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tv   Novosti  1TV  May 5, 2024 10:00am-10:16am MSK

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military operation in ukraine and 75 units of various types of weapons and equipment. military parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. may 9 at 10:00 moscow time. live, on the first. hello, this is news on the first, in the studio maxim sharafuddinov, happy holiday, happy easter, now briefly about the main thing. so, this is a bright holiday, it is celebrated by millions of orthodox christians. christ is risen! amen! the holy fire
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was brought from jerusalem to the cathedral of christ the savior. the divine liturgy was conducted by the patriarch easter service and head of state. they missed the bird. a russian drone over the positions of the ukrainian armed forces knocked out a t-64 tank and took it away from the contact line. they will be repaired and handed over to our units. how else did they remove the turrets of enemy tanks? the rear part was hit from the side, the crew was hastily taken prisoner. exhibition on poklonnaya hill: the heroes have arrived from the front line, on victory day they will take part in the parade on red square. actions connecting generations and countries argentina, australia, usa, despite pressure from politicians, immortal regiment on the streets in dozens of cities. the main holiday among the orthodox, today is easter,
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bright sunday of christ is a symbol of the victory of life over death, at night a festive peal rang throughout russia, announcing great joy in all churches of the liturgy, but the main thing is the divine service in the cathedral of christ the savior, together with him vladimir putin visited other believers; at the beginning of the celebrations, which was headed by patriarch kirill, a particle of the holy fire was delivered to the temple. report by anatoly lazarev. before the main during the easter service of the country , patriarch of moscow of all russia kirill addressed the orthodox. the christian faith and being in church are an indispensable condition for a saving journey through the stormy, often stormy sea of ​​life. the holiday of holy easter is so important for all of us that it instills confidence in the hope that the lord is with us, and in order not to stray from the path of life, we only... one thing is required, to maintain faith
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in him, to establish a connection with him through sincere prayer. the patriarch held a festive service, which began with procession around the temple, then the head of the russian orthodox church announced the good news to the believers, among whom was the president, as well as the mayor of moscow. christ.
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easter is the most important orthodox holiday, it has been celebrated since apostolic times, it symbolizes the victory of life over death. it’s sublime, very sublime, solemn, you want to embrace the whole world. as soon as i come to the temple, all the dinners are taken away from my soul as if by the wind, simply. the easter service is very solemn and beautiful, the canon is not read, almost all of it is sung. there is such joy in my soul. such triumph and faith in the future, that it will be bright, kind for everyone, i would like to ask precisely at this service that our soldiers, our guys, return healthy, unharmed, with a similar mood, believers defend the easter service in the main temple of the russian armed forces in patriot park.
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patriarch kirill also spoke about the defenders of the homeland in a special message on the eve of easter. the russian orthodox church today continues to actively help those who'. life is at the forefront of protecting the fatherland of traditional christian values, who have lost loved ones, lost their home or were injured, the church prayerfully turns to the risen lord asking him to grant the victory of light over darkness and truth over lies, to overcome sinful divisions of enmity, and to establish a lasting, just peace. easter ends when easter comes. the strictest of the year is lent, now you can gather at the festive table with your family and friends, everyone was preparing, they came today, but there are a lot of people in the church, so of course it’s hard for the children to stand in the church, but we will train, i hope that over time we will stand in the church throughout the entire
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service, well, our parents came, now we come, the blessed fire, warming, but not burning, neat and careful from hand to hand, from lamp to lamp. our country has rich spiritual traditions that unite millions of people, are passed on from generation to generation, and inspire aspirations for good deeds. it is important to note the creative, fruitful work of the russian orthodox church and other christian denominations aimed at preserving our rich historical,
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cultural and spiritual heritage, strengthening the institution of family, educating youth, establishing in society such irreplaceable values ​​and moral guidelines as caring for one’s neighbor, mercy and compassion. spiritual shepherds have always been with the people, and today, in the face of serious challenges, christian religious organizations provide effective, selfless assistance to those who need support and attention. once again, happy holiday, i wish you prosperity and success. vladimir putin also sent a congratulatory telegram to patriarch kirill, the president expressed gratitude for the great personal contribution of the primate of the russian orthodox church in preserving the values ​​of orthodoxy and spiritual traditions. easter cakes were baked for all our military personnel, they were delivered to the frontline soldiers and fighters who hospitals, the ministry of defense meanwhile reports that at night several important combat missions were completed on the line of contact, russian paratroopers destroyed a polish-made attack drone in the sky over the kherson region,
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which was approaching our positions, he was hit by an accurate strike from an anti-aircraft gun, and also repair teams will return the trophy to service, the ukrainian t-64 tank, it was knocked out by a drone on... trophies obtained by our military can be seen on poklonnaya hill, there are special guests at the exhibition, heroes of the special operation came from the front line, on victory day they will participate in the parade on red square, they are now talking about how they destroyed the myth of the invulnerability of western technology, oleg shishkin talked with the soldiers. we people asked to be photographed as a souvenir, came up to shake hands to say thank you, and the boys lined up to try them on a real tactical helmet, as an impression, not heavy, no, a little heavy, a little heavy, yes, but hold on, heroes of russia, holders of the order of courage, at an exhibition
