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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  May 5, 2024 6:00am-9:01am MSK

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i have been looking for this green stick all my life, yes, and indeed for us it is buried in a clear clearing in the sense that when we think about the secret of universal happiness, we turn specifically to tolstoy. hello, this is the news on the first, in the studio of maria vasilyeva and at the beginning of the issue, briefly about the main topics. bright sunday of christ, orthodox believers celebrate the most important holiday: easter, in all churches during solemn services, most importantly in the cathedral of christ the savior, where, according to tradition, the president came. combat work in the northern military district zone is not
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stops neither at night nor during the day. our soldiers are repelling enemy attacks in all strategic directions, new data from the ministry of defense. special guests at the exhibition of captured western equipment on poklonnaya gora. the participants of the special operation arrived directly from the frontline capital, who know better than others that nato vehicles burn very brightly and very often at the front. an action without which it is impossible to imagine the upcoming victory day, the march of the immortal. today millions of people in russia and around the world say christ is risen truly risen, the orthodox celebrate the most important holiday, easter, it marks the victory of life over death, the unconditional triumph of god’s love for man. by his deed on the cross and glorious resurrection , christ gave believers the most valuable thing - eternal life. religious processions and ceremonies took place throughout the country. service, the main one in the cathedral
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of christ the savior, was performed by the patriarch of moscow of all russia kirill, and although it was rainy and cold in the capital that night, the churches were filled with people, they all seemed to be praying for one thing, that our soldiers returned healthy, unharmed, what i wanted to wish, to pray, and on easter night, grace probably visits everyone after the service. my soul becomes very calm, i am from the donetsk people's republic, the city of donetsk. this holiday, it gives hope to each of us, but i generally live in hope for the best, there is such joy in my soul, and such triumph, and faith in the future, that it will be bright, good for everyone, around midnight we were saved to the temple of christ. in his
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prayer, the primate spoke about the protection of the sacred borders of russia, expressed hope that that the lord will stop the internecine warfare between russia and ukraine, and through the current difficult trials people’s faith in god will be further strengthened. earlier, the patriarch recorded an address to the believers, thanking everyone who is fighting for. the russian orthodox church today continues to actively help those who, risking their lives, are at the forefront of defending the fatherland and traditional christian values, who have lost loved ones, become homeless or were injured. our dioceses, monasteries and parishes, orthodox volunteers continue to contribute to this a national cause, now the church prayerfully turns to the risen lord and...
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walked without a piece of that very blessed fire that descended on the eve of easter in the church of the holy sepulcher in jerusalem. it was brought to russia by the st. andrew the first-called foundation. hundreds of lamps were lit from it in different cities throughout the country. there were many people in krasnodar who wanted to touch the shrine. the fire was greeted by representatives of the clergy and believers. soon he illuminated the vaults of the cathedral of the holy blessed prince alexander nevsky. here's some footage from rostov-on-don, dozens of believers. participation in
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the traditional religious procession. filled churches in voronezh, in tyumen, sunday of christ was celebrated against the backdrop of fallen snow, this is how the residents of kazan prayed and illuminated the easter cakes. faith in the victory of good over evil strengthens those who fulfill their combat duty in the area of ​​operation of the north military district and those who are undergoing treatment . after receiving the storage, military priests brought holiday bags to the hospital where the military personnel of the center group are undergoing rehabilitation, easter treats illuminated, read a prayer. those who serve on the front line remain at the combat post, continue to repel attacks, the crews of the anti-aircraft installations of the russian paratroopers... prevented the attack.
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the heroes of the special operation arrived straight from the front line and worked ahead of the curve in time for the exhibition of captured western equipment on poklonnaya gora . they know better than others that nato vehicles, be they german leopards or american abrams and bradleys, burn very brightly and very often at the front. these fighters.
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russian technology is invincible, nato equipment, only it burns well, and the commander of the t-90 tank, senior sergeant mahamad mahamedov, first of all approached the german leopard, all the time looked for a meeting with him on the battlefield and specially studied the weak points in order to hit the sides for sure, like any tank to get between the towers, but they have most of the ammunition here on top, so everything hit cumulatively. the t-90 is in no way inferior to the nato beast, says the commander, but in many respects.
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guys do very great things, everyone seems worthy, but it so happened that i was they pulled straight out, as they say, the sokops, and i didn’t expect it, they brought me and honestly i was confused, even the hero of russia, alexander tkach , distinguished himself during the liberation of avdievka, his group recaptured an important height from the enemy, there were 10 of us, the enemy was about 30 people. 18 people managed to jump out, run out, left, so we took 10 people prisoner, and the rest were unlucky. the best of the best will march in the parade column of svo participants across red square; the history of each feat is worthy of a multi-page
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description. guys without the shadow of brovada they tell how they held on, fought, tried with all their strength to fulfill the combat mission and were exposed. we went out at night and went into a trench. after completing the task, the assault platoon returned to its own without losses, after which alexander would have dozens more such combat exits. before a combat mission, i turn off fear, turn off my head altogether, i don’t think, because there you don’t have to think, but relatives, you think for the group, for your comrade, he covers you, you cover. everything is done automatically, almost on an intuitive level, once upon a time our ancestors fought on the same territory where we are now, knocked out the fascists, the german-german occupiers, we continue the work of our veterans, so that they are proud of us, victory will be ours, sapper roman lobov joined the army through
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partial mobilization, in peaceful life he was an electrician, a couple of years ago i could not imagine that his entire chest would be covered in military awards and that he would become a participant in the parade on red square. our troops were advancing. strong point, i am very proud that we ended up with the guys on red square, participants in the parade, very cool, we are very proud of the separatist, it is the box that is actually an honor for us. 79 years ago, our grandfathers, our great-grandfathers walked along red square and now we will also have to go through, feel the same thing that they felt, instead of the para uniform, the usual camouflage, body armor, helmets, even the outer column of heroes and our own... and to the exploits
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the marches of the immortal regiment and the march of remembrance are dedicated to those who fought against fascism during the great patriotic war; they are organized all over the world. in new york, participants walked through brooklyn bridge. russian volunteers visit veterans of the great patriotic war who live in the city, that’s 43 people. in argentina. the immortal regiment took place in buenos aires and a number of other cities throughout the country. in sydney, australia, the action took place in the main square. and that's all for me, see you later. we continue our conversation, which is timed to coincide with the not-round, but important anniversary of tolstoy, 195 years old.
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looking at the quality of the shooting, it’s quite a repen frame, but not a frame, a plan. a solitary walk leva nikolaevich, vladimir grigorievich chertkov is also a very important person, there are a lot of conflicts and disputes around his figure, but nevertheless, here is a meeting in moscow, fat people arrive in moscow, a completely different story, that’s what we were talking about, but a crowd of people, it’s not easy.
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as if so inexorable, but the assessment of his contemporaries was such that the authority, the growing authority of tolstoy was so great and high that some global catastrophic events might not even have happened, well, yes, indeed, lev nikolaevich for russia, and not only for russia, for everything world, this will not be an exaggeration, such an absolute moral authority, there are several such people in the world, but the same gandhi.
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the rivers are frozen, dry grass sticks out from under the snow, the trees stand bare, nothing moves, freeze cast iron with water, it will turn to stone, put frozen cast iron on the fire, the ice will crack, melt, move, the water will sway, gurgle , then... it will boil, hum,
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spin, the light also becomes hot because of the heat, there is no heat, everything is dead, there is heat. everything moves and lives, little warmth, little movement, more heat, more movement, where does the heat in the light come from, heat from the sun, the sun walks low in winter, does not touch the ground with its rays, nothing moves, the sun will begin to walk higher above our heads, it will begin to shine close to the ground, everything in the world warms up and begins to move, yes, there are several topics from physics, yes, so this is not about physics, this is not about physics,
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i myself tried to eradicate this feeling and uh become simpler, become simpler, yes, but at the same time, it’s still like even in such a short passage you can see how big it really is artist, and it’s probably no coincidence that he himself said that the alphabet is generally his main work, which for him was perhaps more important than ianna korenina’s war and peace, for
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his personal experience, of course, already in his youthful and young diaries... there is this polemic with oneself, yes, that i was such and such, i will become better, i will become simpler, it seems to me that in general diaries, which, unfortunately, people read less of course than works of fiction, this is absolutely incredible text absolutely where it happens this is internal self-improvement, the struggle with one’s shortcomings, even with one’s own sins, and it’s amazing. a very important text, i would highly recommend, especially to young people, the diaries of a young fat man, you can believe in yourself when you read and understand.
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confession, confession. a lot in the history of literature, yes, tolstoy actually relied on, including the confession of rousseau, rousseau was generally an extremely important figure for him, starting from his early youth, uh, that’s why this is
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just a conversation about the most important things through his personal experiences, such extreme frankness, this confessional openness of lev nikolaevich is also very important for us, and this text is very strong, serious and non-fictional at the same time, just now.
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chernyshevsky very correctly formulated, not the closest person in spirit to tolstoy, the purity of moral feeling, in this sense, if we return to the definition that dima gave, ordinary and simple, that was important to tolstoy, here you can approach him from the other side, it was important to the fat man these simple human questions, of an ordinary person, are the most important, the most important, and he raised them for himself. and for everyone else in this sense, we can consider him like that, too, again pareklens a simple person, of course he is not simple, a very
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complex nature, but not every complex nature strives to be understandable to as many people as possible, that’s what i tried to formulate, that’s why tostov's death, his funeral became such an event and one of them also depicted in detail on... and of course, this is also an amazing document of the era of time and the people carrying tolstoy’s coffin from the kozlov zasek station to yasnaya polyana and these crowds of people who follow this coffin, this is of course an incredible film document of the era. if you think about what tolstoy’s grave looks like, then it is probably the most modest grave in the world.
