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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 5, 2024 4:00am-4:46am MSK

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inauguration of president of the russian federation vladimir putin. live broadcast on may 7 at 12:00 moscow time. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. holy saturday, easter liturgies will begin very soon on the way to moscow from jerusalem, a lamp with a particle of the holy fire. explosion,
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special operation news and stars to the heroes of russia, whose exploits are marked with the highest rank. if not the month of may, snowfalls in the urals, fallen trees, broken wires, ice, which is in the forecast for our weather zone, the return of names to the search engines of sevastopol and the families of those who gave their lives for the city, in its heroic defense, and then liberation. the attraction in the faces of the russia exhibition is already its twelve millionth visitor. by the way, it’s been exactly six months since the opening. the orthodox world is awaiting its most important holiday - easter. less than 2 and a half hours remain before the start of especially solemn services. the main thing in the cathedral of christ the savior in moscow. it will be headed by patriarch kirill. times, we have developed
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a tradition of night worship, when already in the first minutes of the new day, people will rejoice at the resurrection of christ. on volkhonka, in the cathedral of christ the savior, my colleague, anatoly lazarev, is already in direct contact. anatoly, you have the floor. in the cathedral of christ the savior, everything is ready for the easter holiday service. there is no one here yet, but soon this entire space will be filled with bright emotions of believers. easter morning. and the divine liturgy will be conducted by the patriarch of moscow of all russia kirill, the head of the russian orthodox church will come out of the royal gates, there they are, they lead to the altar part of the temple and symbolize the gates of heaven. all the clergy have already changed the black attire, which they wore during lent as a sign of the sorrow of repentance, to white, festive ones as a sign of bright joy. then a religious procession will take place around the temple, it will be led by the patriarch, and he will then proclaim it to those gathered. the good news that christ
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has risen. easter is the main holiday of christians. it has been celebrated since apostolic times in honor of the resurrection of jesus christ after the crucifixion, that is, this holiday symbolizes the victory of life over death through faith. as always, with faith in our souls, we greet you with happiness, joy, and what we wish for everyone. this is the brightest holiday, renewal, cleansing, including the joy of the holy fire descending. i would like to congratulate everyone. as long as there is easter, there is. there are traditions, well, there are a lot of things that are probably in our souls for the rest of our lives, it’s as if we have always celebrated this holiday since our childhood, and like children we continue these traditions, we attended services this morning, so let's go to the evening service, the orthodox part of this holiday is more important for us, there will be a service, to take communion, i would wish everyone faith in god, faith in themselves. pure soul, pure heart.
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the easter service lasts several hours, it is very solemn and beautiful, it is also beautiful because the canon is not read, but is actually sung in its entirety, filling the souls of the flock with beautiful divine festive melodies. another of the many easter traditions is the blessing of bags. the patriarch performed this rite this morning on the western stelabat of the cathedral of christ the savior. most of these consecrated keys will be sent to the fighter.
