different types and branches of the military will take part in the solemn march, including units involved in a special military operation in ukraine, and 75 units of various types of weapons and equipment. military parade, dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the great victory. may 9 at 10:00 moscow time live on the first. this city was literally and
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figuratively reborn from the ashes, because during the war rzhef was almost completely wiped off the face of the earth. that's just the sound, that's the sound. yeah, it looks like there's something about this place. oops, in the partisan detachments there were pigeons, scouts, demolitionists with pigeons. went, but why with pigeons? suddenly the radio went out of tune? you will now need to insert the correct stance, your hands have made such a house, that’s where it comes from expression: i’m in the house, i’m in the house, guys, i’m in the house, that’s it, one of the main symbols of the city is rzhev, the red boots of prince vladimir, you make one boot, i make the second boot, the knot is tied, and one and two are three, and he is thrown up, he falls twice at once, his life. speaker of the lower house of congress mike johnson, who unexpectedly approved the allocation of billions of dollars for the ukrainian
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adventure of the americans. mike, you suck! an evangelical baptist, he considers himself the chosen one. it is divinely necessary to transfer these weapons to ukraine, this is a quote from him. he changed his position with trump, what influenced them? conversation in the oval office, attended by william burns, director of the cia. during this conversation. johnson somehow turned pale, there could be incriminating evidence. he was accepted into capa sigma. in order to become your own, you need to beat a goose to death, well done, you have advanced, you can go to the next level. the zelensky group was looking for approaches to donald trump and found it through johnson. for the first time, she had his adherents, her own secret society. pious maniac pervert. usa is the only country in world, based on a creed. ideologically inclined to continue to fight. they position themselves as an enemy of russia and go step by step. to the outbreak of the third world war, it will be nuclear. weak mike made another goose. dolls of the heir tutti. on monday for
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the first time. the most famous british fascist , oswald mosley, at the age of 22, became the youngest member of the english parliament. following mussolini, mosley declared great britain the heiress of great rome, which sounded wild, but he did not even notice it. after at the end of the second world war, the french, at least at that time, defeated their internal fascism. but did the anglo-saxons cope with it? the big question is, it was they who helped many nazis evade responsibility and tried with all their might to avoid publicity of the monstrous crimes of the german fascists. premiere, ordinary fascism two. on monday, on the first. great lent is ending and
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a magical one awaits us. i want to say that god loves man so much that everyone, perhaps, is given such a situation in life that ultimately he is assured of the truth of the gospel, of the truth of the orthodox faith, now we have heard the stories of our guests, everyone tells their own path to god, there is a lot in common that people go through... i want to talk about one situation that i witnessed, i won’t name names, but a situation happened that a man was in confession, he repented very seriously, then at the end of the service, it was an evening service, he stands in the church and thinks
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like this: lord, how can you forgive me for my sins? i have sinned so much, i i did this, i can’t, how is this even possible? confession is a sacrament, isn't it? and at the end of the service, in some churches there is such a thing, the priest comes out and talks with the parishioners, so the priest comes out and says: brothers and sisters, today we will talk about the sacrament of repentance, and he says these words: does anyone know why. .. confession is a secret, that is , the priest has no right to disclose what he heard during confession never, under any circumstances, and well, someone answers, someone tries to understand why, priest says such words, but because god forgives so much that this sin no longer exists, and if god has forgiven, then what kind of person has the right to talk about it, that’s the person who repented, who stood listening to
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these words, he for himself. .. that god forgave me and forgave me so much that this sin no longer exists, this is probably the biggest miracle when there is such forgiveness, but only the person himself, how will he continue to live, how will he return to this sin or he won’t return, that’s our choice, yes, it was the ninetieth birthday of the artist versaladze, who designed almost all the performances, not only in the bolshoi theater, but in the marininsky theater in general and...
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so he raises the stage, we begin to look for the cross, the entire cordoballet that stood on the stage begins, but this scene is drawn out linoleum, it had to fall somewhere, it disappeared, no one found it, and after, well, as if i looked at the video later, it takes off like that and disappears, when there is such, well, one of the largest shrines in the orthodox, svetz khuveli, one of the oldest temples in world. i had it illuminated there, i arrived there, i came to the priest, i bought a new cross, so that they would illuminate me, i told him that some kind of miracle happened to me, because well , it can’t be that flew away, he says: you are very lucky, he says, your problems have been removed, if so, well, how would you lose like this, in such a circumstance, like god, what are you doing, that you have redeemed something, some kind of problem was removed from you, this is very...