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we lead and - how does tolstoy’s legacy live on today? volodya, let's start, probably, with what is happening in yasnaya polyana, with writers' meetings, with this spirit that has been revived. well, just one of mine the main idea was to make yasnaya polyana such an open place again, very hospitable, and a place where you are happy. it would be a pleasure for modern creators to come, including modern writers, and the first writers’ meetings, they were, well, i came in 1994.
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together we somehow came up with it and started it, but there is no valentin yakrovich kurbatov, there are no very many, yes, now you can just look at the photographs, well , thank god, except for valentin yakolovich , all the acting valentin yakovich kurbatov, the legendary, amazingly talented alexey varlamov, pavel vasinsky, who became the main researcher of the modern biography of tolstoy in yasnaya polyana, vladislav
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otoroshenko, one of the first. winners of the esnopolyanskaya prize, igor petrovich zolotusky, our legendary critic, literary god of health, but anatoly andreevich kim, one of the initiators of the yasnaya polyana magazine, then the literary prize, yasnaya polyana, yeah, that is, we can say that the writers’ meetings somehow consolidated writing community, generally not easy years, during the years of strife, the mid-nineties, right?
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there are always families and children there, it is very important that the children become friends there, there are two dozen of them, children of writers, communicate with each other, well, we talked about how yasnaya polyana since the nineties, the mid-nineties again became such a family place and a huge it’s fortunate that our children grew up there, well, firstly, my sons were born in clear glade, here you have to understand that we are fat, if you don’t formally fit in, yes, if these are descendants of, say, tatyana lvovna’s daughter, they don’t bear tolstoy’s last name, but they are for us,
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we just say that. thick, of course, they are dear to us, thick, of course, that is, a whole cluster of projects has arisen, the yasnaya polyana prize is also unique, i never tire of repeating, it is unique in that it is a russian literary prize, but it has an international nomination. it seems to me that in russia, and before that in the soviet union, there was an amazing school of translators, our readers always perceived the translated literature as their own, well, yes, therefore popularity, i don’t know. all possible languages ​​of the world, and tolstoy read, became part of our culture, well, then tolstoy is such a truly global figure, tolstoy is also a translation, also a translator, an international figure, and tolstoy is translated into , of course, someone told how he is one of
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the greats, in my opinion . one of the nobel laureates, after all, two nobel laureates, yes, arhan pamuk and mario vargas llosa, turak and the peruvian, two great modern writers, laureate of yasnaya polyana, yasnaya polyana prize, someone said that when he received a letter with a thick signature, a thick signature, i was just surprised, to put it mildly, everything was clear right away, yes, well, what else could there be an international nomination for, what kind of award, the tolstoyan tradition is a living tradition. i am proud that the foreign writers who received our iznopolyansk prize are very proud of it, they all talked about, literally each of them, what role reading tolstoy played in their lives, how important tolstoy’s figure was for them, we are proud of all our laureates, independence, they were nobel prizes, whether they are known all over the world or not, these are
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very bright... writers, and i hope that this series will continue, last year there was a chinese author, we had a writer from chile, letelier. in my opinion, wonderful, very interesting, and such an american writer of japanese origin, rutazeki, became our first laureate of this prize, it’s not that i’m not ashamed of anyone, but we’re just proud of it, don’t let them talk, let them read, i remind you to everyone who sees us, hears us, in a month you will learn new names, you will learn new names, but tolstoy all his desire for tradition and something familiar. him - he is still a very modernist person, and he, for example, loved technology; edison gave him a phonograph in 1908. lev nikolayevich was very fascinated by this, at first he even thought that it could replace the secretary, it didn’t replace it, but
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nevertheless, here is the time to move on to new technologies, is tolstoy compatible with what is familiar to the younger generation, thekla, i know, everyone knows that you are the initiator. participant, inspirer of several large projects, here we have reading marathons, reading marathons, but look, i would be here, of course, the technologies are wonderful, but just like in the recordings of lev nikolaevich’s voice, it is important for us not only that they exist, although we hear his voice, but that he i said, technology is also quite important, then now it is important that they serve some things that are more serious and more meaningful, but...
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well, we do it and this is the same way, we do not add anything, there is no interpretation of literature-knowledge here , but here there is help for the younger generation, well, somehow get in, some login scenarios, new navigation scenarios and new login scenarios, for war and peace, for example, for example, for war and peace, yes, you know, well, there’s, say, a table of contents for war, war and peace, when we noted which military scenes, and which peaceful ones, we’ve already got such an infographic, yes, and if we talk about the project... the readings that we did several, we started with anna karenina, but here, you know, again, it’s not a matter of technology, but these technologies, why did we come up with all this, because they make us understand that we are united not only
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borders, or language, we are united by culture, and at the same time for me this is the idea that literature is for everyone, every person can read, it will find a response in his soul, it seems to me that lev nikolaevich. level, there is a decree of the president of the russian federation about this, a lot will be restored, restored, and so on and so forth, but now i would really like everyone who hears and sees us now to listen not even to tolstoy’s voice, to
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themselves, and discovered in themselves those feelings, those emotions and, most importantly, those questions that were raised lev nikolaevich tolstoy and who for us. still relevant, i sincerely thank vladimir tolstoy, fyokla tolstoy, well, in conclusion, as always, i urge everyone who sees us to hear. read with pleasure. hello, this is tatyana gevarkyan and ne lykomshity. today we remember the great couturier. he was called red dior, considered an innovator, and now his name is embroidered on the national canvas. fashion industry.
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in our studio we have his students and friends, designer and founder of the fashion house victoria andreyanova, designer and artist with a worldwide named andrey sharov. designer and creator of the fashion brand anastasia kuchugova, as well as honored artist of russia and tv presenter tatyana vedeneeva. tatiana, do you remember your acquaintance with vyacheslav mikhailovich? i don’t remember now, at some time it happened, but there was some kind of extreme situation. i can say that i led my first new year’s eve party, which i was invited to host, in a dress i sewed with my own hands. and i remember one of my... friend said, the next
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day, you know, you were wearing some kind of dress, damn, there’s a bow on the side, all of moscow speaks about this, i, of course, understood that the dress was made with my own hands, but i said how good it is that all of moscow is talking about me, there was some next event, something like that, some big event that i took part and again didn’t know what to wear, they told me that i needed to contact zaitsev and then... there was also a model house on kuznetsky most, they were on mira avenue, which was already his own, i came there and met young zaitsev , it was he himself who came up with this dress for me, but the most interesting thing, then in moscow, he said, you know, some kind of japanese silk appeared in moscow, please buy 12 m, and i know for you what kind of dress to make, because it was march 8, and the silk was like this, you know, like transparent chiffon, but...
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12 m, i didn’t raise my hand, i bought it for the second year, i worked on television, that is , 10, but still it was two of my salaries, even more, my husband also somehow didn’t take it very well, but he.. . a dress that was incredible, with a gigantic skirt, translucent, flowing, with everything here gathered in honeycombs, sleeves, everything was as if. modest on the one hand, on the other hand it was just fashion, real, something incredible, i later gave this dress to someone, i gave a lot of my dresses to presenters from other republics, well , who did not have their own vyacheslav zaitsev , my personal acquaintance with vyachesla. with mikhailovich it started long before i
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saw him, because there were legends around the institute that vyacheslav mikhailovich would teach in our senior courses, and i saw him several times in the corridors of the institute, he was always in a hurry somewhere , ran, we we were no longer studying at the institute, we came to his fashion house, and there our, as it were , training took place, there he looked at our sketches, there he gave us homework, parting words, instructions, scolded someone, praised someone, well as usual in student life, we also came there to take tests, but it was within the framework of the educational program, yes, this was the fourth or fifth year of the art university where i studied, then it turned out that at some point, i don’t know why, vyacheslav mikhailovich began to notice me somehow, but in what way this was expressed, i didn’t i know, that is, he constantly seemed to praise me a lot, firstly, then he gave me the nickname leonardo, when i showed it to him, he gained impudence. showed not only his creative work, in addition to, so to speak, his institute work as a student, because
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i was already working quite a lot then, well , programs, i plucked up the nerve, showed him my work in both oil and tempera, here he is for me he said that i had god’s mark, and from that moment he somehow began to treat me a little differently, it all ended with something that, in general, was not very good, because... i suddenly felt that i was like a semi-deity there, well, that is, if he was like a god, then i stopped studying altogether, that is i thought that it was like, well, that’s all.