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may the lord help you to enter into the joy of easter night in joy and peace of mind. amen. the sound of the lock on the doors of the church of the holy sepulcher has invariably thrilled believers for centuries, announcing the start of worship on the eve of orthodox easter. rushing under the arches of the shrine, thousands of people are only at first glance. the sound of the largest bell , cast at the end of the 19th century in moscow, begins the solemn liturgy. the service is led by
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patriarch theophilos of jerusalem. each representative of local churches has his own place for the ukuvuklia erected above the coffin savior there are thousands of pilgrims around , waiting. annual miracle. the expectation, however, is always anxious, because twice it happened that the blessed fire did not descend, and once appeared outside the gates of the temple. and every time it was connected with church strife, so the special ceremony is also a symbol of the unity of the orthodox faith and a reminder of the sin of schism. the procession around the edicule is the culmination of the ritual. then, before going inside, the patriarch undresses, remaining in only his cassock. another symbol of not being made by hands. a representative is waiting for the fire the apostolic armenian church, according to tradition, is the only silent witness of the miracle. the walls of a temple filled with people repeatedly amplify prayers in different languages, but this polyphony will seem almost absolute silence seconds later, when the fire subsides. i
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feel amazing, such an incredible feeling. this is a very sad year, but i wish that the light of the holy fire from jerusalem will bring peace everywhere, happy easter, christ is risen. strictly speaking, the word fire, understandable to the average person, in the language of the clergy means, first of all, the light that illuminated the world with the resurrection of the lord. it was at this moment that for the first time on holy saturday the same thing, christ of the resurrection, sounds in russian, too. from candle to candle they scatter throughout the temple in jerusalem, beyond its borders and further throughout the world. the holy apostle andrew the first-called foundation has been bringing the holy fire to russia for many years. the plane will land in moscow a couple of hours before midnight, when orthodox christians will celebrate their main holiday. kirill brainin, natalya
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labanova and alexey simonov, channel one. in the far east, eastern siberia, light the holiday has already been celebrated. white vestments of priests, candles and banners. this. easter procession around the transfiguration cathedral in vladivostok. solemn service in the khabarovsk cathedral. in all the churches of primorye, the good news of the resurrection of christ has already been heard. christ will rise again. for our new regions. truly a hard-fought holiday, years of persecution are behind us, even retreating ukraine shelled churches, they are gradually being rebuilt, they are already serving as in volnovakha, liberated in march twenty -second, in ovdeevka, which was completely recaptured recently, the only functioning temple had just begun to be restored. alexei ivanov
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was told what they had to endure. look at how it’s just these gates, the temple doors of the gates, they’re simply not there physically, they’re simply smashed to pieces. just like that, the icon next to it, it’s everything, no matter what they did, they couldn’t remove it, just like that, this, here, here’s another example of a miracle, father alexei, the rector of the temple, the archstrategist of god, miraculously calls the surviving icons, they tried to remove the faces of the saints from the walls to protect them from shelling, but the icons are holding tightly, as if some unknown force protected the images, the damage is relatively minor, the glass was stained glass, this is a blue piece of stained glass. there was such a blast wave that he just crashed into the image of the tree like that and stayed there, this is also the image of the same nicholas the creator, only this time, so to speak, in full size, like this, he too was cut by fragments all this like this all this and that no less, the icon has been preserved here in
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the iconostasis miracle miracle in the very temple of the orchistratigus of god michael of all heavenly powers ethereal that is located in the old part of avheevka, the roof and the wall are damaged. windows, judging by these marks, it was not an artillery shell, but most likely a mortar shell, local residents say that the gun was located here, about one and a half kilometers from the temple, and there were precisely the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. the first service after the liberation of the city by our troops was held in the church almost a month ago for the annunciation of the blessed virgin mary. today parishioners are preparing for the bright sunday of christ. difficult situation in avneevka was reflected in the festive service, so because of possible attacks without...
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there was great joy that the temple was restored, this is a great mercy for volnovakha, this is a huge joy, because the temple is a symbol of the fact that we are also reborn in our souls. our film crew was at the first festive service after the restoration of the temple in august last year on the day of the transfiguration of the lord. the church can be said to have been resurrected from the ashes. this is what it looked like in march 2022. here on the temple grounds there were more than ten direct hits. one of shells flew straight into the altar, which started a fire, after major repairs
