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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 5, 2024 2:25am-3:16am MSK

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i remember that the children and i were at home, the easter service was being broadcast, there were no people in the church, no parishioners, but along with this pain there was still some kind of joy, that it was still easter, but it was impossible to hide it, but it was impossible to hide it like the sun, well, how do you hide from it, it shines. well, here’s the spiritual sun - that’s for sure, because i say that as much life as easter gives, probably it, well, probably nothing else can reveal to us here on earth, did you think about what, well, well , well, that's how it is, yes, after all, and a new life of the eternal beginning, after all, in general, man was created for joy, yes, after all , we, we want joy, for everyone, everyone ’s nature, we are determined, that’s how we should live our life, if it’s happy, that’s what, well here, and here it turns out that true joy in the world ended when christ died on... the cross, he leaves joy, the world,
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yes, at the same time, instead, another joy is given, eternal, heavenly joy, yes, in in this sense, this is what christ says, that i will always be with you, that is, my easter will always with you, it’s amazing, you know, i sometimes think about how limited our world is, although it always seemed to me that maybe he is a very human being, well , let’s imagine in buildings with a very high ceiling, very much, we don’t see it, but it is there, this ceiling is there, it is itself... the consciousness that there is a ceiling in a person’s life, that it is not infinite, that it is there, well, and from this there is a completely different structure of the soul , if there is a ceiling, if there is a limit that you cannot cross, here we are in the nineties it was kyriopascha, and you know, but generally not with easter, yes, we are talking about easter, but you know, when the next one will be in 2075, i thought that probably already, the charter, i probably don’t need this service anymore he will remember, and that’s okay. but if you think about
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it, yes, there is some kind of solomon’s melancholy in this, this will end in this world, and our stay, suddenly it is revealed that there is no, that easter is eternal and that we will meet this easter too, we will already meet not here, you know, it's amazing, that's when there is an infinite space above you, that is , there is no ceiling, there is no border, there is no border of joy, in this sense of joy, i want to ask you, there is such a stereotype that orthodoxy is so sad. so heavy, something sad, here te mikhail talks about joy, you feel this joy, it is different from the joy that we feel in everyday life, for you personally, without without without without theological, so to speak, the conclusion i understand about what you say, you know, of course i feel it, especially if you are fasting, but when it turns out, when you defend the night service, they still serve in different ways, i remember that we once had communion in the church at about 4 in the morning, i remember, i remember that i was already under...
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i went too, he didn’t fast, didn’t confess, so he took communion, and he came again and said, you know, i felt something that i, that i don’t fully understand, but i understand, that i experienced something, i came, now, i returned to you, to find out what i experienced, yes, and this was proof for me. quite obvious yes that a person of an objective nature, yes, intellectually honest, yes, so-called, that a person is completely unchurched and has nothing to do with the event, he came, entered this event and it flourished in him, that is, it gave fruit this event means that it is still so above our human understanding, yes, that we cannot say how the lord sows, yes, where he is, what kind of hearts he is a friend, you understand, that’s why i don’t count people . which i do not share after this incident,
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i do not share who fasted and who did not fast, how he gilded himself, i understood him, because it is so deep that it can touch any heart, any heart in general. a person so, on the one hand, without hurting him, without frightening him, not so to speak, but, on the other hand, to attract precisely with this inspiration, internal to completely life, when a person suddenly feels, and i have taken place, where does this come from in me , i haven’t become richer, i haven’t become more successful, i haven’t solved any life problems, suddenly you realize that this is your life... it’s precious, beautiful, it’s happened, therefore, this is the consistency of life together with the inspiration that comes with easter, well , isn’t this evidence, we want external things all the time, but where do you get the external when everything is inside, everything is hidden, everything is there, well, that’s why for me people i will never
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again i don’t share easter, and even the person who sees that he came there doesn’t know the service, doesn’t know how to approach, but still understands that this joy can touch him very deeply, for him... he came by accident, you didn’t call him, that’s everyone who is on this threshold stepped over, and look how much the world passes by, but i have a temple next to the train station and there is a huge flow of people, and few turn around and enter the temple, and you think where, it turns out, they were called from, too, that is, this is not just curiosity, that is , the person himself entering the temple... especially on a great holiday, it seems to me that there is already evidence that someone called him, someone wants to tell him, very quietly in a whisper, yes, that your life here, look, i will give you life. christ resurrection, today we gathered our thoughts
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about the holiday of easter, protere mikhail potokin, elena zakharova, i’m vladimir ligoida, we continue, please tell me, is this feeling, okay? after which some communions still begin, i noticed not only at easter, yes, circumstances develop in such a way as to somehow pull you out of this goodness, but again into some kind of everyday life, into some, well, i don’t know , maybe some kind of conflict or something else, it’s very difficult, you see, after communion, but you’re somehow different, so indeed, as father mikhail says from some other coordinate system, you go out with something into another world, then you find yourself.