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i thought, well, i really wanted to have one , and i didn’t listen to him then, i thought about my model house, well, everything is like an adult, so that it would be and i opened my own store, then immediately closed it, and so on and so forth, that is, there were a lot of cones, but then when i am really. left fashion after 20 years, i remembered vyacheslav mikhailovich and understood that then he again gave me very good advice, but then i didn’t listen to him, and then you were already studying at the fashion laboratory, and i was at the fashion laboratory, 2004 it’s been a year, but how did you even get there? i came there completely by accident, because i didn’t plan
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to become a designer, i was on the subway, looking at recruitment for the fashion laboratory, yeah, and quite by accident we went there, and there were these luxurious women who taught like goddesses... they look fantastic, and at the same time absolutely adequate, it doesn’t smell like mothballs, they told everything, showed it, charmed me, naturally i ran, borrowed money urgently there, that means i came, the name of the hares and, well, that’s right, this is a deity, well no one knows, i think that except for some fashion historians, what is the name of his collection, you know in general that it is complex, beautiful, there is art. and i wanted to go there, and it’s only one year, and during this year my whole life flies by, that is, it’s not just barely, you create, you create, you’re already practice, that is, these are theories, there are some kind of introductory parts, and zaitsev himself taught, of course, he came and made comments, and such as he could, yes,
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yes, well, he’s flying there, so that’s all so - it fluffs up, everything, god, save, save, it’s him, he flies, and you already consider yourself a genius, you’re sitting there, you think, now he’ll notice me, now look at this on a mannequin, my, this is art , it’s just a blow-off, and he flies in and says, what kind of village neormak is this, well, and there are a couple of other words like that, he he was never stingy with his expressions, that is, he always spoke in a matter-of-fact manner, and you think, well, this is brilliant, but the harshest thing you heard from him, well, it’s not for broadcast. tell us how your acquaintance with vyacheslav zaitsev began. in 1974, i was 12 years old, and my dad was the editor-in-chief of the student meridian magazine. and - vyacheslav mikhailovich began to collaborate with this magazine, because it
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was the first such youth publication in the country. a collaborate like he wrote something? he wrote articles about fashion, about youth fashion. and my dad brought me this book, it made a huge impression on me, this book was written directly by vyacheslav mikhailovich, there are his works, his sketches, creative compositions like this, which were a creative source, as if for a sketch, like straight art, it's framed on the wall, yes, absolutely, history. tyum is very interestingly shown from the point of view of sociology, cultural studies, the influence of youth fashion on trends, can you imagine, this is eighty the first year, and the first edition was in seventy
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-four, even then it was all there, this is amazing, imagine, of course, he is an artist with a capital a, and we are modern designers now, we draw a working sketch with one hand, and before, of course , the sketch, was a kind of prototype, a real prototype of the product, here zaitsev also acted as a sociologist, because he explores the work of english designers, sewn for a show at some event, but i also needed it for a very important event, and i
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asked vyacheslava mikhailovich, what do you need? add something there, decorate it somehow, you see these brooches, not brooches on the shoulders, yes, yes, we did it later, that is , the whole back is bare too, since we couldn’t have two symmetrical brooches like that find, then vyacheslav mikhailovich suggested that we should take the rings from... enough, well, in general, they restored the palace at someone else’s expense, and then they held a big reception and also sold tickets for
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a lot of money, here are my friends who were there at that moment, they were very interested in it, they bought tickets and me in that were invited, and this dress was by chance with me, i have a photograph where - i talked with prince charlt, who is now king charles, yes, i have a photograph of this dress with the king, did they ask about the dress at your reception? no, but i visually saw that i looked absolutely decent, in no way inferior to the other ladies who were there, well, maybe in the diamonds on my fingers, of course, or in the ears of this one, well, there are family jewels, yes, yes, in the dress no, definitely not at all inferior, that is, it was absolutely at the highest world level, but how did vyacheslav zaitsev treat his colleagues in the workshop, the designers? did you discuss anything in other countries? we no, we certainly didn’t discuss it, because he also communicated with them quite a bit, he didn’t
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have such an opportunity, the opportunities appeared when he met cardin, and corden loved him very much, and i know that he directly admired him creativity, not only because he is a person with taste and a really good designer, but also because he is such a person who was always present in all his collections, well, let’s say... like the russian spirit, this authenticity, it wasn’t directly, but it was always present and it seems to me that corden admired him in him, because a person who he betrayed himself, his roots, you know, his own, and therefore he was not like others, because many designers make beautiful, expensive clothes and so on, but this is all about a trend, some kind of trend of the year, yes , and this is more or less like... although many of me say students of slava zaitsev, i will say that i
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never studied with slava zaitsev directly, but he always seemed to be my professional reference point, or something, because my first place of work was the fashion center of russia, where zaitsev also worked a little . then he worked in the all-union fashion house, where i had an internship, in practice, then in my professional journey, my first business trip was in ninety- four, in my opinion, or ninety- three, to dusseldor for an exhibition, and i went in the group headed by vyacheslav mikhalovich, and this was your first personal contact, no, the first personal contact was before that, when... i decided to participate in the lamanov competition in the ninety-fourth
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year, in my opinion, at the fashion house slava zaitseva, i was just i made such a large collection on my own, my application was accepted, suddenly they made me an offer to dress for the miss press mediterranean competition, imagine how i can refuse this, my husband brought it. lecture for the competition, slava zaitsev came out and said: well, everything is clear, where is andriyanov? well he'll give it to him for a long time explained that victoria was dressing for the misspress competition, to which zaitsev said, with his characteristic harshness at such moments, as i later realized, tell vikochka that it’s no good sitting on all the chairs with one butt, but i must say that i don’t care. .. multi-tasking and multi-station did not cancel out, but this lesson, when i
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basically could not participate in the competition, because i chose more. a pleasant activity, he was so in front of me, in general, you were a young designer, you had to develop in different directions, yes, really in fact, i closed this gestalt in a way that i couldn’t even imagine; my daughter, as a young designer, having come from the royal academy of antwerton, where she graduated, went to this competition. and why did i just force her, i say, mikhailovich was on the jury there, again, yes, i say, lisa, please, i need to close this gestalt, i couldn’t participate 25 years ago, you should participate, and she won this competition, yes, how great, now we will show you the best dog for the village, everyone loved him, pampered him, and we
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they were afraid that he would be jealous, and then he realized that she had food. he is of course affectionate and gentle when he begs for a bag of wet food. nora came to the pet store, grabbed a toy that she really liked, grabbed something and was afraid that it would be taken away from her, she starts to drive, you saw the video, watch with us, the premiere, today on the first, if your dad doesn’t give your mom flowers , then you go to the flower shop and pay with his card. there can be only one russian folk instrument on the first channel. who else are you? i'm the host of the show game and harmony, beloved, zakhar zavolokin, and you can’t check it. kvn. major league, new season,
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on saturday, on the first.
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who wanted to open his own store in moscow, this was after he had already arrived with he was a very good businessman and he was the first, with a show, yes, or before that, yes, we met at the show, but he did this show, of course it’s simply impossible there there was a way to get there,
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there were two of them, and i was in valentina’s pay then. yudashkin, who was not yet famous, no one knew him at all, but he worked in an atelier also located on the kuznetsky most, and there were amazing workers who knew how to make some masterpieces from embroidery, well, just something incredible, he interfered with a dress made of our ordinary crepe, and the color was so incomprehensible, because there were no paints either, or blue, or purple, it’s not clear what, but the entire top was embroidered with small pieces, scraps of some shiny fabric.
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he was impressed because after that he gave me two suits. the costumes were, in my opinion, quite modest, that is, there was a skirt and a jacket, well, not just a jacket, like a man’s jacket, yes, it was a jacket. shoulders were coming into fashion, he had these set shoulders, very fitted, instead of the usual lapels like yours, he had this slightly standing, rounded collar that turned into lapels, a very narrow skirt that vostankina walked along to get to the studio , i needed these 10 minutes earlier, because it was only possible to walk just 10,000 steps from studio to studio, that is, it’s just a big step impossible it was possible to do, in general, when i was sitting in this skirt, then... and the figure was just somehow chiseled, i asked the operator to move a little away from me to show me, this is where the frame ended, and i could see, well, two fingers knee, just like that, it created
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some kind of incredible sensation among the viewers, as i later read in letters that many men, despite the fact that they really wanted to sleep at 12 o’clock, to go to work by 8, they still watched, as i read the program schedule for tomorrow. just because this moment i asked the operator to move further away, and you could see a piece of the knee, well , this is probably another bonus for the quarter, of course, i was deprived once again, and they called me on the carpet and asked what you allow yourself, we are an ideological organization, to which i said, well, yes, we must move forward, so we receive thousands of letters there, all the viewers want to see what fashion is now, so i wanted to show the viewers that...
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we really were a guide for the viewers, and what the most important points that you learned while working, in contact, communicating with vyacheslav mikhailovich? well, i know for myself that you have to come to work by 7 am, well, it’s impossible, if you live by this, to wake up there at two and smell a rose there to come to work, well, no, this is fashion work, well, it’s hard, yes very hard and ... reverse work and simply later, when i myself gave several introductory lectures, when vyacheslav mikhailovich invited me to the laboratory, as a teacher, i always told students that if you think that
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it’s just to twirl among beautiful fabrics, this is it not at all the same, that is, if you have such ideas, it’s better for you not not to come here, it’s very difficult and energy-consuming, but if we return to the question, then... it seems to me that vyacheslav mikhailovich first of all taught me to think, this is very important in the profession, in any, here, in ours, because a thought, it materializes on paper, and then it must be embodied in something, this is your initial thought, for what, why, why, because the paper will endure everything, but then, what will happen to this sketch, next, what will happen to this thing or and so on, that is here, of course, vyacheslav mikhailovich very... painstakingly ate into this and got used to it, for this i am incredibly grateful to him. the first such professional competition was the lamanova competition, this is where it all started for me, then there were
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several more competitions, and again i really came to my master, consulted, showed some things, he told me very a lot, and then - he already began to invite me as a member of the jury, to many, then it was right all over russia, it spread like a fan. that is, competitions for young fashion designers, and somehow it all grew, multiplied, and he and i went to kazan, sochi was held there every year, but nastya you didn’t have such communication outside of school, where vyacheslav mikhailovich would open up in this way, well, too, only i only remember sochi, if not as a student teacher, that is, i want to say again that he remembered absolutely everyone, that i don’t know how it happened, if they have millions of students there, and they also came. these velvet seasons, and there was such a theater with columns, i remember, i don’t know, i was going somewhere, i walk around him, suddenly i bump into vyacheslav mikhailovich with yury muromtsev there, and i say, oh, hello, mikhailovich, and he
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says that there will be something in the evening, well, yes, there for now, svyacheslav mikhailovich, well, okay , i’ll come there, yes, well, who am i to him so that he won’t, and somehow it’s all just like a tangle, and it’s also like you’re not to him, well, just another student, but he’s like everyone like this. well, yes, but he also, imagine what a huge life he has, how many of these students he has, and he knew to everyone what you were doing there during the year, then yes, he then recognizes you and remembers yours.