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i would return to the temple someday, i turned around left, this was his entire sermon that he delivered that day: my grandmother went to church, my father was a writer with general's shoulder straps, my mother was first a teacher at a ballet school, so yes, but that was a long time ago, then the main director of the bridge concert, they never went to church, i never went to church, when my grandmother had already left, i never went to church again, as a child i didn’t understand anything, then my friend... a person very close to me, a man who restores churches, asked me to come on the anniversary of the temple, which he restored, the reason is very simple: television is coming to see me, and he really wanted this temple to be shown, i came, which means i’m standing up for the service,
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i don’t understand anything, at all, that is, nothing, yours from yours, the whole temple falls to its knees, and i you know, a good parishioner, i’m wearing stiletto heels, i’m wearing a beautiful dress, that is, you understand me, right? this means that the whole temple falls to its knees, i fall too, i twist my leg on this stiletto heel, i understand that i cannot just get up, that is, the pain is hellish, somehow, when the people are already leaving, it brings me to benches, i sit on this bench, my aunty is on the church box, oh-oh, what happened to you, i say, i can’t get up, it hurts me a lot, then it turned out that the joint capsule was ruptured, my leg still hurts, she tells me , this is so that you don’t leave our temple. and i didn’t understand how it affected me, the next sunday i went to this temple with my leg tied, when
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i entered here, i saw father alistarch for the first time, i had such a feeling, well, i don’t know, i’m like my third person, dear, and i understood very well that i would never leave here again, it just became easier. a feeling of complete happiness of constant joy, even in the most difficult trials, when my husband died, i had thoughts of leaving this world forever, but they told me that i have children, i have grandchildren, and no, the jackpot
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was just very churched, and he, he was never afraid of death, for almost 2 years he had very bad diagnoses. he was treated, the doctors were very good, wonderful, but at some point the disease turned out to be stronger, he loved life, he he loved his home, he loved animals, he enjoyed this life, that is, he loved his job, and what’s more, he didn’t have anything like that, he didn’t have any pain, and this is also a miracle, of course , this is a huge miracle, firstly, we asked for it, and the fortieth day, the day of judgment, is easter, christ is risen. i was asked by a publishing house to write a book of notes from a happy parishioner, i sat down to write,
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and i realized that all the time god was confronting me with people who would lead me to faith, but all the time i didn’t see, didn’t hear, didn’t i know why, i didn’t come, i don’t understand, so i can’t do it. i only now understand that god’s love for us is so great that the lord even remembered me, it’s like remembering a fly that walks around the temple on the glass, right? leaving is impossible, yes, indeed,
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we all come in very different ways, and the path you are talking about is, in fact, also the path of many, this is the path of smooth, calm, methodical germination, not by chance, because christ, when he speaks about - the kingdom of god, he says: like a person, he plants a grain in the ground, and doesn’t know how the grain grows until the shoot appears,
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i was going to college, i studied normally, so i graduated with a gold medal, i’m studying to become a veterinarian, and what’s here, it’s at home i’m missing my native place here, have a baby, give it to us, i’ll love vitka’s blood as if it were my own, we’ll grow up to be human, what else do you need, you’ve gone completely crazy, you can’t mess with a child...
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i may not understand anything about art, but art is for it should touch the soul, but it doesn’t, so you either cry or laugh or remember something good, pleasant, beautiful; you can’t hang something like that in a church. ekaterina, tell us how you came to the realization, to god, to faith, i was baptized in deep childhood, but the eighties are not childhood, exactly, in early childhood, at about three years old, probably, but the soviet union, we are like a family as a believer, it seems, yes, but at the same time...
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my mother became very ill, when she went somewhere for, well, i don’t know, for several months, she began to ask me for her, yes, mother mine, and for me to call the priest, she i couldn’t walk anymore, and so that i could tell her, well, first the priests came to the hospital and confessed her, and she had never been to confession, or to communion, or to anything, and then, it was just the day...
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of children, we wanted a third, but somehow it all didn’t work out very well, and we decided that we needed to get married, it was june, and we couldn’t agree, he worked, i worked, the priest periodically for...
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let's talk about military songs years, i remember the infantry, for me the most heartfelt songs are those that were heard in our films, death is not terrible, a great song that
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was written by alexander vasilyevich alexandrov, when there were the most terrible, most critical times.