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therefore, it’s a bright week for me, i want to serve every day, i’m afraid, so to speak, that i’ll take up the entire altar, so, well, i still try to serve as often as possible, because for me i want to get enough of it, so i’m all i recommend easter not just for one day, but for the whole easter week, to listen to this
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easter, come to the service, take communion, and then this joy is enough, so indeed, she is in memory... this is something most significant and bright, that’s why we are weak, you know, for a person in general, i always thought that it’s easier for us to understand sin, because to understand sin we just need to let go. not because the church rejoices little, but we rejoice little, we have all the pleasure, just this kind of joy, this kind of joy, this inner, truly genuine joy , there is very little, but en, and you agree that joy is sometimes more difficult to experience feel how, i understand that we are not arguing with the clergy, but speculate.
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yes, all the time we yes all the time i want to eat here , it can even be not only well , look, sometimes it’s easier to empathize than to rejoice , but a person is in grief and we empathize , don’t you need help there, and so on , something happened to the person there like i came running, i’m talking about this , this unusual state, i wanted to talk. this descent of vat, by the way, is not simple, father michael, please explain to us why the easter icon
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, resurrection icon is called the descent into hades, well, probably because easter goes into hades, because hell is the human soul without god, well , that’s how we understand it, yes, well, because there is a tradition that christ, no, christ enters hades unconditionally, on holy saturday, yes, we know about this, but in fact , the human soul without god is hell, well , it turns out that way, it’s true, well, that’s why god comes down. into the soul always as into hell, in order to resurrect it, therefore sunday is not only sunday at easter, this sunday in general is a touch to god, this is resurrection, well, when he touches us, and if he is not in our life, then we have this kind of nightmare starting inside us, but here i just want us to read some symbols, these are how you can say it, these are tablets yes - baptized below , these are the broken gates of hell, i understand correctly, yes, that is, here is christ’s own.
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say, family there or friends or something else, and it seems to a person that it’s too late to live, now
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life has been lived, it didn’t exist, and what to do now, here it’s like suddenly all this breaks down, they say, but life is not too late , here she is life, now she has come, even the thief came in the last minutes of his life , fullness came, and this fullness, it completely covers all our desires, i also wanted to talk at the easter service, do you have something, well, i don’t know, favorite thing during the easter night service is... what most of all, because there is a lot of things, and christ is risen sounds, and the easter canon is sung, and well, a lot of things, but i probably like the moment, excuse me, when the priest rushes around the temple like this, runs straight, screams, christ will rise, in truth will rise, christ has risen, just like that, just like that, and you can see how tired he is, well, as you say, yes, but there is such lightness, such joy that it happened, that he would not have come in.