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i encountered professionalism while still a student at a textile institute when i chose his work as a coursework for the analytics of constructing a structure on one basis, and then there was such an enterprise as an analyst constructing a structure on one basis - that’s what , look, there is one on one basis. you ’re wearing a jacket, yes, let’s assume, we draw this jacket, then we use this jacket as a basis, and design a cuff for it, for example, there’s a collar in some model, in some model we lengthen it, make double-breasted fastener and so on, you can go endlessly from this image of a jacket, but the base remains the same.
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domestic fabrics of the soviet period, they are exactly what was made on sevel row, the value of this natural silk, natural wool, that’s all we had, in general, we wanted some kind of variety , and now the world is coming, returning to uniformity, hence the old-school fashion and all that, but that’s you and me... now it’s very far away, but zaitsev
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had a story when he made his own for milkmaids vatnikov’s version, mm, some bright, colorful ones, and after that everyone noticed him, he does it too, well, he made a lot of uniform clothes, well, yes, before him, it seems to me, no one did it here, how they worked above this there were institutions, there was such an institute of labor, for example, which regulated its specific technical specifications for each profession. on the form, such happiness that they no longer influence this and real designers work, it is so visually pleasing to the eye, wherever we encounter people in uniform, yes, but vyacheslav zaitsev was an innovator, of course, he managed to convert people, and it was not very easy, i think it was much more difficult for him than for...
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my task was to ask very simple questions so that english viewers could understand, distinguish russian speech, because for them russians were never present on the screen, the iron curtain, and so that they understand, well, for example, if they get lost, those who come as fans to the olympics, so that they can ask where the metro is, for example, this producer, his name was teri doyle, he actually he was a communist at heart and he tried to do a very good film, and it really worked out for him, my trip was not planned at all, but then he decided that if i came, it would be generally correct, and i was invited to london for 4 days. it was a surprise for me, unexpected, completely, and of course, terrible panic, i didn’t understand what to wear, and of course, i rushed again to vyacheslav mikhailovich, thank you, save me, help me, but i already had his coat, here since
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these shoulders were already becoming fashionable, i rushed to him and said, vyacheslav mikhailovich, i i need some kind of dress urgently, i’m going to the bbc, to london, i don’t have anything to work in, and he sewed me up somehow quickly. very dress, it was also made of black, some kind of thin woolen fabric, then in the newspapers they called me a red star, and vyacheslav mikhailovich, because there are captions under the photographs, or russian dzer, but it seems to me that they called him russian valentina, but i don’t remember exactly now. how do you remember vyacheslav mikhailovich in life? well, first of all, i remember him as an incredibly hardworking person. i remember, this is mine the first new year's, when he said... buy it himself, he just drew a model in one night and controlled its design himself, of course he did not sit at the typewriter, but he literally practically assembled it under his personal guidance and he was not afraid to spend his time, you know, and he was a very
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sympathetic person, many, you know, many considered him so tight-fisted, a little greedy, no one ever said that, but stingy, yes, that here he is in his model house. and very often rented a dress when you just needed to put it on for once, so i had some kind of outfit, unfortunately, i didn’t find this photo, with a fluffy golden skirt and some kind of scarlet color, such an incredibly scarlet color, a jacket with
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some kind of embroidery also with gold inserts, it was something simply, well, incredible, incredible, he said that he couldn’t give it away there, sell it, couldn’t even sell it, because it was for a collection that would... be taken there to paris, but this one time he gave it to me to wear for some super event too, he understood that he was doing this, firstly, for art, because we didn’t just ask him to go to a party or a restaurant with friends, you know, we asked this for some kind of television events, shows , for some kind of program, for some kind of super concert and so on, and this also created advertising for him, because in those years there was no advertising as such, and well...
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then, how the entire image is put together, how this dress is played out how it is styled, what hairstyle you choose, recommendations, gave recommendations on what kind of hairstyle i would like to have, for example, these are not likes, and today we remember the great russian couturier vyacheslav zaitsev, we are talking about a man who made a real revolution, changed the attitude towards fashion , showed the world what russian style is. i like that in ivanovo fabrics the ability to connect traditions with modernity, that folk, that, national, or something, is the basis of printed very thin, filigree patterns or etched patterns on a large number of fields of small flowers. andrey, here you are, probably
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do you recognize the picture, at what point did you paint this portrait? i think this is the ninety-first year, that’s when we communicated a lot and often. is it red or orange? uh, well, here on the monitor it looks a little more orange, in fact it’s a red scarlet, like a pioneer’s tie, and that’s why i actually made his hair like that too, so it’s actually...
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a very long time, about 10 years, well, i’m just like- i was embarrassed, he was standing next to me, and he’s big, and he’s still, by the way, how big, how big he is, well, somewhere, probably one and a half by 10 meters, yes, i say that here it is somewhat cropped, that is, it is more elongated, and i did not show it to him, and it was all done in pencil, that is, it is pastel, oil, pencil on a gray background. did you draw it? well, i don’t know, i drew pretty quickly, because when i light up, i
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can’t eat or sleep, but i need to do what i had in mind, so i then sleep off, eat up, and, but i didn’t show him for a long time, unfortunately, i never showed him this portrait in the original, and at what circumstances, you showed it, and we met again in a fashion house, i had already photographed it, i showed it to him against... the background, but it seemed to me that he really wanted me to give it to him, and i again he hesitated, he didn’t ask himself, well, give him a small gift, well, it wasn’t like his style either, so he stayed with me, although i really wanted to give him a gift, but now i won’t have the chance, although i say i regret a little about these things, that somehow i have some kind of inner feeling that i’m thinking of offering, suddenly i don’t like it, well, suddenly i don’t will they appreciate it? yes, somehow this is a little bit of a misunderstanding, that is, i, although i saw that he really liked it, really
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liked it, but i didn’t offer it, and he didn’t ask, that’s why he stayed with me to this day por. victoria, you have such a rich creative path and such enormous experience, you have gone through all the stages of the formation of russian fashion, and well, you can be considered one of the main experts in our country in this field.
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and it is advisable that you have an idea about this not only by the name, but also how it fits into the armhole, everything, and this is given - a difficult education, that is, this is impossible at the level of courses, but if we are not talking only about free artists who make some art things, then we can, as it were, not look at some basics, because if we are talking about industrial modeling, this is a very big... responsibility, for example, when i dress some company, it could be a thousand people, or maybe 300,000
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people, any mistake of mine, the mistake of my team, can even result in a tragedy in the workplace, so, well, i don't i know, it’s probably all about responsibility, but what do you think inspired zaitsev? it seems to me that , firstly, he was probably inspired by the history of the country, he probably studied russian folk costume well and... he was also a wonderful painter, this also says a lot, because really, if it were possible it would be, i would gladly buy some of his paintings, but i have never seen them for sale, he painted very unusual paintings, very cool, they are all just so interior, they seem to me to be out of time in general, i i’m grateful to you that you raised this topic and touched upon it, but somehow they didn’t underestimate it in the country, it’s our fault.
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they produce 400 varieties of cheese, you see, they even try to make this their flag, they even made the french language so that it is included in some kind of treasure in unesco, you might think that other languages ​​are worse, well , yes, it’s a question of how always work to promote your country, and you need to promote it in different ways, not only are we a great power, yes, well, other countries think, well, yes, you are the biggest in world, that's why you... are great, you have to say that we have some gorgeous fashion designers, and what wonderful ballerinas we have, and what wonderful musicians or composers we have, and so on and so on, but with us everything is like - it ’s on on on its own, you know, on its own, and this is wrong, because it’s not right, if a nugget appears, you need to nurture it, cherish it, this, well, this is real, this is
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a symbol of the country, this should always be supported, but why somehow... the sphere of fashion, but also painting, and it will be possible where not only his works in there is a lot to learn and listen to about him. the first soviet couturier, red dior , a true visionary. zaitsev always praised our culture, and today he himself has become a part of it. we remembered the legendary designer, with whom we can say that fashion began in our country. this is not a bastard, all issues are on the first website. let's get started. oh, i can’t,
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play with karma, i’ve arrived, hello, hello, welcome, we’ve waited!
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it seemed to me that i could no longer wait for sunday in this life, i just saw the temple began
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to be reborn with the light of faith. having filled me up, just i see tomorrow, to be reborn in... a deed of faith filled me, it seemed to me that we could not overcome evil, we could not destroy hostile barriers, thank god. will come out over russia, holoholic , receptive of words, glory to god floats over
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russia, holoholic, forgiving of evil! thank god, i hear prayer as a harbinger of good changes, and russia has fallen, the dog is coming to life. it is clear, and russia has fallen on the rocks, the skin
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of your glory in the rock, just as the fate of the ringer is not easy, but i do not regret it. to god's calling, and so that heaven and earth may rejoice, jesus , humble, this obedience is like the free wind between heaven and earth, so the bells will ring, for the glory of god, to the joy of people, forget the bell ringer, forget.