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the cradle of russian orthodoxy, here 2.0 years ago apostle andrew, the patron saint of our country, began his journey through the future russian lands. we know that he was a fisherman, we know that he was one of the closest and beloved disciples of christ. he was not a big man, but he was tall. bravast, nasad, with gray, slightly unkempt hair. there can be no last judgment until all nations know about christ, so someone must reach the limits of the universe and preach christ, including as a scythian. here's the actual thread. which has connected us since the 2nd century, because the scythians lived on our territory. peter dedicates the order to andrew, the apostle andrew is our patron. the apostle stood on a high stone, prayed for the dedication of the people of khersanez, and the stone became like wax, and his feet were imprinted on the stones. why st. andrew's cross, a symbolic name,
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because it resembles the letter x, christ. he was crucified on just such a cross. this is a letter x, such a sign is such across the whole country that. andrew the first-called, tomorrow at the first, in fact, here they found him, at first they thought he was drunk, but that’s how it is, he had enemies, you knew that he was going to get married, maybe you didn’t like it, i can ask questions during the investigation only me, that’s clear, clear, well, guys, you ’ve been through thick and thin together, there are copper pipes left, the wedding march must be according to martial law, new episodes, from monday on the first, people change, let’s try them trust, yes to people, no to enemies, on
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the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders, spotted, don’t, please, i beg you, don’t shoot, i beg you, don’t, please, car, add two knots, we in an hour they should be in place, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, if we have the code, we can start a radio game with the russians, in the square 19:23, expect transport 0 hours, one mile from the coastline, answer, we have started , yes, it worked. stop this madness, i'll give you mines cards. alexandrov is the owner of secret information that should not get to the germans, okay? what did you manage to convey? this
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folder contains junhans documents, all spent cartridges are hidden. someone was covering their tracks. saboteur, crimea. may 9, on the first. what are we going to do, commander? how about following orders? should we eliminate alexandra? no. that means no, on the day of victory on the first, so there but on the musical front, a blue handkerchief, clearly, dugout, smuklyanka, comrade commander, we learned their favorite songs by heart a long time ago, what do you play, harp, there is no harp, take a tambourine, we know everyone by name, the grasshopper, romeo and masha, muglianka, i, comrade, commander, we remember how they flew, caught grasshoppers, eagles, wolves, and how they loved, and as shakespeare said in the eighteenth sonnet, hello,
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boys, and we remember what these boys did for us, the same fields, roads, villages, uh, no, the air is different, but the sky is bluer and the earth is greener, we will live, we will live, as long as we remember, only old men are fighting may 9 after the program time, and if they give you a motto, where are the stories, can we get enough? the option i offer you is it is the best, 10 km from the city, and they provide the highest level of care. we have prepared our best apartments for you, no hint of a hospice or almshouse, you can have an autograph, i have admired you since my youth. autograph, anna evseeva, actress, and her relatives give a double rate, the fatal lady, i would say bitch, and you are a believer, a stricken atheist, and
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in general there is nowhere to give samples, again for the old one, yes, mom, you’re sick, well, you’re like- then come to your senses already, you decided to hit me in the face, until you decide, you take me as a helper and take me out into the courtyard, yeah, i'll sneak into your limousine and we'll go, where? the glorious world celebrates the main holiday of easter. nicholas mentioned our lady of kazan. tatiana spoke about semestrelny, we
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prepared a story about the different faces of the mother of god. let's get a look. it is difficult to say how many famous icons are meant in the world of the mother of god. some say 300, sometimes more. here is the icon. among all the more than 300 images that we know, the most famous and revered is the image of the vladimir icon of the mother of god. the icon became famous for the fact that in front of it, firstly, were married to the kingdom, patriarchs were elected before her. the icon burned several times, was in a fire when everything was destroyed, but it remained intact. the icon is truly wonderful. this is the first icon. the prototype that the rest of the images went to paint, at least that’s what is believed in the scientific and museum community. all
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other icons are named either by the time of their appearance, or by their writing, or by the place where they exist today. you and i are near one of the most famous images that glorified in russia, this is the image of the kazan mother of god. if you look closely, then...
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here in front of us is the iverskaya icon of the mother of god, in moscow, mm, near red square there is the iverskaya chapel, which was demolished during the soviet period, restored again, where this image was located, and how after that, when they broke the chestnut, they thought that he was missing, but miraculously, then they found him, he was kissed to the holes, look, you see, there’s just all the paint, so i myself witnessed how many come to the siverska with the icon of the mother of god, after the most difficult trials of the operation, they are already sentenced to death, and a month later they come, they say: the gates found nothing, such miracles, healings are nothing, it is said, forgive and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, i want to congratulate everyone on the approaching easter of christ, christ's
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resurrection has come, christ is risen. martushka olga, i know that you can tell us how, in general, in various sorrows or illnesses, it is more correct to turn to this or that icon? you know, the question is not even about which icon, but how? and yes, exactly how with what thoughts, what kind of prayer, and just like, for example, well, there is some kind of spiritual attraction, but...