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of captured equipment, participants in a special military operation, the same bradley, battalion commanders petelino was knocked out in the zaporozhye direction, when the enemy launched an attack on our defensive lines, the rear part... was hit, the crew was hastily taken prisoner. in just one battle, the pitelians destroyed three of these bradley tanks, and they were well-promoted american armored vehicles failed after the first accurate hit from a hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher. russian technology is invincible, nato technology only burns well. and the commander of the t-90 tank, senior sergeant mahamad mahamedov, first of all approached the german leopard, all the time looking for a meeting with him on the battlefield and on purpose. i studied the weak points to hit for sure, hit the sides between the turrets, but most of the ammunition here is on top of them, the cumulative hit everything. t-90 is nothing inferior to the nato beast, says the commander, but superior in many respects. our tank can withstand blows better, is more mobile and protected, capricious and heavy leopards
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get stuck in the ukrainian black earth, a tank with such dimensions becomes an easy target on the battlefield . the tanker's tankman, as they say, recognizes our conversation from afar from the leopard. unexpectedly supported by one of the visitors to the exhibition, and my first university, a mechanic-driver of the t-34 tank, yes, imagine, it was a long time ago. congratulations on the upcoming victory day, thank you very much, victory will be ours, it will definitely be ours, the heroes of the northern military district came to moscow straight from the front line to participate in the parade in honor of victory day on red square, everyone is worthy, but it so happened that they pulled me right out, as they say, from the trenches , and i didn’t expect it, they brought me and honestly i was confused, even the hero of russia, alexander tkach , distinguished himself during the liberation of avdeevka. his group recaptured an important height from the enemy, there were 10 of us, and there were about 30 enemy people,
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and 18 people managed to jump out, run out, left, we took 10 people prisoner, and the rest were unlucky. in the parade colony of nwo participants , the best of the best will march along red square. the story of each feat is worthy of a multi-page description. the guys without the shadow of brovada tell how they held on, fought, with all their strength, tried to fulfill the combat mission and survived. we left at night, entered a trench, destroyed the enemy, deployed our defenses for 9 days, and accordingly, for 9 days we held the position for the main forces to approach. after completing the task the assault platoon reached its own without losses, after that alexander will have dozens more such combat exits; you think for the group, for your comrade, he is covering you, you are covering him. once upon a time, our ancestors fought on the same territory where we are now, knocked out the fascists, the german-german
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occupiers, we continue the work of our veterans, so that they are proud of us, victory will be ours. sapper roman lobov was an electrical installer in peaceful life; just a couple of years ago he could not imagine that his entire chest would be in military awards, and he will take part in the parade on red square. under massive fire, he and his guys ensured passage. i am very proud that we ended up with the guys on red square, the participants. the parade is very cool, we are very proud of the protist, it’s the box that is an honor for us, 79 years ago our grandfathers, our great-grandfathers walked along red square and now we can also walk through, feel the same thing that they felt, instead of a dress uniform, ordinary camouflage, body armor , helmets, even external svoo’s column of heroes will stand out on red square, after the parade the guys will have a few days to rest, and then again on the front line,
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the pay, i’ll be honest, it’s not worth it, he only offers me a simple job at a low level , i have no motivation for this, i you will have to pay for the rent yourself, electricity and water, then there will be too little money left compared to the allowance of 563 euros. and reporters from the british guardian talked to those who remained in ukraine, there are few people willing to fight for the zelensky regime, the rules are being tightened mobiles. a married couple who had enough of a complex in kiev, and there is a nature reserve, men have enough money to move into an expensive residential apartment
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of military age, they walk around undeterred, because hunters bypass the elite, i feel like a slave, you have one life, and if you choose between life and the national flag, i choose life, says alexander. some of the apartment owners in the building are deputies and military personnel. doesn’t come here, our complex is an island of survival, to be poor in ukraine means to be dead,” noted alexander’s wife, nastya. in germany, new a scandal related to the information security of the ministry of defense, an outrageous situation, data on 6 thousand online meetings were stored for several months in the public domain on the internet, the tsite newspaper found out. the schedule, topics, duration, after the scandal, all information was removed, but bdsphere has found itself in such a situation more than once. just recently, a conversation between high-ranking officials was leaked online. accused of russian hackers, he promised
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to strengthen protection, but the lesson, apparently, was not learned. the flame of memory, important events on the eve of victory day are taking place throughout in russia, particles of the flame lit at the tomb of the unknown soldier in moscow are sent by veterans of the great patriotic war to dozens of regions. bryansk took up the baton. region, novgorod, oryol, lamps are carried by representatives of the popular front, including to other countries, and also abroad these days there are immortal regiment actions, despite pressure from politicians. a procession along the brooklyn bridge in new york with portraits of front-line soldiers, flowers at the memorial to fallen soldiers, and also australia and argentina, protests traditions in the center of buenos ares. that's it for now, we'll tell you everything about the development of events at noon; now on channel one there is a documentary film , andrei the first-called.


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