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you cannot master the art of ringing on your own, as soon as the master lights you up like a candle in the darkness, i thank god again for sending me vladimir mary. poking, like a century, the free wind between heaven and earth, so the bell-ringing will flow with me to the glory of god, to the joy of people, forget the call, from your dear share,
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now the rain hits, now the cold bites, now the abbot is not always in the spirit, but christ we will resurrect, they don’t sing cola-cola, all the problems. it is necessary to decide, like the free wind between heaven and earth, so the bell ringing will flow for the glory of god to the joy of people to ring from your native share, like the wind, like the war wind between heaven and earth, since... and the bell ringing will flow mine to the glory of god, to the joy of people, call the bell ringer
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from their difficult life. priest evgeny purtov, tyumin region!
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for the fact that may only comes once a year, the faded dawn of a rainy day, blame anyone in the world, but not me, please don’t me, this world was not invented by us, this world was not invented by me, this world was not invented by us. and this world was not invented by me, it was not invented by me, which rushes day after day, now bringing joy, now sadness to someone, but the world...
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is arranged in such a way that everything is possible in it, but after that nothing can be corrected, this world was invented not by us, this world was not invented by me, this world was not invented by us, this world was not invented by me, there is only one way for us to cope with fate, there is only one way , even if it is difficult for us to disperse the heaps above the earth, but we can love each other stronger, this world.
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together, my soul becomes warm, and i don’t want to wake up, i’ll ask the wind, don’t break my wings, because with my beloved, i can fly only in a dream, sky, give me a ticket, sun, don’t go into the sunset when i’m next to her , i’m happier, no, the wind, taught me la la la lai la la la lai la la la lai la la lara lary la la la la la la la la lai la lai lai i have rainbows of the brightest colors , but even they can’t compare with
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i'll throw away the beauty of her eyes. them to heaven and let the wind carry them to those beautiful places where everything loved is with sky, give me a ticket, sun, don’t go into the sunset when i’m next to her, i couldn’t be happier, and the wind, teach me to fly, my thoughts have no peace and i don’t know how to say it, in my heart you alone could take up so much space, here i’m coming to meet you along the road of flowers, i love you, dear, believe me
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, the sky is ready for anything, i gave you a ticket, the sun didn’t go away when i was next to...
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the ceremony, the inauguration of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live broadcast on may 7 at 12:00 moscow time. gin сnop, product of stellor group, cognac, montage. chocco, a product of the stellar group, rum, castro, a product of the stellar group. veda vodka, a product of stellar group. old barrel cognac, a product of the steller
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group. it is not without reason that crimea is considered the cradle of russian orthodoxy. here, 200 years ago , apostle andrew, the patron saint, began his journey through the future russian lands. our country, we know that he was a fisherman, we know that he was one of the closest and beloved disciples of christ, he was not small, but tall, bravast, big-nosed, with gray, slightly slick hair, it cannot be the last judgment, until all nations learn about christ, so someone must reach the ends of the universe and preach christ , including to the scythians, this is actually the thread that has connected us since the 2nd century, because the scythians lived on our territory, to andrei peter dedicates the order, apostle andrew is our patron. the apostle stood on a high stone, prayed for the dedication of the people of khersanez, and the stone became like wax, and his feet were imprinted on the stones. why st. andrew's cross, a symbolic name, because it resembles the letter x. christ. he was crucified on just such a cross. this letter
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ha is such a sign across the whole country, which christ accuses and which accuses the faith of the apostle andrei pervozvanov. andrew the first-called, today is on the first day. victory day is the first, i always act in everything in the shortest way, directly and roughly, shoot without missing, confirm hits on tanks, i knocked out with 55 even before the army, play a double game, and if i told the scouts that you are not bobrikov, what then, well, you didn’t say and fool the girls’ heads, she the only one, i understand, there is no other like this and there will never be another, every intelligence officer can do it. they will lead me to the monastery, but don’t be scared too much, we are ours, all that remains is to choose the best, comrades, you are germans, behave like germans, what i taught you, well done, daredevils, scouts, for
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an impossible task, i don’t know yet what, guys, but in my opinion, you and i are in deep trouble, so all actions need to be adjusted to an imaginary ending, and it must be successful, saboteur may 9. on the first and remember, in an extreme situation instinct will always tell you the right decision, but if they don’t tell you, it means you don’t deserve it, natural selection, of course, christ will rise from the dead, death is eliminated by death, and life is given to those in the tomb. christ will rise from the dead by death, death stole from existence. and he gave life, christ is risen from
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the dead, trampling down death by death, and to those in the tomb, he gave life, christ is risen, he is risen, christ is risen, truly risen, jesus will rise, truly rise. my angel, be with me, you are in front, i am behind you, my angel, here with me, you are in front, i behind you, father in his youth. does not say that he is next to me always and everywhere, an angel keep
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what i asked, lord god, praying for me, and sung prayers of a few words that come from childhood and joyful words, my angel, with me, you are ahead, i behind you, my angel, be with me, you are in front, i am behind you, my father told me in my youth that he knows all my secret thoughts, guardian angel, i asked him, virgin mary, pray for me, i received
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several prayers words that come from the day of your joyful dreams, my angel, be with me, you ahead, i'm behind you, my angel, be with me. you are ahead, i am behind you, bravo! it starts snowing early at dawn. from the porch and
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that i am still alive in the world, i will thank the creator, i will bow my knees, i will ask christ so that my relatives do not get sick, so that my soul is pure. i also ask for forgiveness that sometimes i lived without faith, condemned without regret, sinned without repentance, i look at the white snow, it flies from a height. and so that our world becomes brighter, so that
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we become purer, it is impossible to live on earth without loss and without suffering, only... the lord is ready to forgive us for our repentance, just as we need to live our lives with dignity for a little while, so that the soul can boast of god, pure, like a white dream, bravo, lay down, bravo! my russia, you willy-
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nilly, you are not understood by the mind. remember this region, if there are three paths in an open field, always give us a straight line, the bread is kneaded and salted, everyone is always a waste of their own. but the heart responds to the ringing of the white bell that hour, on that we have stood and will stand, and this land cannot
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be taken away from us, and affirming the words like a prayer, while we are alive, russia is alive. is it necessary not to cut down the truth, we live only one day, if we feel sorry, that means we love, we sing in joy out of melancholy, we live from turmoil to turmoil, next to the cold and burning heat. and i don’t know, for some reason, i don’t want a fate for myself, they stood on that, i will stand on it, and this land cannot be taken away from us, and like a prayer i will affirm the words, while
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we are alive, russia is alive, fence zaga. winged, cruel, lazy, crucified, birch, thin, beautiful, which is all my beloved, and like a prayer i will affirm the words. while we are alive, russia is alive, while we are alive, russia is alive, well done, well done, lord jesus christ, son of god, have mercy on me sinner, i know that it is difficult for the humiliated in the world,
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i know what will happen in the circle. to be a crow, i know that together with the lord we will survive, only if my heart is not touched, i know that together with the lord we will survive, only if my heart is not touched. i know that once again we will become pure elephants, holy joy will be shed upon us, i know that together with the lord we will stand, light and truth
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will come in kindness, i know that with the lord we will stand together, light and truth will come in kindness, i know that we will find the main strength from the lord and rise up again, if only we maintain our faith... not astudz, save my father, but we are our orthodox faith, not astud, save, flock there, not
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astud, save, adstay, send us, o lord, true reason, enlighten our inner eyes, with the grace of your holy spirit, let it not be put to shame your name in the presence of those who oppose you. on victory day the first, moscow, red square, the main parade of the country. more than 9,000 military personnel from different types and branches of the military will take part in the solemn march,
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including units involved in a special military operation in ukraine and 75 units of various types of weapons and equipment. military parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. 9th may. at 10:00 moscow time live on the first. unfortunately, for you, we will have to conduct the investigation together. well, why, unfortunately, i’m somehow always happy about intelligence. i’m so happy in general, now we ’ll solve this case in an hour. who takes the bread? people come from the forest. somehow it would be wrong for astro. and what do these passes give? with them you can get through all our posts to the very front line. you have two options: stay here in
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this apartment forever and come with us as a hostage, according to the laws of war, new episodes, tomorrow after the program, time, can you borrow me? just for half an hour, on the day of victory on the first. who said that we should give up singing during the war? after the battle, the heart asks for music doubly, from the screw, only old men go into battle, may 9, after the program it’s time, makarych, take the device, he waved without looking.
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with a tied tongue, my soul, this is a bell with an untied tongue, not to break free, not
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to come to your senses, not to die first, my soul, this the belfry in which glory lives, my soul, this is the belfry in which... the mountains live glory, the wind falls under my feet, not daring to pass through, the sun is burning, i’m holding a lamp hanging on a nail, the sun is burning i’m holding a lamp hanging on a nail, keep everything neat. volodin and the world are like a big dugout, my soul, this is the homeland
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that you will not betray, my soul, this is the homeland that you will not betray, here the sap rushes through the birches, the land of migratory birds, the soul asks for freedom... in birch bark pages, the soul on freedom to ask, ceased. dredges, not nearby and not nearby, not close, not far, my soul, this is a kolokal with an untied tongue, my soul, this is a holohal, with an untied tongue,
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oh, good, how... how many times have you been tortured, to be russia or not, how many times have they tried to kill your russian soul, but i can’t know you. do not break, do not intimidate, you are my dear home, free pain, dear.