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incredible in difficult circumstances, now they were talking about the kazan icon, this is our great king, ion the terrible, then this icon won, well some kind of royal one, you can turn to it during some very important historical events, it’s not for nothing that our november 4th holiday is a state holiday, this is connected. somewhere with ian the terrible with this face, so the only question is a sincere appeal, you know, a question of a sincere cry, mother of god, you know, what kind of icon do you have, what do you carry in your heart, well, the main thing is how you shout, how you address her, i also
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wanted to say, since we were all talking about easter, can i tell you the most important sacrament that appears in the easter liturgical service , this is when easter began, when it is read from john, in the beginning there was the word, the word was god, this is the most mysterious thing.
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this is how to sort this into shelves, something like this, this will help from this, this will help from this, it will help when you you shout, lord, help, lady theotokos, help, only in this, just like on easter, because the first who went to the tomb were the myrrh-bearers, they went at that darkest time, this is a woman,
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only so daring to guess , and the first one who learned about the resurrection of the lord is, of course, the mother of god, this is what she says, it’s not me who says this.
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one of my favorite confessors, archbishop luke, is our doctor and surgeon. last year i broke it very badly. anatoly, well, the fact is that playing negative characters, here we are very similar, in my life i played a lot of evil spirits, otherworldly forces, i also
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killed so many people, extinguished them, blew them up, hanged them, but besides this, i also played evil spirits all the time, but that’s okay, i hope the almighty will forgive me, tell me about your stories. it’s somehow obvious from their prayers and how it happened, something was going on inside me, probably to the prayers of all of me, who are all the departed, all of whom have gone into eternity, somehow i understood that all this exists, but
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so that there is no way to come to this directly there was, and for me there was a world - a teenager, a child, it was limited, how to say, well , this is the place where i lived, that is, i went to the movies, i was shocked. infected with actors and really wanted to be a film artist, i became one, that is, this crazy faith in my calling, it moved me and obviously, how can i say, when i went into the army, i was in the army, i wasn’t baptized either , it was my belief that i needed to become an artist, it helped me get through the army.
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vacation without anything, when i entered gitis, it wasn’t right away either, father, father showed up on our horizon, father artemy vladimirov, who, in my opinion, led many artists to faith, is now on the screen, yes, father, of course, i am incredibly grateful to him, i always remember him, in the ninety-first year i was baptized by my friend. then
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everything began to spin, began to spin, the forces that kept me in their circle, they realized that obviously they were losing, it began, it began, that is, who is there for me, when... then the struggle begins, then the struggle begins, that’s when it all began in the nineties, theater, cinema, ekaterina vasileva, now, who was on our lips then, to go there, not there, to be, not to be, that she is now a nun, yes, yes, i know, yes, yes, yes, on us, on the actors, on young people, well, students, it had a very strong influence, especially when i became a neophyte, that is, i was baptized, i understood, maybe it’s not necessary, here these things started, first these ones came.
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but something saved me, at first it was obvious, obviously, theater and cinema, art, and faith, of course, these temptations, this whole flom that took place in the nineties, now i only understand what it was for, what i acquired, what i lost, well, the main thing is that we acquired, acquired, yes, well, at the end of our meeting, i want our fathers to tell us something... that's a parting word, right? alexander,
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let's start with you. well, the example of christ itself tells us one, perhaps not always pleasant, but completely obvious thing. in general, the entire biblical text tells us that god often acts in the world paradoxically, and not through strength, but through weakness. kazan image, here we are we correlate it with ivan the terrible, with the capture of kazan. with such a period of troubled times, she was found on the ashes by a little girl, whom no one believed, whose mother was forced to take a shovel to go dig, because no one believed in these repeated dreams and apparitions of the mother of god, the myrrh-bearing wife, as mother quite rightly noted, this here are the trembling deer that go at night to a place about which they cannot say anything, even the vision of an open coffin, most likely, firstly, terrified them, it’s just that someone came to...
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you have to listen at the beginning, at the beginning, when nothing happened yet, and i want to say that every time easter for us, for living people, is the beginning, let's start living, because god is life, thank you, thank you, father vasily, i want to say that the most important miracle is that god is love, you and i have... everyone has the gift of god, you know what it is, no matter where we end up, in what condition, no matter where we are, we can always turn to this divine love, to god, to christ, start living, as mother said, and of course, divine grace always answers our prayers, god answers in three ways, as the holy fathers say, yes, i will fulfill everything you ask, no, wait, it’s not time yet, and no, you this is not useful, so let's pray. ask the lord, further, how god
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will manage according to his divine love, the most important thing is that we have a desire to be with him. thank you very much, dear friends, i say goodbye to you, now on the air of channel one: a festive service.


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