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when the temple answers, you know, it’s something, it doesn’t depend, it doesn’t depend on the mass, it’s something else in this one voice, yes, with one heart, one mouth in... therefore very great power there is also this unity, which happens so rarely among people, but suddenly people united , this unity is felt, here it is you can feel it during the eucharist when they sing the faith or the lord's prayer, especially when in the church there are many people singing harmoniously, singing together, suddenly it gives rise to some kind of inner uplift, when you stand before illuminating the gifts,
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listening to the symbol of faith, when the church sings, and here, just when this dialogue is like this... on sunday and this is said to everyone, to everyone, as they say, with all lips, with all heart, with all thoughts, so it’s very cool, and i’m always interested, here’s the flesh of dreams, sanctuaries easter, everything is very fast, bright, major key, suddenly in the silence it’s like flesh and sleep, as if the dead have risen, this one was shining, yes, a different, different sound, you know, like such a contrast, yes, on the one hand, easter is joy, it’s loud , it's so strong, it's fast, it's bright, yeah. on the other hand, no one saw the moment of easter, they came to the tomb at night, silence, the sun had not yet risen, this is the flesh and falling asleep, it’s like dawn, you know, the first rays have touched, but easter was once she also comes with the dawn, and how as if the sun has not yet risen, but you know, now it will rise, yes, when the sky is illuminated, here is the still invisible sun, yes, and the sky is already
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illuminated, this is the flesh of sleep, as if dead, this is this chant for me, it is always his i love it very much. it is precisely for this anticipation that here we are standing on the threshold, now, now, so to speak, we will see this tomb open, yes, and so to speak, christ is risen, now it will become a reality for us, this will come into our lives , and you feel this is what father mikhail is talking about now i spoke with such inspiration, yes, this is unity, by the way, there really is a lot of things there, the priests change their clothes there, i noticed that in recent years, in my opinion, this has appeared, when our women began to change their scarves, i seriously marked them.
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here is the gospel, yes, we know that the gospel is always read during divine services, during the liturgy, but on easter there is a special story here too, in our church we at least have a tradition of reading in different languages, here is what we can about this tradition say, in general, how much, how, how do you do it passes, because it is also different, there is a large passage from the gospel of john, it is read, someone, someone reads in pieces, we are now with me, we do not read in languages, we read only slavic, when i narrowed it down , so we read there in eight... greek and latin, you see, we also know how we did it, we went to the temple, that is, we read not forcefully, that is, not from the altar, as the priest usually reads, not in front of the altar, as the deacon reads, and we went out to church and stood among the people, that is, it was as if
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eye from the people, yes, that is, this gospel is spoken as if on behalf of everyone, and on behalf of everyone. different languages, that is, on behalf of different people, and this is surprising, because the word of god, it really is, it is not only in the altar, not the deacon, it, the word of god is the property of everyone in general, we must feel this together with unity, here in easter chants, and together pronouncing christ is risen, that in general easter is the property of the whole world, this is what the world will live by, all languages, all peoples, so to speak, they can come closer to this easter, they can draw inspiration from it, they can draw strength from it, that’s why. it’s difficult, it means what parts we break into, we broke it down before, we agreed, three, let’s say, verses or four verses each and read, but i must say, first of all, this greatly lengthens the service, and despite this, people don’t complain, that is, this too, they
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feel some kind of hidden thing in this, yes, that, it’s easter, once upon a time tongues divided people. once upon a time, well, the babylonian invasion, we believe that the division of languages ​​came from there, yes, suddenly easter unites, that is, it covers the whole world again, as if languages ​​are gathering back into themselves again, i think that probably this question arises for me, tell me, in the kingdom of heaven, what language will we speak, well, the french will be english there , well , okay, the chinese will go to the kingdom of heaven, but no, how will we communicate, yes, because we won’t understand them, what language will be there? how interesting, by the way, i never thought about this, well, but it seems to me that we should understand each other there, maybe we not needed, it is probably said that there will be no time, time, there will probably be no separation of languages, i think. that is, such a division, because we must understand people, we must all become one family, but in the family we need to speak the same language, actress elena
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zakharova, archpriest mikhail potokin, i am vladimir ligoida, we gathered our thoughts on the occasion of the holiday of easter, let's continue, i know what i wanted to ask you, because it is connected with the holiday of easter, this is the most important topic, john the myrrh-bearer, yes, we understand about what is on calvary. in general from there were no disciples except john, and indeed one can say that not only judas betrayed christ, not only he was afraid, and peter denied, well, in general there was no one, but there were women, and the mother of god, and other women were, the enthroned christ, does not appear to the disciples at the beginning, yes, but to the women who come and these myrrh-bearing wives, that’s what it is for you, how do you, how do you experience all this?