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we welcome and caress you with kindness, you are pure in your soul, an untold fairy tale, a blue country, a small light would dress up rose-colored cities, i will be proud of you all my life, without you i happiness for the rest of my life.
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i’m proud of you, i can’t be happy without you, well done, well done, our people said. the vedas for the spoils in russia have told of the turmoil of the bens, god is right, to extinguish, but in any hard times, our brothers live, and like in the past centuries , they sing again, cry, and will live, and will walk, with
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prayer. we will defend our russia, we will defend our russia with prayer, the russian harnesses for a long time, loves to go fast, patiently accepts victory, victory. and the trouble is big again, and no one is happy about life, only the church is once bright, for this hour, and he will live, and we will pray, not for the help of christ, but we will pray,
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whoever helps him, knows, but will save him, without discouragement, i will run out, pramonem, we will waste our time in potassium. so that god and the living will rise in everything, you will fight our faith
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and christ, our faith and christ will be praised. it will glorify!
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hello, the military information program chasovoy is on air on channel one, and i am its host, alexey rafaenko. watch this episode! there was a smell of gunpowder, the very day that is most awaited on the front line. this is a great holiday, of course, for us victory day must still be earned, it must be confirmed that this victory day must be celebrated here on this earth. one victory for all, just as the support of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers gives strength to our soldiers to boldly go into battle. our grandfathers defeated the tigers at thirty-four, and we will defeat the leopards at eighty. we s. looked death in the face. veterans of the great patriotic war monitor the progress of the special operation every day. thank you and vyshtekhov. we
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continue to monitor the special operation. and right now the news for the past week. area of ​​responsibility of the voysk vostok group. crews of su-25 attack aircraft. receive a new combat mission to disrupt the rotation of ukrainian armed forces units on one of the front sectors. there are hangars with enemy equipment on the ground, the main blow is dealt to them. the pilots return to the departure airfield and a few minutes later receive a report from the forward air gunner. all targets destroyed. the crews of the grad multiple launch rocket systems from the group covering the state border are working around the clock, harmoniously, and most importantly accurately. strikes are carried out from the belgorod region against targets in the territory
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ukraine. today we hit three enemy temporary deployment points, five vehicles and up to 15 personnel. it's a good job. the rocket artillery reloads the grads and then moves out. to new firing positions. a teleconference took place between conscripts from yekaterinburg and fighters in the special military operation zone on the eve of may 9. every day we advance a lot of meters, it’s difficult, but all the tasks are accomplished, we give our best. the event was also attended by veteran nikolaev stegneev, who addressed with parting words to... myself on the front line, i have a wish for you that you successfully defend our homeland and remain alive and healthy. at the end of the teleconference, all participants congratulated
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the veteran on the upcoming most important holiday, victory day. the sentinel program , together with the popular front charitable foundation, continues the all-russian collection for victory on the eve of may 9. funds raised by viewers. of the first channel , suvs and equipment will be given to fighters next week on the eve of the holiday electronic warfare, thermal imagers and much more, which we will definitely tell you about, follow the qr code that you see on your screens, the guys at the front are already seeing our support, the time of our big report dedicated to may 9, on the contact line. preparations for victory day are taking place in combat mode, here, like nowhere else, the connection between generational times is felt, here 80 years ago there were fierce battles for the dnieper for the liberation of...
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the riflemen who were moving forward were now working at the base strong point nationalists, the target was destroyed, the second target was being worked on, there would have been an operator , the target was also destroyed, a few minutes of silence again , the gun was ready for battle, fire, every minute work in order to help our friends who are in the trenches in front, because the infantry and artillery - these are, first of all, friends, not only military ones, but already... let's say, blood ones.
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the enemy is not asleep, he is located not far from our borders, so there is a lot of work to do. the gun commander with the call sign sledak , a volunteer, went to the front without hesitation, even despite the reservation from the factory. when we destroy targets, our commanders praise us, they say that we are helping them a lot, they even show a video of the copters that aim our artillery, and accordingly they are very motivating. 522 522 three shells quick fire three shells quick fire shot this is a t-30 galubica 122-mm galubica a very effective weapon very mobile very accurate gun it’s not for nothing that they call it a sniper rifle of the airborne troops gun shot. veterans of the great
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patriotic war, time takes its toll, they remain only a few, but descendants carefully protect the legacy of the victorious warriors and preserve their memories. so the sentinel was lucky to communicate with them. at different times we interviewed heroes of that distant war. the 122-mm towed d-30 is one of the most popular artillery systems of the soviet army, its predecessor was the m-30 howitzer. in may 1945 she reached berlin. the artillerymen affectionately called the m-30 mother, recalled pyotr alekseevich mikhin. together with thirty men, he beat the nazis on the kursk bulge in august '43. we stood near belgorod on seversk danz. i personally knocked out two tanks, my battery knocked out six tanks, one and a half pounds, a 23 kg shell. one of the last
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interviews with a veteran, filmed in 2019, pyotr alekseevich is 98 years old, artilleryman mikhin passed his baptism of fire in the hardest battles near rzhev, for some reason the operational reports do not talk about rain. well, he played a decisive role, he flooded all the swamps and roads, all the equipment stopped, which ensured our offensive, and we were forced to bring two shells to the guns on horseback, today the artillerymen they still carry heavy shells on their shoulders, a large-caliber gun musta b, we tow the musta at 152 mm. projectile, this is
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a serious projectile, yes, this is a very serious projectile, weight is about 50 kg, charge 12, well, it all flies towards the enemy, the artilleryman call sign kura has been commanding the battery for the second year, he started as a platoon commander, there were three guns under his command, now there are six of them, plus the control platoon, how hard it is, what is required of the commander, namely batteries, choice of firing position, binding of the firing position plus shelter for personnel, well, accordingly, training and education of personnel. they will give you the equipment, they will give you any kind of equipment, and if the personnel want to fight with it and can fight with it, then there will be great and high results. during the kurdish battle, lieutenant pyotr mikhin commanded an artillery battery as part of the fifty-second division of the thirtieth army. the battle was so terrible, i was no longer in a tank battle, but in a combined arms battle. i'm with the battery, the germans are flying.
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i wrote 29 cases when i survived, i believed in the power that protected me, but on i didn’t talk about this during the war, i’m a twilight scout, my grandfather fought at the front, my father is a professional military man. now the twilight continues their work with honor, well, in their footsteps, i also decided to continue the path, i always seemed to have an interest in reconnaissance units. dusk received a medal for courage for saving a comrade. in the border zone, the group was
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shot at; the sapper was left alone; he had to be evacuated. that means we pulled part of the group aside, came in from the flank, started a shooting fight, and distracted them. unit strength the ukrainian armed forces, the second subgroup at that moment moved towards the sapper and evacuated him. you had the great honor of flying out in response to the barbaric german bombings of moscow, leningrad and other soviet cities to carry out the first bomb attack on military installations and government institutions in the capital of the nazi reich. let's bomb berlin, guys. prepare your cars for long-distance flights, these planes of yours, will they even reach berlin? the db3 bomber is not the newest, not the fastest, but today it is the only machine which is capable of completing such a difficult task. the purpose of the airstrike is to cause maximum
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damage to important strategic objects of the city. the weather is difficult, but you can fly. berlin is surrounded by two rings of air defense, and of course fighters, so be prepared for a dogfight. 1941, wings over berlin, watch the time after the program. the most famous british fascist, oswald mosley, at the age of 22, became the youngest member of the english parliament. following muusalini. mosley declared britain the heir great rome, which sounded wild, but he didn’t even notice it. after the end of the second world war, the french, at least at that time, defeated their internal fascism. but whether the anglo-saxons coped with it is a big
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question. it was they who helped many nazis evade responsibility and tried with all their might to avoid publicity and monstrous crimes. cultural name czech, rank classified, position letnap, rejan and you have kids, is your enemy sometimes, alexey bobrikov, junior sergeant, volunteered for the front, look to me, bobrikov, leonid shillat, junior
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sergeant, excellent combat training, tell me when, where and by whom you were recruited, it means that very serious tasks are being prepared. saboteur, the legendary beginning of history, spotted, traitors, the main task is to eliminate him, machine, add two knots. we should be there in an hour, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, who can go on the mission with us? to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders. saboteur. crimea. this means we have 5 minutes to remember the card. may 9, on the first. about dusk speaks about his feat. modestly, as my father and grandfather taught me, to serve my homeland with dignity in a comrade’s need, not to abandon the entire
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great patriotic war with this rule, intelligence officer mikhail aleksandrovich krasov passed. i fought in the infantry, i was in a reconnaissance company, scouts, front-line, reconnaissance, but of course, we had to know who was in front of us, what units, what they were doing there, whether they were preparing... to defend themselves, or to regroup into something else place. in march 1944, mikhail alexandrovich liberated kherson as part of one of the divisions under the command of general malinovsky. we crossed the ingulets river near krivoy rog, took a bridgehead, and after reinforcements arrived, we fortified ourselves. and then they went on the offensive, liberated the large village of sofievka, but
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500,000 officer soldiers, over 7,000 guns and mortars, about 570 tanks and self-propelled artillery units took part in the offensive, on march 13, 1944, soviet troops liberated the city, how many wounds did you have then twice , i don’t think my foot hit a soft spot there. mikhail alexandrovich kras celebrated victory day in the austrian city ​​of graz during the vienna offensive . on the ninth we were still at war. the germans did not want to surrender, despite the fact that the capitulation message had already been accepted, they had to fire salutes.