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carried out by builders from the chelyabinsk region, the parish became much larger, people were returning, services in the church became regular in waves. parishioners, as is customary, confess and receive communion on holy saturday. easter treats are also illuminated, primarily easter cakes on church domes. today there is a special prayer for our victory: alexey ivanov, valentin stukanov, dmitry tolmachev, alexander napalkov, igor kritskov, victor overin, channel one, avdeevka, volnovakha. now about the special operation. the russian armed forces launched new high-precision strikes against ukrainian military rear areas. a drone storage facility in kharkov was hit. explosions were also noted in the vicinity of dnepropetrovsk and odessa, as well as the nikolaev region. it was just a week. 25 combined strikes were delivered. the ministry of defense announced the destruction of energy transport
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facilities, factories for the production of unmanned boats, drones, and missile and ammunition depots. and today there are two fat ones targets from america were destroyed in the front line area. yuri lepatov will start with this. this is happening in the ovdeevsky direction. after an accurate hit, the mouse cannot move. the tank crew requested help to escape. lost more than 2,405 military personnel, three
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tanks, including abram made in the usa, 20 armored fighting vehicles, including four bradley infantry fighting vehicles, made in the usa, 27 vehicles, 33 field artillery guns, of which 14 were western-made. the west group is squeezing out the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​stelmakhovka and novoegorovka in the lpr, torskoye in dpr, as well as petropavlovka, glushkovka, senkovka, and kharkovsky. region, enemy losses there amounted to 975 military personnel, the ministry of defense reports. the southern group, as igor konoshenko said, is moving into the depths of the enemy’s defense in the direction of belogorovka, kleshcheevka, kurdyumovka, as a result of which the vsso lost more than 2 thousand people, seven tanks, 10 armored vehicles. air defenses are operating successfully. rocket troops, artillery and unmanned aerial vehicles destroy the enemy in the depths of his positions. two destroyed in a week jet combat vehicles. a hai multiple launch system made in the usa, two launchers
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of the s-300 ptt anti-aircraft missile system with illuminated guidance radar, a launcher of the irest anti-aircraft missile system (made in germany), as well as a fuel depot for military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces. in addition, a military train with western -made equipment and weapons supplied to ukraine by nato countries was hit. the minister of defense today awarded four stars to the hero and...
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in the main direction. engineering work under enemy fire is also a feat. this saves the lives of our soldiers. the lieutenant colonel speaks for himself, for thanks to the professionalism of each military personnel of the fonton crossing units, engineering and sapper units, he allowed this task to be completed on time. well, a private with the infrequently encountered surname sergei x, after a battle as part of an assault unit, definitely declared himself, just like...
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his predecessors were put on the wanted list, records appeared in the database of the russian ministry of internal affairs. zelensky and poroshenko are wanted on charges the criminal code, that is, there are criminal cases against them. the ministry did not provide any other details. barel, who sits in the chair of the chief european diplomat, wrote 2 years ago that the ukrainian conflict should be resolved on the battlefield, the same barel who promised 3 months ago that the situation on the battlefield would be resolved.
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the european union will help with this not only with arms supplies. adviser to the head of zelensky’s office , mikhail podalyak, called on the eu not to delay the decision on the return of the uhilants, as the enemy calls draft dodgers. poland is ready, lithuania they don’t seem to mind, a number of other countries think so. those in ukraine who did not have time to escape abroad are fleeing the stricter mobilization rules as best they can. in one of the areas. the abducted man did not wait to be brought to the recruitment center. it’s like the military registration and enlistment office, risking his life, jumped out of the car to escape. now germany, where, despite the growing degree of russophobia in the west, many people feel sincere sympathy for our country. on the eve of victory day, memorial cemeteries conduct cleanup workers bring
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flowers to the graves of soviet soldiers. moreover, not only our compatriots living in germany participate in the actions, but also the germans themselves. whole families, eight-year-old victoria, when asked why all this is needed, answers simply: so that people above rejoice, that is, those who are in heaven, the soviet garrison cemetery in dresdon, both soldiers of the red army who died in the great patriotic war and soviet military personnel and civilians who, for various reasons, died on german soil after the war. 2268
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graves, here lie children, citizens of the ussr. nikolai pilipchuk brings order here. house, how my husband and i barely had time to hide in the basement, about the shell shock, about the blood from the ears, 15 km from my lugansk, from my house there were ukrainian troops in the village of lugansk, across the seversky-donetsk river. and on february 2, 2015 , my wife and i were at home, we were bombed from ukraine not for the first time, we hear here about modern times, a very successful blogger records
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another video, the first russian channel, say hello to manik for friendship with russia, some this makes characters from ukraine squirm almost every day, says threat manik took part in demonstrations for peace and that’s how she found out.