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he may be in his soul, well, that is, some such things are said by people who are either atheists in general, and these were mostly men, whom i naturally tried to convince, but sometimes the dialogue got to such a point that i thought, well, it’s better not to say anything further, so as not to provoke the person, so it seems to me that no offense to men, but women are probably more sensitive yes, even if you look at them, there are a lot of women in churches, well, there are probably fewer men in general. in general, yes, in principle, but there are also a lot of men who are believers, i can’t say anything, it seems to me that this is a hint in general, that they were the first to meet, yes, you see, there is, well
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, a reasonable way of knowing, an intuitive way of knowing, that is , intuition, yes, here they are, when they go to the tomb, they say, who will take the stone away from us, suddenly they have reason, so to speak, they have such an idea , so to speak, they didn’t think to themselves, yes, yes, no, this, this actually happens to everyone, yes, that is, sometime. doesn’t understand, but the heart pulls there, and we must all go there, this is trust in your heart, trust, yes, in your intuition, some kind of cordiality, yes, it is theirs, it brings them to the first
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christ, so here are the ways knowledge human, humanity, they are exactly what they are shown, but you know, it really seems to me that i am with elena, in which i agree, if i understood you correctly, that maybe a woman really has more firmness and strength . and even if we look at the story of the fall, connected with history, with easter itself, yes, because the saviors actually come to accomplish what people once failed, there are different explanations for why the serpent seduces a wife, yes, and no, no, not adam, someone says, because she’s weaker, yes, but there is another logic, as they say, as in a fight, yes, who needs to be beaten first, the healthiest one, yes, by seducing his wife, the snake understands that she can cope with the man.
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i myself saw, when i began to go to church, many women, elderly, who filled the temple and refused to leave in the harshest years, so here it is impossible to refuse this, icons that are now being brought a lot, which were saved from churches by women, yes , that is, this love is caring for the temple, and how it is like about a living being, like about your child, as if it something personal connects them with the temple, not just that, but how alive, as a living being , the relationship to the temple to... the service, to what is illuminated, to the icons, well, you know, it’s worth a lot, it resonates with you this is what father, yes, that’s why this is, it seems to me, this is a fact, this is, i think, men’s
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checker. it will work out, and you spoke wonderfully about it, in general, but it is clear that easter is a theme that permeates the entire culture, yes, our entire life, the entire culture, if we look at the culture in which we grew up and became successful, then, of course, there are these themes, they are everywhere, that’s how you still experience this joy, well, i don’t know, there are films on the gospel theme, like yours , i somehow have a hard time perceiving them, so honestly, if it’s not a documentary, of course,
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you just somehow take our literature , so to speak, your soul rests, you think what depth there is in people, you understand, this depth is also where it comes from, who, who gave them such a heart, yes, who gave them such intelligence, and where did they get everything from, but look, they many, in general, were spiritual people, no , we may not be very much, we know them in the church, yes, but their attitude to faith, their attitude to life, it still prompts them in creativity, yes, that it was all serious for them. it was deep, so for me all the literature is ours, it is beautiful and deep, the classics, yes ours, and the music inspires all this, but still for me easter is what is in the church, these are the easter texts, you know , our attitude towards them is like, well, unfortunately we read them, so well, probably very little, everything there, well , we read the easter canon for a week, yes, we read the easter hours there, too, a little, it seems to me, in general this is amazing poetry, it’s
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you want and can share, and with whom- then it’s very cool to share, if there is such an opportunity to go to people who, well , maybe won’t survive this joy, yes, if you don’t invite these homeless people, but surprise, i surprise myself, they - i was afraid that they would come drunk there will be, no, sober people come, yes, that is, it’s interesting what the person answers you, yes, although it would seem that the person is in a very serious condition, that’s why when they come, the fatigue goes away, and we begin
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too... we hasten to share the easter joy, thank you very much, dear friends, thank you for this
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absolutely perfect easter conversation, i really appreciate it, christ is risen, risen, hello, this is a podcast of witnesses from einstein and his leading film historians, natalia ryabchikova and stanislav didinsky. our podcast is about who and how created classic, beloved, little-known, forgotten soviet films, and today we will talk about the sixtieth anniversary of probably one of the most beloved soviet films, the film “i walk through moscow.” and today we have guests.