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army for almost 40 years, participant in, perhaps, all military campaigns of our army, starting with afghanistan. there will always be a path to victory, a desire to support your grandfathers, to make them proud, they also went through the war, my grandfather was posthumously awarded the title of hero of the soviet union, i went through everything, went through everything, i already went to one of the spirits with each other, why not me i won’t do this, well, how can it be, let me die, so...
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the attack aircraft defended the site for two days until reinforcements arrived, then a very difficult battle,
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fragments from mine shells wounded the group commander, most of the guys for the cause and radimir, having forgotten about the pain, he himself bandaged myself, helped others by radio, reported to the situation headquarters, in response received an order to lead the group, they said keep the defense there, strengthen it there, they said, well, in a day they will change you there, we strengthened everything.
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there is a lot of domestic production in the northern military district, this was also noted a worthy military path since the times of the great, president vladimir putin during a meeting with defense minister sergei shaigu after the liberation of avdeevka. as for the overall situation in avdeevka, this is an unconditional success, i congratulate you. all military units, all servicemen, of course, deserve
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the highest awards, encouragement and words of gratitude. from the country’s side, from russia’s side, from our people’s side, what can you say, all the guys acted courageously and heroically, as the offensive operation was going on russian army in the abdeevsk direction, was not reported until the complete liberation of the city, a flag was dropped on us on a drone and we raised it to the administration’s flag, there was a feeling of pride in the russian army, in our grandfathers, this is a big victory, for years the armed forces of ukraine from here constantly attacked donetsk, taking advantage of this , which is only a few kilometers away, as a result of difficult battles , our wars drove the enemy out of the city. our guys, our tom workers did their job responsibly, with dignity and are proud of their work, now only forward. assault squad the thirty-fifth separate motorized rifle
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brigade liberated the building of the avdeevka railway station. the detachment was opposed by the third brigade.
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here, the kiev regime destroyed monuments trying to rewrite history, now is the time for change, the opportunity to speak your native language, celebrate may 9, now this is a reality, well, here is my last name olovan of all my relatives, grandfather, uncle, these are all uncles, relatives , uncles, cousins, after the fourteenth year, vtoko... lovers came here, well, as if, as if, as if with fear. today the symbol of victory is st. george's the tape was officially banned by the ukrainian authorities as a sign of russian aggression. in the spring of 2022, the sentinel visited liberated volnovakhi. even before the northern military district, the local authorities diligently erased the memory of the people here. veteran of the great
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patriotic war mikhail fedorovich zhedok told us about those events. i've been wearing it lately. hello, he talks about the war, what he says, and that a bullet hit him in the rib, he was 17 years old - mikhail fedorovich was really looking forward to the return of the holiday and firmly believed in
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our future victory. in september 2023 the veteran died, but his memories remained. all nations were with me, in kazakhstan we were russians and slavs. people, it seemed like she was alone, she was alone. and this is lugansk. our motorized riflemen came to visit machine gunner grigory semyonovich ponomarenko on the eve of victory day. we came here from the front line in order to walk in a solemn march in front of the veteran, when you walk past the veteran at a marching pace. here he is wearing medals, orders and such difficult feelings, grigory was 15 years old,
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when the war began, i went to the front as volunteers at 17, in april 1943, we were just assembled, we go, we sing, one, two, three, we are bolsheviks, we are not afraid of their fascists, we will go to war, and the women sit crying, yes your children are children's... grigory trained as a machine gunner, became a squad commander, fought on the second belarusian front, liberated mariupol and sevastopol, when we liberated sevastopol, then we bombed, and then they started bombing silently, one soldier kiselyov and i were at the vaks we jumped, we looked, the german was hitting us with a machine gun and also came towards us.
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his front-line girlfriend, a balalaika, passed by, his 99-year-old veteran remembers by heart old jokes and war songs, when it’s difficult to advance, everyone says, what are you doing with this balalaika, something, and when there’s a smoke break, well, come on, balalaika, those who passed the most terrible war in our history and who has survived to this day is left to chance, almost 80 years have passed since the victory. living victorious fighters are all about a century old, and young fighters of the northern military district and veterans of the great patriotic war feel a special connection with each other through generations of intersection of destinies
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repetition of heroic stories at the front. the most memorable moments are when peaceful people come and say thank you for coming. i continue the work of my grandfather, he went through the first and second world wars. everything is fine, everyone is alive and well, we will return with victory, i came here as volunteers to protect the russian people, thank you, multiply our traditions both in combat and labor, and these bastards must be killed as many as possible, and as quickly as possible, with you was the sentinel program upcoming holiday, victory day, see you: exactly in a week,
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i start this morning with such an ingenuous picture in my hands, ice, when i saw it, it seemed to me that it was a drawing of a five-year-old child, charming, cute, inept, and then under this drawing i saw the inscription “fedka’s piggy bank.” it turned out that fyodor is a nineteen-year-old young man with a severe form of cerebral palsy, almost completely paralyzed, almost speechless, and his works and the works of children like him, fyodor’s mother, nadezhda, put marks on pillows, why? yes, because this woman. to ask for help, she was used to earning money through work and taught this to her nineteen-year-old seriously ill boy. today we will talk
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about children's central district hospital. here she is fedkina piggy bank, and this is his mother, nadezhda, an artist, designer, her apartment owner is known to everyone in taglyati. good evening, friends, i’m very glad to see you all, i’m very glad that we have a full hall of guests, you know, today we call the apartment party the time of life, we’ll listen, enjoy the literary and musical evening, saxophone poetry. there will be music in this house.
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there will be no shadow of tragedy and overcoming. nadezhda promised herself to live long ago. and all the works in fetka’s piggy bank were done by her son and sick children like him. each of them lives with self -esteem. they don't ask for help, they work and sell their work. this is their time of life. and there will be no other. well, in general, here in my creative bureau there are several directions, but one of the main ones for today...
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they are circulation, there are several of them, so now i’ll show you our most important one, we have a shopper here is such an ice, very beautiful with and the workshop of snadine, which makes these products, for one and the company, that’s the name of nadina’s group on vkontakte, like all the children whose works are sold here, nadine fede is seriously ill, he has cerebral palsy, together with they love their husband fedor. will you give a vice? well, this is no longer the case , well, that is, he conveys some things with signs, well, like this here, let’s go there, let’s go to the toilet there, or show that he wants to eat, but mostly, for example, he can me call, say, nana, i suck, and he calls pasha so he paraphrased suck, what’s pasha’s name, what’s your dad ’s name, and what’s your mom’s name, and what’s your mom’s name -
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here’s swedey and his illness, nadya and her husband have been living for 19 years, i don’t know how they are they withstood everything that befell them, i know only one thing: the light in their soul did not go out, i will now show you a series of good-natured toys, well, because, well , look at them, well, it’s like they are all for a smile, all these toys are so smiling , here are the sewn attic dolls, and by the way, these pillowcases. i'm glad it makes me smile. here she is a good-natured toy, charming, bright, made by children's hands, probably with the help of adults, made to bring light to
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the soul. gives us hope and confidence that such children will be able to live a normal life. the health program begins. while endless passions are boiling in this harsh life, waking up healthy in the morning is real
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happiness. we need to save both strength and nerves while sailing on the waters if we have to arrange everything. health is with you again, dear friends, good morning to everyone who has gathered in our hall, well, first of all, i congratulate you all on happy easter, this is truly a wonderful holiday, a bright holiday, a family holiday, so knock me...
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therefore, today on easter, watch everything to the end, because on such holidays it is very important to be people, well and a health program. begins, and as always, only one main rule applies in our program: only the best doctors in russia and the world work here in the television clinic of the health program. what is your immunity? will tell you a general blood test, lymphocytes, what to do, if there are too few of them? both joints and stomach hurt, which painkillers are allowed for a sick stomach, and which ones? are strictly prohibited, keep your blood pressure under control, what to do if the prescribed treatment does not help, health is with you again,
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dear friends, we are starting our program with a topic that sounds like this: lymphocytes: lymphocytes, what kind of cells are they? and lymphocytes are blood cells. consist of leukocytes, all leukocytes, as they are, here they are lymphocytes, which we will talk about today, it says here how many there are in percentage should be no less than all
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white blood cells and how many should be in absolute terms, that is, in the number of cells, so the number of cells should be approximately 1.2 thousand cells. each person should have up to 3.7 thousand cells of lymphocytes, what do lymphocytes do? lymphocytes are the basis of our immunity, that is, immunity itself is white blood cells, first of all lymphocytes, lymphocytes protect us from everything, from infections, from cancer, from everything, right now you... in the body of each of us, every second, right now there is a frantic struggle of lymphocytes and against infection, against cancer cells that are formed in us every second, we will now show you a unique video, a cancer cell
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that was attacked by lymphocytes, here it is, this healthy cell is cancer cell, you see, one bit, the other bit, now they will call their comrades, do you see what a battle is going on? and this reptile, it doesn’t give up, it’s very stable, you see, they finished it, bubbles appeared, it began to disintegrate, that’s what our lymphocytes do every second, we have three types of lymphocytes, these are these brilliant fighters who have already killed a cancer cell here, these are called killers, killer lymphocytes, killers, they literally eat, devour, because we have: phagocytosis, devouring in translation, cancer cells of infectious agents, met, ate, that’s it, there is a second group of cells, these are also lymphocytes, which are engaged in
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stimulating the production of antibodies, here is this lymphocyte, it gives a command to another lymphocyte, this is a t-lymphocyte , this is a lymphocyte, like this he gives a command, but... he releases substances, and we shoot, he gives the command to the third type of lymphocyte, the b-lymphocyte, to produce antibodies, according to covid, whose role in education is the greatest, we know what... antibodies are, they produce antibodies lymphocytes, they are not taken from the air, there are lymphocytes, there are antibodies, there are no lymphocytes, there are no antibodies, so lymphocytes are our immunity, you must definitely look at the norms of lymphocytes and you must definitely pay attention to these cells, this is in the amount of thousands of cells, in percent up to 40% of...
