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tv   Novosti  1TV  May 5, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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ceremony, inauguration of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. live broadcast on may 7 at 12:00 moscow time. hello, there is a news release on the first channel, in the studio maxim sharafuddinov, happy holiday, happy easter, now briefly about the main thing. a special day for millions of orthodox christians. christ of the resurrection. holy fire in the cathedral of christ the savior.
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art and had the opportunity to perform in front of an audience of thousands of peers. the consequences of the may snowfall in sverdlovsk regions, emergency warnings due to strong winds in moscow and preparedness for weather anomalies in the central region. when and where to expect ice. the most important day for the entire orthodox world. today is easter, the bright sunday of christ, a symbol of the victory of life over death. at night , a celebration swept across russia. a chime
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announcing great joy in all the churches of the liturgy. well, the main service in the cathedral of christ the savior, vladimir putin attended it together with other believers, at the beginning of the celebrations, which was headed by patriarch kirill, in a particle of the holy fire was delivered to the temple. report by anatoly lazarev. before the start of the country's main easter service , patriarch kirill of moscow and all russia addressed the orthodox. christian faith, staying in church. is an indispensable condition for a life-saving journey through the stormy, often everyday sea. the holiday of holy easter is so important for all of us that it instills confidence, hope that the lord is with us, and in order not to stray from the path of life, we only need one thing: to maintain faith in it, to establish a connection with him through sincere prayer. lord have mercy,
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lord have mercy, lord have mercy! the patriarch held a festive service, it began with a procession around the temple, then the head of the russian orthodox church announced the good news to the believers, among whom was the president, as well as the mayor of moscow. christ is risen, christ is risen, and this easter greeting sounded last night throughout the country. the most important day. in the life of a christian, because christ rose again and conquered death, and thereby gave us, all christians, the opportunity to inherit life to eternity. i immediately want to live somehow, to start something new. now, in the temple this is a special situation. sometimes even to the point of tears. an hour of the holy fire that descended in jerusalem in the church of the holy sepulcher was delivered to moscow yesterday. easter is the most important orthodox holiday; it has been celebrated since apostolic times. it symbolizes the victory of life in...
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for everyone, it is at this service that we would like to ask that our soldiers, our guys, return healthy, unharmed, with a similar mood, believers defend the easter service in the main church of the armed forces russian forces in patriot park. patriarch kirill also spoke about the defenders of the homeland in a special message on the eve of easter.
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the russian orthodox church today continues to actively help those who, risking their lives, are at the forefront of protecting the fatherland of traditional christian values. the victory of light over darkness and truth over lies, about overcoming sinful divisions of enmity, and the reign of lasting, just peace. with the onset of easter , the strictest period of the year, lent, ends, and now you can gather at the festive table with family and friends. everyone was preparing, they came to today... there are a lot of people in the church, so of course it’s hard for the children to stand in the church, but we will train, i hope that over time we will stand in the church for the entire service, well, our parents came, now we are coming, blessed fire, warming but not
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burning, neat and careful from hand to hand, from lamp to lamp, from temple to temple, will now spread throughout the country to all the hearts of believers, vladimir putin congratulated all orthodox russians on easter, the president noted traditional values and moral guidelines that bind us all. i heartily congratulate orthodox christians, all citizens of russia who are celebrating the holy sunday of christ. easter celebrations in our country have rich spiritual traditions that unite millions of people, are passed down from generation to generation, and inspire good deeds and aspirations. important. to note the creative, fruitful work of the russian orthodox church and other christian denominations aimed at preserving our rich historical, cultural, spiritual heritage, strengthening the institution of family, educating youth, establishing in society such irreplaceable values ​​and moral guidelines as caring for one’s neighbor, mercy
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and compassion. spiritual shepherds have always been together with the people, and today, in conditions of serious challenges, christian religious organizations provide effective, selfless services. for those who need support and attention. once again, happy holiday, i wish you prosperity and success. vladimir putin also sent a congratulatory telegram to patriarch kirill. the president expressed gratitude for the great personal contribution of the primate of the russian orthodox church to preserving the values ​​of orthodoxy and spiritual traditions. an event in moscow in memory of war correspondents who died in the line of duty. liturgy in the temple complex of the holy martyrs.