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which was called buddies, about two guys, schoolchildren, who meet in the morning queue for beer, but in order to find this beer stall, one of them had to play detective, because he began to look for this queue by roach skins that were scattered on street, he actually walked along these skins to the stall, well, that was shpalikov’s idea, from this story gradually, is gradually growing... a new version of the script: the schoolchildren are replaced by, in general, adults, students, graduates, you can even say so, and a girl appears, new characters appear, in general, in the end at some point the the fourth main character is moscow, which we
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see on the screen, this is the film that we all know by heart today, but how it was created, probably, this is still a question not for us, but for you, yes, as far as i know. that gen, while still a student, according to his script - khutsiev filmed the outpost or yacha or we are 20 years old, so one day he went to drink beer, you’re right, drink beer there, in gikto it’s located next to vdnkh, on the territory of vdnkh, there was some kind of beer establishment, and there he saw this this scene, which then, like... tyuta, entered the picture, when it began to rain, the weather was sunny and a young man, a girl was walking ahead, he was riding a bicycle behind her and was carrying an umbrella over her, this is what i know that this he
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wrote down, this is where it started, this is the root of this mood, which led him to scenario, i'm walking around moscow. and by the way, we may be able to watch just this fragment now, because you appear in this fragment. too, well, let’s clean it up, friend, no, there’s his fiancee, where’s the groom, i know, sasha, sasha, he bought a suit, and the hairstyle suits him, a typical criminal,
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there might not have been a story at all, you’re completely there by chance turned out to be? yes, by chance, my classmate and i, unfortunately, recently passed away viktor zazulin. artist of the vakhtansky theater, we went to a mass film, wandered around the corridors, that someone suddenly he pays attention, notices, well, i didn’t even have to wander around the corridors, we just passed the checkpoint, immediately met a student from the evening course, and he says: what, you told him, well, he says, well it’s clear, and he told us, come into the group, i’m walking around moscow, the fourth floor from the elevator to the left, i remember. well , we came in, and first they gave us the script
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to read, i didn’t understand anything in it, but i really wanted to act like i did back then, then we were shown to georgy nikolaevich at dana’s, there was an acting assistant there, she was like this, now this is called casting director lee coron on overbach, so she showed us to georgy nikolaevich and he ordered that vitya... means making a photo test for him, but this doesn’t tell me, well, as doctor overbach told us, she stuttered very much, and we called her lika zaika in the picture with nikita, so she then said that well , you looked so, so pitifully that i decided to do a photo test for you too, so we did this photo test, this photo test turned out to be such a stellar ticket, it really this photo is amazing
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suit of the groom, then georgy nikolaevich said: where is he, give him here, and they began to take me, which means i had two photos, two screen tests, and the artist who was planned for this role was already approved, and then he had to refuse and leukoronna said that i was a woman, i didn’t... and i never hesitated, maybe we cured him, so ends the chapter of georgy nikolaevich just on the topic of this situation, and we can now reveal this secret, who was this actor? but i don’t know, because for me it’s secret, but i asked him, nikolaevich, he told me why you need to know this, maybe he still has you, which means he has a negative attitude towards you, that you crossed his path,
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there is nothing in the documents about this either no assumptions at all, yes, it turns out you were already auditioned for the role of the groom right away, yes, they auditioned me for this role, yes, but you say that the students really wanted to act in the film, but when we read the documents we often see that it is not always very easy for them they let you go, what do you need to write in the film crew, yes they just banned it altogether, of course, but you knew that they would ban it anyway? well , it wasn’t like they would ban it, just like they could ban it, just at the mkhat studios school, they just expelled them right away, at the shchukin school they didn’t expel them right away, but in general it was somehow not encouraged at all, but mikhalkova was banned, as far as i remember , yes, yes no, they didn’t forbid him anything, it’s just that boris evgenievich zakhava, the people’s artist who played kutuzov in war and peace, i ’m explaining this to the audience, he just told him: go ahead, either study or act, well, in general
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somehow choose one of the two, well, then nikita went to the facility at the directing department, and an outstanding film director was born, whom we have the honor of knowing, we, to be honest, don’t see each other very often, but we are, of course, people of the same destiny, and we are so connected by destinies, because in the nineties i went to perform... in rybensk, well, as is usually the case with this creative evening, i performed there for 3 hours in the city theater, stood, that means, answered questions, and then they showed me the city , everything there, in particular they told me, it’s very good there the museum of local lore, they took me to the museum of local lore, they showed me photographs there, in particular, i remembered the photographs of the visit of the great...