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all maternity hospitals in russia do a free heel test for babies with a drop of blood, identify more than 30 diseases , all immunodeficiencies that can be treated. let's see how this happens. so, this is how they take the baby, he doesn’t suspect it yet, they wipe his heels, make a tiny, tiny puncture in the heels, you only need one drop. blood, but he did not
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expect such a dirty trick, and you will now see how he will sob bitterly, and meanwhile the nurse takes such a blotter and makes several blood prints, it’s so brilliantly done, but he’s crying, this is understandable, by the way, if a child is crying, it means he’s healthy. here is such a test, and from birth a child, if, for example, he does not have enough lymphocytes, will be given the drug. compensating for this immunodeficiency, and this child will not die from immunodeficiency, will not die from pneumonia, in russia this is done free of charge for all children, so this is of course an absolutely outstanding thing that we have, this is the first, second, if lymphocytes are elevated, this can it is good if a person is suffering from some kind of disease, for example, an infection, but if there is an increased amount. lasts for more than 2 weeks, this could be a sign of cancer, not
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necessarily, but maybe then it requires special examinations, thanks to most of you for your excellent knowledge, we’ll pause for a while and then continue, on the day of victory on the first. moscow, red square, main parade. countries , more than 9.00 military personnel from different types and branches of the military, including units involved in a special military operation in ukraine and 75 units of various types of weapons and equipment. military parade dedicated. may 9 at 10:00 moscow
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time live on the first bourbon steersman - a product of the stellar group. mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellor group. gin сnop. product of stellar group cognac monte shococa, product of stellar group. darling, beloved, the only one. you’re in a completely different format, you’re a completely different singer, but you know how to show what chanson is. i love it so much when numbers like this, done by actors, and so delicious.
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we will discuss this issue and tell you about the best marinades from a medical point of view, how to properly prepare kebab and everything else that is most important for our lives.
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but in general the story is quite strange, i was without a name for a long month and a half, you always know, actors are friends with doctors, we had such a family friend, people's artist of the soviet union, lev nauch sverglin, hmm, he had a son yura , and he came like you, he said to his mother: “call him yury.” maybe she'll become an actor like me, this is my mother's story. told me when i entered the theater institute. but i had a moment at the institute when i almost gave up, i realized that i wanted to be a doctor, but i understood that i would never pass either chemistry or physics, that was it, it’s amazing, even the origin of names, it’s amazingly interesting, and yuri in russia,
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suffice it to say, yuri the long-armed, says there, although at the same time they shockingly baptized me as george. this also exists, well, look, returning to our profession, and we give everyone three basic analyzes, and these are numbers, which people should know is a blood test for sugar, for cholesterol, and we will definitely take off our jacket, measure your blood pressure, and then with three numbers, i’m waiting for you in our studio, okay, because i come here during a short commercial break, so we talked about kings, now we’ll see you in our studio, we agreed. so, dear friends, i am standing next to the stomach, and we will talk about this most important topic: you have some kind of stomach disease, gastritis, maybe an ulcer, maybe something else, it doesn’t matter, reflux
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esphagitis and heartburn, but life is such that you have pain, for example, you have pain in the joints. or some other pain and in connection with this you are forced to take pills for pain, this is actually an extremely serious question, what pills for pain do you need, we will definitely answer this question for you today, i want to start with the fact that you will tell us what is happening to you, what your story is, because these are stories from life, and such coincidences of two diseases happen very often, we listen to you. well one of the most the most unpleasant memory in my life is, of course, the ulcer i suffered from, from which i almost died. thank god my ulcer has healed. so what's with the pain? do you have pain for which you need to take pain pills? well, i have big problems, they started with the knee joint, with the left pills. i just haven't tried it yet. well, look,
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this is the situation. the first thing you need to know is that gastritis, ulcers and stomach cancer are, roughly speaking, very few people today with ulcers, we practically don’t see them, but there are a great many with gastritis, one of those sitting in the hall has gastritis, well, you understand, that is, i was crawling with gastritis, globally the situation is simple, the stomach... produces the strongest acid that exists, this is the stomach, with such a window, this tights, so you understand the power of acid, here i put the tights here, and let’s see what the acid does to them, it doesn’t take much time, the acid dissolves the tights into dust, like
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that, food too, food too, this is the task of the stomach, why tights... all practically medicines that they anesthetize, they have the same analgesic strength, but the horror is that this group of... drugs disrupts the production of mucus, there is no mucus, the acid begins to corrode
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the stomach, so people with gastrointestinal problems are not easy to find a medicine, this is a huge problem, over which everyone fought for, we finally received the final clinical recommendations, what should people like you do? in fact , there is only one drug that practically does not destroy the gastric mucosa, its international nonproprietary name is celicoxip is a selective enzyme blocker, so if you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and pain that need to be relieved, then the only medicine for you is goals like vulture, this is...
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who have stomach problems and have pain and they take any other medications, not celicoxib, it turned out that they have three times more complications associated with the development of ulcers, and celicoxib has three times less, and be sure to discuss with your doctor, maybe add a drug from the prozole group, these are hydrogen blockers pumps that generally reduce acidity. so a pain pill is just for you, and we have a topic about what pain pills you need, goals like sib,
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let's take a short break and then continue, solemn... live broadcast on may 7 at 12:00 moscow time. health is with you again, dear friends, our program continues, and we continue the work of our hypertension school. we have the most important topic of how to change treatment, but before we talk about
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how to change a short excursion, briefly, everything that we have studied up to this point, about pressure. let's start with the most important thing, the most important thing is that free smartphone applications have appeared that allow you to measure your blood pressure, control it and receive it. all the recommendations on pills and changes in treatment, this is the basis of today’s life, my blood pressure, my responsibility. today we have a final, well, not a program, but as if we were concluding, we have discussed with you all the rules of treatment, today we will conclude and draw a line, let’s start with what pressure is normal. normal pressure is lower than 120.80. if the pressure is up to 130, we reduce it without medication; if the pressure is higher, then first we reduce
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the pressure, and then we look for the reasons. why is it necessary to reduce the pressure in the beginning, and then understand the reasons, and not vice versa. well, so that the crisis does not start. to prevent a stroke, absolutely true. and now, who can stop taking pills, even though the blood pressure is 130, for example? and 80, who can stop taking pills? let's show this area. so, our pressure is 130 and 80. you don't have to take the pills if you are not at risk. and here who is at risk, who must take pills, let’s sort it out with our guest today. and our guest is a wonderful actor, yuri nifontov. hit the train. they attacked, lord, they took everything, things, money, everything, honored artist of russia yuri
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nifontov considers himself an actor of the old format. she doesn’t agree to act in sitcoms for any money, but with great pleasure she participates in the creation of serious dramatic films. i signed the conclusion, as far as i know, the order for your demobilization was also signed. yuri borisovich born in ukraine. his parents were very fond of the theater. when the boy grew up, they began to take him with them. the scene was mesmerizing. so over time he realized that he also wanted to be an actor. to the moscow shchukin theater school and a few years later was accepted into the troupe of the yevgeny vakhtangov theater. cinema appeared in the life of yuri borisovich in the late seventies, and he easily transforms into any heroes. forgive me, but this is just some kind of bondage. life goes on, and yuri borisovich continues to play on the stage of the satire theater
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acting. yuri nifontov, our guest. that’s the same thing, well, let’s start with the report, so what do you have in the report, yuri borisovich has blood pressure, cholesterol is 7.3, elevated, should be less, preferably five, 5.5, sugar is normal, blood pressure is 138 and 85, you do you take blood pressure pills or not? what a thrill it is to meet you, maybe, maybe, i ’m sure that’s why maybe, well, i drink, of course, well done, well done for drinking, look, 138.85, it’s on tablets, and the factor of raising blood pressure, artistic, a man goes into the hall, there are spectators here, it’s always present, morning coffee - what does it mean, coffee
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lowers blood pressure, that’s it, that’s it, how did you find out? pressure 138.85, this is the so-called gray one, and he just came to me as a doctor with a pressure zone, let’s show these numbers, from 130 to 139 upper and from 80 to 89 lower pressure, so, gray pressure zone, everyone doesn’t need pills , we need something...
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at some point i stopped driving a car, i even sold it, i started walking , i switched to the metro, and i keep walking, for example, there i also teach, for example, i’m walking from the satire theater walk to the shchukin school, beauty, this is the whole center of moscow, look, if a person is overweight, then -10 kg -10 mmhg, if a person refuses salt -1 mm, if a person walks 30 minutes 5 days a week, -8 mmhg, and if he reduced the alcohol to two...


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