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sevastopol, and 2 years later they participated in the crimean offensive operation. volunteers are now working in places of fierce fighting. found soldier's dog tags, scraps of letters, and personal belongings help to restore precisely those who fought to the death eight decades ago. vitaly katchenko spoke with the descendants of the heroes. it's kind of hot inside. i don’t even know how to explain? this means i touch and i go to him, it’s very cool, of course, to say. a melted soldier's spoon for tamara anatolyevna, the daughter of a deceased hero, is now a family heirloom; the name of her father, whom
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she has never seen, is scratched on the aluminum handle. mom saved the photo, so deep-voiced anatoly ivanovich left for military service, and after 3 months the war began, he did not return from the front. do you know that she managed to write to him that boys and a girl were born, there was a letter from him, too, that he... in the north of ukraine he served at a border post with the end of july forty-first as part of the ninety -ninth red banner rifle division, which held back the onslaught of german troops to
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the east. about 500 people came out alive from all of these towards mariupol. the germans were marching towards rostov, most likely they were carrying out a task to stop the enemy. in just a year , search teams from sevastopol returned the names of seven heroes out of 260 whose remains were recovered in the vicinity of the city of hero, often just surnames with initials that could be read on personal belongings. two danilins at once, namesakes, marine viktor stepanovich died in 1942 during the defense, and the commander of the attack aircraft, konstantin georgievich, who liberated sevastopol in 1944 , determined the name of the real one based on the tail number of the found aircraft. the decisive battle for sevastopol, assault, breather, mountains, on the evening of may 7, 1944, our troops, having broken through the german defense line, reached the top, but the enemy
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snapped, resisted... for several more days on may 9, carrying out the combat mission of destroying enemy firing positions , commander of the il2 attack aircraft konstantin danilin was shot down in this area, but even while at the helm of a burning car, he decides to direct the plane to a german mortar battery. and on the day of may 8, forty -four, lieutenant danilin was nominated for the title of hero of the soviet union; a native of the saratov region, he never managed to receive the award. in his family, four brothers, two pilots and two tankmen, the danilins, went to the front; two returned, pavel and alexander. relatives of luka iosifovich serebryansky were found in the donbass, from where he was leaving for the front. his grandson alexey alexandrovich searched for him for 40 years out of his 70 years. because the latest information was on january 20, 1942, that he went missing in the balakleya area. but then, as it turned out, he ended up in the ivaka hospital,
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saratov was already on the march route from there. sent to crimea, to sevastopol, the last letter was from the hospital in april, well , apparently, soon after that he died, the grandson could not come from the donetsk republic for the farewell ceremony, it is more difficult with the relatives of other heroes living in the territory controlled by kiev. four of the seven established names are natives of ukraine, it is almost impossible to contact, but i think that peace will come, and we will still find these families. on the eve of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the city by russian sailors. the heroes of the defense and liberation of sevastopol were buried with military honors at the memorial cemetery, vitaly katchenko, ruslan isupov and viktor vasin, channel one sevastopol. in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea and sevastopol, on our channel there are films that have already become cult. on may 9, watch the saboteur crimea and the saboteur tape, the first of moviepopoe. it’s spring, we seem
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to be happy already. warmth and greenery, but here is the arctic invasion, in the moscow region at night it was down to -6, it got colder in almost the entire european territory of russia, even in the kuban, siberia, in the urals it was completely winter, frost on the wires left tens of thousands of people without power, only in the sverdlovsk region, and also snowfalls, report by andrey golderev, on the street on may 4, yekaterinburg, winter, the capital of the urals was covered. snowfall, flowers that have already bloomed are buried in the snow, for comparison this is yekaterinburg looked like 2 days ago, and this is how it is on the streets now, the last time there were such serious snowfalls in may in the urals was 40 years ago, now in some areas of the sverlovsk region the height of the snowdrifts is already more than 50 cm, in yekaterinburg, well, definitely more than ten, and judging by anyway, the snowfall is not going to stop. people again had to get out winter things and take up shovels. abnormal
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may snowfalls were brought by a northern cyclone from the coast of the barin sea. the day before, bad weather came to tatarstan, chuvashia, udmurtia and the nizhny novgorod region, then it began to sweep several regions of the urals at once. it snowed all night in the perm region, tyumen and sverdlovsk regions. in general, a lot has already been beaten. here you go, here you go, this is what 's happening. i can’t even dare to say that this is the month of may. people planted a vegetable garden. in more than twenty settlements in the region.