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such friendship with nikit kholkov, yes, on the screen that’s why it looks so natural, so alive, this is such a youthful friendship, it’s all very realistically, some kind of image of moscow, which now seems to us... completely real, but again we know from memories, yes, that as if during the filming it was even necessary to wash houses in order to create such an image of a bright moscow, a clean moscow, it’s unlikely the city that we see on the screen was different from the real moscow of those years, well
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, here’s an example, and what made it different was the talent of vadim, an outstanding cameraman who saw moscow like that, that’s all, there’s nothing here, we have such an episode in the documents , which we read that a scene with a cafe in the arbat alleys, a cafe for this scene was created, it was not there, it was created, and this model, pavilion, full-scale, yes, from standard blocks, that is, really in the factory that makes these here's a cafe, we bought blocks for a motsfilm, made a cafe, filmed scene, we moved on, because they were filming very quickly. then the workers could not free themselves and dismantle this decoration, when they arrived, they began to dismantle, then the residents of the neighboring houses began to say: why are you dismantling, we just had a cafe made, we want this cafe, a catering point in our area, i can’t answer exactly to this question, but i think that this is a legend, because somehow in soviet times they did not
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improvise anything with construction, no, it’s all in the documents that we will film it with the help of these. the scene when i arrive nikita, i’m approaching his house, it’s on arbat lane, then this was a cafe, and it didn’t seem to me that it had just been built. ceremony, inauguration of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live broadcast on may 7 at 12:00 moscow time. when
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the film came out, i walked around moscow, they wrote that many people compared it to the film.
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intonation, after all, it was turned into film classics, by the soul and consciousness, and georgy nikolaevich danel, the director who saw it, transposed it, the same andrey petrov, a composer, in general, you know, georgy nikolaevich once, not long before
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he passed away, he gave me a book, he wrote wonderfully, he published several books, so i remember how... his interview, he said that he could make all his films one more time, except i’m walking around moscow, and i understand why, because i’m walking around moscow, it was the mood, it seemed like nothing, but just like that, and the main thing , i remember, nikolaevich, why don’t you ask what it was like to be a second-year student, i switched to the second year, experience i had before, i starred in an episode in the film the first trolleybus at the studio. that’s all my experience was, and why don’t you ask nikolaevich, he’ll slap his lips like that and say, but just like that, that’s how he is special.
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they heard about some influential trends in cinema, well, i don’t know, maybe someone from the film crew said watch gadar’s new film, breathless, it was rumored they went to the cinema house to watch there, but honestly, i don’t think so, this is shpalikov and they were so independent...
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he is still alive in gikovo with the film i walk around moscow , he defended his thesis in fact and how high was your trust as an actor in shpalikov as a screenwriter and how did this legend take shape before your eyes in general, usually after all, screenwriters do not communicate with actors or, as it were, the work is completed at the moment when they put the last point in the document into the script, give it to the director and move on to a new project. how did he influence the film itself? well, he didn’t influence it in any way, so deliberately, but the fact is that he was married
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on my classmate inna gulaya, then they parted already in the kingdom of heaven, no genes, no ina, no one is alive anymore, so there was some kind of connection, she was very close friends with valya malyavina, also my classmate, you know, this is one a circle of people, one time, this is what... you can analyze and correctly, if you talk about this, this is time, time, certain intonations, i mean intonations not in the literal sense, not musical intonations, but such these are some internal artistic intonations, they were in the air and the most talented people, they obviously caught them, the same lyosha loktyev, that means galya polskikh, everything... in this intonation, yes, and we didn’t even know each other before the picture, but after the picture now
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we are like relatives, in this film there is a story about how shpalikov actually wrote the text of the final song, these poems are famous, there are several versions in different memoirs, natalia ryazantseva has one version, georgy nikolaevich has another in his memoirs , usually everything they tell danel’s version that... getting up is so romantic at night already in the evening, no, no, not getting up, no, and of course, i’m more inclined, i know, that’s what georgy nikolaevich said, and it’s true, and it’s not they filmed something at night during the day, and it was a planned filming, not any sub-filming.


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