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because they say correctly, a person is alive as long as he remembers about him, this is correct, we will always remember tolya, it is impossible to forget him, he was such a good person, and it is of course very nice that they remember, here in maryana, in fact, a whole complex in memory of journalists, we are planting the alley as part of the campaign sad in memory, this action has been going on for several years all over the country, the organizers of the action have the intention to imprison. 27 million trees in honor of the 27 million who died during the great patriotic war, planting 33 cedars in honor of the journalists killed in the war. new attacks on ukrainian military installations at night, there were reports of
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explosions in kharkov, telegram channels also reported arrivals in pavlograd, and also in dnepropetrovsk, there was a fire at one of the ukrainian armed forces facilities, clouds of smoke. on the front line , russian paratroopers destroyed outside. above in the kherson region, a polish-made attack drone, which was approaching our positions, was hit with an accurate strike from an anti-aircraft gun. and repair crews will return the trophy to service. ukrainian t-64 tank, it was shot down by a drone in the southern donetsk direction, the vehicle was evacuated, now it will be restored, after which it will be used by the russian military. trophies obtained by our military can be seen on poklonnaya hill; at the exhibition there are special guests, heroes of the special operation. came from the front line, on victory day they will be participate in the parade on red square, the fighters talk about how they destroyed the myth of the invulnerability of western technology. the rear part was hit in the side, the crew was hastily taken prisoner. in just one battle, a tank
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and three bradleys were destroyed, and the american armored vehicles were being promoted and went out of action after the first accurate hit from a hand-held anti-tank grenade from the order’s fighters. and medals for valor in battle, before a combat mission, i turn off fear, you think for the group , for your comrade, he covers you, you you cover it, once upon a time our ancestors with... fought on the same territory where we are now, knocked out the fascists, the german-german occupiers, we continue the work of our veterans, so that they are proud of us, victory will be ours, under massive fire - i provided passage with my guys, i’m very proud that we ended up with the guys on red square as participants in the parade, it’s very cool, we ’re very proud of the protist, it’s the box that ’s actually an honor for us. after the parade, the soldiers will have several days to rest, and then back to the front line. ukraine may be facing default, the wall street
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journal writes about this, a foreign company is losing patience, creditors who want kiev to resume payments on its external debt. at the end of 2023, it has already exceeded 80% of gdp. and it will grow even more, because even though the american congress approved 61 billion in a new tranche for ukraine, it’s all on credit. lawyers have been hired to think about how to siphon at least part of this money out of kiev. and here is a nuance, as wol street writes. a group of foreign bondholders plans to put pressure on ukraine so that it can start paying interest on its debt again next year. the group owns about a fifth of ukraine's outstanding eurobonds, worth $20 billion. otherwise, ukraine may declare a default after the debt holiday established by the companies ends in august. this will tarnish the country's reputation among investors and make it difficult for it to borrow more.
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three civilians were killed in an israeli air raid in southern lebanon. there is also information about new attacks on the gas sector. meanwhile, in cairo today, through the mediation of egypt, representatives of israel and hamas will continue negotiations on a ceasefire. the meeting the day before ended inconclusively. earlier, the media, citing sources, stated that hamas would agree at the first stage of a possible deal. release 33 israeli hostages. in israel itself there are again violent anti-government rallies, only in tel aviv thousands of participants are confident that the netanyahu government is not doing enough to save people. protests in support of palestine continue in other countries, the protest of american students at the university of virginia started out peacefully, but eventually led to clashes. they dispersed the crowd with tear gas, 25 people were detained. in the sverdlovsk region it eliminates the consequences of the strongest. may snowfalls , more than 40 thousand people are still without power, electricians are restoring broken wires, some
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settlements are completely blocked, dozens of accidents, and also traffic jams, the perm yekaterinburg highway is stuck, the second day, now it will be soon, and it’s too early to relax, on there is another cyclone in the urals, with it rain and sleet again, new anomalies are preparing the weather for the residents of central russia, polar invasions, cold snaps up to night frosts, ice, perhaps even snow charges. due to strong winds in moscow today , emergency warnings from the ministry of emergency situations are in effect. sleight of hand, miracles of acrobatics, pantami, all circus genres. a unique opportunity for talented children to develop their abilities and become a star. on the shores of the black sea, at the orlyonok children's center , the thematic change of the road to the circus ended. reportage alena evtyakova. the main thing is to learn how to perform everything separately and then gradually combine it,
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i got nastya hooked on circus art, so now she wants to become a great artist, all this under the supervision of the best circus teachers and mentors, perfect her act or try a new genre, master classes every day, pens, pens they work, don’t squeeze your hands, your hands should be relaxed, your shoulders should not be raised, i really wanted to learn how to juggle an object. i can also juggle with my legs, yes, yes, with my legs, this type of juggling is called antipode, tanya and vika chose acrobatics for themselves, there are people who have been given this since childhood, and there are people who, with their hard work, they achieve, see, for example, i was given better stretching, and for me, for example, i was given better back, children are here not only to learn, the festival is a chance to prove themselves, fifty young illusionists, acrobats and jugglers from all over the country went through a huge selection to come here in eaglet, here they also compete, the best
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will perform at the goal concert. the jury evaluates the artistry and technique of performance, the project is expensive the circus is a kind of screening of future artists. the first road to the circus festival was 2 years ago, there was a girl who was the winner, now she is taking part in our program, which works in circus boulevard.


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