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tv   Slovo pastirya  1TV  May 5, 2024 9:45am-10:01am MSK

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they give you to tula with your own samovar, they don’t go, or if it’s gingerbread, then it’s definitely from tula. yes, such is the great power of stereotypes. on the other hand, the samovar and gingerbread really became symbols of broomstick, and also the single-row accordion of weapons production; each of these symbols, the samovar, gingerbread, harmony and weapons, has its own museum dedicated to it in tula. yes, and, of course, it is impossible to imagine tula without its kremlin. there are just cities, and there are fortress cities. the tula fortress, that is, the tula kremlin, is more than 500 years old. it was built during the crimean khanate, which arose from the ruins of the golden horde, and whose troops regularly raided the southern borders of the young russian state. the itul kremlin is like an impregnable fortress on the most important strategic direction of the crimean tatar raids in the muravsky way. for centuries it was the main link of the famous big one. serif line. the history
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of the tula kremlin began in 1507, when, by order of prince vasily ii , the construction of a stone city, the tula fortress, began in tuli. construction did not become a long-term construction project, lasted some 13 years. and here’s what ’s important: during its existence, the tula kremlin never surrendered to the enemy, that is, in its entire history, the enemy’s naga never set foot on the territory of the tula kremlin. the walls of the kremlin were impenetrable, and in three hundred loopholes there were brewhouses, from which they poured hot brew, or even just boiling water, over the adversaries. remote guard towers provided lateral visibility. the enemy is in full view. even the steps the archers used to climb the wall were different height and width. they say they remember their own leg, but someone else’s will turn up in a hurry. by the way, you know that our tula is older than moscow. well, of course, just for a year. first mention. does not date back to 1146, by
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historical standards it seems like nonsense, but this is a trifle for muscovites, but it’s nice for the tulik people, in tula they once said so: for tula’s enemies there is a sword, and for friends there is a carrot. so about tula gingerbread, there is no doubt here, the tula gingerbread is the patriarch and ancestor of all russian gingerbreads, well, i’m not a gingerbread and i don’t presume to dispute this fact, besides they claim that the first gingerbread... appeared on the pages of russian chronicles in 1685 and it was, well, yes, from tula, since then the gingerbread in tula is really the main character, certainly the main souvenir, well, in any case, i don’t know anyone who being in tula, i wouldn’t have taken this main tula honey treasure with me, by the way, initially tula gingerbreads were small, round, even with filling, but without a pattern, they were called zhamki, and then they came up with a printed gingerbread, this is... a real
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work of art , beautiful and tasty, that’s when the ptul gingerbread spread throughout russia and europe. each gingerbread merchant had his own recipe, which he never trusted on paper and kept exclusively in his head. his eldest son or trusted master knew the secret of the recipe, and the secret was not even the ingredients, their quantity and weight. already then, industrial espionage existed in tolya, gingerbread. yes, yes, merchants from competing art. they introduced spies to their fellows under the guise of apprentices for the sole purpose of finding out dosages. the weapons history of tula began in 1595, when by the decision of fyodor and ioanych, the son of ivan the terrible, 30 kuznetsov families moved here. they made weapons before, well, simple self-propelled guns. it was necessary to establish a stable production of food for the tsarist army, and it was established. at the end of the seventeenth. centuries
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, there were already more than a thousand gunsmiths in tula. the industrialist nikita demidov, the founder of a dynasty of metallurgists, opened his own arms factory here, and although he is more associated with the urals, he began his life’s journey in tula, he became a supplier of guns for peter i in his northern war. and in 1712, peter ii issued a decree on the creation of a state arms factory. and attention, a juicy detail. peter ii gave a hint. bring a handsome man from all over russia to tula in order to attract the most intelligent and handy men to the city. peter succeeded in both the first and second. and you ask, where do so many beautiful profits come from in tula? yes, from there, from peter’s times. another symbol of tula is the single-row harmon. no, harmony itself was not born here; the right to its invention is disputed by masters from german thuringia and russian st. petersburg.
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in addition to tula, the centers of accordion production in russia were saratov, volok, dashuya, and vyatka. the tula single-row accordion appeared thanks to the skill of craftsmen nikolai beloborodov and leonte. the outfit, by the way, became the forerunner of bayan, a full-fledged tula invention. despite its wide musical range, the accordion is primarily a cheerful instrument. the first tula harmonies generally only had a major scale, so most of the ancient tune songs are reminiscent of chistushki in melody and rhythm. and a naughty russian it’s impossible to imagine a clean song without the luscious harmonica tints, but not on the piano or harp, it’s performed. indeed, later instruments could already reproduce any melody. the tula people are lucky. they have a huge park in the center of the city, almost like the forest of boulogne, tula. by the way, its creator, sanitary
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doctor pyotr petrovich belousov, was inspired to create the park in rodnaya tuli after visiting paris. central park, named after its creator, is one of the ten largest parks europe. in 1896, 3 years after the establishment of the park, the tula provincial authorities wrote that on the southern outskirts of tula , on an area of ​​35 dessiatinas, a park similar to a forest arose. when the park was founded , a large number of lime trees, oaks and especially birches were planted. many trees today are over 100 years old. it has thick grass, green groves, a lot of mushrooms, and the birds sing. over time, the park has grown and increased. 143 hectares, most of which are forest. great! lyrical digression from dk. when subjects related to the great patriotic war appeared in our essays during the patriotic war, i often used it.