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got stuck in the snow and couldn't get through. 3:00 am, we are standing on the highway, perm ekaterinburg, everything is covered in snow, it is sweeping away. some drivers have been standing still for more than 12 hours. rescuers deployed several mobile heating points. traffic on the road has been suspended in both directions. cars can't get up there on the slopes. snow piled up on the floor. knee. most motorists have difficulty lifting cars uphill. those who have already changed their winter tires to summer tires have to be rescued by caring passers-by. on the bridge bebel, on summer tires. no one can get up, everyone is just grinding. even in the afternoon , a natural emergency was declared in yekaterinburg; everything was covered with snow. here, for example, is what road signs look like: the roads themselves are mostly slushy . at night, weather forecasters promise -4°. this means
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that all this may become covered with an ice crust; residents are asked to move along the streets as carefully as possible. according to forecasts, may snowfalls will go further to the east, and the tyumen region will continue to sweep. in the sverdlovsk region. master class on making tula gingerbread. your mother is today the twelve millionth visitor, thank you very much to our reliable, beloved partners of the tula region, for providing a gift, the whole family will go to the tula region,
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for 2 days will travel throughout the region, we came from the ivanovo region, my name is pavel, ksenia, my wife and two sons, pavel and... dmitry, doula, are you going, now, apparently, yes, again about easter, about without which it is impossible to imagine, colored eggs, easter cakes, and cottage cheese easter, which are usually prepared on maundy thursday, begin to be illuminated immediately after the service on the morning of bright saturday. lyubov filippova will tell you about the delicious side of the holiday. great saturday, a day of silence and peace, but already filled with pre-holiday joy. believers today come to church for the liturgy and be sure to bring it with them.
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eggs, butter, well, love, care, most importantly, saturday is the sixth day of passion. a beautiful decoration, a deep meaning, even children know where this tradition came from, almost 2 thousand years ago mary magdalene came to the roman emperor to tell him that christ had risen. the emperor did not believe her, he said that the egg could not turn
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red, since the dead could not be resurrected, and the egg itself somehow turned red, for me it turns yellow. curd easter was built at the end of the 19th century and never closed its doors to parishioners. i was baptized in this church, yes, a very long time ago, almost 57 years ago, so i always go to this church, we each pray here for our family, for
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the country, for our soldiers. for the soldiers who are now in hospitals, residents of rostov -on-don will send easter gifts tomorrow; everyone should feel the joy of the holiday. this night. church, of course, for the easter service together with the godchildren. divine services will be held tonight in all temples of the country. the words that every believer is waiting for will be heard. christ is risen. lyubov filipova, roman serebrennikov, natalya sidrova, ivan prozurov, alexander kovalev. first channel. hello everyone, on the first channel of the podcast, everyone wants to fly, and i and its host,
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leonid yakupovich. this year marks the 130th anniversary of the birth of this outstanding person, the legendary aircraft designer sergei vladimovich ilyushin. it’s impossible not to remember this person, so i’ll go first. channel and entrusted me with a story about this aircraft designer. the pride of the country of the soviets, the pride of russia. the man who is the only winner of seven stalin prizes. “this very stalinist prize existed before the death of the father of nations, then it was the lenin prize, now it is a state prize, three stars on this man’s chest, i am happy to pronounce his name, surname and patronymic, sergei vladimirovich ilyushin, an outstanding designer, i i can proudly and correctly say that he was the father of a whole line of amazing aircraft, the creator of a company that is still in business , he was born into a huge family.
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large family, large family, 11 children, he was born on march 18, 1894 in the village of dilyaleva, this is the vologda region, i repeat, 11 children, the family of a poor peasant, they lived very friendly, they lived poorly, at the age of 6 he learned to read, at the age of 8 he went to church parish. like, by the way, a lot of people, but he only finished three classes, he had to help his family, he worked for 15 years, he left home to earn money, he wandered, he wandered around the cities, he was even somewhere in the amur region, he took on any kind of work, uh , then came to st. petersburg at the age of 16, worked for kolomyashsky airfield, and there he saw for the first time... he saw the plane during the first international
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aviation week in russia and it completely caught fire, well, like everyone else, because the thing in the air, of course, made a mind-blowing impression on people. in 1914, he was drafted into the army, first served in an infantry training team near vologda, and then persuaded, well... pretty funny too, by the way, as was customary in our country, to transfer him to st. petersburg for two bottles of vodka and until the end of the war he served on the commandant's airfield, he served first as a hangar worker, then as an assistant aircraft mechanic, then as a junior and finally as a senior mechanic. in 1917 he received a pilot's diploma, and since 1918 there has been an airfield crew.