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oh, i don’t like this word because it’s overused, but there ’s no other way to say it. the bronze music of mikhail ziev was heard in the great, and for me, the best film about the past war, in the ballad about the soldier. directed by grigory chukhrai. the story of alyosha skvartsov is in the spiritual memory of each of us. who else is in memory and in the soul. therefore, this story will be accompanied by music by mikhail pavlovich ziv, a participant in the great patriotic war. he knew what he was writing about. there is a large memorial in the park, dedicated to the heroic defense of tula from german troops in the fall of 1941. after all, it was here that the front line of defense passed through the park. the fiercest battles took place here. between the defenders of tula advancing on the city of gudarian’s tank army. in may 2017 , a unique monument was unveiled in the central park: the immortal regiment. on a seven-meter stone banner of 3,500 photographs of participants in the great patriotic war
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, the plot is based on the legendary photographs of the standard bearers at the walls of the richstag, taken in may of 1945. all these photographs were sent by residents of the tula region. the monument's impact is amazing. every small photo that has become a pixel in this large panorama is, after all, someone’s life, fate, tragic and heroic. yes, the entire territory of the park was a battlefield, there were firing lines, dug artillery trenches in which fighters of the 732nd anti-aircraft artillery regiment, recruited from the garage militia of the tula workers' regiment, fought, an alley of winners, and the pastaments of fifteen cities were installed here. sky region, where they took place fierce battles. for the heroic defense, not giving up and surviving the battles with the enemy, tula received the title of city hero in the seventy-sixth year. hello to those who
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joined, we missed you. and here we started walking around here without you. in a few days we will celebrate another wonderful, bright holiday: victory day. if you find yourself in a chair these days or later, i advise you to visit the defense museum, i went and really enjoyed it, plan more time for it, it’s worth it. gudarian's second army, which arrived at the end of october forty-one to tula, intended first of all to capture the moscow station of the city, one of the still operating railway lines leading to moscow, and for the germans it was the most important strategic goal. and for tula, the station has always been the heart of the city, it was from here that tula residents saw off their loved ones to the front, from here trains with evacuated equipment left, it was here in the summer of forty-five that trains arrived zembilized,
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i understand your doubts, we’re thinking about how we’ll wander around again halls, lazy look at the exhibits behind the glass, and so, despite this fear , you find yourself in a living mountain that desperately and bravely resists the enemy, this is an immersion museum, that is, a museum of immersion, complete immersion in the history of the fighting city.
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peron, the street, the houses, the hospital, were created on the basis of archival documents, original photographs and memories of eyewitnesses of participants in those events. the museum has one and a half thousand exhibits, and it is noteworthy that most are presented in an open display, they are not hidden behind glass. it uses modern multimedia technology, for example, using. with unique documents that will be very informative even for historians. the tulikovs’ feat also lay in the fact that in the first days of the battles for the city there were no regular units of the red army, and tula was practically unprotected. the tula workers' regiment, which included workers, pensioners, students and local intelligentsia, that is, purely civilian people, was headed by a career officer anatoly petrovich. dorshkov, grigory ogeev was appointed commissioner. tula workers' regiment, together with
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anti-aircraft artillery regiment and units of the ankvd, which in these days of mortal danger stood next to their people, and took the first, most terrible blow of gudarian’s tank army. in fact, two days of unequal fierce confrontation on october 30 and 31 saved the city. on the first day , the tuliks knocked out 31 german tanks, and on the second day, 34 tanks. gudyryan didn’t understand: how is this possible for you?
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so muscovites, you are due, i hope this issue was interesting and useful, someone will plan a trip to tula in the near future, well, if they don’t agree, well, i’m not a gingerbread for everyone to like, a non-tula gingerbread, but bye, bye. your sofa travel companion dk. on the day of victory on the first. moscow. red square is the main parade of the country. more than 9,000 military personnel from different types and branches of the military, including the units involved, will take part in the ceremonial march. in a special military operation in ukraine and 75 units
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of various types of weapons and equipment, a military parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war on may 9 at 10:00 p.m. moscow time live on the first. hello, this is news on the first. in the studio maxim sharafuddinov, happy holiday, happy easter, now briefly about the main thing. so, this is a bright holiday, it is celebrated by millions of orthodox christians. christ will rise again. the holy fire was brought from jerusalem.


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