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it was called the tyazhart bridge - he had several gliders to his name and, by the way, these were not easy toys, several quite serious records were set on them. nevertheless, in the twenty-sixth year he graduated from the institute, he was appointed chairman of the aircraft section of the scientific and technical committee of the country's air force, where he worked until the thirty-first year, engaged in studying world experience, naturally, just like everyone else. aircraft engineering, aerodynamics, developed
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tactical and technical data for various aircraft. by the way, under his leadership , the tactical and technical data of the polikarpov u2 aircraft were developed, the same machine that was later renamed polikarpov 2 two by two. the legendary airplane on which, as you know, girls flew and destroyed night bombers. in the thirty-first year , ilyushin achieved his goal. he headed the tsaga design bureau, central aerodynamic institute, i remember it very well, i worked at the tupolevo plant , mailbox 116 on radio street, and my father was opposite on the other side of this same radio street, i don’t know, maybe it still exists , there was this division: heavy aircraft developed by tupolev, the lungs were given to ilyushin, from then on a rivalry began, i must say, a rather friendly rivalry between... ilyushin design bureau and tupolev design bureau. in 1936,
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which means ilyushin was 41 years old, he produced his first tskb-26 aircraft, please don’t confused with the central clinical hospital, this is the central design bureau. it was a pretty good plane, with a decent speed of 420 km/h. and with serious carrying capacity. by the way, i must say that he is famous for everything. test pilot vladimir kakinati set the first soviet world aviation record on it, by the way, for lifting a load to a height, legendary.
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it was later renamed, there were four, the first flight was made in the thirty-ninth year by the db-3, a crew of four people, serial production from the thirty-ninth to the forty-fifth year, in total 5,256 cars were manufactured, the plane was in operation from 1940 to 1952, and also an absolutely legendary car, which, by the way, i would be happy to take in my hands, the very famous il-2. the history of this airplane is amazing, how to calculate all the amazing characteristics of those times, i say amazing, because this is confirmed not by me, but by the people who flew on it. there’s an interesting story here, you
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see, the fact is that the war is already quite serious weapons on german planes, the question arose, how... the question really arose, how to protect? that is, your own nogun, however , it means that if you put armor here, just armor, it makes it very heavy and, most importantly, solves the issue of aerodynamics not in a good way, and ilyushin came up with the idea of ​​​​making an armored plane, it was almost 2/3 armored, that’s all the whole top and the whole bottom
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is illusory, that’s what he wrote, by the way, about this plane, there is a need to create an armored attack aircraft. or in other words, a flying tank, as they called it at the front, which had all the vital parts booked, our design bureau decided to make the armor work in the aircraft body, that is, to make it the working body of this very machine, until now the designers put the armor on the frame only for the purpose of protection, the complexity of the task turned out to be in choosing the thickness this steel... place, so that, well, so as not to overweight this very machine in vain, in march of the forty-first year in voronezh the first flight of a serial storm aircraft in a single-seat version took place, the industry believed that in order to increase the number aircraft per day, it was necessary to release the plane
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without a gunner, this later came to dire consequences, despite the terrible resistance of ilyushin, the body version was still released only with a pilot without... the gunner was born at the back, but this led to the fact that in the first during the war years, especially at the end of the forty-first year, the beginning of the forty -second year, the losses were significant, then this is what happened: stalin wrote a letter to ilyushin, well, how can i say, a radio telegram, such a turntable, that i demand that the plane be immediately redesigned and made into double version. i forbid stopping the conveyor, the deadline is very short, i ask you not to let the country down, then the decision was made to make, as i told you, a two-seater aircraft with a gunner in the back, who was positioned like this, he sat with his back to the pilot.


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